Number of results: 34



Sale number: 16

Portuguese Colonies: Madeira: 1928 Funchal Museum Fund, selection of Perkins Bacon proofs comprising imperf. 1E. and 1E.60 blocks of four, 2E.40 block of six, perf. 1E.60 overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', and undenominated (10c.) rough perf., (16c.) clean-cut perf. and (96c.) imperf. block, all issued colours, mainly fine. (21)

Price Realised UNSOLD



Sale number: 17

Portuguese Colonies: Madeira: 1862 (May 2) entire to Le Havre endorsed ''Voie Anglaise'' with fair ''MADEIRA'' in oval and fine ''GB/1F'' accountancy mark in circle.

Price Realised UNSOLD



Sale number: 25

Portuguese Colonies: Madeira: 1808 incoming entire letter from London rated ''1/2'' and showing fine ''PAID SHIP LETTER/LONDON/(crown)/SEP 9/1808'' in red, attractive. Photo.

Price Realised £110



Sale number: 25

Portuguese Colonies: Madeira: 1815 (Sept. 19) entire letter to Lisbon, rated ''60'' and showing fine straight line ''MADEIRA''. Photo.

Price Realised £220



Sale number: 25

Portuguese Colonies: Madeira: 1844-75, selection of five entires, comprising 1844 to Le Havre with black ''MADEIRA'' in oval, straight line ''LISBON'' and red ''COLONIES/&c.ART.12'', 1853 to Glasgow backstamped fine British P.O. ''AU 5/183'' double arc datestamp, 1861 to Hertfordshire with fine blue ''MADEIRA'' in oval, and 1875 (2) to Le Havre with Funchal c.d.s.'s, one with ''GB/1F.'' accountancy mark, fair to good.

Price Realised £180



Sale number: 25

Portuguese Colonies: Madeira: 1844-46, four incoming entire letters to Messrs. Newton, Gordon, Constant & Co., the first two from Meerut, India, with despatch datestamps and straight line ''SHIP LETTER'' in red on reverse, and redirected to London, the second pair from London, one rated ''480'' and carried on the Medway'', the other ''320'' and on the ''Dee'', some interesting contents.

Price Realised £100



Sale number: 25

Portuguese Colonies: Madeira: 1857 (Feb. 14) entire to Oporto with fair blue ''MADEIRA'' in oval, franked 1856-58 25r. blue tied by ''51'' barred oval, vertical crease but very large margins, Lisbon transit and Mar 1 arrival backstamps, also 1853 50r. yellow-green, cancelled by very fine ''51'' strike, repaired. Photo.

Price Realised £110



Sale number: 25

Portuguese Colonies: Madeira: 1859 (Aug. 11) entire letter to Oporto franked 25r. rose, good to large margins, tied by neat ''51'' with black oval ''MADEIRA'' at lower left, backstamped Lisbon transit and Aug. 18 arrival. Photo.

Price Realised £140



Sale number: 25

Portuguese Colonies: Madeira: 1874 (May 30) cover to London, franked overprinted 120r. blue, perf. 121/2, tied by ''43'' barred oval, with framed ''PD'' and Funchal despatch alongside, backstamped June 5 arrival, some faint toning and creasing, otherwise fine. Photo.

Price Realised £130



Sale number: 25

Portuguese Colonies: Madeira: 1878 (Aug. 29) entire letter to Halifax, Nova Scotia, franked overprinted 50r. green, perf. 121/2, (corner fault at right), tied by ''45'' barred oval, with fred ''SHIP-LETTER/LONDON/B/PAID/SP 10/78'' c.d.s. and Funchal despatch at right, backstamped Sept. 25 arrival, vertical filing fold well clear of adhesive. Photo.

Price Realised £150



Sale number: 25

Portuguese Colonies: Madeira: 1892 (July 27) envelope to Cape Town, franked 1886-89 perf. 111/2 10r. pair and strip of three (one with corner fault) and showing ''T'' in circle, backstamped Aug. 11 arrival, slight soiling and other faults, nevertheless attractive. Photo.

Price Realised UNSOLD



Sale number: 28

Portuguese Colonies: Madeira: 1892 (July 27) envelope to Cape Town, franked 1886-89 perf. 111/2 10r. pair and strip of three (one with corner fault) and showing ''T'' in circle, backstamped Aug. 11 arrival, slight soiling and other faults, nevertheless attractive. Photo.

Price Realised UNSOLD



Sale number: 28

Portuguese Colonies: Madeira: 1928 Funchal Museum Fund undenominated die proof in dark blue on wove paper, undenominated imperf. plate proofs in sepia (2 pairs) and yellow-orange (2 blocks of four), with gum, undenominated perf. plate proofs in yellow-brown (2 blocks of four), without gum, 5c., 1E. and 1E.60 (2 blocks of four of each) imperf. plate proofs in issued colours, with gum, mainly fine. (45 items) Photo.

Price Realised £160



Sale number: 28

Portuguese Colonies: Madeira: 1866 to 1940, an interesting selection of covers, cards etc. variously addressed and rated incl. 1866 to Lisbon with straight line ''ILHAS'' (adhesive replaced), 1894 from Aberdeen to Sierra Leone with Funchal, S. Vicente and S. Thome transits, later with 2E.5c. (2) and 2E.75c. overseas registration rates, 1937 cover to U.S.A. with cancellation of U.S.S. Wyoming at Funchal, 1938 underpaid from G.B. with 1921-27 60c. and 1932-33 10c. due pairs. (11 items)

Price Realised £220



Sale number: 28

Portuguese Colonies: Madeira: A collection on leaves with 1868 imperf. 20r. unused, 50r. to 100r. used, 1868-70 to 240r. mainly used, 1871-76 to 240r. used, 300r. unused, 1879-80 150r. unused, Funchal 1892-93 to 300r. unused or used etc., varied condition.

Price Realised £450



Sale number: 28

Portuguese Colonies: Madeira: 1880 to 1938, a collection in one album, incl. 1880 mourning envelope to Somerset franked 50r., 1892-93 perf. 121/2 to 300r. and perf. 131/2 to 150r., used, 1898 cover to Lisbon bearing imperf. Mouchon 25r., 1910 from British Consulate to Surrey with cachet, censored, registered mail, etc., fair to fine.

Price Realised £250



Sale number: 82

Madeira: Imposto do Selo (Stamp Duty): 1864 40R. plate proof with bar through value (Barata 6), 1867 Carlos Wiener design set of three proofs from Archive (Weiner issue written under each stamp), set unused and used 10R., 30R. and 60R. (2) Barata 7-9.

Price Realised £110



Sale number: 82

Madeira: Imposto do Selo (Stamp Duty): 1864 50R. overprinted ''PROVA'' (status unknown), 20R., 50R. unused, set of five used (Barata 1-5), also plate proofs with bar through value (probably post issue), 20R., 50R. pair, 200R. pair and 300R. pair. Photo.

Price Realised £150



Sale number: 82

Madeira: Imposto do Selo (Stamp Duty): 1864 50R. (Barata 3 of Azores) used on document, a receipt for 70,000R. rent for a house, used Funchal, Madeira in 1867, believed only recorded example used. Photo.

Price Realised £90



Sale number: 82

Madeira: Imposto do Selo (Stamp Duty): 1866 receipt on 40R. stamped paper, embossed at top ''XL THESOURO PUBLICO $)'' superb watermark of 1866. Only recorded example of Stamped paper used in Funchal, Madeira.

Price Realised £90



Sale number: 82

Madeira: Imposto do Selo (Stamp Duty): 1868 Arms of the King, five miniature sheets of multi-value (composite plate proofs), six stamps per sheet with values from 10R. to 9000R, black lines over one value per stamp. Photo.

Price Realised £190



Sale number: 82

Madeira: Imposto do Selo (Stamp Duty): 1868 Royal Coat of Arms, imperforate plate proofs on lined backing paper ex Casa da Moeda archive, 10R., 100R. and 1000R., also 1869 Receipt for rent payment.

Price Realised £110



Sale number: 82

Madeira: Imposto do Selo (Stamp Duty): 1868 Arms of the King imperforate proofs in red with thick yellowish gum, 100R. (2) to 1000R. Barata 15-19, 24. (8). Photo.

Price Realised £110



Sale number: 82

Madeira: Imposto do Selo (Stamp Duty): 1868 50R., 200R. and 300R. used, 1868 receipt document with 20R. stamp, one of only two recorded documents of this issue.

Price Realised £75



Sale number: 82

Madeira: Imposto do Selo (Stamp Duty): 1868 Royal Coat of Arms, 200R., 300R., 400R., 500R. and 1000R. used (Barata 16-19, 24), Africa 100R., 200R., 400R., 800R. and 2000R (Barata 15-18, 20).

Price Realised £60



Sale number: 82

Madeira: Imposto do Selo (Stamp Duty): 1868 Royal Coat of Arms, 200R., also Africa 400R. both with variety ''EEIS'' for ''REIS'', used, rare. Photo.

Price Realised UNSOLD



Sale number: 82

Madeira: Imposto do Selo (Stamp Duty): 1868 Arms of the King a used selection (21) values to 500R., five documents (documents are difficult), 1871 (5) receipts for rent of a house with different stamps 20R., 30R. (2), 50r. (2), 100R.

Price Realised £110



Sale number: 82

Madeira: Imposto do Sello (Stamp Duty): 1873 Royal Coat of Arms imperforate proof set of 16 values to 2000R. (less 600R.), all overprinted ''PROVA'' (Barata 33-43, 45-49), plus six values used to 500R, also piece being a combination of Madeira and mainland Portugal used in Madeira.

Price Realised £140



Sale number: 82

Madeira: Imposto do Sello (Stamp Duty): 1873 Royal Coat of Arms 10R. (2) used on 60R. stamped paper of Portugal, overprinted for use in Madeira, dated 1875, one of only two recorded. Photo.

Price Realised £240



Sale number: 82

Madeira: Imposto do Selo (Stamp Duty): 1879 various mint and used with values to 700R. (29), some showing flaws, four documents mainly receipts plus three stamps from 1880 Value in Words.

Price Realised £60



Sale number: 82

Madeira: Imposto do Selo (Stamp Duty): 1879 document dated 1877 from Emreza Insulana de Navegacao (engraved ship), Bill of lading for pipes of Port franked 60R. and companion document with 60R. from 1880 Value in Words (dated 3 July 1880) paying Customs Duty for 4 pipes and 7 half pipes of Port.

Price Realised £110



Sale number: 82

Madeira: Imposto do Selo (Stamp Duty): 1880 20R. (Barata 60) used on receipt for 9 barrels and 6 small barrels of wine, early usage of period when the currency was little difference.

Price Realised £60



Sale number: 82

Madeira: 1846 passport for father and two daughters (taxed with 1$000 handstamp, rare), 1919 passport for a mother, father and two children, 1919 passport for mother, father and three children, all for travel to Brazil.

Price Realised UNSOLD



Sale number: 82

Madeira: Revenues: Passport: 1923 passport/Consular document, authorising emigration to New Bedford, U.S.A., taxed Portugal, Great Britain K.G.V 1s. Consular, $9 American Consulate stamp.

Price Realised UNSOLD