Number of results: 39
371 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1924 (Aug.) Used selection comprising 5c. pair and single, 10c. pairs (3, one perf. 10), 50c. (6), $1 perf. 131/2 (10, incl. pair and single with Kobdo cancellations), $1 perf. 10 (cancelled Ulias Sutai), fair to fine. (26) Photo. Price Realised £160 |
372 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1925 native red band cover to Peking via Kalgan, bearing 1924 Perf. 131/2 5c. and 10c. vertical pair cancelled by brownish red Tsetserlig Mandal boxed datestamps, and with Chinese 1915 Postage Due 1c. (8, two strips of three and a pair) and 2c. strip of five cancelled at Kalgan, some imperfections, the cover opened out for display, attractive and rare. Ex Chao. S.G. 3 I, 4 I, China D342-43. Photo. Price Realised UNSOLD |
373 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1926 Fiscals handstamped, forged or unguaranteed handstamps in blue on 1c., 5c. and 20c., in purple on 1c., 2c., 5c., 10c. and 20c., and in red on 1c., 2c., 5c., 10c. and 20c., mainly fine with full gum. (13) Price Realised UNSOLD |
374 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1926 Fiscals handstamped, 50c. brown and olive-yellow, lightly handstamped in purple, mint, fine. S.G. 13 A, cat. £175. Price Realised UNSOLD |
375 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1926 Fiscals handstamped, 50c. brown and olive-yellow, two examples lightly handstamped in purple and black respectively, c.t.o., fine. S.G. 13 A, B, cat. £285. Price Realised UNSOLD |
376 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1926 Fiscals handstamped, £1 brown and salmon, handstamped in black, mint, fine. Sold without guarantee. Price Realised UNSOLD |
377 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1926 Fiscals handstamped, $1 brown and salmon, handstamped in black, a block of four rejoined from two vertical pairs, c.t.o. Ulan Bator Nov. 2 1926. Ex Roseway and Hellstrom. S.G. 14 B, cat. £1,300. Photo. Price Realised UNSOLD |
378 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1926 Fiscals handstamped in purple, 1c. to 20c. c.t.o., also 1c., 5c. and 20c. with forged handstamps in blue, c.t.o., mainly fine. (8) Price Realised UNSOLD |
379 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1926 Fiscals handstamped, 50c. brown and olive-yellow and $1 brown and salmon, both handstamped in black, c.t.o., both with slight faults but good appearance. S.G. 13 B, 14 B, cat. £450. Price Realised UNSOLD |
380 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1926-27 With outline used selection comprising 1m. strip of four, 2m. block of four, 10m. strip of three showing interrupted perf. and single, 25m. (3, one blue-green), 40m., 50m. pair and single, 1t. (2) with some unusual cancellations, mainly good to fine. (21) Price Realised £65 |
381 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1926 Without outline 20m. showing black printing partially omitted, used, faults but good appearance. S.G. 17 var. Photo. Price Realised UNSOLD |
382 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1926 (Jan.) envelope endorsed ''Via Siberia'' to London, franked with 1924 Perf. 131/2 10c. vertical pair and single cancelled by Ulan Bator c.d.s.'s and the pair additionally crossed by Tel Aviv datestamps and Spring Fair slogans, possibly due to misrouting, the cover opened out for display. S.G. 4 I. Photo. Price Realised UNSOLD |
383 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1927 (Jan.) native red band cover to Kalgan via Manchuli, bearing 1926 Fiscal handstamped 5c. (handstamped in black) and 10c. (2, handstamped in black and purple respectively), cancelled by fine Ulan Bator c.d.s.'s, and with China 1923-33 3c. pair and single affixed on other side, a little stained but rare. S.G. 10B, 11A, B, China 313. Photo. Price Realised UNSOLD |
384 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1927 (Apr.) native red band cover to Kalgan, bearing 1926-27 40m. tied by small red boxed cachet, and China 1923-33 3c. irregular strip of three cancelled at Harbin, fine Kalgan arrival, most attractive. S.G. 23, China 313. Photo. Price Realised UNSOLD |
385 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1927 (Oct.) large registered cover from Ulan Bator to Harbin, bearing 1924 Perf. 131/2 1c., 1926 Fiscal handstamped 1c. (in purple), 1926 Without outline 5m., 20m., 1926-27 With outline 1m., 2m., 10m., 25m. and 40m., registration handstamp at upper right, China 1915 Postage Due 4c., 20c. pair and single affixed on reverse, cancelled at Harbin, the cover philatelic and with two adhesives removed but very unusual. S.G. 1 I, 8, 16-19, 21-23, China Price Realised UNSOLD |
386 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1927 (Dec.) native red band cover to Kalgan via Chita and Tientsin, bearing 1926-27 5m., 10m. vertical pair, tied by scarce red Tsetserlig Mandal boxed datestamps with good asdditional strike on other side, also China 1923-33 4c., lightly soiled, nevertheless attractive and rare. S.G. 20, 21, China 315. Photo. Price Realised UNSOLD |
387 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1927 (Dec.) native red band cover from Ulan Bator to Harbin via Chita, bearing 1926-27 25m. and with China 1923-33 4c. pair (with Chita Russian cancellation) and single (cancelled Harbin), the cover opened out for display. S.G. 22, China 315. Photo., Price Realised UNSOLD |
388 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1928 (Jan.) native cover to Peking, bearing 1926-27 25m. tied by Ulan Bator double ring c.d.s. with additional strike and China 1923-33 10c. cancelled on arrival. S.G. 22, China 321. Photo. Price Realised UNSOLD |
389 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1928 (May) native cover to Peking, bearing 1926-27 25m. tied by Ulan Bator double ring c.d.s. with additional strike and China 1923-33 5c. vertical pair cancelled on arrival. S.G. 22, China 316. Photo. Price Realised UNSOLD |
390 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1928 (May) native cover to Peking, bearing 1926-27 25m. tied by Ulan Bator double ring c.d.s. with fine additional strike and China 1923-33 10c. cancelled on arrival. S.G. 22, China 321. Photo. Price Realised UNSOLD |
391 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1928 (Nov.) envelope from the Kazakov correspondence registered to Moscow, bearing 1926 Without outline 20m. 1926-27 1m., 2m. pair, 5m. and 10m. (2), individual Ulan Bator c.d.s.'s and red registration handstamp at lower left, backstamped arrival datestamps of 22nd and 23rd Nov., folded twice clear of adhesives, exceptional. S.G. 17-21. Photo. Price Realised UNSOLD |
392 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1928 (Dec.) to Peking and 1931 (Sept.) via Chita, two native covers, the first bearing 1926 Without outline 20m. and China 1923-33 10c. (one Mongolian adhesive removed), the second with scarce 1930 25m. on 40m. and China 1923-33 4c. pair. S.G. 17, 34, China 315, 321. Photo. Price Realised UNSOLD |
393 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1929 (Jan.) native cover to Kalgan, bearing 1926-27 25m. cancelled by Ulan Bator double ring c.d.s. and China 1923-33 1c. and 4c. pairs cancelled at Harbin, some imperfections but scarce. S.G. 22, China 310, 315. Photo. Price Realised UNSOLD |
394 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1930 (Jan.) native red band cover to Kalgan, bearing 1926-27 25m. (2) tied by Ulan Bator double ring c.d.s.'s with China 1923-33 1c., 4c. pair cancelled at Harbin, the cover opened out for display. S.G. 22, China 321. Photo. Price Realised UNSOLD |
395 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1930 (Nov.) native cover from Ulan Bator to Kalgan bearing 1926-27 1m. (2), 2m., 10m. (2) with China 1923-33 3c. block of four and single alongside, a little creased and soiled but very striking. S.G. 18, 19, 21, China 313. Photo. Price Realised UNSOLD |
396 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1931 (Aug.) native red band cover from Ulan Bator to Peking, bearing 1931 Ulan Bator Provisional, handstamped in violet, 2c. and 5c. with China 1915 Postage Due 10c. pair alongside (cancelled Peking 28), also 1923-33 5c. and 10c. cancelled at Harbin on other side, faintly stained but scarce. S.G. 36A, 37A, China 316, 32, D346. Photo. Price Realised UNSOLD |
397 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1931 (Nov.) native red band cover to Kalgan via Vladivostock, bearing scarce 1931 Fiscal handstamped 5m. on 5c., 10m. on 10c. (2, one torn, the other showing misplaced surcharge), with China 1932 Postage Due 10c. pairs (2) and single cancelled on arrival. S.G. 43, 45, China D437. Photo. Price Realised UNSOLD |
398 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1931 (Dec.) native red band cover to Kalgan, bearing 1931 Fiscal handstamp 5m. on 5c. and 20m. on 20c. (missing corner) and with China 1915 Postage Due 20c. (marginal with part imprint) and 30c. (affixed over Mongolian adhesives). S.G. 43, 45, China D347-8. Photo. Price Realised UNSOLD |
399 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1931 (Dec.) native red band cover to Kalgan via Manchouli, bearing 1931 Fiscal handstamped 5m. on 5c. and 20m. on 20c., both with corner faults and partly crossed by China 1915 Postage due 10c. marginal strip of three cancelled at Kalgan. S.G. 43, 45. Photo. Price Realised UNSOLD |
400 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1931 (Dec.) small native cover to Kalgan, bearing 1931 Fiscal handstamped 5m. on 5c. and 20m. on 20c. tied by good to fine Ulan Bator double ring c.d.s.'s with China 1915 Postage Due 30c. alongside, all adhesives with faults but scarce. S.G. 43, 45, China D348. Photo. Price Realised UNSOLD |
401 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1932 small native red band cover to Kalgan, bearing 1931 Fiscal handstamped 5m. on 5c. and 20m. on 20c., some wrinkles. S.G. 43, 45. Photo. Price Realised UNSOLD |
402 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1931 (Mar.) native cover to Kalgan, bearing 1931 Fiscal handstamped 5m. on 5c. and 20m. on 20c., with China 1915 Postage Due 20c. and 30c. cancelled on arrival. S.G. 43, 45, China D347-8. Photo. Price Realised UNSOLD |
403 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1932 (June 23) native red band cover to Peking, bearing 1931 Fiscal handstamped 5m. on 5c. pair and strip of three with China 1923-33 5c., cover faults and soiling . S.G. 43, China 316. Photo. Price Realised UNSOLD |
404 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1932 (June 28) native red band cover to Kalgan without Chinese adhesives, bearing 1931 Fiscal handstamped 5m. on 5c. and 20m. on 20c., some soiling. S.G. 43, 45. Photo. Price Realised UNSOLD |
405 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1932 (July 26) native red band cover to Kalgan via Manchuli, bearing 1932 Pictorial 25m. (early use), with China Postage Due 1915 30c. (corner marginal with number) and 1932 20c., cancelled on arrival. S.G. 52, China D348, D438. Photo. Price Realised UNSOLD |
406 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1932 (Aug.) improvised native cover to Kalgan, bearing 1931 Fiscal handstamped 5m. on 5c. and 20m. on 20c., with official cachet in violet alongside. S.G. 43, 45. Photo. Price Realised UNSOLD |
407 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: Native red band cover to Kalgan with 1932 Pictorial 20m. (possibly does not belong) and with China 1932 Postage Due 10c. strip of five added on arrival. Price Realised £40 |
408 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: Issued Stamps: 1936 (Jan.) envelope to Kalgan via Vladivostock, bearing 1932 Pictorial 15m. (2) cancelled by Ulan Bator double ring c.d.s. in violet, with Vladivostock transit and China Postage Due 1915 30c. and 1932 20c. cancelled on arrival, some faults but a scarce routing. S.G. 50, China D348, D438. Photo. Price Realised UNSOLD |
409 | Sale number: 18 Mongolia: 1962 Genghis Khan Anniversary set in complete unmounted mint sheets and half sheets, some minor creasing otherwise fine. S.G. 291-94, cat. £2,400. Price Realised UNSOLD |