Prices Realised

Auction of British Empire and Foreign Countries Postage Stamps and Postal History

Sale number: 126

Tuesday 20th November 2018

Click here for Printer friendly prices realised for this sale.

2001 | Â£2200
A mint K.G.VI collection in four boxed S.G. Crown albums, incl. Aden, Antigua, Ascension 1938-53 to 10s. (2), Bahamas, Bermuda, British Guiana, British Honduras, Burma 1937 to 10r., Cyprus, Falkland Islands 1938-50 set, 1952 set, Fiji, Gambia, Gibraltar, Great Britain, Hong Kong 1938-52 set, India 1937-40 set, 1948 Gandhi set, Kuwait, Northern Rhodesia, Pakistan, Seychelles, Singapore, etc., mixed condition. (many 100s)
2002 | Â£1500
A Commonwealth accumulation in two albums, on leaves and loose, K.G.V. to Q.E.II, mainly mint with Barbados 1921-21 Victory set, 1921-24 to 3s., Bechuanaland 1938-52 and 1855-58 to 10s., British Solomon Islands 1908-11 to 5s., Cayman Islands 1938-48 to 10s. (2), 1953-62 and 1962-64 to £1, Channel Islands, Cyprus 1934 to 45pi., 1938-51 to £1, 1955-60 to £1, Fiji 1938-55 to £1, Gambia 1938-51 to 10s. mint, 1953-59 to £1, Gibraltar 1938-51 to £1, Malta, Montserrat 1914 £1, 1916-22 to 5s., 1938-48 to £1, Nyasaland, Pitcairn Islands, St Helena 1938-44 to 10s., Solomon Islands 1956-63 to £1, Somaliland 1953-58 to 10s., Tristan da Cunha, Turks & Caicos 1938-45 to 10s., 1957 to £1, some unmounted, also used with GB with 1887-92 Jubilee to both 1s., K.E.VII to 2s.6d., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2003 | Â£1600
A mainly mint K.G.VI collection in four albums, incl. Aden, Antigua, Ascension 1938-53 to 10s. (2), Australia 1937-49 to £1 (2), 1948-56 set, Bahamas 1938-52 to £1 (2), Bermuda 1938-53 to £1 (4), British Honduras, Canada, Cayman Islands, Ceylon, Cyprus, Falkland Islands 1938-50 set, Fiji 1938-55 set, 1940 postage due set, Gibraltar, Grenada, Hong Kong 1938-52 to $10 lilac and blue (6, no $10 green and violet), Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika, Leeward Islands, Mauritius, New Hebrides, North Borneo 1945 BMA set, Northern Rhodesia, Nyasaland, Seychelles, most with a good range of printings, perfs., colour changes, etc. (1,000s)
2004 | Â£2100
The balance of a Commonwealth collection in six albums, incl. extensive Australian States, British Antarctic Territory 1963-69 to both £1 mint, British Levant 1902-05 and 1911-13 to 24pi. on 5s. mint, 1921 to 2s.6d. mint, Cook Islands, Muscat, much New Zealand with early issues, 1906 Exhibition set mint, 1931 Smiling Boy set mint, Norfolk Island, Orange Free State with 1903-04 to 5s. and 1905-09 to 1s. mint, Pitcairn Isalnds with 1940-51 to 2s.6d. mint, Samoa with Palm trees to 2s.6d., 1945-52 to £1 mint, Singapore 1948-52 to both $5 mint, 1955-59 to $5 mint, Tangier 1949 to 10s. mint, Tobago 1886-89 surcharge set mint, Togo 1915 and 1916 to 20s. mint , Tristan da Cunha 1952, 1954 and 1960 to 10s. mint, Zululand 1888-93 to 1s. mint, 1894-96 to 4s. mint, etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2005 | Â£2100
A mainly K.G.V. to K.G.VI selection, mainly mint, incl. Antigua 1903-07 to 5s., 1921-29 to 4s., 1932 Tercentenary set, British Guiana 1913-2 to 96c., British Honduras 1938-47 to $5, British Virgin Islands 1922-28 to 5s., Brunei 1947-51 to $10, Canada, Cayman Islands 1935 to 5s., Gibraltar 1925-32 £1, Grenada 1938-50 values to 10s. (3), Jamaica 1919-21 to 10s., 1938-52 to £1, K.U.T. 1938-54 values to £1 (2), Malta 1899-1901 10s., 1903-04 to 1s., 1922-26 £1, 1926-27 to 10s., Montserrat 1903 to 5s., 1932 Tercentenary set, Nigeria 1936 to £1, Northern Rhodesia 1938-52 to 20s., Seychelles 1906 to 2r.25., 1921-32 to 5r., South Africa 1933-48 to 10s., St Helena 1938-44 to 10s., St Lucia 1936 to 10s., Sudan 1935 Gordon set, 1941 to 20p., etc., some unmounted, also some used, slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2006 | Â£1150
A mint and used collection of mainly Foreign countries in six albums and on leaves incl. Andorra, Austria, Egypt, Estonia, Germany with States and Colonies, Iceland, Japan, Netherlands and Colonies, Portugal and Colonies, South America with Uruguay mint 1930s airmails, Spain and Colonies, Switzerland, etc. (many 100s)
2007 | Â£1500
Miscellaneous and Mixed Lots: A mint K.E.VII to K.G.V collection in a New Ideal album, incl. Ascension 1922 2s., Bermuda, British Solomon Islands, Canada, Cyprus, Ireland, Falkland Islands, Great Britain, Malaya and States with Trengganu 1910-19 $25 overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', Malta, St. Helena 1922-37 to 10s., Sarawak, etc., varied condition. (100s)
2008 | Â£2100
A mint Commonwealth selection in three small albums, Q.V. to K.G.V, incl. Bechuanaland 1913-24 2s.6d., 5s. (2), British Honduras 1913-21 to $5, British Levant 1913-14 to 5pi. on 1s., British Solomon Islands 1914-23 values to 10s., Falkland Islands 1912-20 5s., Gibraltar 1912-24 to £1, Hong Kong 1907-11 10c., 20c. to 50c., K.U.T. 1907-08 to 75c., Indian States, Malta 1914-21 to 5s. (the 2s. a corner plate example), Morocco Agencies 1914 values to 12p. on 10s., Nauru 1916-23 to 2s.6d. (2), 5s. and 10s., New Guinea 1915-16 values to 10s., Nyasaland 1921-33 to 10s., Rhodesia 1913-19 values to 3s., 5s. and 7s.6d., Seychelles 1906 and 1912-16 to 2r.25, Somaliland 1921 to 5r., Straits Settlements 1912-23 to $5 (2), Tanganyika 1917-21 to 10r., Trengganu 1910-19 values to $3, etc., slightly mixed condition but mainly fine. (100s)
2009 | Â£1700
A Q.V. to Q.E.II mint and used British Empire collection in mixed condition in fifteen albums contained in two cartons incl. Ascension Islands 1938-53 to 10s. (2) mint, Australia 1932 Bridge 5s. used c.t.o., Falkland Islands and Dependencies, Cyprus 1963 Scouts miniature sheet mint, Ireland, Hong Kong, The Rhodesias, Singapore, South Africa, many 1948-49 Wedding sets, etc. (100s)
2010 | Â£1300
A British Empire accumulation in four Lighthouse albums, a stockbook and on album pages contained in a carton with Aden, Ascension 1938-53 1d. black and green unmounted mint block of four, to 10s. used, Bahrain 1964 to 10r. unmounted mint, 1960s and 1970s commemorative issues, Canada, Ceylon 1950 Postal Fiscal 10r. unmounted mint, B.O.I.T. Tripolitania 1950 to 240l. on 10s., and postage due set unmounted mint, Gibraltar 1938-52 to £1 unmounted mint, Hong Kong 1948 Wedding $10 used, India 1948 Gandhi set unmounted mint, Macau 1951 1p., 3p., and 5pi. unmounted mint, S.W.A. 1931 set to 20s. mint, Sudan, Southern Rhodesia 1953 to £1 unmounted mint, Zanzibar 1921 to 5r, used, etc.
2011 | Â£980
An unmounted mint accumulation of British West Indies in a stockbook, mainly K.G.V to early Q.E.II, incl. Antigua 1938-51 to £1, Bahamas 1948 and 1954-63 to £1, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands 1912-20 10s., Grenada 1938-50 10s. (7 singles and a pair), Jamaica 1938-52 2s. corner block of four, Leeward Islands 1938-51 10s. with HPF 47 'break in leaf', £1 corner blocks of four (2), St Kitts-Nevis 1920-22 2s. corner block of four, St. Lucia, St. Vincent 1955-58 $ blocks of four (2 shades), Trinidad and Tobago, a few omnibus issues, etc., also a few used with Grenada 1895 1s. strip of four, St. Lucia 1936 10s., mainly fine. (100s)
2012 | Â£1600
A mint and used all World collection in a New Ideal album, Q.V. to K.G.V, incl. Commonwealth with Australian States, Bermuda, British Honduras 1891-1901 25c. mint, 1905-07 $2 mint, Canada, K.U.T. 1896-1901 values to 4r. and 5r. mint, Cape of Good Hope triangulars used (7), much Ceylon with Chalons to 1s. mint and 2s. used, 1888-90 mint surcharge varieties with 2c. on 4c. rosy mauve type 33 inverted, type 34 inverted, type 35 inverted, type 35 double, one inverted, 2c. on 4c. rose type 34 double, type 35 double, 1899-1902 to 2r.25 mint and used, K.G.V to 10r. mint, Cyprus 1904-10 values to 45pi. mint, Gibraltar 1898 to 1s. mint, 1904-08 2s. mint, Great Britain 1887-1892 Jubilee to both 1s. used, K.E.VII values to 5s. and 10s. mint and £1 used, Hong Kong, India 1854-55 4a. cut to shape used, range of States, K.U.T. 1907-08 to 75c. mint, Malaya, Mauritius, Morocco Agencies, Rhodesia, Seychelles, Somaliland 1912-19 to 5r. mint, South Africa, Straits Settlements, Sudan 1898 to 10p. mint, Zanzibar, Europe with Austria, Belgium, France, Germany and States, Greece, Italy, Netherlands and Colonies, Portugal and Colonies, Romania, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Latin America with Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, Venezuela, Asia with China, Iran, Japan, Turkey, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
2013 | Â£1600
A Q.V. to Q.E.II mint and used British Empire collection in 36 albums contained in three cartons incl. Ascension 1922 overprinted set mint, Bahrain 1952-54 1/2a. on 1/2d. with fraction omitted unmounted mint, B.E.A. 1896-1901 CA to 5r. mint, British Post Offices in Crete 1898 20pa. used, Gibraltar 1912-24 MCA 1/2d. to £1 mint, St. Helena 1856 imperf. 6d unused with large part original gum, 1922-37 to 7s.6d. mint, Tristan Da Cunha, Zanzibar, etc. (many 100s)
2014 | Â£2300
A Q.V. to K.G.V British Empire collection in mixed condition in an early Imperial album with G.B. incl. 1840 1d. (2) and 2d. (5, four are with four margins) used, 1854 Embossed 10d. used, surface printed with 1855-57 6d. on Azure paper used, 1862-64 6d. marginal unused pair, Canada 1897 Jubilee $1 lightly cancelled used copy, Hong Kong, Newfoundland, etc. (100s)
2015 | Â£720
A mint and used selection of Nordic countries in packets, from early issues to c.1990, incl. strong Iceland, also Denmark, Finland, Greenland, Norway and Sweden, mainly fine. (100s)
2016 | Â£850
A mint collection of G.B. overprinted issues in a boxed Lighthouse album, incl. British Levant 1902-05 set with shades, 1911-13 setMorocco Agencies with overprinted on Gibraltar complete, British Currency 1907-13 to 2s.6d. (both), Somerset House 2s.6d., 1914-31 set to 5s., 1935-37 2s.6d. and 5s., Spanish Currency 1907-12 set, Somerset 12p. on 10s., 1914-26 Seahorses complete, Tangier, etc. (few 100s)
2017 | Â£620
A Commonwealth accumulation in fifteen albums, K.G.V to Q.E.II, incl. much unmounted mint Q.E.II, earlier issues mint and used, with Ascension, Australia, Bahamas, Bermuda, Brunei, Ceylon, Cyprus, Falkland islands, Fiji, Gibraltar, India, Malta, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Saint Helena, Seychelles, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tristan da Cunha, Tuvalu, etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2018 | Â£1900
A Q.V. to K.G.V collection in two Imperial albums, incl. Australia 1932 Bridge set used, Barbados, Bermuda, Canada 1897 Jubilee to 50c. used, Cayman Islands, Ceylon, Cyprus, Gibraltar, Gold Coast, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Malta, New Zealand, St. Lucia, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
2019 | Â£850
A Q,V. to Q.E.II selection in a stockbook, incl. Antigua, Bermuda 1920-21 Tercentenary 1st. and 2nd sets mint, British Guiana 1934-51 set mint, Canada, Cayman Islands, Grenada, Hong Kong, Jamaica, Newfoundland, St. Kitts Nevis, Sierra Leone 1933 Centenary to 5s. mint, Tanganyika, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
2020 Â£820
A mint K.G.VI collection in a S.G. Crown album, incl. Antigua, Bahamas, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Cyprus, Falkland Islands, Malaya and States, Seychelles, etc. (100s)
2021 | Â£550
A Q.V. to Q.E. II duplicated mint and used British Empire collection in mixed condition in fifteen stockbooks and loose contained in two cartons incl. Australian States, Bermuda 1938-53 2s. used with variety broken top right scroll (perf. faults), Burma, Hong Kong with 1948 Wedding $10 both mint and used, Nigerias, Northern Rhodesia 1938-52 to 20s. both mint and used, Rhodesia 1905 Falls to 5s. mint, South Africa, etc. (many 100s)
2022 | Â£720
A Commonwealth accumulation on stock cards, mainly unmounted mint early Q.E.II, incl. Ascension 1956 to 10s., Australia 1948-56 to £1, 1963-65 Explorers set, Fiji 1954-59 to £1, Gibraltar 1953-59 £1 (3), KUT 1954-59 to £1, 1960-62 to 20s., Malta 1956-58 to £1, New Zealand 1953-59 to 10s., Papua New Guinea 1952-58 to £1, Swaziland 1956 to £1, Tristan da Cunha 1954 to 1s. in lower marginal imprint pairs, etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2023 | Â£780
An accumulation in four albums, two stockbooks, and in old auction folders contained in a carton incl. Cyprus Q.V. revenues with ''SPECIMEN'' overprints, Falkland Islands, Malta 1938 and 1948 sets to 10s. mint, Iraq 1923 4an. violet, with variety wmk. inverted used, 1949 Air imperf. and perf. miniature sheets unmounted mint, 1958 Republic overprints, Liberia 1960-1940 issues, Palestine 1918 cover with 1pi. blue, 1919 cover from Alep (Syria), 1927-45 sets to £1 incl. 90m bistre mint, 1923 postage dues, Japan 1950s mint with Airmails, Transjordan 1925 and 1926 postage dues, Turkey cover used from Jerusalem, etc.
2024 | Â£1550
An accumulation in six folders and loose, incl. Australia 1946-47 Occupation set mint, Falkland Islands 1904-12 3s. mint, Germany, Mauritius, New Zealand, Rhodesia 1905 Falls set used, Rhodesia and Nyasaland 1954-56 set mint, Southern Rhodesia 1953 set used on plain first day cover, South Africa 1925 Air set used on 1934 cover, etc. (many 100s)
2025 | Â£1100
A mint and used Commonwealth collection in four small albums, Q.V. to K.G.V, much earlier, incl. Australian States, Ceylon 1899-1900 to 2r.50 (less 4c.), Falkland Islands 1898 2s.6d. mint, Hong Kong 1885 surcharge set used, India 1895 2r. to 5r, set mint, Malaya, Malta 1899-1901 10s. mint, Natal 1902-03 values to 4s. mint, Oil Rivers 1892-94 to 1s. used, etc., also another small album of U.S.A., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2026 | Â£1450
The balance of a collection in mixed condition in six albums and loose contained in a carton incl. various old time general collections, China with early Peoples Republic sets unused, G.B., with a duplicated selection of railway parcel stamps, selection of covers and cards incl. G.B. 1840 Mulready envelope used, France 1870 Ballon Monté flown entire to London, etc. (many 100s)
2027 | Â£520
A Q.V. to Q.E.II British Empire mint and used in an album, a pocket stockbook on leaves and loose contained in a carton incl. Aden Kathiri State of Seiyun 1954 set in unmounted mint marginal blocks, Barbados, Cayman Islands, Cyprus, Dominica 1907-08 ca to 5s. used, North Borneo, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, etc. (many 100s)
2028 | Â£300
Collections of early issues in mixed condition in Senf albums volumes I and II and an Ideal album volume I incl. France, G.B., British Empire, etc. (100s)
2029 | Â£720
A varied selection on leaves, incl. Ceylon 1883-98 4c. rosy mauve, 4c. rose, 8c. all in mint panes of sixty, Gold Coast 1921-24 15s. die II mint, Ireland, Indian Feudatory States, New Zealand 1931 Health 1d. + 1d. used (2), 2d. + 1d. used (8), St. Vincent 1862-68 4d. deep blue mint, etc., varied condition. (100s)
2030 | Â£1350
The balance of a collection in sixteen albums and loose, all World, incl. unmounted mint modern issues with Grenada, St. Kitts, St. Lucia and St. Vincent, range of Great Britain, United Nations, literature with Brusden White (2), etc., mixed condition. (100s)
2031 | Â£480
A mint K.G.VI collection in an album, incl. Aden 1948 5s. on 5r. and 10s. on 10r., Ascension 1938-51 to 10s. wit most listed perfs., Bahamas 1938 to £1 (less a few low values but with original 5s.), 1942 Landfall £1 on thick paper, Bermuda 1938-52 perf. 14 2s.6d. black and red on pale blue lower right corner pair showing 'broken lower right scroll' (S.G. 117be), perf. 13 5s. ordinary paper single and block of four, British Honduras to $5, Solomon Islands to 10s., Grenada with shades of 10s., Leeward Islands to £1, Montserrat perf. 13 to 5s. (less 11/2d.), St. Kitts-Nevis to £1 with original perfs. of 2s.6d.and 5s., various Silver Wedding sets with St. Lucia, Grenada, British Honduras, St. Vincent, Bahamas, Ascension, etc., mainly fine. (100s)
2032 | Â£320
A Q.V. to Q.E.II mint and used British Empire collection in mixed condition in five S.G. Plymouth albums incl. Australian States, G.B. 1840 1d. and 2d. used, Labuan, New Zealand, Transvaal, etc. (100s)
2033 | Â£250
An all World collection on Scott leaves, mint and used, from early issues to the 1960s, incl. Commonwealth high values, France, etc., mainly fine. (100s)
2034 | Â£680
An old time collection in mixed condition in an album and loose in packets inc. G.B. 1840 2d. used, 1841 1d. used with no ''11'' in cross, 1862 3d., 4d. and 9d. unused, 1867 5s. used, German States, Greece with Hermes Heads, Italian States, Hong Kong ''YI'' cancellations, India from 1854, Malayan States, etc. (100s)
2035 | Â£880
A mainly used K.G.VI collection in a S.G. Crown album, incl. Cyprus, Hong Kong, Leeward Islands, etc., varied condition. (100s)
2036 | Â£900
A mint and used collection of Foreign countries in 61 albums contained in five cartons with Europe and Colonies, Middle East, South America, etc. (many 100s)
2037 | Â£260
A duplicated mint and used collection of British Africa in varied condition in three stockbooks incl. Natal 1857-61 1d. buff used R.P.S. certificate (1973) states ''small thinnings and somewhat rubbed'', Orange Free State, Transvaal, a selection of covers and cards, etc. (few 100s)
2038 | Â£230
An accumulation in varied condition in twenty three albums and stockbooks contained in two cartons with duplicated mint and used British Empire incl. Canada, Grenada, New Zealand, K.U.T., Jamaica, also Egypt, Turkey, etc. (many 100s)
2039 | Â£230
An accumulation of Great Britain and Commonwealth in 3 stock books, good ranges of K.G.VI and Q.E.II incl. 1948 Royal Wedding sets (8), 1935 Silver Jubilee sets, etc., also many loose pages and stock cards, mainly fine. (100s)
2040 | Â£320
The balance of a collection in various albums stock books and loose, with Great Britain and Commonwealth, all reigns but mainly middle to modern periods, with much material on stock cards, mainly fine. (100s)
2041 | Â£420
An accumulation of Great Britain and Commonwealth in stock books, packets and loose many colonies, all periods, inc. Egypt, Seychelles, Cyprus, Zanzibar, Canada, Great Britain with much fine used, some early postal history, etc. (100s)
2042 | Â£230
An accumulation of various GB and Commonwealth sets and singles in two stockbooks and on leaves, all periods, incl. some omnibus mint sets with 1935 Silver Jubilee and 1948 Silver Wedding sets, etc. (100s)
2043 | Â£680
An accumulation in thirteen albums (eight are F.G.), a stockbook and on leaves contained in two cartons incl. Australia and States, India, Malta, North Borneo, Sarawak, British Levant, Middle East, China, Japan 1949 Postal Week 8y. mint, Canada, a selection of covers with W.W.II censors, Wurttemberg, etc. (many 100s)
2044 | Â£900
A foreign countries collection in two Ideal albums, incl. Belgium, China 1897 1c. on 3c. type 18 mint, 2c. on 3c. type 17 mint, France, Hungary, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, U.S.A., etc., mixed condition. (many 100s)
2045 | Â£500
An all world accumulation in a Lincoln album, stockbook, leaves and loose, incl. Canada, French Colonies duplicated range, U.S.A., etc., mixed condition. (1,000s)
2046 Â£190
A small British Commonwealth group comprising Grenada 1861-62 no watermark 6d. rough perf. 14 to 16 mint, 1863-71 Watermark Small Star 6d. rose mint, 1921-32 1/2d. to 10s. overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' (less 2s.6d.) with gum (the 1s. brown without gum), Queensland 1895 1d. strip of four and 2d. pair used on piece, each with Papua ''BNG'' cancellations, Jamaica 1860 4d. and 6d. imperf. plate proofs on watermarked paper each overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' with part gum (the 6d. cut into on one side), and East Africa and Uganda Protectorates 1903 1r. colour trial in grey and dull purple on watermarked paper, slightly mixed condition. (29 items)
2047 | Â£400
An all World duplicated accumulation in approximately 40 albums and stockbooks, incl. British Empire mint and used, China, German States, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
2048 | Â£210
An accumulation in six stock books of various European countries, incl. Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Switzerland, Greenland and others, also one stock book of United Nations and USA all periods, with issues to around 2006 incl. much mint. (1,000s)
2049 | Â£190
A mainly K.G.V to Q.E.II collection in three albums and stockbooks, incl. K.G.VI mint sets, Q.E.II with British Honduras 1953 set, 1954 Aden Kathiri set, useful Gibraltar and Hong Kong, much fine used GB, some decimal postage, etc. (100s)
2050 | Â£350
An all World collection on Scott leaves, from early issues to 1939, incl. some better British Commonwealth, mainly fine. (100s)
2053 | Â£320
A selection of mainly early Empire stamps in a stockbook, incl. Australian States with New South Wales, Victoria 1900 Boer War set mint, Newfoundland, etc., very mixed condition. (few 100s)
2055 | Â£230
A mainly mint K.G.VI selection in two albums, incl. Barbados, Canada 1937-48 to $1 (2), 1942-48 War Effort set, Nyasaland 1938-44 set, South West Africa, also a stockbook of Channel Islands, etc. (100s)
2056 | Â£150
A collection of Europe in four stock books, incl. France and Colonies, Belgium, the Netherlands, the Balkans with Greece, Hungary, etc., from early periods to around 2000, mostly used. (1,000s)
2057 | Â£160
A mint and used collection of British Empire in varied condition in five albums incl. Australia, Canada, Cyprus, Hong Kong, Gibraltar, Malta, etc. (100s)
2058 | Â£210
A selection of unmounted mint British Africa, K.G.V. to early Q.E.II, incl. Gold Coast 1952-54 to 10s., Northern Rhodesia 1938-52 2d. yellow-brown blocks of four, South West Africa 1931 10s. block of four, etc., mainly fine. (54)
2059 | Â£600
A mint and used collection of G.B. overprinted issues in a stockbook, incl. Bahrain, Bechuanaland, Kuwait, Zululand, etc., mixed condition. (few 100s)
2061 | Â£500
A K.G.VI mainly mint British Empire collection in an album with sets to top values incl. Ascension, Morocco Agencies, Nyasaland, Sechelles, Somaliland, etc. (few 100)
2062 | Â£380
The balance of a collection in varied condition in twenty four albums and stockbooks and loose contained in two cartons with mint and used British Empire, G.B., etc. (many 100s)
2063 | Â£210
The balance of a collection in varied condition in four albums and loose contained in a carton with G.B. incl. presentation packs and f.d.c's, Hong Kong mint with 1948 Wedding set, Mongolia, etc. (100s)
2064 | Â£350
An all World accumulation in packets, envelopes, tins, on cards, etc., with interest in China with People's Republic issues, Germany, etc., mixed condition. (many 100s)
2065 | Â£200
An accumulation in mixed condition in twenty two albums and stockbooks contained in two cartons with various old time general collections incl. Ideal and Senf albums, etc. (many 100s)
2066 | Â£120
A mint and used collection of Scandinavia on Scott album leaves, incl. range of early issues, Swedish booklets, etc., mainly fine. (100s)
2067 | Â£150
A Q.V. to Q.E.II Commonwealth selection in a stockbook, incl. Cayman Islands 1935 10s. mint, Malta 1948 Silver Wedding £1 unmounted mint, Pitcairn Islands 1948 Silver Wedding 10s. unmounted mint, Seychelles 1922-28 5r. mint, etc., also some foreign, mixed condition. (approx. 200)
2068 | Â£120
A mainly mint accumulation of Foreign issues in three stockbooks and on stockcards incl. Belgian Congo, Iceland, Italy, Trieste, Liechtenstein, etc. (few 100s)
2069 | Â£90
A collection in two stockbooks, comprising Spain, Portugal and Scandinavia (mostly Norway and Sweden), all periods, with many mint sets from 1990s to around 2008, etc. (100s)
2070 Â£120
A Commonwealth selection, comprising Bermuda 1938-54 perf. 13 12s.6d. used, Cyprus 1924-28 to 90pi. mint (some unmounted), Grenada 1964-66 watermark Block CA 6c. black and olive-green unmounted mint and Nyasaland-Rhodesia Force 1916 set overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', mixed condition. (22)
2071 | Â£260
An accumulation in 52 circulated approval books with mint and used British Empire, China, also a selection of other items in two pocket stockbooks and loose.
2072 | Â£170
An accumulation loose in a carton with with modern mint British Empire, etc. (100s)
2073 | Â£80
A small selection, incl. Hong Kong 1891 50c. on 48c. without Chinese characters used, Spain with a range of London and ship letter cancellations, etc. (13)
2074 Â£580
Colonial Proofs and Essays: A small De La Rue group, comprising 1880 handpainted essay inscribed ''NEW SOUTH WALES S STAMP DUTY'' (sic) and denominated 3d., in shades of blue and Chinese white on artist's brown translucent paper (79 x 78mm), employed for later submission with De La Rue & Co. ink recipe dummy stamp in grey affixed below, annotated ''4 cents - May 12/Reduced'', (also completed die proof for the issued revenue stamp in black on glazed card (92 x 60mm) endorsed ''BEFORE HARDENING'' and dated ''21 MAY 80''), 1892-94 Experimental Small Head Dies, Die proof of T2 head, early strike for version with white background, the circular background and surround uncleared, in black on glazed card cut-down (18 x 23mm) and Die proof of head with white background, incorporated in frame for issued South Australia 1894 21/2d., in black on glazed card (92 x 60mm), endorsed ''BEFORE/HARDENING'' and dated ''12 JAN 93''. Photo.
2075 Â£300
Colonial Proofs and Essays: De La Rue, The Minerva Head, 1894 essays inscribed ''AFRICA'' and denominated 21/2d., perforated in violet and green, affixed to card and handstamped ''CANCELLED'', fine. This keyplate design was suggested to the Cape of Good Hope and Natal as a more economical option for stamp production, the proofs created also later used as sample of typography for submissions to other territories.
2076 Â£110
Colonial Proofs and Essays: De La Rue, The Minerva Head, 1894 essays inscribed ''AFRICA'' and denominated 21/2d., perforated in orange-brown and green, affixed to card and handstamped ''CANCELLED'', fine. This keyplate design was suggested to the Cape of Good Hope and Natal as a more economical option for stamp production, the proofs created also later used as sample of typography for submissions to other territories.
2077 Â£500
Colonial Proofs and Essays: De La Rue Imperium Trials, 1897 ''POSTAGE/& REVENUE'' imperf. 6d. solid and white numeral vertical pair on ungummed Crown CA watermarked paper, key plate in grey and duty plate in emerald, fine, for unissued Gold Coast £5. Photo.
2078 Â£550
Colonial Proofs and Essays: De La Rue Imperium Trials, 1897 ''POSTAGE/& REVENUE'' imperf. 6d. solid and white numeral examples on Crown CA watermarked paper, key plate in dull mauve and duty plate in brown, both affixed to small piece, fine, for issued Gold Coast 10s. Photo.
2079 Â£150
Colonial Proofs: Bradbury Wilkinson Queen Elizabeth II head, unadopted proof against unlined background with double oval surround, in green on thin glazed gummed paper (57 x 70mm), numbered ''84'' and ''5/-'' and ''37A+yellow''minor crease, otherwise fine. Photo.
2081 | Â£60
Literature: A selection, comprising ''Ireland's Transition'' by Dulin, ''Ireland: The Overprints 1922-35'' by MacDonnell & Williams, ''Overprinted Stamps of Ireland 1922-1935'' by Cousins, and ''Discovering Seahorses'' by Kearsley.
2082 | Â£260
Omnibus issues: A K.G.V to Q.E.II selection of mainly Omnibus issues in two pocket stockbooks with 1948-49 Silver Wedding high values both mint and used incl. Bermuda two sets used on plain f.d.c's one registered from Ireland Island, 1949 U.P.U. sets, etc.
2084 | Â£260
Omnibus Issues: 1935 Silver Jubilee sets complete mint (less British Forces in Egypt), mainly fine. (249)
2085 | Â£260
Omnibus Issues: 1935 Silver Jubilee sets complete mint (less British Forces in Egypt, Hong Kong short set), some extras, mainly good to fine. (258)
2086 | Â£290
Omnibus Issues: 1935 Silver Jubilee, sets complete mint less Egypt in a Commemorative album, some with lightly toned gum, otherwise mainly fine. S.G. cat. £1,500. (100s)
2087 | Â£210
Omnibus issues: 1935 Silver Jubilee, a mint stock, stated to catalogue £2,000+, mainly good to fine. (100s)
2088 | Â£500
Omnibus issues: 1935 Silver Jubilee (less Egypt), 1937 Coronation, 1945-46 Victory, 1949 U.P.U. and 1953 Coronation sets mint, also 1953 Coronation sets used, mainly fine. Cat. £2,375. (100s)
2089 | Â£320
Omnibus Issues: 1935 Silver Jubilee sets complete used (less British Forces in Egypt, South Africa in singles), many extras, mainly good to fine.
2090 | Â£1100
Omnibus issues: 1935 Silver Jubilee: A complete set used on covers (less British Forces in Egypt), all but eleven are f.d.i., varied condition. (71 items)
2091 | Â£110
Omnibus issues: 1937 to 1978 collection of mainly f.d.c's, in five albums, incl. 1937 Coronation set, 1953 Coronation set, etc. (few 100s)
2092 | Â£900
Postage Dues: A British Commonwealth collection in two stockbooks, incl. Australia, Bechuanaland, British Occupation of Italian Colonies with Cyrenaica 1950 set, British Solomon Islands 1940 set, Fiji 1940 sets (2), Gilbert and Ellice Islands 1940 set, Hong Kong, Malaya and States, Newfoundland, New Zealand, North Borneo 1939 set, South West Africa, Transjordan, etc. (few 100s)
2093 | Â£320
Postal History and Covers: An accumulation of covers and cards, incl. British Africa, censored, Great Britain with range of pre stamp entires, also a few picture postcards mixed condition. (100s)
2094 | Â£270
Postal History and Covers: An accumulation of mainly covers and cards, incl. Malaysia, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, U.S.A., flown covers, etc. (few 100s)
2095 | Â£270
Postal History and Covers: An all World selection of covers and cards, incl. Boer War, Australian States, New Zealand, etc. (150 items)
2096 | Â£150
Postal History and Covers: An all World selection of covers and cards, incl. Australia and States, Great Britain, Japan, postal stationery, commercial mail, etc. (220 items)
2098 | Â£80
Postal History and Covers: A small selection of British Commonwealth covers (12) and fronts, incl. St. Kitts 1806 entire to London with faint ''ST. KITTS'' fleuron, Bermuda 1948 cover registered to U.S.A. bearing 1938-53 perf. 14 £1, etc., varied condition.
2099 Â£65
Postal History and Covers: A group, comprising Brazil 1872 cover to Paris bearing 20r., 100r. and 200r., Saudi Arabia 1922-23 1/2pi and 1pi. used on 1922 cover to Smyrna, Switzerland 1900 Universal exhibition postcard, Thailand 1914 5s. on 6s. postal stationery card used, USA 1851-57 10c. green on cover, and USA 1c. Signal Service Weather Report postal stationery wrapper.
2100 | Â£110
Postal History and Covers: British Africa, 1893 to 1948 small selection of covers and cards, incl. Gambia, Sierra Leone, also Seychelles and Zanzibar, etc. (17 items)
2101 | Â£220
Postal History and Covers: A selection of mainly covers and cards with flown covers, Olympics with 1928 St. Moritz, 1936 Berlin, G.B. illustrated f.d.c's with 1948 Olympics, 1963 Red Cross phosphor (2, one with West Wellow c.d.s.) etc.
2102 | Â£75
Postal History and Covers: An accumulation of mainly modern covers in three albums and loose in a carton with British Empire f.d.c's, flown commemorative covers with Lufthansa, B.O.A.C., etc. (100s)
2103 Â£450
Postcards: A collection of mainly G.B. photographic picture postcards incl. football, beekeeping, railway stations, Traction engine disaster, trams, street scenes, Post Offices, Exhibitions, Military and Scout camps, etc. (81)
2104 | Â£290
Postcards: A collection of approximately 290 picture postcards with G.B. incl. two 1904 cards depicting mail being delivered by Royal Mail tricycles, Australia and States with rare uprated stationery and one 1917 to Seychelles, another (from Java 1916) also to Seychelles, 1924 Everest Expedition, 1898 Finland Ship mail, British Africa, etc.
2105 | Â£150
Postcards: A selection of 23 picture postcards with Gruss Aus incl. German Colonies in East Africa and New Guinea, Advertising with 1900 Fosters Larger, Perrier Card with Golf Rule XII, etc.
2106 | Â£200
Postcards: Air, 1914-36 selection of fourteen picture postcards with Zeppelin real photo cards, some flown with 1933 LZ 127 flight from Rome, 1924 Lausanne Air Show, 1930 French Expo, etc. Generally good condition.
2109 | Â£110
Postcards: Olympics, a selection of 21 picture postcards incl. real photographic, 1912 Stockholm tennis, rowing, boxing, 1924 Paris, 1928 St. Moritz, etc.
2110 | Â£40
Postcards: Shipping, 1900-67 selection of fifteen picture postcards incl. American Line, Ellerman Line, a Charles Dixon White Star Line, scarce woven silk card of R.M.S. Celtic, etc.
2111 Â£110
Postcards: Tuck's 'Golliwoggs'. picture postcards by Florence Upton, a selection of ten in clean unused condition, also three Cort sized Christmas cards.
2113 | Â£180
Thematics: Heraldry, an attractively presented collection in an album with many handpainted crests and heraldic ornamentation alongside a variety of mainly used World issues with Bulgaria, German States, Great Britain, Malta, Scandinavia with early Finland, Switzerland, some forgeries, etc. (few 100)
2114 | Â£210
Thematics: Insects and Railways, a mainly mint collection in four albums and loose with sets, miniature sheets and sheetlets, etc. (100s)
2115 | Â£300
Thematics: Space, an extensive collection in four albums, one stockbook and various folders, with mint and used issues, miniature sheets, covers, etc. (100s)
2117 | Â£260
Thematics: Transport, a mainly unmounted mint accumulation of sets and sheetlets in an album, on leaves and in packets contained in a carton with Bicycles, Cars, Motorcycles, Fire Engines, Aircraft, a few covers with some signed, booklets, etc. (many 100s)
2118 | Â£200
Thematics: Wildlife, an unmounted mint selection of modern British Empire sets on stockards, also a few other subjects.
2119 | Â£60
Abu Dhabi: 1964 to £1 mint and 1967-69 to 1d. unmounted mint, mainly fine. (24)
2120 Â£230
Aden: 1937 Dhows 1/2a. to 10r. set less 2r., mainly fine and fresh mint. S.G. 1-9, 11-12. Photo.
2121 Â£400
Aden: A mint selection on leaves, incl. 1937 Dhow to 10r., 1939-48 to 10r. (2), 1953-63 to 20s., etc., slightly mixed condition. (120) Photo.
2122 | Â£110
Aden: A mint collection on leaves, incl. 1939-48 to 10r., 1951 to 10s. on 10r., 1953-63 to both 20s., etc., later issues unmounted, mixed condition. (189)
2123 | Â£130
Aden: An accumulation, incl. 1937 Dhow to 5r. used, 1951 surcharge set unmounted mint, Seiyun, Hadhramaut, etc. slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2125 Â£180
Antigua: 1921-29 Watermark Mult. Crown CA to £1 and Watermark Mult. Script CA to 4s., both with duplicated lower values, mint, some slightly heavily hinged, otherwise mainly fine. S.G. 55-61, cat. £681. (57) Photo.
2126 Â£140
Antigua: 1932 Tercentenary 1/2d. to 2s.6d. used on three 1932 (Feb. 27) registered covers from Barbuda to Birmingham, also 5s. single used. Photo.
2127 | Â£110
Antigua: 1980 Christmas 2c. in a complete pane of 25 (folded through perfs. between second and third columns), twelve stamps show clear doubling of the black, a few light gum bends or wrinkles otherwise fine unmounted mint, believed unique. S.G. 673 var.
2128 | Â£400
Antigua: A collection on leaves, Q.V. to Q.E.II, incl. range of mainly used early issues, then mint with 1903-07 to 5s., 1908-17 to 2s., 1913 5s. (2), 1921-29 to £1 and 4s., 1932 Tercentenary to 5s., 1938-51 to £1, 1953-62 to $4.80, etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2129 Â£260
Ascension: Great Britain used in Ascension: 1902 to 1930, selection of covers and cards in varied condition incl. 1902 to Gosport franked 1d. lilac, five picture postcards (one to U.S.A.) with 1902-11 1d., two 1911 registered covers to England, one bearing 1902-11 1d., 4d. (vertically bisected) and 5d., the other with 1d. (3, incl. a pair) and 4d. (diagonally bisected), 1912-22 1/2d., 1d., 11/2d. and 21/2d. on cover cancelled 1922 (Oct. 27), etc. (11 items)
2131 Â£80
Ascension: Great Britain used in Ascension: 1911 (June 2) large piece bearing 1902-11 6d. vertically bisected, tied Ascension c.d.s., with registration label alongside, Todmorden and London datestamps on reverse, fine. Photo.
2132 Â£150
Ascension: Great Britain used in Ascension: 1912-22 1/2d. green block of twelve (6 x 2) tied to piece by ten fair to fine strikes of type Z2 ''B/17 FE/16'' c.d.s., scarce. Photo. S.G. Z39, cat. £850+. Photo.
2133 Â£260
Ascension: Great Britain used in Ascension: 1916 (Mar. 10) front to London and (Mar. 18) cover (opened for display) to Kent, both with fine strike of ''PASSED CENSOR,/ASCENSION'' initalled ''HSW'' alongside, (Mar. 11) cover to London showing straight line ''CENSORED'', each franked 1d. tied by Ascension c.d.s. (3 items) Photo.
2134 Â£420
Ascension: 1924-33 11/2d., 11/2d., 3d., 4d., 5d., 6d., 8d., 2s. and 3s. overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', mainly fine with gum. Photo.
2135 Â£80
Ascension: 1924-33 1/2d. to 3s. set fine c.d.s used, cancellations not guaranteed. S.G. 10-20, cat. £600. Photo.
2136 Â£800
Ascension: 1924-33 1/2d. (in marginal pair), 1d., 11/2d., 2d., 3d., 4d., 5d., 1s. and 3s., each variety 'broken mainmast', mint, mainly fine. S.G. 10a-15da, 18a, 20a, cat. £3,030. Photo.
2137 Â£1000
Ascension: 1924-33 1/2d., 11/2d. (in lower marginal block of four), 2d., 3d., 8d., 1s. and 2s., each variety 'torn flag', mint, mainly fine. S.G. 10b., 12b-14b, 17b-19b, cat. £3,025. Photo.
2138 Â£1000
Ascension: 1924-33 1/2d. (in corner plate block of four), 1d., 11/2d., 2d., 3d., 4d., 5d., 6d. (corner marginal), 8d., 1s. and 2s. (in corner plate pair), each variety 'cleft rock', mint, mainly fine. S.G. 10c-19c, cat. £3,700. Photo.
2140 Â£110
Ascension: 1924-33 11/2d. rose-red variety line through ''C'', fine mint. S.G. 12e, cat. £180. Photo.
2141 Â£190
Ascension: 1924-33 4d. grey-black and black on yellow variety 'torn flag' in a lower marginal block of four, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 15, b, cat. £650+. Photo.
2142 Â£420
Ascension: 1924-33 8d. grey-black and bright violet with 'broken mainmast', fine used on piece, a couple of faint tone spots. S.G. 17a, cat. £600. Photo.
2144 Â£210
Ascension: 1924-33 2s. grey-black and blue on blue variety 'torn flag', fine mint. S.G. 19b, cat. £750. Photo.
2149 | Â£520
Ascension: A duplicated mint and used stock, from 1922 to 1997, incl. 1922 to 3s., 1924-33 6d. (6), 2s. (3), 3s. (3), 1934 2s.6d. (3), early K.G.VI printings to 10s. (4), 1948 Silver Wedding 10s. (5), range of Q.E.II, etc., mixed condition. Stated to cat. over £9,500. (100s)
2151 | Â£380
Ascension: Collection with some duplication, mint and used in one stockbook, on leaves and loose, incl. 1934 set mint, Used (2, one on 1935 cover to Azores), 1938-53 perfs. to 10s. mint and used (3) with values to 10s. on covers, 1948 Silver Wedding unmounted mint and used, 1956 set mint and used, booklets, etc., mainly good to fine.
2152 | Â£550
Ascension: Mint and used collection, 1922 to 1934, on leaves incl. 1922 set used with 1s. pair on piece and values to 1s. on covers, 1924-33 set mint and used, etc. with not all cancellations guaranteed, and a range of covers and cards, poor to fine.
2153 | Â£720
Ascension: An exceptional collection of covers and cards in ten boxed albums, a binder and loose on leaves etc. contained in two cartons incl. f.d.c's from 1937 to 1996 incl. 1948 Silver Wedding (2), 1956 and 1963 (2) sets, commercial and philatelic covers from 1934 incl. variously addressed bearing 1938-53 values to 10s. (5), maritime marks, official, forces mail with F.P.O. and W.W.II U.S.A. P.O. cancellations, incoming mail and an attractive range of pictorial postcards.
2154 | Â£180
Ascension: A mint collection on leaves, incl. 1924-33 to 3s., 1934 to 5s., 1938-53 to 10s. (3), 1956 to 10s., 1963 to £1, etc., later to 1996, mixed condition. (100s)
2155 | Â£350
Ascension: An unmounted mint K.G.V. to early Q.E.II accumulation on stock pages, incl. 1924-33 3s. (2), 1938-53 values to 5s. and 10s., 11/2d. black and vermillion lower marginal imprint block, 2s.6d. corner block of three, 2s.6d. corner plate block of four, 1956 to 10s., etc., mainly fine, also a few used with K.G.VI to 10s. (120)
2157 | Â£780
Ascension: A collection of covers on leaves, from 1903 to 1963, incl. commercial usages, range of G.B. used in (5) with Q.V. 1d. lilac, K.E.VII 1d. (2) and K.G.V 1d. (3) on separate covers or cards, strength in K.E.VII and K.G.V with items bearing the 1922 (2), 1924-33 (9), 1934 (19), 1935 (9) and 1938-52 (19) issues, also some later, range of adhesives to 10s., etc. (82)
2158 | Â£1700
Australian States: Revenues: A collection in a boxed album, incl. New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria Relief 1930 £100 used, Stamp Duty Exempt 1908 (-) used, Western Australia Probate values to £50 unused, Supreme Court Fees 1907 values to £100 unused, also some Australia with Tax Instalment, range of railway stamps, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
2160 | Â£1400
Australian States: New South Wales: A mainly used selection on leaves, incl. 1850 1d. (7), 1850-51 2d. (5), 3d. (2), 1851-52 1d. (3), 1852-53 6d. (2), etc., mixed condition. (64)
2161 | Â£270
Australia: New South Wales: A collection on leaves, incl. range of early issues with 1856-59 (6d.) used, 1861-68 5s. mint (2), 1897 Diamond Jubilee 2d. mint, postage dues with 1891-97 values to 20s. overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', Officials, etc., mixed condition. (67)
2162 | Â£280
Australia: Queensland: A collection on leaves, incl. range of Chalons to 2s., 1882-95 2s. to £1 mint, etc., slightly mixed condition. (66)
2163 | Â£250
Australia: South Australia: A collection on leaves, incl. range of Chalon issues to 2s. unused and used, 1904-11 values to 10s. mint, Officials, etc., slightly mixed condition. (77)
2164 Â£820
Australian States: Tasmania: 1860-67 6d. strip of five, full margins at left and top, two stamps with clear margins at base, large part original gum (toned), otherwise fine and scarce multiple. S.G. 44. Photo.
2165 Â£100
Australian States: Tasmania: 1891 (Apr.-Aug.) 1/2d. orange imperf. horizontal pair, fine with gum. S.G. 172a, cat. £300. Photo.
2166 | Â£480
Australian States: Tasmania: A collection on leaves, incl. range of Chalons to 4d. unused and 1s. used, 1853 4d. used (also an 1879 reprint used), 1892 to 10s. mint, £1 overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', 1899-1900 set mint, etc., slightly mixed condition. (70)
2168 | Â£800
Australian States: Victoria: A collection on leaves, incl. wide range of early issues, 1876 8d. on 9d. part original gum, 1884 Stamp Statute values to £1 used, 1884-96 values to £10 used (some fiscal), 1897 Jubilee set mint, 1900 War Fund set mint, 1901-10 £1 and £2 used, etc., slightly mixed condition. (155)
2170 Â£190
Australian States: Victoria: Revenues: 1870-82 £5 black and green used with faint (possibly cleaned) cancellation, crease, of fine appearance. Barefoot 15. Photo.
2171 Â£200
Australian States: Victoria: Revenues: 1882 Beer Duty 8s.6d. overprinted ''DRAWBACK'', unused, small wrinkle and a few shortish perfs., otherwise fine and fresh. Barefoot 10. Photo.
2172 | Â£700
Australian States: Western Australia: A collection on leaves, incl. 1854 1d. used, 1854-55 4d. unused (four margins), 1s. unused (four margins), range of perforated Swans to 1s. mint and 4d. used, 1902-11 to 5s. mint, etc., slightly mixed condition. (68)
2173 | Â£200
Australia: 1913-14 1/2d. (3), 1d. (7), 2d. (2), 21/2d. (2), 3d. (2), 4d. (2), 5d., 6d., 9d. and 1s., mint, slightly mixed condition, mainly fresh. (22)
2175 Â£220
Australia: 1915 Second Watermark 2s. brown, fine and fresh mint. S.G. 29, cat. £700. Photo.
2176 Â£350
Australia: 1915 Second Watermark 5s. grey and yellow, fine and fresh mint. S.G. 30, cat. £1,000. Photo.
2177 | Â£210
Australia: 1915-27 Third Watermark 2d., 21/2d. (2), 3d. (2), 6d. (2), 9d. (2), 1s., 2s. and 5s., mint, slightly mixed condition. (14)
2178 Â£250
Australia: 1915-27 Third Watermark 10s., £1 and £2 overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', fine with gum. S.G. 43s-45s, cat. £850. Photo.
2180 | Â£220
Australia: 1929-30 Small Multiple Watermark 6d. (5, one overprinted ''OS''), 9d. (4), 1s. (4), 2s. (3) and 5s., mint, slightly mixed condition. (17)
2181 Â£270
Australia: 1929-30 Small Multiple Watermark 10s. grey and pink, overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type C1a, displaying damaged ''C'' in overprint, a few blunt perfs, small hinge remainder and pencil note on gum, otherwise fine. S.G. 112s, A.C.S.C. 49xc. Photo.
2182 Â£230
Australia: 1929-30 Small Multiple Watermark £2 black and rose, overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type D, fine well centred example with good perfs. and full original gum. S.G. 114s, A.C.S.C. 57x, cat. $1,750. Photo.
2183 | Â£130
Australia: 1931-36 Watermark C of A 6d. (3, one overprinted ''OS''), 9d. (3), 2s. (6, one overprinted B.C.O.F), 5s. mint, and 10s., £1 and £2 overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', mainly fine. (16)
2184 | Â£200
Australia: 1937-49, a mint collection on leaves, incl. values to 5s. (3), 10s. (3) and £1 (3), etc., mainly fine. (43)
2185 Â£250
Australia: 1937-49 5s., 10s. and £1 corner Ash imprint blocks of four, mint (stamps unmounted), one 5s. and one 5s. with crease, otherwise fine. Photo.
2186 Â£210
Australia: 1968 Christmas 5c. variety gold omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 431a, cat. £850. Photo.
2187 Â£70
Australia: 1983 Australia Day 27c. se-tenant pair with variety printed on the gummed side, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 879ab, cat. £250. Photo.
2189 | Â£550
Australia: An extensive Q.E.II collection in twelve boxed albums and five stockbooks, incl. 1960 Northern Territory Exploration 5d. marginal pair with perforation shift, 1963-65 Explorers set, 1971 6c. on non-Helecon paper, largely complete to 2000 with some duplication, also miniature sheets, gutter pairs, few cinderellas, framas, Australian Antarctic Territory complete unmounted mint from 1957 to 2000, Christmas Island complete from 1958 to 2000, etc., mainly fine. (100s)
2190 | Â£450
Australia: A mint collection on leaves and cards, incl. ?Roos to 1s., range of K.G.V Heads, 1936 Centenary sets unmounted (8), 1937-47 values to £1, 1927 Anniversary sets unmounted (6, one in vertical pairs), 1940 Forces sets unmounted (4, in pairs), 1948-56 values to £1, 1963-65 Explorers, postage dues, B.C.O.F. 1946-47 to 2s., etc., mixed condition. (180)
2191 | Â£1000
Australia: A mint K.G.V to K.G.VI collection in a boxed album, lightly duplicated, incl. 1928 Exhibition miniature sheet, 1932 Bridge set, 1934 both Centenary sets, 1937-49 to £1 unmounted (2), 1949-56 to £2 unmounted, officials with 1931 3d. mint, few cinderellas, etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2192 | Â£1950
Australia: An unmounted mint accumulation in a stockbook, K.G.V to early Q.E.II, incl. 1935 Silver Jubilee 2d. (13) and 3d. blocks of four (many with imprints or plate numbers), 1937-49 values to 10s. (5 singles, marginal pair, corner pair and block of four) and £1 (7), wide range of 3d. with imprint pair, blocks of four (9, one bright blue), Ash imprint block of eight (mounted), 1948-56 10s. block of four (2), £1 block of four, 1953 Explorers set, etc., also a few used, mainly fine. (100s)
2193 | Â£720
Australia: A collection of mint K.G.V Heads on leaves, incl. 1918-23, 1926-30 and 1931-36 to 1s.4d., wide range of shades, Officials, etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2194 | Â£550
Australia: A collection on leaves, incl. 'Roos to 2s. mint and £1 grey used, range of Heads, 1932 Bridge 5s. used, later issues mint with 1937-49 to £1 (2), 1948-56 to £2, range of used postage dues, etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2195 | Â£350
Australia: A quantity of mint new issues, later Q.E.II, incl. presentation packs, illustrated covers, f.d.c's, etc., some light duplication. (100s)
2196 | Â£150
Australia: A mint K.G.VI collection on stockleaves, incl. 1937-49 to £1, range of perfs, duplication, etc. (few 100s)
2197 | Â£85
Australia: A used K.G.VI collection on stockleaves, incl. 1937-49 to £1 (4), range of perfs, duplication, etc. (few 100s)
2198 | Â£920
Australia: Postage Dues: A mint collection on leaves, incl. 1902 to 5s., 1902-04 to 5s., 1908-09 1s., 5s., 1909-10 to 5s. (2) and 10s. (2), 1922-30 to 4d. (2, one with part Ash imprint) and 6d., 1931-36 to 1s., 1938 to 1s., 1946-57 to 1s., 1953-59 deeper shades set (not guaranteed), etc., slightly mixed condition. (96)
2199 Â£50
Australia: Postage Dues: 1902 2d. emerald-green with watermark inverted, perf. 11 x 111/2-12 1d. emerald-green with watermark upright, 2d. emerald-green watermark inverted, all used. D4w, D9w, D10w.
2200 Â£380
Australia: Postage Dues: 1902-04 perf. 11 10s. dull green, mint, slightly shortish perfs. at right, otherwise fine. S.G. D43, cat. £2,000. Photo.
2202 Â£2200
Australia: Postage Dues: 1908-09 Perf. 11 20s. dull green, mint, small collector's mark on gum and a few gum wrinkles, otherwise fine and very rare. S.G. D62, cat. £4,250. Photo.
2203 Â£90
Australia: Postage Dues: 1909-10 Perf. 12 x 121/2, £1 rosine and yellow-green, mint, slightly ragged perfs. at left, otherwise fine. S.G. D73, cat. £500. Photo.
2204 | Â£140
Australia: Postage Dues: 1913-23 perf. 14 1/2d. carmine and apple-green, a complete mint sheet, split and rejoined through central perfs., otherwise fine and mainly unmounted. S.G. D79a, cat. £1,080.
2205 | Â£50
Australia: Postage Dues: 1922-30 1d. carmine and yellow-green, three mint blocks of 30 with part marginal selvedge, some perf. separation, mainly fine unmounted. S.G. D92, cat. £360+.
2207 Â£260
Austria: 1933 W.I.P.A. miniature sheet mint, mounted twice in margin at top, diagonal crease at lower left otherwise in good fresh condition with original presentation wallet. S.G. MS705. Photo.
2218 | Â£70
Austria: Telegraphs: 1874-76 Government Recess issues, accumulation of ''SPECIMEN'' overprints, comprising 5k. (9), 20k. (10), 25k. (6), 40k. (6), 50k. (7), 60k. (5), 1f. (6) and 2f. (8), range of perfs, varied condition. (57)
2221 Â£130
Bahamas: 1912-19 wmk. Mult. Crown CA £1 green and black, upper marginal example with plate no. ''1'', unmounted mint (mounted in margin), fine. S.G. 89a, cat. £275+. R.P.S. certificate (1990). Photo.
2222 Â£300
Bahamas: 1919 (Jan.) ''WAR/CHARITY/3.6.18.'' 1d. grey-black and deep carmine, variety overprint double, mint, crease, pencil note on gum, otherwise fine. S.G. 101a, cat. £2,000. B.P.A. certificate (1999). Photo.
2223 Â£150
Bahamas: 1935 Silver Jubilee 1s. slate and purple variety 'dot by flagstaff' [Pl. 4, R. 8/4], fine used. S.G. 144h, cat. £400. Photo.
2225 Â£120
Bahamas: 1967-71 15c. on whiter paper, fine unmounted mint from the left of the sheet. S.G. 304a, cat. £250. B.P.A. certificate (2011). Photo.
2227 | Â£850
Bahamas: A mint Q.V. to K.G.VI collection on leaves, incl. a good range of Chalons with 1859-60 1d. (2, both small part original gum), perforated to 6d., 1884 4d. on 6d. (no gum), 1884-90 to 5s. (2) and £1, 1901-03 to 3s. (2), 1902-10 to 5s. (2) and £1, 1912-19 to 5s. (3) and £1, range of War Tax issues, 1921-29 to 3s., 1921-27 to 5s. (2) and £1, 1930 Tercentenary to 3s. (2), 1938-52 to 5s. (7) and £1 (5) unmounted, 2d. with short ''T'', 1942 Landfall to 5s. (4) and £1 (2) unmounted, 1948 to £1 unmounted, range of Special Delivery, etc., poor to fine. (100s)
2228 | Â£450
Bahamas: A Q.V. to early Q.E.II collection on leaves, incl. range of early issues mint and used, then mint with 1884-90 to £1, 1902-07 to £1, 1911-13 to 3s., 1912-19 to £1 (2), 1921-37 to £1, 1938-52 to £1 (3), 1942 and Landfall set, 1948 to £1, 1954-63 to £1, etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2230 | Â£210
Bahamas: A mint collection on leaves, Q.V. to K.G.VI, incl. 1884-90 to 5s., 1901-03 to 3s., 1922-19 to 3s., 1912-29 to £1, 1938-52 to £1, 1942 Landfall set, 1948 Tercentenary set, etc., mixed condition. (approx. 200)
2231 | Â£240
Bahamas: An unmounted mint Q.E.II collection in two boxed albums, incl. 1954-63 to £1, later largely complete to 2000 (less a few 1967-71 whiter paper values), etc., mainly fine. (100s)
2232 | Â£210
Bahamas: A collection on leaves, Q.V. to K.G.VI, incl. 1921-37 to £1 used (cancellations not guaranteed), 1938-52 to £1 used, 1948 Tercentenary set used, range of covers, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
2233 | Â£270
Bahamas: A selection of mainly covers and a few pieces in a folder, incl. 1942 Columbus set in used blocks of four, 1948 Tercentenary set used on two plain first day covers, etc. (57 items)
2235 Â£140
Bahamas: Special Delivery: 1916 5d. black and orange variety overprint double, one inverted, mint, horizontal crease, otherwise fine. Brandon certificate (2006). S.G. S1b, cat. £950. Photo.
2236 | Â£320
Bahrain: A mint selection on leaves, incl. 1933-37 to 5r., 1934-37 to 4a., 1938-41 to 25r., 1942-45 to 12a., 1948-49 to 10r. on 10s., 1950-55 to 10r. on 10s., etc., slightly mixed condition. (123)
2237 Â£700
Barbados: 1852 (Apr.) -55 No watermark, Imperforate on Blued Paper, a superior selection comprising (1/2d.) yellow-green used, (1/2d.) deep green mint (2), used pair (cancellations not guaranteed), shades of (1d.) blue mint or unused (10, incl. two pairs) and used (16), (1d.) deep blue mint (6, incl. a strip of four) and used (9, incl. one on piece and a pair), (2d.) greyish slate mint (R.P.S. certificate, 1961), (4d.) brownish red mint or unused (5) and used (4), margins vary, mainly fair to fine. (56) Photo.
2238 Â£200
Barbados: 1852 (Apr.) -55 No watermark, Imperforate on Blued Paper, (1/2d.) yellow-green, good to large margins, neatly cancelled ''1'' in barred oval, fine. S.G. 1, cat. £700. Photo.
2240 Â£380
Barbados: 1852 (Apr.) -55 No watermark, Imperforate on Blued Paper, (1/2d.) deep green, block of twelve (4 x 3), part to large part original gum with centre row unmounted. S.G. 2, cat. £1,800+.
2241 Â£230
Barbados: 1852 (Apr.) -55 No watermark, Imperforate on Blued Paper, (1d.) blue, block of twelve (3 x 4), marginal from the top of the sheet, good to large margins other sides, mainly large part original gum with nine unmounted, mainly fine. S.G. 3, cat. £720+.
2242 Â£180
Barbados: 1852 (Apr.) -55 No watermark, Imperforate on Blued Paper, (1d.) blue, slight faults, tied by barred numeral ''1'' to 1856 (Sept. 10) large part wrapper to Philadelphia, rated ''4'' with crowned circle ''PAID/AT/BARBADOES'' in red and circular ''STEAMSHIP/10''. Ex Sheppard. Photo.
2243 Â£580
Barbados: 1852 (Apr.) -55 No watermark, Imperforate on Blued Paper, (2d.) greyish slate bisected vertically, tied by barred numeral ''1'' to small mourning envelope to the wife of Capt. Kenney on Nevis, rated ''4'' in black, and showing on the reverse, ''AU 26/1854'' in circle and next day Barbadoes double arc despatch together with Nevis Sept. 3 arrival in red, the cover soiled and damaged but with enclosed letter (some ink corrosion) from H. Leacock headed ''Bridgetown, Bbds/Aug 25th, 1854'' nevertheless a significant rarity. S.G. 4b, cat. £8,500. Photo.
2244 Â£260
Barbados: 1852 (Apr.) -55 No watermark, Imperforate on Blued Paper, (4d.) brownish red, block of six (3 x 2), good to large margins and part to large part original gum, mainly fine. Ex Benwell. S.G. 5, cat. £720+.
2246 Â£500
Barbados: 1852 (Apr.) -55 No watermark, Imperforate on Blued Paper, Unissued (no value) slate-blue block of forty, the top four rows of the sheet with sheet margin three sides, also block of four and two pairs, (no value) deep slate single, all mint with full margins, mostly fine. (49) S.G. 5a, 5b. Photo.
2247 Â£260
Barbados: 1852 (Apr.) -55 No watermark, Imperforate on Blued Paper, Unissued (no value) deep slate, block of four, good to very large margins, small part original gum with some black paper adhesions. Ex Wheeler and Deakin. R.P.S. certificate (1968). S.G. 5b, cat. £1,000+. Photo.
2249 Â£230
Barbados: 1855 (Feb.) -58 No watermark, Imperforate on White Paper, (1d.) deep blue, block of six (2 x 3) with good to very large margins, large part original gum, mainly fine. S.G. 10, cat. £660+. Photo.
2250 Â£100
Barbados: 1855 (Feb.) -58 No watermark, Imperforate on White Paper, (1d.) pale blue, cut-into at left, lightly cancelled on 1856 prices current to Trinidad (ex Yardley), (1d.) deep blue, large margins, tied by barred numeral ''1'' to 1859 large part wrapper and 1861-70 (1d.) with bootheel ''1'' on 1868 prices current (ink corroded address), both to Jamaica. (3 items) Photo.
2251 Â£300
Barbados: 1858 (Nov.) No watermark, Imperforate 6d. pale rose-red used (7), 6d. deep rose-red used, 1s. brown-black mint, unused and used (14), 1s. black mint, unused pair and used (7), most with margins, poor to fine. (34) S.G. 11-12a.
2252 Â£450
Barbados: 1858 (Nov.) No watermark, Imperforate 6d. pale rose-red, good to large margins and large part original gum, natural small paper wrinkle, attractive. S.G. 11, cat. £750. Photo.
2253 Â£120
Barbados: 1858 (Nov.) No watermark, Imperforate 6d. pale rose-red, just cut-into at top, franking 1861 (June 9) Thos. Eve & Co. envelope to London, cancelled barred numeral ''1'' with ''BARBADOES'' double arc despatch oversturck by June 27 London Paid arrival in red, minor faults. Ex Sheppard. Photo.
2254 Â£380
Barbados: 1860 No watermark, Pin-perfs. and Clean-cut perfs. selection comprising pin-perf. 14 (1/2d.) yellow-green (3), (1d.) pale blue (5, incl. a pair), (1d.) deep blue (6, two on pieces, one being an unguaranteed bisect), pin-perf. 121/2 (not guaranteed) (1/2d.), (1d.), 1861 clean-cut perf. 14 to 16 (1/2d.) unused (2), (1d.) pale blue, (1d.) deep blue (2) used, poor to fine. (22)
2255 Â£150
Barbados: 1860 No watermark (1/2d.) yellow-green, pin-perf. 14, horizontal pair in a bright yellow shade cancelled barred oval ''1'', scarce multiple. S.G. 13, cat. £850+. Photo.
2258 Â£420
Barbados: 1861-70 No watermark, Rough Perf. 14 to 16, selection of shades comprising (1/2d.) mint or unused (19, incl. four pairs and a block of four), Id.) unused (3), used (3), (4d.) mint or unused (4) and used (6), 6d. mint or unused (5) and used (15, incl. a pair), 1s. mint (7, incl. marginal block of four ex Benwell) and used (3), poor to fine. (65)
2259 Â£420
Barbados: 1861-70 No watermark, Rough Perf. 14 to 16, (1d.) pale blue (worn plate), imperforate block of four, unused without gum, minor stains but scarce. Ex Benwell. S.G. 23a, cat. £1,600+. Photo.
2260 Â£380
Barbados: 1861-70 No watermark, Rough Perf. 14 to 16, (1d.) deep blue, rough perf. 14 to 16, mint block of twelve (4 x 3), the middle row unmounted, mainly fine. S.G. 24, cat. £900+. Photo.
2261 Â£450
Barbados: 1861-70 No watermark, Rough Perf. 14 to 16, (4d.) rose, block of four with large part original gum, one with light bend otherwise fine. Ex Deakin. S.G. 27, cat. £760+. Photo.
2262 Â£300
Barbados: 1861-70 No watermark, Rough Perf. 14 to 16, (4d.) dull vermilion, vertical strip of three with large part original gum, two rather heavily mounted otherwise fine. Ex Hurlock. S.G. 28, cat. £1,050+. Photo.
2263 Â£110
Barbados: 1861-70 No watermark, Rough Perf. 14 to 16, (4d.) dull rose-red, imperforate horizontal pair, large part original gum, vertical crease through one and trivial stain on other but scarce. S.G. 25a, cat. £1,200. Photo.
2264 Â£290
Barbados: 1861-70 No watermark, Rough Perf. 14 to 16, 6d. dull orange-vermilion, imperforate horizontal pair in a deep shade, large part original gum, fine. Ex Messenger. S.G. 32a, cat. £750. Photo.
2265 Â£950
Barbados: 1861-70 No watermark, Rough Perf. 14 to 16, 6d. dull orange-vermilion, imperforate block of twelve (4 x 3), marginal from the top of the sheet, unused without gum, some minor creasing. Ex Burrus. S.G. 32a, cat. £4,500+. Photo.
2266 Â£520
Barbados: 1861-70 No watermark, Rough Perf. 14 to 16, 6d. orange, rough perf. 14 to 16, fresh mint block of six (3 x 2), marginal from the foot of the sheet with lower row unmounted with two unmounted, fine. S.G. 33, cat. £1,200+. Photo.
2267 Â£180
Barbados: 1861-70 No watermark, Rough Perf. 14 to 16, 6d. orange horizontal pair tied by bootheel ''1'' cancellations to 1870 (Apr.) pink envelope paid at normal 1s. packet rate to Kent with Chatham Apr. 27 arrival on reverse, trivial peripheral stains. Sent to his mother by Surgeon Major Wellesley Wellington Waterloo Poole (1819-70), principal medical officer in Barbados from 1867 to 1869, and who died shortly afterward on Aug. 26, during his passage home. S.G. 33. Photo.
2268 Â£120
Barbados: 1861-70 No watermark, Rough Perf. 14 to 16, 1s. brown-black scarce used strip of five with bootheel ''1'' cancellations, also 1s. black tied by bootheel to 1867 (Apr. 25) entire to London. (2 items) S.G. 34, 35. Photo.
2269 Â£230
Barbados: 1861-70 No watermark, Rough Perf. 14 to 16, 1s. black, fresh mint block of nine with two unmounted, fine. S.G. 35, cat. £585+. Photo.
2270 Â£300
Barbados: 1861-70 No watermark, Unissued (1d.) blue, perf. 11 to 121/2, unused, corner perf. crease. B.P.A. certificate (undated) also notes (harshly) ''soiled''. S.G. 37, cat. £2,000. Photo.
2271 Â£320
Barbados: 1862 to 1936, an interesting selection of eight covers, entires etc. variously addressed, incl. 1861-70 6d. on entires 1862 to London and 1866 to Trinidad, 1892 2d. registered envelope to Sierra Leone with added 1882-86 1d., 3d., 1895 registered to Warwickshire bearing 4d., 1s. pair, 1893 stampless local cover with crowned circle, 1956 registered cover to Cheshire bearing scarce 1932 2s.6d. sheet no. corner block of four, etc. Photo.
2272 Â£140
Barbados: 1870-71 Watermark Large Star, Rough perf. 14 to 16, selection comprising (1/2d.) green used, (1/2d.) yellow-green unused (stained) and used, (1d.) used (3, one on blued paper but thinned), (4d.), 6d., used, 1s. mint (very faintly gum toned) and used, poor to fine. (12) Photo.
2273 Â£220
Barbados: 1870-71 Watermark Large Star, Rough perf. 14 to 16, (1d.) blue, trivial defect at left, tied by Barbados c.d.s. with straight line ''TOO-LATE'' alongside on 1872 (June 12) blue envelope sent locally to St. Michael, vertical cover creases well clear. Photo.
2274 Â£300
Barbados: 1870-71 Watermark Large Star, Rough perf. 14 to 16, 6d. orange-vermilion, large part original crackly gum, fine. S.G. 46, cat. £1,000. Photo.
2275 Â£200
Barbados: 1871 Watermark Small Star, Rough perf. 14 to 16, (1d.) blue mint and used (2), (4d.) dull rose-red part original gum (A.P.E.S. certificate, 1989) and used (2, one clipped one side), 6d. orange-vermilion unused and used (2), 1s. unused and used (2, one reperforated), poor to fine. (12) Photo.
2276 Â£450
Barbados: 1871 Watermark Small Star, Rough perf. 14 to 16, (4d.) dull rose-red (slightly stained perfs.) with 1875 1d. grey-blue, perf. 14, tied by Barbados c.d.s's to 1875 (Aug. 10) envelope rated ''4'' in red, sent unusually to Prince Edward island with St. Thomas, Halifax N.S. and Charlotte-Town transit backstamps. Photo.
2278 Â£230
Barbados: 1873 Watermark Large Star, Clean-cut Perf. 141/2 to 151/2, (1/2d.) unused (reperforated) and used, (4d.) mint and used, 6d. mint and used, 6d. imperf. singles unused (2, one with fake cancellation), 1s. unused (stained) and used, 1873 Watermark Small Star 3d. brown-purple mint and unused, 1874-75 Watermark Large Star 1/2d. unused and used, 1d. unused (2) and used (3, one bisected on piece), poor to fine. (19)
2279 Â£120
Barbados: 1873 Watermark Large Star, Clean-cut Perf. 141/2 to 151/2, 6d. orange-vermilion, used horizontal strip of three on small piece with ''BARBADOES/MR 30/1875'' double arc datestamps. Ex Benwell. S.G. 60, cat. £285+. Photo.
2280 Â£110
Barbados: 1873 Watermark Large Star 6d. orange-vermilion, imperforate block of six (3 x 2), marginal at left, unused, odd very trivial imperfection. S.G. 60b, cat. £300. Photo.
2281 Â£200
Barbados: 1873 Watermark Large Star 1s. black, fresh mint block of four with crackly gum, fine. Ex Benwell. S.G. 61, cat. £600+. Photo.
2282 Â£80
Barbados: 1873 Watermark Small Star 3d. brown-purple, two fresh examples, one unused with large part original gum and well centred for these, the other used with part duplex. S.G. 63, cat. £435. Photo.
2283 Â£620
Barbados: 1873 5s. imperforate plate proof in black on wove paper, block of four with sheet margin at foot, dated ''April'' in pencil below. Photo.
2284 Â£120
Barbados: 1873 5s. imperforate plate proof in maroon on wove paper, slightly stained at upper left. Photo.
2285 Â£190
Barbados: 1873 Watermark Small Star 5s. dull rose, example handstamped ''SPECIMEN'' (Samuel type BAR1), unused (regummed) and used (5, one apparently imperf.), poor to fine. (7) S.G. 64. Photo.
2286 Â£480
Barbados: 1873 Watermark Small Star 5s. dull rose, used horizontal pair with part duplex cancellations, rare. A pair is the largest recorded multiple of this stamp and only four are known. S.G. 64, cat. £600+. Photo.
2287 Â£170
Barbados: 1873 Watermark Small Star 5s. dull rose, exceptional used example with neat ''BARBADOS/I/SP 29/74'' c.d.s. and strong colour, fine. S.G. 64, cat. £300. Photo.
2288 Â£130
Barbados: Britannia Plate Proofs, 1873-75 selection comprising 1/2d., 3d. (3, incl. a marginal pair) and 4d., in black on wove paper. (6)
2289 Â£150
Barbados: Britannia Plate Proofs, 1873-75 4d. imperforate plate proof in black on wove paper, block of four with sheet margin at foot, dated ''April 187-'' in pencil below. Photo.
2290 Â£190
Barbados: Britannia Plate Proofs, 1929 (ca.) Perkins Bacon sample plate reprints of the Britannia issues, selection comprising 6d. (3) in black, carmine and deep blue (Bayley type 'A') Se-tenant pair in black, one denominated 6d., the other with value tablet blank, proofs with value table blank (6) in blue-green, deep blue, carmine, vermilion, purple and black, and reprint in mauve for dinner menu with country name replaced by diamond pattern (type 'D'), mainly fine. (12)
2291 Â£280
Barbados: 1875-81 Watermark Crown CC, selection handstamped ''SPECIMEN'', comprising perf. 14 1/2d., 1d. and 1s. with type BAR1 in red, 4d. and 6d. with type BAR1 in blue-black, 1d. and 1s. with type BAR2 in black, the last slightly doubled, with or without gum, chiefly fine. (7) Ex Deakin. Photo.
2292 Â£230
Barbados: 1875-81 Watermark Crown CC, selection incl. perf. 121/2 1/2d. unused, 4d. unused and used, 6d. (both shades) used, perf.14 to 6d. (3, one reperforated), 1s. mint or unused and used with 1d. bisect on piece (not guaranteed), fair to fine. (32)
2293 Â£350
Barbados: 1875-81 Watermark Crown CC, Perf. 121/2, 6d. bright yellow (aniline), large part original gum, fine and scarce. Ex Olive Blossom. S.G. 69, cat. £950. Photo.
2294 Â£210
Barbados: 1875-81 Watermark Crown CC, Perf. 121/2, 6d. chrome-yellow, part original gum, fine. Ex Olive Blossom. S.G. 70, cat. £650. Photo.
2295 Â£160
Barbados: 1875-81 Watermark Crown CC, Perf. 121/2, 1s. violet (aniline), large part original gum, fine. Ex Olive Blossom. S.G. 71, cat. £500. Photo.
2296 Â£150
Barbados: 1875-81 Watermark Crown CC, Perf. 14, 1/2d. bright green, mint block of twelve (3 x 4) with six unmounted, light vertical bend otherwise fine and fresh. Ex Benwell. S.G. 72, cat. £336+. Photo.
2297 Â£110
Barbados: 1875-81 Watermark Crown CC, Perf. 14, 6d. chrome-yellow, block of four with large part original gum, the lower pair with horizontal crease, fine appearance. Ex Deakin. S.G. 79, cat. £600+. Photo.
2298 Â£1000
Barbados: 1875-81 Watermark Crown CC, Perf. 14, 1s. purple, mint block of twelve (3 x 4) with some perf. reinforcement and gum toning but a rare multiple. Ex Benwell. S.G. 81, cat. £2,040+. Photo.
2299 Â£80
Barbados: 1875-81 Watermark Crown CC, Perf. 14, 1s. purple, fresh mint horizontal pair. S.G. 81, cat. £340. Photo.
2300 Â£1700
Barbados: 1875-81 Watermark Crown CC Perf. 14 x 121/2 4d. red, mint with trace of a hinge thin at upper right otherwise fresh and fine. Rare, only eighteen examples are recorded incl. one pair. S.G. 84, cat. £5,000. Photo.
2301 Â£190
Barbados: 1878 1d. Provisional Surcharges, Large Numeral with Curved Serif, 1d. on half 5s. dull rose, right-half examples reading upwards and downwards, used, the former with slight thin on reverse, also an example with fake surcharge (B.P.A. certificate, 1932, as genuine). S.G. 86, cat. £1,300. Photo.
2302 Â£600
Barbados: 1878 1d. Provisional Surcharges, Large Numeral with Curved Serif, 1d. on half 5s. dull rose, unsevered pair reading downwards, part duplex cancellation, fine. S.G. 86b, cat. £2,500. Photo.
2303 Â£350
Barbados: 1878 1d. Provisional Surcharges, Large Numeral with Straight Serif, 1d. on half 5s. dull rose, left half reading downwards, part duplex cancellation, fine. S.G. 87, cat. £950. Photo.
2304 Â£210
Barbados: 1878 1d. Provisional Surcharges, Smaller Numeral and ''D'', 1d. on half 5s. dull rose, left half reading downwards, part duplex cancellation, fine. S.G. 88, cat. £1,000. Photo.
2305 Â£1400
Barbados: 1878 1d. Provisional Surcharges, Smaller Numeral and ''D'', 1d. on half 5s. dull rose, unsevered pair reading upwards, part duplex cancellation, fine. B.P.A. certificate (1972) S.G. 88a, cat. £5,000. Photo.
2306 Â£300
Barbados: The Britannia issue, a selection on leaves, incl. cancellations with 'set ' of barred oval numerals (not all guaranteed) on (1d.) from ''1'' (Bridgetown) to ''11'' (St. Lucy), send types, range of forgeries (25), also two maps, ""The ISLAND of/BARBADOES"" (1736) by H. Moll (408 x 330mm), slightly damaged, and ""An ACCURATE MAP/of the/CARIBBY ISLANDS"" (1759) by T. Kitchin (202 x 254mm) outlined in colour and undated die proof of unframed vignette depicting K.G.V.I in 'Britannia' role, his seashell chariot being pulled by two seahorses, printed in black on wove. (65 items)
2307 Â£350
Barbados: 1882-86 Key Plate issue, master die proof in black on white glazed card (92 x 60mm) endorsed ''BEFORE HARDENING'' and dated ''30 JAN 82''. Photo.
2308 Â£380
Barbados: 1882-86 Key Plate issue, selection on leaves incl. set to 5s. mint with additional shades and multiples incl. 3d. block of four, 4d. grey single, 4d. brown blocks of six and 42, 6d. block of four, 6d. and 1s. plate no. pairs, and set used with 1d. bisect on piece, mainly good to fine. (93)
2309 Â£80
Barbados: 1892 1/2d. on 4d. deep brown, variety surcharge double (in red and black) mint, slightly thinned on reverse at top. B.P.A. certificate (1968). Also 'normal' examples mint and used and unmounted mint pair with one showing missing hyphen. (5) S.G. 104, a, b. Photo.
2311 Â£1000
Barbados: 1892-1903 Seal of Colony, Colour trials on unwatermarked wove paper, twenty different colour combinations denominated 3d., some with small part gum, mainly fine. Photo.
2312 Â£160
Barbados: 1892-1903 Seal of Colony 1/4d. to 2s.6d. set mint with additional 2s.6d. overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' with gum, 1/4d. to 2s. 6d. set used with not all cancellations clear, chiefly fine. (23)
2313 Â£190
Barbados: 1897-98 Diamond Jubilee selection incl. white paper 1/4d. to 2s.6d. (vertical bend) overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', sets mint and used, blued paper values to 2s.6d. used, fair to fine. (36)
2315 Â£80
Barbados: 1906, 1907 Nelson Centenary, selection, incl. 1906 1/4d. to 1s. set overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', sets mint and used (cancellations not all clear), re-entries with 1/4d. mint, 1/2d. mint (in block of four) and used, 1d. mint and used (4, two in strip of three) , re-entry partially erased 1/2d. mint, 1d. mint and used, 1907 set mint, 2d., 21/2d., used, etc. mainly good to fine. (44)
2316 Â£200
Barbados: 1907 Nelson Centenary 21/2d. black and indigo mint, minor stain on gum otherwise fine and scarce. R.P.S. certificate (1966). S.G. 162a, cat. £700. Photo.
2317 Â£450
Barbados: 1912-16 master die proof of the larger format in black on white glazed card (92 x 60mm) endorsed ''AFTER/HARDENING'', dated ''14 JUN 12'', with dated initials in ms. at lower left. Photo.
2318 Â£130
Barbados: 1912-16 Watermark Mult. Crown CA selection incl. 1/4d. to 2s.6d. sets overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', mint and used, War Tax overprints, good to fine. (41)
2319 Â£420
Barbados: 1912-16 Watermark Mult. Crown CA 3s. green and violet, unmounted mint lower right corner marginal plate no. 1 block of four, fine. S.G. 180, cat. £480+. Photo.
2320 Â£230
Barbados: 1916-19 Watermark Mult. Crown CA, selection incl. 1/4d. to 3s. set overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', set mint with additional 3s. unmounted mint marginal pair, shades, set used, also 1918-20 colour change set overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', mint and used 3s. green and violet mint and used, chiefly fine. (62)
2321 Â£350
Barbados: 1920-21 Victory, selection incl. 3s. imperf, colour trial in ultramarine and blue-green overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', Watermark Mult. Crown CA 1/4d. to 3s. horizontal pairs each overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', set mint with additional 2s. and 3s. pairs, set used (not all cancellations clear), chiefly good to fine. (51)
2322 | Â£320
Barbados: Collection of issues from 1921 to 1948 largely complete in a boxed Plymouth album, incl. 1921-24 set overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', mint with Wmk. Mult. Crown CA 1s. block of fifteen and scarce Wmk. Mult. Script CA 1s. and 3s. blocks of four, and set used (less Wmk. Script 1s.), 1925-35 set mint with 2s.6d. block of four and used, 1935 Silver Jubilee mint and used, 1938-47 set mint and used with 2s.6d. and 5s. imprint blocks of six, chiefly fine. (230)
2323 Â£260
Barbados: 1938-47 1d. scarlet, perf. 131/2 x 13, unmounted mint block of four, fine. S.G. 249, cat £1,100+. Photo.
2324 | Â£320
Barbados: A balance collection in a small carton with range of Britannias from 1855-58 (1/2d.) (5), small study of 1892 1/2d. on 4d. provisional, covers, cards and a good range of postal stationery from 1881, also two empty boxed Plymouth albums (one with some leaves) and a range of literature incl. ''The Stamps of Barbados'' by Bayley (1989).
2325 Â£160
Barbados: 1947 perf. 14, three unmounted mint blocks of four, one showing broken ''N'', one short ''Y'', and the other broken ''E'', fine. S.G. 264, b, c,d, cat. £360+. Photo.
2326 Â£270
Barbados: 1988 West Indian Cricket 50c. with error of portrait, fine unmounted mint from the left of the sheet. S.G. 856a, cat. £500. Photo.
2328 | Â£520
Barbados: A mint Q.V. to K.G.VI collection on leaves, incl. 1882-86 values to 5s., 1892-1903 to 2s.6d., 1897-98 Diamond Jubilee white paper to 2s.6d., blued paper values to 2s.6d., 1906 Nelson to 1s. (2), 1909-10 to 1s. (2), 1912-16 to 2s. (2) and 3s., 1916-19 to 3s., 1918-20 3s. (3), 1920-21 Victory to 3s., 1921-24 to 3s. (2), 1925-35 to 3s., 1938-47 to 5s., 1950 to $2.40, a few revenues, etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2329 | Â£300
Barbados: A collection of mint or unused Britannia issues on leaves, imperfs. all with four margins, incl. 1852-55 1/2d., 4d., (no value) (7), 1858 6d., 1s., 1861-70 values to 1s., 1875-81 values to 1s., etc., range of shades, slightly mixed condition. (37)
2330 | Â£380
Barbados: A Q.V. to Q.E.II collection on leaves, incl. range of Britannias mint and used, then mint with 1882-86 values to 5s., 1892-1903 to 2s.6d., 1897-98 to 2s.6d., 1905 to 2s.6d., 1912-16 to 3s., 1916-19 to 3s., 1920-21 to 3s., 1921-24 to 3s., etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2331 | Â£160
Barbados: A Q.E.II collection in three boxed albums, incl. 1953-61 to $2.40, largely complete to 2000, a few postage dues, etc., mainly fine. (100s)
2332 | Â£230
Barbados: A Q.V. to Q.E.II collection in an album incl. 1873 wmk. small star 5s. used, later issues mainly mint incl. 1912-16 MCA 1/4d. to 3s. (2s. and 3s. are both marginal with plate numbers), 1916-19 MCA to 3s., 1920-21 Victory set, 1925-35 Script 1/4d. to 3s. set with perfs., 1948 Silver Wedding 5s. in imprint block, later sets, etc. (approx. 410)
2333 | Â£110
Barbados: A selection with a range of Britannias, later with 1938-53 2s., 5s., 10s. and £1 used on 1946 front, etc. (77 items)
2334 | Â£80
Barbados: A mint selection, incl. 1875-81 1d., 1920-21 to 3s., etc., mixed condition. (72)
2335 Â£550
Basutoland: Xhosa war 1834-1836, 1835, fascinating twice-forwarded three page entire letter headed ""Calédon 22 juillet 1835"", written by missionary Eugène Casalis from the Caledon mission (Bethulie, established by Jean Pierre Péllissier), addressed to the Treasurer of the Société des Missions Évangéliques in Paris. The letter endorsed ""Care of Revd Dr. Philip, Cape Town"" and ""unpaid"", subsequently forwarded to England ""Care of John Foulger esq/Seven Star Alley/Ratcliff Highway/London"" (Board member of the London Missionary Society) paid ""1/2"" ms. in red with ""GENERAL POST OFFICE/AU 13/1835/CAPE OF GOOD HOPE"" crowned oval, thereafter paid to France with Foreign office despatch mark. The Société des Missions Évangéliques de Paris was founded in 1822, the first missionaries arriving in Basuto country in 1833. In April 1866, after the lengthy siege of Thaba Bosiu the Basotho were obliged by the Boers of the Orange Free to sign a treaty which not only ceded 3,000 cattle and much of their land but also forced the expulsion of the French protestants and the burning of the missions. Jean-Eugène Casalis (1812-1891) served as a missionary in Southern Africa for 22 years, afterward directing the Maison des Missions in Paris for a further 25. Together with Constant Gosselin and Thomas Arbousset, Casalis had arrived in Thaba Bosiu in June 1833, founding there one mission and another at Morija. He later became a close confidant of King Moshoshoe, encouraging a closer relationship with the English as the best protection against incursion by the Boers.Dr. John Philip (1775-1851) had been appointed superintendent of the London Missionary Society's stations in South Africa in 1822 and was active in lobbying for the rights of the indigenous and coloured peoples. Outraged by the treatment of the Africans by Governor of the Cape, Sir Benjamin Alfred D'Urban, Philip returned to England in 1836 to give evidence before a parliamentary committee and arouse public opinion in opposition. ''Bethulie was thus the second station of our Society established in the region of the Orange and the Caledon. Without ever having formed part of Basutoland proper, that station was, up to the time of its destruction in 1863, one of the important members of the Basutoland Mission, and during the first years at least, played an important rôle in its history."" (""A Century of Mission work in Basutoland, 1833-1933"" by Victor Ellenberger, 1938). Photo.
2337 Â£80
Basutoland: 1842 (ca.) front from incoming entire addressed to ""Monsieur F. Daumas/missionnaire à/Mékuatling"" endorsed ""Care of Rev. Dr. Philip/Church Square/Capetown, South Africa"", rated ""1/2"" with framed ""POST PAID"", further directed care of ""Revd. T Atkinson/Colesberg"", with G.P.O. Cape Town crowned oval. François Daumas (1812-1871) in 1837 founded the mission station at Mekoatleng with his 'recruited' new bride Élisa whom he married in Port Elizabeth on October 18 (Élisa Colani was the sister of Eléonore, wife of fellow missionary Prosper Lemue). Daumas succeeded in creating a friendly, advisory relationship with the local Bataung chief Moletsane. In 1840 Rev. Theophilus Atkinson (1805-1889) of the London Missionary Society had opened a new station at Colesberg but left in Oct. 1847 after his wife, Henriettta, fell ill. Photo.
2339 Â£230
Basutoland: Boer-Basuto War 1864-1866, 1865 foolscap letter, without outer cover, headed ""Béersélia pays des Bassoutos/le 5 mars 1865"" written by missionary Samuel Rolland, ""Pasteur/Président de la mission française protestante/au pays des Bassoutos"" addressed to Ernest Héritte de la Tour, French Consul at the Cape of Good Hope, sent via the post office at Aliwal North (established in 1858). The letter recommends that a proposed gift from the French Emperor Napoléon III be sent to Chief Moshesh via the Governor of the Cape and the Civil Commissioner at Aliwal, John Burnet, to circumvent the proscription on firearms leaving the colony. An interesting document, reflecting the difficulty of direct French support of its missionaries in the constantly troubled region. Rev. Samuel Rolland (1801-1873) was employed in mission work in South Africa for over 40 years, almost all spent in Basutoland where his mission at Beersheba was once been the most flourishing in the country. In 1858 the mission there was destroyed by a Boer commando and in 1864 Rolland founded New Beersheba at Witpoortjie, 24 miles away. At the time of his death in 1873 it was recorded that more than 160 hymns composed by him in the native language were still read and sung. Photo.
2340 Â£320
Basutoland: Basutoland Gun War 1880-81, 1881 ""On Active Service"" envelope front addressed stampless to Dublin self-endorsed ""Arthur Prendergast/Lieut/Baker's Horse/Umtata"" with Umtata ""JU 27/81"" c.d.s. and ""6d"" in circle charge mark, a little stained and damaged but a very scarce officer's item from a remote action. Alfred Prendergast (1855-1930) had served in Lt. Lonsdale's Horse during the Anglo-Zulu War and subsequently in the Natal Mounted Police. Baker's Horse had been raised in Oct. 1880 with a strength of around 200 men, serving In East Griqualand before moving into southern Basutoland. Photo.
2341 Â£160
Basutoland: South African War 1899-1902: 1900-02, Maseru, four covers to Lourenço Marques (franked Cape 1/2d., 1d. pair), Aliwal North (stampless mourning O.H.M.S., endorsed by Enright Mooney, Acting Government Secretary) and Diyatalawa Camp (2) respectively, Cape 1/2d. stationery card to New Val (originating in Thaba Bosiu) written in Sotho and uncensored and incoming Bermuda 1d. stationery card from Boer P.O.W. on Darrell's Island (redirected from Mafeteng). (6 items)
2343 Â£80
Basutoland: South African War 1899-1902: 1901, 1902, two O.F.S. stationery cards, a cover and two fronts incoming to Morija from the Orange River Colony (three items addressed to Rev. A. Casalis) with a range of censor marks. (5 items)
2345 Â£350
Basutoland: South African War 1899-1902: 1901, scarce O.A.S. stampless soldier's cover to Ireland, countersigned by commanding officer, with Leribe ''MY 21/01'' despatch c.d.s. and red London Paid transit, somewhat aged and roughly opened, also stampless cover to London endorsed ''Active Service'' with A.P.O. 45 (Winburg) ''AU 10/00'' despatch. ( 2 covers) Photo.
2347 Â£200
Basutoland: Airmails, 1933 to 1938, selection of covers comprising 1933 (Dec. 1) Rangoon-Singapore (2) registered from Maseru bearing values to 1s. with first day c.d.s's, 1934 (Mar. 1) S. Rhodesia-Nyasaland (2, with Royal Tour cancellations), (Mar. 5) cancelled Maseru, (Mar. 10) Blantyre-Maseru, (Dec. 3) to Australia, 1938 (Dec. 15) KLM New Year's Flight. (8)
2348 Â£75
Basutoland: Cancellations and Covers: Imperial Press Conference, 1933 (Mar. 15) three registered covers with commemorative cancellations and registration cachet, bearing 1933 values to 6d. (2), one sent airmail to Leicester with etiquette and G.B. 1/2d. cancelled Coalville Mar. 24.
2349 Â£140
Basutoland: Cancellations and Covers: Leribe, 1904 postcard to Suffolk, South Africa 1d. stationery envelope registered 1917 with added 4d. to London, 1928 postcard to Hertfordshire, also Buthe Buthe 1/2d. stationery card used 1926 to Morija, 1931 underpaid commercial cover to Huddersfield with G.B. 2d. postage due. (5 items)
2351 Â£85
Basutoland: Cancellations and Covers: Mafeteng: 1876 (Sept. 22) cover to Port Elizabeth franked by Cape 4d. tied by light ''156'' in barred oval with Mafeteng despatch and unframed Aliwal North next day c.d.'s. and arrival backstamp. Photo.
2354 Â£150
Basutoland: Cancellations and Covers: Maseru, 1886 to 1934, selection of covers, cards, etc. incl. 1886 registered letter receipts (2) with despatch c.d.s., Cape stationery 1d. enevelope used 1893, 1/2d. on 1d. card in 1896, both to Cape Town, 1d. letter card used 1902 to Morija, also two incoming covers etc. (12 items)
2355 Â£290
Basutoland: Cancellations and Covers: Mohaleshoek: 1898 (Jan. 15) 4d. Cape stationery registered envelope sent from Maghalleen and most unusually addressed to Guatemala, additionally bearing Cape 1/2d. pair, 1d. (3, one furrowed), 21/2d. and 6d. pair cancelled by ''210'' barred ovals with ''MOHALESHOEK/BASUTOLAND'' c.d.s. at left, London transit and Mar. 3 violet arrival marks, showing undelivered and with Cape Town R.L.O. and Wepener O.V.S. datestamps on reverse. Photo.
2358 Â£120
Basutoland: Picture postcards, unused and used selection incl. 'Basutoland Police' used 1905 from Port Alfred unusually to Bandjermasin, Borneo, real photographic of Maseru, 'Missions du Sud-Afrique' (8), etc. good to fine. (13)
2362 Â£250
Basutoland: Cancellations, collection of mainly good to fine c.d.s. strikes on adhesives with Cape values to 1s. (3), Natal, O.F.S. and O.R.C., Transvaal, later with South Africa 1913-24 values to 10s., some multiples and pieces, good range of offices and some scarcer types incl. Mafeteng, Mofokas, Mohaleshoek, Morija, Quthing, Teyateyaneng, Thlotse Heights, etc. (approx. 70 items)
2363 Â£400
Basutoland: 1933 1/2d. to 10s. set of ten with additional 3d. to 10s. (seven values) in rare horizontal strips of three, all perforated ''SPECIMEN'' (Samuel type W8), with gum, the strips somewhat gum toned otherwise mainly fine. (31) S.G. 1s-10s. Photo.
2364 Â£230
Basutoland: 1933 used selection, incl. 1/2d. to 10s. set with additional values to 2s.6d. on three covers, three cards and two pieces incl. 1/2d. and 1d. on p.p.c. of Roma Mission congregants, 1d. on front from Rankahalas, good to fine.
2365 | Â£150
Basutoland: 1935 Silver Jubilee, selection incl. sets perforated ''SPECIMEN'', mint (6), used (5, four on cover) and a range of of mainly minor varieties incl. 1d. created variety 'varnish ink (with B.P.A. certificate, 1992, as ''fortuitous imbalance of ink mixture'') used, etc., good to fine. (59 + 7 covers)
2368 | Â£300
Basutoland: A K.G.V. to early Q.E.II unmouted mint selection, incl. 1938 to 10s. singles (4), 10s. marginal block of four, 1954-58 to 10s. (single and block of four), 1961-63 to 1r. (4), etc., mainly fine, also a few used. (75)
2369 | Â£140
Basutoland: A mint collection on leaves, incl. 1933 to 10s., 1938 to 10s. (2), 1954-59 to 10s., 1961 to 1r. on 10s. with extra types, 1961-63 to 1r., etc., slightly mixed condition. (112)
2370 | Â£55
Basutoland: A mint selection, incl. 1933 2s.6d. and 5s., 1938 to 10s., 1954-68 to 10s. unmounted, 1961-63 to 1r., etc., slightly mixed condition. (36)
2371 Â£110
Basutoland: Postage Dues: 1933-52 1d. corner block of six used on reverse of large part 1938 registered envelope from Aliwal North to Morija, also Transvaal and South Africa dues used in Basutoland incl. 1914-22 values to 6d., 1922-26 and 1927-28 sets, also 1d. strip of three and single on 1927 4d. registered envelope from Lichtenburg and 2d. on 1933 cover from Mafeteng, both to Morija.
2373 Â£18000
Basutoland: Officials: 1934 ''OFFICIAL'' 1/2d. to 6d., the set of four, all from the foot of the sheet and cancelled by Royal Tour cancellations fine and extremely rare. S.G. O1-O4, cat. £17,000. The set with B.P.A. certificate (1969). Photo.
2374 Â£2000
Basutoland: Officials: 1934 ''OFFICIAL'' 1d. scarlet, fine used. Very rare, fifteen used examples are recorded. S.G. O1, cat. £4,000. B.P.A. certificate (1939). Photo.
2375 Â£150
Bechuanaland: 1932 1/2d. to 10s. set mint, some with minor gum toning, otherwise mainly fine. S.G. 99-110, cat. £500. Photo.
2376 Â£180
Bechuanaland: 1932 1/2d. to 10s. set, used, mainly fine. S.G. 99-110, cat. £600. Photo.
2377 | Â£320
Bechuanaland: A collection on leaves, 1885-87 to 6d. mint, 1888 ''Protectorate'' 1s. mint, 1013-24 to 2s.6d. mint, 1925-27 to 1s. mint, 1932 to 10s. mint, 1938-52 to 10s. mint, 1955-58 to 10s. mint, etc., slightly mixed condition. (188)
2378 | Â£380
Bechuanaland: An unmounted mint K.G.V. to early Q.E.II selection on stock pages, incl. 1938-52 to 10s. (3), 5s. lower marginal imprint block of four, 1955-58 to 10s. (4), etc., mainly fine. (108)
2379 | Â£60
Bechuanaland: A mint selection, Q.V. to early Q.E.II, incl. 1938-52 to 10s., 1955-58 to 10s., etc., slightly mixed condition. (46)
2380 | Â£880
Bechuanaland: Collection from 1885 to 1965 in varied condition on leaves incl. 1885-87 CC 1/2d. to 4d. mint, wmk Anchor to 1s. used, 1888 to 2s., 5s. mint, £1 and £5 fiscally used, 1913-24 to 2s.6d. (2), 5s. (2) mint, 1932 Script set mint, 1938-52 to 5s. (2), 10s. (2) mint with shades, 1948 Silver Wedding 10s. in mint imprint block, 1955-58 set mint, etc. (few 100)
2385 | Â£130
Belgium: Telegraphs: 1871-78 10c. mint (2), used (10), 25c. mint, used (16), 50c. mint (2), unused (2), used (13), 1f. mint, unused, used (14), 5f. used (6), also 1879 5c. grey mint (2), used (10), 5c. brownish orange mint (2), unused, used (14), mixed condition.
2386 | Â£80
Belgium: Telegraphs: 1871-88 a used selection, incl. 1894 10c. letter card used with 1871-78 10c. (2) and 1879 5c. brownish-orange, 1898 10c. stationery envelope used with 1871-78 10c. and 1879 5c. brownish orange, range of cancellations, etc. (125)
2387 | Â£110
Belgium: Telegraphs: 1888 a mint and used accumulation, incl. multiples with set in mint blocks of four, 25c., 50c. and 5f. all marginal overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', also 1889 25f. used (4, two with punch holes), etc., mixed condition. (222)
2388 | Â£210
Belgium: Telegraphs: 1888 10c. to 5f. set in complete sheets of twenty, with extra 10c. sheet and 5f. sheet (split into two), mainly fine. Hiscocks 11-17.
2393 Â£190
Bermuda: 1874 (Mar.-May) type 6a. 3d. on 1s. green (''P'' same type as ''R''), small part original gum, faults. S.G. 13b, cat. £2,000. B.P.A. certificate (1968). Photo.
2394 Â£130
Bermuda: 1875 (Mar.-May) 1d. on 2d. dull blue, unused, part original gum, slight crease, otherwise fine. S.G. 15, cat. £700. R.P.S. certificate (1955). Photo.
2395 Â£130
Bermuda: 1875 (Mar.-May) 1d. on 3d. yellow-buff, large part original gum, minor creasing, otherwise fine. R.P.S. certificate (1964). S.G. 16, cat. £450. Photo.
2396 Â£150
Bermuda: 1918-22 Watermark Mult. Crown CA 2s. to £1, mint, mainly fine. S.G. 51b-55, cat. £600. Photo.
2399 Â£100
Bermuda: 1924-32 Watermark Mult. Script CA 2s. to 12s.6d., mint, mainly fine. S.G. 88-93, cat. £450. Photo.
2400 Â£100
Bermuda: 1924-32 Watermark Mult. Script CA 2s. to 12s.6d., large part original gum, mainly fine. S.G. 88-93, cat. £450. Photo.
2401 | Â£750
Bermuda: 1938-53 issue, an unmounted mint collection on leaves, comprising 2s. (12), 2s.6d. (9), 5s. (8), 10s. (8), 12s.6d. (12, one with punch hole) and £1 (8), range of shades and printings, mainly fine. (56)
2402 | Â£130
Bermuda: 1938-53 2s. used on six covers of which five are registered, fair to fine.
2403 Â£350
Bermuda: 1938-53 2s. to 10s., unmounted mint, line perf. 141/4 except 2s., mainly fine. S.G. 116d, 117a, 118b, 119b. Photo.
2404 Â£80
Bermuda: 1938-53 perf 14 5s. pale green and red on yellow, unmounted mint, fine. S.G. 118a, cat £375. R.P.S. certificate (1992). Photo.
2406 Â£300
Bermuda: 1938-53 12s.6d. deep grey and brownish orange, fine unmounted mint with usual brownish gum. S.G. 120, cat. £550. Murray Payne certificate (undated). Photo.
2407 Â£150
Bermuda: 1938-53 12s.6d. grey and yellow, perf. 14, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 120d, cat. £700. B.P.A. certificate (2000). Photo.
2408 Â£240
Bermuda: 1962-68 2d. lilac, indigo, yellow and green, with variety lilac omitted, unmounted mint, a few gum wrinkles, otherwise fine. S.G. 164a, cat. £1,000. Photo.
2410 | Â£800
Bermuda: A mint collection on leaves, Q.V. to Q.E.II, incl. range of early issues, 1883-1904 to 1s. (2), 1906-10 to 4d., 1918-22 to £1, 1920-21 and 1921 sets, 1924-32 2s. (2), 2s.6d. (4), 10s. (2), 1938-53 to 12s.6d. (12) and £1 (8), 1953-62 to £1, etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2411 | Â£520
Bermuda: A mint Q.V. to K.G.VI collection on leaves, incl. 1865-1903 values to both 1s., 1875 1d. on 1s. (no gum), 1885-1904 to 1s. (5), 1906-10 to 4d., 1918-22 to 5s., 1920-21 to 1s., 1921 to 1s., 1922-34 to 1s. (9), 1924-32 2s.6d. (3), 12s.6d., etc., range of shades, slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2413 | Â£280
Bermuda: A selection, incl. 1918-22 10s. and £1 mint, 1920-21 and 1921 to 1s. mint, 1938-53 values to £1 mint (4) and used (2), 1953-62 to £1 unmounted mint, etc., slightly mixed condition. (103)
2414 | Â£180
Bermuda: An unmounted mint Q.E.II collection in two boxed albums, incl. 1953-62 to £1, then largely complete to 2000, also 1986 WWF 90c. on $3 surcharge double, etc. and 1984 Revenue to $100 unused, mainly fine. (100s)
2415 | Â£150
Bermuda: A collection in a folder, incl. 1920-21 Tercentenary 1st. series used, 2nd. series mint, 1938-53 perf. 13 10s. and £1 used on plain 1952 covers, etc. (few 100s)
2416 | Â£650
Bermuda: Mainly mint collection from 1865 to 1967 on leaves incl. 1865-1903 CC to 1s. used, 1875 surch. 1d. on 3d. used, 1918-22 MCA 2s. to £1, 1920-21 and 1921 Tercentenary sets, 1938-53 perf 14 2s. (3) to 10s. (3, one line perf.), £1 (2) , perf 13 2s. (5) to £1(2), 1948 Silver Wedding £1 in imprint block, etc. (few 100)
2420 Â£190
British Guiana: 1938-52 $1 bright violet, perf. 14 x 13, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 317a, cat. £550. Photo.
2421 Â£190
British Guiana: 1938-52 $1 bright violet, perf. 14 x 13, a fine used marginal example. Murray Payne certificate (undated). S.G. 317a, cat. £600. Photo.
2422 | Â£350
British Guiana: A collection on leaves, incl. range of early issues mainly used, then mint with 1889 to 96c. (2), 1898 Jubilee set, 1900-03 to 60c., 1905-07 to 96c., 1913-21 to 96c. (4), 1921-27 to 96c., 1934 to $1, 1938-52 to $3 (3) 1954-63 to $5 (2), etc., mixed condition. (100s)
2423 | Â£300
British Guiana: A collection in varied condition in an album with a range of early issues incl. reprints, 1889 CA to 72c. used, 96c. mint, 1913-21 MCA to 96c. (5, different backs) mint, 1921-27 Script 1c. to 96c. mint, 1934-51 Script set mint, 1938-52 to $3 (2) mint, 1948 Silver Wedding $10 in mint imprint block, 1954-63 to $5 (2) mint, etc. (few 100)
2424 | Â£170
British Guiana: A K.G.VI mint (much unmounted) collection on printed leaves with 1938-52 to $3 with all perforations incl. $1 perf 14 x 13, 1948 Silver Wedding, 1945 24c. booklet, etc.
2425 | Â£90
British Guiana: A mint Q.V. to early Q.E.II collection, incl. 1913-21 to 96c., 1938-52 to $2, 1954-63 to $5, etc., mixed condition. (72)
2427 | Â£450
British Honduras: A collection on leaves, Q.V. to Q.E.II, incl. range of early issues mainly used, then mint with 1888-91 to 50c. on 1s., 1891-1901 to $5, 1904-07 to $5, 1922-33 to $2, 1938-47 to $5, 1953 to $5, etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2428 | Â£580
British Honduras: Collection from 1865 to 1965 in an album with mint issues incl. 1872-79 CC 4d. and 1s., 1899 ''REVENUE'' set of four, 1913-21 MCA 1c. To $51938-47 1c. to $5 (3) with different printings, 1948 Silver Wedding $5 imprint block, 1953-62 1c. to $5, 1962 Bird set (unmounted), etc. (approx. 335)
2429 | Â£110
British Honduras: A mint collection on leaves, Q.V. to early Q.E.II, incl. 1888-91 surcharge set, 1913-21 to $2, 1953-62 to $5, etc., mixed condition. (92)
2431 Â£480
British Levant: British Field Office in Salonica: 1916 1/2d. to 1s. set, the 4d. showing inverted albino impression of overprint on gummed side, mainly fine mint. Each with individual R.P.S. or B.P.A. certificate dated between 1954 and 2012. S.G. S1-8, cat. £1,400. Photo.
2432 Â£550
British Levant: British Field Office in Salonica: 1916 1/2d. variety overprint double, unused, fine. B.P.A. certificate (1959). S.G. S1a, cat. £4,500. Ex Marquis of Bute. Photo.
2433 Â£550
British Levant: British Field Office in Salonica: 1916 6d. reddish purple vertical pair, variety the upper stamp without overprint, mint, a few small tone spots on gum and some perf. reinforcement, otherwise fine and scarce. R.P.S. certificate (1991). S.G. 6a, cat. £2,250. Photo.
2434 | Â£120
British Postal Agencies in Eastern Arabia: A used selection on leaves, incl. 1950-55 set, 1960-61 set, also Muscat 1944 3p. to 1r. Official set used on piece, etc. (98)
2435 | Â£620
British Solomon Islands: 1907 Large Canoes, a study on leaves, mint, unused or used, values to 1s. (7) with a range of types and flaws, multiples incl. 1/2d. mint blocks of six (2) and twelve, 1d., 2d. and 21/2d. used blocks of four, and a selection of forgeries, chiefly good to fine. (138)
2438 | Â£150
British Solomon Islands: 1908-11 Small Canoes selection incl. set mint and to 2s. (2), 2s.6d. (2), 5s. (2) used, 1/2d. to 1s. on 1908 (Nov. 2) cover from Tulagi, etc., fair to fine. (46 + 1 cover)
2439 Â£130
British Solomon Islands: 1912 1d. die proof of country name and value tablets, in black on white glazed card (92 x 60mm). Photo.
2440 | Â£750
British Solomon Islands: 1913 to 1931, selection of K.G.V key plate issues on leaves incl. 1913 set mint and used, 1914-23 to 5s. (2), 10s., £1 with range of plate no. blocks of four to 5s., mint, 1922-31 to 10s. mint and used (2), mainly good to fine. (184)
2441 Â£90
British Solomon Islands: 1914-23 to £1 used (less 3d.), 1/2d. to 1s. as upper or lower plate marginal examples, mainly fine. S.G. 22-38, cat. £425. Photo.
2442 Â£95
British Solomon Islands: 1914-23 5s., 10s. and £1, fine mint. S.G. 36, 37, 38, cat. £393. Photo.
2443 | Â£350
British Solomon Islands: K.G.V to Q.E.II collection to 1977 in three albums and loose on leaves etc. incl. 1935 Silver Jubilee perforated ''SPECIMEN'', mint and used, 1939-51 set mint and used with values to 10s. in used blocks of four, 1949 Silver Wedding used blocks of four, 1956-63 study with set mint (3, incl. plate no. pairs) and used (2), 1965 set mint and used, 1972-73 set in mint blocks of four and used, booklets with 1959 4s., 11s., 1960-64 5s., £1, postage due 1940 set mint and used (2, one on cover), etc. with some covers and f.d.c's, mainly good to fine.
2444 | Â£260
British Solomon Islands: A mint collection on leaves, incl. 1907 to 1s., 1908-11 to 5s., 1914-24 to £1, 1922-31 to 10s., 1939-51 to 10s., 1956-63 to £1, etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2445 | Â£380
British Solomon Islands: An extensive collection of mainly K.G.VI to Q.E.II covers and cancellations in a Devon album, on leaves and loose with W.W.II incl. U.S.A. P.O's, good range of island cancellations incl. Auki, Gizo, Lunga, Munda, Yandian, agency cachets, registered, maritime, official mail from 1922 onward, etc. variously addressed and franked incl. 1939-51 values to 10s. (5, incl. block of four), fair to fine.
2446 | Â£160
British Solomon Islands: A K.G.V. to Q.E.II selection, incl. 1914-23 to £1 mint, 1939-51 to 10s. unmounted mint, 1956-63 to £1 unmounted mint, etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2447 | Â£180
British Solomon Islands: Mainly mint collection on leaves from 1907 to 1966, incl. 1907 to 1s., 1908-11 to 5s. used, 1914-23 Watermark Mult. Crown CA 1/2d. to 5s. (2), 1939-51 to 5s. (3), 10s. with selection of printings, 1956-63 1/2d. to £1, 1940 Postage Due set, etc. (approx. 260)
2448 Â£450
British Solomon Islands: Cancellations: Barakoma Airfield, 1950 to 1958 collection of covers etc. on leaves, incl. 1950 ''First Flight off /Vella Lavella/B.S.I.P.'' with airmail etiquette, bearing 1d. and 21/2d. pairs cancelled Honiara Apr. 18 1950, with receiving note and enclosure, ms. cancellations of Rev. A.W. Silvester on 1951 stampless O.H.M.S. envelope to Customs Officer, Villa Lavella, W.B. Poole on on 1953 cover to Rev. Voyce (one 3d. showing possibly unique use of initials only), Miss D.J. Clark on 19564 airletter to Sheffield and two covers to Auckland, Rev. T. Shepherd on 1954 airletter to Rev. Voyce , Miss M. Fraser on stamps on piece and with straight line datestamp on cover to Auckland, later straight line and boxed handstamps. (20 items) Photo.
2449 Â£120
British Virgin Islands: 1899 4d. brown showing error ''FOURPENCF'' [R. 10/3], mint, some minor gum adhesions and shortish perf. at right, otherwise fine. S.G. 46a, cat. £750. Photo.
2450 | Â£230
British Virgin Islands: A mint collection on leaves, incl. range of early issues, 1899 to 5s., 1904 to 5s., 1913-19 to 5s., 1922-28 to both 5s., 1938-47 to £1, 1956 to $4.80, 1964-68 to $2.80, etc., later to 1979, slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2451 | Â£580
British Virgin Islands: A mint collection in two boxed albums, incl. range of St. Ursula issues with 1866 white paper 6d. rose showing part of the papermaker's watermark (B.P.A. certificate, 1954), 1867 1s. with long tailed ''S'', 1888 4d. on 1s., 1899 to 5s., 1/2d. variety ''HALFPFENNY'' (2, one in pair with normal), 1904 to 5s., 1913-19 to 5s., 1922-28 to 5s. (5), 1938-47 to £1 unmounted, later largely complete to 1999, etc., wide range of shades, slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2452 | Â£110
British Virgin Islands: A collection on leaves, incl. range of early issues, 1899 to 5s. mint, 1922-28 values to 5s. mint, 1938-47 to £1 unmounted mint, etc., slightly mixed condition. (129)
2453 | Â£150
Burma: A collection in an album, incl. 1938-40 set mint, Officials with 1939 10r. mint pair, Burmese Government 1943 5c. unused and used, etc. (few 100s)
2454 | Â£150
Burma: A mint collection on leaves, K.G.V to K.G.VI, incl. 1937 to 10r., 1938-40 to 10r., etc., slightly mixed condition. (85)
2456 | Â£400
Cameroon: A collection of unused and used picture postcards relating to the Cameroons Campaign of 1914 to 1916 in an album, incl. mail from the British and French warships that attacked and blockaded the Germany forces. (46 items)
2457 | Â£480
Cameroon: 1914 to 1916, a group of On Active Service covers, comprising 1914 (Nov. 19) envelope to Staffordshire with manuscript ''no stamps available'', Duala c.d.s. and ''SMB'' violet handstamp, 1914 (Nov. 23) envelope to Newcastle with manuscript ''no stamps available'' and Duala c.d.s., 1914 (Dec. 16) postcard to Devon with ''RECEIVED FROM H.M. SHIP/NO CHARGE TO BE RAISED'' handstamp, 1915 (July 6) envelope to London with manuscript ''no stamps available'' and Duala c.d.s., 1915 (Dec. 20) envelope to London with enclosed letter regarding the sender's recent movements, 1916 (Mar. 16) envelope to the same address in London with enclosed letter regarding the end of their mission, and 1916 (Jan. 26) envelope to London with manuscript ''no stamps available'' and Southern Nigeria transit, also 1915 (July 10) envelope sent via Udi and Onitsha in Nigeria. (9)
2458 Â£300
Cameroon: Cameroons Expeditionary Force: 1914 (Dec. 16) long envelope to Messrs John Holt & Co. in Liverpool, with manuscript ''No stamps available in Duala'' and two strikes of the rare Expeditionary Force/Duala c.d.s., with John Holt wax seal on reverse, scarce. Photo.
2459 | Â£350
Cameroon: 1915, group of covers, comprising (Jan. 1) piece with Duala c.d.s., manuscript ''No stamps, on active service'' and ''NO CHARGE TO BE RAISED'' handstamp, (Feb. 16) O.H.M.S. envelope to Italy with 50c. postage due, (Mar. 2) envelope to the manager of the Bank of British West Africa, London with Duala c.d.s., manuscript ''No stamp available'' and G.B. 4d. charge mark and 2d. postage dues (2), (Mar. 30) similar envelope but with 2d. charge mark and 2d. postage due, (May 4) censored envelope to Holland, (June 26) envelope to Leeds with Duala c.d.s., and (Dec. 23) envelope with enclosed letter written on H.M.S. Astrae, also 1916 censored envelope to Denmark bearing Nigeria 21/2d. tied Victoria, Cameroon c.d.s. (6 covers and one piece)
2460 Â£320
Cameroon: Cameroons Expeditionary Force: 1915 (July) 1/2d. on 3pf. to 5s. on 5m. set, mint, 2s. on 2m. with one or two tone spots, otherwise mainly fine. S.G. B1-B13, cat. £900. Photo.
2461 Â£300
Cameroon: Cameroons Expeditionary Force: 1915 (July) 1/2d. on 3pf. to 5s. on 5m. set, mint, top value with corner crease, otherwise mainly fine. S.G. B1-B13, cat. £900. Photo.
2462 Â£620
Cameroon: Cameroons Expeditionary Force: 1915 (July) 1/2d. on 3pf. to 5s. on 5m. set, used, not guaranteed, also 10pf. used with ''17.1.26'' error of date cancellation (mentioned in Maddocks, page 175), mainly good to fine strikes. S.G. B1-B13, cat. £4,000. Photo.
2463 Â£70
Cameroon: Cameroons Expeditionary Force: 1915 postcard to Bedford bearing 1/2d. on 3pf. and 1/2d. on 5pf. with paquebot marking alongside, and 1915 envelope to Lagos bearing 1d. on 10pf., both with cover faults. (2)
2464 Â£180
Cameroon: Cameroons Expeditionary Force: 1915 (July) 1d. on 10pf. carmine upper marginal example, surcharge in blue, variety surcharge double, fine unmounted mint, hinged in selvedge. Philatelic Foundation certificate (1998). S.G. B3b, cat. £425. Photo.
2465 Â£720
Cameroon: Cameroons Expeditionary Force: 1915 (July) 1d. on 10pf. carmine lower right corner pair, surcharge in blue, the upper stamp variety surcharge double mint, and the lower stamp variety ''1d.'' only double unmounted, some light creasing, one or two minor tone spots in selvedge and Sismondo pencil signatures on reverse. Sismondo certificate (2001). S.G. B3b, cat. £2,425. Photo.
2466 Â£240
Cameroon: Cameroons Expeditionary Force: 1915 (July) 1d. on 10pf. carmine, surcharge in blue, variety surcharge double, one albino, in an unmounted mint block of four, tone spot in selvedge and some specks of gum on reverse, otherwise fine. Brandon certificate (1989). S.G. B3ba, cat. £640+. Photo.
2467 Â£180
Cameroon: Cameroons Expeditionary Force: 1915 (July) 4d. on 40pf., variety surcharge triple, two albino, fine unmounted mint in pair with normal. B.P.A. certificate (1977) for a block of twelve. S.G. B7b, cat. £375. Photo.
2468 Â£350
Cameroon: Cameroons Expeditionary Force: 1915 (July) 6d. on 50pf. black and purple on buff, unmounted mint horizontal pair, one showing variety surcharge double, one albino, fine. Only 50 examples exist. B.P.A. certificate (1977) for block of twenty two from which this originates. S.G. B8a, cat. £388+. Photo.
2469 Â£250
Cameroon: Cameroons Expeditionary Force: 1915 (July) 1s. on 1m. carmine, variety ''s'' inverted, mint from the right of the sheet, some toning, some pencil notes on reverse, otherwise fine. Only 100 printed. Copy of Holcombe certificate (1992). S.G. B10a, cat. £1,000. Photo.
2470 Â£300
Cameroon: Cameroons Expeditionary Force: 1915 (July) 2s. overprint, a piece of interleaving paper showing all 20 positions of the overprint including the inverted ''s'' at pos. 12, some creasing but unique. Photo.
2471 Â£260
Cameroon: Cameroons Expeditionary Force: 1915 (July) 2s. on 2m. blue, variety ''s'' inverted, mint, light overall toning and collector's handstamp on gum, otherwise fine. Only 100 printed. Copy of Holcombe certificate (1992). S.G. B11a, cat. £1,000. Photo.
2472 Â£250
Cameroon: Cameroons Expeditionary Force: 1915 (July) 3s. on 3m. violet-black with variety ''s'' inverted, mint, some toning, otherwise fine. Only 100 printed. Copy of Holcombe certificate (1992). S.G. B12a, cat. £1,000. Photo.
2473 Â£7500
Cameroon: Cameroons Expeditionary Force: 1915 (July) 3s. on 3m. violet-black variety surcharge double, a mint right marginal example, perf. separation between stamp and selvedge, some gum toning, otherwise fine. Holcombe certificate (1990). S.G. B12, cat. £15,000. Photo.
2474 Â£190
Cameroon: Cameroons Expeditionary Force: 1915 (July) 5s. on 5m. carmine and black, variety ''s'' inverted, mint with slightly disturbed gum, stain at lower right and mild horizontal crease, otherwise fine. Only 100 printed. Holcombe certificate (1992). S.G. B13a, cat. £1,300. Photo.
2475 Â£380
Cameroon: Cameroons Expeditionary Force: 1915 (July) 5s. on 5m. variety ''s'' broken at top, mint, handstamps on reverse, otherwise fine. B13b, cat. £1,200. Photo.
2477 | Â£110
Cameroon: 1917 censored envelope to H Harttmann (of the Cameroon security forces) in Fernando Po bearing Spanish 10c. and 15c. tied Zaragoza c.d.s's, 1917 postal stationery card from a German internee in Spain to Germany with ''CROIX ROUGE/ESPAGNOLE/CORRESPONDANCE DES PRISONERS DES GUERRE/FRANC DE PORT'' and ''OFICINAS DE LA CRUZ ROJA/PASEO DEL EBRO, 65/ZARAGOZA'' handstamps in red and censor's cachet alongside, 1918 cover to Germany with same Croix Rouge handstamp and censor cachet, and 1919 cover to Fernando Po with U.S. censor marking in Germany. (4)
2479 Â£90
Cameroon: 1940 (Oct. 26) envelope to London, with Yaounde c.d.s. and ''Le GENERAL de GAULLE/Le Commandant/de la/1ere Brigade'' violet cachet, censored in Cameroon then again in England. Photo.
2481 Â£100
Cameroon: 1941 (Aug. 23) stampless envelope to Douala showing British Consulate General Duala cachet, with ''FORCES FRANCAIS LIBRES/ETAT-MAJOR/LE CHEF/d'ETAT-MAJOR'' cachet in red on reverse, unusual. Photo.
2484 | Â£170
Cameroon: Nigeria used in Cameroon, a K.E.VII to Q.E.II selection, incl. Bai, Bamenda, Buea with 1918 cover to Switzerland bearing Northern Nigeria 21/2d. and 3d. and Kamerun 5pf., Duala, Kumba, Mamfe, M'Songe, Muyuka, Ndu, Nsaw, Nyasoso, Tiko and Victoria, mostly good to fine strikes, also Cameroons Trust Territory 1960-61 set mint. (4 covers, 58 items)
2486 | Â£160
Canada: New Brunswick: A selection comprising 1851-60 3d. used (2, both with four close to large margins), 1860-63 1c. (4), 2c. (2), 5c. (2), 10c., 121/2c. and 17c. with part original gum, slightly mixed condition. (13)
2487 Â£290
Canada: New Brunswick: 1851 6d. yellow, four small to large margins, fine used. S.G. 3, cat. £900. R.P.S. certificate (1992). Photo.
2488 | Â£300
Canada: Newfoundland: A selection of imperfs., unused or small part original gum, comprising 1857-64 1d., 5d., 1860 2d., 1862-64 1d., 3d. (2), 4d., 5d. (2), 6d., 61/2d., 8d., 1s. (2), each with four margins, mainly fine. (14)
2489 Â£200
Canada: Newfoundland: 1919 Air $1 on 15c., three examples, one normal, one variety no comma after ''AIR POST'', and one with the same variety but also with ''A'' of ''AIR'' under ''a'' of ''Trans'', unmounted mint, mainly fine. S.G. 143, a, c, cat. £665. Photo.
2490 Â£230
Canada: Newfoundland: 1919 Air $1 on 15c. block of four, the upper right and lower left stamps variety no comma after ''AIR POST'', the latter also with no stop after ''1919'', fine unmounted mint. S.G. 143, a, b, cat. £795. Photo.
2491 Â£160
Canada: Newfoundland: 1921 Halifax 35c. red, an unmounted mint block of four, one stamp with 11/2mm between ''AIR'' and ''MAIL'', the other three with 23/4mm gap, two stamps also showing no stop after ''1921'', fine. S.G. 148, 148a, 148f, cat. £590+. Photo.
2492 Â£3800
Canada: Newfoundland: 1921 Halifax 35c. red, with 11/2mm between ''AIR'' and ''MAIL'', the overprint inverted and showing no stop after ''1921'', large part original gum, Sanabria handstamp and pencil markings on reverse, fine and fresh. S.G. 148k, cat. £16,000. B.P.A. certificate (2004). Photo.
2493 Â£320
Canada: Newfoundland: 1929 3c. on 6c. slate, variety surcharge in black, large part original gum, fine. S.G. 188b, cat. £1,000. B.P.A. certificate (2009). Photo.
2494 Â£2200
Canada: Newfoundland: 1930 'Miss Columbia' Flight, ''Trans-Atlantic/AIR MAIL/By B. M./''Columbia''/September/1930/Fifty Cents'' on 36c. sage-green, fine mint. S.G. 191, cat. £6,500. R.P.S. certificate (2007). Photo.
2495 | Â£1050
Canada: Newfoundland: Mainly mint, old time collection in a Plymouth album, issues from 1857 to 1947, incl. 1857-64 1d. brown-purple (4), 3d. yellowish green, 5d. brown purple, 1860 3d. green (4) incl. a pair, 5d., 1862-64 new colours 1d. to 1s., 1865-70 to 24c., 1868-73 incl. 3c., 5c. (2) unused, 1876-79 rouletted mint and used, 1887 to 5c. (2) unused, 10c. (2), 1897 (June) set to 60c., 1911-16 to 15c., 1919 used set, 1920 3c. on 15c. bright scarlet (A), 1932 Air $1.50 on $1, 1933 Balbo $4.50 on 75c., etc., slightly mixed condition with some toning.
2496 | Â£920
Canada: Newfoundland: A mint collection in a boxed album, incl. 1865-70 to 24c., 1868-73 to 6c., 1876-79 rouletted set, 1880-82 to 5c., 1887 to 10c., 1890 3c. (4), 1894 to 12c., 1897 Anniversary to 60c., 1897-1918 to 5c., 1920 3c. on 15c. type A, 1910 to 15c., 1911 to 15c., 1911-16 to 15c., 1919 to 36c. (2), 1919 3c. brown overprinted ''FIRST/TRANS-/ATLANTIC/AIR POST/April, 1919.'' unused (overprint not guaranteed), 1923-24 to 24c. (2), 1928-29 to 30c. (2), 1929-31 to 20c., 4c. imperf. pair, 1931 both Air sets, 1932 to 30c., 1932 Air $1.50 on $1, 1932-38 to 48c., 4c. and 5c. (2) imperf. pairs, 1933 to 32c., 1933 Balbo $4.50 on 75c., 1937 Coronation 'long' set, 1947 Princess Elizabeth's Birthday 4c. imperf. pair, etc., some early issues without gum, slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2497 | Â£450
Canada: Newfoundland: A collection on leaves, incl. imperfs. to 1s. unused, 1897 to 60c. mint, 1910 to 15c. mint, 1911 to 15c. mint, 1911-16 Coronation to 15c. mint, 1919 $1 on 15c. mint, 1921 35c. mint, 1923-24 to 24c. mint, 1928-29 to 30c. mint, 1929-31 to 20c. mint, 1931 Air set mint, 1931 to 30c. mint, 1933 Air set mint, 1933 to 32c. mint, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
2498 | Â£210
Canada: Nova Scotia: A selection, comprising 1851-60 1d., 3d. (3) and 6d. used, mainly four margins, and 1860-63 mint selection to 121/2c., slightly mixed condition. (30)
2499 Â£300
Canada: Nova Scotia: 1851-60 6d. deep green, close to good margins, fine used. S.G. 6, cat. £1,000. Photo.
2500 | Â£60
Canada: Prince Edward Island: A mint or part original gum selection, incl. 1860 10c. fantasy, 1862-69 to 9d., slightly mixed condition. (20)
2501 Â£230
Canada: 1852-57 medium hard wove paper 6d. greenish-grey, four margins, used, fine. S.G. 10, cat. £1,200. Photo.
2502 Â£160
Canada: 1852-57 Wove paper 71/2d. deep yellow-green, four margins, used with faint trace of manuscript cancellation. S.G. 12, cat. £2,500. Photo.
2503 Â£110
Canada: 1852-57 1/2d. deep rose, four margins, fine used. S.G. 17, cat. £600. Photo.
2504 | Â£200
Canada: A small group comprising 1858 1/2c. deep rose, 1859 17c. blue and 1864 2c. claret imperforate plate proofs on India paper all but 2c. affixed to backing card, 1868-90 Large Queens incl. 1c. red-brown, 1c. orange, 2c. green, 6c. brown, 15c. deep slate mint or unused, 121/2c. used, 1897-98 10c. brownish purple unused block of four, and Officials 1950-52 20c. slate in a fine and fresh unmounted mint upper left and mint lower corner marginal imprint blocks of four, mixed condition. (15)
2505 Â£750
Canada: 1897 Jubilee values to $3, $4 and $5, with a range of lower values, used with c.d.s's, the $5 with imprint of cancellation on reverse, mainly fine. S.G. 121-140, cat. £3,500. (33) Photo.
2506 Â£240
Canada: 1926 2c. on 3c. carmine type 49 showing the surcharge grossly misplaced, in a fine unmounted mint block of four each with collector's mark on gum. Stated only one sheet known. Ex Dr. Reford. S.G. 264 var. Photo.
2508 | Â£800
Canada: A K.G.V collection in a boxed album, incl. 1903-12 to 50c. used, 2c. imperf. block of four unmounted mint, 1908 Quebec set mint, 1911-22 to 50c. mint (4), range of War Tax issues with 1915 overprinted set mint, 1916 (Feb.) imperf. x perf. 8 2c. + 1c. mint (2), 1916 (Aug.) 2c. + 1c. carmine mint, 1916 (Aug.) imperf. x perf. 8 2c. + 1c. brown (3), 1922-31 to $1 mint (3), 1928-29 to $1, 1930-31 to $1, 1935 to $1 (3), range of coil stamps with 1911-22 1c. vertical pair with two large holes at top and bottom mint, postage dues with 1906-28 and 1930-32 sets mint, etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2509 | Â£550
Canada: An unmounted mint Q.E.II collection in ten boxed albums and a stockbook, largely complete from 1952 to 2000, incl. postage dues, multiples,, booklets and booklet panes, a few tagging errors, etc., some light duplication, mainly fine. (1,000s)
2510 | Â£480
Canada: K.E.VII to Q.E.II old time used and unused collection in a Plymouth album inc. 1903-12 mint and used to 50c. (used) with 2c. imperforate pair, 1908 Tercentenary set mint, 1911-22 mainly mint to 50c. (2) incl. shades, 2c. carmine imperforate proof in issued colour (faults), 1915 ''WAR TAX'' (Type 45) mint set, mint sets incl. 1928-29, 1935, 1942 War Effort, Officials incl. 1949 mint set to $1 with Air, coil stamps, airs, special delivery, postage dues, etc., mainly good to fine, also small collection on printed pages in a binder with a few 1859 values, large and small Queens in mixed condition. (many 100s)
2511 | Â£350
Canada: A collection on leaves, Q.V. to Q.E.II, incl. range of early issues with small and large Queens, 1897 Jubilee to 50c. part original gum (2), 1898-1902 to 20c. used, 1903-12 to 50c. used, 1908 Quebec set used, 1922-31 to $1 mint, 1c., 2c. and 3c. imperf. pairs mint, 1930-31 to $1 used, 1935 to $1 mint, 1937-38 to $1 mint, 1942-48 War Effort fo $1 mint, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
2513 | Â£210
Canada: A used Q.V. collection on leaves, from 1868 to 1900, incl. range of small and large Queens to 15c., 1893 20c. (2), 50c. (2), 1897-98 to 10c., 1898-1902 to 20c. (2), registration stamps with 1875 8c. used, 5c. unused marginal strip of three, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
2514 | Â£180
Canada: A selection of used Colony of Canada issues on leaves, incl. 1852-57 3d. with four margins (2), 1859 to 17c. (3), etc., mixed condition. (33)
2515 | Â£550
Canada: A mint and used collection in an album with a range of early issues in varied condiition, later issues mint incl. 1922-31 $1 block, 1942-48 1c. to $1 and 1946 Peace sets in imprint blocks, Postage Dues, Officials with 1949 overprint sets (2 both unmounted), 1950-52 set in blocks, booklets, etc. (100s)
2516 Â£80
Canada: Special Delivery: 1898 to 1946 complete mint, with 1898-1920 10c. (4 shades), 1922 20c. wet and dry printing, etc., later unmounted, slightly mixed condition. (19)
2517 | Â£600
Canada: Revenues: A collection in two boxed albums, incl. Bill 1865 to $2 used, 1868 to $3 used, Cigars, Cigarettes, Electricity & Gas, Excise, Gas Inspection, Law 1876 to $5 used, 1915 25c. and 50c. used, 1938 to $5, 1939 25c. used, Postal Note, Tobacco, Unemployment, War Tax, Weights and Measures, etc., also a wide range of Christmas and charity seals with 1980s progressive proofs, some cinderellas, etc. (100s)
2518 | Â£380
Canada: Revenues: A collection of Canadian Province revenues in a boxed album, incl. Alberta, British Colombia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia Bill 1869 to $3 used, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan, also some cinderellas, seals, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
2519 Â£180
Cayman Islands: 1907 (Nov.) 1/2d. on 5s. salmon and green, 1d. on 5s. salmon and green, fine mint. S.G. 18, 19, cat. £575. Photo.
2520 Â£90
Cayman Islands: 1907-09 Watermark Crown CA 10s. green and red on green, fine used on small piece. S.G. 34, cat. £250. Photo.
2521 Â£320
Cayman Islands: 1908 21/2d. on 4d. brown and blue mint, light overall gum toning otherwise fine. S.G. 35, cat. £1,800. Photo.
2524 Â£150
Cayman Islands: 1932 Centenary 1/4d. to 10s. set mint, mainly fine. S.G. 84-95, cat. £500. Photo.
2525 Â£140
Cayman Islands: 1932 Centenary 1/4d. to 10s. set mint, light gum toning otherwise mainly good to fine. S.G. 84-95, cat. £500. Photo.
2526 Â£140
Cayman Islands: 1932 Centenary 1/4d. to 10s. set used, top two values with some shortish perfs., otherwise good to fine. S.G. 84-95, cat. £750. Photo.
2527 Â£400
Cayman Islands: 1935 Pictorial 1/4d. to 10s. set used on 1936 three fronts, registered to England, also 10s. imprint block of four used on piece, also 1935 Silver Jubilee two of each (extra 21/2d.) used on 1936 cover, mainly fine. S.G. 96-111. Photo.
2528 | Â£1000
Cayman Islands: A collection in two boxed albums, incl. 1902-03 to 1s., 1907 to 5s., 1907-09 to 10s., 1912-20 to 10s. (3), range of War Stamp issues with 1917 type 14 and type 15 with no fraction bar, 1921-26 to both 10s., 1932 Centenary to 10s., 1935 to 10s., 1938-49 and 1950 to 10s. unmounted, 1962-64 to £1 unmounted, later largely complete to 1999, etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2529 | Â£480
Cayman Islands: A mint Q.V. to early Q.E.II collection on leaves, incl. 1902-03 to 1s., 1905 to 1s., 1907 to 5s., 1907-09 to 10s., 1912-20 to 10s. (3), 1921-26 to both 10s., 1932 Centenary to 5s., 1935 to 10s., 1938-48 to 10s. (4),1950 to 10s., 1953-62 to £1, 1962-64 to £1, etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2530 | Â£350
Cayman Islands: Mainly mint collection from 1900 to 1970 on leaves incl. 1908-09 MCA 1/4d. to 10s., 1921-26 Script 1/4d. to 10s., 1932 Centenary set, 1935 Script set, 1938-48 to 10s. (4) with shades and perfs., 1948 Wedding 10s. in imprint block, 1950, 1953-62 and 1962-64 (unmounted) sets, etc. (approx. 390)
2531 | Â£350
Cayman Islands: A mainly used selection in a folder, incl. 1932 Centenary set (cancellations not guaranteed), 1935 set, etc., varied condition. (237)
2532 | Â£140
Cayman Islands: A K.E.VII to K.G.VI collection on leaves and loose, incl. 1907-09 to 10s. mint, range of covers, etc. (few 100s)
2533 | Â£60
Cayman Islands: A used collection on leaves, Q.V. to K.G.VI, incl. 1935 to 10s., mixed condition. (98)
2534 Â£95
Ceylon: 1921-32 Watermark Mult. Script CA 30c. yellow-green and violet, die I/die II interpanneau pair, unmounted mint, some faults to gutter, two tiny adhesions on upper stamp and one or two tone spots, otherwise fine. S.G. 352b, cat. £750. Photo.
2535 Â£180
Ceylon: 1970 Wildlife 5c. with variety magenta omitted, unmounted mint block of four, a few very minor tone spots on reverse, otherwise fine. S.G. 561a, cat. £640+. Photo.
2536 | Â£750
Ceylon: A Q.V. to early Q.E.II collection on leaves, incl. Chalons to 2s. used, 1872-80 to 96c. mint or used, 1885 range of surcharges to 1r.12 on 2r.50 mint, 1888-90 range of varieties, 1899-1900 to 2r.25. mint, 1903-05 and 1904-05 to 2r.25 mint, 1910-11 to 10r. mint, 1912-25 to 20r. mint, 1921-32 to 20r. mint, 1927-29 to 20r. mint, 1938-49 to 5r. (3) mint, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
2538 | Â£110
Ceylon: A group of unmounted mint Q.V. to K.G.V multiples, incl. 1904-05 3c. (2), 4c. and 12c. complete panes of sixty, etc., some mounted in margins, slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2540 Â£300
China: 1932 (Dec. 7) cover from Sudan with six page letter enclosed, addressed to a member of the Shanghai Volunteer Corps, franked by 1921-23 5m. (3), taxed upon arrival in Shanghai, with boxed ''T'' and 1913-15 4c. (3) postage dues, roughly opened at top. Photo.
2541 Â£3000
China: 1962 Stage Art miniature sheet unmounted mint, corner crease at both top corners, some other gum wrinkles in margins, but rare. S.G. MS2044a. Photo.
2542 Â£720
China: 1964 Peonies miniature sheet fresh unused, some small wrinkles mainly in margins. S.G. MS2199a. Photo.
2543 Â£700
China: 1964 Anniversary of People's Republic miniature sheet fresh unmounted mint but some gum creases and wrinkles. S.G. MS2215a. Photo.
2544 Â£620
China: 1980 Year of the Monkey 8f. on illustrated f.d.c. tied by red cancellation, good condition S.G. 2968. Photo.
2546 | Â£18000
China: Collection from 1876 to 2010 in two albums with a range of early issues in mixed condition incl. 1878-83 1ca., 3ca. and 5ca. (2) used, 1888 Small Dragons unused, 1894 Dowager Birthday set unused, 1897 Surcharges mainly used, 1897 Revenue overprinted 1c. on 3c. mint, type 18 2c. on 3c. used, type 19 2c. on 3c. mint, 4c. on 3c. mint, 1900-06 to $5 unused, 1912 Republic 1c. to $2 mint, Evolution to 50c., $5 unused, 1913-22 values to $20, 1921 Air set mint, 1928 Assumption set mint, 1932 Expedition set mint, 1949 Swans set unused, 1950 Foundation set unused, 1950 surcharges unused, most later set mint or unused incl. 1960 Gold Fish, 1960-61 Chrysanthemums, 1962 Stage Art, 1963 Cuban Revolution, 1963 Butterflies, 1963 Landscapes, 1964 Peonies, 1964 Anniversary strip, 1965 National Games, 1966 Revolution Games, 1966 Death Anniversary, 1967 Thoughts of Mao set in two strips, 1967 Labour Day, 1967 Talks, 1967 Communist Party, 1967 Our Great Teacher, 1967 Poems, 1967 Revolutionary Literature 1st and 2nd series sets, 1968 Directives strip of five 1971 Paris Commune, 1971 Party Anniversary set with strip, 1980 Year of The Monkey 8f., etc. (100s)
2547 | Â£1850
China: A large accumulation of modern People's Republic issues in packets as issued contained in five cartons with unmounted mint sets, sheetlets and miniature sheets, booklets, Presentation and year packs, commemorative covers, maxim cards, stationery cards, also similar period issues for Hong Kong and Macau. (many 100s)
2548 | Â£3200
China: A mint and used accumulation in varied condition in a small stockbook, a notebook and in packets and on stockcards with unmounted mint incl. 1964 Hydro-Electric set, 1964 Anniversary 8f. strip of three, 1965 Victory set, 1965 National Games set, 1967 Mao-Tse Tung 8f., 1967 Anniversary 8f. pair (mounted) 1967 Labour Day set (mounted), 1968 Anglo American Declaration 8f., 1971 Communist Party Anniversary 8f. se-tenant strip, 1972 Discussions set, 1976 Five Year Plan, 1983 Terracotta Warriors booklet, also Taiwan (including sets in packets affixed inside an S.G. catalogue), etc. (few 100s)
2549 | Â£2200
China: Mainly unmounted mint collection of miniature sheets from 1978 to 2010 in a cover album incl. 1978 National Science (unused), 1978 Galloping Horses, 1978 Arts and Crafts, 1978 Bridges, 1979 Great Wall ordinary and Exhibition overprinted sheets, 1979 Childhood, 1979 Camellias (2, one with Exhibition overprint), 1980 Paintings, 1980 Lotus Paintings, 1981 Beauties, 1984 Tang Dynasty, etc. (119)
2550 | Â£80
Cocos (Keeling) Islands: A collection of unmounted mint Q.E.II issues in a boxed album, complete from 1963 to 2000, mainly fine. (100s)
2551 | Â£550
Cook Islands: Collection from 1892 to 1953 in an album, incl. 1892 to 10d. (2), 1893-1900 to 1s. with both perfs., 1919 opts. Set to 1s. used on two registered philatelic covers, 1943-54 Postal Fiscal 2s.6d. to £5 (unmounted), also Aitutaki, Niue with 1918-29 Postal Fiscal to 10s., £1, Penrhyn, etc. (few 100)
2553 Â£80
Crete: British Post Offices in Crete 1898 20pa. bright violet, part original gum, light overall toning, otherwise fine. R.P.S. certificate (1998). S.G. B1, cat. £425. Photo.
2555 Â£120
Cyprus: 1902-04 Watermark Crown CA 1/2pi. to 45 pi. set, mint, mainly fine. S.G. 50-59. cat. £600. Photo.
2556 Â£95
Cyprus: 1923 Watermark Mult. Script CA 10s. green and red on pale yellow, fine mint. S.G. 100, cat. £400. Photo.
2557 Â£450
Cyprus: 1923 Watermark Mult. Crown CA £1 purple and black on red mint, heavy hinge, otherwise fine. S.G. 101, cat. £1,400. Photo.
2558 | Â£650
Cyprus: A collection on leaves, incl. 1880 overprints, 1882-86 to 12pi. mint or used, 1894-96, 1902-04, 1904-10, 1912-15, and 1921-23 to 45pi. mint, 1924-28 to £1 mint, 1928 Anniversary set mint, 1934 to 45pi. mint, 1938-51 and 1955-60 to £1 mint, etc., later to 1970s, slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2559 | Â£380
Cyprus: A K.E.VII to early Q.E.II selection, incl. 1904-10 to 45pi. mint, 1924-28 to 90pi. (top value unmounted upper marginal example with plate number), 1928 Anniversary to £1 mint, 1934 to 45pi. mint, 1938-51 values to £1 mint and used, 1955-60 to £1 unmounted mint, etc., slightly mixed condition. (116)
2560 | Â£110
Cyprus: A mint selection on leaves, Q.V. to early Q.E.II, incl. 1938-51 to £1, 1955-60 to £1, etc., mixed condition. (92)
2561 | Â£220
Cyprus: An unmounted mint K.E.VII to early Q.E.II selection, incl. multiples, 1938-51 values to £1 (2), 1955 to £1, etc., also a few used, mainly fine. (113)
2562 | Â£650
Cyprus: A mainly mint collection from 1870 to 1965 in an album incl. 1881 CC to 6pi. used, 1882 30pa. on 1pi. used, 1892-94 CA to 12pi. used, 1902-04 CA to 45pi.,1904-10 MCA 5pa. to 45pi., 1921-23 MCA 10s., 1924-28 MCA £1, 1928 Anniversary set, 1934 Script set, 1938-51 to £1 (2), 1948 Silver Wedding £1 in imprint block, 1960-61 set (unmounted), etc. (few 100)
2563 | Â£100
Cyprus: Covers and Cancellations: 1885 to 1961, selection of covers and cards, incl. K.G.V 2pi. on 1pi. stationery card unused, Rural posts, etc. (15 items)
2564 Â£140
Dominica: 1923-33 Watermark Mult. Script CA to 5s. and Watermark Mult. Crown CA 3s. to £1, mint, some unmounted, and 5s. and £1 overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' with gum, mainly fine. S.G. 71-91, 90s, 91s. Photo.
2565 | Â£350
Dominica: A Q.V. to early Q.E.II collection on leaves, incl. 1877-79 to 1s. used, 1882-83 bisect set mint or used, 1886-90 to 1s. mint, 1903-07 to 5s. mint, 1907-08 to 5s. mint, 1908-20 to 5s. mint, 1921022 to 2s.6d. mint, 1923-33 to £1 mint, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
2566 | Â£350
Dominica: Mainly mint collection from 1874 to 1966 on leaves incl. 1874 CC 6d. (2) and 1s. (2) used, 1877-79 CC to 1s., 1903-07 to 5s., 1907-08 MCA 1/2d. to 5s. (also 5s. used), 1908-20 MCA to 5s., 1921-22 Script set, 1923-33 Script to 5s., 1948 Silver Wedding 10s. in imprint block, etc. (approx. 310)
2568 | Â£400
Egypt: A collection in mixed condition from 1866 to 1957 in an early printed album incl. 1923-24 to £1 both mint and used, 1926 Birthday 50p. both mint and used, 1931 Zeppelin overprinted pair both mint and used, 1932 100m. on E£1 mint, 1934 U.P.U. set used, 1938 Birthday E£1 mint, etc. (few 100)
2569 | Â£110
Egypt: A collection in an album and stockbook, incl. 1953 Postage set mint (40m. is used), range of later issues and minature sheets, etc. (100s)
2570 | Â£130
Egypt: A small group, comprising 1884 20pa. on 5pi used, perforated proof of the surcharge only, Officials with 1913 5m. interpanneau block of twelve unmounted mint showing some minor varieties, 1914-15 2m. marginal block of four with surcharge inverted unmounted mint (Hass certificate, 1995), 4m. single with overprint inverted used with Dawain cancellation (Hass certificate, 1990), mainly fine.
2575 Â£170
Egypt: British Forces in Egypt: 1935 Silver Jubilee 1p., mint, one or two shortish perfs., otherwise fine. S.G. A10, cat. £350. Photo.
2576 | Â£130
Egypt: British Forces in Egypt: A mint selection, incl. 1932-33 'Postal Seal' and 'Letter Seal' 1p., 1932-35 Letter Seals, 1935 Silver Jubilee 1p. used on piece, 1935 Christmas 3m. on 1p. used, etc., mainly fine. (17)
2577 Â£80
Egypt: French Post Offices: Postage Dues: 1928-30 5m. olive-green, strip of three from the foot of the pane, centre stamp has variety ''F'' omitted [44] from ''FRANCAIS'', fine. Photo.
2578 | Â£800
Ethiopia: Mainly mint fairly comprehensive collection from 1868 to 1974 in varied condition in three albums incl. 1902 and 1903 handstamped set mint, 1904 surcharge set, 1905 new currency values, 1906 and 1907 handstamps, 1911 Provisional overprinted set used on small pieces, 1917 Coronation and 1930 Accession issues with overprint varieties, 1943 Restoration of Obelisk set, 1947 Postal Service, 1947-55 Postage and Air sets, 1949 Exhibition, range of later sets, etc. (100s)
2579 Â£580
Falkland Islands: Whaling Captains, 1832 (Aug. 25) and 1833 (Feb. 10) two interesting letters (letters only) written by Capt. Lyman Allyn of the ship ""John & Edward"" from Rio de Janeiro to his employers, Messrs. N. & W.W. Billings at New London, Connecticut, the first with mention of a dispute with Capt. Brooks and stating his intention to ""go direct to the isle of Tristan de Cunha"", the second with mentions of Capt. Fitch (See Grosvenor auction 21 June 2017, lot 529), and the schooner ""Sun"" (See Grosvenor auction 9 Nov. 2016, lot 1496), minor stains etc. Also a third letter to Billings sent Oct. 8 1834 from the Cape of Good Hope by successor captain of the ""John & Edward"", Giles Bailey, who notably had his leg smashed by a whale during its pursuit and later amputated. (3 items) Captain Lyman Allyn (1797-1874) moved to New London, Connecticut, in 1818 and worked his way up to captain while working for N. & W. W. Billings. The New Bedford Whaling Museum Research Library today holds an important archive of letters from Billings addressed to Allyn as captain of the ""John and Edward"", discussing the presence of a United States warship near the Falkland Islands to prevent the seizure of American whalers during this pivotal period in the history of the islands. Photo.
2580 Â£3800
Falkland Islands: 1844 entire whaling letter with full contents headed ""Falkland Island February 13th 1844"" sent by Samuel Comstock to his father in Norwalk, Connecticut, USA, endorsed on front ""Mystic Bridge Ct. Ship July 13"" and charged 141/2c. (2c. ship rate + 121/2c. inland rate between 80 and 150 miles). Carried on the ""Shepherdess"" by Capt. Hiram Clift from the Falklands to Mystic, the ship being mentioned in the letter. ""We arrived at the Falkland Febr 10th, three months out. We put in here on account of the rudder being out of repairs. The whale ship Shepherdess of Mistick arrived here the night before we sail. The islands here are not inhabited. There is as good water as I ever drink... geese, ducks and rabbits in abundance. I am tuff and hardy... but I guess we will catch it going around the Horn if ever."" (full transcript enclosed). Also recent article published in the Upland Goose (Vol. XXVI, No. 2, Autumn 2018) recounting the recent rediscovery of the letter, which has never before been offered on the open market and narrowly avoided being thrown away by the family of the previous owner. Listed in ""Postal Cancellations"" by Barnes as Early Letter no. 5. Heijtz certificate (2018) Photo.
2581 Â£6000
Falkland Islands: THE BLACK FRANK: 1872 (Jan. 2) a fine strike on yellow envelope and an important example, prepaid at the 4d. rate unique to Montevideo only, addressed to with red ms. ''4(d.)'', fine F.1 despatch c.d.s. and receiving notation at foot, flap mostly missing. Carried on the ''Foam''. Barnes 2/72. Photo also on front cover.
2582 Â£800
Falkland Islands: THE BLACK FRANK: 1873 (May 15) a fine strike on right part side of cover to Manchester with despatch datestamp and ms. mark ''6'' in magenta. Carried on the ''Black Hawk'' to Montevideo and from there to London on the ''Araucania''. Barnes 4/73. Photo.
2583 Â£200
Falkland Islands: Queen Victoria Proofs and Specimens: Proofs, Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. 1d. imperf. colour trial in brown on wove paper, an example from the foot of the sheet, fine. Photo.
2584 Â£220
Falkland Islands: Queen Victoria Proofs and Specimens: Proofs, Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. 1d. imperf. colour trial in brown on wove paper, fine. SH cat. £250. Photo.
2585 Â£720
Falkland Islands: Queen Victoria Proofs and Specimens: Proofs, Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. 1d. imperf. colour trial in brown on wove paper, block of four from the base of the sheet, fine. SH cat. £1,000. Photo.
2586 Â£220
Falkland Islands: Queen Victoria Proofs and Specimens: Proofs, Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. 6d. colour trial in blue, on wove paper, fine. SH cat. £250. Photo.
2587 Â£270
Falkland Islands: Queen Victoria Proofs and Specimens: Proofs, Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. 1s. imperf. colour trial in olive-black on wove paper, fine. SH cat. £250. Photo.
2588 Â£270
Falkland Islands: Queen Victoria Proofs and Specimens: Proofs, Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. 1s. imperf. colour trial in green on wove paper, fine. SH cat. £250. Photo.
2589 Â£350
Falkland Islands: Queen Victoria Proofs and Specimens: Printers' samples, Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. 1878-79 6d. imperf. in blue, overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' in violet, fine. SH cat. £600. Photo.
2590 Â£980
Falkland Islands: Queen Victoria Proofs and Specimens: Printers' samples, Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. 1898 2s.6d. imperf. in brown perforated ''SPECIMEN'' (Samuel type B1), fine. SH cat. £800. Photo.
2591 Â£650
Falkland Islands: Queen Victoria Proofs and Specimens: Printers' samples, Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. 1898 5s. imperf. in red perforated ''SPECIMEN'' (Samuel type B1), mounted on card, fine. SH cat. £800. Photo.
2593 Â£60
Falkland Islands: Queen Victoria Proofs and Specimens: Specimen Stamps, 1/2d. blue-green, Aug. 1891 printing and 1d. orange red-brown, Oct. 1891 printing, both handstamped ''SPECIMEN'' (16.5 x 2mm) in red and affixed to closely cut card. Photo.
2594 Â£60
Falkland Islands: Queen Victoria Proofs and Specimens: Specimen Stamps, 1d. orange red-brown and 1d. red-brown shades, Oct. 1891 printings, both handstamped ''SPECIMEN.'' (16.5 x 2mm) in red, the former (lower marginal) affixed to closely cut card, the latter upper marginal and ungummed. Photo.
2595 Â£720
Falkland Islands: Queen Victoria Proofs and Specimens: Specimen Stamps, 1891-1902 1d. orange-brown (wmk. reversed), Jan. 1894 printing, overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' in violet, a top left corner block of eight, without gum, some wrinkling and perf. reinforcement, otherwise fine, stated to be the largest known multiple. SH 6g, cat. £720+. Photo.
2596 Â£250
Falkland Islands: Queen Victoria Proofs and Specimens: Specimen Stamps, 1d. claret (wmk. reversed), July 1894 printing, 1d. Venetian red (wmk. reversed), Nov. 1895 printing, 1d. pale red, June 1899 printing, upper right corner marginal examples handstamped ''SPECIMEN'' in violet (12.5 x 1.5mm). SH 6h, 6i, 6l. Each with Heijtz certificate (2007). Photo.
2597 Â£170
Falkland Islands: Queen Victoria Proofs and Specimens: Specimen Stamps, 1898 2s.6d. deep blue and and 5s. red overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' (Samuel type B2), fine with large part gum. S.G. 41s, 42s, cat. £550. Photo.
2598 Â£130
Falkland Islands: Queen Victoria Proofs and Specimens: Specimen Stamps, 1898 2s.6d. deep blue and and 5s. red overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' (Samuel type B2), slightly toned but with gum and lightly hinged. S.G. 41s, 42s, cat. £550. Photo.
2599 Â£150
Falkland Islands: Queen Victoria Proofs and Specimens: Specimen Stamps, 1898 2s.6d. deep blue and and 5s. red overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' (Samuel type B2), both with part toned gum, the 5s. with creasing, otherwise fine. S.G. 41s, 42s, cat. £550. Photo.
2600 Â£75
Falkland Islands: Queen Victoria Proofs and Specimens: Specimen Stamps, 1898 2s.6d. deep blue and and 5s. red overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', the 2s.6d. with toned gum and one toned perf., otherwise fine. S.G. 41s, 42s, cat. £550. Photo.
2601 Â£110
Falkland Islands: 1878-79 no watermark 1d. claret mint, light bends, 4d. unused (regummed), 6d. (3), 1s. (5, one marginal at foot), mint, minor imperfections. S.G. 1-4, cat. £2,935. Photo.
2602 | Â£400
Falkland Islands: 1883 to 1902, a mainly mint collection of shades and printings on leaves comprising 1/2d. (40), 1d. (35), 2d. (15), 21/2d. (25), 4d. (6), 6d. (9), 9d. (5) and 1s. (5), chiefly fair to fine. (140)
2603 Â£130
Falkland Islands: 1885-91 Watermark Crown CA sideways 1d. pale claret, Crown to right of CA reversed, mint block of four with crackly gum, a little heavily mounted, fine. SH 6b wmk3, S.G. 7y, cat. £1,100+. Photo.
2604 Â£980
Falkland Islands: The 1891 Bisect Provisionals: Second Mail on the S.S. Denderah (Feb. 12 1891), H.M.S. Cleopatra envelope sent by naval clerk Wilfred Cooper addressed to Assistant Engineer William Smith on the cruiser H.M.S. ''Immortalité/Channel Squadron'', franked by 1d. brownish claret strip of three, one bisected diagonally (unsurcharged) tied by cork cancellations with despatch datestamp below, light stains and torn at top on opening nevertheless a most interesting example. Barton B10. Photo.
2605 Â£250
Falkland Islands: 1891-1902 1/2d. yellow-green, a complete sheet of sixty from the centre of the pane showing complete ''CROWN AGENTS'' watermark, two stamps just mounted, minor mark on reverse of one stamp, otherwise fine. S.G. 17b, cat. £195+. Photo.
2606 Â£230
Falkland Islands: 1891-1902 1d. reddish chestnut, unmounted mint block of twelve with the middle row showing part of the ''CROWN AGENTS'' watermark, three stamps with vertical crease, otherwise fine. S.G. 19, cat. £600. Photo.
2607 Â£1450
Falkland Islands: 1891-1902 1d. orange brown watermark reversed, complete sheet of sixty, mint (four stamps mounted), fine. S.G. 20, cat. £3,900. Photo.
2608 | Â£160
Falkland Islands: 1891-1902 1d. orange-brown watermark reversed mint corner block of six showing part of ''THE'' in the watermark and 2d. purple watermark upright unmounted mint block of ten showing ''AGENT'', the first with vertical crease affecting two stamps and the latter with light gum toning, otherwise fine. (16)
2609 Â£260
Falkland Islands: 1891-1902 2d. purple, complete unmounted mint sheet of sixty, some gum toning, otherwise fine. S.G. 25, cat. £420+. Photo.
2610 Â£90
Falkland Islands: 1891-1902 21/2d. Prussian blue and 4d. brownish black, watermark reversed, Jan. 1894 printings, mint, rather heavily mounted, the latter with tone spot at foot, fine appearance. The 21/2d. with B.P.A. certificate (1985). SH 8d, 9e, S.G. 29, 31, cat. £1,050. Photo.
2612 Â£400
Falkland Islands: 1891-1902 4d. olive-black, a complete unmounted mint sheet of sixty, a few minor gum bends and faint tone spots on reverse, otherwise fine. S.G. 32, cat. £960+. Photo.
2613 Â£110
Falkland Islands: 1898 2s.6d. deep blue, 5s. red, mint, the 2s.6d. a little heavily mounted otherwise fine. S.G. 41, 42, cat. £525. Photo.
2615 Â£300
Falkland Islands: 1898 5s. red block of four, mint, some perf. reinforcement and one or two minor creases, otherwise fine. S.G. 42, cat. £1,000+. Photo.
2617 Â£110
Falkland Islands: 1904-12 1/2d. to 5s. set, fine fresh mint. (8) S.G. 43-59, cat. £475. Photo.
2618 Â£140
Falkland Islands: 1904-12 1d. vermilion and 2d. purple, both variety watermark reversed, used, fine. S.G. 44ax, 45ax, cat. £875. Photo.
2619 Â£300
Falkland Islands: 1904-12 6d. orange, unmounted mint lower left corner marginal block of twenty (5 x 4), hinged in margin, fine. S.G. 47, cat. £900+. Ex Steinberg. Photo.
2620 Â£2500
Falkland Islands: 1904-12 3s. deep green, the rare variety watermark reversed, large part original gum, fine. B.P.A. certificate (2018). S.G. 49bx, cat. £4,500. Photo.
2621 Â£90
Falkland Islands: King George V De La Rue Issues, Proofs, 2d. imperf. printer's sample in dull orange on ungummed paper, overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' (Samuel type DS1). Photo.
2622 | Â£100
Falkland Islands: 1912-20 Watermark Mult. Crown CA mint and used selection of shades and perfs. with values to 1s. (7), 10s., mint, also 1921-29 Watermark Mult. Script CA values to 1s. (4), fair to fine. (197)
2623 Â£260
Falkland Islands: 1912-20 Watermark Mult. Crown CA 1/2d. to £1 set with extra 1/2d. (3), 1d. (2), 2d. (2), 21/2d. (2), 6d., 1s. (2), 5s. (2), mainly fine mint. S.G. 60-69. Photo.
2624 Â£210
Falkland Islands: 1912-20 Watermark Mult. Crown CA 1/2d. to £1 set mint, £1 with gum wrinkle and lower values rather heavily mounted otherwise fine. (11) S.G. 60-69, cat. £1,000. Photo.
2625 Â£240
Falkland Islands: 1912-20 Watermark Mult. Crown CA 10s., £1, and 1921-28 Watermark Mult. Script CA 3s., mint, some gum wrinkling, otherwise fine. S.G. 68, 69, 80, cat. £840.
2626 Â£900
Falkland Islands: 1918-20 ''WAR STAMP'', 1s. pale bistre-brown, variety overprint double, one albino, with double offsets, mint, fine. B.P.A. certificate (1967). S.G. 72ab, cat. £2,250. SH 37b v1 var. Photo.
2627 Â£260
Falkland Islands: 1929-37 'Whale and Penguin' 1/2d. to £1 set, also extra 1/2d. and 1d. (3) shades, line perf. 4d., 6d. and 1s., mint, the 5s. and 10s. unmounted, mainly fine. S.G. 116-26, etc., cat. £895. Photo.
2628 Â£160
Falkland Islands: 1929-37 'Whale and Penguin' 1/2d. to £1 set with 1d., 4d., 6d. and 1s. shades, mainly fine mint. S.G. 116-26, etc., cat. £787. Photo.
2629 Â£250
Falkland Islands: 1929-37 'Whale and Penguin' 1/2d. to £1 mint, also with line perfs. to 1s., odd shortish perf. otherwise mainly fine. S.G. 116-125, cat. £700. Photo
2630 Â£95
Falkland Islands: 1929-37 'Whale and Penguin' £1 black on red, used, fine. S.G. 126, cat. £425. Photo.
2631 Â£1600
Falkland Islands: 1933 Centenary 1/2d. to £1 set mint, unmounted except for the 2s.6d. and 10s., the 5s. with one or two gum wrinkles and the 10s. with minor gum disturbance, otherwise mainly fine. S.G. 127-138, cat. £4,250. Photo.
2632 Â£2000
Falkland Islands: 1933 Centenary 1/2d. to £1 set mint, marginal except for 6d. and 5s., mainly fine. S.G. 127-38, cat. £4,250. Photo.
2634 Â£350
Falkland Islands: 1933 Centenary 5s. black and yellow, mint, minor gum wrinkle, fine. S.G. 136, cat. £950. Photo.
2635 Â£1600
Falkland Islands: 1933 Centenary 5s. black and yellow-orange from the top of the sheet (mounted in margin), unmounted mint, fine. S.G. 136a, cat. £3,250. Photo.
2636 Â£750
Falkland Islands: 1933 Centenary 5s. black and yellow-orange, slight overall gum toning but lightly hinged, fine and fresh. B.P.A. certificate (1993) S.G. 136a, cat. £3,250. Photo.
2637 Â£400
Falkland Islands: 1933 Centenary 10s. black and chestnut, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 137, cat. £850. Photo.
2638 Â£750
Falkland Islands: 1933 Centenary £1 black and carmine, fine mint. B.P.A. certificate (2016). S.G. 138, cat. £2,500. Photo.
2640 Â£40
Falkland Islands: 1938-50, 5s. indigo and pale yellow-brown, 1938 printing, fine used with PS.3 ''31 JA/46'' c.d.s. Heijtz certificate (2015), SH 91b, S.G. 161b.
2643 Â£25
Falkland Islands: 1938-50 10s. black and light orange, 1938 printing, with Madame Joseph ''14 JY/41'' fake cancellation (MJ 156), fine. SH 92a, S.G. 162a.
2644 Â£260
Falkland Islands: 1938-50 10s. black and deep reddish orange, 1949 printing, unmounted mint, fine. S.G. 162c, cat. £800. Photo.
2645 Â£120
Falkland Islands: 1938-50 £1 black and reddish violet, 1938 printing, unmounted mint, fine. SH 93b, cat. £250, S.G. 163 var. Photo.
2646 Â£60
Falkland Islands: 1938-50 £1 black and bright violet, 1949 printing, mint, fine. S.G. 163 var., SH 93d. Photo.
2648 Â£170
Falkland Islands: 1968 Flowers 6d. variety black printed double, used with part Port Stanley type PS3 c.d.s., the second impression appears to the left of the letters ''Falkland Islands'' and ''6d.''. Heijtz certificate (2018). S.G. 239 var, SH 168v1. Sold on behalf of the Stephen Jaffray Memorial Fund charity. Photo.
2649 Â£140
Falkland Islands: 1971 Flowers 5p on 6d. variety surcharge partially double with part of ''5p'' clearly double, the result of a bouncing printing plate, unmounted mint, marginal at left, fine. Heijtz certificate (2018). SH 199v1 cat £200, S.G. 270 var. Photo.
2654 Â£130
Falkland Islands: 2012 Whales & Dolphins 30p. Southern Right Whale, a used example showing progressive omission of yellow. A recent discovery, having been identified among stamps donated on the islands to the Stephen Jaffray Memorial Fund. In the opinion of the the former agents of the printers, BDT International Security Printing (now no longer active), ''the total quality affected would have been minimal, perhaps a single sheet''. R.P.S. certificate (2018). S.G. 1235 var., SH 1204v1 (to be listed in next edition).
2655 | Â£1350
Falkland Islands: A Q.V. to Q.E.II mint and used collection in three albums, incl. 1878-79 set mint, 1882 1d. and 4d. unused, 1891-1902 1d. (2) handstamped ''SPECIMEN'' in violet, shades, 1904-12 set mint with shades, 1d. dull coppery red with B.P.A. certificate (1984), 1918-20 War Tax 1s. with double off-set on reverse mint, 1921-28 set mint, 1935 Silver Jubilee 21/2d. mint vertical strip of three, one with re-entry, 1938-50 set mint, 1952 set mint, a good range Q.E.II unmounted mint issues with 1960-66 set, etc. (100s)
2656 | Â£1400
Falkland Islands: A mint and used collection on Scott pages, from 1878 to 2000, incl. 1878 1d. unused, 1882 and 1885 1s. unused, range of 1891-1902 mint, 1933 Centenary to £1 mint, 1938-50 5s., 10s. and £1 mint and used, 1948 Silver Wedding set mint and used, 1952 set mint and used, Q.E.II largely complete unmounted mint with booklets, Dependencies 1980 to 1985, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
2657 | Â£1400
Falkland Islands: A mint collection on leaves, Q.V. to early Q.E.II, incl. 1891-1902 to 1s. (2), 1898 2s.6d. and 5s.,1904-12 to 3s. (2) and 5s., 1912-20 to £1, 1921-28 to 3s., 1929-37 'Whale and Penguin' to £1, 1933 Centenary to 5s., 1938-50 to £1 (4), 1952 to £1, 1960-66 to £1, etc., later to 1994, also a few used with 1912-20 5s., some Dependencies with 1948 Thick Map set, 1954-62 to £1, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
2658 | Â£1550
Falkland Islands: A duplicated balance accumulation in three cartons incl. 1898 2s.6d. (2, one regummed), 5s. (2), 1904-12 3s., 1933 Centenary to 2s.6d., mint, 1948 Silver Wedding used, 1955-57 set mint (2), used (2), 1960-66 Birds mint (4), used (4), Flowers with 1968 set mint (2) and used, 1971 surcharges mint (8), used (3), 1972-75 set mint (4), used (3), booklets, miniature sheets, Dependencies with 1980 to £3 in unmounted blocks of ten and gutter blocks of four, South Georgia & South Sandwich Is. 2004 to £5 in unmounted blocks of eighteen, etc. with an extensive range of covers and cards incl. f.d.c's etc., mainly good to fine.
2659 | Â£720
Falkland Islands: K.G.VI to Q.E.II collection in two albums and a stockbook, with 1938-50 shades to 1s. (5), 2s.6d., 5s. (9, incl. blue and chestnut block of four), 10s. (3), £1 (5), mint, 10s. on 1948 cover from South Georgia to Scotland, 1952 1s.3d. to £1 in unmounted corner blocks of four, later with covers and cards incl. airmails with 1956 envelope from Hope Bay franked 2s., B.A.T. with 1969 £1 Endurance on postcard with first day Signy Island c.d.s., etc. mostly good to fine.
2660 | Â£300
Falkland Islands: A Q.V. to Q.E.II selection in a stockbook, incl. range of cork cancellations, 1904-12 3s. mint, 1912-20 to 3s. mint, 1929-37 1s. line perf. used block of four, 1933 Centenary to 6d. mint, 1938-50 to £1 (3), 1960-66 Birds used to £1 (2), etc. (few 100s)
2661 | Â£300
Falkland Islands: An accumulation on leaves and stockcards, incl. 1912-20 5s. mint, 1938-59 to £1 mint, 1952 to £1 unmounted mint, 1960-66 to £1 unmounted mint, Dependencies 1954-62 to £1 mint, B.A.T. 1963-60 to both £1 unmounted mint, South Georgia 1963-69 to £1 unmounted mint, etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2662 | Â£720
Falkland Islands: An unmounted mint accumulation in a stockbook, mainly K.G.V to early Q.E.II, incl. 1912-20 3s., 1929-37 values to 2s.6d., 1933 1s., 1938-50 1s. blocks of four (3, one marginal), 10s. single, 1952 to £1 (3), 1960-66 values to £1, Dependencies, South Georgia, etc., also a few used with 1938-50 5s. (3, one on piece), 10s. and £1 (2), mainly fine. (100s)
2663 | Â£170
Falkland Islands: A Q.V. to K.G.V mint and used accumulation in a stockbook, incl. 1885-91 4d. used, 1885-1902 6d. watermark reversed mint, Dependencies 1954 set unmounted mint, also a mainly mint K.G.V to Q.E.II stock in packets with values to £3 and booklets, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
2664 | Â£250
Falkland Islands: A collection of unmounted mint miniature sheets and sets from 1986 to 2012, all different, fine. (100s)
2665 | Â£65
Falkland Islands: Q.E.II unmounted mint selection on stockleaves etc. with sets and multiples incl. 1972 Flowers, 1974 Churchill miniature sheets (9), 1978 Mailships (2), etc., fine. (approx. 100)
2667 Â£35
Falkland Islands: Postal Stationery: 1917 1d. carmine envelope and 1960 1d. carmine postcard, unused, slight imperfections. SH E3, P7, cat. £315.
2670 Â£80
Falkland Islands: 1898 (Mar. 16) 1d.+1d. postal stationery reply card, the outward half addressed to Henley-on-Thames cancelled by fine F.3 c.d.s. with Apr. 23 arrival on reverse of reply card. Photo.
2671 | Â£650
Falkland Islands: 1903 to 1909, an interesting selection of covers and cards, incl. O.H.M.S. covers (3, incl. strikes of SH PSO.4 and PSO.5), 1915 to Buenos Aires bearing 5s., 1931 envelope to London bearing G.B. 1/2d. pair, 1d. (2), 11/2d. and 3d. pairs and 6d. cancelled PS.1B, paquebot mail with ''POSTED ON BOARD'' double oval on 1921-28 1d. (3), postcards with Heyburn B-4-bz (2), D-1-d, D-13-d, German card used 1914 to Italy franked 1d., postal stationery incl. 1d. envelope registered 1903 to Germany uprated by 9d., 1913 2d. registered envelope overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' etc. (19 + 4 stamps)
2672 Â£280
Falkland Islands: 1903 (July 5) 1d. postal stationery envelope used bearing 1898 5s. to Germany cancelled F.4A c.d.s's with ''(crown)/REGISTERED'' mark, German T.P.O. railway registration label and Paderborn arrival backstamp. Photo.
2673 Â£200
Falkland Islands: 1908 incoming commercial cover with enclosed personal letter from Monsignor José Fagnano Vero addressed to Elena Fenton, sent from Punta Arenas Oct. 11 franked 15c. and carried on the ''Orissa'' with fine F.4D Nov. 4 arrival below. Photo.
2674 Â£200
Falkland Islands: 1913 (Dec. 15) registered cover to Germany franked by 1904-12 1/2d., 1d. (3) and 1s. with early PS.1A c.d.s's, type 4 registration label, London transit and Paderborn Jan. 16 arrival. Photo.
2675 Â£120
Falkland Islands: 1917 1d. postal stationery envelope (SH E3) to Scotland unusually bearing Uruguay 1923 3c. Lapwing block of four and cancelled by Montevideo Exterior c.d.s's of May 21 1924. Photo.
2676 Â£210
Falkland Islands: 1923, ''COMPAÑÍA ALEMANA DE VAPORES ''KOSMOS''/Servicio entre Europa y la costa del Pacífico hasta California'' coloured litho. picture postcard ''abordo Vapor'' used from Hamburg. Photo.
2678 Â£150
Falkland Islands: 1928 (Mar. 2) commercial cover addressed to Rev. Tomás Ussher, Salesian priest in Buenos Aires, franked at 21/2d. rate by 1921-28 1/2d., 1d. (2) with local delivery mark on reverse. Photo.
2679 Â£180
Falkland Islands: 1941 (Oct. 26) K.G.VI 1d. stationery envelope to the U.S.A., uprated by 1938-50 1/2d. and 1d., slightly underpaying foreign countries rate that had been raised to 3d. the previous September, and most unusually uncensored, addressed by Christine Still to Anne Henniker-Heaton, daughter of former Governor Sir Herbert Henniker-Heaton, at the British Embassy in Washington with Montevideo Oct. 26 machine transit on reverse. Photo.
2680 Â£190
Falkland Islands: 1942, Great Britain 51/2d. postal stationery envelope uprated by 1/2d., 1d., 8d. and 2s.6d. green paying 3s.9d. airmail rate, sent Oct. 1 by Dr. Nabarro in Leatherhead to Maude Carey endorsed ''by Air Mail/North Atlantic Air Route'', believed flown to U.S.A., thereafter by surface mail to Montevideo with transit mark on reverse and via the ''Fitzroy'' to Stanley with ms. receiving note of Nov. 21. Photo.
2681 Â£170
Falkland Islands: 1952 to 2004, an interesting selection of mainly commercial covers, incl. 1960 and 1967 postcards to Nigeria and Surrey respectively franked 1s., the first with airmail etiquette, 1977 airmail cover to Essex from Cape Pembroke airfield first flight with special cachet blacked out (non-philatelic mail thus treated, caused by the delayed opening), etc.
2682 | Â£90
Falkland Islands: A collection of Q.E.II official mail with a range of cachets, incl. Agriculture, Air Service, Broadcasting station, Customs, Education, Medical, Police, Store, Treasury, etc., also a selection of Sweden black engraving proofs. (19 covers)
2686 Â£400
Falkland Islands: 1982 Conflict, Airmail cover with enclosed letter from Goose Green dated Apr. 22, franked by 1700p. pair cancelled by type II c.d.s. of Apr. 30, addressed to the Isle of Wight. The only known letter sent successfully from Goose Green during the Occupation, having been sent to her aunt and uncle by Teena Ferguson whilst held by the Argentinian forces at the Community Centre. In her letter Miss Ferguson comments, ''At the moment everything is very quiet and one hell of a bore!! About 200 Argies have set up a camp out here at ''Darwin School''. Last I heard there were something like 9000-10,000 troops here altogether! Although they have only admitted to a couple of deaths on their side during the 2 hour battle, I believe there were quite a lot more.'' Upon receipt of the letter this information regarding troop deployment and strength was immediately passed by Miss Thompson's family to the Admiralty prior to the Task Force's arrival at the Islands. It is speculated that the obliging manner in which the Argentinian authorities transmitted the letter uncensored and without undue delay may have been due to a failure to recognize the Isle of Wight as part of the British Isles! Miss Ferguson later noted that she and others had written ''literally dozens of letters during that first three weeks, none of which reached their destination. Teena Ferguson later married a member of 2 Para who liberated her from her ordeal, the couple and their family settling on the family farm on Weddell Island. Photo.
2687 Â£90
Falkland Islands: 1982 Conflict, Argentine military mail, 11p., 13p. and 18p. aerogrammes to Argentina with soldiers' messages (with translations) and ''9409'' type II c.d.s's of Apr. 30, Apr. 23 and Apr. 19 respectively. (3 items)
2688 Â£150
Falkland Islands: 1982 Conflict, Argentine military mail, two Encotel ''SERVICIO/EXTRAORDINARIO'' aerogrammes to Argentina with soldiers' messages (with translations) and ''9409'' type II c.d.s's of May 21 and June 2 respectively, the latter with large ''SALUDOS PARA TODOS/¡VIVA/LA/PATRIA!'' inside slogan and three line message. (2 items) Photo.
2689 Â£210
Falkland Islands: 1982 Conflict, Argentine military mail, two line ''EJERCITO ARGENTINO/GUARNICION MILITAR MALVINAS'' in blue on stampless cover (with enclosed letter dated Apr. 21) to Sbt (Tte 1°) Cervetti, R.I. 5 (at Port Howard), forwarded from Comodoro Rivadavia; boxed ''CENSURA NAVAL ARGENTINA'' in black on reverse of cover to conscript Jorge Soloaga in Compañía 'Foxtrot', Batallón de Infantería de Marina 2, sent from Buenos Aires May 10. (2 items) Photo.
2690 Â£150
Falkland Islands: 1982 Conflict, Argentine military mail, eight incoming covers (two with enclosed letter) to Argentine soldiers, one in Compañía Obra 1844, recovered from positions at Moody Brook or outside Port Stanley, three franked 1,700p. (one with propaganda label), the others at 8,500p. airmail rate
2691 | Â£230
Falkland Islands: 1982 Conflict, Collection in an Oriel album, one binder and loose, with covers incl. (Apr. 1) local 'last day' internal franked 5p., Occupation period incl. incoming mail with ''9409'' c.d.s's, framed or unframed (5) two line cachets, Argentine P.O. incl. (Apr. 8) local cover with 1,000p. cancelled type I, (Apr. 14) registered to Buenos Aires with receiving c.d.s., Argentine military mail with telegrams (3, one Encotel), despatch and avis de réception certificates, later with South Georgia first airmail (2), also Task Force mail with range of cachets, baggage labels, commemorative and propaganda items, ''The Forces Postal History of the Falkland Islands & the Task Force'' by Daynes, etc.
2693 Â£450
Falkland Islands: Fox Bay: 1933, two ''Argentine Mail'' covers to the same addressee in Buenos Aires, the first (Aug. 20) correctly franked by Centenary 1/2d. pair and 11/2d. and uncharged on arrival with Montevideo transit on reverse possibly providing the explanation, the second (Nov. 23) registered at 2oz. rate with franking of Centenary 1d. strip of three and 2d. pair, type 7 registration label, and charged ''A COBRAR/$100'' on arrival. Photo.
2695 Â£260
Falkland Islands: Fox Bay: 1933, 1937, two pieces from registered parcels to Devon with mainly good to fine FB.1 c.d.s's, the first (Dec. 16) bearing Centenary 2d., 1s. and with type 7 registration label, the second (Feb. 8) bearing 'Whale & Penguin' 2s.6d. block of four with type FB.3 label.
2696 Â£1250
Falkland Islands: New Island: 1910 (July 6) sentimental picture postcard addressed to Reykjavik, Iceland franked by 1904-12 1d. tied by clear strike of N.2 c.d.s., shipped locally on the ''Swona'' and onward on the ''Oravia''. Extremely rare, being both a very early example of the datestamp and an unusual destination. From 1908, the Scottish company Christian Salvesen operated a land based whaling station on New Island under the name New Whaling Company. A transport vessel and a whale catcher had arrived on Dec. 22 bringing a decommissioned land station from Fáskrúðsfjörður in Iceland. Photo.
2697 Â£450
Falkland Islands: New Island: 1915 (July 15) 'Wilson' envelope registered to Birmingham, unusually with original packet receipt initialled by acting postmaster John Innes Wilson, bearing 1912-20 6d. and 1s. tied by fine individual N2 c.d.s's with New Island registration label no. 50 below, transit and Sept. 16 arrival backstamps, carried on the ''Falkland'' and ''Orita''. Very rare. Photo.
2698 Â£750
Falkland Islands: New Island: 1916 (May 24) scarce commercial whaler's cover to Norway franked at foreign rate by 1912-20 21/2d. tied by clear type N.2 c.d.s. with Sandefjord July 20 machine arrival on reverse, vertical tear on opening. Carried on the ''Scapa'' to Stanley, thereafter by the ''California''. Photo.
2699 Â£80
Falkland Islands Dependencies: 1946-49 Thick Map 2d. with 'extra island' variety used, slight perf. irregularities otherwise fine. S.G. G3aa, cat. £350. Photo.
2701 | Â£140
Falkland Islands Dependencies: A mint collection in an album, Q.E.II issues are unmounted, incl. 1954-62 to £1, South Georgia 1963-69 to £1 (both), good range of later issues to 2012, etc. (100s)
2702 Â£1900
Falkland Islands Dependencies: South Georgia: The large ''SOUTH GEORGIA'' imprint, 1910 (Jan. 31) picture postcard (Buenos Aires Estación Once) to Norway, written by Sören Bernsten with New Year greetings to his mother-in-law, bearing 1904-12 1d. cancelled by F.4D c.d.s. with ''JY'' for ''JA'' and good strike of large ''SOUTH GEORGIA'' imprint (SGU1) alongside, carried to Buenos Aires on the second mail dispatched from South Georgia P.O. which had opened in Dec. 1909, carried by the whaling vessel ''Cachalote'', the adhesive with damaged corner, as normally found on this mailing, nevertheless a very rare item. Photo.
2703 Â£900
Falkland Islands Dependencies: South Georgia: 1912 (Apr. 1) unusual real photographic picture postcard showing the ''Harpon'' (supply ship for the Compañía Argentina de Pesca at Grytviken), addressed to Buenos Aires franked by 1904-12 21/2d. deep blue, tied by light SG1 c.d.s. and thus illustrating the resupply of the 21/2d. value by this time. Illustrated in ''South Georgia: The Provisional 'Paid at/At' Handstamp 1911-12'' by H.A. Osborne, p.16 (2013). R.P.S. certificate (1984). Photo.
2704 Â£250
Falkland Islands Dependencies: South Georgia: 1913 (Apr. 12) small registered cover to Dublin with SG1 registration label and bearing 1912-20 1s. tied by two good SG1 c.d.s's, London June 4 transit backstamp. Photo.
2705 Â£420
Falkland Islands Dependencies: South Georgia: Stromness Whaling Station, 1913 (Apr. 30) 'homemade' real photographic picture postcard showing the station with whalecatcher on the slip, addressed to Odense, Denmark headed ''Strómness, Syd Georgia 23/4/1913'', franked by 1904-12 1d. tied by fair SG1 c.d.s., the message (translated) advises that ''Such a boat is from which we shoot the whale, we have caught 238.'' Photo.
2706 Â£210
Falkland Islands Dependencies: South Georgia: 1913 (Aug. 25) K.G.V. 2d. stationery registered envelope (SH R1) bearing 1912-20 1/2d. to 6d. with fine SG1 c.d.s.'s and type SG2 registration label, locally addressed by Ray Hardy during his visit to the island that also lead to the production of the early coloured postcards, slight staining. Photo.
2707 Â£380
Falkland Islands Dependencies: South Georgia: 1914 (Apr. 28) registered cover to Bath with early use of scarce SG3 registration label )''New Island'' deleted and ''S. Geo.'' added by hand), bearing 1904-12 1/2d. (2, one green on thin paper, the other deep yellow-green on thick paper) and 1912-20 1s. cancelled SG1, Liverpool June 1 transit backstamp. The label illustrated in ''the Falkland Islands Philatelic Digest'', No. 1, p.130. Photo.
2708 Â£320
Falkland Islands Dependencies: South Georgia: 1915 (Mar. 7) whaler's cover to Tønsberg, Norway franked at 21/2d. foreign rate by 1904-12 1/2d. and 1d. pair tied by early use of SG2 c.d.s. introduced the previous November, and carried on the ''Harpon'' to Buenos Aires. Photo.
2709 Â£210
Falkland Islands Dependencies: South Georgia: Stromness Whaling Station, 1915 (Dec. 3) picture postcard from the Canary Islands (a transit stop for the whaling fleet) used to Tønsberg, Norway franked by 1912-20 1/2d. (2) with message from whaler Jens Bredesen to his family headed ''Strömness den 2/12/1915'', (translated) ''We have about 500 barrels''. Photo.
2710 Â£230
Falkland Islands Dependencies: South Georgia: Leith Harbour Whaling Station, 1916 (Oct. 16) picture postcard of the Harbour (Heyburn BK-2-bk) and with personal message headed ''Leith Harbour'', addressed to Norway franked 1d. cancelled by light SG2 c.d.s., some imperfections but a scarce early item. Photo.
2711 Â£60
Falkland Islands Dependencies: South Georgia: 1918-20 ''WAR STAMP'' 1/2d. (overinked overprint) and 1d. used with 1921-28 Watermark Mult. Script CA 6d. block of four cancelled by three fine strikes of SG1 ''C/JY 17/21'' c.d.s. with scarce ''NEW ISLAND'' deleted registration label type N1 with ''NEW ISLAND'' deleted below. One of just seven items with this date and bearing similarly improvised registration labels, all used at South Georgia. . S.G. Z32, Z33, Z40, cat. £364+. Photo.
2712 Â£190
Falkland Islands Dependencies: South Georgia: 1921 (Nov. 11) right half of formula registered envelope (Perkins B.4) bearing 1912-20 6d. brown-orange horizontal strip of five and 1s. brown block of four cancelled by fine strikes of SG2 c.d.s. (S.G. Z26b, Z27b), also 1913 (June 7) reply half of 1893-97 1d.+1d. reply card locally addressed, bearing 1904-12 1/2d., 1d. and 2d. and 21/2d. with five mainly very fine strikes of SG1 c.d.s. (2 items) Photo.
2716 Â£260
Falkland Islands Dependencies: South Georgia: Prince Olav Harbour Whaling Station, 1925 (Sept.) picture postcard of Rio de Janeiro addressed to Oslo with personal message headed ''Prince Olav Harbour/South Georgia./28/9-25'', franked at 1922 foreign postcard rate by 1/2d. and 1d. with indistinct SG1 c.d.s. Also unused picture postcard of the station (Heyburn AF-3-af), fine unused. (2 items) Photo.
2718 Â£580
Falkland Islands Dependencies: South Georgia: Godthul Whaling Station, 1927 (Dec.) cover to Norway franked by 1921-28 21/2d. tied by light SG2 c.d.s. and with enclosed eight page letter from Thoralf Hystad, employed on the whalecatcher ''Thor Senior'', to his fiancée, Gudrun Abrahamsen, with Sandefjord Jan. 24 machine arrival on reverse. Mail from the Bryde & Dahl whaling base at Godthul is extremely scarce, this item being a recent discovery. Heijtz certificate (2013)
2719 Â£2000
Falkland Islands Dependencies: South Georgia: The 1928 South Georgia Provisional Surcharge, 21/2d. on 2d. purple-brown tied by SG2 c.d.s. to ''Leganger H. Hansen/Leith Harbour/Syd Georgia'' printed envelope, locally self-addressed to his company. Leganger Hansen (1883-1948), known as the 'King of South Georgia', spent 27 years at Leith Harbour from 1911, overseeing production of the die for the provisional surcharge and is remembered as South Georgia's most famous whaling manager. Heijtz certificate (2003). Photo.
2720 Â£320
Falkland Islands Dependencies: South Georgia: 1928 (Dec. 14) long O.H.M.S. envelope registered to U.S.A. with enclosed letter signed by Alfred Nelson-Jones, franked by 1/2d. and 21/2d. pair tied by SG2 c.d.s's with SG4 registration label and U.S. straight line ''REGISTERED'' handstamp, Buenos Aires and other transit backstamps and Winnetka, Illinois Feb. 2 arrival. Photo.
2721 Â£350
Falkland Islands Dependencies: South Georgia: 1929 (Feb. 18) whaler's cover to Gjekstad, Norway framked by 1921-18 1/2d. pair and strip of three tied by SG1 c.d.s's, carried on the factory ship ''Strombus'' and with Sandefjord Mar. 19 machine arrival on reverse. Photo.
2725 Â£210
Falkland Islands Dependencies: South Shetlands: THE PORT FOSTER OVERPRINT: A fine strike with the normal weak ''S'' on 1912 1d. orange-red, a trifle oxidised and with rounded corner at lower left, cancelled on arrival at Stanley by ''MR 31/13'' c.d.s. Ex Blackler and Harry Evans. Illustrated in ''The Postal Cancellations of the Falkland Islands'' by Robert Barnes (1982), p. 95. B.P.A. certificate (1979). S.G. Z107, cat. £1,800. Photo.
2727 Â£170
Falkland Islands Dependencies: South Shetlands: 1953 (Jan. 20) long envelope addressed to Surrey bearing full 1952 1/2d. to £1 set of fourteen, cancelled B5 c.d.s., a few light stains. (S.G. Z163-Z167 + unlisted), 1960 (Apr. 1) three consecutive registered covers to Stockholm collectively bearing 1954-62 set of fifteen to £1 tied by Deception Island B6 c.d.s's with type 12A registration labels, two with enclosed letter on Base B letterhead handwritten by Base Leader Ian Jackson (S.G. G26-G40) and Graham Land: 1959 (Dec. 24) envelope to Liverpool bearing 1952 £1 cancelled A4 c.d.s. with weak ''4'' (lightly reinforced in pencil), noted on reverse ''Mail ex RSS Shackleton/18/3/60'' (S.G. Z10). (5 items)
2729 Â£90
Antarctica: Swedish Expedition 1901-04: 'La Prensa' picture postcard celebrating the 15th anniversary of the relief expedition, with inset portrait of Gösta Bodman, expedition chemist and sent by Bodman to Carl Skottsberg, expedition botanist, with message (translated) ''In memory of the 8 November 1918 a few celebrating Gothenburgers are sending you many greetings"" with signatures of Bodman, K.A. Andersson, Otto Nordenskjöld, Elsa Bodman and Karen Nordenskjöld, sent 1918 (Nov. 8) within Sweden from Göteborg to Uppsala franked 7ö. Almost certainly unique. Photo.
2731 Â£70
Antarctica: British Antarctic Expedition 1907-09: 1908 King Edward VII Land 1d. right marginal arrow block of four from rows 5 and 6 showing light and dark overprints cancelled by central expedition c.d.s. ''MR 4/09'', closing date of the first Antarctic post office. S.G. A1, var. Photo.
2732 Â£90
Antarctica: British Antarctic Expedition 1907-09: 1908 King Edward VII Land 1d., two blocks of four cancelled by central expedition c.d.s., one ''FE 27/08'' without time slug on the day the post office was fully established, the other (on piece) ''MR 4/09'', closing date of the first Antarctic post office. S.G. A1.
2733 Â£800
Antarctica: German Expedition 1910-12: Fototipia-Jacobo Peuser of Buenos Aires picture postcard depicting the ''Deutschland'', (Wharton Ib-1) to Berlin, written and signed by expedition leader Wilhelm Filchner bearing Falkland Islands 1d. tied by SG1 c.d.s. and with ''DEUTSCHE /SÜDPOLAR EXPEDITION'' label at left lightly tied by four line expedition cachet in violet, the card signed by Filchner and additionally showing the signatures of Erich Barkow, Wilhelm Goeldel, Fritz Heim, Felix König, Ludwig Kohl, Erich Przybyllok and Richard Vahsel on picture side. Photo.
2734 Â£900
Antarctica: German Expedition 1910-12: South Orkneys/Laurie Island, 1913, unusual 'commercial' use of ''Deutschland'' card (Wharton IB-1) headed ''Orcadas del Sur/13-2-13'' and addressed to Rosario, Argentina, showing two line cachet ""Tierras Argentinas Australes/Estacion ORCADAS"" on picture side, bearing Argentine 1c. and 2c. with expedition label (slight toning), all tied by Buenos Aires Mar. 17 1913 c.d.s's , the message (translated) ''Best Brother! We have now arrived safe and sound after a pleasant journey. Are now discharging our things. It has been a hard year down here. Snow is still lying everywhere. Close by there are no fewer than four whaling expeditions working, so you will hear from me again in a couple of months. Greetings from your affectionate Carl Stålhandske.'' Swedish sea captain Carl Stålhandske (1879-1966) was one of the two officers-in-charge of the Laurie Island base from 1913-14 and after the death of his colleague, Harald Wiström, in May 1913, assumed sole command. Stålhandske's diaries from this time, after his arrival on the ''Deutschland'' in Feb. 1913 are available on the internet and two printed chapters are included, providing general information and specific details of the expedition at the time of sending of this item. Most interesting and unique. Photo.
2736 Â£8000
Antarctica: British Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition 1914-16: 1914 (Dec.) picture postcard ''Fra South Georgia, ,,Steady'' (Unlisted by Heyburn, similar to Pettersen Q series) written and sent from South Georgia to London by Leonard Hussey, franked 1d. cancelled SG2, with interesting message, ''We are just about to set out on our ''White Warfare'' ... We have fed on whale, but it has a strong taste. It is not so palatable as crocodile or penguin or seal.'', some faults but an excellent item. The ''Endurance'' left South Georgia on Dec. 5, this card written just before its departure. Leonard Hussey (1891-1964) had seeved in France and Russia during W.W.I and joined the expedition as a meteorologist. He was well liked for his humour and enthusiasm for the banjo. When the men were only permitted 2lb of personal effects after the sinking of the ''Endurance'' Shackleton allowed Hussey's banjo to be saved, despite it being way above the allowance. Photo.
2737 Â£2900
Antarctica: British Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition 1914-16: 1915 rare item of inward mail addressed to John 'Jack' Vincent, ''S.Y. Endurance/Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition/c/o Magistrate/King Edwards Cove/Cumberland Bay/South Georgia'' with six page enclosed letter from his wife, Margaret. Sent from Hull franked 1d. (angled for symbolic 'kiss') and one of only seven inward items known sent via the Magistrate at South Georgia. John Vincent (1884-1941) was unpopular with the crew of the ''Endurance'' and was demoted from Bosun to Able Seaman. Afterward Shackleton kept a watchful eye and ensured that Vincent accompany him, both on the voyage to Elephant Island and the dramatic crossing in the ''James Caird'' to South Georgia. On arrival Vincent was too ill to continue on the journey across the mountains and was later picked up by a whaler which called in at Grytviken to collect mail including this item (as noted by Shackleton in ''South'', p.208). Photo.
2738 Â£300
Antarctica: German South Atlantic Expedition 1925-27: 1926 (Feb. 8) Falkland Islands 1d. stationery letter card (SH L1) with fine SG2 c.d.s. and addressed to ''Vermessungsschiff Meteor'' (Survey Ship ''Meteor''), fine. The German South Atlantic Expedition had been commissioned to explore the theory of Prof. Alfred Merz that gold and silver might be present in the South Atlantic in commercially viable quantities, perhaps even providing a solution to Germany's debt problems. The ''Meteor'' left Deception Island on Jan. 27 carrying mail to South Georgia where she stayed from Feb. 4 to Feb. 8, making use of bunkering and supply facilities at Grytviken. Photo.
2739 Â£320
Antarctica: RRS Discovery II Expeditions 1929-39: 1936 (Dec. 19) registered cover to Yorkshire with enclosed letter from 'Billie' in Port Stanley showing that the cover was to be sent ''down South on Discovery II so you will receive it from there'', bearing Falkland Islands 'Whale & Penguin' 1/2d., 2d. and 21/2d. individually cancelled by SG1 c.d.s. with type SG5A registration label, slight staining. Also attractive ''Discovery II'' Christmas card from 'Jack'. Photo.
2740 Â£380
Antarctica: Ellsworth Trans-Antarctic Flight Expeditions 1933-36: Telegram sent from the Antarctic Peninsula on Dec. 11 1934 by Bernt Balchen, expedition pilot, to his wife in Norway, ""Wyatt Earp 11/12. Thanks wire. Very much interested in proposition. Would like definite offer like from Tava and Canada. Like to hear more about setup of company. Sent mother 400kr. Did not know about other amounts. Still waiting for weather. All well. Love Bernt"". Also accompanying annotated article. Photo.
2741 Â£190
Antarctica: British Graham Land Expedition 1934-37: 1937 (Apr. 17) Leganger Hansen envelope (deleted) self-addressed at Trinity Hall, Cambridge by W.L.S. Fleming bearing Falkland Islands 1935 Silver Jubilee 1d. and 21/2d. with slightly indistinct SG2 c.d.s's. Rev. William Launcelot Scott Fleming (1906-1990) was both geologist and chaplain to the expedition and sent this cover shortly before departure. ''Southern Lights'', the official account, records that ''Leganger Hansen, the Manager of Messrs. Salvesen's shore station at Leith Harbour, to whom the expedition owes a great debt of gratitude for many generous acts, towed us with a whale catcher to Stromness, where we eventually arrived on April 3rd. We met with every possible kindness from the whalers, and on April 17th the shore party, with the exception of Moore, sailed for home on the ''Coronda'', a transporter under the command of Captain S. Begg.'' Photo.
2742 Â£320
Antarctica: Falkland Islands and Dependencies Aerial Survey Expedition 1955-56: Hunting Aerosurveys, three covers with expedition cachets or label and Deception Island type B6 c.d.s, comprising two cancelled 1956 (Dec. 14), one airmail to U.S.A. with 1s. and cachet Youle type B-HU-02, signed by Expedition leader, the other to England with TAE set and cachet type B-HU-01, and 1955 (Dec. 16) to U.S.A. with 1/2d., 4d. and label type B-HU-03. Photo.
2743 Â£95
Antarctica: Argentine Expeditions: 1943 (Feb. 2) parcel label, franked by Argentine 5c. tied by ''ISLAS ORCADAS DEL SUD/ARGENTINA'' with oval ''MINISTERIO DE AGRICULTURA/OBSERVATORIO/ISLAS ORCADAS/DIRECCION DE METEOROLOGIA'' cachet, with lead seal attached, interesting item. Photo.
2745 | Â£320
Antarctica: Collection of mainly modern covers and cards contained in a carton incl. Argentina, B.A.T. with 1963-69 set on three covers from Rothera, 1969 £1 on plain f.d.c. from Signy, Ross Dependency with R.N.Z.A.F. flights, T.A.A.F. incl. 1948 100f. and 1955 15f. overprints, 1957 I.G.Y. (2), U.S.A., etc., mostly fine.
2746 | Â£160
Antarctica: Various mainly loose in a small carton, with covers incl. mainly later expeditions with souvenir strike of 1911 S.Y. ''Aurora'' cachet, 1957 Royal Visit, also reference material, Falkland Islands, whaling, penguin thematic, Arctic, etc.
2747 | Â£110
Antarctica: A mainly modern accumulation of Polar covers, incl. Arctic, Antarctic, Falkland Islands, etc. (approx. 200)
2748 | Â£260
Antarctica: British Antarctic Territory: 1963-69 issue, a selection to £1 black and light blue unmounted mint (4), used, and £1 red and brownish black unmounted mint (4), used (2), also 1966 Churchill set unmouted mint, mainly fine. (31)
2749 | Â£220
Antarctica: British Antarctic Territory: A virtually complete fine unmounted mint collection from 1963 to 201 in an album, incl. 1963-69 1/2d. to £1 (both), 1971 surcharge set, miniature sheets, etc. (few 100s)
2750 | Â£300
Antarctica: French Southern and Antarctic Territories: 1955 to 1981, a mainly unmounted mint collection in a stockbook, incl. 1956-60 set, 1962-72 set, 1963 Quiet Sun set, 1965 Adelie 50f., 1965 I.T.U. 30f., 1968 D'Urville 30f., 1968-69 Air set, good range of later issues, some a little stuck down, etc. (few 100s)
2751 Â£190
Faroe Islands: 1940-41 20ø. on 50ø. and 1940-41 20ø. on 1ø. to 60ø. on 6ø., an unmounted mint and a used example of each, fine. The unmounted mint examples with Nielsen certificate (1989). S.G. 1-5, cat. £1,156. Photo.
2752 | Â£450
Fiji: A Q.V. to early Q.E.II collection on leaves, incl. range of early issues, 1903 to £1 mint, 1904-09 to 1s. mint, 1906-12 to £1 mint, 1912-23 to £1 (2) mint, 1922-27 to 5s. mint, 1938-55 to £1 mint, 1954-59 to £1, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
2753 | Â£110
Fiji: A mint and used collection in a folder, incl. 1938-55 10s. and £1 used on separate first day covers, set to £1 used, etc. (100s)
2754 | Â£80
Finland: 1881 to 1944, a selection of covers and cards, incl. censored, Maritime mail, postal stationery, etc. (39 items)
2756 | Â£130
France: 1853-61 Napoleon used selection incl. 10c. (4, one with German c.d.s., one with blue lozenge), two singles used on 1858 cover, 40c. three singles and pair, three singles on piece, 80c. singles (2, one on 1859 cover), mainly very fine. (23)
2757 | Â£80
France: 1862, a small used selection incl. 1c. with defective print at base, 10c. (2) one showing values at foot almost obliterated, 10c. and 40c. used on two 1863 covers from Constantinople, with ''PHASE'' and ''GANGE'' paquebot datetsamps, etc., poor to fine. (9)
2764 Â£480
France: 1870-71 80c. bright carmine, a fine and fresh mint block of four, also 1911 cover to Switzerland bearing Sower 5c. and 10c. (2). SBPV ASEP certificate (1998). S.G. 182, cat. £2,800+, Yvert 49, cat. 3,500 €. Photo.
2765 | Â£160
France: A mint and used collection from 1849 to 1975 in mixed condition in a Philatelic album incl. 1926-27 War Orphans Fund to 5f. + 1f. mint, range of later commemorative sets mint, etc. (100s)
2766 | Â£170
France: A small used selection, incl. 1861 unofficial perf. 7 20c. on piece, 1872 cover from Constantinople to Paris, franked by 1870-71 40c. pair, tied by blue anchor cancellations, 1871-76 80c. strip of three, etc. (9 items)
2767 Â£110
France: Telegraphs: 1868 25c. imperforate plate proof from the corner of the sheet in black on wove paper, fine. Photo.
2769 Â£200
France: Telegraphs: 1868 25c. to 2f. set, mainly good to fine used, scarce. Hiscocks 1-4. Photo.
2770 Â£80
France: Telegraphs: 1868 25c. rose-carmine in a fine used horizontal pair. Hiscocks 1. Photo.
2771 | Â£90
France: Telegraphs: 1868 25c., 50c. and 1f. used, also 25c. and 2f. forgeries, and cut down 50c. Hiscocks 1-3.
2773 | Â£100
France: Telegraphs: 1868 perforated 50c., 1f., 2f. (2), all overprinted ''EPREUVE'', faults. Hiscocks 6-8.
2775 Â£200
France: Telegraphs: 1868 2f. imperforate colour trial in blue on gummed paper, overprinted ''EPREUVE'', scarce. Photo.
2776 | Â£2000
French Colonies: A mainly mint collection in varied condition in two albums incl. General issues, Post Offices with China, Zanzibar, Cameroons, Guadeloupe, Indo China, Indian Settlements, Madagascar, New Caledonia, New Hebrides, Oceanic Settlements, Reunion, St. Pierre and Miquelon, Wallis and Futuna, etc. (many 100s)
2778 | Â£420
French Colonies: Guadeloupe: Military Mail: A selection, from 1863 to 1928, incl. 1863 Soldier's cover from Basse-Terre to Paris bearing General Issues 1859-65 10c. pair tied by lozenge and pen cancellations, blue octagonal ''CORR. D.ARMEES/BASSE TERRE'' datestamp, 1877 reduced rate Military cover to France bearing Ceres 25c. tied by ''COR. D.ARMEES/LIG. A PAQ. No.1'' datestamp, 1881 Military rate cover from Basse-Terre to France bearing Ceres 15c. with octagonal ''CORR. D.ARMEES/BASSE TERRE'' and ''COR. D.ARM/PAQ. FR. D No. 2'' datestamps on reverse, 1889 Military rate cover from Saint Claude to France bearing Sage 15c. with blue octagonal ''CORRESPONDANCE D'ARMEES/Camp/Jacob/GUADELOUPE'' cachet, ''COR. D.ARMEES/SAINT CLAUDE'' c.d.s. and octagonal ''COLON A NAZAIRE'' datestamp, 1894 Naval mourning cover to France bearing Sage 15c. tied by Pointe-à-Pitre c.d.s., undated circular ''COL/D.ARMEES/GUADALOUPE'', boxed ''APRES 1e/DEPART'', on reverse has large blue ''SERVICE MARITIME/POINTE A PITRE/(GUADELOUPE)'', 1898 two covers, one a registered mourning cover from Pointe-à-Pitre to France, bearing Sage 15c. (3), the other from Basse-Terre to France, bearing Sage 15c., countersigned, 1903 stampless postcard from Trois Rivieres (in blue) to Indo-China (scarce destination), 1915 stampless postcard from Martinique to Basse-Terre endorsed ''FM'' in blue, 1918 stampless cover from Pointe-à-Pitre to Paris with ''CORRESPONDANCE MILITAIRE'' cachet and 1928 cover from Capesterre to Paris bearing F.M. 10c. (11)
2779 | Â£550
French Colonies: Guadeloupe: A group of covers bearing Ceres issues, incl. 1876 local cover from Pointe-à-Pitre to Basse-Terre bearing 5c. and 15c., 1877 cover front from Moule to Pointe-à-Pitre bearing 40c., 1877 cover from Basse-Terre to Lyon bearing 40c., 1877 cover from Pointe-à-Pitre to Basse-Terre bearing 25c., 1877 wrapper from Basse-Terre to Pointe-à-Pitre bearing 25c., 1877 unpaid cover from Pointe-à-Pitre to Bordeaux with triangular framed ''T'' mark and ''PAQ.FR. A No.1'' c.d.s. in red., 1877 local cover from Basse-Terre to Pointe-à-Pitre, bearing 1872-77 10c. pair, 1878 large part cover from Pointe-à-Pitre to Bordeaux bearing 5c. and 30c., 1879 local cover from Capesterre to Basse-Terre bearing 5c. and 15c., 1880 redirected cover from Pointe-à-Pitre to Aix bearing 25c., 1880 piece with 25c. tied by ''PAQ. FR./POINT A PITRE'' c.d.s., 1881 two covers from Pointe-à-Pitre to Bordeaux both bearing 1877-78 25c., 1881 cover front from St. Claude to Algeria bearing 15c. with red octagonal ''COL. FR./LIG B PAQ. No. 2'' datestamp, etc., also a range of the 1871-77 Ceres issues with ''GPE'', Pointe-à-Pitre, Basse-Terre, lozenge cancellations. (20)
2780 | Â£580
French Colonies: Guadeloupe: 1890 to 1913, a group of covers and cards with Sage issues, range of rates, destinations and cancellations, incl. 1892 cover registered from Pointe-à-Pitre to Paris bearing 1891 25c. pair (faults), 1891 cover registered from Basse-Terre to Paris, bearing 1891 5c. on 10c. (7), 5c. on 1f. (3, one damaged), and General Issues 1881-86 10c., 20c. (2), 1904 envelope registered to France and redirected upon arrival bearing 1892 40c. with boxed ''AR'', 1905 envelope registered from Pointe-à-Pitre to Japan bearing 1892 5c., 10c. and 15c. (4), etc. (43 items)
2781 | Â£480
French Colonies: Guadeloupe: A group of covers, from 1906 to 1941, incl. range of local cancellations, range of destinations, 1929 cover registered from Morne a L'Eau to Porto Rico with boxed ''AR'', 1931 Official cover registered to British Guiana with boxed ''CHARGE'' also similar cover but 1934 to Paris, 1942 local Telegram Saint Claude, a selection of WWII covers with 1940 Camp Jacob censored cover to France, 1944 censored cover to Venezuela, 1943 cover endorsed ''FM'' posted on board the ''Croiseur Ecole Jeanne d'Arc'' with datestamp to Basse-Terre, rural post offices with Deshaies (violet ink), Sainte Rose (blue ink), Saint Barthelemy (violet ink), Grand Bourg (violet ink), range of underpaid tax mail, etc. (62)
2782 Â£130
Gambia: 1922-29 Watermark Mult. Crown CA to 5s. and Watermark Mult. Script CA to 10s. mint, mainly fine. S.G. 118-142, cat. £395. Photo.
2783 | Â£400
Gambia: A mint collection on leaves, Q.V. to early Q.E.II, incl. range of Cameos to 1s., 1898-1902 to 1s. (2), 1902-06 to 3s., 1904-06 to 2s., 1906 surcharges, 1909 to 3s., 1912-22 to 5s., 1921-22 to 4s., 1922-29 Watermark Mult. Crown CA to 5s., Mult. Script to 10s., 1938-46 to 10s., 1953-59 to £1, 1963 Birds to £1, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
2784 | Â£150
Gambia: A duplicated mint and used collection from 1880 to 1992 in varied condition in two stockbooks incl. 1898-1902 Watermark Crown CA ½d. to 1s. set both mint and used, 1902-05 to 3s. mint, 1921-22 Script to 4s. mint and used, 1922-29 to 10s. mint, 5s. (2) used, 1935 Silver Jubilee 1½d. variety short extra flagstaff mint, etc. (few 100)
2785 | Â£120
Gambia: A K.E.VII to K.G.VI selection, incl. K.E.VII to 3s. mint, 1912-22 values to 5s. mint, 1921-22 to 4s. mint, 1922-29 to 5s. and to 10s. mint, etc., slightly mixed condition. (99)
2792 | Â£210
Germany: A mint and used collection on Scott leaves, incl. Germany with 1936 Air set mint, West Germany, Colonies, Occupations, etc., mainly fine. (100s)
2796 Â£1150
Gibraltar: 1846 (July 1) entire to Cadiz, with manuscript ''pr. Phenicien'' and red ''Franco'', bearing a fine strike of the rare small arc ''GIBRALTAR''. This mark is thought to have been applied by W. Mitchell, Postmaster in the Secretariat. Photo.
2797 Â£210
Gibraltar: 1849 (Aug. 7) entire to Genoa ''p. Erin'' with disinfection slits and fine strikes of ''GIBRALTAR/SHIP LETTER'' and ''GIBRALTAR/AU 07/1849'' code A double arc datestamp, red ''VIA/DI MARE/(E)'', ship rate ms. ''4'', and on the reverse cachet of Sardinian Consulate and ''12.AGOSTO'' straight line. Photo.
2798 Â£40
Gibraltar: Great Britain used in Gibraltar: Postal Stationery, 1875 (Sept. 10) 11/4d. ''FOREIGN POST CARD'' to Providence, Rhode Island, cancelled ''A26'' duplex with New York Paid All Oct. 4 transit, some faults and strengthening. Recorded as the earliest known date of usage and the only known example addressed to the U.S.A. Photo.
2799 Â£320
Gibraltar: 1903 2s., 4s. (2), 8s. mint, 1904-08 2s., mint, 1906-11 2s. used, 1921-27 4s., 8s., mint, 1925-32 £1 mint, slightly mixed condition. (9)
2800 Â£160
Gibraltar: 1903 4s. and 8s. mint and used, the 4s. mint with heavy hinge and tone spot, otherwise mainly fine. S.G. 53, 54, cat. £745. Photo.
2801 Â£170
Gibraltar: 1904-08 2s. mint, 4s. used, 1906-11 2s. mint (a few small tone spots on gum), used, 4s. used, mainly fine. S.G. 62, 63, 72, 72, cat. £848. Photo.
2802 Â£180
Gibraltar: 1912-24 £1 dull purple and black on red, a right marginal block of four, stamps unmounted, fine. S.G. 85, cat. £560+. Photo.
2803 Â£75
Gibraltar: 1921-27 Watermark Mult. Script CA 8s. dull purple and green, fine mint. S.G. 101, cat. £300. Photo.
2804 | Â£650
Gibraltar: A mint collection on leaves, Q.V. to Q.E.II, incl. 1886-87 to 4d., 1889 to 75c. on 1s., 1889-96 to 5p., 1898 to 1s., 1903 to 8s., 1904-08 to 4s., 1906-11 to 4s., 1912-24 to £1, 1921-27 to 8s., 1925-32 to £1, 1938-51 to £1, 1953-59 to £1, 1960-62 to £1, etc., also 1886 2d., 21/2d. and 4d. used, mixed condition. (100s)
2806 | Â£210
Gibraltar: An unmounted mint Q.V. to early Q.E.II selection on stock pages, incl. multiples, K.G.V. to 5s., 1935 Silver Jubilee set in blocks of four, 1938-51 values to 10s. (3), 1953-59 values to £1 (2), 1960-62 to £1, etc., mainly fine. (128)
2807 | Â£75
Gibraltar: Hotels: Collection on leaves with hotel cachets on covers and cards incl. Calpe Hotel on 1892 1d. stationery card to Vienna, Grand Hotel (8, six different) with printed envelope used 1895 to Liverpool, Hotel Cecil (2), also a few unused advertising and picture postcards, Cafe Universal cachet on 1906 card and printed envelope registered 1908 to Germany, later ephemera etc. (approx. 30 items)
2808 | Â£210
Gilbert and Ellice Islands: A mint collection on leaves, complete from 1911 overprints to 1960 Discovery set, later issues unmounted, slightly mixed condition. (77)
2809 | Â£200
Gilbert and Ellice Islands: A mint collection on leaves, incl. 1911 to 1s., 1912-24 to £1, 1922-27 to 10s., etc., later to 1975, slightly mixed condition. (166)
2810 | Â£170
Gilbert and Ellice Islands: A mainly mint collection from 1911 to 1973 on leaves incl. 1940 Postage Due set, etc. ( approx. 260)
2811 | Â£380
Gold Coast: A collection on leaves, incl. 1884-91 to 2s. (2), 1898-1902 5s. and 10s. used, 1902 to 20s. mint, 1904-06 to 2s.6d. mint, 1907-13 to 5s. mint, 1913-21 to 20s. mint, 1921-24 to 15s. mint, 1928 to 5s. mint, etc., slightly mixed condition. (approx. 200)
2812 | Â£580
Gold Coast: Collection from 1875 to 1957 in an album incl.1884-91 CA 1/2d. to 2s. (2) mint with shades, and incl. 4d. corner marginal plate block, 1889-94 CA 20s. red and green optd. ''SPECIMEN'', 1898-1902 CA 1/2d. to 10s. incl. 2s. value in a fresh mint block, 1913-21 MCA to 1s. (2), 20s. mint, also to 10s., 20s., used, 1921-24 Script to 15s. mint, 1948 Wedding 10s. in mint imprint block, also a selection of mint Togo, etc. (few 100)
2813 | Â£150
Gold Coast: A selection of covers and cards from 1882 to 1959, all addressed to Switzerland, with a range of frankings, censored mail, cancellations, etc. (41 items)
2814 | Â£520
Greece: An accumulation in various albums and loose, incl. wide range of early issues with an extensive range of Hermes Heads, later to 1960s, covers, Dodecanese Islands, range of Cyprus, Crete, etc., mixed condition. (many 100s)
2815 Â£200
Grenada: 1938-50 10s. slate-blue and bright carmine (narrow), perf. 12, unmounted mint, fine. S.G. 163c, cat. £750. Photo.
2816 | Â£600
Grenada: A mint Q.V. to K.G.VI collection on leaves, incl. range of Chalons to 1s. (no gum), 1883 to 1s., to 8d. in tête-bêche pairs, 1895-99 to 1s., 1902 to 10s., 1904-06 to 10s., 1908 10s., 1908-11 to 5s., 1913-22 to 5s. (5) and 10s. (2), 1921-31 to 10s., 1935-36 to 5s., 1938-50 range of perfs. to 10s. unmounted (8), etc., also a range of Revenues with 1985 to 5s., 1908 £1, slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2817 | Â£420
Grenada: A collection on leaves, incl. range of used Chalons, then mint with 1883 to 1s., 1895-99 to 1s., 1902 to 10s. 1904-06 to 10s., 1908 10s., 1908-11 to 5s., 1913-22 to 10s. (2), 1921-31 to 10s., 1938-50 to 10s. (9), etc., later to 1975, mixed condition. (100s)
2818 | Â£600
Grenada: A mainly used collection in a folder, incl. 1908-11 to 10s. on 1909 cover, registered to France, 1938-50 to 10s. mint (6), etc. (few 100s)
2819 | Â£120
Grenada: An unmounted mint Q.E.II collection in four boxed albums, largely complete from 1953 to 1990, incl. a few inverted overprints, etc., mainly fine. (100s)
2821 Â£90
Hong Kong: 1904 Watermark Mult. Crown CA $5 purple and blue-green, fine used. S.G. 89, cat. £475. Photo.
2822 Â£60
Hong Kong: 1907-11 20c. purple and sage-green, fine used, tied to piece with complete strike of ''HONG KONG UNIVERSITY/14 MAR 12/POST OFFICE'' c.d.s. S.G. 96. Photo.
2823 Â£110
Hong Kong: 1935 Silver Jubilee 5c. variety 'short extra flagstaff' [Pl. 2, R.2/1], light overall gum toning otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 134b, cat. £425. Photo.
2825 | Â£1750
Hong Kong: Collection from 1863 to 1963 in varied condition on leaves incl. 1863-71 CC to 96c. olive bistre used, 1880 surch. set used, 1891 Jubilee 2c. both mint and used, 1898 10c. on 30c. unused, with Chinese characters mint pair, left stamp with variety figures ''10'' widely spaced, 1900-01 CA to 30c. mint pair, 1912-21 MCA to $5 (2), $10 (2) mint incl. 1c. mint block of nine with central stamp with variety broken crown, Post Offices in China 1917-21 to $2 mint and $3 used, etc. (few 100s)
2826 | Â£1800
Hong Kong: A collection on leaves, incl. 1863-71 to 96c. used (2), 1880 values to 10c. on 24c. used, 1880 48c. used, 1885 surcharge set used, 1891 Anniversary 2c. used, 1900-01 to 30c. mint, 1903 to $2 mint, 1904-06 to $3 mint, 1907-11 to 50c. mint, 1912-21 to $3 mint, 1921-27 to $2 mint, 1938-52 to $10 green and violet and $10 pale bright lilac and blue (4) mint, 1941 Centenary set mint, 1954-62 to $5 (3) and $10 (2) mint, 1962-73 to $20 mint, etc., later to 1992, mixed condition. (100s)
2827 | Â£120
Hong Kong: An unmounted mint selection of modern issues in a stockbook with definitive sets to $50, miniature sheets, booklets, etc.
2831 | Â£160
Hong Kong: British Post Offices in China: 1917-21 to $1 (2) and $2 mint, and 1922-27 to $2 mint, slightly mixed condition. (30)
2833 Â£200
India: 1854 Proofs, Essays and Reprints, 4a. issued stamp, a group of reprints comprising block of four from the lower left corner of the sheet with imprint and corner ornaments on thin wove paper, single with blue dividing lines, singles (2, one with part specimen on reverse), fair to fine. Photo.
2834 | Â£400
India: 1854 Proofs, Essays and Reprints, 1/2a. Essays with Crosses in Upper Corners, 1894 reprints in blue, a block of four and a single, also horizontal strips of eight (2, one with scissor cut between 3 and 4), pair and two singles with ""SPECIMEN"" on reverse, and reprints in red, two singles and block of four, also two singles with letters of ""SPECIMEN"" on reverse. Spence 98, 99, 100, 107, 109.
2836 | Â£110
India: 1854 1/2a. blue, die II, four used singles, 1/2a. blue, die III, used, five used singles (two on small piece), fair to fine. S.G. 6, 7.
2837 Â£120
India: 1854-55 Second Printing 4a. Head Die II, Frame Die I, two cut to shape examples used on piece. Photo.
2838 | Â£270
India: 1866 Fiscal stamps, comprising type 15 overprint 6a. unused and used (5), type 16 overprint 6a used (6) and two fiscally used, mixed condition.
2839 Â£180
India: 1902-11 5r. and 10r., mint, the latter with heavy hinge and minor wrinkling, otherwise fine. S.G. 142, 144, cat. £555. Photo.
2840 Â£130
India: 1902-11 15r. blue and olive-brown, mint, centred left, fine. S.G. 146, cat. £425. Photo.
2841 Â£1250
India: 1902-11 25r. brownish orange and blue, mint, minor vertical gum wrinkle, otherwise fine. R.P.S. certificate (2016). S.G. 147, cat. £2,750. Photo.
2842 Â£160
India: 1902-11 25r. brownish orange and blue, used with slightly indistinct Calcutta violet c.d.s. S.G. 147. Photo.
2843 | Â£800
India: A K.G.VI mainly mint (some unmounted) collection on printed leaves incl. 1937 set to 25r., 1937-39 Official to 10r., Convention States incl. Chamba both Official issues to 10r., Gwalior 1938-48 15r., 1943 Official 5r. used, Jind 1937-40 Official to 10r., 1939-43 Official to 10r., Nabha 1938 to 5r., Official issues complete, Patiala Officials to 5r. etc.
2844 | Â£1250
India: Collection from 1824 to 1946 in mixed condition in three albums incl. 1854 1/2a. (9), 1a. (5) and 4a. (4, two cut square) used, 1866 Fiscal 6a. (5) used, 1882-90 1/2a. to 1r. mint, 1902-11 to 2r. mint, 15r. used, 1911 Coronation hand illustrated envelope used to Bombay, 1926-33 to 10r., 15r. mint, 1937-40 3p. to 25r. set both mint and used, also C.E.F. etc. (few 100s)
2845 | Â£1150
India: A Q.V. to early Q.E.II collection on leaves, incl. range of imperfs., 1856-64 to 8a. unused and used, 1882-90 to 1r. mint, 1895 to 5r. used, K.E.VII to 3r. mint and 15r. used, K.G.V. 25r. mint and used, 1937-40 to 25r. mint, 1948 Gandhi set mint, 1949-52 to 15r. mint, 1955 to 10r. mint, etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2846 | Â£520
India: Collection from 1947 to 2013 in 32 albums contained in three cartons with many sets both and used incl. 1948 Gandhi set (extra 10r. mint), 1949-52 3p. to 15p. (mint set less 1r.), good range of later issues with miniature sheets, etc. (100s)
2847 | Â£230
India: A Q.V. to Q.E.II mint and used collection in varied condition in a Utile album incl. 1948 Gandhi set mint, 1949 U.P.U. set in corner marginal mint blocks of six, 1937-40 to 15r. used on piece, range of later issues, etc. (100s)
2848 | Â£290
India: A Q.V. to Q.E.II duplicated mint and used accumulation in varied condition in seventeen stockbooks and loose contained in two cartons with a range of issues incl. States, also some other countries, etc. (many 100s)
2851 | Â£170
India: Officials: Collection of issues from 1866 to 1981, mint and used in varied condition in an album incl. 1883-93 to 1r. mint, 1912-13 to 10r. mint, 1937-39 1/2a. to 10r. set mint, etc. (few 100)
2852 | Â£1150
India: Cancellations and Covers: 1858 to 1873 collection of envelopes bearing an array of frankings, with many multiple or multicoloured, incl. 1859 (Jan. 2) envelope to Kent bearing 1855 4a. on blued paper, with boxed ''INSUFFICIENT'' handstamp in black alongside, 1859 (Mar. 30) envelope to Kent with single franking of 1855 8a. on blued paper, 1870 (Mar. 5) envelope from Madras to Edinburgh bearing 8a. on blued and 1860 8p. tied by duplex, mainly fine for type, an attractive assemblage. (18)
2854 Â£110
India: Expeditionary Forces: 1898 (May 4) Indian 2a.6p. stationery envelope, cancelled by ''FIELD P.O. No 34'' c.d.s. (Proud type D5) from the Tirah Expedition, slightly soiled. The expedition served on the Kohat and Peshawar frontier and base post offices were established in both these towns during September 1897. Services were shortly afterwards extended to Bara and Jamrud and later to Landi Kotal in the Khyber Pass and to Gandai in the Bara Valley, rare. Photo.
2855 Â£90
India: Expeditionary Forces: 1898 (May 4) Indian 1/2a. stationery envelope with 2a. stamp (damaged), cancelled by ''FIELD P.O. No 12'' c.d.s. (Proud type D5). Photo.
2859 Â£150
India: China Expeditionary Force: 1914-22 3p. to 1r. set, mint, some with light gum toning, otherwise mainly fine. S.G. C23-34, cat. £350. Photo.
2860 | Â£1300
Indian States: A collection in an album, incl. Convention States with Faridkot, Gwalior, Jind 1927-37 to 10r. mint, Nabha, Patiala, Feudatory States with Charkhari, Cochin, Jaipur, etc. (100s)
2861 | Â£820
India Convention States: Chamba: A mint and used collection in an album, incl. 1887-95 to 5r. mint, 1900-04 3p. mint with overprint inverted, 1942-47 sets, Officials with 1938-40 set mint, etc., varied condition. (215)
2862 | Â£400
Indian Convention States: Faridkot: A mint and used collection on leaves, incl. 1887-1900 set mint, 1/2a., 1a., 12a. and 1r. handstamped ''SPECIMEN'', Officials with 1887-98 to 1r. mint (4), 4a. with overprint double, one albino mint, some used with doubtful cancellations, etc. (99)
2863 Â£1200
Indian Convention States: Faridkot: Officials: 1887-98 6a. with variety ''ARIDKOT'', fine mint, very few known. Ex Frazer. S.G. 010a, cat. £2,000. Photo.
2864 Â£600
Indian Convention States: Gwalior: 1885-97 type 2 overprint in black, 2a.6p. mint strip of six from the upper left corner of the sheet, one with variety ''GWALICR'', fine and scarce positional piece. Ex Worthington and Ulrich. S.G. 23, a, cat. £1,000. Photo.
2865 | Â£1300
Indian Convention States: Gwalior: A mint and used collection in an album, incl. 1885-97 type 1 1a. and 2a. mint, 1/2a. to 5r. mint, 1/2a. variety ''GWALICR'' used, 3a. with variety small ''G'' mint in pair with normal (thinned), 1903-11 overprint 14mm. set mint, 2a. mint block of four, one with tall ''R'', overprint 13mm. to 5r. mint, Officials with 1895-96 2a. mint pair, one with character omitted, also used single, etc., varied condition. (few 100s)
2866 Â£2200
Indian Convention States: Jind: 1886 overprint in red 1r. slate, with variety ''JEIND'' for ''JHIND'', unused, stated only seven examples known with two in the Royal collection. B.P.A. certificate (1997). S.G. 16a, cat. £3,000. Photo.
2867 | Â£1150
Indian Convention States: Jind: A mint and used collection in an album, incl. 1885 1/2a., 1a. and 1r. mint, 1/2a. with overprint inverted mint, 1886-99 to 2r. mint, 1903-09 3a. with overprint double mint, Officials with 1903-06 1/2a. variety ''HIND'' used, etc., varied condition. (few 100s)
2868 Â£650
Indian Convention States: Jind: Officials: 1886 overprint in red 1/2a. with variety ''JEIND'', fine mint, scarce. B.P.A. certificate (1997). S.G. 101b, cat. £950. Photo.
2869 | Â£900
Indian Convention States: Nabha: A mint and used collection in an album, incl. 1885-1900 overprint in red 1r. mint, overprint in black to 5r. (no 2r.), 1a.6p. with variety ''ABHA'' mint, 1927-36 5r. mint, Officials with 1885-87 overprint in black to 1r. (both) mint, etc., varied condition. (195)
2870 | Â£980
Indian Convention States: Patiala: A mint and used collection in an album, incl. 1884 1r. mint, 1891-96 to 5r. mint, also 3r. overprint double, one albino mint, Officials, etc., varied condition. (300)
2871 | Â£350
Indian Convention States: Patiala: A mint collection on leaves, incl. 1884 4a., 1885 to 1r., 1912-16 values to 5r., 1937-37 to 25r., 1941-46 9p., etc., mixed condition. (116)
2872 | Â£1450
Indian Feudatory States: A mint and used collection in six albums, incl. Bijawar 1937 set mint, Cochin, Indore 1940-46 set mint, Jaipur, Poonch, etc., varied condition. (100s)
2873 Â£1200
Iraq: 1931 King Faisal 25r. violet, mint, lightly toned gum, otherwise fine. S.G. 92, cat. £2,250. Photo.
2874 Â£750
Iraq: 1931 King Faisal 25r. violet, fine mint. S.G. 92, cat. £2,250. Photo.
2875 | Â£3200
Iraq: Collection from 1918 to 1969 in varied condition in an album incl. 1918-21 surch. to 10r. on 100pi set both mint and used, with type B 1r. on 10pi. unmounted mint, Railway Post stamps, 1923-25 1/2a. to 10r. set mint, 1931 1/2a. to 10r. mint, 1932 surch. to 1d. on 25r. (2) mint, 1932 2f. to 1d, set mint, 1934-38 to 1d. both mint and used, 1948 1f. to 1d. set unmounted mint, Officials with 1920-23, 1923, 1924-25 sets both mint and used, 1931 set mint, 1932 surch. to 1d. on 25r. mint, 1934-38 set mint, etc. (few 100s)
2876 Â£1100
Iraq: Officials: 1931 King Faisal 25r. violet, fine mint. S.G. O105, cat. £2,250. Photo.
2877 Â£160
Ireland: 1922 (Feb.-July) Dollard, 1/2d. green with variety overprint inverted, fine used. B.P.A. certificate (2008). S.G. 1a, cat. £600. Photo.
2878 | Â£130
Ireland: 1922 (Feb.-July) Dollard, 2s.6d., 5s. and 10s. three of each mint (some with minor flaws), also 1922 2d. Valdivia imperforate essays in deep brown and red, perf. 11 in light brown, and Hely Ltd. 2d. in lake (marginal), Sinn Fein labels, Celtic Cross perf. 11 and rouletted, Hibernia and Harp narrow crown perf. 11, mostly fair to fine. Ex Chapman.
2879 Â£450
Ireland: 1922-34 2d. grey-green, perf. 15 x imperf., used on piece with Dublin ''LOCH GARMAN/29/XI/1935'' datestamp, scarce. MacDonnell Whyte certificate (1997). S.G. 74b, H.D4ci. Photo.
2880 Â£200
Ireland: 1925-28 Composite settings-Wide Date: 2s.6d. chocolate-brown, with variety flat accent on ''a'' [R9/2], fine mint. Brandon certificate (2007). S.G. 86c, cat. £550. Photo.
2881 | Â£2200
Ireland: A mint and used collection in a boxed F.G. album, incl. 1922 (Feb.-July) Dollard to 10s. mint and used, 1d. with overprint inverted mint, 1922 Thom sets mint and used, shiney blue-black ink 2s.6d. mint with McDonnell Whyte certificate (2008), used, 5s. mint, 1922-23 Saorstat set mint, 1/2d. mint block of six, one with accent inserted by hand, 1d. pair, one with accent inserted by hand, 1d. block of four, one with accent and ''t'' inserted by hand, 3d. mint block of four, one with no accent, 4d. with no accent mint, 9d. mint strip of three, one with no accent, 1d. with reversed ''Q'' in ''ONE'' used, used to 5s., 1925-28 wide and narrow dates sets mint and used, narrow date 2s.6d. with no accent, coil set in horizontal pairs, one of each with long ''1'', 1935 re-engraved 5s. and 10s. used, with variety flat accent used with MacDonnell Whyte certificate (2009), 1922-34 1d. perf. 15 x imperf. (single perf.) mint and used, good range of coil stamps with coil joins, leaders, etc. (100s)
2882 | Â£2000
Ireland: Collection of Rialtas and Saorstat control pieces in an album, incl. 1922 (Feb.-July) 1/2d. control R 21 (imperf.) block of six, 1d. control S 21 (perf.) strip of three, 1d. control T 22 (imperf. and perf.) strips of three, 3d. control S 21 (imperf.) strip of three, 4d. control S 22 (perf.) single, 10d. control Q21 (perf.) pair, S 21 (imperf.) strip of three, overprints in red 4d. control S 21 (imperf.) single, 9d. control S 21 (imperf.) block of six, overprints in carmine 4d. control S 22 (imperf.) block of six, 9d. control S 22 (perf.) block of six with MacDonnnell Whyte certificate (2013), 1922 Thom overprints in black, 1s. control R 21 (perf.) single, overprints in blue-black 21/2d. control T 22 (imperf.) strip of three, 1s. control S 22 (perf.) strip of three, wide overprints 1s. control T 22 (imperf. pair, perf. single), Saorstat overprints 1d. control U 23 (imperf. and perf.) singles, 11/2d. control T 22 (imperf.) block of twelve, 21/2d. control T 22 (perf.) strip of three, etc. (100s)
2883 | Â£170
Ireland: Revenues: A collection on leaves, Q.V. to early QE.II, incl. specimens, Chancery Fee Fund 1867 values to £1, Consular Service, Land Commission, Registration of Deeds with Q.V. to £1, Northern Ireland, also a range of medicine labels, Fenian Republic, slightly mixed condition. (109)
2884 | Â£110
Ireland: Postage Dues: 1945 to 1982 group of postage due covers, with a number of cachets and handstamps incl. return to sender, to pay, etc. (9)
2885 | Â£800
Israel: Comprehensive mint collection, 1948 to 1970, in a printed album, most sets with full tabs incl. 1948 Coins to 1000m., 1948 Postage Due (unmounted), 1949 New Year, also a used collection in a similar album with many sets with tabs, etc. (100s)
2886 | Â£300
Israel: Collection in two Lighthouse hingeless albums from 1948 to 1983 with issues mint to 1969 incl. 1948 Coins (1000m. with part tab), 1948 and 1949 New Year sets, 1950 Air, 1950 Camel (used), 1952 Menorah, etc. (100s)
2888 | Â£80
Israel: The balance of a collection in a stockbook and binder with a selection of interim period issues, also unused Lighthouse albums and leaves.
2889 | Â£580
Italy: A mainly mint collection from 1862 to 2007 in varied condition in an album incl. 1910 Plebiscite sets, 1924 Trade Propaganda set, 1924-25 Advertising labels used, 1930 Virgil and 1932 Dante sets with Airs, 1933 Zeppelin set, 1933 Air Balbo both overprinted strips unmounted, 1934 World Cup set, good range of later sets incl. Air issues incl. 1935 Bellini, 1936 Horace, 1937 Child Welfare, 1937 Augustus, 1945-48 10c. to 100l., etc. (100s)
2893 Â£270
Jamaica: 1903-04 Watermark Crown CA 5d. grey and yellow with variety ''SER.ET'' for ''SERVIET'', mint with slightly heavy hinge, fine and fresh. S.G. 36a, cat. £800. R.P.S. certificate (1980). Photo.
2894 Â£650
Jamaica: 1916 (Sept.-Dec.) ''WAR/STAMP'' type 20 on 11/2d. orange variety ''R'' inserted by hand, the left stamp in a mint horizontal pair, the right hand stamp with light gum crease, variety fine, very scarce. B.P.A. certificate (1982). S.G. 71e, cat. £1,500. Photo.
2895 Â£100
Jamaica: 1916 (Sept.-Dec.) ''WAR/STAMP'' type 20 on 3d. purple on lemon, variety overprint inverted, fine mint. R.P.S. certificate (1974). S.G. 72aa, cat. £325. Photo.
2896 Â£270
Jamaica: 1916 (Sept.-Dec.) ''WAR/STAMP'' type 20 on 3d. purple on lemon variety ''S'' inserted by hand, the right-hand stamp in a mint pair, the ''S'' also inverted, heavy hinge, otherwise fine. B.P.A. certificate (1961). S.G. 72c var. Photo.
2897 Â£170
Jamaica: 1917 (Mar.) ''WAR/STAMP'' type 21 on 3d. purple on yellow, variety overprint sideways (reading up), fine mint. S.G. 75d, cat. £425. Photo.
2898 Â£350
Jamaica: 1917 (Mar.) ''WAR/STAMP'' type 21 on 3d. purple on yellow, variety overprint sideways (reading up) but showing ''WAR'' only mint, dealer's handstamp on reverse, fine and rare. R.P.S. certificate (1977). Ex Gilbert. S.G. 75d var. Photo.
2899 Â£140
Jamaica: 1968 Human Rights 3d. (2) and 3s. showing variety gold (flame) omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 272a, 274a, cat. £500. Photo.
2900 Â£60
Jamaica: 1968 Human Rights Year 3d., 1s. and 3s. set of three alternate designs prepared but not issued, unmounted mint, a few very minor gum wrinkles and disturbances, otherwise fine. S.G. 272-274 var, see footnote, cat. £200. Photo.
2901 | Â£520
Jamaica: A mint collection in two boxed albums, incl. 1860 1d. (2), 2d., 1870-83 values to 2s., 1883-97 values to 5s., 1905-11 to 5s. (2) and to both 2s., 1912-20 to 5s., 1919-21 to 10s., 1921-29 to 10s., 1938-52 to £1 unmounted, postal fiscals 1858 1s. used, a few telegraphs, revenues with c.1956 values to £4 used, etc., later to the 1990s, some early issues unused or with part original gum, slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2902 | Â£380
Jamaica: A collection on leaves, incl. early issues mint and used, 1905-11 to 5s. and 2s., 1912-20 to 5s. (2), 1919-21 to 10s., 1921-29 to 10s., 1938-52 to £1, 1956-58 to £1, etc. mint, later to 1978, mixed condition. (100s)
2903 Â£300
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: British East Africa: 1890 (May) 1/2a. on 1d., 1a. on 2d. and 4a. on 5d., large part original gum, mixed condition. S.G. 1, 2, 3, cat. £1,375. Photo.
2905 Â£150
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: British East Africa: 1895 ''BRITISH/EAST/AFRICA'' 3a. black on red pair tied by Mombasa squared circles 1895 cover, registered to Zanzibar. S.G. 37. Photo.
2906 | Â£500
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: British East Africa: A mint selection, incl. 1890-95 to 5r., 1894 surcharges, 1895 handstamps to 1r., 1895 21/2a. on 4a., 1895-96 to 1r., 1895 21/2 on 11/2a., 1896-1901 to 5r., 1897 overprinted on Zanzibar set, 1897-1903 to 10r., etc., mixed condition. (79)
2907 Â£110
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: East Africa and Uganda Protectorates: 1903-04 1r. (2, one chalky), 2r., 3r., 4r. and 5r. mint, slightly mixed condition. S.G. 9, 9a, 10, 11, 12, 13, cat. £716. Photo.
2909 Â£140
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: East Africa and Uganda Protectorates: 1903-04 10r. mint, centred right, fine. S.G. 14, cat. £450. Photo.
2910 Â£160
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: East Africa and Uganda Protectorates: 1903-04 50r. grey and red-brown overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', fine with gum, collector's handstamp on reverse. S.G. 16s, cat. £450. Photo.
2911 Â£140
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: East Africa and Uganda Protectorates: 1904-07 1/2a., 1a., 2a., 21/2a., 4a. and 4r. used on 1913 (Nov. 13) registered cover from Molo to Austria, Mombasa transit on reverse. Photo.
2913 Â£90
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: East Africa and Uganda Protectorates: 1904-07 1r., 2r., 3r., 4r., 1903-04 5r., mint, slightly mixed condition. S.G. 13, 26-29, cat. £493. Photo.
2914 Â£150
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: East Africa and Uganda Protectorates: 1912-21 Watermark Mult. Crown CA 1r., 2r., 3r., 4r. (2), 5r. and 10r., mint, mainly fine. S.G. 53-58, cat. £492. (7) Photo.
2917 Â£190
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: East Africa and Uganda Protectorates: 1912-21 Watermark Mult. Crown CA 20r. purple and blue on blue, mint, offset on reverse, otherwise fine. S.G. 60, cat. £550. Photo.
2918 Â£190
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: East Africa and Uganda Protectorates: 1912-21 Watermark Mult. Crown CA 20r. black and purple on red, fine mint. S.G. 59, cat. £475. Photo.
2919 Â£350
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: East Africa and Uganda Protectorates: 1912-21 Watermark Mult. Crown CA 50r. dull rose-red and dull greyish-green, mint, light overall toning, otherwise fine. B.P.A. certificate (2016). S.G. 61, cat. £900. Photo.
2920 Â£230
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: East Africa and Uganda Protectorates: 1912-21 Watermark Mult. Crown CA 100r. overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' (Samuel type D12a), corner crease otherwise fine with small part gum. S.G. 62s. cat. £700. Photo.
2921 Â£340
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: East Africa and Uganda Protectorates: 1912-21 Watermark Mult. Crown CA 100r. and 500r. fiscally used, the latter also with embossed, otherwise fine. S.G. 62, 63, cat. £1,100. Photo.
2922 Â£600
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: East Africa and Uganda Protectorates: 1912-21 Watermark Mult. Crown CA 500r. overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' (Samuel type D12a), fine with gum. S.G. 63s. cat. £1,500. Photo.
2923 Â£130
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: East Africa and Uganda Protectorates: 1921-22 Watermark Mult. Script CA 1c. to 5r., mint, mainly fine. S.G. 65-74, cat. £425. Photo.
2924 Â£180
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: East Africa and Uganda Protectorates: 1921 Watermark Mult. Script CA 50r. overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' (Samuel type D12a), fine with lightly toned gum. S.G. 75s, cat. £500. Photo.
2925 Â£920
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: East Africa and Uganda Protectorates: 1921 Watermark Mult. Script CA 50r., mint. B.P.A. certificate (2015) states ''a little rubbed''. S.G. 75, cat. £3,250. Photo.
2926 Â£110
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: East Africa and Uganda Protectorates: 1921 Watermark Mult. Script CA 50r., used with fiscal cancellation. S.G. 75, cat. £450. Photo.
2927 Â£90
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: Kenya and Uganda: 1922-27 1s., 2s., 3s. (both shades), 4s., 5s., 10s., mint, mainly fine. S.G. 87-94, cat. £383. Photo.
2929 Â£60
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: Kenya and Uganda: 1922-27 Watermark Mult. Script CA 2s. variety watermark Crown to right of CA, used, small stain on reverse, otherwise fine. S.G. 88w, cat. £275. Photo.
2930 Â£140
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: Kenya and Uganda: 1922-27 Watermark Mult. Script CA 10s. variety watermark Crown to right of CA, mint, heavy hinge and one or two gum wrinkles, otherwise fine. S.G. 94w, cat. £550. Photo.
2931 Â£350
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: Kenya and Uganda: 1922-27 Watermark Mult. Script CA £2 green and purple, mint, toned gum, otherwise fine. R.P.S. certificate (2018). S.G. 96, cat. £1,100. Photo.
2932 Â£720
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: Kenya and Uganda: 1922-27 Watermark Mult. Script CA £3 purple and yellow, large part original gum, fine. R.P.S. certificate (2016). S.G. 97, cat. £1,800. Photo.
2933 Â£160
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: Kenya and Uganda: 1922-27 £4, £5 and £10 (corner fault) fiscally used. S.G. 98-100, cat. £745. Photo.
2934 Â£1050
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: Kenya and Uganda: 1922-27 £5 black and blue, mint, lightly toned gum and collector's marks on reverse otherwise fine. B.P.A. certificate (2014). S.G. 99. Photo.
2935 Â£320
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: Kenya and Uganda: 1922-27 Watermark Mult. Script CA £25, used with forged cancellation, three short perfs. at right, otherwise fine. S.G. 102. Photo.
2936 Â£90
Kenya, Uganda & Tanganyika: 1935-37 1c. to £1 set, mint, heavy hinge and the £1 with crease and a few shortish perfs. at top, otherwise mainly fine. S.G. 110-123, cat. £475. Photo.
2937 Â£150
Kenya, Uganda & Tanganyika: 1935-37 1c. to £1 set, also 5c. with rope joined to sail and perf. 13 x 12 1s., used, mainly good to fine. S.G. 110-123, cat. £698. Photo.
2939 Â£140
Kenya, Uganda & Tanganyika: 1935 Silver Jubilee 65c. showing 'dot to left of chapel' [Pl. 2B, R. 8/3], fine mint, also 1s. with line through ''0'' of ''1910'' used with small thin, otherwise fine. S.G. 126g, 127l, cat. £680. Photo.
2940 | Â£140
Kenya, Uganda & Tanganyika: 1938-54, a group of mainly unmounted mint multiples, comprising 5c. black and green corner plate block of thirty (toning), corner block of six, 5c. reddish brown and orange corner plate blocks of six and eight, 10c. corner plate block of eight, 15c. black and rose-red block of four, 20c. plate corner block of four, 50c. corner block of six, block of six and block of four, and 1s. pair, block of four and block of six, mainly fine.
2941 Â£140
Kenya, Uganda & Tanganyika: 1938-54 2s. perf. 14, perf. 133/4 x 131/4, 5s. perf. 131/4, perf. 133/4 x 131/4, 10s. perf. 14, perf. 133/4 x 131/4 (2), £1 perf. 14 on chalky, perf. 14 on ordinary, perf. 121/2, unmounted mint, mainly fine. 146 a, b, 148, b, 149a, b, 150 a, ab, b, cat. £592.
2942 Â£50
Kenya, Uganda & Tanganyika: 1938-54 perf. 133/4 x 131/4 2s. corner plate block of four, unmounted mint, one or two small areas of toning, otherwise fine. S.G. 146b, cat. £200+. Photo.
2943 Â£60
Kenya, Uganda & Tanganyika: 1938-54 perf. 113/4 x 13 £1 black and red, mint, lightly toned gum, otherwise fine. S.G. 150, cat. £500. Photo.
2947 | Â£1150
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: K.E.VII to early Q.E.II mint collection on leaves, incl. 1903-04 to 10r., 1904-07 to 10r., 1907-08 to 75c., 1912-21 to,10r. and 20r. purple and blue, 1921 to 5r., 1922-27 to £1, 1935-37 to £1, 1938-54 to 10s. (4) and £1 (2), 1954-59 to £1 (2), 1960-62 to 20s., etc., mixed condition. (approx. 200)
2949 | Â£700
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: An unmounted mint selection on stock pages, incl. 1938-54 to £1 (3 singles, 2 pairs, one with plate number, and corner block of four with plate number), 1s. marginal block of six, block of four, 3s. block of four, etc., mainly fine. (147)
2952 | Â£350
Kuwait: A mint selection on leaves, incl. 1923-24 to 10r., 1933 Air set, 1939 to 15r., 1948-49 and 1950-55 to 10r. on 10s., etc., slightly mixed condition. (146)
2954 Â£200
Leeward Islands: 1902 Watermark Crown CA 1s. green and carmine showing dropped ''R'' in ''LEEWARD'' [R. 1/1], fine unmounted mint. S.G. 26a, cat. £550. Photo.
2956 Â£600
Leeward Islands: 1921-32 Watermark Mult. Crown CA £1 purple and back on red, attractive c.t.o. lower right corner marginal block of four with plate number ''1'' in selvedge. S.G. 80. Photo.
2958 | Â£680
Leeward Islands: A mint collection on leaves, Q.V. to early Q.E.II, incl. 1890 to 5s., 1902 to 5s., 1907-11 to 2s.6d. (2) and 5s., 1912-22 to 5s. (5) with a range of shades and backs, 1921-32 to £1, 1946 Victory set perforated ''SPECIMEN'', 1938-51 to 10s. (5) and £1 (4) unmounted with a range of shades, etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2959 | Â£450
Leeward Islands: A mint collection on leaves, incl. 1890 to 5s., 1897 Jubilee to 1s., 1902 to 5s., 1905-08 to 1s., 1907-11 to 5s., 1921-22 to 5s. (4), 1921-32 to £1 and die I to 1s., 1938-51 to 10s. (4) and £1 (6), etc., slightly mixed condition. (approx. 200)
2960 | Â£170
Leeward Islands: A mint collection on leaves, incl. 1903 5s., 1907-11 to 5s., 1921-32 10s. and £1 mint, 1938-51 to £1 mint (2), etc. (76)
2961 Â£260
Leeward Islands: Revenues: Fee Stamps: 1881 6d. to £1 set mint, fresh, slightly mixed condition. Barefoot 1-5. Photo.
2963 | Â£110
Luxembourg: Telegraphs: 1883 a used selection, comprising 5c. (15), 25c. (10), 50c. (10), 1f. (10), 5f. (5), varied condition. (50)
2965 | Â£1000
Malayan States: A Q.V. to Q.E.II mint and used duplicated collection in three stockbooks incl. Straits Settlements 1892-99 CA to $ 5 used, Kedah 1937 set both mint and used (fiscal cancellations on higher values), Kelantan 1911-25 CA to $25 mint with $2 pane of sixty, 1937-40 1c. to $5 set mint, to $2 used, 1951-55 to $5 mint and used, etc. (100s)
2966 | Â£620
Malaya and States: A Q.V. to Q.E.II mint and used collection in mixed condition in an album with mint blocks incl. Perak 1900 surcharge 1c. on 2c. pane of sixty, 3c. on $2 corner plate block of ten and marginal block of four, both unused without gum, etc. (100s)
2967 | Â£260
Malaya and States: A mainly mint collection on leaves, incl. BMA 1945-48 to both $5 mint, much Malacca with 1949-52 to $5 mint, Perak range of mint Q.V. overprints, Sungei Ujong, etc., slightly mixed condition. (approx. 230)
2968 | Â£150
Malaya and States: A selection of States, incl. Kedah 1921-32 and 1937 to $5 mint, Selangor 1935-41 to $5 mint, etc., slightly mixed condition. (150)
2969 | Â£1300
Malaysia: Straits Settlements: A collection on leaves, incl. 1867 11/2c. on 1/2a. and 2c. on 1a. mint, 1867-72 to 24c. mint, to 96c. used, 1879 5c. on 8c., unused, 7c. on 32c. mint, 1880 5c. on 8c. mint, 1882 5c. used, 1883 2c. on 8c. used, 1883 2c. on 4c. mint, 1883-91 to 96c. mint, 1884 2c. on 5c. mint, 1892-99 to 50c. mint, 1902-03 to $5 mint, 1904-10 to $5 (2), 1906-07 overprinted set mint, 1906-12 to $5 mint, 1912-23 to $5 (5), 1921-33 to $5 mint, 1922 Exhibition to $2 (2) mint, 1936-37 to $5 mint, 1937-41 to $5 (2) mint, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
2970 | Â£350
Malaysia: Federated Malay States: A mint selection, incl. 1900-01 to $2, 1904-22 to $2, 1922-34 values to $5, etc., also a few used, mixed condition. (115)
2971 Â£170
Malayan States: Selangor: 1965 Flowers 5c. strip of three, one with variety red (leaves, etc.) omitted and one with red partly omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 138c, cat. £325++. Photo.
2972 | Â£1250
Malaysia: Japanese Occupation: A mint and used collection on leaves, incl. 1942 (May 16) Singapore with type I set mint, 1942 (Sept.) type 16 on Trengganu to $3 mint, 1943 type 2 on Trengganu set mint, 1943 (Apr.) type I on Straits to $1 mint, on Negri Sembilan some values to $1, on Pahang to 40c. mint, on Perak to 50c. mint, on Selangor to $5 mint, etc., varied condition. (few 100s)
2973 | Â£900
Malaysia: Japanese Occupation: A collection in an album, incl. 1942 Apr. type 2 on Selangor to $5 mint, 1942 (May) type 16 on Negri Sembilan to $1 used, Thai Occupation 1944 set unused, also a few covers, etc. (few 100s)
2974 | Â£600
Malaysia: Japanese Occupation: A selection in two stockbooks, incl. 1942 (Apr. 15) type 13 on Straits to $1 mint, range of type 1 on Pahang 8c. used, postage dues, etc. (few 100s)
2975 | Â£420
Malaysia: Singapore: A mint and used accumulation, K.G.VI to early Q.E.II, incl. 1955-59 to £1 unmounted, 1969 Founding miniature sheet unmounted mint, etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
2976 | Â£60
Malta: Postal History: Incoming Mail, 1690 and 1699 entires from Marseilles, one with full wax seal and addressed to ''Marhand Banquier''.
2977 | Â£130
Malta: Postal History: 1703 to 1856, a selection of covers, incl. incoming mail with 1703 cover from Geneva, 1769 cover from Cadiz with disinfection slits, 1822 cover from Gozo to Valetta, also a few others. (12 items)
2996 Â£90
Malta: 1922 Self-Government, Watermark Mult. Script CA 1d. scarlet, unmounted mint horizontal pair showing shifted overprint, toned gum, otherwise fine. S.G. 116 var. Photo.
2999 Â£95
Malta: 1938-43 11/2d. scarlet, mint block of six (3 x 2) from the foot of the sheet, one with broken cross variety [R.5/7], fine. S.G. 220, a. Photo.
3000 Â£80
Malta: 1938-43 2d. scarlet in an unmounted mint block of four from the top of the sheet, one showing unlisted variety 'scar of forehead', light overall gum toning otherwise fine. S.G. 221b, var. Photo.
3002 Â£80
Malta: 1948-53 New Constitution 5s. black and green in an unmounted mint horizontal pair from the right of the sheet. one showing ''NT'' joined. S.G. 247a, cat. £330. Photo.
3003 Â£190
Malta: 1956-58 1/4d. to £1 set, all in unmounted mint blocks of four, to 10s. in corner blocks, seven with plate numbers, top value marginal with imprint, fine. S.G. 266-282, cat. £520. Photo.
3006 Â£150
Malta: 1974 Churchill essay, handpainted on card (335 x 177mm), unissued design by Gordon Drummond, showing portrait of Winston Churchill, war damaged Opera house, manuscript ''Malta-''Centenary of the birth of Sir Winston Churchill (5c value)''. Photo.
3007 Â£260
Malta: 1968 Christmas, three pencil sketches for this issue by E. Cremona, also printed card of the 8d. design signed by the artist.
3008 Â£650
Malta: 2004 Mammals and Reptiles sheetlet of sixteen, lower eight stamps have colour omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1355a, var.
3009 Â£80
Malta: 2004 Mammals and Reptiles sheetlet of sixteen showing yellow omitted from Malta Post logo, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1355a, var.
3010 | Â£750
Malta: A mint Q.V. to early Q.E.II collection on leaves, incl. 1863-81 1/2d., 1885-90 to 1s. (2), 1886 5s., 1899-1901 to 10s., 1903-04 to 1s., 1904-14 to 5s., 1914-21 to 5s., 1921-22 to 10s., 1922 to 10s., 1922-26 to both £1, 1926 to 10s., 1926-27 to 10s., 1928 to 10s., 1930 to 10s., 1938-43 to 10s., 1948-53 to 10s., 1956-58 to £1, etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
3011 | Â£350
Malta: An unmounted mint selection in a stockbook, K.G.V to early Q.E.II, incl. imprint blocks, incl. 1938-43 to 10s. (2), 5s. block of four showing 'semaphore' flaw, 1948-53 to 10s. (2 singles and a lower marginal imprint pair), 1956-58 values to £1 (2), etc., mainly fine. (100s)
3012 | Â£190
Malta: A mainly mint selection, incl. 1948-53 5s. used showing deformed ''T'', 1981 Industry set in unmounted mint plate blocks of four, etc. (216)
3013 | Â£190
Malta: A mainly used collection in a folder, incl. 1948-53 10s. used block of four, 1948 Silver Wedding set in blocks of four, 1956-58 sets (3), etc. (few 100s)
3015 | Â£380
Mauritius: 1832 to 1854, a selection of ten outward covers to France or Great Britain, also two incoming covers, incl. range of markings with 1832 oval ''MAURITIUS/POST OFFICE'', 1848 cover with Mauritius c.d.s. in red, maritime markings, routings, etc.
3016 | Â£550
Mauritius: A collection on leaves, incl. range of Britannias, early issues mint and used, then mint with 1883-94 to 50c., 1900-05 to 5r., 1902 to 2r.50, 1904-07 to 1r., 1910 to 10r., 1913-23 to 10r. (4), 1921-34 to 10r., 1938-49 to 10r. (4), etc., later to 1986, slightly mixed condition. (100s)
3018 Â£140
Montserrat: 1876-83 Watermark Crown CC, Perf. 14 1d. left half vertical bisect tied by ''A08'' barred oval to 1883 envelope front, endorsed ''Circular'' and with ''DOMINICA/SP 3/83'' c.d.s. R.P.S. certificate (2018). Photo.
3019 | Â£600
Montserrat: A mint collection in four boxed albums, Q.V. to Q.E.II, incl. 1876-83 1d. (5), 6d. (2), 1880 21/2d., 4d., 1903 to 5s., 1904-08 to 5s., 1908-14 to 5s., 1914 5s., 1916-22 to 5s., 1922-29 to 5s., 1932 Settlement set, 1938-48 to £1 unmounted, etc., then with issues apparently complete to 2002, slightly mixed condition. (100s)
3020 | Â£290
Montserrat: A mint Q.V. to Q.E.II collection on leaves, incl. 1876-83 1d., 6d., 1903 to 5s., 1904-08 to 5s., 1908-14 to 5s., 1914 5s., 1916-22 to 5s., 1922-29 to 5s., 1932 Settlement set, 1938-48 to £1, etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
3021 | Â£600
Montserrat: A Q.V. to Q.E.II collection in five stockbooks and loose, incl. 1903 sets (2, one mint and one overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' without gum), 1908-14 5s. mint and used, 1914 5s. mint, 1916-22 set mint, 1932 Anniversary sets mint and used (dubious cancellations), 1938-48 to £1 mint and used, and a good range of later issues to 1985, etc. (100s)
3022 | Â£260
Montserrat: A group of unmounted mint varieties on the early 1980s surcharged issues, incl. 1983 90c. on 10c., se-tenant block of three $4 (two Britannia and one Charles and Diana) with overprint inverted, Official 1981 45c. on 90c. overprint double, 65c. overprint inverted, 65c. strip of three with overprint misplaced, Official 1983 70c. on 75c. pair, one without overprint (unlisted), $1.50 on $5 strip of three with interpanneau label, with the middle stamp showing overprint partially omitted and the right stamp completely omitted (unlisted), etc., mainly fine. (40)
3023 | Â£150
Morocco Agencies: Gibraltar used in Morocco: A group of Gibraltar postal stationery cards used in Morocco, comprising 1887 (Feb. 7) 1/2d. (overprinted on Natal) used locally in Tangier, 1887 (May 13) 1d. (overprinted on St. Vincent) used from Tangier to Switzerland, 1889 (May 16) 1d. to London, also 1891 (Apr. 20) 5c. used from Gibraltar to Tangier. (4)
3024 | Â£600
Morocco Agencies: Gibraltar used in Morocco: A group of Gibraltar postal stationery cards commercially used in Morocco, comprising 1889 (Feb. 2) 1d. (overprinted on St. Vincent) used from Casablanca to Switzerland, 1889 (Jan. 12) 1d. used from Tangier to London, 1897 (Apr. 12) 5c. used from Larache to Belgium, also 1900 (May 7) 10c. overprinted ''Morocco Agencies'' used from Larache to Birmingham. (4)
3025 Â£190
Morocco Agencies: Gibraltar used in Morocco: 1890 (Nov. 11) Gibraltar 20c. size G registered envelope used from Rabat to Tangier, with Rabat registered oval on front and on embossed stamp, with manuscript ''FB'' (Foreign Branch, hence no adhesive) and Tangier Nov. 14 arrival. Photo.
3026 Â£180
Morocco Agencies: Gibraltar used in Morocco: 1892 (May 7) envelope to Tooting, bearing Gibraltar 25c. ultramarine tied neat Fez c.d.s., Tangier May 12 transit alongside and Tooting May 18 arrival on reverse, with enclosed letter, envelope a little roughly opened, scarce early use from Fez. Photo.
3029 Â£170
Morocco Agencies: Gibraltar Issues Overprinted: 1898 (Dec. 24) envelope from the United States Consulate to the Collector of Customs, Philadelphia, U.S.A., bearing overprinted Gibraltar 25c. strip of three (each stamp variety no ear to ''g'') tied Tangier duplexes, on reverse Philadelphia arrival and neat Consulate wax seal. Photo.
3030 | Â£120
Morocco Agencies: Gibraltar Issues Overprinted: 1904 (Dec. 27) registered envelope to Philadelphia bearing K.E.VII 20c. and 25c. pair and single tied Tangier registered oval, 1905 (Jan. 13) envelope to Paris bearing 5c. and 10c. pair tied Tangier duplexes, and 1906 (Nov. 12) 10c. postal stationery card used from Fez to Paris. (3)
3031 Â£170
Morocco Agencies: Spanish Currency: 1906 30c. on 1d. size G registered postal stationery envelope used 1908 (Oct. 9) to London with ''REGISTERED/BRITISH POST OFFICE TETUAN'' oval cancellation, Tangier Oct. 10 transit and London Oct. 14 arrival alongside. Photo.
3034 Â£120
Morocco Agencies: French Currency: 1906 30c. on 1d. size G registered postal stationery envelope used 1908 (Feb.) with Gibraltar type ''REGISTERED RABAT'' oval cancellation, uprated with 5c. on 1/2d. pair tied with the same cancellation, Tangier Feb. 22 arrival alongside, scarce use of Spanish currency surcharged stationery from the French Zone. Photo.
3035 Â£350
Morocco Agencies: French Currency: 1929 (July 7) registered envelope commercially used to Fez, bearing 75c. on 9d. pair tied British Post Office Fez Mellah c.d.s's, with Fez Mellah registration label alongside, on reverse ''BANK OF BRITISH WEST AFRICA'' handstamp overstamped ''FEZ MELLAH''. Photo.
3036 Â£200
Morocco Agencies: Tangier: 1907 30c. on 2d.+1d. size H registered postal stationery envelope used 1914 (Aug. 31) to London, uprated with Spanish 20c. on 2d., tied Tangier registered oval, with London Dec. 7 arrival alongside, some tone spots, unusual use of size H. Photo.
3037 | Â£120
Morocco Agencies: Tangier: 1907 30c. on 2d.+1d. sizes F and G registered postal stationery envelopes used from Tangier to the same address in Sussex, the first sent 1918 (Dec. 18) and the second sent 1919 (Dec. 19) and uprated with 5c. on 1/2d. (2)
3038 Â£250
Morocco Agencies: Tangier: 1952 81/2d. size H registered postal stationery envelope used 1956 (May 29) to Gibraltar, uprated with overprinted 10d. tied British Post Office Tangier c.d.s. Photo.
3039 Â£120
Morocco Agencies: Tangier: 1923 (Apr. 11) registered envelope to London, bearing 1d. and 4d. tied Tangier oval cancellations, with manuscript ''Registered Mail A/R'' and ''AR'' in oval handstamp alongside, scarce. Photo.
3040 Â£150
Morocco Agencies: Tangier: 1948 (Mar. 17) O.H.M.S. ''Bulletin de Verification'' registered envelope to the Chief Post Office Inspector in New York, readdressed to the Post Master, unfranked, with British Post Office Tangier c.d.s. and violet handstamp, also violet ''O.A.T'' in oval and Tangier registered oval, on reverse various New York Mar. 22 arrivals. These envelopes were used for the sending of a form that requested ''verification and correction of errors and irregularities of all kinds'', this believed to be the only known example used from Tangier. Photo.
3042 | Â£420
Morocco Agencies: A mint Q.V. to early Q.E.II collection on leaves, incl. 1898-1900 to 2p., 1899 to 2p., 1903-09 to 2p., 1905-06 to 2p., 1907-13 to 2s.6d., 1914-31 to 2s.6d. (4) and 5s., Spanish Currency 1907-12 to 12p. on 10s., French Currency, etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
3043 | Â£100
Morocco Agencies: Cancellations and Covers: A group of cards, comprising 1886 (Dec. 16) 1d. Gibraltar postal stationery card used from Tangier to New York, 1903 (Apr. 7) postcard bearing Q.V. overprinted 5c. pair to Italy, 1903 (Dec. 4) picture postcard to London bearing overprinted Q.V. 10c. tied neat Mogador c.d.s, 1906 (July 11) postcard from Tangier to London bearing K.E.VII 5c. pair, also 1899 (Oct. 10) incoming picture postcard from Gibraltar to Casablanca bearing 10c. (card with major crease) and two incoming 1/2d. postal stationery cards from Gibraltar to Tetuan in 1902 and 1903. (7)
3044 Â£150
Muscat: A used selection on leaves, incl. 1944 3p. to 2r. set used on both sides of 1944 (Nov. 20) long philatelic cover on the first day, a little reduced at left, otherwise fine and rare. S.G. 1-15. Photo.
3049 | Â£120
Nauru: A mint collection on leaves, incl. 1916-23 to 2s.6d., 1924-48 both sets to 10s., etc., later to 1976, slightly mixed condition. (108)
3050 | Â£50
Nauru: A mint collection on leaves, incl. 1916 to 1s. and 5s., later to 1968, slightly mixed condition. (84)
3053 | Â£120
Netherlands: Telegraphs: 1877-1903 a used selection, incl. values to 2g. (no 25c.), all with blue crayon marks and punch holes, etc., mixed condition. (45)
3054 Â£280
Netherlands: Telegraphs: 1877-1903 25c. a mint example of this scarce stamp, fine. Hiscocks 7. Photo.
3055 Â£850
New Guinea: A mint collection on leaves, incl. ''N.W./PACIFIC/ISLANDS'' overprints to 5s., 1925-27 to £1, 1931 Air to £1, 1931 to £1, Air to £1, 1932-34 to £1, Air to £1, 1939 Air to £1, etc., also 1935 Air £2 and £5 used, slightly mixed condition. (151)
3056 | Â£320
New Guinea: A mint collection on leaves, incl. range of overprints with 1914-15 on German New Guinea values to 21/2d. on 10pf., 1915 Registration Labels type 4a serifed Kawieng, 1918 1d. on 5d. (2) and 1d. on 1s., 1931 With Dates 10s., 1935 Air £2, etc., slightly mixed condition. (56)
3057 | Â£110
New Hebrides: A mint collection on leaves, incl. 1908 to 1s., 1911 to 5s., 1938 to 10f., etc., later to 1977, slightly mixed condition. (150)
3058 Â£300
New Zealand: 1926-34 Large Admiral proof, with uncleared value tablets, printed in red on red surfaced paper (86 x 104mm), numbered at top ''206527'', and reversed die ''10701''. Photo.
3059 Â£260
New Zealand: 1926-34 Large Admiral proof with uncleared value tablets and surround (88 x 105mm), numbered at top ''206527''. Photo.
3061 Â£120
New Zealand: 1958 2d. on 11/2d. error of surcharge marginal mint block of four from the top of the sheet, stamps are fine fresh unmounted. S.G. 763b, cat. £520. Photo.
3063 | Â£190
New Zealand: An accumulation in varied condition in an album, two sheet files, on leaves and stockcards contained in a carton with modern mint issues in mint multiples, covers with airmails, f.d.c's, maritime, Q.V. Postal Fiscals to £50, etc. (100s)
3064 | Â£150
New Zealand: A Q.V. to Q.E.II mint and used collection in an album incl. official 1936-61 to 5s. (4) mint, 1940 Centennial overprint set mint, 1947-51 to 2s. (2) mint, etc. (few 100)
3065 Â£80
New Zealand: Postal Fiscals: 1939 35/- on 35s., used, slightly short perfs. at base, otherwise fine. S.G. F186, cat. £400. Photo.
3066 Â£1400
New Zealand: 1940-58 Postal Fiscal £3,10s. rose marginal mint copy, stamp with minor gum bend at left otherwise fine fresh unmounted mint. S.G. F209 cat. £3,500. Photo.
3067 Â£1100
New Zealand: Postal Fiscals: 1940-58 to $5 complete less £3.10, and surcharges to 22/- on 22s., also 1939 35/- on 35s., mint, toning, otherwise mainly fine. (30) Photo.
3068 | Â£1850
New Zealand: A mainly good to fine, fresh mint collection of Postal Fiscals on leaves incl.1931-40 to £2.10s., £3 and £4, 1939 35s. on 35s. marginal copy, 1940-58 1s.3d. (7) to 25s. (2), 30s., £2 (2), £2.10s., £3 (2), £4 and £5 (unmounted), surchsrge set of four, etc. (50)
3069 | Â£95
New Zealand: Great Barrier Island Pigeongram Post: A selection with unused S. H. Howie green label used during training of the pigeons, and two Great Barrier Pigeongram Service receipts dated 1899. (3 items)
3071 | Â£320
Nigeria: Lagos: A selection, incl. early issues mainly used, 1887-92 to 10s. mint, 1904 to 10s. mint, 1904-05 to 5s. (2) and 10s. (2), etc., mixed condition. (70)
3073 Â£130
Nigeria: Niger Coast Protectorate: Oil Rivers: 1893 (Dec.) Provisionals Type 5 ''HALF/PENNY'' in vermilion on 21/2d. purple on blue, fine used. S.G. 17, cat. £200. R.P.S. certificate (1983). Photo.
3074 Â£180
Nigeria: Niger Coast Protectorate: Oil Rivers 1893 (Dec.) Provisionals Type 6 ''HALF/PENNY'' in violet on 2d. grey-green and carmine, fine used on piece, some blue ink and slightly short perfs. at top left. R.P.S. certificate (1983). S.G. 18, cat. £500. Photo.
3075 Â£160
Nigeria: Niger Coast Protectorate: Oil Rivers: 1893 (Dec.) Provisionals Type 6 ''HALF/PENNY'' in vermilion on 21/2d. purple on blue, fine mint. S.G. 19, cat. £600. Photo.
3077 Â£130
Nigeria: Niger Coast Protectorate: Oil Rivers 1893 (Dec.) Type 7 ''Half/Penny'' in violet on 2d. grey-green and carmine, large part original gum, fine mint. S.G. 20, cat. £475. Photo.
3078 Â£100
Nigeria: Niger Coast Protectorate: Oil Rivers 1893 (Dec.) Type 7 ''Half/Penny'' in violet on 2d. grey-green and carmine, fine used. S.G. 20, cat. £250. Photo.
3079 Â£100
Nigeria: Niger Coast Protectorate: Oil Rivers: 1893 (Dec.) Type 7 ''Half/Penny'' in vermilion on 21/2d. purple on blue, used, shortish perfs. at top, otherwise fine. R.P.S. certificate (1983). S.G. 21, cat. £180. Photo.
3080 Â£280
Nigeria: Niger Coast Protectorate: Oil Rivers 1893 (Dec.) Type 8 ''Half/Penny'' in vermilion on 21/2d., fine used. S.G. 25, cat. £650. R.P.S. certificate (1980). Photo.
3081 Â£180
Nigeria: Niger Coast Protectorate: Oil Rivers 1893 (Dec.) Type 8 ''Half/Penny'' in green on 21/2d. purple on blue, fine mint. S.G. 27, cat. £500. R.P.S. certificate (2009). Photo.
3085 Â£150
Nigeria: Niger Coast Protectorate: Oil Rivers 1893 (Dec.) ''HALF/PENNY'' type 9 in blue on 21/2d. purple on blue, used, minor crease, otherwise fine. Freidl certificate (1983). S.G. 32, cat. £400. Photo.
3086 Â£160
Nigeria: Niger Coast Protectorate: Oil Rivers: 1893 (Dec.) ''HALF/PENNY'' type 9 in green on 21/2d. purple on blue, used on piece (not tied), fine. S.G. 33, cat. £500. Photo.
3087 Â£190
Nigeria: Niger Coast Protectorate: Oil Rivers 1893 (Dec.) Type 10 ''HALF/PENNY'' in green on 21/2d., fine used. R.P.S. certificate (1983) and B.P.A. certificate (1978). S.G. 35, cat. £450. Photo.
3090 | Â£270
Nigeria: Northern Nigeria: A mint selection on leaves, incl. 1900 to 10s., 1902 to 10s., 1905-07 to 2s.6d. (2), 1910-11 to 10s., 1912 to £1, etc., slightly mixed condition. (58)
3091 Â£680
Nigeria: Southern Nigeria: A mint selection, incl. 1901-02 to 10s., 1903-04 to £1, 1904-09 to £1 (3), 1907-11 to £1, 1912 to £1, etc., slightly mixed condition. (77) Photo.
3093 Â£480
Nigeria: 1914-29 5s. green and red on yellow, lemon back, unmounted mint upper right corner plate no. 8 irregular block of 28 (6 x 5 missing lower left horizontal pair) with sheet no. ''1440'' and local ms. no ''2'' in right margin, mainly fine. S.G. 10a, cat. £588+. Photo.
3094 Â£480
Nigeria: 1914-29 10s. green and red on blue-green with pale olive back, fine mint. S.G. 11b, cat. £1,100. B.P.A. certificate (1973). Photo.
3095 Â£2100
Nigeria: 1921-32 1/2d. to 10s. in mint corner plate blocks of four, with both dies of the 1/2d., 1d., 2d. grey, 2d. chocolate, 3d. violet, 4d., 6d., 2s.6d., 5s. and 10s., most stamps unmounted, the die I 10s. with tone spot, otherwise mainly fine. S.G. 1-12, cat. £1,679+. Photo.
3096 Â£1900
Nigeria: 1921-32 issue, a group of corner plate blocks of four and larger, incl. 2d. chocolate die I blocks of twenty four from the top of the sheet (2), die II block of twenty four, 6d. die I block of nine, 10s. die II blocks of four (2), etc., mostly unmounted, mainly fine. (34 blocks)
3097 Â£130
Nigeria: 1936 1/2d. to £1 with both perfs. of the 11/2d. and 3d., some with lightly toned gum, otherwise mostly fine. S.G. 34-45, 36a, 38a, cat. £460. Photo.
3098 Â£90
Nigeria: 1936 1/2d. to £1 with both perfs. of the 11/2d. and 3d., used, slightly mixed condition, cancellations not guaranteed. S.G. 34-45, 36a, 38a, cat. £428. Photo.
3099 Â£520
Nigeria: Die proof of the Queen's Head in purple (as used in the 1953-58 definitives) on thick paper, with signature and manuscript ''2/7/52'' alongside and embossed ''19759'' at top, also with two drops of black ink. Photo.
3100 Â£1400
Nigeria: 1959 issue, a group of six handpainted stamp sized essays on 1959 De La Rue presentation cards, with 1/2d. design showing groundnut, 1d. showing cotton, 2d. showing textile mill, 3d. showing cement factory, 4d. showing convolvula and 5s. showing central bank (same design as the issued 2s.6d), fine. Photo.
3101 Â£500
Nigeria: 1959 issue, two stamp sized hand painted essays mounted in card, both without value, the first showing the Administration Offices in Kano and the second Kaduna River Bridge and Lagos Railway Terminus (this later used for the issued £1) affixed to piece of paper with typed ''Alternative for 2/6d. 5/-, 10/- or £1/Submitted by Waterlows'', the latter with tone spots on paper. Photo.
3102 | Â£650
Nigeria: 1960 Independence, a group of artworks for unadopted designs for this issue, comprising three handpainted artworks, one showing a mother and child, another showing map of Nigeria, and the next a map and a dove (bent corner), four pencil sketches with various designs and one stamp sized essay showing the same map and dove design as before, unique.
3103 Â£720
Nigeria: 1961 3d. Oyo Carver, artist's photographic essay for the aerogramme, with the country name and value handpainted, also some alterations in ink and Chinese white, with manuscript ''ETCH FOR RUBBER STEREOS'' alongside. Photo.
3104 Â£250
Nigeria: 1961 3d. Oyo Carver, handpainted essay for the design without country name (66 x 81mm), mounted in card, also stamp sized photographic essay for the same design with 11/2d. value. Photo.
3105 Â£200
Nigeria: 1961 3d. Oyo Carver, die proof for the aerogramme in blue on wove paper, with pencil ''1'' alongside. Photo.
3106 Â£700
Nigeria: 1961 6d. Benin Mask, original artwork in watercolour and Chinese white, mounted on card, signed on reverse by ''V.Whiteley/22/4/60''. Photo.
3107 Â£750
Nigeria: 1961 6d. Benin Mask, variety yellow omitted, used alongside normal 3d. and 6d. on small piece, the variety with two creases and small adhesion on face, otherwise fine and scarce. S.G. 95, cat. £1,500. Photo.
3108 Â£380
Nigeria: 1962 Second Anniversary of Independence issue, a group of Michael Goaman's sketches for the issue, with accompanying letter from the Crown Agents in Westminster to M. Goaman with instructions regarding the designs. Photo.
3109 Â£130
Nigeria: 1962 International Trade Fair issue, a group of Michael Goaman's sketches and paintings for the issue, with two accompanying letters from the Crown Agents in Westminster to M. Goaman with instructions regarding the designs. Photo.
3110 Â£400
Nigeria: 1962 Eighth Commonwealth Parliamentary Commission issue, a group of Michael Goaman's sketches for the issue, with accompanying letter from the Crown Agents in Westminster to M. Goaman with instructions regarding the designs, also a letter regarding payment from the Ministry of Communications. Photo.
3111 | Â£120
Nigeria: A group of pencil sketches on tracing paper for various 1960s issues, mainly 1963 Peaceful Use of Outer Space issue, also an artist's design for the 1973 9d. Eko Bridge issue.
3112 Â£80
Nigeria: 1965 ITU 3d., a stamp sized handpainted essay for this stamp, on thin card. Photo.
3113 Â£1300
Nigeria: Booklets: 1915 black on crimson cover 2s. booklet, exploded, with each stamp overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' (type D9a), a few imperfections, otherwise fresh and fine. S.G. SB1, cat. £2,750. Photo.
3114 Â£1100
Nigeria: Booklets: 1928 black on scarlet cover 2s. booklet, exploded, with each stamp handstamped ''SPECIMEN'' (type D18), a few imperfections, otherwise fine. S.G. SB5, cat. £2,750. Photo.
3115 Â£1050
Nigeria: Booklets: 1931 black on scarlet cover 4s. booklet, exploded, with each stamp overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' (type D16a), both 1d. panes with some creasing, one 11/2d. pane with minor corner fault, otherwise fine. S.G. SB7, cat. £2,250. Photo.
3116 | Â£520
Nigeria: A mint collection on leaves, Q.V. to early Q.E.II, incl. Oil Rivers 1892-94 to 1s., Protectorate 1894 (Jan.) and 1894 (May) to 1s., 1897-98 to 10s. (2), 1914-29 to £1 (4), 1921-32 to 10s., 1936 to £1, etc., slightly mixed condition. (approx. 200)
3117 | Â£200
Nigeria: A collection in a small album, incl. mint with Northern Nigeria 1910-11 to 10s., 1912 to 10s., Southern Nigeria 1912 to £1, Nigeria 1914-19 values to £1, etc., slightly mixed condition. (97)
3118 | Â£100
Nigeria: An unmounted mint selection, incl. 1914-29 10s. on emerald (pale olive back), 1953-59 to £1, etc., mainly fine. (35)
3122 | Â£120
Norfolk Island: An unmounted mint collection in two boxed albums, largely complete from 1947 to 2000, incl. 1947-59 2d. on white paper, etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
3123 Â£160
North Borneo: 1911 $5 and $10 imperf. pairs, without gum as issued, one or two minor imperfections, of fine appearance. S.G. 182a, 183a, cat. £775. Photo.
3124 | Â£650
North Borneo: A collection on leaves, incl. 1888-92 values to $2 mint, 1897-1902 to 24c. mint, 1925 to $2 mint, 1931 Anniversary set mint, 1939 to $5 mint, 1945 to $5 mint, 1947 to $5 mint, 1950-52 and 1961 to $10 mint, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
3125 | Â£110
North Borneo: A selection, incl. 1945 BMA set used, 1947 to $5 unmounted mint, etc., also Sabah 1964-65 to $10 unmounted mint, slightly mixed condition. (85)
3128 Â£270
Nyasaland: 1896 with watermark 1d. to 5s. mint, mainly fine. S.G. 32-39, cat. £750. Photo.
3129 Â£80
Nyasaland: 1896 with watermark 2s.6d. and 5s. used, the latter with a few short perfs. S.G. 37, 39, cat. £425. Photo.
3131 Â£60
Nyasaland: 1897-1900 3s. used with Zomba parcel cancellation, two perfs. bent over. R.P.S. certificate (2013) states ''small thin''. S.G 49, cat. £375. Photo.
3132 Â£230
Nyasaland: 1897-1900 10s. and £1, fine used. S.G. 50a, 51, cat. £625. Photo.
3133 Â£300
Nyasaland: Cheque Stamps, a used selection comprising 1898 (Mar.) imperf. from Setting II 1d. (9) and 1898 (June) perf. 12 from setting II 1d. (3), range of cancellations, slightly mixed condition. (12)
3134 Â£190
Nyasaland: 1903-04 1d. to £1 and 1907 1d. and 6d., used, slightly mixed condition. S.G. 59-68, 71, cat. £707. Photo.
3135 Â£60
Nyasaland: 1903-04 2s.6d., 4s. and 10s. mint, the latter with small crease and ragged perfs. at top, otherwise fine. S.G. 63-65, cat. £360. Photo.
3136 Â£260
Nyasaland: 1903-04 4s. with watermark inverted, mint, corner crease, small areas of gum toning and small patch of gum on design, otherwise fine. B.P.A. certificate (2016). S.G. 64w, cat. £1,500. Photo.
3137 Â£180
Nyasaland: 1903-04 10s., £1 and £10 overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', the two lower values with one or two minor imperfections, the £10 fine. S.G. 65s-67s. Photo.
3138 Â£150
Nyasaland: 1903-04 £10 grey and blue, fiscally used. S.G. 67. Photo.
3139 Â£150
Nyasaland: 1908-11 to 2s.6d. (both printings), 4s., 10s. and £1 mint, top value very rubbed, otherwise mainly fine. S.G. 72-81, cat. £1,025. Photo.
3144 Â£150
Nyasaland: 1921-33 10s. green and red on pale emerald, variety 'lines omitted from scroll', fine mint. S.G. 113g, cat. £550. Photo.
3145 | Â£1100
Nyasaland: A mint collection on leaves, Q.V. to early Q.E.II, incl. 1891-95 values to 10s., 1892-93 4s. on 5s., 1895 to 1s., 1896 to 5s., 1897-1900 values to 10s. (also £1 used), 1903-04 to £1, 1908-11 to 10s., 1913-21 to 10s. (2) and £1, 1921-33 to 10s., 1938-44 to £1, 1945 to 20s., etc., slightly mixed condition. (approx. 200)
3146 | Â£140
Nyasaland: An unmounted mint selection, K.G.V to early Q.E.II, incl. 1938-44 values to £1 (2), 2s. and 2s.6d. blocks of four, 1953-54 10s. marginal block of four and 20s. corner block of four, etc., mainly fine. (34)
3147 Â£65
Nyasaland: Postage Dues: 1950 set unmounted mint, and set used with extra 4d., mainly fine, cancellations not guaranteed. S.G. 1-5, cat. £310. Photo.
3152 | Â£290
Papua: A mint collection on leaves, incl. range of Lakatoi issues, 1932-40 to £1, Officials with 1911-12 2s.6d., etc., slightly mixed condition. (127)
3153 | Â£400
Papua: A mint collection on leaves, incl. 1901-05 to 1s., 1906 to 1s., 1907 to 2s.6d., 1907-10 to 1s., 1910-11 to 2s.6d., 1916-31 to 10s., 1932-40 to £1, etc., also a range of Papua New Guinea issues, mixed condition. (100s)
3154 | Â£150
Papua and Papua New Guinea: A mainly mint collection, incl. 1901-05 watermark vertical to 1s. mint, 1906 watermark horizontal 2s.6d. mint, 1916-31 to 10s. mint, New Guinea, etc., varied condition. (260)
3155 | Â£180
Papua and Papua New Guinea: A mainly mint collection in a folder, incl. 1932-40 1/2d. (both) to £1 set, 1952-58 set, a good range of later issues to 1991, etc. (100s)
3156 | Â£230
Papua New Guinea: An unmounted mint collection in two boxed albums, largely complete from 1952 to 2000, incl. 1952-58 to £1, 10s. and £1 overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', 1963 10s. and £1 overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', 1964-65 Birds 10s. overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', 1994 surcharge set, postage dues, etc., mainly fine. (100s)
3157 | Â£1000
Philippines: A mint and used collection of United States Administration issues in a boxed album, incl. 1899 to $5 mint, values to $1 used (Philatelic Foundation certificate (2006) states reperforated at top and left), 1901 Special Delivery 10c. mint, 1903-04 to 50c. mint, 1906-10 to 10p. used, 1916 Special Delivery 20c. mint, Arms issues to 10p. mint, 1928 Air set mint, 1938-40 4p. mint, Officials, range of revenues, Japanese Occupation issues with 1943 sheetlet mint, etc., mixed condition, also another boxed album and five stockbooks with unmounted mint 1940s to 1990s Independence issues. (100s)
3158 Â£80
Pitcairn Islands: 1930 QSL radio card VR6AA from Nelson Dyett, fine. Ex Kitching. Photo.
3160 Â£210
Pitcairn Islands: 1944 (May 19) incoming censored cover from New Zealand to Miss Agnes Ross, a schoolteacher on the island, bearing 2d. tied Shannon c.d.s. and with Pitcairn Islands Aug. 20 arrival alongside. Ex Kitching. Photo.
3161 Â£120
Pitcairn Islands: 1945 special postcard for the opening of the Radio Station on Pitcairn bearing 1940-51 1d., some staining, otherwise fine. The card lists firms who had donated equipment for the station and is signed by Andrew Young. Photo.
3162 Â£420
Pitcairn Islands: 1964-65 1/2d. with variety blue omitted, unmounted mint, with normal for comparison, fine. S.G. 36a, cat. £750, EC PCN72a. Photo.
3163 | Â£200
Pitcairn Islands: A mint and used collection in a folder, incl. 1940-51 4d. and 8d. in unmounted mint blocks of four, 1949 Silver Wedding 10s. used (2), set used on cover, etc. (few 100s)
3164 | Â£300
Portugal: A mainly mint selection on stockcards and in packets with miniature sheets incl. 1940 Stamp Centenary, 1951 Costumes, 1946 Castles (unmounted), also Colonies with Angola, Macau, Mozambique, Timor, General issues, etc. (100s)
3165 | Â£950
Portuguese Colonies: Macao: A mainly mint accumulation in varied condition on stockcards and in packets incl. 1884 to 300r., 1884 80r. on 100r. (also used), 1888 5r. to 300r., surcharges, 1894 5r. to 300r., 1898 Da Gama set, 1898-1900 1/2a. to 78a., 1911 overprinted set., 1913 Ceres set, 1948-50 1a. to 5p. set, with unmounted incl. 1938 1a. to 5p. set, 1951 Portraits set, 1953 Flowers set, 1956 Maps set, 1966 Uniforms set, 1996 Ameripex and 1987 Fans miniature sheet, Charity Tax stamps, Postage Dues, a few stationery items, etc. (few 100)
3167 Â£160
Rhodesia: 1898-1908 £20, four fiscally used examples, one repaired to appear as an unused example with R.P.S. certificate (2017), mixed condition. S.G. 93a. Photo.
3169 | Â£120
Rhodesia: 1910-13 Perf. 14 values to 8d. (2), 10d. and 1s., mint or part original gum, range of shades, mixed condition. (18)
3170 Â£150
Rhodesia: 1910-13 Perf. 14 to 2s. (2) and 10s. used with a few extra values, slightly mixed condition. S.G. between 119-163. Photo.
3171 Â£300
Rhodesia: 1910-13 Perf. 14 7s.6d. carmine and pale blue, mint, some gum wrinkles, otherwise fine. S.G. 160b, cat. £650. Photo.
3172 Â£80
Rhodesia: 1910-13 Perf. 14 10s. blue-green and orange, large part original gum, small orange stain at top, otherwise fine. S.G. 164, cat. £425. Photo.
3173 Â£500
Rhodesia: 1910-13 Perf. 14 £1 rose-scarlet and bluish black, part original gum, some minor gum wrinkles, otherwise fine. S.G. 166, cat. £1,600. Photo.
3174 Â£280
Rhodesia: 1910-13 Perf. 14 £1 rose-scarlet and bluish black, vertical pair fine used with complete Salisbury c.d.s., a few shortish perfs. R.P.S. certificate (2017). S.G. 166, cat. £750+. Photo.
3175 | Â£1500
Rhodesia: A collection on leaves, incl. 1892-93 to 10s. mint, £1 used, £10 used with fiscal cancellation, 1892-84 to 4s. mint, 1896 to 1s. mint, 1896-97 to 4s. and 10s. mint, 1897 to £1, 1898-1908 to £1, 1905 Falls set, 1909-12 to 1s. mint, £1 used, 1910-13 Double Heads to 3s. mint and 10s. used, 1913-19 Admirals to £1 mint, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
3176 | Â£160
Rhodesia: A mainly unmounted mint Q.E.II selection on stock pages, incl. Northern Rhodesia 1963 3d. with value and orange omitted, Rhodesia and Nyasaland 1954-56 to £1, 1959-62 to £1 (2), Southern Rhodesia 1953 to £1 (2), 10s. with 'extra feather' in corner block of four, etc., mainly fine. (approx. 150)
3177 Â£190
Rhodesia: Northern Rhodesia: 1925-29 1/2d. to 20s. set mint with additional 7s.6d., some with lightly toned gum, otherwise mainly fine, also 1938-52 11/2d. yellow-brown with 'tick bird' flaw, fine mint. S.G. 1-17, 30b, cat. £1,000. Photo.
3178 Â£190
Rhodesia: Northern Rhodesia: 1925-29 1/2d. to 20s. set mint, lightly toned gum, otherwise mainly fine. S.G. 1-17, cat. £800. Photo.
3179 Â£200
Rhodesia: Northern Rhodesia: 1925-29 1/2d. to 20s. set used, slightly mixed condition. 20s. with B.P.A. certificate (1974). S.G. 1-17, cat. £900. Photo.
3180 Â£120
Rhodesia: Northern Rhodesia: 1925-29 8d. and 10d. blocks of four used on separate pieces, lightly toned, otherwise fine. S.G. 8, 9, cat. £420. Photo.
3182 | Â£210
Rhodesia: Northern Rhodesia: A mint selection on leaves, incl. 1925-29 to 20s., 1938-52 to 10s., 1953 to 10s., etc., slightly mixed condition. (90)
3183 Â£140
Rhodesia: Northern Rhodesia: Revenues: 1925-29 Postage & Revenue 20s. and Revenue 1925 £2 to £50 fiscally used, poor to fine. (6)
3184 | Â£80
Rhodesia: Northern Rhodesia: Revenues: 1955 1d. red imprint block of six, and a used range to 20s., slightly mixed condition. (12 items)
3185 Â£140
Rhodesia: Southern Rhodesia: 1924-29 1d. proof lower marginal imprint block of eight (2 x 4) with large punch holes, top pair perforated horizontally, otherwise imperf., some creasing, otherwise fine. Photo.
3186 Â£170
Rhodesia: Southern Rhodesia: 1924-29 11/2d. proof block of six (3 x 2) with large punch holes, left pair perforated vertically, otherwise imperf., some creasing, otherwise fine. Photo.
3187 | Â£150
Rhodesia: Southern Rhodesia: A mint collection on leaves, incl. 1924 to 2s.6d. (2) and 5s., 1931 to 5s. with some perfs., 1937 to 5s., 1953 to £1, etc., slightly mixed condition. (165)
3188 Â£180
Rhodesia: Southern Rhodesia: Revenues: 1931 3s. to £20 used, slightly mixed condition. Barefoot 9-16. Photo.
3189 Â£120
Rhodesia: Southern Rhodesia: Revenues: 1937 issue, a group comprising 10s., £1 and £5 proof pairs with punch holes, 7s.6d. Waterlow & Sons specimen, and three pieces, the first bearing 10s., £2 and £20, the second £5 and £20 and the last 10s., £2, £10 and £50, slightly mixed condition. (7 items)
3190 Â£150
Rhodesia: Southern Rhodesia: Revenues: Three documents bearing the 1937 issue, the first from 1941 bearing 3s., £5 and £10 pair, the second from 1947 bearing £50 strip of five, and the third from 1951 bearing £5, £10 and £50 pair, fine. Photo.
3192 Â£500
Russia: A group of covers, comprising 1858 cover bearing 10k. pair, two 1865 envelopes bearing Arms 10k. (one with tax marking), 1866 envelope to Paris bearing Arms 3k., 5k. and 20k., 1872 envelope to Tosno bearing Arms 1k. (10) and 10k. tied Moscow c.d.s's, 1872 cover to Warsaw bearing 10k., 1888 registered envelope with the seal of the Persian Ambassador in Constantinople to St Petersburg, bearing Russian Post Offices in Turkey 10k. block of four, 1906 registered envelope bearing Russian Post Offices in Turkey 1pi. on 10k. block of five (one stamp damaged), 1921 envelope bearing 1912-19 2k., 3k. and 5k. with ''P'' overprint and 3k. on 5p., slightly mixed condition. Photo.
3194 Â£110
Saint Helena: 1861 (Apr.) rough perf. 14 to 16 6d. blue, fine mint. Sismondo certificate (2004). S.G. 2a, cat £425. Photo.
3195 Â£450
Saint Helena: 1922-37 Watermark Mult. Crown CA 4d. to £1 overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' without gum, and Watermark Mult. Crown CA 1/2d. to 15s. overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' with gum, mixed condition. S.G. 92s-113s, cat. £2,250. Photo.
3196 Â£350
Saint Helena: 1922-37 Watermark Mult. Crown CA 4d. block of four with the upper left stamp variety 'broken mainmast', fine unmounted mint. S.G. 92a, cat. £320+. Photo.
3197 Â£500
Saint Helena: 1922-37 Watermark Mult. Crown CA 4d., 1s.6d. and 2s.6d., each variety 'torn flag', fine mint. Top value with B.P.A. certificate (2007). S.G. 92b, 93b, 95b, cat. £1,475. Photo.
3198 Â£200
Saint Helena: 1922-37 Watermark Mult. Crown CA 4d. to £1 set, fine mint. S.G. 92-96, cat. £500. Photo.
3199 Â£260
Saint Helena: 1922-37 Watermark Mult. Crown CA 5s. grey and green on yellow variety 'torn flag', mint, tiny spot of black ink in margin, otherwise fine. S.G. 95b, cat. £950. Photo.
3200 Â£1350
Saint Helena: 1922-37 Watermark Mult. Crown CA £1 grey and purple on red, variety 'torn flag', fine mint. S.G. 96a, cat. £4,250. Photo.
3201 Â£2400
Saint Helena: 1922-37 Watermark Mult. Script CA 1/2d., 1d., 11/2d., 2d., 3d., 6d., 8d., 1s., 7s.6d., 10s. and 15s., each variety 'torn flag', also additional 1d. showing repaired flag, mint, 15s. with peripheral staining, otherwise mainly fine. S.G. 97a-101a, 104a-106a, 111a-113a,cat. £13,680. Photo.
3202 Â£1350
Saint Helena: 1922-37 Watermark Mult. Crown CA 4d., Watermark Mult. Script CA 1/2d. (in corner plate block of four), 1d., 11/2d. (2), 2d., 3d. (in corner plate pair), 5d., 6d., 8d., 1s., 1s.6d., 2s., 2s.6d., 5s., each variety 'cleft rock', mint, mainly fine. 1d. with A.P.S. certificate (2004). S.G. 92c, 97c-110c, cat. £5,500. Photo.
3203 Â£1400
Saint Helena: 1922-37 Watermark Mult. Script CA 1/2d. (in pair), 1d., 11/2d., 2d., 3d., 5d., 6d., 8d., 1s., 1s.6d., 2s., 2s.6d. and 5s., each variety 'broken mainmast', mint, mainly fine. S.G. 97a-110a, cat. £3,885. Photo.
3204 Â£700
Saint Helena: 1922-37 Watermark Mult. Script CA 1/2d. complete sheet of sixty, showing 'broken mainmast' and 'cleft rock' varieties, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 97, a, c. Photo.
3205 Â£110
Saint Helena: 1922-37 Watermark Mult. Script CA 1/2d. to 10s. mint, some with lightly toned gum, otherwise mainly fine. S.G. 97-112, cat. £425. Photo.
3208 Â£160
Saint Helena: 1922-37 Watermark Mult. Script CA 5d. green and carmine-red on green variety 'cleft rock', fine mint. S.G. 103dc, cat. £400. Photo.
3209 Â£580
Saint Helena: 1922-37 Watermark Mult. Script CA 15s. grey and purple on blue, fine mint. B.P.A. certificate (2016). S.G. 113, cat. £1,100. Photo.
3210 Â£1150
Saint Helena: 1922-37 Watermark Mult. Script CA 15s. grey and purple on blue, fine used with neat central c.d.s. R.P.S. certificate (2018). S.G. 113, cat. £2,750. Photo.
3211 Â£1050
Saint Helena: 1961 Tristan Relief Fund 21/2c.+3d. (rounded corner) to 10c.+1s. set, mainly fine used with ''ST.HELENA/C/OC 12/61'' first day c.d.s's. S.G. 172-75, cat. £3,500. Photo.
3212 Â£170
Saint Helena: 1968 Slavery set, affixed to 'grillcard', individually handstamped ''SPECIMEN''. Believed to be the only known set. S.G. 222s-225s.
3216 | Â£350
Saint Helena: A collection on leaves, incl. Chalons to 1s. mint and used, then mint with 1903 to 2s., 1912-16 to 3s., 1922-36 to 10s., 1934 Centenary set, 1938-44 to 10s., 1953-59 to 10s., etc., later to 1998, slightly mixed condition. (100s)
3217 | Â£260
Saint Helena: A mainly mint Q.V. to Q.E.II in an album, incl. 1863 1d. with part original gum, 1890-97 set, 1907 set, 1922-37 to 10s. with both watermarks, 1938-44 set with shades and 3d., range of later issues, etc., mainly fine. (100s)
3218 | Â£180
Saint Helena: An unmounted mint K.G.V. to early Q.E.II selection, incl. 1922-37 5d. plate corner pair, 1938-44 to 10s., 2s.6d. lower marginal imprint pair, 1953 to 10s. (5), etc., mainly fine, also a few used and a few Tristan da Cunha. (136)
3219 | Â£110
Saint Helena: A mainly mint collection from 1935 to 1969 on leaves, incl. some duplication, 1938-44 sets mint (2), 1948 Silver Wedding set mint and used, 1961 set mint and used with both £1, etc., mainly fine. (100s)
3220 Â£230
Saint Helena: 1883 (Aug. 12) cover to Cheltenham bearing 1884-94 1s. yellow-green, tied by cork cancellation with St. Helena c.d.s. at left. Photo.
3222 Â£320
Saint Helena: 1896 (May 22) wrapper to Sydney bearing 1884-94 21/2d. vertical strip of three, with cork cancellations, St. Helena c.d.s. below, has London and Sydney datestamps on reverse. Photo.
3225 Â£160
Saint Helena: 1901 (Aug. 21) cover, registered to London, franked by 1884-94 2d. yellow and 1890-97 1d., tied by barred ovals, with St. Helena c.d.s., circular framed ''R'' and oval ''REGISTERED/ST. HELENA''. Photo.
3226 Â£200
Saint Helena: An interesting range of covers from 1908 to 1995, incl. 1912 'Kinze' cover registered to Germany bearing 1908 10s., 1914 illustrated envelope for the Revue Philatélique Mensuelle registered to Paris bearing 6d. block of four and a range of official mail variously addressed incl. eleven with rectangular framed ''OFFICIAL/PAID'', five with Post Office crown, two with The Castle oval despatch datestamp. (19 items)
3227 | Â£260
Saint Kitts-Nevis: St Christopher: A mint or part original gum selection on leaves, incl. 1870-82 1d. magenta (4), 21/2d., 4d., 6d. (3), 1882-90 21/2d. red-brown, 6d., 1s. (2), etc., slightly mixed condition. (34)
3228 | Â£210
Saint Kitts-Nevis: Nevis: A mint or part original gum collection on leaves, incl. 1862 1d., 6d., 1867-76 4d., 1871-78 4d., 6d., 1879-80 1d., 21/2d., 1882-90 1d. lilac-mauve, 4d. blue, 1s., etc., also a few mainly used revenues, slightly mixed condition. (35)
3230 Â£400
Saint Kitts-Nevis: 1923 Tercentenary 1/2d. to £1 set mint, mainly fine. S.G. 48-60, cat. £1,200. Photo.
3231 Â£300
Saint Kitts-Nevis: 1923 Tercentenary 1/2d. to £1 set mint, some collector/guarantee marks on gum otherwise mainly fine. S.G. 48-60, cat. £1,200. Photo.
3233 Â£950
Saint Kitts-Nevis: 1923 Tercentenary £1 black and purple on red, a corner plate no. example, used, fine. B.P.A. certificate (1998). S.G. 60, cat. £1,600. Photo.
3235 | Â£480
Saint Kitts-Nevis: A mint collection on leaves, K.E.VII to early Q.E.II, incl. 1903 to 5s. (2), 1905-18 to 5s., 1920-22 to £1, 1921-29 to 5s. (3), 1923 Tercentenary to 2s., 2s.6d. (2), 5s. (2), 1938-50 to £1 unmounted (2) with shades and perfs. largely complete, 1954-63 to $4.80 unmounted, etc., wide range of shades, some unmounted, slightly mixed condition. (100s)
3236 | Â£450
Saint Kitts-Nevis: A collection on leaves, incl. range of Nevis, range of St. Christopher, then St. Kitts-Nevis mint with 1903 to 5s., 1905-18 to 5s., 1920-22 to £1, 1921-29 to 5s., 1923 Tercentenary to 10s., etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
3237 | Â£110
Saint Kitts-Nevis: St Kitts, an unmounted mint 1980s to 1990s collection in a boxed album, incl. range of overprint varieties with 1980 Ships set with overprint omitted, officials, etc., also another boxed album of unmounted mint 1980s Nevis issues, mainly fine. (100s)
3239 Â£450
Saint Lucia: 1936 1/2d. to 5s. in corner blocks of four and 10s. in blocks of four, unmounted mint, 5s. with gum wrinkles and 10s. with light gum toning, otherwise mainly fine. S.G. 113-124, cat. £400. Photo.
3240 Â£160
Saint Lucia: 1949-50 12c. claret, the scarce perforation 141/2 x 14, used. B.P.A. certificate (2017) states ''top perfs. at little foxed''. S.G. 153a, cat. £550. Photo.
3241 | Â£850
Saint Lucia: A collection in two boxed albums, incl. early issues mint or part original gum 1860 1d. (2), 4d. (2), 6d., 1863 1d. (3), 6d. (2), 1864-79 4d., 6d. (2), 1s., 1881 1/2d. (2), 1882-84 4d., then mint with 1883-86 to 1s., 1891-98 to 10s., 1904-10 to both 5s., 1912-21 to 5s., 1921-30 to 5s., 1936 to 10s., 1938-48 to £1 unmounted, range of shades, postage dues with 1930 1d. block of nine, etc., later with unmounted mint issues to 1990 largely complete, also a few postal fiscals, slightly mixed condition. (100s)
3242 | Â£170
Saint Lucia: A used collection on leaves, incl. a few early issues, 1891-98 values to 10s., 1904-10 values to 5s. green and red on yellow, 1912-21 values to 5s., 1936 to 10s., also 1948 Victory set perforated ''SPECIMEN'', covers with 1892 envelope to Dominica bearing 1891-92 1/2d. on half 6d. pair and 1/2d. on 3d. pair (B.P.A. certificate, 1976), etc., not all cancellations guaranteed, mixed condition. (100s)
3243 | Â£230
Saint Lucia: A collection on leaves, Q.V. to Q.E.II, incl. range of early issues mint and used, then mint with 1886-87 to 1s., 1891-98 to 10s., 1904-10 to both 5s., 1921-30 to 5s., 1936 to 10s., 1938-48 to £1, etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
3244 | Â£110
Saint Lucia: A mint collection on leaves, Q.V. to early Q.E.II, incl. 1891-98 values to 5s., K.E.VII to 5s., 1936 to 10s., 1938-48 to £1, 1948 Victory set perforated ''SPECIMEN'', etc., mixed condition. (162)
3245 | Â£180
Saint Lucia: A mint and used collection on leaves, incl. 1936 2s.6d., 5s. and 10s. used on 1938 cover, used set, 1949-50 sets (2) used, etc. (100s)
3247 Â£1200
Saint Vincent: 1880 (May) 1d. on half 6d. deep blue-green, an unsevered pair, part original gum, handstamps on reverse and shortish perfs., otherwise fine and rare. S.G. 28a, cat. £2,000. Photo.
3248 Â£110
Saint Vincent: 1880 5s. rose-red, an unused example with part original gum, perfs. more ragged than usual, otherwise fine. S.G. 32, cat. £1,100. Photo.
3249 Â£220
Saint Vincent: 1881 1/2d. on half 6d. bright green, unsevered pair, large part original gum, fine. S.G. 33a, cat. £475. Photo.
3250 Â£950
Saint Vincent: 1881 4d. on 1s. bright vermilion, small part original gum, some perf. faults, otherwise fine, good colour. S.G. 35, cat. £1,600. Photo.
3251 Â£80
Saint Vincent: 1890 21/2d. on 4d. chocolate, mint horizontal pair, one showing variety no fraction bar [R. 1/7, 2/4], some faults but of fine appearance. S.G. 54, a, cat. £480+. Photo.
3252 Â£60
Saint Vincent: 1973 Surcharges, 30c. on 50c., variety surcharged five times, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 380 var. Photo.
3253 Â£260
Saint Vincent: 1980 Stamp Centenary, an imperforate proof miniature sheet in the issued colours, affixed to card (210 x 149mm.), endorsed on reverse ''Approval subject to....'' and signed ''Janice Smith 9.10.79'', fine and unique, ex De La Rue archives. S.G. MS633. Photo.
3254 | Â£700
Saint Vincent: A mint collection on leaves, Q.V. to K.G.VI, incl. range of early issues to 5s. with 1881 1d. on 6d. unused (Philatelic Foundation certificate, 1988), 1899 to 5s., 1904-11 £1, 1913-17 to £1, 1921-32 to £1, 1938-47 to £1 (2), etc., also a small range of used Q.V. revenues, mixed condition. (100s)
3255 | Â£380
Saint Vincent: A collection on leaves, incl. range of mint and used early issues, 1881 1/2d. on half of 6d. unused, 1899 to 5s. mint, 1902 to 5s. mint, 1921-32 values to £1 mint, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
3256 | Â£320
Saint Vincent: A collection on leaves, Q.V. to Q.E.II, incl. range of early issues mint and used, then mint with 1899 to 5s., 1902 to 5s., 1904-11 to £1, 1913-17 to £1, 1921-32 to £1, etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
3257 | Â£120
Saint Vincent: An unmounted mint Q.E.II collection in two boxed albums, largely complete from 1951 to 1990, mainly fine. (100s)
3258 | Â£500
Samoa: A collection in varied condition on leaves incl. 1896-1900 to 2s.6d. (4) mint and used, 1914-24 Postal Fiscal to £1 mint, 1920 Victory set used, 1916-19 values to 1s. used on two philatelic registered covers, 1935-42 Postal Fiscal 2s.6d. to £2 and £10 mint, 1944-53 Postal Fiscal 2s.6d. to £2, £3 and £5 (2) mint, etc. (approx. 290)
3259 | Â£320
Sarawak: A mint collection on leaves, incl. 1899-1908 to $1 (2), 1918 to $1, 1932 to $1, 1934-41 to $10, 1945 BMA to $10, 1950 to $5, 1955-59 to $1, etc., slightly mixed condition. (approx. 200)
3261 | Â£350
Seychelles: A mint collection on leaves, incl. 1890 die I to 96c., die II to 16c., 1893 to 90c. on 96c., 1897-1900 to 2r.25, 1903 to 2r.25, 1906 to 2r.25, 1912-16 to 2r.25 (2), 1917-22 to 5r., 1921-32 to 5r., 1938-49 to 5r. (2), 1952 to 10r., 1954-61 to 10r., etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
3262 | Â£380
Seychelles: A mint and used collection in two albums, incl. 1938-49 to 5r. unmounted mint, 2c. to 5r. ten values used on plain first day cover, 1948 Silver Wedding set in unmounted mint blocks of four, 1952 set on plain first day cover, 1987 Ruby Wedding 50c. with inverted overprint in an unmounted mint block of four, etc. (100s)
3263 | Â£550
Seychelles: Postal Stationery: Envelopes: Selection of sixteen items, comprising 1895 8c., 15c., (both square format), 30c., each overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' (scarce local type PS1a) 8c. (rectangular format), 15c. (square format) and 30c. each overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' (type D-PS1), 1896 ''18 CENTS'' on 30c. overprinted ''Specimen'' (type S-PS1), 1900 ''SIX CENTS'' on 8c. (square format) overprinted ''Specimen'' type S-PS28c, 8c. (square format) used 1895 to Mauritius, 15c. (square format) early use 1895 to London, 15c. (rectangular format) used 1896, 30c. uprated by 1893 15c. for 1897 use to Turks Islands, forwarded to London and Devon, 1896 ''18 CENTS'' on 30c. used 1896 to Basel, 1900 ''SIX CENTS'' on 8c. (square format) used 1900 to London, ''SIX CENTS'' on 8c. (rectangular format) used 1902 to Malaya, redirected from Ipoh to Tanjong Malim, and 1907 6c. on 15c. used 1907 to Mombassa.
3264 | Â£300
Seychelles: Postal Stationery: Postcards, Selection of 22 items comprising 1890 4c, 8c, 1893 6c. postcards, 1892 4c.+4c., 8c.+8c.and 1893 6c.+6c. reply cards all overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' (type D-PS1), 1890 4c., 8c., 1893 6c. postcards, 1892 4c.+4c., 8c.+8c. and 1893 6c.+6c. reply cards all overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' (local type S-PS1a), 8c.+8c. reply card outward half and 1893 6c.+6c. reply card complete, both overprinted ''Specimen'' (local type S-PS4), 1902 ''SIX CENTS'' on 8c. postcard overprinted ''Specimen'' (2, one type S-PS3, the other S-PS4 inverted), also 1890 4c. used 1896 to Mauritius, locally redirected from Bambous to Moka, 8c. used 1901 to S.M.S. ''Irene'' in Germany, 1892 8c.+8c. used 1894 to London, 1893 6c. used 1901 to Costa Rica, 6c.+6c. used 1894 to Argentina, and scarce 6c. reply half used 1912 from Baden-Baden, Germany.
3265 Â£140
Seychelles: Postal Stationery: 1903 (ca.) original ink recipe piece (approx. 204 x 82mm) headed with recipe no. ''2056'' ''Blue'' for ''12 Cents Seychelles Reg Envs.'' with ''Azurlin Blue'' noted beneath, bearing two pairs of De La Rue Queen Victoria dummy stamps in the appropriate colour, diagonal section scissor cut and reattached at upper right, unique. Photo.
3266 | Â£480
Seychelles: Postal Stationery: Registered Envelopes, Selection of 31 items incl. 1903 12c. size F, 1912 12c. size H, 1924 (ca.) 20c. size F, each overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' (type D-PS1), 1938 20c. overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' (thinner unserifed type), 1903-09 12c. sizes F, G, H2 and K, 1911-21 12c. sizes H and K, 1923-25 20c. sizes F, H2 and K, 1938 20c. sizes F, H and H2, 1947 20c. size F, 1965 40c. sizes G, H and H2, 1980 (ca.) undenominated sizes G, H and K, unused, 1911-21 12c. scarce size K used 1914 with added 1912-16 18c., 30c. (2) to Germany, 1923-25 20c. size F used 1928 with added 20c. to Berlin, size G with added 12c. to Boston, Mass., size H2 with added 1937 Coronation 12c., 20c. used to Southern Rhodesia, 20c. size H used 1938 with added 1938-49 45c. to U.S.A., size H2 to Mauritius with 6c., 20c. blue and 25c., size F used 1961 to Surrey with 1954-61 10c. pair, 1965 40c. size H used 1976 from Quito to Florida with added Ecuador 50c. (2), $1 and $5 (2).
3269 Â£300
Sierra Leone: 1933 Wilberforce 1/2d. to £1 set, 10s. with small stain at top otherwise mainly good to fine mint. S.G. 168-180, cat. £1,100. Photo.
3271 | Â£230
Sierra Leone: 1960s duplicated range with values to £1, incl. written up study of the 1963 Postal Commemorations series with many regular varieties, plus unusual ''AIL'' omitted from ''AIRMAIL'' on 2s.6d., range of positional blocks, etc., mainly fine unmounted mint. (100s)
3272 | Â£720
Sierra Leone: A mint collection on leaves, incl. 1876 to 1s., 1884-91 to 1s., 1896-97 to £1, 1903 to £1, 1904-05 to £1, 1907-12 to £1, 1912-21 to £1, 1921-27 to 10s., 1932 to £1, 1933 Wilberforce to 10s., 1938-44 to £1 (3), 1956-61 to £1, etc., also a few used, slightly mixed condition. (100s)
3273 | Â£650
Sierra Leone: A K.G.V to early Q.E.II selection, incl. 1912-21 10s. and £1 mint, £2 overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', 1932 to £1 mint, 1933 Wilberforce to 10s., 1938-44 £1 upper marginal block of four unmounted mint, etc., slightly mixed condition. (82)
3274 | Â£140
Sierra Leone: Postcards: An unused and used selection, incl. undivided backs, ethnic, street scenes, etc. (124 items)
3275 | Â£270
Somaliland: A mint collection on leaves, incl. 1903 (June) to 5r., 1903 (Sept.-Nov.) to 5r. and to 8a., 1904 to 5r., 1912-19 to 5r., 1921 to 5r., 1938 to 5r., 1953-58 to 10s., etc., slightly mixed condition. (186)
3276 Â£280
South Africa: Cape of Good Hope: A small group of used triangulars, comprising 1861 'Woodblock' 1d. vermilion, close to enormous margins but clipped at one corner, 1863-64 6d. bright mauve, good to large margins, and 1863-64 1s. bright emerald-green, close to very large margins, mixed condition. S.G. 13, 20, 21, cat. £3,950. Photo.
3277 | Â£160
South Africa: Cape of Good Hope: A collection on leaves, incl. used triangulars (5), 1871-76 4d. unused, 1882 to 6s. large part original gum, 1884-90 to 5s. mint, 1893-98 to 5s. mint, 1902-04 to 5s. mint, etc., mixed condition. (86)
3278 Â£130
South Africa: Natal: 1902-03 1/2d. to 4s. and 1902 5s., 10s., £1 and £1.10, overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', with gum, slightly mixed condition. S.G. 127s-143s, cat. £595. Photo.
3279 Â£300
South Africa: Natal: 1902-03 1/2d. to 4s. and 1902 5s., 10s., £1 and £1.10, mint, mixed condition. S.G. 127-143, cat. £1,370. Photo.
3282 Â£130
South Africa: Natal: 1902 Watermark Crown CC £5 handstamped ''SPECIMEN'' (Samuel type NA2) in violet, some creasing otherwise fine without gum. S.G. 144s. Photo.
3284 Â£80
South Africa: Natal: 1902 £10 overprinted ''SPECIMEN''(Samuel type D12a), fine without gum. S.G. 145as, cat. £450. Photo.
3285 Â£170
South Africa: Natal: 1902 £10 handstamped ''SPECIMEN'' (Samuel type NA2) in violet, small crease, otherwise fine without gum. S.G. 145as. Photo.
3286 Â£160
South Africa: Natal: 1902 £20 overprinted ''SPECIMEN''(Samuel type D12a), fine with toned gum. S.G. 145bs, cat. £650. Photo.
3287 Â£320
South Africa: Natal: 1902 £20 handstamped ''SPECIMEN'' (Samuel type NA2) in violet, some creasing and toning, otherwise fine without gum. S.G. 145bs. Photo.
3289 Â£110
South Africa: Natal: 1908-09 5s., 10s. and £1 used, the last on piece with Transvaal 2s.6d. strip of three and 1s., mainly good to fine. S.G. 169-171. Photo.
3290 | Â£550
South Africa: Natal: A collection on leaves, incl. range of Chalons used, 1902-03 to 5s. mint, 1902 5s. and 10s. mint, £1 and £1.10 used, 1904-08 to 2s.6d. mint, 1908-09 to £1 mint, etc., mixed condition. (95)
3292 Â£140
South Africa: Orange Free State: 1903-04, a mint selection comprising 1d. to 5s. set with some extra values incl. 6d. corner plate block of six, also 1d. with watermark inverted used, mixed condition. (21)
3293 Â£350
South Africa: Orange Free State: 1905-09 1/2d. corner single, all four matching corner plate blocks of six, 1d. interpanneau block of twelve, corner plate block of six, 4d. marginal block of nine and 1s. marginal plate pair, slightly mixed condition. (53)
3294 | Â£170
South Africa: Orange Free State: A collection of fiscal stamps overprinted for postage, incl. 1900 1d. to 1s. with raised and level stops mixed mint, 1900 6d. type 13 with raised and level stops mixed used, 1900 to £1 (2) and £4 mint, to £1 and £4 (2) used, etc., slightly mixed condition. (4)
3295 Â£160
South Africa: Orange Free State: Fiscal stamps overprinted for postage 1900 mint group of varieties comprising 10s. thick ''V'', 10s. broad short ''A'', £1 thick ''V'' unmounted, and £4 thick ''V'', mixed condition. T47a, d, T48a, T49a, cat. £670. Photo.
3297 Â£120
South Africa: Transvaal: 1902 1/2d. to 10s. (less 2d. and 3d.) used on 1902 (June 21) registered envelope to Germany with Johannesburg c.d.s's, heavy corner crease affecting 1/2d. Photo.
3298 Â£150
South Africa: Transvaal: 1902 2s. block of four and 2s.6d., 5s. and 10s. singles, mint, mainly fine. S.G. 252-255, cat. £440. Photo.
3299 Â£170
South Africa: Transvaal: 1902 2s.6d. block of four, 1904-09 2d., 3d., 4d., 6d., 1s. and 2s. singles, 1905-09 1/2d. to 21/2d. singles, 1/2d. blocks of four (2, one a corner plate example), 1d. blocks of four (2, one a corner plate example), 2d. marginal block of six, block of four, 21/2d. blocks of four (2, one a corner plate example), mint, slightly mixed condition. Photo.
3300 Â£160
South Africa: Transvaal: 1904-09 to £1 mint, slightly mixed condition. S.G. 260-272, cat. £550. Photo.
3301 Â£140
South Africa: Transvaal: 1905-09 1/2d. green watermark inverted and 1d. scarlet watermark Cabled Anchor (type 13 of Cape of Good Hope), fine used. S.G. 273w, 274b, cat. £455. The latter ex Rexton. Photo.
3302 | Â£400
South Africa: Transvaal: A selection, incl. range of early issues mainly used, 1902 to 10s. mint, 1903 to £1 mint, 1904-09 to £1 mint, etc., mixed condition. (129)
3303 | Â£110
South Africa: Transvaal: A mint selection on leaves, incl. 1902 values to 2s.6d., 1904-09 values to £1, etc., slightly mixed condition. (50)
3306 Â£100
South Africa: Mafeking Siege Issues: 1900 Type 2 unserifed 6d. on 2d. green and carmine and 1s. on 6d. purple on rose-red, both used on piece, fine. S.G. 13, 14, cat. £230. Photo.
3309 Â£600
South Africa: 1923 (ca.) Harrison 1d. Springbok essays, three colour trial blocks of ten ex Harrison sample book, scarce. Photo.
3310 | Â£320
South Africa: A selection, comprising 1933-48 Hyphenated Pictorials 6d. green and vermilion die I, pair from the foot of the sheet and lower right corner pair each with left stamp showing [R. 20/11] 'molehill' flaw unmounted mint, 1940 Official type O3 overprint ''OFFICIAL'' at left 10s. blue and sepia unmounted mint, and a range of postage dues with 1914-22 to 1s. mint, 2d. corner block of twelve, 1922-26 2d. black and deep violet corner block of six mint, 1932-42 to 6d. mint, 2d. black and purple pair with right stamp variety thick (double) ''2d.'' mint, 1943-44 1/2d. (3), 1d. (2), 2d. (3), 3d. (2) unmounted mint, 1948-49 to 6d. unmounted mint, 1d. lower marginal block of six unmounted mint, a few minor varieties, etc., slightly mixed condition. (approx. 200)
3311 | Â£450
South Africa: A mint and used collection in three albums, incl. 1913-24 values to 5s. mint, with plate pieces and varieties, range of later issues with minor varieties, etc. (100s)
3312 | Â£190
South Africa: A mint collection on leaves, K.G.V to Q.E.II, incl. 1933-48 to 10s. (4), etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
3313 | Â£260
South West Africa: A mainly mint collection on leaves, incl. 1927-30 to 10s., 1931 to 20s. mint, etc., later to 1989, slightly mixed condition. (100s)
3321 | Â£150
Spain: Telegraphs: A mint and used collection, incl. 1905 to 1p. mint, 1912 to 4p. mint, 131-33 set mint, also a few Portuguese, etc., mixed condition. (236)
3322 Â£320
Sudan: 1876 three page autograph letter headed ''Khartoum/26Jany 1879'' written by Governor-General Charles Gordon to Colonel Sir Charles Nugent, Director of Fortifications at the War Office in London and later commanding officer of the Royal Engineers on the 1882 Egypt Expedition, with mentions of meeting King John of Abyssinia, his current state of health etc., a most interesting item. Photo.
3323 Â£65
Sudan: 1898 (Apr. 2) Nile Expeditionary Force envelope to England, franked by 1897 5m. tied by Halfa c.d.s., sent by ''Pte. Wake ''C'' Company Cameron Highlanders'', countersigned, heavy vertical crease and other imperfections. Photo.
3324 Â£1250
Sudan: 1898 1m. to 10p. set of die proofs of the frames only, printed in black on glazed card (92 x 60mm), a fine and rare group. S.G. 10-17. Photo.
3325 Â£270
Sudan: A group, comprising 1897 5p. slate and 10p. carmine blocks of four, both mint with the lower pair unmounted, and Official 1900 5m. with perforated ''OS'' inverted mint, fine. Photo.
3326 Â£160
Sudan: 1927-41 10p. imperforate colour trial in pale blue and blue (the issued colours for the 20p.), and 20p. imperforate colour trials (3) in blue and black, greenish blue and black, and green and black, all on gummed watermarked paper, the first with crease, otherwise fine. Photo.
3327 Â£80
Sudan: 1935 General Gordon set mint and used, the mint set with light gum toning, otherwise mainly fine. S.G. 59-67, cat. £330. Photo.
3328 Â£110
Sudan: 1935 General Gordon 50p. lower marginal plate block of four, separated down middle row of perfs. and reattached, otherwise fine. S.G. 67, cat. £600+. Photo.
3329 | Â£270
Sudan: A collection on leaves, incl. 1902-21 to 10p. mint, 1935 General Gordon set in plate marginal examples mint, set used, 1941 Palms to 20p. mint, 1948 to 50p. mint, 1951-61 to 50p. mint, range of Officials with 1936-46 and 1948 sets mint, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
3331 | Â£150
Swaziland: A mint collection, incl. 1933 to 10s., 1938-54 to 10s. (4), 1956 to £1, 1961 type III 1r. on 10s., type II (bottom) 2r. on £1, etc., slightly mixed condition. (170)
3332 | Â£110
Swaziland: An unmounted mint selection, K.G.VI to Q.E.II, incl. 1938-54 to 10s., 1956 to £1 (3), etc., also 1938-54 2s.6d. block of six used, mainly fine. (52)
3333 Â£200
Switzerland: 1883 registered parcel tag franked 1f.50c. with 10c. on reverse and postage due 500c. blue, a very unusual 'postal' use. Photo.
3337 | Â£300
Switzerland: Telegraphs: 1881 mint and used selection, incl. 20f. used (7), range of mint blocks, also some 1868 issues, etc., varied condition. (221)
3338 Â£300
Tanganyika: 1917-21 ''G.E.A.'' to 10r. (2) and 20r. (unmounted) mint, mainly fine. S.G. 45-61, cat. £700. Photo.
3339 Â£350
Tanganyika: 1917-21 ''G.E.A.'' 50r. carmine and green, fine mint. S.G. 62, cat. £750. Photo.
3340 Â£160
Tanganyika: 1921 12c. to 5r. (2), mint, mainly fine. S.G. 63-68, cat. £520. Photo.
3341 Â£150
Tanganyika: 1922-24 to 5s. (both) and 10s. mint, slightly mixed condition. S.G. 74-87a. Photo.
3342 Â£220
Tanganyika: 1922-24 £1 yellow-orange, watermark sideways, fine mint, centred to lower right. S.G. 88, cat. £475. Photo.
3343 Â£130
Tanganyika: 1922-24 £1 yellow-orange, watermark upright, mint, a few small specks of ink on design, otherwise fine. S.G. 88a, cat. £425. Photo.
3348 | Â£400
Tanganyika: A mint selection, incl. 1916 Nyasaland-Rhodesia Force to 1s., 1917-21 to 10r. (2), 1921 to 5r., 1922-24 to £1, 1927-31 to £1, etc., slightly mixed condition. (71)
3349 | Â£210
Tanzania: 1978 Game Lodges set of six stamps plus miniature sheet, each imperf. in issued colours, affixed to individual cards (152 x 215mm.) headed ''JOHN WADDINGTON of Kirkstall LTD/RUNNING PROOF'', with a copy of a letter to Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. Ltd. for whom they produced the stamps, ex B.W. archives.
3353 | Â£230
Tonga: A mint and used collection in a folder, incl. 1895 71/2d. on 21/2d. pair used on piece, 1897 set used, 1962 Centenary 5s. unmunted mint with inverted overprint, Officials with 1962 Centenary set mint, etc. (few 100s)
3355 | Â£380
Trinidad: A selection, incl. range of Britannias, 1869 5s. used, 1883-94 to 5s. mint, 1896-1906 to £1 mint, 1901-06 to 5s. (2) mint, 1904-09 to £1 mint, etc., slightly mixed condition. (95)
3356 | Â£300
Trinidad and Tobago: A mint collection on leaves, K.G.V. to Q.E.II, incl. 1913-23 to 5s. (5) and £1 (2), 1922-28 to £1, 1922-28 to £1, 1938-44 to $4.80 (2), etc., mixed condition. (100s)
3357 Â£260
Tristan da Cunha: Scarce bromide photographic picture postcard ''The Island of Tristan da Cunha'' showing fine type IV cachet and signed ''A.G. Partridge''. Anglican missionary Rev. Augustus George Partridge (1888 -1943) served on the island between 1929 and 1932, acting as Postmaster during this period. On his departure on the ''Arizona Maru'' he removed the type IV?cachet with him, subsequently publishing ''Tristan Da Cunha: The Isle of Loneliness'' (Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1933). Sismondo certificate (2000). Photo.
3358 Â£170
Tristan da Cunha: 2005 10p., the scarce variety watermark Crown to right of CA in a rare gutter pair, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 837w, cat. £600+. Photo.
3359 Â£230
Tristan da Cunha: A duplicated K.G.VI to Q.E.II selection on leaves and loose incl. 1952 set unmounted mint and in used marginal blocks of four, 1954, 1960, 1961 and 1965-67 sets, each unmounted mint and used (2), chiefly fine.
3360 | Â£500
Tristan da Cunha: A collection in two binders and loose on leaves etc. contained in a carton with a large range of covers incl. philatelic and commercial variously franked and addressed incl. early cachets on philatelic covers, 1952 values to 10s. (5), 1954 and 1960 sets postage dues, postal stationery, f.d.c's, later maritime and other cachets, mainly good to fine.
3361 | Â£110
Tristan da Cunha: A collection of Great Britain used in Tristan da Cunha, mainly cancelled by cachet with a range of definitives and commemoratives incl. 1935 Silver Jubilee, multi-reign frankings, etc., mainly good to fine (16)
3362 Â£125
Turks and Caicos Islands: 1881 ''4'' on 6d. black, type 30, a lower marginal example, mint with small part original gum, handstamp on reverse. B.P.A. certificate (1989). S.G. 44, cat. £400. Photo.
3363 Â£140
Turks and Caicos Islands: A group of War Tax varieties, comprising 1917 (Oct.) 1d. overprint double mint, 3d. pair with overprint double unmounted mint, single with overprint double, one inverted mint, and 1919 (20 Aug.) War Tax 1d. with overprint double mint, mainly fine. S.G. 143i, 144a, 144b, 150a, cat. £648. Photo.
3364 | Â£260
Turks and Caicos Islands: A mint collection on leaves, Q.V. to Q.E.II, incl. range of early issues, 1900-04 to 3s., 1909-11 to 3s., 1913-21 to 3s. (3), 1928 to 10s., 1938-45 to 10s. (2), 1950 to 10s., 1957 to £1, etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
3365 | Â£190
Turks and Caicos Islands: A mint Q.V. to early Q.E.II collection in a boxed album, incl. range of early issues, 1909-11 to 3s.,1913-21 to 3s., 1928 to 10s., 1938-45 to 10s. (2), 1950 to £1, range of shades, K.G.VI onwards unmounted, etc., slightly mixed condition. (100s)
3366 | Â£65
Turks and Caicos Islands: A small Q.V. selection, incl. 1897 1d. stationery card and 1d.+ 1d. reply card, both used to Switzerland, etc. (18)
3369 Â£230
United States of America: 1857-61 type I 5c. red-brown strip of three used on reverse of 1858 (Apr. 2) entire to France with New York c.d.s's, endorsed ''Steamer via Liverpool'', range of transits, the strip with straight edges at top and right, filing fold affecting central stamp. Scott 28, cat. $4,750 for a strip of three off cover. Photo.
3370 Â£420
United States of America: 1893 Columbus values to $3 and $5 used, mixed condition. (50) Photo.
3371 Â£170
United States of America: 1893 Columbus $4 rose-carmine, fine c.d.s. used, one or two slightly shortish perfs. at left, otherwise fine. S.G. 249, cat. £1,200. Photo.
3372 Â£250
United States of America: 1898 Omaha to 50c. (2), $1 and $2 used, mixed condition. Photo.
3373 Â£250
United States of America: 1930 Zeppelin 65c. to $2.60 set good used, the $1.30 and $2.60 with minor creases. S.G. A687-89, cat. £1,100. Photo.
3374 Â£80
United States of America: 1930 Air Zeppelin 65c. pair used on 1930 (June 2) Zeppelin cover to Germany with usual cachets. Photo.
3375 | Â£2400
United States of America: An early to middle period used collection in four boxed albums, incl. 1847-50 5c. (3), 10c. with red cancellation, 1851-57 1c. (2), 3c. (11), 5c., 10c. (2), 12c. (2), 1857-61 1c. (2), 3c. (6), 5c. (2), 10c. (3) 12c. (2), 24c. and 30c., 1861-66 to 90c., 1869 to 90c. (30c. with Philatelic Foundation certificate), 1870-71 to 90c., 1873 Officials selection, 1879 Postage Due set, 1890-93 to 90c., 1895 to $5 (2), 1902 Buffalo to 10c. (3), 1902-08 to $5, 1912-13 Parcel Post set, 1917-20 to $5, 50c. misperforated, range of imperfs., miniature sheets, special delivery, pre-cancels, Confederate States, 1920s onwards with some mint issues with 1933 Air 50c. unmounted, 1938-54 to $5, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
3376 | Â£450
United States of America: An unmounted mint modern collection in twelve boxed albums and two stockbooks, with issues largely complete from 1948 to 2000, incl. miniature sheets, postage dues, etc., mainly fine. (1,000s)
3377 | Â£620
United States of America: A collection of 'back of the book' material in four boxed albums, incl. locals, local revenues, cinderellas, labels with exhibitions, license stamps, cigarette and cigar stamps, charity labels, wide range of Boys Town Nebraska material, telegram, telegraphs, tobacco, etc. (100s)
3378 | Â£550
United States of America: A collection of mainly United States possessions, incl. Cuba under United States Military Rule, Danish West Indies with 1873-1902 7c. used, Guam 1899 $1 small part original gum (reperforated), Hawaii from early issues, Puerto Rico from early issues, revenues, Philippines Spanish issues, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
3379 | Â£450
United States of America: A collection from 1851 to 2009 in varied condition in two albums, on leaves and loose incl. 1869 1c. to 15c. used, 1893 Columbus to 50c. unused, 1929 ''Kans'' and ''Nebr'' overprinted sets mint, 1933 Zeppelin 50c. used, good range of later issues mainly mint, Airs, miniature sheets and sheetlets, etc. (100s)
3380 | Â£300
United States of America: A collection in three American Heirloom albums, stockbook and leaves, incl. 1857-61 5c. brown type I used, 1861-62 24c. used, 1869 30c. used, 1895 15c. unmounted mint (slight crease), good range of later issues to 2002, revenues, etc. (many 100s)
3382 | Â£90
United States of America: An unmounted mint collection on Scott leaves, incl. 1925 Lexington 5c., 1925 Norse set, 1938 presidential $5, etc., also loose later multiples, etc., mainly fine. (100s)
3384 | Â£650
United States of America: Revenues: Duck Hunting Permit Stamps, an unmounted collection in a boxed album, incl. 1934 $1, 1935 $1, 1936 $1, 1937 $1, 1938 $1 lower marginal control example, then complete to 2007, also self adhesives, wide range of State permit stamps, etc., a few early issues with creasing, otherwise mainly fine (100s)
3385 | Â£110
United States of America: Revenues: Newspaper Stamps, a selection, incl. 1865 perf. 12 5c., 10c., 25c. orange-red and 25c. carmine-red, imperf. 5c., 10c. and 25c., later values to $100 mint, slightly mixed condition. (31)
3386 | Â£400
United States of America: Revenues: A collection in a boxed album, incl. Boating Stamps, Cigarette Tubes, Consular Service Fee to $10 used, Cordials, Customs Fee, Future Delivery, Motor Vehicle Use, Narcotic, Playing Cards, Potato Tax, Private Die Proprietary Stamps, Proprietary, Silver Tax, Stock Transfer, Wines with 1916 $100 plate used, etc. (100s)
3387 | Â£620
United States of America: Revenues: An extensive collection in a boxed album, early to middle period, unused and used, incl. First Issue 1862-71 with imperfs., part perfs. and perfs., values to $50, with Proprietary, Bank Check, Certificate, Express, Playing Cards, Telegraph, Foreign Exchange, Inland Exchange, Agreement, Playing Cards, Bill of Lading, Power of Attorney, Bond, Protest, Entry of Goods, Insurance, Conveyance, Lease, Life Insurance, Original Process, Surety Bond, Mortgage, Charter Party, Manifest, Second Issue 1871 to $50, Third Issue 1871-72 to $20, etc., later issues to 1940s, mixed condition. (100s)
3388 | Â£160
U.S.A.: Canal Zone: A mint and used collection on leaves, from 1904 to 1976, incl. 1921 50c. mint (2), 1924-25 $1 mint, 1925-28 $1 mint, 1939 Canal set unmounted mint, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
3389 Â£230
United States of America: U.S. Postal Agency in Shanghai: 1919 2c. on 1c. to $2 on $1 set, mint with paper hinge remainders, otherwise mainly fine and very fresh. S.G. 1-16, cat. £1,800. Photo.
3391 | Â£380
Zanzibar: A small selection on leaves, incl. 1895-98 21/2. on 1a. mint vertical pair types 3 and 4, 21/2 on 1a.6p. type 7 in red mint with R.P.S. certificate (1970), etc. (217)