Number of results: 17



Sale number: 118

King George V: 1935 Silver Jubilee 1/2d. to 11/2d. extensive collection of mint booklet panes written up for display highlighting minor varieties as noted in ''1935 Silver Jubilee Stamps of King George V: Flaws and Varieties of the Booklet Stamps'', 2013, incl. 11/2d. watermark upright panes with upper left unit displaying white dot after ''E'' variety, one without selvedge, also two single used examples displaying the variety, also a few used and some examples on cover, mixed perfs. as would be expected, an exception assemblage forming the basis of the aforementioned publication, a copy of which is included in the lot. (100s)

Price Realised £750



Sale number: 118

King George V: 1935 Silver Jubilee, An extensive collection of booklets, booklet panes and booklet stamps on pages, within three folders incl. 3s. booklet edition 296 error of make up, with the first interleaf the advertisement from the 2s. booklet edition 302 instead of the correct one (see G.B. Journal volume 51 no. 3, one of two known), 2s. and 3s. basic editions complete, mint range of panes comprising 1/2d. (12), 1d. (8), 11/2d. (22), extensive study of advertising panes, many displayed with related postal items or appropriate ephemera, range of booklet stamps used on cover to overseas destinations with registered, airmails, uprated postal stationery, etc., mainly good to fine. (100s)

Price Realised £650



Sale number: 118

King George V: 1935 Silver Jubilee 1/2d. to 11/2d. mint collection of booklet panes with cylinder numbers in selvedge, complete less 1d. cylinder 26, incl. 1d. cylinder 37 with the lower right unit displaying repair below ''I'' of ''SILVER'', mixed perfs., mainly fine unmounted. (8)

Price Realised £150



Sale number: 118

King George V: 1935 Silver Jubilee 1/2d. green booklet pane, watermark upright, ''CANCELLED'' type 33P, light tone spot on gum, otherwise fine and scarce with full original gum. S.G. Spec. NComB5s, cat. £1,400. Photo.

Price Realised £190



Sale number: 118

King George V: 1935 Silver Jubilee 1/2d. green booklet pane, watermark inverted, ''CANCELLED'' type 33P, large part original lightly toned gum. S.G. Spec. NComB5a(as), cat. £1,400. Photo.

Price Realised £220



Sale number: 118

King George V: 1935 Silver Jubilee 1d. scarlet booklet pane, watermark upright, ''CANCELLED'' type 33P, trimmed perfs. at base, otherwise fine and scarce with large part original lightly toned gum. S.G. Spec. NComB6s, cat. £1,400. Photo.

Price Realised £150



Sale number: 118

King George V: 1935 Silver Jubilee 11/2d. red-brown booklet pane, watermark upright, overprinted ''CANCELLED'' type 28P, with some trimmed perfs. at right, wrinkles and some re-enforced split perfs., scarce. Unlisted. Photo.

Price Realised £80



Sale number: 118

King George V: 1935 Silver Jubilee 11/2d. red-brown booklet pane, watermark upright, overprinted ''CANCELLED'' type 28, with trimmed perfs. at base and missing selvedge, otherwise fine and fresh with large part original gum, scarce. S.G. Spec. NComB7u, cat. £1,600 Photo.

Price Realised £60



Sale number: 118

King George V: 1935 Silver Jubilee 11/2d. red-brown booklet pane, watermark inverted, overprinted ''CANCELLED'' type 28P, some perfs. slightly trimmed at top, otherwise fine with large part original lightly toned gum, scarce. S.G. Spec. NComB7a(at), cat. £1,300 Photo.

Price Realised UNSOLD



Sale number: 118

King George V: 1935 Silver Jubilee 11/2d. red-brown booklet pane, watermark upright, overprinted ''CANCELLED'' type 33P, lower right stamp displaying ''barb extends from base of lower serif of (P)E(NCE)'' variety (3C4C in ''1935 Silver Jubilee Stamps of King George V: Flaws and Varieties of the Booklet Stamps'', 2013), with some trimmed perfs. at lower right, otherwise fine with large part original lightly toned gum, scarce. S.G. Spec. NComB7s, cat. £1,300. Photo.

Price Realised UNSOLD



Sale number: 118

King George V: 1935 Silver Jubilee 11/2d. red-brown booklet pane, watermark upright, overprinted ''CANCELLED'' type 33P, lower right stamp displaying ''brown dot on inner frame over JU(BILEE)'' variety (3C4H in ''1935 Silver Jubilee Stamps of King George V: Flaws and Varieties of the Booklet Stamps'', 2013), variety unit with small split below puncture, otherwise fine with large part original lightly toned gum, scarce. S.G. Spec. NComB7s, cat. £1,300. Photo.

Price Realised UNSOLD



Sale number: 118

King George V: 1935 Silver Jubilee 11/2d. red-brown booklet pane, watermark upright, overprinted ''CANCELLED'' type 33P, with some trimmed perfs. at top and right, otherwise fine with large part original gum, with sheet number in selvedge, scarce. S.G. Spec. NComB7s, cat. £1,300 Photo.

Price Realised UNSOLD



Sale number: 118

King George V: 1935 Silver Jubilee 11/2d. red-brown booklet pane, watermark inverted, overprinted ''CANCELLED'' type 33P, some perfs. slightly trimmed at top, otherwise fine with large part original lightly toned gum, scarce. S.G. Spec. NComB7a(as), cat. £1,300 Photo.

Price Realised UNSOLD



Sale number: 118

King George V: 1935 Silver Jubilee: Booklets: 1935 2s. stapled booklet, edition number 298, 1/2d. pane missing one unit, mixed perfs., rare, very few examples of each edition exist as stapled booklets. S.G. BB24var. Photo.

Price Realised £110



Sale number: 118

King George V: 1935 Silver Jubilee: Booklets: 1935 2s. stapled booklet, edition number 302, all adhesives but the 1/2d. pane removed, rare, very few examples of each edition exist as stapled booklets. S.G. BB24var. Photo.

Price Realised £80



Sale number: 118

King George V: 1935 Silver Jubilee: Booklets: 1935 2s. booklet edition number 304, containing three cylinder number panes, 1/2d. cyl. 33, 1d. cyl. 37, 11/2d. cyl. 66, mixed perfs. rare. S.G. Spec. BB16. Photo.

Price Realised UNSOLD



Sale number: 118

King George V: 1935 Silver Jubilee: Booklets: 1935 3s. booklet, edition number 297 (watermarks upright), all panes with cylinder numbers, 1/2d. cyl. 33, 1d. cyl. 37, 11/2d. all cly. 66, mixed perfs. rare. S.G. Spec. BB16. Photo.

Price Realised UNSOLD