Prices Realised

Auction of Great Britain Postage Stamps and Postal History

Sale number: 123

Thursday 14th June 2018

Click here for Printer friendly prices realised for this sale.

2001 Â£5500
Collections and Mixed Lots: A Q.V. to Q.E.II collection in mixed condition in two boxed FG Warwick albums, on leaves and loose, incl. 1840 Mulready 1d. and 2d. envelopes unused, 1840 1d. (11) and 2d. (2) used, 1864-79 1d. plates to 225 used, 1870-79 1/2d. plates to 20 unused and used with plate 9 used, 1847-54 embossed 6d. (2), 10d. and 1s. used, range of surface printed used, 1867-83 Maltese Cross 5s. (3, two are plate 2) used, Anchor 5s., 10s., and £1 (perfin), £5 BB used with light Manchester Accounts c.d.s., 1880 2s. brown with part ''SPECIMEN'' overprint, 1883-84 2s.6d. to 10s. mint, to 10s. (2, one possible on blued paper) used, 1884 £1 MD used, 1888 £1 CB used, 1882-83 1/2d. to 1s. (2) used, 1887-1900 to 1s. (both) mint, 1891 £1 EA used, 1902-13 2s.6d. (3) to £1 mint, K.G.V mint with Seahorses to 10s., 1929 P.U.C. £1 mint, K.G.VI with propaganda forgeries, 1948 Silver Wedding £1 in mint and used blocks, Q.E.II issues mint with Wildings, phosphor sets in blocks or pairs, etc. (100s)
2002 | Â£2900
Collections and Mixed Lots: A used surface printed collection on collectors pages incl. 1855-57 small garter 4d. pair, medium garter 4d. pair, watermark emblems 1s. (4), 1862-64 9d. (2), 1865-67 6d. lilac plate 6 NL, 9d. straw plate 4 SH, 1s. green plate 4 KE, MI, 1867-80 3d. deep rose plate 7 KI-LJ fine used wing margin block of four, 3d. rose plate 4 TE, 9d straw (2), pale straw (2), 10d. plate 1 GI, HG, EF, 2s. blue (4) incl. shades, 2s. brown KD reperforated wing margin, 1872-73 6d. pale buff plate 12 OF, 1867-83 watermark Maltese Cross 5s. plate 1 GJ, AI, plate 2 DC, 10s. greenish grey GG, watermark anchor on blued paper 5s. rose plate 4 CE (soiled), 1873-80 21/2d. plates 1 to 17, 1s. orange brown plate 13 FH, watermark large garter 4d. vermilion HE, 4d. sage-green (3), 4d. grey-brown, 8d. orange, 1880-83 4d. grey-brown plate 18 ED-EE unused pair, 1883-84 white paper 2s.6d. lilac and deep lilac both mint, 5s. (4), 10s. (2), 1883 'lilac and green' mint to 1s. and used to 6d., fair to fine.
2003 | Â£2300
Collections and Mixed Lots: 1862–1900 unused or mint surface printed collection comprising 1862-64 4d. plate 4 AE, 9d. bistre plate 2 FA, 9d. straw plate 9 PH, 1865-67 4d. plates 7 to 14 (less 10), 6d. plate 5 PJ, 9d. plate 4 BI, 1867-80 3d. plates 5 to 9, 6d. plate 9 IF, 10d. plate 1 IH and PH, 2s. blue plate 1 GI, 1873-80 21/2d. watermark anchor plates 1 EA, MJ, 3 AF, 21/2d. watermark orb plates 4, 6, 8 to 16, 21/2d. blue plates 17 to 20, 3d. plates 11 to 20, 6d. grey plates 13 to 17, 1s. green plates 12 II, 13 KJ, 1s. orange-brown watermark spray plate 13 QK, 4d. vermilion plate 15 EK, 4d. sage-green plate 15 SA, 16 NK, 4d. grey-brown plate 17 AG and MI, 8d. orange OE, 1880-83 watermark crown 21/2d. to 1s. plate numbers complete, 1880-81 1/2d. (2) to 5d., 1881 1d. dies 1 & 2, 1883-84 2s.6d. AG, 1883-84 1/2d. to 6d., 1887-92 1/2d. (2) to £1 OB, incl. 5d. dies 1 and 2, 1900 1/2d. and 1s., varied condition, mainly of good to fine appearance, some with reperforated wing margins etc. (113)
2004 | Â£1500
Collections and Mixed Lots: A mainly used line engraved collection on pages incl. 1d. Mulready envelope A142 used 1840 (Nov. 28), 1d. black plate 1a SF, 1b PF, SF, 2 SF, 5 DL, 6 LI, 8 AA, 1841 1d. red-browns incl. JA marginal example with inscription and selvage ornament, cancelled by ''409'' numeral obliterator, distinctive and numbered Maltese Crosses, 1850 Archer perf. 16 1d. plate 100 GH used on large dated piece, 1851 (Jan. 19), with faults, 1855 LC16 2d. blue SK, 1857-63 die II alphabet III AD-BE unused block of four and KA-MD marginal unused block of twelve, 1d. plate to 224 with plate ND-PD and LA-NA unused vertical strips of three, 2d. plates to 15, 1870 1/2d. set of plates incl. 9 MS, 11/2d. plate 1 AJ, 3 BI, JA, mixed condition but some fine. (100s)
2005 | Â£1850
Collections and Mixed Lots: A mainly used Q.V. to Q.E.II collection in five stockbooks, a folder, on pages and loose within a small carton incl. 1840 1d. black (10), one on cover, 2d. blue (2), 1847-54 embossed 1s., 10d. (2), 6d., duplicated range of surface printed to 2s. (5) with a good number of c.d.s. used examples, 1867-83 watermark Maltese Cross 5s. plate 2 BI (reperforated at top), 8d. orange AG wing margin example, 1883-84 white paper 2s.6d. (2), 5s. (2), 10s. (3), 1884 watermark crowns £1 brown-lilac, 1883 'lilac and green' set used, 1887-92 'Jubilee' to £1, K.E.VII to £1, 1912-24 to 1s. incl. 9d. olive-green, 1929 P.U.C. £1, range of unverified Officials, etc., also two empty stockbooks, mixed condition. (100s)
2006 | Â£750
Collections and Mixed Lots: A mainly used surface printed collection in a binder, ordered by value incl. 21/2d. rosy mauve to plate 17 less 16, 3d. (25) incl. watermark spray plate 7 TI-TJ fine used wing margin pair, 4d. (28) incl. watermark small garter, 1862-64 4d. red SB-SC pair and LC used on cover to Cadiz, 1865-67 4d. vermilion plate 12 CA-CC attractive c.d.s. used strip of three, 1873-80 4d. sage-green (2), grey-brown plate 17 GJ, 6d. (26) incl. 1872-73 6d. grey plate 12 IE, 1873-80 6d. grey DE unused (cut down wing margin), 1880-83 6d. grey plate 17 HH unused, 8d. orange, 1862-64 9d. bistre BF overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 6, 1867-80 10d. red-brown NE wing margin example, QL used on piece with 4d. cancelled by ''C 51'' of St. Thomas, 1s. green (15) incl. plate 13 NA overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, 1s. orange-brown (3), 2s. blue (4), 1867-83 watermark Maltese Cross 5s. rose plate 1 FG, 2 AB, 10s. greenish grey CB, Watermark Anchor on blued paper 5s. rose plate 4 CG, mixed condition.
2007 | Â£880
Collections and Mixed Lots: A mainly mint or unused collection in ten albums within a carton incl. 1870 1/2d. and 11/2d. unused, 1865-73 4d. vermilion plate 14 CC unused, 1883-84 watermark anchor on white paper 2s.6d., 5s., mint, 1883 'lilac and green' 11/2d. to 6d. mint or unused, 1887-92 'Jubilee' mint to both 1s. K.E.VII mint to 2s.6d., 5s., also 10s. cleaned and regummed, 1934 re-engraved Seahorse set, 1929 P.U.C. incl. £1 mint, Q.E.II decimal and pre-decimal commemoratives mainly unmounted mint, postage dues to £1, Jersey, Guernsey Alderney, Isle of Man, also collection of Ireland 1922 to 1985, fair to fine. (many 100s)
2008 | Â£900
Collections and Mixed Lots: A Q.V. selection, incl. 1840 1d. black (added margins) and 2d. blue (four margins), range of surface printed with 1882-83 watermark anchor on white paper 5s. plate 4 BC and DE used, 10s. greenish grey plate 1 CA used with central Hayle c.d.s. (P.T.S. certificate states ''thinned at lower right corner and repaired at upper left corner with an additional forged black postmark to disguise repair''), 1883-84 2s.6d. used (2), 5s. used (2), 10s. used (2), etc., mixed condition. (65)
2010 | Â£1350
Collections and Mixed Lots: A K.E.VII. to Q.E.II collection in two boxed albums, incl. K.E.VII to 1s. used, 1924-26 to 1s. as unmounted mint control singles, 1/2d. to 2d. with watermark sideways unmounted mint (2) and used, 1924 and 1926 Exhibition sets unmounted mint and used, 1929 P.U.C 1/2d. to 11/2d. with watermark sideways unmounted mint and used, 1934-36 1/2d. to 2d. with watermark sideways unmounted mint and used, 1934 re-engraved set used, 1937-47 1/2d. to 21/2d. with watermark sideways unmounted mint, with watermark inverted unmounted mint, 1939-48 high values sets unmounted mint (3), 1951 Festival set unmounted mint, 1952-54 and 1955-58 to 1s.6d. unmounted mint, 1958 De La Rue 2s.6d. to £1 as unmounted mint right marginal examples, 1958-61 (with inverted watermarks) and 1959 to 41/2d. unmounted mint, 1959 2d. watermark error unmounted mint, 1960s phosphor sets unmounted mint and used, range of Machins, etc., later issues to the 1970s, mainly fine. (100s)
2011 | Â£800
Collections and Mixed Lots: A mainly Q.V. selection, incl. 1840 1d. black (4, two on cover and two on piece), 2d. blue with four margins on cover, 1841 1d. used on cover with ''3'' in Maltese Cross, 1904 2s. booklet (good perfs.), large unmounted mint multiples (rolled up) with 1902-10 21/2d. marginal block of twenty four from the top of the sheet, 6d. block of ten, 1948 Silver Wedding £1 pane of twenty, etc., mixed condition. (25)
2012 | Â£1100
Collections and Mixed Lots: A mint and used K.G.V to Q.E.II collection in an album incl. 1911-12 Downey heads mint incl. shades, 1912-24 mint to 1s. (2) less 9d. green, Seahorses incl. 1913 Waterlow used comprising 2s.6d. (2), 5s., 10s., 1915 De La Rue mint (with shades) comprising 2s.6d. (5), 5s. (3), 10s., extensive later material incl. 1948 Silver Wedding £1 mint and used marginal blocks of four, 1956 2s.6d. to £1 in mint corner marginal blocks of four, Wildings etc., mainly good to fine. (100s)
2013 | Â£550
Collections and Mixed Lots: A Q.V. to K.G.V unmounted mint selection, incl. K.E.VII values to 1s. green and carmine, K.G.V controls, 1918-19 Bradbury 5s., etc., mainly fine. (28)
2014 | Â£1800
Collections and Mixed Lots: A line engraved collection on stock pages, incl. 1840 1d. black used (5, two with four margins), 2d. blue used (2, two with four margins, one with 2010 B.P.A. certificate stating repaired and the other with 2010 B.P.A. certificate stating thinned at base), range of imperf. and perf. 1d. reds and 2d. blues incl. unused 1d. imperfs., numbers in Maltese Cross, 1d. plate 225 used, 1870 1/2d. mint and used selection, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
2015 | Â£550
Collections and Mixed Lots: A mainly used line engraved collection incl. selection of postal history items with 1782 cover to Cambridgeshire with ''10/DE'' Bishopmark, 1837 (Aug. 26) free front signed by Lord Melbourne, 1d. Mulready letter sheet A243 with Mimpriss & Co. advert, 1d. envelope cancelled 1840 (July 13) by vibrant red Maltese Cross, 2d. envelope unused, 1841 1d. red-brown FD, JC, NG all unused, various used examples incl. re-entries, double letters, numbered Maltese Cross cancellations (6), uses on covers, a few multiples, etc., 1850 Prince Consort essay imperforate in red-brown (extensively repaired), later line engraved with 1864-79 1d. plate 175 SJ-TK mint block of four, 200 AJ-DK unused block of eight (perf. separation), mixed condition.
2016 | Â£450
Collections and Mixed Lots: A Q.V. to early Q.E.II collection in an album, incl. line engraved, surface printed to 1s. used, 1883-84 2s.6d., 5s. and 10s. used, 1864 cover to Barcelona bearing 6d. tied Manchester duplex, 1866 cover to Belfast bearing 3d. tied Belfast duplex, 1887-92 Jubilee to £1 used, K.E.VII to 2s.6d. and 5s. mint, 1912-24 to 1s. mint, 1951 Festival set mint, range of castles, Officials, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
2017 | Â£720
Collections and Mixed Lots: A surface printed collection on leaves incl. 1881 1d. lilac controls (7) 1883-84 white paper 2s.6d., 5s., 10s., 1888 watermark orbs error £1 brown-lilac LA, used with faults, 1883 'lilac and green' unused to 4d., 6d., used 6d., 9d. (2), 1s., 1887-92 'Jubilee' mint to both 1s. and used £1 green IE, also 1/2d. green and 1/2d. vermilion in mint blocks of 30 and 36 respectively, also Zululand 1888-93 5d. and 5s. handstamped ''SPECIMEN'' in violet, mainly good to fine.
2018 | Â£500
Collections and Mixed Lots: A mint K.G.V to K.G.VI collection in two stockbooks with a number of multiples, blocks, controls and shades incl. Downey heads, 1912-24 to 1s. (less 9d. green), 1924-26 to 1s., 1924 and 1925 Wembley with postal stationery, P.U.C. to 21/2d., Silver Jubilee, K.G.VI with a few booklets, coils, 1939-48 2s.6d. brown (3), 10s. dark blue, etc., mainly good to fine. (100s)
2020 | Â£420
Collections and Mixed Lots: An unmounted mint accumulation in packets and envelopes mainly 1960s and 1970s issues in blocks, booklets, also 1948 £1 brown (40), etc. (many 100s)
2021 | Â£260
Collections and Mixed Lots: A small used line engraved group comprising 1840 1d. black DC, FB, OF, SB, 2d. blue plate 1 CF, OC, OE, 1841 2d. blue RE-RF pair and NJ-NL defective strip of three on cover, mixed condition.
2022 | Â£400
Collections and Mixed Lots: An unmounted mint K.G.V selection, incl. 1912-24 to 1s., 1924-36 1/2d. to 2d. with watermark sideways, 1934-36 1/2d. to 2s. with watermark sideways (two sets), etc., also 1948-51 high values, mainly fine. (55)
2023 | Â£350
Collections and Mixed Lots: A K.G.V to Q.E.II small accumulation in a stockbook, mainly mint incl. 1934-36 to 1s. (2 sets), 1939-48 2s.6d. to £1 sets (3) unmounted, Q.E.II decimals with values to £5, etc., varied condition, also with some Commonwealth, a mainly used Malta collection in an album, and a boxed Warwick album almost as new with approx. 50 leaves.
2024 | Â£880
Collections and Mixed Lots: A surface printed collection on leaves, mainly used with values to 1867-83 and 1883-84 5s., incl. 1880-81 Provisional set used, 1883-84 'lilac and green' set used, etc., also a few unused, 1847-54 Embossed 6d. on cover to Ireland, 10d. on front and 1s. on cover to Philadelphia, mixed condition. (100s)
2025 | Â£320
Collections and Mixed Lots: A mainly used later line engraved collection on leaves incl. 1864-79 1d. plates to 225 SL, also unused 115 JL with sheet margin, 120 AJ-AL corner marginal, 193 BH, 210 KE, 1870 1d. plate 10 MP-NP unused vertical pair, 11/2d. plate 3 NB overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, mixed condition.
2026 | Â£190
Collections and Mixed Lots: A small Q.V. group comprising 1841 2d. blue plate 3 DA, small to large margins, fine used with Maltese Cross of York in black, 1873-80 watermark large garter 8d. plate 1 CI imperforate colour trial in brown-orange diagonally overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 11, fine with part gum, also an unused example (cleaned at top), and a small wooden Tunbridge ware stamp box with side profile of Queen Victoria with initials carved into base. (4)
2027 | Â£210
Collections and Mixed Lots: A used K.G.V collection on leaves incl. 1912-24 9d. olive-green (2), Seahorses with 1915 De La Rue 2s.6d. (3), 1918-19 Bradbury 2s.6d. (5), 5s., 10s., inverted and sideways watermarks, good number of shades, a few pairs or blocks and uses on cover, mixed condition with some toning.
2028 | Â£200
Collections and Mixed Lots: A K.E.VII to K.G.V mainly used accumulation in a binder, incl. range of shades, K.E.VII to 1s. mint (2) and 2s.6d. (3) used, range of Downey heads, range of used Seahorses, mixed condition. (100s)
2029 | Â£350
Collections and Mixed Lots: An accumulation in five albums and loose, Q.V. to Q.E.II, incl. K.E.VII to 5s. used (3 with parcel cancellations), Wildings, Machins, Castles with plate blocks of four to £1, range of covers with pre-stamp, 1d. reds, censored, postcards, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
2030 | Â£260
Collections and Mixed Lots: A K.E.VII to K.G.VI collection in an album, incl. range of K.E.VII shades to 2s.6d. (2), 5s. and 10s. used, Downey Heads, range of mint K.G.V controls with values to 4d., range of used Seahorses, postal stationery, postage dues, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
2032 | Â£150
Collections and Mixed Lots: An accumulation in two cartons mainly picture postcards from Great Britain, Q.V. to Q.E.II, but also many European and a few World, also assorted stamps and covers in albums packets and loose, also cigarette cards and a few f.d.c's and commemorative covers. (1,000s)
2033 | Â£180
Collections and Mixed Lots: An accumulation in seven albums and loose, incl. much Q.E.II pre-decimal material with Wilding and Machin booklets, also Guernsey and Jersey, etc. (100s)
2034 | Â£140
Collections and Mixed Lots: An accumulation on stock cards, Q.V. to Q.E.II, incl. line engraved, surface printed, multiples, etc., mixed condition. (100)
2035 | Â£60
Collections and Mixed Lots: A mint and used K.G.V to Q.E.II accumulation in three stockbooks, mainly Q.E.II pre-decimal, incl. multiples, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
2037 Â£280
Postcards: Bonzo the Dog: Set of 72 ''Bonzo'' cards from the R.P.S. series by George Studdy, unused and used, mainly fine. Photo.
2038 | Â£420
Postcards: Bournemouth: An exhibition collection in six large binders, from around 1900 to 1945, focusing on the development of the seafront over half a century, incl. many real photos, some paddle steamers, etc. (approx. 1,800 cards)
2039 | Â£120
Postcards: A group of gramophone postcards, plus additional envelopes, incl. Tuck Military Record cards, etc., unusual assembly. (18)
2040 | Â£450
Postcards: A collection of around 190 picture postcards with early street scenes incl. real photographic etc.
2041 | Â£420
Railway Stamps: A used collection incl. Metropolitan Railway 2d. red on 1899 (July 31) cover from Baker St. to Salisbury, with 'Jubilee' 1/2d. vermilion (2) tied at lower left by London squared circle, London and N.W. Railway 2d. green on 1893 (Apr. 12) cover with 1d. lilac, Isle of Wight Railway 2d. green and 1d. lilac tied to 1899 (Feb. 2) cover by ''SANDOWN/STATION'' ovals, Knott End Railway 2d. green tied by large Garstang railway oval cancellation in violet to 1917 cover alongside 1/2d. green (2), seven additional items on or off piece incl. Hereford T.P.O. and G.W.R. stamps, mixed condition. (11)
2043 | Â£270
Postal History and Covers: A collection of mainly line engraved covers and entires incl. Maltese Crosses (13), 'spoon' cancellations incl. Rugby 'shoe' on 1d. pink postal stationery envelope, leap year entire, receiving house handstamps, Hoster cancellation, etc., mainly good to fine. (40)
2045 Â£95
Postal History and Covers: 1870 (July 4) and (July 7) pair of covers from ''A MAYNARD/MUSICAL AGENT/6/YORK/ROAD'' with printed shop front design at left, to Bashford House, Nottingham, bearing 1864-79 1d. plate 138 HG-HH pair and plate 135 TC-TD pair respectively, unusual. Photo.
2046 Â£170
Postal History and Covers: 1879 (Dec. 30) cover to Germany bearing twelve 1d. 'plates' and 11/2d. PH-PI pair (slightly oxidised), all cancelled by London district ''W/3'' obliterator. Photo.
2048 Â£100
Postal History and Covers: Ship Letter: London: 1815 (Jan. 10) entire to Cape of Good Hope, bearing good circular ''POST PAID WITHDRAWN SHIP LETTER/(crown)/8 NO 8/1814/LONDON'' on the reverse affected by opening, cover with minor faults, also a 1907 picture postcard and 1811 ship cover. Photo.
2049 Â£480
Postal History and Covers: Valentines: An 1831 to 1887 collection on leaves comprising 1831 (Feb. 14) pre-stamp wrapper with painted design of a Cherub playing a harp over a lady laying on a bush and, with printed verse, plus additional hand written verses, c. 1860 card with married couple fighting (movable elements), 1887 fronts form early cards with intricate multi-coloured embossing, one with short poem, 1887 intricate card with unused embossed envelope, c. 1920 card front with anti-smoking message ''I wish you would leave off the habit of smoking'' above a disgruntled pigeon beside a chimney, four embossed envelopes franked with 1d. stars or plates comprising 1857 (Feb. 13) to Fareham, 1861 (Feb. 15) to Liverpool, 1872 (Feb. 14) to Hampstead, 1873 (Feb. 13) to Dorking, some toning and a few folds but mainly good to fine.
2050 | Â£60
Postal History and Covers: Windsor: 1750 to 1886 collection of covers incl. 1750 entire from Lady Clarke in Windsor to London with ''13/OC'' Bishop mark, rated ''3''(d.), 1805 entire to Highworth and 1815 entire to Wakefield both with ''WINDSOR/26 (boxed)'' handstamp, 1838 (May 29) entire to Andover with boxed ''Windsor/PennyPost'' handstamp, 1848 (Jan. 21) stampless envelope to Ludlow with Windsor c.d.s., ''PAID'' tombstone and ''PAID/1'' in red. (6)
2054 Â£150
Mail to Overseas Destinations: Vancouver Island: 1867 (July 19) envelope from London to New Westminster, Vancouver Island, bearing 1867-80 watermark spray 2s. dull blue plate 1 HE-IE vertical wing margin pair, plus 1864 (Aug. 31) envelope to Victoria bearing 1862-64 1s. green plate 1 AE-AF wing margin pair, with additional 4d. tied at left, also 1889 (Dec. 3) envelope to ''Captain Robertson, 'S.S.Islander', Victoria B.C. (or Elsewhere)'', bearing 'Jubilee' 6d., all a trifle soiled with faults but an interesting trio. Photo.
2055 | Â£400
Used Abroad: A collection of 1d. lilac frankings incl. military and paquebot covers and cards from Aden 1899 (Dec. 3) postcard to Essex with boxed ''PAQUEBOT'', Bombay, British Consulate Valparaiso, 1900 (June 30) envelope with consulate and small ''PAQUEBOT'' handstamps, Fremantle, Western Australia 1901 (July 31) with straight line ''PAQUEBOT'' handstamp, Port Said, Egypt (1902), Smyrna 1901 (Dec. 9) postcard to U.S.A., Vigo, Spain 1894 (Oct. 18) seaman's rate countersigned by commanding officer, also 1900 (Jan. 20) paquebot large part cover bearing 'Jubilee' 21/2d., tied by ''ARENDAL'' c.d.s. (8)
2058 | Â£650
1840 Mulready 1d. letter sheet A243 used 1840 (Sept. 21) to Southampton, central filing fold but complete, A250, fine unused with ''English and Scottish Law Fire and Life Assurance'' advert in blue, 1d. envelope A162 unused, A176 fine used, cancelled by red Maltese Cross to lower right of Britannia, 2d. lettersheet a97 fine and fresh unused, also Whitaker's Almanack used, 1893 (Nov. 11), mainly fine. (5)
2059 Â£500
1840 Mulready 1d. letter sheet A8 (forme 1) used 1843 (Nov. 23) from London to Stratford-upon-Avon, cancelled by fine strike of the number ''10'' in Maltese Cross, a few small imperfections, otherwise fine and attractive example, scarce. S.G. Spec. ME1, cat. from £4,500. Photo.
2060 Â£210
1840 Mulready 1d. letter sheet A17 (forme 2) a superb unused example with deep clear impression. S.G. Spec. ME1. Photo.
2061 Â£110
1840 Mulready 1d. letter sheet A67 (forme 3) used 1845 (Nov. 19) to South Cave, cancelled contrary to regulations with ''129'' numeral of Brigg placed well to the right of Britannia, backstamped (all Nov. 19) at Brigg, Howden and Hull, some imperfections and rather 'tired' but fair appearance. Photo.
2062 Â£520
1840 Mulready 1d. letter sheet A70 (forme 4) with Atlas Assurance Company advertisement (S.G. Spec. MA103i) used from London to Nottingham, cancelled by a clear strike of the number ''2'' in Maltese Cross to the right of Britannia, Nottingham 1843 (Mar. 24) backstamp, light vertical filing folds and slight staining, very scarce. S.G. Spec. ME1, cat. £2,750. Photo.
2063 Â£220
1840 Mulready 1d. envelope A153 used, 1840 (May 15) from Whitby to Yarm, neatly cancelled by red Maltese Cross, usual peripheral imperfections, a fine early dated example. S.G. Spec. ME2, cat. £1,200. Photo.
2064 | Â£190
1840 Mulready 1d. envelope A176 (forme 4) and 2d. envelope a198, very fine and fresh unused examples written up on collectors pages. S.G. Spec. ME2, ME4.
2065 | Â£2000
Mulready Caricatures and later printed envelopes, a collection of 44 unused items, mainly facsimiles and reprints, but with a few original items incl. Fores's Racing envelope number 5, Ocean Penny Post, Southgate number 6 (painted), Spooner numbers 4, 5, 7, mainly good to fine.
2066 | Â£1100
Hand Illustrated and Later Printed Envelopes: 1858 to 1879 collection of illustrated covers (5) and fronts (4) with scenes incl. Lady and Gentleman dressed for a Sunday stroll, Lady with a large paper file, The 'Jester' Postman, covers to Miss Alice MacNamara illustrated on both sides (2), one with an elephant and giraffe, the other with diminutive soldier and cherubs and imps on reverse, the fronts depict a porter carrying a crate, a hunting scene, commercial traveller, a couple rushing to avoid a man wearing an advertising placard, some faults but a charming group.
2067 Â£400
Hand Illustrated and Later Printed Envelopes: 1861 (Dec. 21) 'American Civil War' cover from Manchester to Lieut. McClure, Stockport, depicting an American Soldier (kicking the queen), John Bull (kicking the soldier), a Police inspector and an English soldier priming a cannon, slight damage to flap, an attractive and humorous envelope. Photo.
2068 Â£400
Hand Illustrated and Later Printed Envelopes: 1886 (Aug. 17) large illustrated envelope (188 x 156mm) to James Brooks esq., Sheerness, with detailed drawing of a patent tricycle of a strange 'rack and pinion' type, some light toning. Photo.
2069 Â£500
Hand Illustrated and Later Printed Envelopes: 1888 (Apr. 11) large illustrated envelope (223 x 146mm) to J.A.S. Brooks esq., Sheerness, depicting a patent tripod camera, franked with 'Jubilee' 11/2d., slight toning and with light vertical fold, barely detracting from appearance. Photo.
2070 Â£720
Hand Illustrated and Later Printed Envelopes: 1891 (Dec. 22) beautiful pen illustrated cover (175 x 115mm) depicting a four horse stagecoach, wonderfully well observed, bearing 1d. lilac cancelled at Caterham Valley, some light toning, otherwise superb. Photo.
2071 Â£95
Cancellations: Royalty: 1883 (July 26) House of Commons envelope to Llanfarrian R.S.O., bearing 1d. lilac neatly cancelled by ''LONDON/C/26 JY 83/VR'' hooded circle, flap damaged, otherwise very fine and scarce. Photo.
2072 | Â£1800
Cancellations: English Spoon Cancellations: A specialised collection on leaves comprising 57 covers and eight items on piece incl. Reading 'biscuit', Rugby 'shoe', rare Liverpool 'Registered', with attractive embossed 6d. and 1s. frankings on neat envelopes, variety of different settings and letterings, etc., a good basis for expansion and further study.
2073 Â£290
Treasury Competition and Later Essays: Charles Whiting Congreve Method Essays: 1d. essay (P.P.C. number 12) printed in black and red on wove paper, fine with clear to ample margins, thinned at top, unusual. Photo.
2074 | Â£1200
1840 1d. black used collection on page comprising 1a OF, 1b HF, 2 CK, 3 RC, 4 HD, 5 MK, 6 PC, 7 RK, 8 HK, 9 PB, 10 SG, mainly fine four margined examples with plates 2 and 5 displaying part of adjoining impression. (11)
2075 | Â£1150
1840 1d. black used collection on leaves incl. plate 1a OG, 1b BF matched with 1841 1d. red-brown, MC, 2 SH, TB, 3 SD, DC, 4 FJ on 1840 (Aug. 4) cover, 5 DK on 1840 (Sept. 12) Corn Exchange notice, EH matched with 1841 1d. red-brown, HL on 1841 cover, 6 HB on 1840 (Sept. 5) cover, 7 DF, RE, 8 PI, PJ on 1841 (Jan. 29) cover, 9 EJ matched with 1841 1d. red-brown, 10 DI, 11 TJ (faults), mixed condition. (29)
2076 | Â£1200
1840 1d. black used collection on leaves comprising plate 1b BL, 3 HJ, 4 PH, 6 IH, 7 FD, 10 LI, also plate 1b GG, 2 LB, 5 BH, 8 AC, 9 LI, 10 AJ all matched with 1841 1d. red-brown, mainly good to fine attractive four margined examples. (18)
2077 | Â£800
1840 1d. black group of covers comprising plate 1b PD on 1841 (Mar. 10 ) cover to Leeds, 1b GG showing portion of adjoining impression at right on 1841 (May 14) to London, plate 4 JD on 1840 (July 29) cover to Newcastle, 4 OK on 1840 (Aug. 20) cover, plate 5 BL on 1840 (Oct. 21) cover to Durham, 5 GK on 1841 (Jan. 31) cover to London, plate 6 CB on 1841 (May 9) cover to Hartlepool with ''Pierce Bridge/Penny Post'' handstamp at upper left, plate 9 RD on 1841 (Apr. 22) cover to Bedale, mixed condition, mainly four margined. (8)
2078 | Â£1150
1840 1d. black used collection on collectors page, plates 1a to 11 all lettered OF and matched with 1841 1d. red-brown where possible, a few imperfections, but mainly fine and attractive four margined examples.
2079 | Â£190
1840 1d. black plate 1b DA, with good to large margins, just tied to 1841 (Jan. 30) Glasgow entire by red Maltese cross, plus plate 5 TB touched to large margins, tied to 1841 (Mar. 12) letter sheet to Leeds, also plate 6 CI with small to large margins, tied to part 1841 (Apr. 15) cover, filing fold through adhesive. (3)
2080 Â£420
1840 1d. black plate 3 EJ, four small to large margins, small part original gum. B.P.A. certificate notes ''with small part original gum disturbed, treated to reduce staining, two short creases''. Spec. AS20. Photo.
2081 Â£200
1840 1d. black plate 4 HD and HE singles, neatly placed together and tied to small piece, HE cut into at upper right, otherwise with small to large margins, cancelled by red Maltese Crosses. S.G. Spec AS23. Photo.
2082 Â£90
1840 1d. intense black plate 6 PK, fine used, with good to large margins, lightly cancelled by red Maltese Cross. S.G. AS40. Photo.
2083 Â£140
1840 1d. black plate 7 QA, with good to very large margins with small part sheet selvedge at left, tied by black Maltese Cross to 1841 (Mar. 5) O.H.M.S. cover to Wigtown, slight toning at lower left, filing folds, one of which affects the right of the adhesive, otherwise a fine and scarce example of the official use of the 1d. black. S.G. Spec. AS44. Photo.
2084 Â£2400
1840 1d. greyish black plate 11 TG-TH, a very rare pair, close at top, otherwise with good to enormous margins with part of sheet selvedge at base and displaying portion of adjoining impression at right, neatly cancelled with black Maltese Crosses, fresh and beautiful, with two 1841 1d. red-brown with matching lettering. S.G. Spec. AS72, cat. £18,000. Photo.
2085 | Â£680
1840 2d. blue used collection on album page incl. plate 1 HH-HI pair cancelled by black Maltese Crosses, shades etc., mixed conditions and toned. (27)
2086 | Â£350
1840 2d. pale blue plate 1 CC used with close to large margins, cancelled by upright red Maltese Cross, 2d. blue plate 2 RA-RB pair, cut into at base and touched at right, lightly cancelled by red Maltese Crosses, TE touched at lower right otherwise good to large margins cancelled by black Maltese Cross, with good colour, a few imperfections. (3)
2087 Â£220
1840 2d. pale blue plate 1 AH (re-entry), fine used, close to good margins, cancelled by central upright black Maltese Cross clear of the re-entry, an attractive example with good colour. S.G. Spec. DS5b. Photo.
2088 Â£450
1840 2d. deep blue plate 1 KD-KG strip of four, cut into at left and at base, otherwise close to good margins, used with black Maltese Crosses, vertical bend through KG, attractive deep colour. S.G. Spec. DS1. Photo.
2089 Â£260
1840 2d. bright blue plate 1 MI, used with clear to very large margins, cancelled by red Maltese Crosses, slightly toned, otherwise fine with attractive vibrant colour. S.G. Spec. DS6A. Photo.
2090 Â£160
1840 2d. blue plate 2 NL, small to large margins, neatly cancelled by black Maltese Cross, corner creases at upper left covered by hinge, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. DS8. Photo.
2091 Â£4500
1840 VR 1d. black KD, an unused example with good margins except just clipped at foot of ''K'' square, thin at left, otherwise fine and fresh. S.G. Spec. VR1, cat. £32,000. Photo.
2092 | Â£260
1841 2d. blue used collection on leaves with plate 3 (19) incl. GA-GD strip of four, NJ-NL strip of three, pairs (3), plate 4 (12) incl. EE-EH strip of four, EA-EC strip of three, EH-EI pair, mixed condition. (31)
2094 Â£170
1841 2d. blue plate 4 BH without 'spectacles' variety, close to good margins, used with Scottish numeral cancellation, fine. S.G. Spec. ES14n, cat. £1,500. Photo.
2095 Â£150
1841 2d. violet-blue plate 4 KL on thicker lavender tinted paper, close to large margins, fine used with light numeral cancellation. S.G. 15aa, Spec. ES16, cat. £1,800. Photo.
2096 Â£380
1852-53 1d. red-brown plate 146 HF-IG, fresh mint block of four with good to large even margins (slight thinning in lower margin), a few vertical bends (with small area of adhesion) and a light wrinkle, otherwise fine and attractive with large part original gum. S.G. Spec. B2, cat. £3,500. Photo.
2097 Â£500
Later Line Engraved: 1850 Archer perf. 16 1d. red-brown plate 97 KB, used on 1851 (June 28) envelope to Glasgow, neatly tied by ''775'' numeral obliterator of Tarporley, slight damage to reverse of envelope, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. CE2, cat. £2,600. Photo.
2099 Â£210
1855 SC14 2d blue plate 5 TI, watermark inverted, used with Leith type 1 experimental cancellation, red ink at foot, a few short perfs., otherwise fine. S.G. 23aWi, cat. £750. Photo.
2100 | Â£200
Line Engraved: 1864-79 1d. red, a used collection in two binders arranged by plate, incl. wide range of shades, cancellations, a few on piece, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
2101 | Â£1100
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1864-79 1d. plates 71-225 (less 77, 222), mainly good to fine mint or unused, a few marginal. (150)
2102 | Â£140
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1864-79 1d. plates 71 to 225 (less 77), used, mixed condition. (151)
2103 Â£250
1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1864-79 1d. rose-red plate 225 PL, fine used example on piece, neatly tied by ''LONDON E.C./DE 24'' duplex, fine and attractive Christmas Eve usage of a scarce stamp. S.G. 43, cat. £800. Photo.
2105 | Â£650
1847-54 Embossed: An attractive used group comprising 1s. die 1 (4) incl. a pair, 1s. die II, 10d. on piece, 6d. (5) incl. a pair, a few imperfections and spots of toning but mainly good to fine. (9)
2106 | Â£230
1847-54 Embossed: A collection on leaves incl. 1855 Postal Stationery Postal Notice for ""EMBOSSED POSTAGE STAMPS TO BE STRUCK UPON PAPER AND ENVELOPES"" dated ""26TH NOVEMBER 1855"", with impressions of the 4d., 6d. and 1s. all overprinted ""SPECIMEN"", 1s. green used on piece to New York, pair (cut into) used on cover to New York, two singles cut to shape (cut into) on cover to Philadelphia, twenty word telegraph card, 10d. (2), 6d. (4) with three on cover, mixed condition.
2107 | Â£1050
Surface Printed: 1862-64 mint or unused group comprising watermark garter 4d. plate 3 bright red and pale red, plate 4 bright red and pale red, watermark emblems 3d., 6d. lilac, 9d. bistre, 9d. straw, 1s. green, mixed condition but mainly of good to fine appearance. (10)
2108 Â£270
Surface Printed: 1862-64 watermark emblems 3d., unused with small part original gum, some rubbing and soiling, otherwise fine. S.G. 76, cat. £2,700. Photo.
2109 Â£350
Surface Printed: 1862-64 watermark emblems 9d. bistre plate 2 KB, part original gum, some shortish or thinned perfs. at top, otherwise fine. S.G. 86, cat. £5,800. Photo.
2110 | Â£1150
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray mainly used collection on leaves incl. 3d. plates 4 to 10 mainly unused, 6d. mauve used (14) incl. plate 9 DK-EL block of four, 9d. straw FA-GB used block of four, 9d. straw and pale straw both unused, and five used incl. MB-MC pair, 10d. unused and used (3) plus BK overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', 1s. green used (14) incl. two wing marginal blocks of four, 2s. blue used (8) incl. EJ-EK pair, 2s. brown used (faults), mixed condition with some toning.
2111 Â£75
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 2s. milky blue plate 1 TG, with ''L/C&S'' perfin used with red registered oval, short perf. at right and small thin, otherwise fine. S.G. 120b, cat. £2,000. Photo.
2112 Â£110
Surface Printed: 1872-73 watermark spray 6d. grey plate 12 PI, fresh mint wing margin example with interpanneau selvedge (creased) displaying part inscription at top, ragged perforations at left hand side, light diagonal bend affecting upper left corner and slight scratch on gum, otherwise an attractive positional example. S.G. 125, cat. £1,900. Photo.
2113 Â£400
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross 10s. greenish grey FD, fine used. S.G. 128, cat. £3,200. Photo.
2114 Â£480
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross £1 brown-lilac DE used with very oily ''GLASGOW'' c.d.s., small rub at lower right, otherwise fine. P.T.S. certificate (2015). S.G. 129, cat. £4,500. Photo.
2115 Â£620
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross £1 brown-lilac DF used, with neat ''GLASGOW'' c.d.s., small internal closed tear, otherwise fine with good colour. S.G. 129, cat. £4,500. Photo.
2116 Â£650
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross £1 brown-lilac GI, overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, a few lightly toned perfs., otherwise fine without gum. S.G. 129s, Spec. J126s, cat. £6,250. Photo.
2117 Â£680
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross £1 brown-lilac HH used, with neat ''GLASGOW'' c.d.s's, a few light patches of toning, otherwise fine with good colour. S.G. 129, cat. £4,500. Photo.
2118 Â£2200
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on blued paper £1 brown-lilac FB, used with neat central Cardiff Docks c.d.s., corner bend at upper right and a trifle soiled, otherwise a fine well centred example. S.G. 132, cat. £10,000. Photo.
2119 Â£820
Surface Printed: 1882–83 watermark anchor on blued paper £5 orange CB overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, a few tiny imperfections, otherwise very fine with part redistributed original gum. Holcombe certificate (1999). S.G. 133s, Spec. J128s, cat. £3,500. Photo.
2120 Â£1900
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on blued paper £5 orange CN fine used with neat double circle ''MANCHESTER/ACCOUNTS/29/DECR/1882'' c.d.s.'s, vertical creases and some ink on reverse, otherwise fine. P.T.S. certificate (2015). S.G. 133, cat. £15,000. Photo.
2121 Â£680
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on white paper 5s. rose plate 4 CF, neatly cancelled by ''PIER ST/HULL/P/MR 27/84'' c.d.s., with horizontal creases but most attractive. S.G. 134, cat. £4,200. Photo.
2122 Â£450
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on white paper 10s. greenish grey plate 1 BF used with indistinct registered ovals, stained at top. P.T.S. certificate (2015). S.G. 135, cat. £4,500. Photo.
2123 Â£850
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on white paper 10s. greenish grey plate 1 EH fine used with ''STOCK EXCHANGE/GLASGOW/OC 2/83'' c.d.s., shortish perfs. at foot nevertheless attractive. S.G. 135, cat. £4,500. Photo.
2124 Â£1300
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on white paper £1 brown-lilac DG used with Cornhill c.d.s's. P.T.S. certificate (2015) states ''vertical crease at right and horizontal crease at top''. S.G. 136, cat. £9,000. Photo.
2125 Â£3000
Surface Printed: 1882-83 Watermark Large Anchor White Paper £1 brown-lilac GH, imprimatur (re-registered after alteration), very fresh with superb colour, without gum, a few trivial wrinkles or bends mentioned for accuracy, fine and exceedingly rare. S.G. Spec. J127a, cat. £55,000. Photo.
2126 Â£1200
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on white paper £5 orange DA, fine used, with single ''EDINBURGH'' c.d.s. S.G. 137, cat. £4,750. Photo.
2127 Â£250
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark orb 21/2d. rosy-mauve plate 8 ME-MF imperforate colour standard pair overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, fine and fresh with virtually full original gum, also plate 15 AA-BB corner marginal block of four showing current number overprinted ''CYPRUS'' (S.G. 3), fine mint. Photo.
2128 Â£190
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark large garter 4d. grey-brown plate 17 GI, used with neat upright Stonehaven c.d.s, fine. S.G. 154, cat. £550. Photo.
2129 Â£100
Surface Printed: 1880-81 Provisional Issue 1d. Venetian red AF top marginal imprimatur, fine and fresh with full original gum. S.G. Spec. K3, cat. £275. Photo.
2130 Â£140
Surface Printed: 1881 die 2 16 dots 1d. imperforate plate proof in lilac on buff paper, block of four from the base of the sheet, top pair has thin and crease, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. cat. £900+. Photo.
2132 | Â£300
Surface Printed: 1883-84 watermark anchor on white paper 5s. rose collection incl. CB unused with part original gum (creases), EB, on blued paper overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', toned, JG-KH used block of four, six used singles, mixed condition. (9)
2134 Â£190
Surface Printed: 1884 watermark crowns £1 brown-lilac CC good used with registered oval, creasing. S.G. 185, cat. £3,000. Photo.
2135 Â£320
Surface Printed: 1884 watermark crowns £1 brown-lilac HB fine used with beautiful deep colour, S.G.185, cat. £3,000. Photo.
2136 Â£450
Surface Printed: 1888 watermark orbs error £1 brown-lilac BD, used, cancelled by single oval registered datestamp, slightly toned, small natural paper wrinkle. S.G. 186, cat. £4,500. Photo.
2137 Â£500
Surface Printed: 1888 watermark orbs error £1 brown-lilac RB, used with Ipswich c.d.s. and boxed cancellations, good colour. S.G. 186, cat. £4,500. Photo.
2138 | Â£750
Surface Printed: 1883-84 'Lilac and Green' Issue 1s. dull green, a complete reconstructed pane, all neatly cancelled with either ''DUBLIN'' or ''FOURCOURTS/DUBLIN'' c.d.s. dated May 2 1884, a wonderful group with deep colour. S.G. 196, cat. £6,500.
2139 | Â£270
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' 1/2d. to 1s. and 1900 1/2d. and 1s. set mint, with additional used set to both 1s. (less 10d.) and £1 (2) used examples, mainly good to fine. (37)
2140 | Â£190
Surface Printed: 1887-92 Jubilee, a mint and used selection, incl. die I 5d. with part original gum, to 10d. mint (5), used (5), 1s. green and carmine mint (4), and 1s. dull green mint (4) and used (7), mixed condition. (approx. 140)
2142 | Â£620
Surface Printed: 1887-92 Jubilee 1/2d. to 9d. (2), 10d. (2), 1s. dull green (3) and 1s. green and carmine (2) unmounted mint, mainly fine. (34)
2144 Â£80
Surface Printed: 1887–92 'Jubilee' 11/2d. proof of head plate only in blue, a right marginal example on gummed watermarked paper, vertical creases, otherwise fine with full gum. These were prepared for 1894 reply paid essays. S.G. Spec. K29, cat. from £825. Photo.
2146 Â£150
Surface Printed: 1887-92 Jubilee 2d. yellow-green and carmine imprimatur, fine with large part lightly toned original gum. S.G. Spec. K30, cat. £725. Photo.
2147 Â£220
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' 21/2d. purple on blue upper right corner pair, showing a major printing error caused by a pre-printing paper fold leaving one of the stamps underprinted and with part of the design on the reverse of the margin, creasing and minor soiling, otherwise fine and unusual. Ex Lady Mairi Bury. S.G. 201. Photo.
2148 Â£75
Surface Printed: 1887-92 Jubilee 21/2d., right marginal example from the 1st setting, showing major purple printing flaw across Queen's face, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 201 var. Photo.
2151 Â£170
Surface Printed: 1887-92 Jubilee 9d. dull purple and blue, setting 3, a block of four with interpane pillars and marginal rules at right and base, mint with three stamps unmounted, some creasing, otherwise fine. S.G. 209, cat. £440+. Photo.
2152 Â£190
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' £1 green BB, used with indistinct c.d.s., stain on reverse, otherwise fine. S.G. 212, cat. £800. Photo.
2153 | Â£80
Officials: A mint Q.V. to K.E.VII group, incl. Government Parcels 1891-1900 2d., 1902 9d., 1s. overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', not guaranteed, mixed condition. (18)
2155 Â£140
Officials: Office of Works: 1896-1902 1/2d. vermilion and 1d. lilac, slight creases, otherwise fine mint. R.P.S. certificates (2011 and 2012), S.G. O31, O33, cat. £850. Photo.
2156 Â£140
Officials: Office of Works: 1896-1902 5d. dull purple and blue, used. R.P.S. certificate (2014) states ''slightly faded''. S.G. Spec. L34, cat. £1,400. Photo.
2157 Â£80
Officials: Govt. Parcels: 1883-86 9d. dull green IP used with parcel cancellation, toned, a few creases, otherwise fine. S.G. O63, cat. £1,200. Photo.
2158 | Â£90
Officials: Admiralty: 1903 1/2d. to 3d., good to fine used, 2d. and 3d. with R.P.S. certificates (2011, 2012). S.G. O101-O106, cat. £643.
2159 | Â£1550
King Edward VII: A mint and used collection on leaves incl. 1902-10 De La Rue mint and used (with shades) to 1s., mint high values comprising 2s.6d. (3), 5s. (2), 10s., £1, 1911 Harrison mint to 4d., 1911-13 Somerset House duplicated mint values to 1s. (3), £1 used, mainly good to fine with strong colour.
2160 | Â£520
King Edward VII: An unmounted mint selection with values to 9d. (2), 10d. (2) and 1s. (2), mainly fine. (31)
2161 Â£80
King Edward VII: 1902-10 De La Rue 2s.6d. dull purple on chalk surfaced paper, fine mint. S.G. 262, cat. £350. Photo.
2162 Â£90
King Edward VII: 1902-10 De La Rue 5s. bright carmine, fine mint. S.G. 263, cat. £450. Photo.
2165 Â£260
King George V: 1911-12 Downey Heads: 1912 die 2 1d. paper trials, two marginal pairs and a block of four, imperf. on unwatermarked paper, a couple of creases, otherwise fine. Photo.
2166 | Â£650
King George V: 1911-12 Downey Heads: A selection of unmounted mint marginal multiples comprising 1912 (Aug.) die 2 wmk. Simple Cypher 1/2d. blocks of six and eight wmk. inverted and reversed (block of six with a few split perfs. between stamps and margin), 1d. strip of three and block of six wmk. inverted and reversed, and 1912 (Sept.) die 2 wmk. Multiple Cypher 1/2d. block of eighteen wmk. inverted, block of twelve wmk. reversed, and 1d. block of twelve with interpanneau margin between wmk. inverted, and blocks of four and six wmk. reversed, a few small gum wrinkles, a couple of items mounted in margin, the stamps all unmounted. (9 items)
2168 Â£350
King George V: 1911–12 Downey Heads: 1912 (Aug.) die 2 watermark Simple Cypher 1d. unmounted mint block of six with wmk. reversed, with sheet margin at left and interpanneau margin at top, a few light gum wrinkles otherwise fine, scarce multiple. S.G. 345Wj, cat. £1,200. Photo.
2169 Â£220
King George V: 1911–12 Downey Heads: 1912 (Aug.) die 2 watermark Simple Cypher 1d. unmounted mint strip of four with wmk. reversed, with interpanneau margin at top (mounted in margin), a few gum wrinkles otherwise fine. S.G. 345Wj, cat. £800. Photo.
2170 Â£450
King George V: 1911-12 Downey Heads: 1912 (Sept.) die 2 watermark Multiple Cypher 1/2d. unmounted mint top right corner block of twelve (6 x 2) with wmk. inverted and reversed, a few light gum wrinkles otherwise fine, scarce multiple. S.G. 346Wk, cat. £1,800. Photo.
2171 | Â£800
King George V: 1912-24 watermark Royal cypher 1/2d. to 1s. collection of mint controls with 11/2d. (5) incl. ''A. 12'' (w) type P corner control pair, 3d. (8) incl. ''A. 12'' (w) type I and ''A. 12'' (c) type I and P, ''C. 13'' Type P corner strip of three, 4d. ''B. 13'' type I and P, 5d. (21) incl. shades, 7d. (12) incl. ''L 18'' type P, 8d. (5), 9d. (7) incl. ''Q 20'' type P, mainly good to fine with a good number unmounted. (70)
2172 | Â£850
King George V: 1912-24, a collection of mint shades identified and written up in an album, with values to 1s. (9), incl. multiples, 1/2d. deep blue (Myrtle) green with copy of R.P.S. certificate (1987) for a strip of three, 6d. slate-purple with R.P.S. certificate (1975), 1/2d. singles overprinted ''CANCELLED'' type 24 (3), 1/2d. imperf. block of four and singles (2) overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 26, 1d. imperf. single and block of four overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 26, 21/2d. overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 23, varieties with 1/2d. corner plate block of six showing 'coloured mark on right dolphin's eye', 11/2d. ''PENCF'' (3), 4d. block of six variety break above ''O'' of ''FOUR'', watermarks with 6d. inverted, 7d. inverted (4), 8d. inverted, 1s. inverted and reversed, etc., some unmounted, mainly fine. (100s)
2173 | Â£400
King George V: 1912-24 watermark Royal cypher selection of mint multiples on leaves, many marginal and some with controls, incl. 1/2d. blue-green corner block of six with ''K 18'' control (R.P.S. certificate, 1976), 1/2d. pale olive-green strip of three ex booklet pane, trimmed perfs. at top and heavily mounted (R.P.S. certificate, 1983), 1/2d. block of twelve wmk. inverted and reversed, 21/2d. cobalt-violet-blue corner block of four with ''C 14'' control (R.P.S. certificate, 1980), 5d. reddish brown (deep shade) irregular block of three (R.P.S. certificate, 1979, for a block of four), 8d. black on yellow-buff (granite) ''J 17'' strip of three, 10d. pale greenish blue ''M 19'' strip of three, 1s. pale bistre-brown ''H 16'' strip of three, also 1924-26 wmk. block cypher 1/2d. block of 24 and 2d. block of 24 (two stamps almost detached), etc., varied condition but mainly fine, most stamps unmounted. (22 items)
2174 Â£750
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1/2d. green imperforate block of twenty-four (two rows) from the foot of the sheet overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 26, with control number ''C 13'', some light creasing, folded along two vertical rows and a minor line of staining, otherwise fine with gum. One of only two known control items. S.G. Spec. N14u, cat. £2,160. Photo.
2175 | Â£350
King George V: 1912-24 watermark Royal cypher a mint group of 1/2d. shades comprising very pale green, with copy of R.P.S. certificate (1988) for a block of four, seven additional examples accompanied by Hendon certificates (2017) stated to be deep yellow-green, pale dull yellow-green, very pale bright yellow-green, pale dull green, very deep dull yellow-green, deep yellow-olive-green, bright cobalt-yellow-green, mixed condition but of good to fine appearance. (8)
2176 Â£2000
King George V: 1912-24 watermark Royal cypher 1d. imperforate block of thirty-six from the foot of the sheet overprinted ''CANCELLED'' type 24, with gum, a few minor wrinkles, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. N16x, cat. £3,240+. Photo.
2180 | Â£180
King George V: 1912-24 watermark Royal cypher 1d. orange-vermilion, mint, with Hendon certificate (2017), also 1d. ''C 13'' control single accompanied by Hendon certificate, stated to be deep bright rose-pink, 1d. single with Hendon certificate stating bright vermilion, also 11/2d. booklet pane of four with two labels, with watermark inverted, missing selvedge, R.P.S. certificate (2003), and skeleton booklet. (5 items)
2183 | Â£1000
King George V: 1912-24 watermark Royal cypher: Booklet Panes: 1/2d. to 2d. mint collection of booklet panes incl. 1/2d. to 2d. (dies I and II) watermark upright and inverted panes, 11/2d. ''Stamp Auctions, Harmer Rooke/Millennium Oat-Flakes'' advert panes watermark upright and inverted, 11/2d. ''Millennium Oat-Flakes/Stamp Auctions, Harmer Rooke'' advert panes watermark upright and inverted, mixed perfs. some with slight separation, otherwise mainly good to fine, a good number unmounted. (15)
2184 Â£180
King George V: 1913 watermark multiple cypher 1/2d. green and 1d. scarlet, the latter with lightly toned gum, otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 397, 398, cat. £600. Photo.
2185 Â£1250
King George V: 1913-34 Seahorses: 1913 Waterlow £1 green, fresh mint with large part original gum, a few light gum bends or wrinkles, otherwise fine and well centred. S.G. Spec. N72(1), cat. £3,500. Photo.
2186 Â£400
King George V: 1913–34 Seahorses: 1913 Waterlow £1 dull blue-green, fine used with large central c.d.s., a few shortish perfs. at base. S.G. 404, cat. £1,600. Photo.
2187 Â£1750
King George V: 1913–34 Seahorses: 1915–18 De La Rue 10s. blue, very fine and fresh mint, with sheet margin at right, large part original gum. S.G. 412, Spec. N70(1), cat. £3,250. Photo.
2188 Â£2000
King George V: Seahorses: 1915–18 De La Rue 10s. deep blue (worn plate), fine and fresh mint marginal pair, with a few shortish perfs. at foot. S.G. Spec. N70(2), cat. £7,500. Photo.
2190 Â£180
King George V: 1913-34 Seahorses: 1934 Re-engraved 2s.6d., 5s. and 10s. unmounted mint, the 2s.6d. an upper right corner example and the 5s. and 10s. upper marginal examples, gum toning, otherwise fine. S.G. 450-452, cat. £1,000. Photo.
2191 | Â£220
King George V: 1924-26 watermark block cypher 1/2d. to 1s. collection of mint shades on leaves, arranged as per S.G. Specialised catalogue listing, a few with controls (folded through perfs.), varied condition, a few unmounted, not all shades guaranteed. (66)
2193 Â£110
King George V: 1924 Wembley 1d. and 11/2d. used on plain first day cover to Derbyshire with Exhibition slogan cancellation. Photo.
2194 Â£230
King George V: 1929 P.U.C. 1/2d. to 21/2d. used with neat Earlham Road, Norwich c.d.s's on plain first day cover to Norwich. Photo.
2195 Â£120
King George V: 1929 P.U.C. 1/2d. to 21/2d. used with indistinct c.d.s's on plain first day cover to Acton. Photo.
2196 Â£220
King George V: 1929 P.U.C. £1 black, mint with usual slightly off white gum, otherwise fine. S.G. 438, cat. £750. Photo.
2197 Â£220
King George V: 1929 P.U.C. £1 black, mint with usual slightly off white gum, small tone spot and a few bends, otherwise fine. S.G. 438. Photo.
2198 Â£220
King George V: 1929 P.U.C. £1 black fine used with faint c.d.s. cancellation. S.G. 438, cat. £550. Photo.
2199 Â£180
King George V: 1929 P.U.C. £1 black fine used with London c.d.s's. S.G. 438. Photo.
2200 Â£230
King George V: 1929 P.U.C. £1 black upper marginal example used on piece with Queens Road, Bristol c.d.s., fine. S.G. 438, cat. £550. Photo.
2201 | Â£60
King George V: 1934-36 photogravure: A mint and used collection to 1s. in a folder with a range of controls mainly in pairs, also a few Morocco Agencies and Tangier overprints, mainly good to fine.
2203 Â£220
King George V: 1934-36 photogravure Trials for Photogravure stamps with the approved head, on ordinary ungummed unwatermarked paper, 1d. in Royal blue, lower marginal example. Photo.
2204 Â£210
King George V: 1934-36 photogravure Trials for Photogravure stamps with the approved head, on ordinary unwatermarked gummed paper, 11/2d. in Royal blue, unmounted lower marginal example. Photo.
2204A Â£180
King George V: 1934-36 photogravure Trials for Photogravure stamps with the approved head, on ordinary unwatermarked gummed paper, 4d. in pearl green, lower marginal example with full gum. Photo.
2205 Â£420
King George V: 1935 Silver Jubilee, a group of covers comprising set on illustrated Westminster Stamp Company first day cover (with additional forged copy), set with additional 11/2d. on registered first day cover to Greece with return to sender handstamp, and set (1/2d. a pair) on 1935 (May 11) London Brindisi airmail cover to Australia, also two souvenir postcards and a 1936 K.G.V mourning cover. (7)
2205A Â£320
King George V: 1935 Silver Jubilee set with cylinder selvedge at left used on registered first day cover, small illustration at top left, fine. Photo.
2206 | Â£8200
King George V: 1935 Silver Jubilee 21/2d. Prussian blue unmounted mint, fine and fresh. R.P.S. certificate (1968). S.G. 456a, cat. £18,500. Photo.
2207 Â£10000
King George V: 1935 Silver Jubilee 21/2d. Prussian blue, the superb mint ''W/35'' control, cylinder 34 no dot, marginal example without perf. extension hole in margin, the finest of the six known control copies (three no dot and three dot cylinders), exceptional bright fresh colour and with just the barest trace of a hinge, with copy of narrative by the original purchaser regarding the purchase and later discovery that it was the rare shade and normal for comparison. A major twentieth century rarity and a key item of King George V philately. B.P.A. certificates (1951 & 2002). S.G. 456a. Photo.
2208 Â£7000
King George V: 1935 Silver Jubilee 21/2d. Prussian blue mint, one or two gum wrinkles, otherwise fine. Friedl certificate (1978). S.G. 456a. Photo.
2209 Â£2600
King George V: 1935 Silver Jubilee 21/2d. Prussian blue, an apparently used example, some perfs. recut, a good spacefiller. B.P.A. certificate (2004) states ''has been provided with an obliteration and partially reperforated''. S.G. 456a. Photo.
2211 | Â£620
A range of K.G.VI first day covers, comprising 1937-39 definitive 1/2d. to 1s. on various plain covers, three complete sets (one with some values as marginal examples with controls), 1941-42 1/2d. to 3d. in blocks of four on plain covers (the 2d. and 21/2d. as marginal control blocks), 1951 Festival 2s.6d. to £1 set on plain cover and 1949 U.P.U. set in blocks of four on four illustrated covers, also 1936 1/2d. to 21/2d. and 1d. on two covers with small cachet at top left, the occasional cover with some toning, otherwise fine.
2213 | Â£550
King George VI: 1939-48 2s.6d. yellow-green and 5s. red in complete unmounted mint sheets of forty (each folded through central vertical perfs.), a few light gum bends and 2s.6d. with light overall gum toning otherwise fine. S.G. 476b, 477, cat. £1,400+.
2214 | Â£600
King George VI: 1939-48 10s. ultramarine in a complete sheet of forty (folded through central vertical perfs.), a few light bends and light overall gum toning otherwise fine. S.G. 478b, cat. £1,800+.
2215 | Â£260
King George VI: 1939-48 £1 brown in a complete sheet of forty (folded through central vertical perfs.), a few light bends and light overall gum toning otherwise fine. S.G. 478c, cat. £1,000+.
2216 | Â£150
King George VI: 1948 Silver Wedding £1 unmounted mint sheet of twenty with cylinder ''1'' no dot, a few light bends in margins otherwise fine. S.G. 494, cat. £800+.
2218 | Â£380
Queen Elizabeth II: A mainly unmounted mint Q.E.II accumulation (a few earlier) in a binder, a stockbook and loose with pre-decimal commemoratives incl. early phosphor sets complete, additional multiples with some early phosphor sets incl. 1963 F.F.H. (6), 1964 Geographical (8), 1964 Botanical (8), 1957 Scouts set in coil strips of four, Castles incl. 1958 2nd. De La Rue set, some multiples, Wildings incl. coil joins, 2d. phosphor-graphite error of wmk. (2), postage dues incl. Tudor and St. Edward's Crown sets (mounted), decimal Machins with coil strips incl. 1981 111/2p. strips fluorescent brightener omitted, regionals, presentation packs, decimal stitched booklets, 1972 Wedgwood books (4), also Channel Is. and Isle of Man booklets, etc.
2219 | Â£240
Queen Elizabeth II: Collections and Mixed Lots: An unmounted mint selection, incl. 1952-54 to 1s.6d., 1955 Waterlow set, 1955-58 to 1s.6d., 1958-61 to 41/2d., 1959 to 41/2d. (2), etc., mainly fine. (114)
2220 | Â£220
Queen Elizabeth II: 1964 Shakespeare to 1966 World Cup commemorative presentation packs complete. (11)
2221 | Â£580
Queen Elizabeth II: Postal History: A large, interesting accumulation of Q.E.II postal history, some written up on leaves and loose, incl. a quantity of Machin mail to Australia with a range of frankings, many unpaid and underpaid covers with a wide range of tax marks, instructional marks, mainly incoming covers and cards with postage dues applied (approx. 100) incl. 1962 from U.S.A. (2) and 1963 from Hong Kong showing bisected 1d. postage dues cancelled by Chieveley, Newbury, c.d.s's, also Machin postal stationery unused, Wilding and Machin f.d.c's, etc. (100s)
2223 | Â£120
Queen Elizabeth II: Wildings: A specialised mint collection of singles in an album, arranged by value with different watermarks, cream and whiter papers, shades, graphites, phosphor-graphites, green, blue and violet phosphors, typo and photo bands, coil stamps, inverted wmks., sideways wmks. both to left and right, etc., some clipped perfs. and a few mounted, majority unmounted. (few 100s)
2225 Â£140
Queen Elizabeth II: Wildings: 1958-65 watermark Multiple Crowns 4d. deep ultramarine whiter paper variety imperforate between stamp and top margin in an upper left corner pair, fine unmounted mint. S.G. Spec. S85c, cat. £350, EC GBR1164a. Photo.
2226 Â£450
Queen Elizabeth II: 1955-68 Castles: 1958 De La Rue 2s.6d. to £1 set in unmounted mint vertical pairs, 2s.6d. and 5s. with margin at left, 10s. and £1 with margin at right, a few slightly blunted perfs. otherwise fine. S.G. 536a-539a, cat. £1,200. Photo.
2228 Â£1500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1957 Parliamentary Conference 4d. imperforate pair, fine unmounted mint, very rare. B.P.A. certificate (1991) states ''unknown status'' but we believe this to be an imprimatur from one of the NPM sales from which the handstamp was omitted. S.G. 560 var. Photo.
2230 Â£1000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Battle of Hastings 4d., a set of nine se-tenant imperforate proof strips of six of each of the individual colours, together with progressive proof strips of six of two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight of the nine colours printed together, on gummed watermarked paper and mainly very fine (unmounted), most unusual. (16 strips of six). S.G. 705–10 vars. Photo.
2232 Â£600
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967 Christmas 3d., an imperforate lower left corner cylinder block of four without phosphor, fine unmounted mint, probably unique. S.G. 756 var., GBR1512h. Photo.
2234 Â£170
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967 Christmas 4d. variety imperforate and gold (Queen's head and value) omitted, in a horizontal proof pair, a few wrinkles otherwise fine with full gum (unmounted). S.G. 757 var., EC GBR1514e. Around sixty pairs known. Photo.
2236 Â£150
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Cathedrals 5d. missing ''d'' after value, the lower four rows of the sheet (6 x 4, folded vertically) with cylinders, the variety affecting the four stamps in the first vertical row, the fifth vertical row also showing green largely omitted from the roof of St. Giles. S.G. 796a, var, EC (2005) F366MSa etc. Around six blocks known. Photo.
2238 Â£500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1970 Literary Anniversaries 5d. se-tenant upper marginal block of four variety imperforate, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 824ab, EC GBR1648f. Thirty blocks known. Photo.
2239 Â£90
Queen Elizabeth II: 1970 Christmas 5d. imperforate pair, fine unmounted mint (small ''B & K'' handstamp on gum). S.G. 839c, EC GBR1678a. 120 pairs known. Photo.
2240 Â£170
Queen Elizabeth II: 1971 Christmas 21/2p. variety imperforate in an unmounted mint horizontal pair, a few minor gum wrinkles otherwise fine. S.G. 894a, EC GBR1788a. Photo.
2242 Â£1150
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 Christmas 3p. left margin se-tenant strip of five variety imperforate, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 943b, EC GBR1885a. Ten strips known. Photo.
2244 Â£300
Queen Elizabeth II: 1974 Fire Engines 31/2p. variety imperforate, a fine unmounted mint top marginal pair showing marginal arrow, scarce. S.G. 950a, EC GBR1900a. Fifty pairs known. Photo.
2246 Â£180
Queen Elizabeth II: 1974 Medieval Warriors 10p. imperforate pair fine unmounted mint. S.G. 961 var., EC GBR1922a. Twenty pairs known. Photo.
2247 Â£150
Queen Elizabeth II: 1974 Medieval Warriors 10p. imperforate pair fine unmounted mint. Ex Baillie. S.G. 961 var., EC GBR1922a. Twenty pairs known. Photo.
2248 Â£420
Queen Elizabeth II: 1976 Telephone Centenary 8½p. variety imperforate between stamp and lower margin, a commercially used example, slight wrinkling in sheet margin, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. W328b, EC GBR1994a. Ten mint known, this the unique used example. Photo.
2249 Â£300
Queen Elizabeth II: 1976 Telephone Centenary 11p. variety imperforate between stamp and lower margin in a fine unmounted mint vertical block of six (2 x 3), very scarce. S.G. Spec. W330b, EC GBR1998a. Ten known. Photo.
2252 Â£140
Queen Elizabeth II: 1976 Christmas 81/2p., the complete right hand two vertical rows of sheet (2 x 10), no. ''197706'', the lower right corner pair almost completely imperforate between stamps and sheet margin at foot (the left stamp shows just a trace of a few indents, right stamp shows indents), fine unmounted mint. S.G. Spec. W350, a, EC GBR2038a. Ten mint known. Photo.
2254 Â£450
Queen Elizabeth II: 1977 Racket Sports 81/2p., an imperforate pair, with large part of another imperforate stamp at left, some creasing, otherwise fine unmounted mint. Ex Baillie. S.G. 1022a, EC GBR2044a. Around twenty pairs known. Photo.
2257 Â£2400
Queen Elizabeth II: 1977 Chemistry 81/2p., a lower left corner block of fifteen, the lower strip of five variety imperforate, torn down right hand side, otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1029a, EC GBR2058a. Around four pairs known. Ex Baillie. Photo.
2258 Â£1150
Queen Elizabeth II: 1977 Chemistry 81/2p. variety imperforate in a fine unmounted mint vertical pair with margin at foot, rare. S.G. 1029a, EC GBR2058a. Around four pairs known. Photo.
2259 Â£150
Queen Elizabeth II: 1977 Chemistry 11p. variety imperforate between stamp and lower margin, the lower stamp of a vertical strip of four, fine unmounted mint. S.G. Spec. W359a, EC GBR2062a. Around ten known. Photo.
2263 Â£220
Queen Elizabeth II: 1977 Silver Jubilee 11p. variety imperforate between stamp and lower margin, in a vertical strip of four with the lower stamp completely imperforate, fine unmounted mint. Ex Baillie. S.G. 1036 var., EC GBR2072b. Ten known. Photo.
2265 Â£550
Queen Elizabeth II: 1977 Silver Jubilee 13p. variety imperforate, an unmounted mint lower right corner horizontal pair, a few minor wrinkles, otherwise fine. Ex Baillie. S.G. 1037a, EC GBR2074a. Around twenty-four pairs known. Photo.
2267 Â£300
Queen Elizabeth II: 1977 Wildlife 9p. se-tenant strip of five with the left stamp variety imperforate, the next stamp partially perforated, fine unmounted mint. Ex Baillie. S.G. 1039a var. Photo.
2270 Â£150
Queen Elizabeth II: 1978 Horses 101/2p. variety imperforate between stamp and lower margin, the lower stamp of a vertical strip of four, the other stamps only partially perforated. S.G. Spec. W392a, EC GBR2128a. Ten known. Photo.
2271 Â£300
Queen Elizabeth II: 1978 Cycling 9p. horizontal pair variety imperforate and 13p. vertical pair variety imperforate (shows faint trace of indents between), both fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1070a, GBR2134a, S.G. 1067a, GBR2140a. Photo.
2272 Â£170
Queen Elizabeth II: 1978 Cycling 9p. variety imperforate in a vertical pair with margin at top, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1067a,, EC GBR2134a. Photo.
2273 Â£150
Queen Elizabeth II: 1978 Cycling 13p., a lower right corner marginal traffic light block of four, appearing imperforate at first glance but showing traces of blind or 'ghosted' perfs., lower left stamp with gum disturbance, otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1070 var. Photo.
2281 Â£300
Queen Elizabeth II: 1979 Flowers 9p. variety imperforate, the left marginal vertical strip of three of a lower left corner marginal traffic light block of nine, the centre vertical row only partially perforated, fine unmounted mint. Ex Baillie. S.G. 1079a, EC GBR2158a. Around twenty pairs known. Photo.
2283 Â£1400
Queen Elizabeth II: 1979 Flowers 11p. lower left corner block of eighteen (3 x 6), the left row variety imperforate, unmounted mint, two horizontal creases affecting two rows of stamps, otherwise fine. Ex Baillie. S.G. 1081a, EC GBR2162a. Ten to fifteen pairs known. Photo.
2285 Â£1250
Queen Elizabeth II: 1979 Flowers 13p. variety imperforate in a very fine unmounted mint cylinder block of four, probably unique. S.G. 1082a, EC GBR2164a. Twenty pairs known. Photo.
2289 Â£620
Queen Elizabeth II: 1979 Rowland Hill miniature sheet variety rosine omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. MS1099h, EC GBR2198f. Around twelve mint known. Photo.
2291 Â£180
Queen Elizabeth II: 1979 Christmas 8p. variety imperforate in a vertical pair, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1104a, EC GBR2208a. Around fifty pairs known. Photo.
2300 Â£900
Queen Elizabeth II: 1980 London Landmarks 13½p. variety imperforate, a fine unmounted mint horizontal pair. S.G. 1122a, EC GBR2244a. Ten pairs known mint. Photo.
2301 Â£240
Queen Elizabeth II: 1980 Famous Authoresses 17½p. variety imperforate and with slate-blue omitted, a top marginal vertical pair, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1128a, EC GBR2256a. Fifty pairs known. Photo.
2302 | Â£380
Queen Elizabeth II: 1980 to 1998, a small group of varieties, comprising 1980 Authoresses 171/2p. variety imperforate and slate-blue omitted unmounted mint, 1981 Christmas 14p. variety imperforate in a horizontal pair (without gum and creased), 1981 Butterflies 18p. showing 4mm shift to right of the gold (Queen's head) in traffic light (ex Baillie) and upper right corner marginal blocks of six, also a single, 1981 International Year of the Disabled 25p. variety imperforate in a vertical pair with gutter margin (without gum and creased), 14p. variety imperforate in a vertical pair with part o.g. and adhesion down left side, Brandon certificate (1995), and 1998 Endangered Species 20p. an imperforate marginal pair from the right of the sheet unmounted mint. (8 items)
2303 Â£2100
Queen Elizabeth II: 1981 Butterflies 14p. imperforate marginal pair, fine unmounted mint and very rare. S.G. 1151a, EC GBR2302a. Ten pairs known. Photo.
2304 Â£190
Queen Elizabeth II: 1981 Butterflies 18p. variety imperforate in a horizontal pair, without gum and some creasing. S.G. 1152 var., EC GBR2304a. Photo.
2305 Â£900
Queen Elizabeth II: 1982 Maritime Heritage 151/2p. lower right corner traffic light block of 14 (2 x 7) with the lower pair completely imperforate, the pairs above with indents, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1187a, EC GB2374a. Around five pairs known. Photo.
2307 Â£1350
Queen Elizabeth II: 1982 Information Technology 15½p. complete pane of thirty variety imperforate, small tear in lower margin and a few minor gum disturbances, otherwise fine unmounted mint. Ex Baillie. S.G. 1196a, EC GBR2392a. Around 50 pairs known. Photo.
2311 Â£300
Queen Elizabeth II: 1982 British Motor Cars 191/2p. block of four variety imperforate between stamp and right margin, fine unmounted mint. S.G. Spec. W529a, EC GBR2398b Twenty known. Photo.
2313 Â£1500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1982 Christmas 151/2p. block of four variety imperforate, faint indents, fine unmounted mint, scarce. S.G. 1203a. Photo.
2314 Â£1800
Queen Elizabeth II: 1982 Christmas 19½p. imperforate horizontal pair, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1204a, EC GBR2408a. Six pairs known. Photo.
2316 Â£1500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1983 British Army Uniforms 28p. imperforate horizontal pair, fine unused. S.G. 1221a, EC GBR2441a. Only two pairs (one used) recorded. Photo.
2317 Â£550
Queen Elizabeth II: 1983 British Army Uniforms 28p. imperforate pair used with part c.d.s. on small piece, slight creasing and soiling, otherwise fine. S.G. 1221a, unpriced used, EC GBR2441a. Only two pairs (one used) recorded. Photo.
2323 Â£450
Queen Elizabeth II: 1984 Urban Renewal 31p., an imperforate vertical pair showing multiple colour shifts, unmounted mint, two minor bends or gum wrinkles, otherwise fine. S.G. 1248a var., EC GBR2496b. Photo.
2326 Â£1600
Queen Elizabeth II: 1984 Christmas 17p. an imperforate vertical pair, contained in a block of six (3 x 2), natural vertical paper crease not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine unmounted mint. Brandon certificate (1995). S.G. 1268a, EC GBR2536a - Ten to fifteen pairs known. Photo.
2328 Â£1650
Queen Elizabeth II: 1985 British Composers 17p. imperforate lower left corner marginal pair, being part of a cylinder block of four, shows just a very faint trace of indents at top, fine unmounted mint, very rare. S.G. 1282, a, EC GBR2492a. Around three pairs known. Photo.
2331 Â£950
Queen Elizabeth II: 1985 Royal Mail 31p. left marginal block of eight with the left pair variety imperforate, the next pair with faint indents, unmounted mint, fine. Ex Baillie. S.G. 1292a, EC GBR2584a. Twelve pairs known. Photo.
2332 Â£750
Queen Elizabeth II: 1985 Royal Mail 34p., a fine unmounted mint block of twenty (5 x 4) being four complete horizontal rows of the pane, imperforate horizontally between the two central rows, very faint traces of indents. S.G. 1293a, EC GBR2586a. Photo.
2333 Â£2300
Queen Elizabeth II: 1985 Royal Mail 34p. variety imperforate in a horizontal pair, in a left margin block of six (3 x 2) with the lower right stamp partly imperf., small circular gum imperfection and a little surface damage clear of design at foot otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1293 var., EC GBR2586b. Only one other (vertical) pair recorded. Photo. £5,000. Photo.
2335 Â£900
Queen Elizabeth II: 1985 Christmas 12p. variety imperforate in a fine unmounted mint vertical pair, rare. S.G. 1303a, EC GBR2606a. Around ten pairs known. Photo.
2337 Â£2300
Queen Elizabeth II: 1986 Commonwealth Games 22p. variety imperforate, a lower margin block of nine and a corner single used together on piece, two pairs fine in the block, the others with faults. The only example of this error recorded. Brandon certificate (1997). S.G. 1329a, unpriced, EC GBR2658a. Photo.
2339 Â£1750
Queen Elizabeth II: 1986 Commonwealth Games 34p. upper marginal block of ten (5 x 2) with the left pair variety imperforate, faint trace of indents at lower right of the pair, tiny patch of soiling on gum of one perforated stamp, otherwise fine unmounted mint, rare. Ex Baillie. S.G. 1332a, EC GBR2664a. Around seven pairs known. Photo.
2340 Â£180
Queen Elizabeth II: 1986 Royal Wedding 17p. imperf. pair, horizontal crease at top of stamps, otherwise fine unmounted mint. Ex Baillie. S.G. 1334a, EC GBR2668a. Around 45 pairs known. Photo
2345 Â£1150
Queen Elizabeth II: 1988 Linnean Society 31p. variety imperforate, a fine unmounted mint horizontal pair. S.G. 1382a0, EC GBR2764a. Around six pairs known. Photo.
2355 Â£600
Queen Elizabeth II: 1991 Dogs 22p. variety imperforate, an unmounted mint left marginal horizontal pair, small wrinkle, otherwise fine. S.G. 1531a, EC GBR3062a. Around fifteen pairs known. Photo.
2361 Â£150
Queen Elizabeth II: 1991 Christmas 33p. in a lower right corner traffic light block of six (3 x 2) with corner pair almost completely imperforate, indents at top and trace at sides, also an additional part imperf. pair, creasing, unmounted mint (2 items). S.G. 1585 var. Photo.
2367 Â£230
Queen Elizabeth II: 1992 Gilbert and Sullivan 24p. imperforate horizontal pair, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1625a, EC GBR3250a. Photo.
2373 Â£90
Queen Elizabeth II: 1994 Christmas 19p. variety imperforate, two fine unmounted mint marginal pairs, one with sheet number, also vertical marginal pair with dramatic colour shifts. S.G. 1843, a. Photo.
2375 Â£230
Queen Elizabeth II: 1996 Olympics 26p. se-tenant top left corner block of ten (5 x 2), variety imperforate between stamps and left margin, a few small gum wrinkles, otherwise fine unmounted mint. Ex Baillie. S.G. 1930a var, EC GBR3860a - 10 strips known. Photo.
2376 Â£500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1996 Famous Women 26p. lower left corner block of four variety imperforate, fine unmounted mint. Ex Baillie. S.G. 1936a, EC GBR3872a. Fifty pairs known. Photo.
2384 Â£900
Queen Elizabeth II: 1997 Christmas 31p. horizontal strip of five from the left of the sheet with the left hand pair completely imperforate and the next stamp partially imperforate, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 2008a, EC GBR4016a. Around eight pairs known. Photo.
2391 Â£300
Queen Elizabeth II: 1998 Lighthouses 63p., a fine unmounted mint lower right corner block of six (2 x 3) and right marginal single, both dramatically misperforated leaving the Queen's head and value at left instead of right. Ex Baillie. S.G. 2038 var. Photo.
2393 Â£850
Queen Elizabeth II: 1998 British Land Speed Record Holders 26p., a horizontal strip of five with the third stamp variety ''6'' from face value omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 2060Ec, EC GBR4120c. Photo.
2398 Â£900
Queen Elizabeth II: 1998 Christmas 43p. horizontal strip of three, the left pair completely imperforate and the right stamp partially so, fine unmounted mint, rare. S.G. 2067a, EC GBR4134a. Around six pairs known. Photo.
2414 Â£600
Queen Elizabeth II: 2002 Europa, Circus (1st) imperforate vertical pair, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 2276a. Photo.
2416 Â£750
Queen Elizabeth II: 2002 Europa, Circus (E) imperforate vertical pair, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 2277a. Photo.
2422 Â£170
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 3d. violet centre band gum arabic in a block of twelve (6 x 2), the right vertical pair completely imperforate, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 729a, Spec. U8a, cat. £950. Photo.
2423 Â£170
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 3d. violet centre band gum arabic in a block of eight (4 x 2), the right vertical pair completely imperforate, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 729a, Spec. U8a, cat. £950. Photo.
2424 Â£280
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 3d. violet centre band gum arabic in a block of twenty-four (12 x 2) from the top of the sheet, the right vertical pair completely imperforate, folded down central row of perfs., otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 729a, Spec. U8a, cat. £950. Photo.
2425 Â£250
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 3d. violet centre band gum arabic in a block of four, the right vertical pair completely imperforate, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 729a, Spec. U8a, cat. £950. Photo.
2426 Â£150
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machin 3d. violet centre band gum arabic unmounted mint block of twenty-four (12 x 2) being two complete rows of the sheet, the right vertical pair completely imperforate. S.G. 729a, cat £950+. Photo.
2427 Â£1150
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 3d. head B and 4d. deep olive-brown head B each in imperforate horizontal pairs without phosphor and with PVAD gum, produced as a trial in the early 1970s to test the suitability of the new dextrin gum, fine unmounted mint. EC F378TRa, F338TRa, cat. £4,000. Photo.
2428 Â£550
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 4d. deep sepia GA head A variety imperforate in a horizontal pair, also phosphor omitted, tiny gum fault at top otherwise fine, ex booklet pane of six, uncatalogued, rare, also 5d. head B variety imperforate in a horizontal pair, ex cylinder 15 printing with screening dots in the margins, fine unmounted mint and an imperf. block of four from cylinder 10 unmounted mint. Photo.
2429 Â£95
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 5d. head B variety imperforate, an upper marginal horizontal pair, ex cylinder 15 with screening dots in the margins, fine unmounted mint, also an imperforate block of four ex cylinder 10. Photo.
2434 Â£190
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: A selection of unmounted mint imperforate horizontal pairs with 1/2p. PCP2/PVAD, 21/2p. FCP/GA (small fault), 61/2p. centre band head B1 FCP/PVAD (indents), 9p. violet FCP/PVAD (slight surface rubbing), 121/2p. centre band (phosphor over ink) FCP/PVAD, 16p. drab ACP/PVAD, 17p. grey-blue ACP/PVAD (strip of three, small gum faults), and 1998-2001 (2nd) self-adhesive and (1st) self-adhesive (block of four), mainly fine. (9 items)
2435 | Â£190
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: A selection of imperforate items with 21/2p. GA block of six (3 x 2) with upper strip imperf. (indents at base and sides), 3p. centre band vertical strip of three with top pair imperf. (indents on middle stamp), 61/2p. centre band imperf pair (indents), 7p. two bands imperf. pair (indents), 7p. centre band head B imperf. pair, 10p. orange two bands imperf. pair, 121/2p. and 22p. PCP imperf. pairs, slightly mixed condition. (8)
2437 Â£190
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: A selection of three unmounted mint imperforate pairs, comprising 61/2p. greenish blue CB Head type B1, FCP/PVAD, photo Harrison 111/2p. drab FCP/PVAD and photo Harrison 121/2p. light emerald FCP/PVAD with the phosphor under ink printing with phosphor band shifted to the left, fine. Photo.