Prices Realised
Great Britain Postage Stamps & Postal History with Part 3 of the Davenport QEII Commemorative Errors
Sale number: 45
Thursday 27th November 2008
Click here for Printer friendly prices realised for this sale.
2001 | £40000
Collections and Mixed Lots: A very valuable used Q.V. to Q.E.II collection in a Lighthouse album, incl. 1840 1d. black plates 1a. to 11 two complete sets and 1a OL, 1b FA, KA, also fifty-four unplated examples, 2d. blue plate I NL, QA, RJ, 2 BA, GI, QK, SL, majority with full margins, 1864-79 1d. plates 71 to 225 complete (less 77) majority with c.d.s's, 1870 1/2d. plates 1 to 20 all with c.d.s's, 1847-54 embossed 1s. (3), 10d. (2), 6d. (4), very fine range of surface printed issues with most values represented and many with c.d.s's, 1867-80 2s. cobalt OG with Brandon certificate (1996), 2s. brown MJ, 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross 5s. plate 1 CA plate 2 HG, 10s. greenish-grey AC, £1 brown-lilac HF, 1882-83 watermark anchor 5s. plate 4 CF, 10s. greenish-grey BB, £1 brown-lilac FC, £5 orange DK, 1873-80 21/2d. rosy mauve plate 2 error LH-FL with R.P.S. certificate (1992), 1883-84 watermark anchor on blued paper 2s.6d. HH, 5s. with R.P.S. certificate (1988), CE, 10s. BF, LF cobalt, white paper 2s.6d. LG, ND, 5s. GC, KH, 10s. KC cobalt, AA and GC, 1884 watermark orbs £1 brown-lilac DB, 1888 watermark Crowns £1 brown-lilac HB, 1883-84 Lilac and Green set, 1887-92 Jubilee set to £1 green SD, 1902-10 De La Rue shades to 2s.6d. (3), 5s. (2), 10s., £1, 1911-13 Somerset House shades to 2s.6d. (3), 5s., 10s. and £1, 1913 watermark multiple cypher 1/2d. and 1d., Seahorses with 1913 Waterlow 2s.6d. (2), 5s., 10s., £1 (2), 1915 De La Rue 10s. (3), 1929 P.U.C. 21/2d. watermark inverted, £1 black, 1935 Silver Jubilee 21/2d. Prussian blue, Q.E.II definitive virtually complete, commemoratives with better phosphors, Officials with Inland Revenue 1890 5s. GC, 10s. ultramarine HG both on white paper, 1892 £1 green IA, Office of Work 1896-1902 10d., Government Parcels, Royal Household 1902 1/2d., 1d., Army Official 1902-03 6d. with type 06 overprint, etc. (100's). Photo.
2002 | £20000
Collections and Mixed Lots: 1840-1970 comprehensive used collection in mixed condition in a Windsor album with line engraved incl. 1840 1d. (4 with a pair), 2d. (3), 1841 1ds. with cancellation interest incl. set of nos. ''1'' to ''12'' in M.C.'s, 1850 Archer perf. 16 1d. EC (matched with imperf.), 1d. and 2d. stars, plate number issues incl. 1864-79 1d. plates 71 to 225 (less 77), 1870 1/2d. plates 1 to 20, 11/2d. plate 1 OP-PC error (B.P.A. certificate, 1952); 1847-54 embossed 1s. (6 with a strip), 10d. (2), 6d. (5) cut square; surface printed with all issues extremely well represented incl. 1862-64 1s. KD with ''K'' in circle (trimmed wing margin) 1867-80 watermark spray 10d. abnormal plate 2 IF (R.P.S. certificate, 1917), 2s. blue abnormal plate 3 EF, 2s. brown BD forgery, 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross 5s. plates 1 (3), 2, 10s. EB, £1 AD, 1882-83 watermark anchor 5s. plate 4 DA, DF, 10s. EB, EF, £1 DC, GH, £5 DI and DN (possibly on blued), 1873-80 21/2d. plate 2 II on blued (R.P.S. certificate, 1970), 21/2d. plate 2 LH-FL error on white (B.P.A. certificate, 1967), 1883-84 watermark anchor with 10s. cobalt on blued KE (Brandon certificate, 1983), 10s. cobalt on white NA (B.P.A. certificate, 1949), 1884 watermark crowns £1 CC, 1888 watermark orbs £1 JB, 1887-92 £1 FB; King Edward VII to 5s. (2), 10s. (2), £1 (2) incl. 1/2d. booklet pane with St. Andrew's Cross; King George V incl. Downey heads with 1911 die 1A watermark crown 1/2d. perf. 14, 1912 die 2 watermark multiple cypher 1d. wmk. sideways (mint), 1912-24 1d. ''Q'' for ''O'', inverted and reversed ''Q'' for ''O'' and spot in centre of ''O'', 11/2d. ''PENCF'' (2), 1913 wmk. multiple cypher 1/2d. and 1d., Seahorses with 1913 Waterlow 2s.6d. (2), 5s., 10s. £1 (2), 1915-18 De La Rue 2s.6d. (4), 5s. (2), 10s. (3), 1924-26 wmk. block cypher 11/2d. tête-bêche pair on piece, 1929 P.U.C. 21/2d. with watermark inverted, £1, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth II largely complete. Photo.
2003 | £25000
Collections and Mixed Lots: A valuable mint Q.V. to Q.E.II collection in a Lighthouse album, incl. 1864-79 1d. plates 71 to 225 complete (less 77), 1883-84 watermark anchor 2s.6d. BC, 5s. FC and 10s. NH, 1883-84 lilac and green set, 1887-92 Jubilee to £1 CC, 1902-10 De La Rue shades to 2s.6d. (3), 5s. (2), 10s. and £1, 1911-13 Somerset House shades to 2s.6d. (3), 5s., 10s. and £1, 1912-24 watermark Royal cypher set, 1913 multiple cypher 1/2d. and 1d., Seahorses with 1913 Waterlow 2s.6d. (2), 5s., 10s. £1 green (2), 1915 De La Rue 2s.6d. (4), 5s. (2), 10s. (3 shades), 1934 re-engraved set (unmounted), 1924-26 watermark block cypher 1/2d. to 1s. set with inverted watermark with the rare 10d., 1929 P.U.C. £1 black, 1935 Silver Jubilee 21/2d. Prussian blue (horizontal crease), Q.E.II with definitives virtually complete, commemorative with better phosphors, Officials, Postage Due with sets complete to 1969, etc., varied condition. (100's). Photo.
2004 | £3200
Collections and Mixed Lots: A Q.V. to Q.E.II collection in mixed condition in thirteen binders and loose contained in two cartons with 1840 1d. (19, with plates to X, seven are with four margins) and 2d. (2) used, Mulready 1d envelope and lettersheet used, 1841 1d's with a range of cancels, later line-engraved with 1864-79 1d. plates to 225, 1870 1/2d. plates to 20 incl. plate 9 LR, surface-printed incl. 1867-80 2s. brown, other values with c.d.s.'s, 1870 plate 5 1s. BL Stock Exchange forgery, good range of later issues, etc. (100's)
2005 | £2900
Collections and Mixed Lots: A surface printed collection, incl. 1867-80 3d. watermark Spray plate 8 PK-QL used block, 10d. CL overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross 5s. plate 1 AB, FF plate 2 CH used, 10s. FB perfin, FH used, 1873-80 21/2d. rosy mauve plate 7 AB overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, 4d. vermilion plate 15 JB mint, 1880-83 3d. on 3d. ND, 6d. on 6d. PJ both overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, 1881 1d. lilac die 2 imprimatur, 1883-84 watermark Anchor on blued 2s.6d. BD overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, on white paper 2s.6d. EA, EF and GA mint, BA-CB used block, EA-EB used pair, 1887-92 Jubilee 1s. dull green mint, etc., varied condition. (99). Photo.
2006 | £3500
Collections and Mixed Lots: A line engraved collection in an album, incl. 1840 1d. black plates 1a FC with matched 1b red-brown, 1b GC, RF, 2 CD, FB with matched red-brown, L, 4 HF, 5 CA, 8 OE with matched red-brown, 2d. blue plates 1 DE, KK, LI, LL, 2 OF, SF, SG, 1841 1d. red-brown plates 1b LK, 175 OC, 2d. blue plate 3 QF with number ''8'' in Cross, TI with very large margins, etc., varied condition. (346).
2007 | £2000
Collections and Mixed Lots: A used surface printed collection on leaves incl. 1855-57 wmk. Small Garter 4d., 1s. (3), 1862-64 3d. (3), 4d. (4), 6d. (3), 9d. (2), 1s. (2), 1865-67 9d., 1867-80 9d. (2), 10d. (3), 2s. blue (4), 1867-83 5s. plate 1 (2), plate 2, plate 4 (2), 1873-80 1s. orange-brown, 1883-84 to 10s. (2), also a selection of Telegraphs optd. ''SPECIMEN'' with values to 5s. plate 1, etc., varied condition but many fine with c.d.s. cancels. (approx. 210).
2008 | £2100
Collections and Mixed Lots: A Q.V. to K.G.VI used collection in an album incl. 1840 1d., 1d. and 2d. Stars, 1864-79 1d. plates complete to 225 (less 77), 1870 1/2d. plates complete, 1847-54 Embossed 1s., 10d. and 6d., good range of surface printed incl. 1855-57 wmk. small garter 4d., wmk. medium garter 4d., 1865-67 9d., 1867-80 2s. brown, 1867-83 5s. plate 1 (2), plate 2, plate 4, 1873-80 1s. orange-brown, 1883-84 to 10s. (2), K.E.VII to £1, Seahorses to 10s., 1912-24 6d. perf. 14, 1929 P.U.C. 1/2d. to 11/2d. wmk. sideways, 1934-36 2d. wmk. sideways, range of officials, etc., mixed condition. (few 100's).
2009 | £1900
Collections and Mixed Lots: A mainly used surface printed collection on leaves, incl. 1855-57 watermark small garter 4d., medium garter 4d. (3), large garter 4d. (3), 6d. (2) and 1s. (3), 1862-64 3d. (3), 4d. (4), 6d. (3), 9d. (2), 1s. (2), 1867-80 10d. (4), 2s. brown QD, 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross 5s. plate 1 GB, GD, plate 2 CA, EB, 10s. greenish-grey AB, 1882-83 watermark anchor 5s. plate 4 CD, 10s. BH, £1 FG, 1883-84 watermark anchor 2s.6d. DG mint, 1884 watermark crowns £1 MA, 1887-92 Jubilee £1 green EB, etc., mixed condition. (212)
2010 | £1880
Collections and Mixed Lots: A surface printed collection on leaves, incl. 1855-57 6d. (6, one overprinted ''SPECIMEN), 1s. (2), 1862-64 3d. (4), 4d. (4), 6d. (6), 9d. (2), 1s. (2), 1856-67 9d. (2), 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross 5s. plate 1 AG, BC, FD, plate 2 AG, HA, HF, 10s. FI, £1 EJ, 1882-83 watermark anchor 5s. plate 4 DA, 10s. CC, 1883-84 to 1s. used, 1884 £1 brown-lilac PA, used, 1887-92 to 1s. (both) mint, and used to £1 green TC, etc., very mixed condition. (Few 100's).
2011 | £1850
Collection and Mixed Lots: A mainly used surface printed collection on leaves, incl. 1855-57 watermark small garter 4d. on white paper, 6d. (2), 1s. (2), 1862-64 3d. (2), 4d. (3), 6d. (3), 9d., 1s. (2), 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross 5s. plate 1 EB, 1883-84 watermark anchor 10s. EA, DH, many have c.d.s. cancels, also 1887-92 Jubilee to 1s. (both) mint, etc., varied condition. (129).
2012 | £1350
Collections and Mixed Lots: 1855-1900 mainly fine used surface printed collection with 1855-57 4d. wmk. small garter, 6d., 1865-67 4d. plate 12 (2), 1867-80 3d. (5), 6d. plate 9, 9d. CE and PH wing marginal examples, 10d. plate 1 ME (with blue part numeral), 1s. plates 5 (2), 6, 2s. deep blue IB, 1872-73 6d. plate 11 1883-84 2s.6d. AA, 5s. DG, NC, 10s. FE, 1887-92 1/2d. to £1 QA, 1900 1/2d. & 1s., mostly with c.d.s., also a few mint incl. 1880-83 wmk. crown 4d. plate 18 AJ, 6d. plate 17 QI, 1880-81 2d. deep rose, etc. (86). Photo.
2013 | £1350
Collections and Mixed Lots: A line engraved selection on leaves, incl. 1840 2d. blue plate 2 JI cut into, used on 1844 (Jan. 5) piece in combination with 1841 2d. plate 3 PC-PD, PC cut into, all tied by black Maltese Crosses, 1854 SC16 2d. blue plate 4 BH showing ''Spectacles'' variety, used (2), 1855 LC14 2d. blue plate 5 AA-TL, a used reconstruction less AF, AG, AH, IE, and OI, HA-HB, GA-GB pairs paying the single letter rate of 8d. on 1857 (Aug. 13th) envelope from Scotland to Hollin endorsed 'Per Cunard Line S.S...', all unusually cancelled by Scots ''COATE BRIDGE/AU 13/1857'' circular datestamps, on reverse has Guelph, Glasgow, Liverpool, and three Canadian receiving marks, Brandon certificate (1996), 1857 LC14 2d. blue plate 6 AA-TL, a complete used reconstruction, etc., mixed condition. (100's).
2014 | £1550
Collections and Mixed Lots: 1841-79 line engraved collection in a large SAFE album, mainly good to very fine used examples selected for clarity of cancellation incl. 1841 1d. (338), 2d. (31), perf. 1ds. (1,180, mainly 'stars') and 2ds. (8), incl. 1864-79 1d. plate 116 RH with Irish type Maltese Cross (not guaranteed).
2015 | £900
Collections and Mixed Lots: A Q.V. line engraved used collection on leaves incl. 1840 Mulready 1d. lettersheet A14, 2d. lettersheet a98 (unused), 1840 1d. (6), 2d. (3), 1d. and 2d. Stars, 1864-79 1d. plates complete to 225 (less 77), 1870 1/2d. plates complete, etc., varied condition. (approx. 228).
2016 | £900
Collections and Mixed Lots: 1840-1937 mint and used collection in an album, incl. 1840 1d. black plate 2 AA on small piece, 1864-79 1d. plates to 224, surface printed with values to 5s., 1887-92 Jubilee to 1s. (both) mint, 1913 watermark multiple cypher 1/2d. and 1d. mint, 1913 Waterlow 5s. and 10s. used, 1924-26 watermark block cypher set with watermark sideways set mint, range of controls, Postage Dues, Officials, etc., varied condition. (100's).
2017 | £3200
Collections and Mixed Lots: 1840-1970 collection in varied condition in eighteen volumes and one stockbook incl. 1840 1d. (10, with one on E.L.), 2d. (6), later line-engraved, 1847-54 Embossed 1s. (4), 10d. (2) and 6d. (3), surface-printed incl. 1867-80 2s. brown, 1867-80 10s. and £1 used, £5 on blued paper optd. ''SPECIMEN'' (few faults), 1891 £1 used, good range of later issues mint and used with commemorative sets with phosphors, Wildings incl. 1959 Phosphor Graphite 2d. error mint, first day covers all with backs sadly removed but including 1966 World Cup fronts signed Bobby Moore and Alf Ramsey, postage dues, etc. (many 100's)
2018 | £1400
Collections and Mixed Lots: A mainly used line engraved selection, incl. 1841 1d. red-brown with plate 156 QG-QK strip of five, SB-SC pair with blue ''237'' numerals, 1870 11/2d. plate 1 JH and plate 3 KG mint, 1847-54 embossed 1s., 6d. (2), etc., mixed condition. (111).
2019 | £820
Collections and Mixed lots: A small unmounted mint surface printed selection, comprising 1873-80 3d. rose plate 15 KG, 1880-83 21/2d. blue plate 21 GL with B.P.A. certificate (2006), plate 23 KC, 3d. rose KG, 1880-81 1/2d. and 1d., 5d., 1887-92 Jubilee 1/2d. to 1s. (both), mostly fine and fresh. (21).
2020 | £900
King George V: An unmounted mint King George V selection, incl. Seahorses with 1915 De La Rue 2s.6d. pale brown, 5s. 1918-19 Bradbury 10s. from top of sheet, etc., mainly fine. (55).
2021 | £800
Collections and Mixed Lots: A mainly KG V accumulation on stockcards and pages, with 1912-24 wmk. Royal cypher mint values to 7d. (32), 8d. &), 9d. agate (13), 9d. olive-green, 10d. (6), 1s. (16), also a used range, incl. shades, varieties, some controls incl. 6d. ''S.21'' unmounted mint control strip with perf. margin, 1924-26 wmk. block cypher 2d. and 5d. perf., 10d. and 1s. imperf. overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 23, two unprinted pieces of block cypher watermarked paper (50 x 77mm and 108 x 58mm), 2d. unmounted mint marginal block of four from sheet with wmk. inverted unmounted mint, 1934-36 photogravure 1d. large head imperf. essay in scarlet, etc. (100s).
2022 | £1250
Collections and Mixed Lots: A mainly used Q.V. to K.G.V collection in two stockbooks, incl. 1840 1d. black (7, one on 1841 entire), 1841 1d's, 1847-54 embossed 1s. (3), 10d. pair, 6d. (2), 1855-57 4d. (4), 6d. (2), 1873-80 6d. grey plate 14 LE unused, 1880-83 3d. rose plate 21 TJ mint with R.P.S. certificate (1981), 1883-84 watermark anchor 5s. crimson NB mint, etc., mixed condition. (100's).
2023 | £1400
Collections and Mixed Lots: 1840-1999 mainly used collection in mixed condition in three Lighthouse albums incl. 1840 1d. (18) and 2d., 1864-79 1d. plates 71 to 225 (less 77) many with c.d.s., 1884 Wmk. Crowns £1 (creased), 1891 £1, range of officials, postage dues, etc. (100's)
2024 | £1450
Collections and Mixed Lots: A selection in a stockbook, 1911-13 Somerset House £1 deep green used, incl. 1912-24 watermark Royal cypher 11/2d. chestnut mint block of six, one with ''PENCF'' error, 1s. mint pair, one showing missing Crown from watermark, 1929 P.U.C. £1 black used (repaired perf.), 1948 Silver Wedding £1 unmounted mint (14), range of Q.E.II commemoratives, etc., varied condition. (100's).
2025 | £550
Collection and Mixed Lots: 1840-79 a mainly used line engraved collection on leaves, incl. 1840 1d. black (3), 2d. black (3), 1864-79 1d. plates 71 to 225 (less 77), 1870 1/2d. plated 1 to 20, etc., varied condition. (229).
2026 | £720
Collections and Mixed Lots: 1840-41 selection comprising 1840 1d. plates 3 OI, 6 ME with red M.C.'s, plate 8 ED and OJ with black M.C.'s, 2d. plate 1 CA and ED with black M.C.'s, 1841 1d. (17) incl. plates 1b to 11 set of 'black' plates, 2d. plates 3 II and SK with M.C.'s and plate 4 KJ violet-blue (early stage showing slight sign of lavender tint), all with full margins and of good to very fine appearance, a few imperfections. (26).
2027 | £620
Collections and Mixed Lots: 1911-51 predominantly used collection in a binder with Downey heads incl. shades, no cross varieties, 1912 die 2 wmk. crown 1d. aniline scarlet unmounted mint (R.P.S. certificate, 1962), 1912-24 wmk. Royal cypher issues incl. 11/2d. red-brown pair, right stamp ''PENCF'' error with c.d.s., 11/2d. chestnut plate 29 R15/11-12 marginal pair right stamp ''PENCF'' error mint (unmounted), 6d. perf. 14 mint; Seahorses with 1915-18 De La Rue 2s.6d. (marginal), 5s., mint, 1913 Waterlow 2s.6d. (2), 5s., 1915-18 De La Rue 10s., 1918 Bradbury 2s.6d. (4), 5s., 10s., 1934 re-engraved 2s.6d., 5s., 10s., used with c.d.s.; 1924-26 wmk. block cypher with 2d. wmk. sideways, 1934-36 photogravure 1/2d. to 2d. wmk. sideways, KG VI largely complete incl. sideways wmks., etc.
2028 | £650
Collections and Mixed Lots: 1841-1936 selection on stockcards incl. line engraved with 1841 1d. (5, all with nos. in Maltese Cross) 2d. (4), used mostly with full margins, 1847-54 embossed 1s. (2) cut square, used, surface printed incl. 1865-67 4d. plate 10, 1867-80 3d. plate 5, 9d. (reperforated), 1883-84 11/2d., 5d., 1s., 1900 1s. unused or mint, later incl. 1918 Bradbury 2s.6d. and 5s. unused or mint, etc., condition varies. (112).
2029 | £700
Collections and Mixed Lots: A K.G.V to K.G.VI collection on leaves, incl. Downey Heads, 1912-24 watermark Royal cypher 1d. with ''Q'' for ''O'' mint, 1913 watermark multiple cypher 1/2d.. and 1d. used, 1924-26 watermark block cypher 11/2d. tête-bêche pair mint, also an all world album etc., varied condition. (Few 100's).
2030 | £420
A Line Engraved selection incl. 1870 11/2d. rose-red plate 1 OP-PC error of lettering contained in PC-PD pair, neat London barred numeral ''4'' cancellations, also a range of covers, etc., varied condition. (169).
2032 | £550
Collections and Mixed Lots: Various on stockcards in varied condition incl. 1841 1d. plate 10 IF-II scarce used strip of four (cut into), 2d. plate 3 OC-OJ strip of eight used, 1852-53 alphabet II 1d. plate 164 TE-TF mint lower marginal pair showing inscription (creases), 1880-83 3d. on 3d., 6d. on 6d. 1s. plates 13 and 14 c.d.s. used, 1902-10 De La Rue £1 used, 1939-48 10s. dark blue, £1 (block) mint, officials, etc.
2033 | £550
Collections and Mixed Lots: 1840-1995 used collection in mixed condition incl. 1840 1d. and 2d., 1884 and 1888 £1 (both with faults), 1929 P.U.C. £1, good range of decimal issues, etc. (100's)
2034 | £400
Collection and Mixed lots: A mainly used Q.V. accumulation in old approval booklets, incl. line engraved with 1841 1d.'s, surface printed with values to 2s.6d., Officials, etc., mixed condition. (100's).
2035 | £380
Collections and Mixed Lots: A mainly used Q.V. to Q.E.II accumulation in two stockbooks and loose, incl. 1855-57 4d. (2), 6d. (2), 1s. (2), 1883-84 watermark anchor 5s. LE and 10s. CE, 1884 watermark crowns £1 brown-lilac MB with Specimen removed and faked Leeds cancel added, Officials with 1902 Royal Household 1d. used, etc., varied condition. (100's).
2036 | £260
Collections and Mixed Lots: A line engraved selection, incl. 1840 1d. black plates 1b SF, MD, 3 PL, 6 LJ, TD on 1840 (Dec. 8) entire, etc., mixed condition. (19).
2038 | £250
Collections and Mixed Lots: A Q.V. to Q.E.II mainly mint colection in three boxed DAVO albums incl. 1887-1900 to 1s. (both), 19589 D.L.R. 2s6d. to £1., Wildings with graphites, commemorative sets to 1999 with early phosphors, postage dues, regionals, etc. (100's)
2039 | £600
Collections and Mixed Lots: The balance of a collection in mixed condition in an album, a stockbook, on leaves and loose incl. 1883- 84 to 9d, 1s. good used, duplicated collection of K.ED.VII with values to 1s. (2) mint and 5s. used, selection of covers incl. 1840 1d. on E.L. to Launceston, 1847-54 Embossed 1s. on E.L. to U.S.A., quantity of booklets, various mint sheets, etc. (many 100's)
2040 | £260
Collections and Mixed Lots: 1840-41 small used selection on pieces or covers incl. 1840 1d. (3, one damaged), one fine wih four margins, 1841 1d. covers (12) and pieces (2), 1841 2d. covers (2), one with four margins, MJ-ML strip on piece with part marginal inscription at right, etc. (20 items).
2041 | £230
Collections and Mixed Lots: A used surface printed selection, comprising 1867-80 3d. (62) and 1873-80 21/2d. rosy mauve (101), fair to fine. S.G. 103, 141.
2042 | £280
Collections and Mixed Lots: A small unused selection, comprising 1841 2d. blue BA (fault at right), 1872-73 6d. grey plate 12 CI and FH, 1873-80 21/2d. blue plate 17 FI, 19 GJ, 20 CG, 6d. grey MF, fair to good.
2043 | £230
Collections and Mixed Lots: A line engraved selection in two stockbooks, incl. 1840 1d. black JL (cut into) used on 1840 (Aug. 13) wrapper tied by red Maltese Cross with fancy framed ''TOO LATE'' also in red alongside, 1841 1d's with part reconstruction, few multiples, 1864-79 1d. plate 120 PE-RF used block of six with Manchester c.d.s's, etc., mixed condition. (Few 100's).
2044 | £240
Collections and Mixed Lots: A selection of 1d. and 2d. stars incl. 1d. blocks of four (4), covers (20 incl. three with 2ds.), etc., mainly good to fine. (51 items).
2045 | £300
Collections and Mixed Lots: 1873-81 selection comprising 1873–80 watermark large garter 4d. plate 15 GG-GH imperforate colour trial pair in light sage on gummed watermarked paper, GH stained, otherwise fine (unmounted), 1880–81 'Provisional Issue' 1d. Venetian red AJ imprimatur, 5d. indigo, a block of six (3 x 2) overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, very fine and fresh with gum (5 stamps unmounted), lower right stamp with slight rubbing, otherwise very fine and fresh with gum, also a top marginal block of four Imperial Crown watermarked paper. (4 items).
2046 | £220
Collections and Mixed Lots: A small selection, comprising 1846 ''The Times'' postally used with 1841 2d. CH, 1849 ''The Times'' postally used with 1841 2d. GC-GD, 1858-69 2d. plate 15 FJ overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, 1862-64 9d. MH used and 1936 2s. booklet edition no. 360, mixed condition. (27).
2047 | £150
Collection and Mixed Lots: A line engraved selection incl. 1841 1d. red-brown a plated selection between 35 and 173, 2d. blue, etc. varied condition. (55).
2049 | £190
Collections and Mixed Lots: A line engraved selection on stockleaves, incl. 1840 1d. black (4), etc., mixed condition. (283).
2050 | £95
Collections and Mixed Lots: A selection of covers, incl. line engraved frankings, Ireland, etc., varied condition. (14 items).
2051 | £260
Collections and Mixed Lots: 1936-51 mint and used collection in a binder with wmk. varieties, cylinder blocks, booklet panes, coil leaders, 1948 Wedding £1 mint (3), etc. (few 100's)
2052 | £200
Collections and Mixed Lots: The balance of a collection of Controls in an album incl. 1881 die 2 16 dots 1d. (14), 1887–92 1/2d. (11), range of KE VII 1/2ds. and 1ds., Downey heads, KE VIII, etc. (Few 100).
2053 | £60
Collections and Mixed Lots: A selection of K.G.VI to Q.E.II covers, incl. range of first day covers, etc. (71 items).
2055 | £120
Collections and Mixed Lots: 1870 1/2d. plates 5 NI, 11 SV, good to fine mint, 1911 Harrison 1/2d. perf. 15 x 14 fine unmounted mint, range of Downey head 1/2d. (14) and 1912-24 1/2d. (8) mainly good to fine mint or unmounted mint with some better shades. (24).
2056 | £95
Miscellaneous: Advertising: 1878 card from Liverpool to Norway, franked by 1870 1/2d. plate 20 IX, tied by Liverpool duplex, on reverse has most attractive advertisement for the ''Spanish West India Line of Mail Steamers'', very fine. Photo.
2057 | £250
Miscellaneous: Coloured print (250 x 295mm) ''ALL SMALL BOYS must be PRE PAID'' depicting small boy dressed as an envelope with his mother at the Post Office counter, amusing. Photo.
2058 | £170
Miscellaneous: Penny Postage Jubilee: 1890 Post Office Christmas and New Years Greetings Card which was sold in aid of the Sir Rowland Hill Benevolent Fund, very fine and fresh, also the scarce forgery.
2062 | £210
Miscellanous: Stamp Boxes: A selection of mainly sterling silver or silver plated stamp boxes, incl. envelope shapes, stamp purses, books, also money clip with envelope design on front, etc., fair to fine. (19 items).
2063 | £120
Miscellaneous: ''The Wonderland Postage Stamp Case'' together with the booklet 'Eight or nine wise words about Letter-Writing' by Lewis Carroll, two examples of each, both the booklets dated 1890, very fine, also an original envelope (some faults).
2065 | £210
Postal Fiscals: Embossed Inland Revenue: 1860–71 imperf. 2d. pink die A, fine mint with full original gum, very scarce. S.G. F28, Spec. L128, cat. £600. Photo.
2066 | £820
Postal Fiscals: Embossed Inland Revenue: 1860–71 imperf. 3d. pink (1.4.60), an unmounted mint block of 15 (3 x 5), including three tête-bêche pairs, some creasing mainly clear of the impressions and staining on reverse but quite fine for a multiple of this size, rare and almost certainly the largest surviving multiple. S.G. F29/a, Spec. L129, cat. £4,950+. Photo.
2067 | £290
Postal Fiscals: Embossed Inland Revenue: 1860–71 imperf. 1s. pink die E, very fine mint with full original gum, very scarce. S.G. F34, Spec. L134, cat. £600. Photo.
2068 | £190
Postal Fiscals: Embossed Inland Revenue: 1860–71 imperf. 1s. pink die F, very fine mint with full original gum, very scarce. S.G. F35, Spec. L135, cat. £225. Photo.
2069 | £300
Postal Fiscals: Embossed Inland Revenue: 1860–71 imperf. 2s. pink die K, very fine mint with full original gum, very scarce. S.G. F36, Spec. L136, cat. £600. Photo.
2070 | £95
Postal Fiscals: Embossed Inland Revenue: 1860–71 imperf. 2s.6d. pink die O, very fine mint with full original gum, wide margins showing complete dividing lines on all sides, slight crease well clear of stamp, very scarce. S.G. F38, Spec. L138, cat. £300. Photo.
2071 | £150
Postal Fiscals: Embossed Inland Revenue: 1871 perf. 121/2 2d. pink die A very fine mint with full original gum, very scarce. S.G. F39, Spec. L139, cat. £375. Photo.
2072 | £240
Postal Fiscals: Embossed Inland Revenue: 1871 perf. 121/2 9d. pink die C, a mint example with large part original gum, slight staining, otherwise fine and rare. S.G. F42, Spec. L142, cat. £850. Photo.
2073 | £280
Postal Fiscals: Embossed Inland Revenue: 1871 perf. 121/2 1s. pink die F, a very fine mint top marginal example with virtually full original gum, very scarce. S.G. F44, Spec. L144, cat. £525. Photo.
2076 | £220
Postal Fiscals: Embossed Inland Revenue: 1875-80 2d. vermilion die A exceptionally fine and fresh mint with virtually full original gum, very scarce. S.G. F50, Spec. L150, cat. £450. Photo.
2077 | £200
Postal Fiscals: Embossed Inland Revenue: 1875-80 1s. vermilion die E on white paper, very fine and fresh mint. S.G. F52, Spec. L152, cat. £375. Photo.
2078 | £80
Postal Fiscals: Embossed Inland Revenue: 1875-80 2s.6d. vermilion die O on white paper, fresh mint with almost full original gum, a few faint tone spots on gum. S.G. F54, Spec. L154, cat. £375. Photo.
2079 | £60
Postal Fiscals: Embossed Inland Revenue: 1875-80 2s.6d. vermilion die O on bluish paper, fmint with part original gum, some imperfections but scarce. S.G. F54, Spec. L154, cat. £375. Photo.
2081 | £210
Postal Fiscals: Embossed Inland Revenue: 1882 watermark orbs 2s.6d. vermilion die O, fresh mint with large part original gum, vertical bend or gum crease at left, otherwise fine, very scarce. S.G. F58, Spec. L158, cat. £750. Photo.
2082 | £200
Revenue Stamps: A selection all with Specimen overprints, incl. Consular Service 1887 $100 on £10, House of Lords 1902 £1., £1.10s. and £2, Isle of Man 1889 £5, 1895 £1 on £1, 1903 £1, etc., good to fine. (10).
2083 | £1600
Revenue Stamps: Luxury Tax: A superb group of essays and trials for these unissued stamps, comprising value in centre 2d. hand-painted essay mounted on card, 2d. (2) paste-up essays mounted on single card, each dated '3rd May 18', Britannia head in centre 2d. paste-up essays in two different designs in blue and in blue and brown mounted on two cards dated '3rd May 18', colour trials (20) of the accepted but unissued design, all denominated £1 and mounted on three sheets, one noted with the colours allocated for the ten values between £1 and £50 and inscribed 'Approved/GWS', a few imperfections but mainly fine and most attractive. Photo.
2084 | £170
Revenue Stamps: Medicine Duty: 1911–41, a selection of die proofs of the circular central ''DUTY'' dies, all in black, comprising 1/-, 2/- and 3/- on glazed cards, 10/- (2) and £1 (2) struck together on separate pieces of wove paper, 11/2d. (3) and 3d. (3) cut small on cream wove paper, also ''VALUE ABOVE 20s/NOT EXCEEDING 30s'' tablet on wove paper, mainly fine. (12 items).
2085 | £270
Revenue Stamps: Transfer Duty: 1891 1s. perforated colour trials (11) in a variety of colours, affixed to 'Appendix' sheet from De La Rue archives, numbered '1' to '11' and each with manuscript 'Cancelled', no. '1' the colour selected for 1891 with corner fault. Barefoot 29.
2086 | £80
Revenue Stamps: Unappropriated: 1944 KG VI unappropriated key-type 2s. imperforate black plate proof, fine. Photo.
2088 | £180
Private Telegraph Companies Stamps: An accumulation incl. The National Telephone Co. 1884 1d. (2), 3d., 4d. and 1s. mint sheets of 12, 1d., 3d. 4d., 6d. (37) and 1s. with mss. or handstamped cancellations, Bonelli, Electric Telegraph Co., English and Irish Magnetic Telegraph co., also Post Office 1877 5s. and 10s. used, etc., condition varies. (200).
2089 | £420
Military Telegraph Stamps: 1884-1900 a selection, incl. 1884-85 6d. on piece and 2s. used, each with Ceremuga certificate (2006, 2007), 6d. mint block (4 x 3), 1d., 3d., 6d., 2s. and £1 overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', 1887 (Feb.) 1p. on 6d., 2p. on 8d., 50p. on 10s. and 100p. on £1 overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', 1895-1900 1d. to £5 (less 8d.) mint, etc., varied condition. (39).
2091 | £380
Post Office Telegraph Stamps: 1877 watermark spray 6d. grey plate 1 KI-OL imperforate colour trial pane of twenty (5 x 4) overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 11, very fresh with almost full original gum, some slight creasing and two stamps with staining, two stamps punctured by ''S'' of ''SPECIMEN'', otherwise fine and very scarce. S.G. Spec. L212, cat. £2,000 as singles. Photo.
2092 | £450
Post Office Telegraph Stamps: 1876 5s. rose plate 1 AD-DE block of eight from base of sheet, overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, fresh colour with gum, AD and AE are creased, otherwise fine and scarce. S.G. Spec. L231, cat. £1,200 as singles. Photo.
2093 | £300
Post Office Telegraph Stamps: 1877 watermark Maltese Cross 10s. AF-CF strip of three from top-left corner of sheet, imperforate colour trial in dull mauve, overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 8, fresh with gum, few slight crease, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. L235. Photo.
2094 | £120
Post Office Telegraph Stamps: 1877 watermark Maltese Cross 10s. DE brown-lilac and HJ slate-blue imperforate colour trials overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 8, both lower right corner marginal examples, HJ showing current number ''521'' but creased, DE with gum crease, otherwise fine with gum. S.G. Spec. L235, cat. £500. Photo.
2095 | £170
Post Office Telegraph Stamps: 1877 watermark shamrocks £1 AS imperforate colour trial in dull claret from left of sheet, on gummed watermarked paper, overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 8, creased, otherwise fine. Photo.
2097 | £600
Post Office Telegraph Stamps: 1877 watermark shamrocks £5 DN imperforate colour trial in grey-green on gummed watermarked paper, from lower-right corner of sheet showing ''526'' current number, overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 8, fine and fresh, few gum wrinkles. S.G. Spec. L237. Photo.
2098 | £800
Post Office Telegraph Stamps: 1877 watermark shamrocks £5 orange AJ, a marginal example from the left of the sheet, overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, exceptionally fine and fresh with virtually full original gum. S.G. Spec. L237s, cat. £1,800. Photo.
2099 | £160
Circular Delivery Company Stamps: The collection in an album, incl. Clark & Co. 1866 1/4d. pair, Edinburgh & Leith Parcel Delivery Company 1866 imperforate 3d. block of six, a range of forgeries, etc. (163).
2100 | £140
Railway Stamps: Barry Railway: 1905 (June 1) Ewen envelope to London franked by K.E.VII 1d. tied by Cardiff c.d.s. and 2d. yellow-green railway letter stamp (de Lacy-Spencer no. 8) pen-cancelled. Photo.
2101 | £80
Railway Stamps: Great Northern Railway: 1903 (Dec. 28) envelope from Grantham, bearing 1900 2d. pale olive-green railway letter stamp (de Lacy-Spencer no. 5) pen-cancelled, K.E.VII 1d., and both tied by Grantham c.d.s. Photo.
2103 | £95
Railway Stamps: Great Western Railway: 1911 (Sept 22) long Express envelope, addressed to Taff Vale Railway Co., bearing 2d. railway letter stamp and K.E.VII 4d. orange, few imperfections. Photo.
2104 | £350
Railway Stamps: London Brighton & South Coast Railway: 1901 (April 26) Q.V. 1.2d. stationery card cancelled by London squared circle, bearing 2d. railway letter stamp cancelled by oval ''DORMANS'' cancel. Rare use of a postcard for the Railway Letter Service and contrary to regulations. Photo.
2105 | £190
Railway Stamps: North British Railway: 1895 (July 6) envelope from Edinburgh, franked by 1881 1d. lilac with North British Railway 2d. blackish-green railway letter stamp (de Lacy-Spencer no. 1), pen cancelled, scarce on cover. Photo.
2108 | £1100
Literature: Imprimatur Photographs: Full size photographs of the imprimatur sheets for 1855-63 die II 1d. plates 1-68 and R15-R20, (S.G. Spec. C3-12), very fine, invaluable reference. (73).The purchaser of this lot is responsible for its removal from our office.
2110 | £180
Literature: A mostly line-engraved library, comprising The British Postage Stamp of the 19th Century, R. Lowe, The Postage Stamps of Great Britain part two (first and revised editions), Guide Lines to the Penny Black, P.C. Litchfield, The Plating of the Penny vols. 1 (revised) to 5, Fisher/Brown, The Plating of Alphabet III, Wiggins/Tonna, Penny Red Stars Die II, Alphabet III, Tonna/Madden, and The Cancellations of the 1841 Penny Red, Danzig/Goldsmith.The purchaser of this lot is responsible for its removal from our office.
2111 | £1800
Postal History and Covers: A mainly QV accumulation of covers, fronts etc. in a box with a range of free fronts, line engraved incl. 1840 1d. (3), 2d. (2) on separate covers, 1841 1ds. incl. nos. in M.C.'s, DB with Norwich M.C. on 1842 (March) E.L. to Brighton, many 1841 2ds. incl. covers to Cork, Norfolk and Whitehavenm multiple frankings incl. 1852 (Oct.) large part cover from London to Berlin bearing a strip and a single, PJ cancelled. no. ''2'' in M.C. on 1844 (Jan.) cover to Colchester, perf. line engraved, embossed, variety of surface printed frankings, etc., mixed condition.
2112 | £620
Postal History and Covers: Selection of covers (54) and a piece from 1840 to 1892, with a good variety of frankings etc. incl. 1840 1d. FC with clear to good margins and red Maltese Cross on small neat 1840 (Sept.) mourning envelope from London, 1864 (May) piece bearing 1862-64 3d. JG-JH fine used pair with neat ''BRADFORD-YORKS'' duplexes, overseas destinations incl. 1865 (May) envelope from Liverpool to Albano bearing 1862-654 3d. OK, 1864-79 1d. plate 76 JG-JH pair and 1865-67 6d. plate 5, registered incl. 1867 (Feb.) printed OHMS ''LAND REGISTRY/REGISTERED'' complete ''NOTICE OF SURVEY'' form from London to Norfolk, 1883 (Dec.) registered envelope bearing 1880-83 3d. on 3d. AC with ''MARLBOROUGH'' c.d.s. (envelope stained clear of stamp), etc., interesting group.
2113 | £680
Postal History and Covers: A selection of covers and cards, incl. 1849 (March 22nd.) printed letter sheet from the ''Fonetic Printig Ofisez'' (sic.) headed on front ''SPELIN REFORM'' (sic.), 1885 envelope to Montevideo franked by 1883 or 84 2d. and 6d., 1888 envelope to South Africa franked by 1887-92 1s. dull green and 1881 1d. lilac, 1929 P.U.C. low values on plain f.d.c., 1935 Silver Jubilee set on plain f.d.c's, etc., fair to fine. (44 items).
2114 | £750
Postal History and Covers: A selection of covers (45) from 1840 to 1890 with a variety of frankings incl. 1840 1d. (3) on separate covers, later line engraved and surface printed frankings incl. registered, overseas destinations etc. incl. 1847-54 embossed 1s. cut square on 1854 (Feb.) E.L. from Dundee to Andover Massachusetts 1869 (June) envelope from New Ross to Victoria bearing 1867-80 10d. plate 1 QI, 1883 (Jan.) E.L. from London to Mexico with 1880-83 4d. plate 18 JA (2), 1890 June) envelope from London to Christchurch bearing 1887-92 6d. and 1s., etc., condition varies.
2115 | £190
Postal History and Covers: A selection of covers from 1835 to 1854, incl. 1835 entire with fine two line ''ATTLEBRO/Penny Post'', also a range of 1841 1d. red-browns, with pairs, strips of three and four (2), etc., varied condition. (30).
2116 | £320
Postal History and Covers: A selection of mainly covers, incl. postal stationery, Scots Locals, etc., varied condition. (32 items).
2117 | £140
Postal History and Covers: Selection of covers (17) and a front from 1853 to 1895, incl. 1855-57 1s. very fine used with neat ''BRADFORD-YKS'' sideways duplex on 1858 (July 30th) envelope to New York, 1862-64 4d. plates 3 OJ, 4 CG, HH, on separate covers to France, 1883-84 5d. BL on printed 1886 (Aug.) envelope from London to New York, 1883 (June) envelope from Holsworthy to Launceston bearing Postal Fiscal 1881 1d. wmk. orb, etc.
2121 | £480
Postal History and Covers: An accumulation, incl. a few pre-stamp entire, line engraved, later f.d.c's, etc., varied condition. (Few 100's).
2122 | £220
Postal History and Covers: A small collection of mainly stamped covers from 1835 to 1964 in a binder incl. line-engraved, surface printed, etc. (40)
2125 | £3500
Postal History and Covers: 1680 (April) William Dockwra's first broadsheet to promote his idea's for Penny Postage. Headed ''A PENNY Well Beftowed/Or a Brief Account of the New Defign contrived fro the great Increafe of Trade and Ease of Correfpondence, to the great Advantage of the Inhabitants of all forts, by Conveying of LETTERS or PACQUETS under a Pound Weight, to and from all parts within the Cities of London and Weftminfster; and the Out Parifhes within the Weekly Bills of Mortality/For One Penny''. A very fine and fresh example of this rare document, most are in Institutional collections and only two others are in private hands. Photo.
2127 | £180
Postal History and Covers: 1794 (April 7th) entire to Epsom, bearing experimental octagonal datestamp in red, fine and scarce. Photo.
2128 | £110
Postal History and Covers: 1836 (March 1st) envelope from the Archbishop of Canterbury, addressed to Reverand Dr. Hampden at Oxford, sent free with red Crowned circle ''FREE/1 MR 1/1836'', with fine red wax seal on flap. Photo.
2132 | £180
Postal History and Covers: Crimean War, 1855 (Feb. 26th) stampless entire, headed ''Head Quarters before Sebastopol'' addressed to London and redirected, has manuscript ''6'' rate mark. Most interesting contents regarding the number of guns and positions, also 1855 (May 28th) stampless envelope to Paris, endorsed 'from the British Army in the Crimea' with manuscript '6' rate mark, on reverse has unframed ''POST OFFICE/B/BRITISH ARMY'' also faint ''ESCADRE DE LA MEDITERANEE'' c.d.s.
2134 | £190
Postal History and Covers: 1856 (July 7) large printed ''FREEHOLD PROPERTY TO BE SOLD'' notice, postally used from Clitheroe to Blackburn, endorsed at top-left ''Bookpost'', franked by 1854-57 1d. BG, tied by ''CLITHEROE'' c.d.s., fine and rare. Photo.
2136 | £80
Postal History and Covers: 1860 (Oct. 27) stampless envelope to York, bearing ''DONCASTER'' c.d.s. with handstruck ''2'' at lower-left, very fine and neat envelope. Photo.
2138 | £400
Postal History and Covers: 1867 (Jan. 5th) complete printed ''required Returns'' notice bearing embossed 1d. pinks (Huggins ES7) for outward and return postage, initially sent from Stafford to Burton on Trent, redirected from Burton on Trent to Lausanne with 1864-79 1d. plate 102 (3), the form completed and returned from Lausanne on March 14th 'To the Lord Bishop of Lichfield, Eccleshall Castle' with 50c. pair and redirected from Eccleshall to Stratford at which point 1864-79 1d. plate 91 added and this and the 1d. pink cancelled ''273'' numeral, most unusual and a rare survivor, which folds to display both sides. Photo.
2139 | £380
Postal History and Covers: 1868 (Jan.) envelope from Italy and 1868 (Aug.) and 1869 (July) envelopes from Switzerland to Chippenham, each redirected on arrival to London with 1864-79 1d., some imperfections but mainly good appearance. (3). Photo.
2141 | £60
Postal History and Covers: 1878 (May 13) miniature envelope from Worthing to Matlock Bath, franked by 1864-75 1d. plate 210 JA, tied by Worthing duplex. Photo.
2142 | £150
Postal History and Covers: 1879 (Feb. 28) advertising envelope with fine advert for ''BECKMANN BROTHERS'' printsellers, with a map covering the whole of the reverse, sent from London to Kettering with 1864-79 1d. plate 218 EC. Photo.
2143 | £55
Postal History and Covers: 1896 (July 21) envelope (top flap missing) from Manchester to Blackburn, franked by 1881 1d. lilac die II, tied by Manchester c.d.s., alongside has ''CHESHIRE LINES/COMMITTEE'' 2d. railway label pen cancelled, fine.
2144 | £260
Postal History and Covers: 1911 First U.K. Aerial Post: Sept. 9th London-Windsor red envelope with enclosure, used to Australia, scarce. Photo.
2145 | £650
Postal History and Covers: Uniform Fourpenny Post: 1839 (Dec. 29th) printed Scottish Life Assurance Agency, from Belfast to Edinburgh, bearing the scarce Belfast handstruck ''4'', deleted and manuscript ''8'' added, most unusual. Photo.
2147 | £350
Postal History and Covers: Uniform One Penny Post: 1840 (May 6th) entire letter from London to Palermo on the first day of use of the 1d. black, prepaid in cash and showing a variety of rate and other markings, backstamped ''LONDON/6/MAY/1840/F.B.O'' c.d.s., unusual and very scarce. Photo.
2148 | £170
Postal History and Covers: Uniform One Penny Post: 1840 (May 6th.) stampless entire used within Dublin on the on the first day of issue of the 1d. black, bearing manuscript ''1'' and very fine square framed ''PAID/MY 6E/1840''. Photo.
2149 | £320
Postal History and Covers: Uniform One Penny Post: 1840 (May 6th) entire letter from Manchester to Bakewell with ''MANCHESTER/MY 6/1840'' c.d.s. in red and manuscript '1' in red indicating prepayment in cash on the first day of use of the 1d. black. Photo.
2150 | £240
Postal History and Covers: Uniform One Penny Post: 1840 (May 9th) entire to Maidstone, bearing superb ''PAID 1d.'' on front and on reverse ''TONBRIDGE WELLS'' c.d.s. both in red, most attractive. Photo.
2151 | £140
Postal History and Covers: Uniform One Penny Post: 1841 (Feb. 22nd) cover to Aberdeen, bearing superb strikes of the straight line ''RHYNIE'' with matching ''PAID.1d.'' in black, also framed ''PAID AT/ABERDEEN'' in red, a delightful item. Photo.
2155 | £170
Postal History and Covers: Official Mail: Agent General of Colonies: 1898 (Oct. 3) O.H.M.S. envelope from the Agent-General for Victoria, bearing a fair strike of the scarce hooded circular ''REGISTERED/LONDON/OFFICIAL/PAID'' datestamp in red. Photo.
2156 | £170
Postal History and Covers: Official Mail: Agent General of Colonies: 1901 (March 12) O.H.M.S. mourning envelope from the Agent-General for Victoria, bearing a fair strike of the scarce hooded circular ''REGISTERED/LONDON/OFFICIAL/PAID'' datestamp in red. Photo.
2164 | £160
Postal History and Covers: Official Mail: Education Department: 1883 large O.H.M.S. envelope to Monmouth, bearing Chepstow Parcel label, franked by 1880-83 3d. on 3d. plate 21 PJ tied by ''CHEPSTOW/OC 22/83'' squared circle, slightly soiled. Photo.
2177 | £140
Postal History and Covers: Official Mail: Police: 1896-98 covers (4), comprising 1896 (June 28) with ''METROPOLITAN POLICE/OFFICIAL'' cachet in blue, 1898 (April 29) envelope with same cachet but in purple, 1898 (Oct. 4) envelope with circular ''METROPOLITAN POLICE/OFFICIAL'' cachet in violet, 1898 (Dec. 23) envelope with manuscript ''O.P.S'' (On Police Service) wrapper franked by 1887-92 1/2d. vermilion.
2184 | £300
Postal History and Covers: Registered Mail: 1861 (July 24th) envelope sent registered from Nantes to London with 40c and 80c pairs (cut into) cancelled ''2221'' in lozenges of dots, appropriate French registration and transit markings and with a very fine strike of circular ''FRANCE/REGISTERED'' with central crown and oval ''REGISTERED/LONDON/25 JY 61'' datestamp both in red. Photo.
2185 | £2200
Postal History and Covers: Registered Mail: 1873 (March 24th) envelope sent registered from Gibraltar to New York via London with 1867-80 1s. green plate 7 OE-OF pair cancelled ''A26'' numerals, also bearing a very fine strike of the rare ''REGISTERED/GIBRALTAR/24 MR 73'' with manuscript 'No. 199' in black on front and red ''REGISTERED/LONDON/31 MR 73'' oval datestamp and circular ''NEW YORK/REGISTERED/APR 12'', very fine and most attractive. Photo.
2187 | £800
Postal History and Covers: Registered Mail: 1888 (June 7th) large registered envelope from London to Marseille bearing 1883-84 2s.6d. FG, with 1881 die 2 1d. and 1887-92 2d. and 9d. very fine with neat ''REGISTERED/JU 7/88'' c.d.s's, refolded at ends for display, an exceptional cover. Photo.
2189 | £55
Postal History and Covers: Registered Mail: 1892 (Oct. 30) long envelope, registered from Manchester to Blackburn, franked by 1887-92 Jubilee 11/2d. pair tied by ''498'' barred ovals in blue with black oval ''REGISTERED/MANCHESTER'' datestamp alongside.
2190 | £450
Postal History and Covers: Registered Mail: 1896 (Nov. 24th) embosed 10d. + 3d. s.t.o. envelope sent registered from Manchester to Germany with ''OLD TRAFFORD/MANCHESTER/NO 24/96'' c.d.s's, exceptional. Photo.
2191 | £300
Postal History and Covers: Registered Mail: 1897 (June 12th) envelope sent registered from London to Philadelphia bearing Postal Fiscal 1860-67 1d. (5) with ''STOKE NEWINGTON'' c.d.s's, small imperfections, attractive. Photo.
2192 | £300
Postal History and Covers: Registered Mail: 1897 (June 23rd) envelope sent registered from London to Philadelphia bearing Postal Fiscal 1860-67 1d. (5) with ''STOKE NEWINGTON'' c.d.s's, attractive. Photo.
2197 | £350
Postal History and Covers: Valentines: 1843 (Feb. 13th) multicoloured hand coloured floral Valentine 'cobweb' letter sheet with embossed borders (folded for display), used to Wolverhampton, franked by superb 1841 1d. red brown plate 30 LA cancelled by black Maltese Cross, most attractive. Ex Alcock. Photo.
2201 | £180
Postal Notices: 1840 (June) notice to all Postmasters and Sub-Postmasters, un-numbered but dated ''5th June 1840'' relating to the forwarding by Postmasters of ''Letters, posted without a Direction, to the Inspector of Dead Letters'', sent 1840 (June 6th) from London to the Sub Postmaster of Great Bedwin with crowned circle ''PAID'' c.d.s. in red, some toning on the front, otherwise fine.
2202 | £160
Postal Notices: 1840 (July) notice To all Postmasters,''No. 5'' relating to the forwarding of Newspapers by Post'', instructing that ''nothing more must be written on the Paper, than the Address of the Party for whom it is intended, as it will otherwise become liable to Treble Postage'', sent 1840 (Aug. 4th) from London to the Sub Postmaster of Great Bedwin with crowned circle ''PAID'' c.d.s. in red, toned on the inside, otherwise fine.
2213 | £2500
Postal Notices: 1856 (October) G.P.O. Notice (285 x 438mm) headed ''LETTERS marked ''REGISTERED'''/Not to be Deposited in Letter Boxes.'' printed in black, with ''CAUTION/AGAINST/SENDING VALUABLE LETTERS/BY THE POST'' printed below in red, a strongly worded notice stating that letters marked 'Registered' but posted in letter boxes would be charged 1s. if observed but ''the Post Office undertakes no new responsibility with regard to letters so marked which may escape observation'', the final paragraph printed in red ''The Postmaster General takes this opportunity of again calling the attention of the Public to the very baneful practice,.., of sending valuable Letters by the Post without having them Registered, and he would urge that it is a moral duty from subjecting the Officers of the Post Office to unnecessary temptation.'', a little worn along central fold, otherwise fine and a very rare notice. Photo.
2214 | £820
Used Abroad: A selection of mainly covers, incl. Danish West Indies, Egypt, Malta, Niger Coast 1897 (Aug. 5th) envelope to Sweden, franked by1887-92 21/2d. tied by large square ''THE ROYAL NIGER COMPANY/CHARTERED & LIMITED/POST OFFICE/AKASSA'' in violet, etc., varied condition. (15 items).
2215 | £320
Used Abroad: Constantinople: A collection on leaves, incl. 1857 4d., 1862 4d. red FK, FL, , 1856 6d. (2), 1862 6d. BH, DD, DH, JE-JF, KA, , 1867 10d. TE, 1862 1s. HF, 1867 2s. blue IB, SE, 1867-74 5s. rose plate 1 DE, DH, etc., varied condition. (94).
2216 | £100
Used Abroad: Haiti: 1847 and 1861 entires, both bearing different types of British P.O. in Jacmel, the former to London rated ''1/5'', the latter to France with handstruck ''8''.
2218 | £2100
Mail to or from Overseas Destinations: A selection on leaves, incl., Aden, Algeria, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Ceylon, Finland, Greece 1866 (Oct. 4) entire to Patras bearing 1865-67 9d. TD, 1s. JF and 1864-79 1d. plate 90 EH, Hong Kong, Mexico, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, etc., mixed condition. (56 items).
2219 | £400
Mail to or from Overseas Destinations: Canada: 1854–80 selection of mainly covers, incl. 1854 (Feb. 3rd) envelope from London to Wendover franked by 1841 2d. PG and 1847-54 embossed 1s. green, 1857 (May 15th) entire from London to London, Canada, franked by 1855 LC 14 2d. plate 5 SB-TC block of four (two split pairs) and 1856-58 1d. RD, 1864 (July 9th) envelope from London to St. Catherine's, franked by 1862-64 4d. CI-DI pair and 1858–76 2d. plate 9 NC-OC, PC-QC pairs paying double letter rate, range of frankings and rates, etc., varied condition. (17 items).
2220 | £420
Mail to or from Overseas Destinations: Germany: 1853–80 a collection of mainly entires on leaves, incl. 1853 (June 9th) entire from London to Dresden, franked by 1841 2d. plate 4 KI-KL strip of 4 (cut into), 1855 (May 15th) envelope from Birkenhead to Prussia, franked by 1854 SC16 2d. plate 4 NG-NJ strip of 4, 1856 (Oct. 6th) entire from London to Frankfurt, franked by 1855 2d. plate 5 FE and 1847-54 embossed 6d., 1860 (Sept. 22nd) envelope from Ardrossan to Baden Baden, franked by 1858–76 2d. plate 7 (4) and 1855–57 4d., underpaid double rate letter with ''INSUFFICIENTLY/PREPAID'' red oval framed ''PD'' cancelled by London Inland barred oval ''30'' in red, etc., mixed condition. (17 items).
2222 | £200
Mail to or from Overseas Destinations: India: 1857 (Nov. 9th) envelope from Liberton to Bombay endorsed 'Via Marseilles', franked by 1857 LC14 2d. plate 6 RA, 1856-58 1d. MC and 1855-57 6d., tied by ''363'' numerals, 1860 (Feb. 11th) envelope from London to Bombay, franked by 1856-58 1d. PI, 1858–76 2d. plate 9 FJ and 1855-57 6d., 1863 (May 4th) envelope from Manchester to Calcutta, franked by 1856-58 1d. DB, 1858–76 2d. plate 9 QH and 1862-64 6d. GJ, 1865 (March 27th) entire from London to Madras, franked by 1858–76 2d. plate 9 BB, 1862-64 6d. BG-BH and CG, also two other undated items and 1863 (March 10th) envelope from London to Calcutta, printed ''Via Marseilles'', franked by 1856-58 1d. PB, 1858–76 2d. plate 9 KF and 1862-64 6d., tied by London ''S/18'' duplexes, some imperfections.
2223 | £400
Mail to or from Overseas Destinations: Italy: 1849–75 collection of mainly entires, incl. 1849 (March 13th) entire from London to Naples, franked by 1841 1d. CH-CL strip of 5, 1853 (June 24th) entire from Liverpool to Naples, franked by 1841 1d. II and 2d. ?A, RA, 1866 (March 29th) entire to Palermo, franked by 1864-79 1d. plate 92 IG, IH, HE, HF, HG, HH, cancelled by barred oval ''C68'' used on the London and Dover Railway, has red oval ''PD'' cancelled by the ''C68'', range of rates, varied condition. (24 items).
2226 | £820
Mail to or from Overseas Destinations: United States of America: 1844-–94 a collection of mainly covers, incl. 1844 (Aug. 2nd) entire from Edinburgh to New York, endorsed 'P Steam Packet from Liverpool', franked by 1841 plate 3 FF-FJ strip of five and GI, FG and GI affected by filing creases FJ just cut into, all cancelled by ''131'' numerals, 1848 (Feb. 26th) entire (containing long letter), from East Farley, Maidstone to Chicago, franked by 1841 2d. plate 3 KJ-ML and MG-MI strips (MG just touched), cancelled by ''493'' barred oval, handstruck ''12'' in red, 1854 (May 31st) entire from Liverpool to Philadelphia, franked by 1854-57 1d. JH and 1847-54 embossed 1s., 1857 (March 4th) entire from Liverpool to New York, franked by 1855 LC 14 2d. plate 5 MB and 1855-57 6d. tied by Liverpool spoons, 1859 (Feb. 11th) entire from London to Wisconsin, franked by 1858–76 2d. plate 7 OH and 1847-54 embossed 10d., 1859 (Sept. 15th) envelope from Newton Abbot to Trenton, franked by 1858–76 2d. plate 7, 1855-57 4d. and 6d., 1860 (Oct. 2nd) envelope from London to Illinois, franked on reverse by 1856-58 1d. DA-FD block of 12, 1894 envelope registered from London to New York, franked by 1841 2d. LH, 1887-94 11/2d. and Inland Revenue 1d, etc., mixed condition. (44 items).
2227 | £750
Mail to or from Overseas Destinations: United States of America: 1848 (Feb. 12th) entire letter from Liverpool to New York bearing four single cut square 1847-54 embossed 1s. green paying 4s. postage up to 11/2 ounces and three 1841 1d. paying 3d. late fee, two of the 1s. with small to large margins all around, the others touched on two sides (slight creasing), the 1ds. cut into, one 1s. additionally tied by manuscript '17' in blue, attractive. Photo.
2228 | £250
Mail to or from Overseas Destinations: United States of America: 1848 (Aug. 25th) letter from London to New York during the 'Retaliatory Rate' period, bearing 1847–54 embossed 1s. pale green (good margins on three sides, touched at top and a little rubbed), carried on the Cunard vessel 'Hibernia', leaving Liverpool on Aug. 26th arriving Boston on Sept. 8th, with red ''BOSTON'' arrival c.d.s. and handstruck ''29'' in red (24c packet and 5c. inland postage). Photo.
2229 | £720
Mail to or from Overseas Destinations: United States of America: 1849 (July 6th) entire letter from London to New Orleans prepaid 1s. in cash but also bearing full margined 1841 1d. FE paying late fee tied by neat London Inland Section ''12'' and additionally by ''5/CENTS'' credit mark in red, various other markings on front incl. circular framed ''TOO-LATE/G.P.O.'' in black, a fine and attractive cover. Photo.
2230 | £600
Mail to or from Overseas Destinations: United States of America: 1850 (Nov. 15th) entire letter from Glasgow to Philadelphia prepaid 1s. in cash but also bearing 1841 1d. FE and 2d. plate 4 BK with ample to very large margins and presumably paying 3d. late fee, ''GLASGOW/PAID/NO15 H/1850'' c.d.s. in red overstruck by small ''GLASGOW'' thimble u.d.c. in black, U.S. ''5'' and ''5/CENTS'' credit marks in red, the latter additionally tying the adhesives, ''24'' and ''BR PACKET/BOSTON/29/NOV/PAID'' c.d.s. on front. Photo.
2232 | £150
Postal Stationery: 1897 (c.) Q.V. 6d. embossed colour trial in crimson on thick batonne laid paper (38 x 42mm), fine, not adopted. Photo.
2233 | £130
Postal Stationery: 1905, a group of 22 envelopes, all to members of the Crosse family and bearing a variety of postal stationery cut outs, very fine, unusual.
2234 | £80
Postal Stationery: 1961 Q.E.II 1d. embossed on label for Literature for the Blind (ES77L), used, scarce. Photo.
2235 | £170
Postal Stationery: 1841 Q.V. 2d. P.O. envelope on Mulready paper (EP6a), fine unused and rare without Specimen overprint. Photo.
2237 | £600
Postal Stationery: 1846 (July 15th) 1d. pink envelope sent from Gisboro to Ceylon, endorsed at top ''By Overland Mail Via Southampton'' and ''Pd 1/'', cancelled by ''GISBORO'' c.d.s. with ''REDCAR'' u.d.c. both in blue, also red London ''PAID'' c.d.s., exceptional quality and most attractive and rare.
2240 | £290
Postal Stationery: Envelopes: 1876 stamped to order 21/2d. proof in lake with void date plugs, mounted on card (72 x 103mm) dated ''14 FEB 76'', very fine, also examples of the issued 21/2d. lake (11.12.76) and 21/2d. grey-blue (2, 12.8.92) on envelopes and cut out 21/2d. lake on glazed paper (11.10.89) and laid paper (5.5.91). (5). Photo.
2243 | £850
Postal Stationery: Envelopes: 1891 Post Office issue 21/2d. (EP34), four colour trials comprising yellow, vermilion and carmine-rose (not recorded by Huggins in 'British Postal Stationery'), dated ''23.2.91'' and crimson with void date plugs except the month plug with ''3'', all struck on size H envelopes, on ''EXTRA TOUGH'' paper, the yellow envelope endorsed 'Quality A/size B' at upper left and with small file punch hole at lower left corner, very fine. (4). Photo.
2244 | £350
Postal Stationery: Envelopes: 1891 Post Office issue 21/2d. (EP34), colour trials in yellow on laid paper and vermilion on ''EXTRA TOUGH'' paper, both dated 23.2.91 and struck on size L envelopes with upper left corner clipped and with pinholes well away from the stamps, presumably from being affixed to official documents, fine. Photo.
2246 | £220
Postal Stationery: 1902-71 collection of K.E.VII to Q.E.II stamped to order envelopes, unused and used, incl. wide range of values to 1s. with twenty-three compound stampings, mostly fine. (149 items).
2247 | £2400
Postal Stationery: Envelopes: 1913(c.) KG V stamped to order 1/2d. to 1s. (less 9d.) set of ten colour trials struck in the colours used for the KE VII issue, the 11/2d., 2d., 3d., 4d., 10d. and 1s. being in completely different colours to those issued, all struck on separate pieces of thin card, very fine, also a matching set (also apparently proofs) in the issued KG V colours. (20). Huggins ES42/52. Photo.
2248 | £2100
Postal Stationery: Envelopes: 1917 (Dec.) ''The Representative Body of the Church of Ireland.'' printed envelope with King George V 1/2d. die (Huggins ES42) struck in error in scarlet, the error observed and the stamp officially cancelled with an oval of bars, the correct 1d. being struck beneath, sent from Dublin to Portumna with ''DUBLIN/16'' double ring c.d.s., the envelope with central vertical fold but very fine and very rare. Photo.
2249 | £200
Postal Stationery: Envelopes: 1918 (April 2nd) cut out upper right corner from printed Church of Ireland envelope with King George V 1/2d. die (Huggins ES42) struck in error in scarlet, the error observed and the stamp officially cancelled with an oval of bars, the correct 1d. being struck beneath, sent from Dublin with ''DUBLIN/16'' double ring c.d.s. Photo.
2250 | £2200
Postal Stationery: 1872 stamped to order 1/2d. die colour trials in vermilion, dark green, yellow-green, purple, and blue, each on laid paper of around 28 x 30mm, a few bends or slight creases, also another in pink on laid paper (105 x 70mm), very fine, a rare group. Huggins CS1. Photo.
2251 | £1550
Postal Stationery: Postcards: 1878 Foreign Card 1d. and 11/2d. colour trials (3 of each) in green, dark brown and brown, struck on separate cards as issued (Huggins CP8/9), each endorsed 'Specimen for colour only', together with a letter dated Nov. 21, 1878, from 'W.W. De La Rue' at Bunhill Row to Thomas Bokenham at the G.P.O. 'Referring to my conversation with you yesterday evening, the 1d. and 11/2d. Foreign Postcards are so unlike to one another in design, and they contrast so much with the Inland Cards both in size and in genera arrangement that it has occurred to us that they might perhaps be printed in the same brown which is used for the Inland Card, but if distinctive colours are required for the two new cards, we think it would be well to adopt for that duty which will probably command the largest sale a dark brown (which colour prints easier than the green) and for the other duty a green. It is very difficult to find colours which harmonize well with the buff of the card, but the two colours I have proposed do so, I think very nicely. I enclose three proofs of each card, one in the brown at present used for the Inland Card - one in a dark brown, and one in a neutral green; and I hope that one or other of these colours might be acceptable.' An important group. Ex the collection of Thomas Peacock, a senior officer in the Inland Revenue Stamping Department. Photo.
2253 | £300
Postal Stationery: 1902 (?) ''FRUIT PRESERVING SPECIAL EXCEPTION/O.H.M.S.''/H.M. Inspector of Factories'' 1/2d. wrapper (Huggins LO91) unused, rare. Photo.
2255 | £75
Postal Stationery: 1886-1908 Q.V. and K.E.VII registration envelopes, unused and used, incl. range from RD14 to RD26, sizes, etc., good to fine. (35 items).
2256 | £130
Postal Stationery: 1893-1901 Q.V. unused and used study of the registration envelopes RP19-23, incl. sizes F to K, incl. RP20F with ''Publisbed'' error, etc., good to fine. (87).
2257 | £180
Postal Stationery: 1911-52 K.G.V to K.G.VI registration envelopes, unused and used, incl. range from RD27 to RD71, sizes, provisional compound stampings, etc., good to fine. (59 items).
2261 | £160
Postal Stationery: 1954-70 Q.E.II registration envelopes, unused, from R73 to R95, range of sizes, etc., mainly fine. (70 items).
2262 | £80
Postal Stationery: 1911-60 collection of letter cards from LCP5-31, unused and used, incl. LCP7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 20, etc., mainly fine. (47 items).
2263 | £360
Postal Stationery - Advertising Rings: W.& T. Avery 1885 set of three values 1d., 2d. and 2Hd., unused, a few slight stains or marks, otherwise fine . Photo.
2266 | £2600
Parliamentary Envelopes: House of Commons: ''ONE PENNY'' envelope printed in black on unwatermarked wove paper, used from London to Deal with red Crowned ''PAID/8 AP 8/1840'' c.d.s., wax seal on reverse, very fine and scarce in this quality. S.G. Spec. PE5. Photo.
2268 | £550
1840 Mulready 1d. letter sheet selection (9) in varied condition, comprising A19 unused, A1, A7, A10, A11 and A16 used with red Maltese Crosses, A31 used from London to Leeds cancelled black Maltese Cross and additionally with ''LEEDS/OC 16/1841'' c.d.s. over Britannia, A67 (defective) with Stamp and Tax Office Greenock notice (MA224d) used locally with neat strike of the distinctive Greenock Maltese Cross, and A224 (forme 6) used 1842 (April) from London to Aberdeen.
2271 | £380
1840 Mulready 1d. letter sheet A2, used 1840 (July 3) from Droitwich to London, cancelled by red Maltese Cross additionally franked by 1840 1d. plate 1a grey-black (worn impression) NK (cut into at right also margin has scissor cut), well tied by red Maltese Cross, vertical cover crease, otherwise fine. Photo.
2272 | £350
1840 Mulready 1d. letter sheet A2 (forme 1) with Clerical Medical advert (S.G. MA106b) used 1841 (Feb. 13th) from London to Reading, A31 (substituted stereo) with Atlas Assurance Company advert (S.G. MA103i) used 1843 (Nov. 28th) from London to St. Ives, Cornwall, and another with stereo obscured by seal with Edinburgh Life Assurance Comy. advert (S.G. MA116g) used 1841 (May 14th) from Stranraer, fair to fine with black Maltese Crosses.
2276 | £130
1840 Mulready 1d. letter sheet A27 (forme 2) used 1840 (May 7th, the second day of official use) from St. Ives to a gunsmith in Cambridge, some faults with soiled vertical filing crease, clear ''ST IVES HUNTS/MY 7/1840'' circular datestamp in red on front, a fair example. S.G. Spec. ME1, cat. £2,000 (2006). Photo.
2279 | £7000
1d. letter sheet A159 used on the first official day (August 31st. 1840) of the usage of the London experimental black Maltese Cross with ''RICHMOND''/AUG 31/1840'' c.d.s., very fine and believed to be the only recorded example of this very rare first day on a Mulready, an exhibition item. Photo.
2281 | £300
1840 Mulready 1d. letter sheet A232 (forme 6) unused with ''JOHN BESEMERES & SONS/OUTFITTERS'' advert inside, few imperfections, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. ME1, MA410g, cat. from £650 (2006). Photo.
2284 | £170
1840 Mulready 1d. envelope A155 used 1840 (June 2) from London to Cheltenham, cancelled by neaat red Maltese Cross with ''CHELTENHAM'' c.d.s. alongside, fine. Photo.
2290 | £350
1840 Mulready and Caricatures and other Printed Envelopes: A selection comprising Fores's Coaching envelope no. 6 front used to Bishop Auckland with ''Seaton/Penny Post'' on front (ex Yates), Southgate envelope no. 1 addressed but without postal markings, Thomas White an unused example of the broadsheet format''THE NEW POST-OFFICE ENVELOPE'', usual folds and splitting; Dereademaeker reproductions of Fores Comic envelope no. 1, Southgates envelopes nos. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Leech's 'Punch' Anti-Graham envelope, and Menzies envelope state 1B, mainly good to fine. (11 items).
2291 | £290
1840 Mulready and Caricatures and other Printed Envelopes: A selection of unused contemporary (?) reproductions (5), comprising Fores's Courting no. 1, Dancing no. 3, Spooners no. 4 and 5 with imitation Southgate flaps numbered 2 and 1, Southgate Ladies School no. 2 but numbered 4 on reverse, also a Deraedemaeker reproduction of Southgate no. 1 on yellow paper, fair to fine. (6).
2292 | £150
1840 Mulready and Caricatures and other Printed Envelopes: Deraedemaeker reproductions of Valentines Penny Postage (2), Anti Slavery, Peace (2) and Intemperance (2), envelopes, fine.
2293 | £2200
1840 Mulready and Caricatures and other Printed Envelopes: Fores's: A set of unused envelopes nos. 1 (''COURTING'') to 10 (''CHRISTMAS''), all attractively hand coloured, nos. 1, 4 and 6 being fronts, some imperfections but an attractive and scarce group. (10). Photo.
2294 | £350
1840 Mulready and Caricatures and other Printed Envelopes: Leech's ''PUNCH'S ANTI-GRAHAM ENVELOPE'', printed in blue in letter sheet format, unused, some tone spots and slight creasing but fine for this rare caricature. Photo.
2295 | £5500
1840 Mulready and Caricatures and other Printed Envelopes: A. Lesage: Clerical envelope no. 1 'The Church Tossed on a Stormy Sea', a very rare used example of this envelope, type A, sent 1840 (June 29th) from London to Southwell with 1840 1d. black plate 3 OJ with good margins except upper left corner just clipped, tied by neat red Maltese Cross, some imperfections. Ex Alcock, Ambrose and Bohn. R.P.S. certificate (1996) states 'Envelope cleaned and stamp lifted and replaced'. Photo.
2296 | £2300
1840 Mulready and Caricatures and other Printed Envelopes: William Spooner Caricatures: Envelopes nos. 1 to 14 unused, a few imperfections but mainly good to fine, very scarce. (14). Photo.
2297 | £650
1840 Mulready and Caricatures and other Printed Envelopes: William Spooner Caricatures: Envelopes nos. 1, 2, 9, 11 and 12, good to fine unused. (5).
2299 | £210
1840 Mulready and Caricatures and other Printed Envelopes: William Spooner Caricatures: Envelope number 13, very fine unused, very scarce. Photo.
2300 | £1150
1840 Mulready and Caricatures and other Printed Envelopes: 1844 (June 16th) lady's envelope printed in blue, sent from Wateringbury via Maidstone and London to Harleston, prepaid in cash and with manuscript '1' in red on front together with ''WATERINGBURY'' u.d.c. in black, London ''PAID'' tombstone in red and ''HARLESTON/JU 18/1844'' arrival c.d.s. in red-brown, backstamped at Maidstone, a superb and charming item with original enclosure (decorative notepaper printed in red). Photo.
2301 | £620
Propaganda Envelopes: A selection of unused envelopes with Valentine's Universal Brotherhood envelope state 1 (correct spelling), the unissued Peace envelope, Ocean Penny Postage second design; Deraedemaker reproductions (11) incl. Onwhyn's Civilisation of America, Valentine's Anti-Slavery (2), Temperance (2), Walter Lubrook's Temperance (2), on different colour papers, Valentine's Ocean Penny Postage second design, etc., mainly fine. (14).
2302 | £450
Propaganda Envelopes: A selection of original envelopes (4) comprising J. Valentine's Peace envelope state 3 (on azure), Ocean Penny Post first design state 3 and Anti-Slavery ''GOD HATH MADE...'' (on greyish), and Myers Ocean Penny Post, fine unused.
2303 | £140
Propaganda Envelopes: A selection of six different Deraedemaeker reproductions, fine unused.
2304 | £180
Propaganda Envelopes: Ocean Penny Postage: J. Valentine's first design envelope states 3 (on azure) and 10, fine unused.
2305 | £580
Hand Illustrated and Later Printed Envelopes: A collection incl. 1890 Furniss Post Office Jumble caricature envelope unused, Whitaker's Almanack Mulready envelope imitation used 1892 (Sept.) from Enfield with 1d. lilac, two different A. Page Gladstone envelopes unused, 1873 (Nov.) envelope printed in blue with amusing illustration of a tall gentelman bending over to examine the stamp, used with 1864-79 1d. plate 192 JL, a range of hand illustrated covers with three attractively illustrated envelopes to a Mrs. J.A. Stimson bearing 1902-10 1ds., etc., condition varies in places. (29 items).
2307 | £160
Hand Illustrated and Later Printed Envelopes: 1901 (Oct. 28) 1d. pink stationery envelope to Sheffield, with hand drawn Boer War political cartoon of a lion and two ''boars'' fighting over South Africa, embossed stamp cancelled by violet oval ''COMMANDANT OFFICE/DATE/SPRINGS''. Photo.
2308 | £110
Hand Illustrated and Later Printed Envelopes: 1908 (Feb. 28) envelope to New Wortley, franked by K.E.VII 1d., with well executed drawing of the Devil peering into a cupboard entitled ''Want to see yer Cupboard Please'', most attractive. Photo.
2311 | £150
Cancellations: Mail Boat cancels: ''A90'' in barred oval used on 1856-58 1d. LD-NF block of nine, a few minor imperfections, otherwise fine and a scarce multiple. S.G. Z73. Photo.
2312 | £80
Cancellations: T.P.O's: A comprehensive collection of covers, cards and pieces in thirteen albums, contained in two cartons, incl. mainly Q.E.II, Sorting Carriages, good range of T.P.O's, etc. (100's).
2314 | £150
Machine Cancellations: Pearson Hill (2nd type) - 1857 (Dec. 5th) cover from London to Somerset, bearing 1857 LC14 2d. plate 6 CG, tied by a very fine strike of the 2nd. type machine cancellation code ''A'', straight edge at base, otherwise fine and a very scarce cancellation on the 2d. Photo.
2316 | £110
Exhibitions: 1862 International Exhibition (Jan. 14) mourning envelope to Germany, bearing ''OFFICIAL PAID/LONDON'' c.d.s., overstruck by Germany trasit mark and ''P'' all in red, has printed ''International Exbition/1862'' at lower-left, on reverse has embossed ''INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION 1862'' seal on flap. Photo.
2317 | £450
Exhibitions: 1883 (Jan. 24) ''The Great International Fisheries Exhibition'' printed envelope addressed to F.A. Philbrick Q.C., the well known philatelist who gave evidence to the 1884 Stamp Committee, bearing ''OFFICIAL PAID/LONDON S.W.'' c.d.s. in red and rare purple oval impersonal cachet for the Exhibition. Photo.
2319 | £80
Essays, Proofs and Trials: A sheet of wove paper (278 x 125mm, portion at right separated and rejoined) with part double lined ''(PR)IMARY/BCM SN'' watermark, printed with 29 engine turned designs, probably produced by Perkins, Bacon.
2320 | £1700
Dummy Stamps: Britannia Head Dummy Stamps: A most interesting collection comprising 1907 De La Rue, the five different backgrounds each in a perforated horizontal pair on blued and white paper, 1911 Harrison imperforate blocks of four (4) in shades of carmine, imperforate singles in orange, bright violet, bright purple and bright blue (4 different backgrunds of each), all on gummed unwatermarked paper; a selection of cancellation removal trials with imperforate marginal blocks of four in red and in purple, a bi-coloured corner block in green and yellow-brown and also a marginal block of the QV dummy stamp, each with ''ALEXANDRIA/31 12/77'' trial cancellations with attempts at removal (three with marginal notations);, 'Appendix B' sheet 'Stamps printed in non-fugitive ink' dated '9th June 191-' bearing three of each imperforate singles in deep blue and in green, one of each uncancelled, one of each with the ''ALEXANDRIA'' c.d.s. and one of each with attempted removal of the ''ALEXANDRIA'' c.d.s. with 'benzine'; two further appendix sheets dated 'Jan 10th 1922' , both bearing six perforated of each singles in scarlet and in green with ''B01'' or ''T. DE LA RUE & CO LTD/31 2/17'' c.d.s's, four of which on each sheet subjected to cancellation removal trials. (37 items, 98 stamps). Photo.
2321 | £140
Dummy Stamps: Britannia Head Dummy Stamps: A die proof of the head only with solid shading behind the head and helmet, in black on gazed card, cut down and crossed by red line, a little soiled, also a die proof of the completed design with solid shading around the profile, cut to stamp size and affixed to small piece from De La Rue striking book. Photo.
2322 | £1100
Dummy Stamps: Queen Victoria undenominated dummy stamp inscribed ''DE LA RUE & CO/LONDON'', a complete imperforate pane of 25 (5 x 5) in purple on unwatermarked gummed wove paper with two sets of marginal pillars at top, inscribed 'Modified D.F. Purple/New Sample 9/10/06', central horizontal row with bend, otherwise mainly very fine and fresh (stamps unmounted), unusual. Photo.
2324 | £120
Treasury Competition and Later Essays: John Dickinson: 1837 London District Post essay 1d. envelope essay in yellow-buff on Dickinson's special silk thread paper, trivial imperfections, fine for this. Huggins E1a. Photo.These essays were recommended by The Commissioners of The Post Office in 1837 and resubmitted for the Treasury Competition in 1839.
2326 | £250
Treasury Competition and Later Essays: John Dickinson: 1837 London District Post essay 2d. letter sheet essay in green on Dickinson's special silk thread paper, fine for this Huggins E1b. Photo.
2327 | £150
Treasury Competition and Later Essays: John Dickinson: 1837 London District Post essay 2d. letter sheet essay in green on Dickinson's special silk thread paper, some imperfections but fine appearance. Huggins E1b. Photo.
2328 | £600
Treasury Competition and Later Essays: Charles Whiting: 1840(c.), ''PRINTED BY/CHARLES WHITING/BEAUFORT HOUSE/STRAND, LONDON/FOR PROTECTION AGAINST/FORGERY'' panel, essay for printing on a wrapper, printed by the Congreve method in deep red-brown and blue on wove paper, this panel was used as the reverse side of the 1848 Art Union Journal page (which was printed in red and green). Rare. Photo.
2330 | £140
Treasury Competition and Later Essays: Charles Whiting: The page of reprinted essays from the 1848 Art Union Journal, usual peripheral imperfections clear of the essays.
2332 | £9200
1840 1d. and 2d., a mainly fine to very fine used collection in an Oriel album, comprising 1d. black plate 1a AK, CI, DJ, EK, IC (cancelled in black), MC; plate 1b AK (top marginal showing inscription), BB, DG, DJ, GA (marginal with trace of inscription), GE-GF pair (on piece), LH, MC, MH, OF and QF; plate 2 DD, IA-IB pair (on piece), LK, OJ (on May 18th 1840 cover from London to Newbury), cancelled in red, JE, KG-KH pair, PD and PF cancelled in black; plate 3 FK, LL, PG-PH pair, RJ cancelled in red, QB in black; plate 4 AB, CG-CH pair, GF, IK, NC and NH cancelled in red, NA and NL cancelled in black; plate 5 EK-EL pair, KE, LG, ML cancelled in red, CH, DE, TK cancelled in black, also QI apparently unused (repaired); plate 6 DD, FK, HL, KI-KJ pair, ML cancelled in red, GL, HK, SA-SB pair cancelled in black; plate 7 GA, HD-HF strip of three, KG, TJ cancelled in red, IL and OF cancelled in black; plate 8 CG-CI strip of three, ID, SA and TE cancelled in red, KL, ML and TI-TJ pair cancelled in black; plate 9 DJ, MF-MG pair, NG and QH cancelled in red, AG, MB and QL cancelled in black; plate 10 RL (R.P.S. certificate, 2002), TL cancelled in red, AJ, AK-AL pair and GG cancelled in black; 2d. plate 1 JE-JF pair with red M.C.'s, SH with black M.C.,; also a range of reproductions and 1841 2d. plate 3 TB, plate 4 CD-CE pair, OH and SD-SF strip of three; virtually all with full margins and mainly most attractive examples, some imperfections not detracting from appearance. Photo.
2332 | £2600
1840 1d. black, a mainly good to fine used selection of matched pairs, comprising plates 1b EK (twisted re-entry), HK (non coincident re-entry), 2 RE, 5FF, ML, 8 ME, PH, 9 BK, QH, with the blacks cancelled in red, plates 2 OG, 10 FF, OC, 11HJ with the blacks cancelled in black, also a further range of 1841 1ds. comprising plates 2 FF, 5 LB, 8 LD, 9 DH, MF, 10 GG, II, ME-MF pair, 11 BK and HA, all with full margins. (37). Photo.
2333 | £1550
1840 1d. black a used selection of unplated examples, all with full margins, very mixed condition. (33).
2334 | £800
1840 1d. black a used unplated selection, all with mainly two or three margins, very mixed condition. (39).
2335 | £450
1840 1d. selection (12) showing transfer roller flaws, condition varies, eight with full margins, the others nearly so.
2336 | £250
1840 1d. black DA and JJ (on large piece), 2d. plate 1 QG and 1841 1d. SF, each cancelled in both red and black, 1d. DA defective otherwise fair to good. (4).
2339 | £880
1840 1d. intense black plate 1a KD early impression, unused, good to large margins, small imperfections not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine, most attractive. S.G. 1, Spec. AS1, cat. £10,000. Photo.
2340 | £2000
1840 1d. black plate 1a KG, early impression, a fine mint example with wide even margins and large part original slightly brownish gum, tiny natural flaw on neck, most attractive. R.P.S. certificate (1980) states 'toned', which seems harsh. S.G. 2, Spec. AS 1, cat. £10,000. Photo.
2341 | £210
1840 1d. grey-black plate 1a AB with matched plate 1b in black (crease) and red-brown, all with full margins, first cancelled red, other two with black Maltese Crosses, fine. Photo.
2342 | £200
1840 1d. black plate 1a AG early impression, with matched plate 1b in black and red-brown, all with full margins, first two cancelled red, other with black Maltese Crosses, fine. Photo.
2343 | £200
1840 1d. grey-black (moderate wear) plate 1a AG exceptionally fine used with good to very large margins (part sheet margin at top) and neat red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS2. Photo.
2344 | £420
1840 1d. grey-black plate 1a AG with good to huge margins except just touched at foot of ''A'' square, otherwise fine, tied to piece by a very fine strike of a Maltese Cross in a brownish-black water-based ink leaving profile completely clear, most attractive. S.G. Spec. AS2var. Photo.
2346 | £480
1840 1d. black plates 1a CF, 1b QF, 2 JL, TG, 5 TE, 6 DL, 7 DC, KC and OJ, all with full margins and red Maltese Crosses, good to fine.
2347 | £270
1840 1d. grey-black (very worn) plate 1a CK with good margins on three sides, just touched at foot, tied to 1840 (May 22nd) cover from London to Rickmansworth, filing crease well clear of adhesive which has a light bend, Maltese Cross type Lombard Street ''22 MY 22'' datestamp on reverse. S.G. Spec. AS3th, cat. £2,000. Photo.
2348 | £250
1840 1d. grey-black plate 1a DA, showing moderate plate wear exceptionally fine used with large margins and neat red Maltese Cross, most attractive. S.G. Spec. AS1. Photo.
2349 | £230
1840 1d. greyish-black plate 1a FA (double ''F'') matched with 1b in black and in red-brown (cut into at left), first two with full margins, fine. Photo.
2351 | £140
1840 1d. grey-black (moderate wear) plate 1a GI (double ''I''), fine with good margins, neat red-brown Maltese Cross, most attractive. S.G. Spec. AS2d. Photo.
2352 | £200
1840 1d. greyish-black plate 1a GJ fine used with good to large even margins and red Maltese Cross, placed contrary to regulations on 1840 (May 27th) local London cover (lacking letter portion) with London Chief Office ''MY 27'' octagonal datestamp (year date removed on opening). S.G. Spec. AS2. Photo.
2353 | £100
1840 1d. grey-black (moderate wear) plate 1a GL with good margins and neat red Maltese Cross, slight trace of creasing not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. AS2. Photo.
2354 | £200
1840 1d. grey-black (moderate wear) plate 1a JA (constant variety) with good to large margins on three sides, just touched at foot, tied by complete upright strike of reddish-brown Maltese Cross to 1840 (May 11th) cover from London to Lincoln with clear complete strike of Maltese Cross type ''LS/11 MY 11/1840'' datestamp on reverse, minor cover imperfections well clear of adhesive. S.G. Spec. AS2e/tf, cat. £2,500. Photo.
2355 | £270
1840 1d. intense black plate 1a JE with good margins except just clipped at top tied to 1840 (May 15th) local London cover by neat red Maltese Cross and straight line ''Bishopsgate St. Without'' Receiving House handstamp in black, filing crease and some soiling clear of adhesive. S.G. Spec. AS1tf, cat. £2,500 (2006). Photo.
2356 | £220
1840 1d. black plate 1a JF exceptionally fine used with good margins and neat red Maltese Cross, most attractive. S.G. 2, Spec. AS2. Photo.
2358 | £230
1840 1d. grey-black (worn) plate 1a JL with large margins on three sides, cut into at foot, tied to 1840 (Sept.) envelope to London by both red Maltese Cross and oval ''PAID SHIP LETTER/LONDON/12SP12/1840'' datestamp, also showing two line ''SOUTHAMPTON/SHIP-LETTER'' in black and London shield type arrival datestamp for Sept. 12th, slight staining or soiling and envelope with ends of flaps missing from removal of seal, also 1d. plate 5 JB with clear to good margins and black Maltese Cross on part cover showing part ''(LIV)ERPOOL/(SH)IP LETTER'' in black on reverse, crease crosses adhesive, unusual. Photo.
2360 | £880
1840 1d. blacks 1a LH, 1b MH (non-coincident re-entry), 2 JA, 3 SH, 4 AL, 5 HD, 6 EE, QJ, TH, 7 DH, GK on piece, HJ, 8 EI, EK, 9 IE and 10 SF, all with full margins, good to fine.
2362 | £200
1d. black plate 1a MD early impression, matched with 1b in both black and red-brown, all with full margins, first two with red and last with black Maltese Crosses, fine. Photo.
2363 | £700
1840 1d. black plate 1a MJ (traces of plate wear), very fine with good to large margins, tied to neat 1840 (Sept. 9) entire to Dumbarton, tied by light strike of the orange Maltese Cross, on reverse has boxed DUMBARTON/SE 9/1840'' in matching colour. A marvelous item. Photo.
2364 | £290
1840 1d. black plate 1a NC on 1840 (Nov. 17) cover, plate 1b MB on 1840 (date unreadable) envelope, plate 2 HI on 1840 (Dec. 14th.) wrapper from York to Hull, plate 4 FG on 1840 (July 27) envelope, good to fine.
2365 | £230
1840 1d. grey-black (moderate wear) plate 1a OE exceptionally fine used with ample to good margins and neat upright strike of a red Maltese Cross on 1840 May 22nd) front and upper flap from Norwich to Yarmouth with NORWICH/MY 22/1840'' double arc c.d.s. on reverse overstruck by script type ''Too Late''. S.G. Spec. AS2. Photo.
2366 | £220
1840 1d. black plate 1a OJ early impression, matched with 1b in both black and red-brown, with full margins, first with red and last two with black Maltese Crosses, fine. Photo.
2367 | £230
1840 1d. grey-black (very worn) plate 1a OK of superb appearance with good margins and exceptional crisp neat red Maltese Cross on clean uncreased 1840 (July 2nd) entire letter from Edinburgh to Glastonbury, adhesive with 1mm vertical scissor cut into NW corner square, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. AS3. Photo.
2368 | £110
1840 1d. grey-black (very worn) plate 1a PA, good to large margins with part marginal selvedge at left, cancelled by two strikes of the red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS2. Photo.
2369 | £120
1840 1d. grey-black (worn) plate 1a PD, Maltese Cross, plate 1b BB and KK on separate covers and RF on small piece, mainly with full margins, some faults. (4).
2370 | £190
1840 1d. grey-black (moderate wear) plate 1a QC matched with 1b in both black and red, first with red and other two with black Maltese Crosses, fine. Photo.
2372 | £95
1840 1d. black plate 1a QG good to large margins, almost complete red Maltese Cross, slightly toned, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. AS1. Photo.
2373 | £180
1840 1d. grey-black (quite worn) plate 1a RI with matched with plate 1b in both black and red, all with full margins, first two with red and last with black Maltese Crosses, fine. Photo.
2374 | £270
1840 1d. grey-black plate 1a RJ, a most attractive shade with good to very large margins except just touched at lower right, otherwise fine and tied by neat red Maltese Cross to 1840 (May 13th) local London entire letter from Grays Inn to Cornhill, clear London Chief Office c.d.s. (May 13th) and octagonal (May 14th) on reverse. S.G. Spec. AS2tf, cat. £2,500. Photo.
2375 | £150
1840 1d. black plate 1a SC (slight thin) with matched plate 1b and 1d. in red-brown all with full margins, first two with red and last with black Maltese Crosses, fine. Photo.
2377 | £200
1840 1d. plate 1 SJ grey-black (worn) plate 1a, matched with 1b in both black and red-brown, all with good margins and the blacks very fine, the red with slight creasing. (3). S.G. Spec. AS2, 5 & 7. Photo.
2379 | £210
1840 1d. intense black plate 1a TE, fine with good to large margins, superb complete upright strike of red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS1. Photo.
2380 | £800
1840 1d. black plate 1b BC of very fine unused appearance with good margins and gum which may or may not be original, small repaired fault at foot, otherwise fine. Brandon certificate (1987) states 'Small repaired defect at base and regummed'. S.G. 2, Spec. AS5, cat. £8,500. Photo.
2382 | £150
1840 1d. black plate 1b EG fresh unused (regummed), good to very large margins on three sides, cut into at left, small closed split at foot of ''G'' square. S.G. 2, Spec. AS5, cat. £8,500. Photo.
2383 | £880
1840 1d. black plate 1b AA very fine used marginal showing ''PRICE 1d. Per L.'' inscription, good to large margins other sides, black Maltese Cross, very scarce. S.G. Spec. A5. Photo.
2384 | £190
1840 1d. black plate 1b AE-AF used pair, ample to large margins, red Maltese Crosses, fine. S.G. Spec. AS5. Photo.
2385 | £50
1840 1d. black plate 1b AG with good to large margins and black Maltese Cross, small corner creases not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. AS5. Photo.
2386 | £350
1840 1d. black plate 1b AK, large margins with part selvedge at top, very fine large part strike of a scarlet-vermilion Maltese Cross, most attractive. S.G. Spec. AS5. Photo.
2387 | £200
1840 1d. black plate 1b AL, very fine used with large margins, neat red Maltese Cross, most attractive. S.G. Spec. AS5. Photo.
2387 | £90
1840 1d. black plate 1a BA exceptionally fine used with good margins and neat red Maltese Cross, most attractive. S.G. 2, Spec. AS2. Photo.
2388 | £880
1840 1d. intense black plate 1b BC superb used with good to large margins and crisp complete red Maltese Cross on clean and uncreased 1840 (Aug. 29th) entire letter from Uttoxeter to Burslem with ''UTTOXETER/ AU 29/1840'' double ring c.d.s. on front, exceptional and most attractive. S.G. Spec. AS4. Photo.
2390 | £80
1840 1d. black plate 1b DF good to large margins, with neat red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS5. Photo.
2393 | £1500
1840 1d. black plate 1b EA-ED strip of four with clear to large margins and red Maltese Crosses on 1840 (Aug. 8th) Southern Bank of Scotland letter from Dumfries to Edinburgh, barely noticeable filing fold crosses ED and another crosses EA which also has small fault at upper left corner, otherwise fine and a scarce 4d. rate cover. S.G. Spec. AS5. Photo.
2395 | £700
1840 1d. black plates 1b EJ on 1840 (Nov. 27) entire, LA (cut into) on 1840 (Nov. 24) cover, 2 OH on 1840 (July 3) cover, 3 OC on 1840 (Nov. 16) cover, OL on 1840 (Aug. 10) cover, 4 SA on (June 22) cover, 6 ID (cut into) on 1840 (Oct. 19) cover, KK on 1840 (Nov. 10) cover, also 2d. plate 2 LL on 1841 (March 23), full margins except two, fair to fine.
2397 | £130
1840 1d. black plate 1b EK-EL pair, fine with small to large margins, black Maltese Crosses. Photo.
2398 | £170
1840 1d. black plate 1b EK, fine used with good to large margins, neat almost complete red Maltese Cross, attractive. S.G. Spec. AS5. Photo.
2399 | £300
1840 1d. intense black plate 1b FG with large margins, placed contrary to regulations at upper left of 1840 (Oct. 23rd) cover from Bristol to Tenby, tied by two distinct strikes of the vermilion Maltese Cross of Bristol and with matching ''BRISTOL/OC23/1840'' double arc c.d.s. on reverse, adhesive crossed by pressed vertical filing fold which is barely apparent, superb appearance. S.G. Spec. AS4vh, cat. £2,000. Photo.
2400 | £260
1840 1d. black plate 1b GA-GF used strip of six, badly cut into at top and at right, few creases, red Maltese Crosses. Photo.
2402 | £120
1840 1d. black plate 1b HA, very fine with good to large margins and neat red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS5. Photo.
2404 | £90
1840 1d. black plate 1b HK (non coincident re-entry), fine used with good to large margins and almost complete black Maltese Cross, slight trace of ageing. S.G. Spec. AS5b.
2409 | £120
1840 1d. intense black plate 1b JA (re-entry) fine used with good margins and neat red Maltese Cross on 1840 (Aug. 1st) mourning envelope from London to Arbroath, some cover imperfections clear of adhesive. S.G. Spec. AS4. Photo.
2410 | £270
1840 1d. black plate 1b LA (recut left side-line) two examples with small to large margins and contrasting red Maltese Crosses, matched with plate 1c (faint ''L'') in red-brown fine used with large margins and black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS5h & AS7. Photo.
2411 | £50
1840 1d. black plate 1b LB, fine with large to very large margins all round, slightly messy black cancel. S.G. Spec. AS5. Photo.
2412 | £100
1840 1d. black plate 1b MB fine used with ample to large margins and neat red Maltese Cross, most attractive. S.G. 2, Spec. AS2. Photo.
2413 | £80
1840 1d. black plate 1b MB good to large margins, with black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS5. Photo.
2417 | £150
1840 1d. black plate 1b NI exceptionally fine used with good to large margins, tied to piece with neat red-brown Maltese Cross, with London ''P D/JU 19/1840'' datestamp also in red. S.G. Spec. AS5. Photo.
2419 | £1000
1840 1d. black plate 1b OE-OG strip of three (OF shows burr rub and recut left side line), very fine used with large to very large margins, red Maltese Crosses, attractive. S.G. Spec. AS5. Photo
2420 | £140
1840 1d. black plate 1b QF and RG, fine with small to good margins, neat red Maltese Crosses. Photo.
2422 | £170
1840 1d. black plate 1b QL (non coincident re-entry), very fine used with good to large margins, almost complete red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS5c. Photo.
2423 | £80
1840 1d. black plate 1b SK very fine used with good to large margins and attractive red Maltese Cross on part 1840 (July) cover to Bolton with ''MANCHESTER/JY 25/1840/H'' c.d.s. in red-brown on reverse. S.G. Spec. AS5. Photo.
2425 | £50
1840 1d. black plate 1b TD small to large margins, with red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS5. Photo.
2427 | £180
1840 1d. black plate 2, four examples, GC and TG cancelled in red and OJ and TJ cancelled in black, full margins, some imperfections, mainly good to fine appearance, also HH with good margins except just touched at upper right, attractive carmine-red shade Maltese Cross on small 1840 (Aug. 1st) E.L. to which it may not belong. (5).
2428 | £150
1840 1d. black plate 2, two examples on 1841 (May) covers with black Maltese Crosses, DI on May 20th E.L. from London to Saxmundham and ML on May 10th cover from Dunfermline to Edinburgh, good to large margins, fairly heavy black M.C.'s, some cover imperfections clear of adhesives. S.G. Spec. AS15m.
2430 | £150
1840 1d. black plate 2 AK apparently unused (regummed), repaired and painted in at upper left corner. Sold 'as is'. Photo.
2431 | £1300
1840 1d. black plate 2 CG unused, superb appearance with large margins, regummed, otherwise fine. Clear R.P.S. certificate (1984). S.G. 2, Spec. AS15, cat. £8,500. Photo.
2432 | £300
1840 1d. black plate 2 KK (burr rubs) unused with part original brownish gum, clear to good margins except just touched at corner of first ''K'' square, slight corner crease not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. 2, Spec. AS15e, cat. £8,500. Photo.
2433 | £1200
1840 1d. black plate 2 BF fine with good margins and most unusually tied by four strikes of a red-brown shade Maltese Cross to small neat 1840 (May 7th, the second day of official use) envelope from London to Wolverhampton with fine Maltese Cross type ''LS/7 MY 7/1840'' datestamp on reverse. B.P.A. certificate (1955). S.G. Spec. AS15th, cat. £12,000 (2006). Photo.
2435 | £170
1840 1d. intense black plate 2 CJ fine used with clear to good margins and neat orange-red shade Maltese Cross on 1840 (June 24th) entire letter from Kirkcaldy to Leslie with handstruck ''4'' in black on reverse, filing folds well clear of adhesive, attractive. S.G. Spec. AS14
2437 | £350
1840 1d. black plate 2 EC with good margins on three sides, touched at lower left, tied by two clear strikes of a brownish red Maltese Cross to 1840 (May 9th) entire letter from Liverpool to Kendal with a very fine strike of ''LIVERPOOL/MY 9/1840'' c.d.s. on reverse, some cover imperfections well clear of adhesive. S.G. Spec. AS15td, cat. £3,500. Photo.
2439 | £90
1840 1d. black plate 2 FC fine used with ample to good margins on 1840 (June 29th.) entire letter from Doncaster to London, tied by red Maltese Cross and small portion of ''DONCASTER'' c.d.s. S.G. Spec. AS15. Photo.
2441 | £200
1840 1d. black plate 2 GH, GJ, GK and GL (all no ray flaws) mainly with good margins on three sides, tied by neat red Maltese Crosses to 1840 (June 4th) front and part back from Berwick to London, attractive. S.G. Spec. AS15f. Photo.
2443 | £90
1840 1d. black plate 2 HA, with good to large margins, slightly toned, otherwise fine. AS5. Photo.
2444 | £100
1840 1d. black plate 2 HF (no ray flaws) fine used with good even margins and red Maltese Cross on 1840 (Oct. 7th) cover from Glasgow to Manchester. S.G. Spec. AS15f. Photo.
2446 | £900
1d. black plate 2 ID fine with clear to large slight ragged margins all around, tied solely by ''Shefford/Penny Post'' handstamp in red to part cover to Woburn, very scarce. S.G. Spec. AS15yb, cat. £4,500. Photo.
2448 | £170
1840 1d. black plate 2 JB (no ray flaws) with clear to good margins except just touched at left of ''J'' square, tied by neat red Maltese Cross to front to Frodsham with double arc ''CHESTER/MY 17/1840'' (second Sunday) circular datestamp in red on front. S.G. Spec. AS15f. Photo.
2452 | £90
1840 1d. intense black plate 2 LG small to large margins, used on small piece tied by red Maltese Cross, leaving clear profile, fine. S.G. Spec. AS14. Photo.
2453 | £200
1840 1d. black plate 2 MA, an attractive greyish shade with large to very large margins and neat black Maltese Cross on 1841 (June 1st) entire letter from Haddington to Edinburgh, two vertical filing folds, one of which crosses stamp at right but does not detract from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. AS15m. Photo.
2456 | £150
1840 1d. black plate 2 PA and PL (both cut into) used on reverse of 1840 (Aug. 15) ''Views of Scarborough'' printed envelope, tied by red Maltese Crosses with Scarborough c.d.s. and ''Too Late'' both in blue, stained and tatty but unusual. Photo.
2458 | £130
1840 1d. black plate 2 QH fine used with good margins, neat black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS15m. Photo.
2459 | £75
1840 1d. black plate 2 QL (constant variety) very fine used with good to large margins and neat upright strike of attractive red Maltese Cross on 1840 (June) piece. S.G. Spec. AS15k. Photo.
2460 | £110
1840 1d. black plate 2 RI fine used with large margins, neat doubly struck black Maltese Crosses, slightly soiled. S.G. Spec. AS15m. Photo.
2465 | £210
1840 1d. black plate 2 TJ very fine used with good to very large margins and red Maltese Cross on 1841 (Feb. 3rd) cover from Brechin to Edinburgh with boxed ''BRECHIN/FEB 3/1841'' datestamp in black on front, filing folds well clear of adhesive. S.G. Spec. AS15. Photo.
2466 | £170
1840 1d. black plate 2 TL (double ''T'', an excellent example of this variety), very fine used with good to enormous margins showing part of TK at left, neat red Maltese Cross, slight bends. S.G. Spec. AS15c. Photo.
2468 | £380
1840 1d. black plate 3 FB tied by a clear neat strike of the ''502'' 1844-type numeral of Stalybridge to 1844 (July) cover to Mottram with fine strike of straight line ''STALEYBRIDGE'' in black on front, backstamped at Manchester, adhesive clipped at left and right, otherwise clear to good margins, slight cover staining, scarce. Brandon certificate (2003). S.G. Spec. AS20za, cat. £5,000 (2006). Photo.
2469 | £110
1840 1d. black plate 3 FF very fine used with good margins and neat red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS20. Photo.
2472 | £120
1840 1d. black plate 3 HK fine used with good margins and slightly oily red Maltese Cross on 1840 (July) entire letter from Amesbury to Andover, large part strike of ''AMESBURY'' double arc c.d.s. on front. S.G. Spec. AS20. Photo.
2474 | £85
1840 1d. black plate 3 JJ, fine used with good even margins and neat red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS15. Photo.
2476 | £80
1840 1d. black plate 3 NB (slightly worn impression), fine with good margins, light strike of a pale red shade Maltese Cross, attractive. S.G. Spec. AS21. Photo.
2477 | £110
1840 1d. black plate 3 NC fine with good to large margins, neat red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS20. Photo.
2478 | £85
1840 1d. black plate 3 ND, fine with good margins, tied to undated front by red Maltese Cross. Photo.
2480 | £250
1840 1d. intense black plate 3 NI exceptionally fine used with neat crisp red Maltese Cross, shows slight signs of plate wear, most attractive. S.G. Spec. AS19A. Photo.
2482 | £220
1840 1d. black plate 3 OE fine used with ample to good margins and neat red Maltese Cross, additionally tied by straigh-line ''Knightsbridge'' in black to 1840 (July) entire (lacking side-flaps) to Lynn. Photo.
2484 | £120
1840 1d. black plate 3 QE fine used with good margins and neat red Maltese Cross on 1840 (Aug. 11th) entire letter from Glasgow to Ayr, slight ageing around margins and fiing fold well clear of adhesive. S.G. Spec. AS20. Photo.
2489 | £75
1840 1d. black plate 3 TG on bleuté with ample to large margins and superb almost complete red Maltese Cross, horizontal crease not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. AS20e. Photo.
2490 | £500
1840 1d. black plate 4, thirteen examples, GI-GJ pair (thinned), BA, CG, CH, FL. IA, II, KI, MH, OE and RH with red M.C.'s and PD cancelled in black, mainly good to fine with full margins, some imperfections.
2491 | £320
1840 1d. black plate 4, five examples on separate covers, JJ, ME and SE with red Maltese Crosses, AF and MB with black Maltese Crosses (MB unusual with two separate strikes), all with full margins except JJ just touched at top, some imperfections. S.G. Spec. AS23.
2492 | £1200
1840 1d. black plate 4 HB very fine and fresh unused, good to large margins. R.P.S. certificate (1981). S.G. 2, Spec. As21, cat. £8,500. Photo.
2496 | £400
1840 1d. black plate 4 CG fine used with clear to good margins and tied by both ''DONCASTER/NO 15/1840'' c.d.s. in black and red Maltese Cross on entire letter to Brighton via London, unfortunately a piece approx 1'' square has been cut from the lower left corner of the cover, otherwise fine and most unusual. Photo.
2498 | £150
1840 1d. black plate 4 JA and RD good to fine used with full margins and red Maltese Crosses on separate 1840 (Aug. & Sept.) pieces. S.G. Spec. AS23.
2499 | £120
1840 1d. black plate 4 JB, fine used with ample to enormous margins, showing small portion of adjoining stamp at right, neat red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS23. Photo.
2500 | £190
1840 1d. black plate 4 JH with clear to good margins virtually all around, used late on 1843 (Oct.) cover from Clitheroe to Selby and unusually tied by three strikes of a black Maltese Cross, the cover originally sent 1843 (Sept. 30th) from Otley to Colne with cut into 1841 1d. LI, redirected to Clitheroe with a further 1841 1d. which has been largely torn away, then turned and reused, unusual. B.P.A. certificate (1978). Photo.
2502 | £250
1840 1d. black plate 4 KG very fine used with good to large margins and tied to 1840 (Aug. 28th) entire letter from London to Edinburgh by straight line ''Bridge St. West'' in black and neat red Maltese Cross, both leaving profile clear, filing crease and recipients manuscript note on front, clear of adhesive. R.P.S. certificate (2002). S.G. Spec. AS23. Photo.
2504 | £140
1840 1d. intense black plate 4 MK, fine with large margins and light part strike of red Maltese Cross which leaves the profile clear. S.G. Spec. AS22. Photo.
2506 | £1250
1840 1d. black plate 4 NG-OH rare used block of four with black Maltese Crosses, good margins except at upper right corner of NH which is repaired, vertical crease affecting NG-OG not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. AS23, cat. £16,000. Photo.
2508 | £270
1840 1d. black plate 4 PK-PL pair, very fine used with good even margins all round, light red Maltese Crosses, attractive. S.G. Spec. AS23. Photo.
2510 | £120
1840 1d. black plate 4 QK fine used with good margins and red Maltese Cross on clean 1840 (Aug. 19th) cover from Romsey to Andover, small contemporary (?) ink mark at back of Queen's neck). S.G. Spec. AS23. Photo.
2511 | £260
1840 1d. black plate 4 SD (re-entry), fine, ample to large margins, tied to small piece by superb light red Maltese Cross, attractive. S.G. Spec. AS23a. Photo.
2512 | £110
1840 1d. intense black plate 4 TD most attractive with good to large margins and neat red-brown shade Maltese Cross, tiny corner crease confined to margin at upper right, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. AS22. Photo.
2515 | £800
1840 1d. black plate 5, a selection on separate covers (8) comprising GF, HB, HF, KE and TB with red Maltese Crosses and CL, RA and TK with black Maltese Crosses, also EL on piece with black Maltese Cross and NJ in red-brown on cover, mainly good to fine with full margins, some imperfections. (10).
2517 | £160
1840 1d. black plate 5 AI fine used with ample to very large margins showing part of AJ at right, tied by neat black Maltese Cross to 1841 (March 25th) entire letter from Thurso to Edinburgh. S.G. Spec. AS25. Photo.
2521 | £600
1840 1d. black plate 5 CE states 1, 2 and 3 also matched 1d. red-brown state 3, all with full margins, first three with red and last with black Maltese Crosses, a rare group. Photo.
2522 | £110
1840 1d. intense black plate 5 DC, fine with good margins, tied to small piece by a fine light strike of Matese Cross in an orange-red shade. S.G. Spec. AS24. Photo.
2523 | £120
1840 1d. black plate 5 DD (state 2, re-entry), fine with ample to good margins, neat orange-red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS27. Photo.
2524 | £110
1840 1d. intense black plate 5 EC, fine with good to large margins, used on 1841 (July 3) entire from Chudleigh to London, stamp affixed contrary to regulations at lower-left, tied by lightly struck black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS24. Photo.
2525 | £300
1840 1d. black plate 5 EG fine with small to large margins, on 1841 (Jan. 30) large part entire from Billericay to Kensington, tied by a superb strike of the scarlet-vermilion Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS25. Photo.
2526 | £110
1840 1d. black plate 5 GA showing marginal watermark line at left, fine used with good margins and neat black Maltese Cross, matched with a fine red. S.G. Spec. AS25 & 26. Photo.
2527 | £110
1840 1d. intense black plate 5 GF very fine used with good to large margins and rusty red shade Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS24. Photo.
2528 | £150
1840 1d. black plate 5 IG very fine used with good to large margins and neat red Maltese Cross on clean 1840 (Nov. 24th) cover from Plympton to Modbury. S.G. Spec. AS25. Photo.
2530 | £600
1840 1d. black plate 5 IJ with good to very large margins and fine except for small rub at lower right corner, tied by light red Maltese Cross to 1840 (Nov. 24th) from Lewes to Bath showing handstruck ''MISSENT TO'' and ''LAMBERHURST/NO25/1840'' double arc c.d.s. alongside stamp in blue, filing fold clear of adhesive, unusual and rare. Photo.
2534 | £1300
1840 1d. black plate 5 NK very fine with good to large margins, on 1841 (Feb. 19) entire from Spilsby to Boston, tied by neat black Maltese Cross with usual additional strike alongside, on reverse has Spilsby c.d.s., a rare and attractive item, exceptional quality. S.G. Spec. AS25. Photo.
2535 | £60
1840 1d. black plate 5 QD with matching 1d. red-brown (scissor cut at top into small part of stamp), full margins, first with red and last with black Maltese Crosses, fine. Photo.
2536 | £180
1840 1d. black plate 5 TA very fine with good to very large margins, showing portions of two adjioning stamps, neat orange-red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS25. Photo.
2538 | £50
1840 1d. black plate 5 TE fine with good to large margins and a rather dirty brownish Maltese Cross on part 1840 (Sept.) cover from Poole to London. Photo (detail).
2539 | £800
1840 1d. black plate 6, a collection with eight examples on separate covers, with FD, KC, MI, NL, PI and QK cancelled in red, BD and BF cancelled in black, and seven singles off cover, incl. SE state 2 cancelled in red and black and FD with fine large part strike of the distinctive Manchester 'fishtail' Maltese Cross, mostly with full margins, condition varies in places. (16).
2544 | £260
1840 1d. black plate 6 CH fine used with ample to good margins and red Maltese Cross on clean and uncreased 1840 (Aug. 4th) entire letter from Wincanton to Oxford with ''WINCANTON/AU 4/1840'' double arc circular datestamp on front, attractive. Pröschold certificate (1987). S.G. Spec. AS41. Photo.
2546 | £600
1840 1d. black plate 6 FC fine used with good to very large margins and tied by an unusual shade of Maltese Cross leaving profile clear on clean and uncreased 1840 (Nov.) cover from to Dalmillington with boxed ''AYR'' datestamp on reverse in the same shade as the Maltese Cross which is odd as the cover apparently originated in Glasgow and has ''GLASGOW/R.H/N/27 NOV/1840'' c.d.s. in red on reverse, therefore the cover must have left Glasgow with the adhesive uncancelled. B.P.A. certificate (1960) states 'cancelled in the typical shade of brown of Ayr'. S.G. Spec. AS41var. Photo.
2549 | £170
1840 1d. black plate 6 GD-GE attractive pair with good margins and light red Maltese Crosses, slight creasing otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. AS41. Photo.
2552 | £480
1840 1d. black plate 6 MD states 1, 2 and 3, fine to very fine used with good margins, states 1 and 2 (tiny corner crease mainly confined to margin) with red Maltese Crosses (state 1 with neat upright centrally struck Cross), state 3 with neat black Maltese Cross, a very scarce trio. S.G. Spec. AS41, 42 & 43. Photo.
2553 | £160
1840 1d. black plate 6 MK (double ''M''), a greyish shade, fine used with good to very large margins and reddish-brown Maltese Cross of Bristol on part 1841 (Feb. 5th) cover to Sidmouth, the adhesive placed contrary to regulations at upper left. S.G. Spec. AS41b. Photo.
2555 | £100
1840 1d. grey-black plate 6 OD state 2 with good to large margins and almost complete black Maltese Cross, slight creasing, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. AS42. Photo.
2556 | £65
1840 1d. black plate 6 OF, with small to good margins, lightly struck red Maltese Cross.S.G. Spec, AS41. Photo.
2559 | £50
1840 1d. black plate 6 QG, just clear to large margins, with lightly struck red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS41. Photo.
2562 | £880
1840 1d. black plate 7, a collection comprising FK unused with three margins (some faults), eleven on covers incl. MF and OF on 1841 (Jan.) cover from Glasgow to Greenock but may not belong, MI with normal black Maltese Cross on 1841 (March) cover from Kilmarnock to Ayr, etc., mainly fair to fine with full margins, some imperfections. (11 items).
2563 | £190
1840 1d. black plate 7 AL exceptionally fine and attractive with good to very large margins, light centrally struck red Maltese Cross. Photo.
2564 | £120
1840 1d. black plate 7 DD, very fine used with ample to large margins, neat red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS44. Photo.
2567 | £90
1840 1d. black plate 7 KI, on thinner paper, fine used with large to enormous margins showing small portion of adjoining stamp at right, neat brownish-red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS44. Photo.
2568 | £90
1840 1d. black plate 7 KK (re-entry), clear margins, used on 1840 (Dec. 31) entire to Blackburn, tied by lightly struck red Maltese Cross, has Halifax dispatch c.d.s. on reverse. S.G. Spec. AS44.
2569 | £350
1840 1d. black plate 7 NB (double letters), cut into at left, good to large margins other three sides, tied by two red Maltese Crosses to 1840 (July 6th.) from Bradford to Cambridge, with clear Bradford dispatch and Cambridge receiving marks on reverse. The earliest known usage of Plate 7, extremely rare. R.P.S. certificate (2001). S.G. Spec. AS44b. Photo.
2570 | £180
1840 1d. black plate 7 NL (scratch in ''N'' square), good to very large margins, neat black Maltese Cross leaving profile clear, attractive. S.G. Spec. AS44. Photo.
2572 | £140
1840 1d. black plate 7 OF used with large margins, neat red Maltese Cross, slightly toned, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. AS44. Photo.
2573 | £80
1840 1d. black plate 7 QH fine with good to large margins, neat red Maltese Cross. S./G. Spec. AS44. Photo.
2576 | £150
1840 1d. black plate 7 RG exceptionally fine used with good margins and very lightly struck red Maltese Cross, most attractive. S.G. Spec. AS44. Photo.
2578 | £100
1840 1d. black plate 7 TK, fine with good to very large margins, used on 1841 (Feb. 6) entire from Manchester to Blackburn, cancelled by lightly struck red Maltese Cross, attractive. S.G. Spec. AS44. Photo.
2579 | £800
1840 1d. black plate 8, a collection incl. BA, GJ, eight on separate covers, comprising GC, LC, PD, RH and SF cancelled in red and IG, NI and QJ cancelled in black, also a few reds, the blacks mostly fair to fine with full margins, some imperfections. (16 items).
2582 | £1150
1840 1d. black plate 8 LG fine unused (regummed) with even margins, excellent appearance. B.P.A. certificate (1996). S.G. 2, Spec. AS46, cat. £12,000. Photo.
2584 | £130
1840 1d. black plate 8 CD, two fine used examples with ample to good margins, cancelled in red and black (on small piece), matched with a fine red. (3). S.G. 2, 7, Spec. AS46 & 47. Photo.
2585 | £160
1840 1d. black plate 8 HC, very fin with good to very large margins, cancelled by ruby-red shade Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS46. Photo.
2586 | £80
1840 1d. black (intense shade) plate 8 IB, fine with good to large margins, neat red Maltese Cross. Photo.
2588 | £450
1840 1d. black plate 8 RD exceptionally fine used with excellent margins and a superb complete upright strike of a red Maltese Cross most attractive. S.G. Spec. AS46. Photo.
2589 | £120
1840 1d. black plate 8 TK fine used with good to large margins with red Maltese Cross on 1840 (Oct. 30th.) cover from Limerick to Dublin. S.G. Spec. AS46. Photo.
2590 | £850
1840 1d. black plate 9, photographic forgery, JA-JF strip of six 'used' on piece with red Maltese Crosses, FG-GH block of four with red Maltese Crosses and GK-HL block of four on piece with black Maltese Crosses, the strip matched with genuine JA, JC, JD and JE in black and JA-JF singles in red, some imperfections but an unusual group, also five other crude forgeries on 'part covers'. (18 items). Photo.
2592 | £300
1840 1d. black plate 9, a selection (10) in varied condition comprising BE (on piece) DC, EB and TB cancelled in red, BE (2), BL (with large margins on part cover), CK (matched in red), DC and TB cancelled in black, poor to fine. (11).
2594 | £580
1840 1d. black plate 9 AA state 2 provisional printing very fine used with large to huge margins and black Maltese Cross leaving face almost clear, very scarce. R.P.S. certificate (1997). S.G. Spec. AS60. Photo.
2596 | £130
1840 1d. black plate 9 CK (double ''C''), small to large margins, used on 1841 (March 16) entire to Limehouse, tied by neat black Maltese Cross, has ''Charing Cross'' alongside. Photo. S.G. Spec. AS56. Photo.
2600 | £80
1840 1d. black plate 9 IJ, on thin paper, fine used with ample to large margins, neat red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS56. Photo.
2603 | £110
1840 1d. black plate 9 RG fine used with good margins and light neat red Maltese Cross, tiny printing flaw on chin. S.G. Spec. AS56. Photo.
2608 | £160
1840 1d. black plate 10 DG with good margins on three sides, barely touched at upper right, tied by light red Maltese Cross to neat uncreased 1841 (Feb. 12th) cover from Towcester to London three days after the general introduction of black ink for cancellations, ''TOWCESTER/FE12/1841'' c.d.s. in black alongside adhesive, attractive. S.G. Spec. AS66h. Photo.
2610 | £180
1840 1d. black plate 10 ED very fine used with good to large even margins and light doubly struck black Maltese Cross, matched with a fine red. S.G. Spec. AS66 & 69. Photo.
2611 | £260
1840 1d. black plate 10 EJ very fine used with large margins and upright strike of a black Maltese Cross on 1841 (April 30th) entire letter from Wolverhampton to Carlisle with light strike of ''CARLISLE/MY 1/1841'' c.d.s. on front, adhesive placed at unusual angle and not tied but belongs in our opinion. S.G. 2, Spec. AS66, cat. £3,000. Photo.
2612 | £350
1840 1d. grey-black plate 10 FA and FC used together on 1841 (March 22nd) entire letter from Liverpool to Kendal, adhesives with good to huge margins (FA part sheet margin at left) and black Maltese Crosses, small imperfections otherwise fine and scarce. S.G. Spec. AS67. Photo.
2614 | £230
1840 1d. black plate 10 OH fine used with good even margins and red Maltese Cross, scarce. S.G. Spec. AS66h. Photo.
2615 | £85
1840 1d. grey-black plate 10 PE, fine with ample to good margins, with black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS67. Photo.
2616 | £300
1840 1d. grey-black plate 10 PF fine used with good margins and tied by smudged red Maltese Cross to 1841 (Feb. 6th) entire letter from Birmingham to London, filing crease well clear of adhesive. S.G. 2, Spec. AS66, cat. £3,000+. Photo.
2617 | £420
1840 1d. black plate 10 QC, very fine with good margins, neat centrally struck black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS66. Photo.
2621 | £1300
1840 1d. greyish-black plate 11 DH, fine with ample to good margins with neat black Maltese Cross, with R.P.S. certificate (2004), also superb matched 1d. deep red-brown. S.G. Spec. AS72. Photo.
2622 | £2700
1840 1d. greyish-black plate 11 JC superb used with exceptionally large even margins showing frame lines of JB and JD and with a neat complete strike of a black Maltese Cross, an outstanding stamp. S.G. Spec. AS73. Photo.
2626 | £2000
1840 1d. greyish-black plate 11 OD of exceptionally fine used appearance with good to large margins and neat complete strike of a black Maltese Cross on 1841 (June 20th) entire letter from Wareham to Blandford, small scissor cut at lower left corner into foot of ''O'' square, otherwise fine. Clear R.P.S. certificate (1988). S.G. Spec. AS72, cat. £15,000 (Concise). Photo.
2629 | £550
1840 2d. blue plate 1, five examples, PB-PC pair, NB and TB cancelled in red, EB and PD (watermark inverted but faults) cancelled in black, clear to good margins, some imperfections.
2630 | £600
1840 2d. pale blue plate 1 AG-AH (AH re-entry) pair, good to large margins, each cancelled by neat orange-red Maltese Cross, AH with clear profile, fine. S.G. Spec. DS6. Photo.
2632 | £190
1840 2d. blue plate 1 BL (double ''L''), a 'cold' shade, large to huge margins with part sheet margin at right, pressed diagonal crease not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine with neat almost complete black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. DS5j. Photo.
2636 | £800
1840 2d. blue plate 1 IA-JC scarce used block of six with light red Maltese Crosses, clear to good margins on three sides, repaired and repainted at foot, some other imperfections, fair to good appearance. S.G. Spec. DS5. Photo.
2637 | £210
1840 2d. blue plate 1 IC very fine used with large to very large margins, neat red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. DS5. Photo.
2638 | £210
1840 2d. blue plate 1 JH-JJ strip of three with good margins on three sides, touched or just cut into at foot, tied by red Maltese Crosses to 1840 (Sept. 8th) letter from London to Basingstoke, horizontal filing crease crosses adhesives. Photo.
2639 | £380
1840 2d. blue plate 1 JJ-JK fine used pair with good to large margins and red Maltese Crosses. S.G. Spec. DS5. Photo.
2641 | £200
1840 2d. blue plate 1 LA very fine used with good to very large margins and crisp neat black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. DS5. Photo.
2642 | £600
1840 2d. blue plate 1 MD-MF strip of three with good to huge margins showing parts of four adjoining stamps, black Maltese Crosses, traces of additional red transit handstamp at lower-right, fine and attractive. Photo.
2644 | £150
1840 2d. blue plate 1 MK, good margins, neat red Maltese Cross, small corner crease, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. DS5. Photo.
2646 | £320
1840 2d. blue plate 1 NL very fine used with large to very large margins and red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. DS5. Photo.
2647 | £230
1840 2d. blue plate 1 OB-OC pair with good to very large margins showing portion of adjoining stamp at left, brownish-red Maltese Crosses, slightly toned. S.G. Spec. DS5. Photo.
2648 | £75
1840 2d. blue plate 1 OI, an attractive pale shade, with clear to good margins and a part strike of the distinctive Greenock Maltese Cross in black, tiny corner crease not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. DS5va, cat. £1,800. Photo.
2649 | £110
1840 2d. blue plate 1 OK in a steel blue shade, with small to large margins, black Maltese Cross, two faint creases,otherwise fine. Photo.
2650 | £130
1840 2d. blue plate 1 OL, a marginal example with large margins other three sides, vertical crease otherwise fine and of exceptional appearance. S.G. Spec. DS5. Photo.
2652 | £350
1840 2d. pale blue plate 1 QB-QC pair, good to very large margins with part of adjoining impression at foot, used with rather oily red Maltese Crosses. S.G. Spec. DS6, cat. £1,500. Photo.
2654 | £450
1840 2d. pale blue plate 1 SJ with watermark inverted, a good to large margined example with red Maltese Cross, light corner crease or bend not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. 6Wi, Spec. DS6a, cat. £4,000. Photo.
2655 | £290
1840 2d. blue plate 2 BA-BC (BB shows double letter) used strip of three, good to very large margins, black Maltese Crosses, BC vertical crease not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine, scarce. Clear R.P.S. certificate (1981). S.G. Spec. DS8. Photo.
2657 | £620
1840 2d. blue plate 2 CF-CJ strip of five with clear to good margins except CJ clipped at right, CH with tiny pinhole and light violet pen cross on reverse, CI with light vertical crease or wrinkle, otherwise fine with black M.C.'s, attractive. S.G. Spec. DS8. Photo.
2659 | £400
1840 2d. deep blue plate 2 EB-EC very fine used pair with large even margins, lightly struck black Maltese Crosses, attractive. S.G. Spec. DS7. Photo.
2660 | £380
1840 2d. deep blue plate 2 FC, exceptionally fine used with good to large margins and neat orange-red shade Maltese Cross leaving profile clear, most attractive and scarce. S.G. Spec. DS7f. Photo.
2661 | £250
1840 2d. deep blue plate 2 IG, with large even margins, showing traces of two adjoining stamps, lightly cancelled by scarce orange-red Maltese Cross, minute surface imperfection caused by grit in paper, otherwise superb. S.G. Spec. DS7f. Photo.
2662 | £300
1840 2d. blue plate 2 JH tied by neat black Maltese Cross to 1842 (July 16th) envelope from Clitheroe to London showing albino embossed ''PRE-PAID'' with oval floral frame at upper left and with ''CLITHEROE/JY 16/1842'' double arc circular datestamp at lower left, the adhesive with good margins except just clipped at lower left corner and small scissor cut into NW corner square, otherwise fine and most unusual. Photo.
2664 | £170
1840 2d. blue plate 2 PF, fine used with ample to large margins, neat black Maltese Cross, also plate 1 AF of superb appearance but repaired at lower-right. S.G. Spec. DS5, 8. Photo.
2666 | £210
1840 2d. blue plate 2 PL good to large margins, almost complete black Maltese Cross, minute corner crease, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. DS8. Photo.
2668 | £110
1840 2d. blue plate 2 SC-SD used pair with good to large margins and neat black Maltese Crosses, both affected by scissor cut through value tablets of fine appearance. S.G. Spec. DS8. Photo.
2669 | £350
1840 2d. blue plate 2 TB-TC very fine used pair with good to large margins and neat black Maltese Crosses. S.G. Spec. DS8. Photo.
2670 | £700
1840 2d. blue plate 2 TK with ample to large margins and tied to 1842 envelope (top flap missing) to 'His Grace the Duke of Wellington K.G., Piccadilly, London', redirected to Walmer Castle, Dover with the addition of 1841 2d. plate 3 JI with margins almost all around and tied by black Maltese Cross, some soiling and crumpling but very scarce, Holcombe (1989) and B.P.A. (1990) certificates, also 1840 2d. blue plate 2 PB (damaged) used on crumpled 1841 (June 18th) envelope from the same correspondence to the Duke of Wellington. Photo.
2671 | £2800
1841 Postal Notice complete bearing 1d. plate 10 FE and upper right corner marginal 2d with blank corner letter squares from the small trial plate of 12, together with two 1d. pink envelopes (one a little discoloured) overprinted large type ''SPECIMEN'' in red, minor peripheral ageing at edges, otherwise fine and a presentable example of this scarce notice. S.G. Spec. PN3, cat. £7,000 (2006). Photo.
2673 | £550
1841 1d. red-brown plated used collection on leaves comprising ''black'' plates 5, 8, 9 and 11, then plates 13, 14, 16-35, 37-39, 41, 43-52, 54-56, 58-62, 64-72, 74-76, 78-81, 83-87, 89-102, 104-106, 109-113, 116, 118-121, 123, 125-128, 130-132, 134, 136, 139, 140, 145, 146, 148, 151-154, 156-162, 164, 165, 167-169, Maltese Cross cancellations on plates up to 39 and 43, varied condition but many fine to very fine selected four margin examples. STC £5,641. (127).
2674 | £720
1841 1d. red-brown, a collection of approximately 430 used examples including thirty pairs, the majority with four margins.
2675 | £720
1841 1d. red-brown, a collection of approximately 400 used four margined examples, the majority lightly cancelled and ideal for plating purposes.
2676 | £550
1841 1d. red-brown a used accumulation, majority with black Maltese Crosses, incl. numbers in Cross, EJ with ''WINCANTON'' c.d.s., also a range of entires, some with numeral cancels, etc., very mixed condition. (100's).
2677 | £300
1841 1d. red-brown a used selection, incl. numbers in Maltese Crosses on covers, 1d. red-brown plate 75 LK 'Union Jack' re-entry, with good margins on three sides, cut into at right, cancelled well clear of both upper corner squares, on large part 1848 (Sept. 13th) cover (lacking side flaps) from Burslem, 1d. red-brown plate 24 HD, just touched at left, good to large margins other sides, used on 1842 (Nov.) envelope to Garstang, tied by two line ''Poulton/Penny Post'' in black and blue Maltese Cross of Preston, etc., mixed condition. (14 items).
2678 | £110
1841 1d. red-brown, a used selection on leaves, incl. shades, a few plated, also a few later issues, etc., mixed condition. (143).
2681 | £190
1841 1d. red-brown AA-TL reconstruction, all with Maltese Crosses incl. a few nos. in M.C., condition varies, mostly 3 or 4 margined examples. (240). S.G. cat. stated £12,000+.
2682 | £210
1841 1d. red-brown AA-TL reconstruction, majority with 1844-type cancellations, varied condition. (240)
2683 | £220
1841 1d. red-brown AA-TL reconstruction, all with identifiable English, Scots and Irish type numerals with little or no duplication, condition varies, mostly 3 or 4 margined examples. (240).
2684 | £240
1841 1d. red-brown BF-CG mint block of four, good to large margins all round, some creasing, otherwise fine. Photo.
2685 | £300
1841 1d. red-brown BJ with clear to good margins on three sides, a little cut into at right, tied by a clear green ''698'' numeral of Shaftesbury on 1850 (Dec.) entire letter to London, ''SHAFTESBURY'' c.d.s. in the same colour on reverse, ink mark below stamp just touces at foot, very scarce. S.G. Spec. B1xc, cat. £5,000. Photo.
2686 | £130
1841 1d. red-brown DJ, fine with ample to good margins, tied to piece by a fine crisp strike of the distinctive Cork Maltese Cross with Cork c.d.s. alongside. S.G. Spec. B1td. Photo.
2687 | £170
1841 1d. red-brown EG, fine with good margins, used for redirection on 1851(June 4) entire from Switzerland to Cheltenham, redirected to Northleach, cancelled by ''177'' numeral of Cheltenham, on reverse has Cheltenham, London transit c.d.s's, ''PRESTBURY'' u.d.c., and Northleach receiving mark, interesting item. Photo.
2691 | £60
1841 1d. red-brown JD, small to good margins, used with boxed ''No.1'' of Arundel, small corner crease, otherwise fine. Photo.
2692 | £180
1841 1d. red-brown JH, fine with ample to large margins, used on 1842 (Feb. 23) entire from Greenock to London, tied by a very fine strike of the distinctive Greenock Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. B1th. Photo.
2693 | £70
1841 1d. red-brown JK and PF fine with ample to large margins with very fine strikes of the distinctive Dublin Maltese Cross types 1 and 2. Photo.
2694 | £500
1841 1d. red-brown plate 53 OD-PG fresh mint block of eight, with ample to large margins and virtually full original gum, some creasing or light bends, otherwise fine and attractive block. Photo.
2695 | £60
1841 1d. red-brown SE good to large margins on three sides showing portions of four adjoining stamps, cut into at left, used on 1847 (Nov. 16) entire from Newport Pagnell to Bishops Waltham, tied by blue numeral ''564'' of Newport Pagnell. Photo.
2698 | £90
1841 1d. red-brown TC fine with good to large margins, tied to 1843 (Dec. 9) entire by exceptional strike of the number ''9'' in Maltese Cross. Photo.
2699 | £90
1841 1d. pale red-brown plate 1b BB-BC pair with clear to large margins except BC clipped at lower right, on 1841 (Oct.) cover to Halifax with ''LITTLEBORO-LANE'' u.d.c. alongside stamps, backstamped at Rochdale. S.G. Spec. AS6. Photo.
2701 | £180
1841 1d. red-brown plate 1b HL (recut corner and sidelines) clear to good margins on neat entire from Portsmouth to the Stamp Office at Winchester, date 1841 (June 14), cancelled by black Maltese Cross with ''PORTSMOUTH'' c.d.s., the letter acknowledges receipt of ''Parcel Costs stamps, value £111.1.4'' with note ''Please send Postage Stamps as early as possible''. A fine early postal reference letter. Photo.
2702 | £110
1841 1d. red-brown plate 1b IJ with large margins on three sides, just touched at foot, used on 1841 (Sept. 17th) envelope from Piltown via Dublin to London, redirected within London with 1d. plate 14 BL (cut into), some imperfections but attractive. S.G. Spec. AS6 & BS3. Photo.
2703 | £320
1841 1d. red-brown plate 1b KC very fine used with ample to very large margins and black Maltese Cross used to redirect from London to Taunton 1841 (May) cover originally sent from Manchester with 1d. red-brown plate 8 QF with clear to good margins and tied by doubly struck distinctive Manchester 'fishtail' Maltese Cross, a most unusual and rare combination of 'black' plates. Brandon certificate (1998). S.G. Spec. AS6 & AS47ub.
2705 | £200
1841 1d. pale red-brown plate 1c CF fine used with good to large slightly ragged margins, tied by neat black Maltese Cross to small 1841 (May 21st) envelope from Tenterden to Maidstone, scarce. S.G. Spec. AS7. Photo.
2710 | £110
1841 1d. red-brown plate 2 TB-TC scarce pair (state 2) with clear to good margins except TC cut into at right, otherwise fine with clear neat black Maltese Crosses. S.G. Spec. AS18. Photo.
2714 | £120
1841 1d. red-brown plate 5 IL very fine used with good to large margins and neat black Maltese Cross on clean and uncreased 1841 (June 29th) entire letter from Lewes to Arunel. S.G. 7, Spec. AS26, cat. £275.
2715 | £220
1841 1d. red-brown plate 5 KJ with clear to good margins, tied by neat black Maltese Cross to 1841 (Feb. 19th) entire letter from London to Hereford, a very early use of the 1841 1d. within the first month of issue. S.G. Spec. AS26. Photo.
2716 | £300
1841 1d. red-brown plate 5 MK with ample to good margins and neat red Maltese Cross, thin at right and creases, fine appearance. S.G. Spec. AS26, cat. £4,500 (2006). Photo.
2717 | £240
1841 1d. red-brown plate 5 NA state 2 exceptionally fine used with ample to large margins and superb black Maltese Cross on 1841 (May 20th) entire letter from Uttoxeter to Lichfield with ''UTTOXETER/MY20/1841'' double arc c.d.s. on front, filing folds not affecting adhesive. S.G. Spec. AS28A. Photo.
2723 | £400
1841 1d. red-brown plate 8 SK-TL rare used block of four with clear to good margins except TL just clipped at lower right corner, lower pair with horizontal crease, otherwise fine with black Maltese Crosses. S.G. Spec. AS47, blocks unpriced unused or used. Used blocks of plate 8 are particularly rare. Photo.
2724 | £120
1841 1d. red-brown plate 9 GA state 2 following late repair, very fine used with good to large margins and neat black Maltese Cross on clean and uncreased 1841 (Aug. 12th) cover from Cambridge to Ludlow via London. S.G. Spec. AS65. Photo.
2725 | £18000
1841 1d. red-brown plate 9 IA-JB and IC-JD fine fresh and rare mint blocks of four forming an original left marginal block of eight with full sheet margin at left showing 'ards the RIGHT HAND SIDE of the Letter' inscription, good margins other sides and with almost full original gum, usual gum wrinkles, peripheral imperfections in sheet margin and fold in horizontal margin between, IA with small natural paper flaw, JA shows constant variety in NE corner square. R.P.S. certificates (1984 and 1981). S.G. 7, Spec. AS57/d, cat. £36,000+ (as singles). Photo.These blocks originated from the Dublin Find (see 'The Dublin Find' by Don Madden and Karl Louis), and were contained in the half sheet ex Lord Crawford, Sparrow and W.V. Mortens, and part of the block of 12 offered as part of lot 281 in the H.C.V. Adams collection in 1956.
2728 | £5000
1841 1d. red-brown plate 10 AA-BB upper left corner marginal block of four showing marginal plate number and inscription, pre-provisional state 1 printing (BA and BB showing ''O'' flaw), natural paper wrinkles not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine and very fresh unused, a rare multiple. S.G. Spec. AS69/70. Photo.
2732 | £1500
1841 1d. red-brown plate 10 MG fine with good to large margins, tied to piece by both red and black M.C.'s, the piece also with octagonal Glasgow d.s. and boxed ''15'' also in red, very scarce. B.P.A. certificate (1994). S.G. Spec. AS69vk, cat. £3,000+. Photo.
2733 | £4800
1841 1d. red-brown plate 10 QK-RL right marginal block of four with wide sheet margin at right and good margins other sides, fine and fresh mint with large part original gum, two slight gum thins, RK and RL showing basal shifts and long tailed ''R''. Ex H.O. Fraser. R.P.S. certificate (1984). S.G. 7, Spec. AS69/d, cat. £10,000+ (as singles). Photo.
2737 | £3200
1841 1d. red-brown plate 11 MI very fine used with ample to large margins and a fine crisp large part strike of the distinctive Wotton-under-Edge Maltese Cross in black. Ex Dr. Pichai Buranasombati. R.P.S. certificate (1986). S.G. Spec. AS74ue, cat. £5,000. Photo.
2738 | £3000
1841 1d. red-brown plate 11 OA-PC, a very rare used block of six (3 x 2) on piece with neat black Maltese Crosses, good to very large margins except OA-PA clipped at left, (OA-PC would make a very fine block of four but a block of six is believed to be the largest known used multiple of this plate), PC in particular shows the bad alignment of the plate. S.G. 7, Spec. AS74, blocks unpriced unused or used. Photo.
2739 | £300
1841 1d. red-brown plates 12 to 45 mainly good to very fine used with full margins and black Maltese Crosses, plate 43 is CJ-DK block of four. (37). S.G. Spec. BS1-BS26H, cat. £3,055 (2006).
2745 | £65
1841 1d. red-brown plate 14 TL on blued paper, large margins, used on 1841 (Sep. 17) entire from Manchester to Blackburn, superb. S.G. Spec. BS3. Photo.
2746 | £650
1841 1d. red-brown plate 15 ML with an exceptional virtually complete strike of the distinctive Wotton-under-Edge Maltese Cross, clear to good margins on three sides, touched ar left, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. BS4tw, cat. £3,250 (2006). Photo.
2749 | £65
1841 1d. red-brown (rich shade) plate 18 OH, good to large margins, used on 1842 (Jan. 14) entire from Edinburgh to Hamilton, tied by superb thin line Scottish Maltese Cross, most attractive. S.G. Spec. BS7. Photo.
2751 | £680
1841 1d. red-brown plate 20 AE top marginal imprimatur showing inscription, light bend, otherwise very fine. Photo. S.G. Spec. BS9. Photo.
2753 | £240
1841 1d. red-brown plate 20 CK-DL block of four fine used with ample to very large margins and black Maltese Crosses on 1842 (April 4th) letter from London to Hull, filing crease well clear of adhesives, very scarce. S.G. Spec. BS9. Photo.
2754 | £150
1841 1d. red-brown plate 20 HH-IL block of ten (5 x 2) with black Maltese Crosses, clear to good margins except IH and II touched or just cut into, some creasing or other imperfections but good appearance for a multiple of this size. S.G. Spec. BS9/g
2755 | £320
1841 1d. red-brown plate 21 OA-OB pair (OA state 1) very fine used with good to large margins and good strikes of the distinctive Norwich Maltese Cross on 1843 (July 25th) cover to Wymondham. S.G. Spec. BS10tq. Photo.
2756 | £280
1841 1d. red-brown plate 22 BA fine used with ample to good margins and deep blue Maltese Cross on neat uncreased 1842 (Aug.) envelope to Rochdale with light strike of ''Blackpool/Penny Post'' in same colour as Maltese Cross alongside adhesive, backstamped at Preston and Rochdale, envelope with faint patches of toning well clear. S.G. Spec. BS11sc, cat. £1,200 (2006). Photo.
2757 | £2600
1841 1d. red-brown plate 23 OI-OL strip of four with clear to large margins except OJ-OK clipped at top, tied by four distinct strikes of the Wincanton Maltese Cross with large dot in outer cross loop to 1842 (Jan. 17th) cover to Salisbury with ''WINCANTON/JA 17/1842'' double arc c.d.s. on front, very rare, by far the finest of the three covers recorded in the 'Enclopaedia of the Maltese Cross' by Rockoff and Jackson. Ex Alcock and illustrated on page 64 of 'The Maltese Cross Cancellations of the United Kingdom' (2nd edition), by Alcock and Holland. Photo.
2761 | £130
1841 1d. red-brown plate 26 HC-ID block of four cancelled number ''2'' in Maltese Crosses, clear to good margins except IC toucehd at lower left corner and with faults, HC a little thinned, otherwise fine and a very scarce multiple. S.G. Spec. BS15ub. Photo.
2762 | £190
1841 1d. red-brown plate 26 JA (defective check letter ''J''), fine with good to large margins, part marginal selvedge at left, on 1843 (Oct. 13) entire from Perth to Blairgowrie, tied by a fine distinctive Perth Maltese Cross in black. S.G. Spec. BS15c, tt. Photo.
2766 | £70
1841 1d. red-brown plate 28 MA (double check letter ''M''), good to huge margins, placed sideways on 1843 (April 22) entire locally used in Edinburgh, tied by light strike of thin lined Scottish Maltese Cross, very fine. S.G. Spec. BS17. Photo.
2767 | £100
1841 1d. red-brown plate 29 CI fine used with clear to large margins and tied by very fine number ''3'' in Maltese Cross leaving profile clear to 1843 (April 27th) cover from London to Leominster, some cover imperfections clear of adhesive. S.G. Spec. BS18uc, cat. £425 (2006). Photo.
2768 | £5000
1841 1d. red-brown plate 29 JI very fine used with clear to good margins and tied to small piece by a superb upright strike of the distinctive 'Channel Islands' Maltese Cross, rare. R.P.S. certificate (1949) and B.P.A. certificate (2005). S.G. Spec. BS18tc, cat. £5,000+. Photo.
2769 | £600
1841 1d. red-brown plate 30 RG-RL strip of six cancelled good to very fine upright strikes of the number ''4'' in Maltese Cross, RG just touched at left and RL clipped at right, otherwise good margins and the RH-RK strip of four is very fine. Rare. S.G. Spec. BS19ud. Photo.
2770 | £850
1841 1d. red-brown plate 31 AF top marginal imprimatur showing inscription, very fine. Photo. S.G. Spec. BS20. Photo.
2771 | £320
1841 1d. red-brown plate 31 PG-QI block of six (3 x 2) very fine used with ample to large margins and light neat black Maltese Crosses, a very scarce multiple in this quality. S.G. Spec. BS20. Photo.
2772 | £180
1841 1d. red-brown plate 32 EK very fine with good margins, tied to 1843 (Aug. 27) entire by superb number ''8'' in Maltese Cross. Photo.
2773 | £160
1841 1d. red-brown plate 32 QJ with full margns except just clipped at upper right, tied by ''Poulton/Penny Post'' in black and blue Maltese Cross of Preston on 1843 (Sept.) envelope to Helmsley, backstamped at Preston (same colour as Maltese Cross) and York. S.G. Spec. BS21wa. Photo.
2774 | £600
1841 1d. red-brown plate 33 EA very fine used with clear to good margins and a very fine large part strike of the distinctive 'Channel Islands' Maltese Cross. Brandon certificate (1999) states 'genuine, as far as one can say'. S.G. Spec. BS22tc. Photo.
2776 | £350
1841 1d. red-brown plate 36 EC-FL block of twenty (10 x 2) with black Maltese Crosses, faults but a very rare large used multiple. S.G. Spec. BS25. Photo.
2777 | £140
1841 1d. red-brown plate 37 AA-AL rare complete row of twelve with neat black Maltese Crosses, rather cut into but useful reference as this row is missing from the imprimatur sheet. S.G. Spec. BS26.
2779 | £130
1841 1d. red-brown plate 40 JF-JI strip of four with good margins and cancelled mainly good strikes of number ''4'' in Maltese Crosses, fine. S.G. Spec. BS26Cud. Photo.
2780 | £210
1841 1d. red-brown plate 40 KB re-entry state 1a, a good example with clear to good margins except frame line just touched at top and foot, cancelled upright strike of number ''12'' in Maltese Cross leaving the lower part of the stamp completely clear, tiny imperfections on reverse, otherwise fine, very scarce. S.G. Spec. BS26Cb, cat. £475 (2006). Photo.
2784 | £170
1841 1d. red-brown plate 43 MH-ML strip of five with ample to large margins and cancelled number ''5'' in Maltese Crosses, MJ-MK a little rubbed and ML with slight corner crease, otherwise fine and a scarce multiple. S.G. Spec. BS26Fue. Photo.
2786 | £1150
1841 1d. red-brown plate 45 CG-FI block of twelve (3 x 4) rare used on clean 1844 (June 17th) legal sized letter from London to Exeter, clear to good margins except three touched or just clipped on one side, pressed filing fold crosses ''D'' row but not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine and most attractive. S.G. Spec. BS26H. Photo.
2787 | £800
1841 1d. red-brown plate 46 AI top marginal imprimatur showing inscription, very fine. Photo. S.G. Spec. BS27. Photo.
2788 | £210
1841 1d. red-brown plate 47 GD-GL rare strip of nine and F? (cut into at right) used to pay 10d. rate up to five ounces on 1845 (Jan.) cover from Liverpool to London, GF-GK with large to very large margins, others cut into, some cover staining and GF crossed by filing crease, unusual. S.G. Spec. BS27. Photo.
2789 | £2200
1841 1d. red-brown plate 54 FA-MF rare mint block of 48 (6 x 8), thirteen stamps cut into, horizontal creases affecting the ''G'', ''H'', ''K'' and ''L'' rows and at base of ''I'' row, IC with thin at foot, otherwise mainly fine and fresh with excellent deep colour and virtually full original gum (many unmounted). S.G. Spec. BS27. Photo.
2791 | £820
1841 1d. red-brown plate 60 AB top marginal imprimatur showing inscription, very fine. Photo. S.G. Spec. BS28. Photo.
2792 | £920
1841 1d. red-brown plate 60 EA-FB exceptionally fresh mint left marginal block of four showing 'ot to remove the Cement.' inscription, good even margins other sides, light horizontal crease at foot along lower frame-lines of FA-FB not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine with large part to full original gum (lower pair unmounted), light ownership handstamps on gum. S.G. Spec. BS28. Photo.
2794 | £95
1841 1d. red-brown plate 66 IA-ID strip of four, fine with small to good margins all round, used on 1846 (Nov. 7), entire to Edinburgh, tied by ''700'' of Sheffield. Photo.
2795 | £210
1841 1d. red-brown plate 66 NA-NF strip of six with good margins in places, cancelled ''TEMPLE-CLOUD'' undated circles in black and overstruck with ''134'' numerals of Bristol, on large part cover to London, some imperfections, NC affected by filing fold, unusual. Photo.
2796 | £90
1841 1d. red-brown plate 70 DL, a very fine and fresh mint marginal example with full sheet margin at right, ample to good margins other sides, faint bend at top otherwise very fine with almost full original gum. S.G. Spec. BS28. Photo.
2800 | £150
1841 1d. red-brown plate 73 HB-HC pair (HB with double ''H'') fresh mint with full original gum, HB tiny surface blemish, otherwise fine. Clear R.P.S. certificate (2006). S.G. Spec. BS26d. Photo.
2801 | £580
1841 1d. pale red-brown (worn plate) plate 75 AC-CD fresh mint top marginal block of six (2 x 3) with wide sheet margin showing ''12. £1... Per Sheet. Place the L'' inscription, just clear to good margins other sides, part to full original gum, vertical crease at right of AC-CC, otherwise fine. S.G. 9, Spec. BS28, cat. £3,450 (as singles). Photo.
2808 | £700
1841 1d. red-brown plate 102 AD top marginal imprimatur showing inscription, very fine. Photo. S.G. Spec. BS32. Photo.
2810 | £480
1841 1d. red-brown plate 107 HG imprimatur, fine with clear to good margins, one of the rarer of the issued plates. S.G. Spec. BS32. Photo.
2811 | £160
1841 1d. red-brown plate 107 SG (inverted ''S''), very fine used with good to large margins. S.G. Spec. BS32ca, cat. £300. Photo.
2813 | £1400
1841 1d. red-brown plate 122 TA-TJ mint corner marginal strip of ten with full sheet margins showng marginal plate number and inscription, large margins other sides, six vertical folds, mostly between stamps but some touching or across, some other imperfections but a presentable and rare multiple with large part original gum. S.G. Spec. BS32. Photo.
2815 | £520
1841 2d. blue proof from small trial plate of 12 without corner letters, [R3/2] with watermark upright (misplaced to lower right), good margins, colour a little sulphurised, unusually with gum (toned, presumably the residue from removal from 1841 Postmasters Notice), otherwise very fine and only the second gummed example we have seen. S.G. Spec. DP43. Photo.
2816 | £110
1841 2d. blue a used selection, incl. plate 3 LD-LG strip, SE-SF pair on 1843 (Feb. 20) E., shades, etc., mixed condition. (17).
2817 | £350
1841 2d. blue plates 3 and 4 collection incl. plate 3 (23) with Maltese Cross incl. BA with faked perforations, etc., condition varies, many with full margins. (68).
2819 | £650
1841 2d. blue plate 3 a used collection on leaves, incl. FA-HB used block of six cancelled number ''12'' in Maltese Crosses, HC-HD, HE, HF, HG, HJ, used in combination with 1841 1d. JK, on large 1844 (Jan. 16th) entire, all cancelled by number ''12'' in Maltese Cross, MG (cut into) with indistinct red cancel, JB on 1848 envelope tied by indistinct blue cancel, LH (scissor cut into design) with number ''3'' in Maltese Cross 1843 (April 5th) entire, QD used on 1843 (Nov. 6th) entire from London to Manchester, tied by fine number ''9'' in Cross, multiples, etc., very mixed condition. (78).
2820 | £260
1841 2d. blue plate 3 AA-AB pair fine used with just clear to very large margins, tied by light decipherable strikes of the number ''12'' in Maltese Cross to 1843 (Aug. 19th) cover from London to Macclesfield ('Brocklehurst' correspondence). S.G. Spec. ES14vl. Photo.
2821 | £80
1841 2d. blue plate 3 CG-CJ strip of four, good to very large margins, showing portions of three adjoining stamps, cancelled by ''131'' numeral of Edinburgh, fine. S.G. ES11. Photo.
2822 | £300
1841 2d. blue plate 3 EA-FA unused pair showing marginal selvedge at left, part original gum, both touched or cut into. S.G. Spec. ES11. Photo.
2824 | £110
1841 2d. blue plate 3 FK-FL used pair with good to large margins and black number ''12'' in Cross, slight horizontal crease otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. ES11vl, cat. £700. Photo.
2826 | £190
1841 2d. blue plate 3 IH tied by a complete slightly overinked strike of the distinctive Leeds 'Special' Maltese Cross to 1842 (Nov. 11th) cover from Leeds to London, adhesive with clear to good margins on three sides, clipped at right, small corner crease at lower left. Scarce. S.G. Spec. ES11ug, cat. £3,500 (2006). Photo.
2827 | £150
1841 2d. blue plate 3 JJ with just clear to large margins, tied by a very fine upright strike of number ''1'' in Maltese Cross on 1844 (April 1st) cover from London to Edinburgh, vertical filing fold crosses adhesive but barely detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. ES14va, cat. £1,600 (2006). Photo.
2830 | £230
1841 2d. blue plate 3 MF-ML attractive strip of seven with ample to very large margins except MF just clipped at upper left corner, tied to part 1850 (April) cover from Aberystwith to Machynlleth by light ''2'' numerals. S.G. Spec. ES14. Photo.
2832 | £300
1841 2d. blue plate 3 SA-TA vertical pair used with 1d. red-brown GA paying late fee on 1847 (March) cover from London to Tickhill, Rotherham, redirected from Rotherham to Ollerton with 1d. AI-AL strip of four and showing two strikes of ''TICKHILL'' undated circle on front, some cover imperfections but all the adhesives with full margins and an unusual usage. Photo.
2833 | £600
1841 2d. blue plate 3 SC-SD (double ''D'') pair, close to large margins, tied to 1843 (May 30th) cover from London to Wymondham, tied by very fine strikes of the number ''7'' in Crosses, fine and rare. S.G. Spec. ES11vg. Photo.
2834 | £150
1841 2d. blue plate 3 TE with good margins except just touched at foot of ''T'' square, tied by a superb upright strike of number ''2'' in Maltese Cross to 1843 (July 14th) envelope from London to Newcastle upon Tyne, recipient's manuscript notes on front. S.G. Spec. ES14vb, cat. £1,600. Photo.
2835 | £230
1841 2d. blue plate 4 CL exceptionally fine used with part sheet margin at right and huge margins other sides. S.G. 14, Spec. ES14. Photo.
2838 | £550
1841 2d. blue plate 4 NB-OD scarce block of six with large to very large margins all round, showing portions of ten adjoining stamps, cancelled by London Inland ''4'', some slight creasing, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. ES14. Photo.
2839 | £150
1841 2d. blue plate 4 NK, fine with good to large margins, with ''382'' numeral of Howden, Yorks in blue, scarce. S.G. 14h, Spec. ES14wb, cat. £700. Photo.
2841 | £130
1841 2d. blue plate 4 OE-OH strip of four, fine with good to large margins, with ''870'' numerals of Westbury. S.G. Spec. ES14. Photo.
2842 | £160
1841 2d. blue plate 4 OL, large to enormous margins, showing large part of OK at left, part of adjoining stamp at top, part marginal inscription at right, used with ''255'' numeral of Doncaster, an impressive stamp. S.G. ES14. Photo.
2843 | £800
1841 2d. blue plate 4 SI-SL (SL affected by scissor cut into L square), strip of four with good to large margins all round, each stamp cancelled by ''328'' numerals of Hadleigh in blue, fine and rare multiple. B.P.A. certificate (2001). S.G. Spec. ES14wb, cat £2,600 as singles. Photo.
2844 | £350
1841 2d. violet-blue on lavender tinted paper plate 4 DL fine used with good margins and London Inland Section cancellation, shows marginal watermark lines at left. R.P.S. certificate (1983). S.G. 15aa, Spec. ES16, cat. £1,300. Photo.
2845 | £280
1841 2d. violet-blue plate 4 FI on thicker lavender tinted paper, fine used with good margins. R.P.S. certificate (1996). S.G. 15aa, cat £1,300. Photo.
2846 | £1500
1852–53 Alphabet II 1d. red-brown plate 157 BH-BL marginal strip of five superb unmounted mint, full sheet margin at right and good to very large margins other sides, BH, BK and BL showing constant flaws. S.G. Spec. B2(1)/l. Photo.
2847 | £230
1852-53 alphabet II 1d. red-brown plate 161 DG-EH block of four with ample to large margins on piece with Scots ''222'' numerals of Lumsden in blue-green and with Scots Local type VIII ''LUMSDEN'' in the same colour on reverse, EB with slight corner crease otherwise fine. R.P.S. certificate (1985) states 'Green Scots obliterations'. Photo.
2848 | £2000
1852–53 alphabet II 1d. red-brown plate 161 MA-OE, an exceptionally fresh mint block of fifteen (5 x 3) with part to full original gum, good to large margins except OA (small stain spot) a little cut into at foot and OB just touched at foot, a few tiny gum thins and NA-NE with light horizontal crease barely detracting, otherwise fine. Ex H.O. Fraser. S.G. Spec. B2. Photo.
2849 | £200
1852-53 Alphabet II 1d. red-brown plate 170 RH fine used with ample to good margins and tied by ''466'' numeral of Liverpool and a clear neat strike of ''PAID'' handstamp in red to 1854 (Jan. 7th) cover from Liverpool to New York also bearing 1847-54 embossed 1s. green die 1 with good to large margins on three sides, just clipped at foot, unusual. Photo.
2851 | £380
Later Line Engraved: 1850 Archer perf. 16 1d. red-brown plate 96 KA fine used with neat part London District Post numeral. S.G. 16b, Spec. CE2, cat. £575. Photo.
2852 | £290
Later Line Engraved: 1850 Archer perf. 16 1d. red-brown plate 97 II with neat London Inland Section ''20'' numeral, slight corner bend not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine, matched with a fine imperf. S.G. 16b, Spec. CE2, cat. £575. Photo.
2853 | £240
Later Line Engraved: 1850 Archer perf. 16 1d. red-brown plate 98 IH of exceptional appearance, very well centred and neatly cancelled, tiny thin spot, otherwise fine. S.G. 16b, Spec. CE2, cat. £575. Photo.
2854 | £250
Later Line Engraved: 1850 Archer perf. 16 1d. red-brown plate 98 KJ with light London Inland Section ''13'' numeral leaving profile clear, slight corner crease at upper right not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. 16b, Spec. CE2, cat. £575. Photo.
2855 | £220
Later Line Engraved: 1850 Archer perf. 16 1d. red-brown plate 98 RL, fine, tiny corner per creases not detracting. S.G. 16b, Spec. CE2, cat. £575. Photo.
2856 | £250
Later Line Engraved: 1850 Archer perf. 16 1d. red-brown plate 99 BL, lightly cancelled, two perfs. just trimmed at lower left and slight creasing not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. 16b, Spec. CE2, cat. £575. Photo.
2858 | £110
Later Line Engraved: 1854-57 1d. AA-TL complete used reconstruction, varied condition. (240).
2860 | £130
Later Line Engraved: 1854 die I, alphabet II, SC16 1d. red-brown plate 167 CD, mint, some gum disturbance, otherwise fine, fresh appearance. S.G. Spec. C1. Photo.
2861 | £850
Later Line Engraved: 1854 die I, alphabet II, SC 1d. plate 199 AD top marginal imprimatur showing inscription, fine. S.G. Spec. C1. Photo.
2862 | £850
Later Line Engraved: 1854 die I, alphabet II, SC 1d. plate R6 AJ top marginal imprimatur showing inscription, fine. S.G. Spec. C1. Photo.
2863 | £1150
Later Line Engraved: 1854 die I, alphabet II, SC 1d. plate R13 AJ top marginal imprimatur showing inscription, fine. S.G. Spec. C1. Photo.
2864 | £180
Later Line Engraved: 1855 SC14 2d. blue plate 4, a selection of 11 used examples incl. DJ with watermark inverted, mainly fair to fine, some faults. S.G. 23, cat. £2,450.
2865 | £190
Later Line Engraved: 1855 SC14 2d. blue plate 4 BC-BD pair used on piece with ''IE/22 JU/55/186'' duplex of Dublin in green, scarce. Photo.
2866 | £90
Later Line Engraved: 1855 SC14 2d blue plate 5 EK, fine used on 1855 (July 19) entire to Blackburn, tied by London ''16'' numeral, early date of use, the first day being 4th. July 1855. S.G. 23. Photo.
2867 | £19000
Later Line Engraved: 1855 die II, alphabet II SC14 1d. red-brown plate 1 KA-TL mint block of 120 (12 x 10), being a remarkable and unique lower half sheet with full sheet margins showing marginal plate numbers and inscription, centred to lower left, some perf. separation mainly between the ''M'' and ''N'' rows and some creasing and other imperfections commensurate with a multiple of this size, otherwise fine and fresh with large part to full original gum. An exhibition item and key piece of 1d. stars philately, the largest recorded multiple of perforated 1ds. with small crown watermark and the largest of any red-brown. S.G. 24, Spec. C3, cat. £60,000+ as singles, and £90,000+ as blocks of four. Photo.
2868 | £300
Later Line Engraved: 1855 die II, alphabet III, SC14 1d. red-brown plate 24 NJ very fine used. S.G. Spec. C7, cat. £650. Photo.
2869 | £130
Later Line Engraved: 1857 LC14 2d. blue plate 6, a mainly fair to fine used selection incl. OD-PH attractive block of ten (5 x 2) with OE and PE showing re-entries, BG-BK strip of five, three pairs, etc., some imperfections. (30).
2870 | £110
Later Line Engraved: 1855 LC14 2d. blue JF, cancelled by two strikes of red oval framed ''P D'', few imperfections, otherwise fine, unusual. Photo.
2872 | £260
Later Line Engraved: 1856 die II, alphabet III, LC 14 on blued paper 1d. red-brown plate 22 TD fine used with light part ''447'' sideways duplex of Leeds. R.P.S. certificate (1999). S.G. Spec. C8(1). Photo.
2873 | £380
Later Line Engraved: 1856 die II, alphabet III, LC 14 on blued paper 1d. plum plate 32 PI exceptionally fine used with neat London Inland Section ''18'' numeral, very scarce. R.P.S. certificate (1992). S.G. Spec. C8(3). Photo.
2875 | £420
Later Line Engraved: 1856 die II, alphabet III LC14 on white paper 1d. red-brown plate 32 AA very fine used with upright ''DE 1/1856'' double ring c.d.s., rare. R.P.S. certificate (2000), S.G. Spec. C8A. Photo.
2876 | £180
Later Line Engraved: 1856 die II, alphabet III LC14 on white paper 1d. red-brown plate 44 SL very fine used with light ''165'' numeral of Carlisle, very scarce. R.P.S. certificate (1995). S.G. Spec. C8A. Photo.
2877 | £95
Later Line Engraved: 1857 die II, alphabet III, LC14 transitional issues on yellowish to cream toned paper 1d. pale rose plate 31 SD-SE pair very fine used with neat part ''683'' sideways duplexes of Salisbury. R.P.S. certificate (1997). S.G. Spec. C9(4). Photo.
2879 | £210
Later Line Engraved: 1857 die II, alphabet III, LC14 transitional issues on yellowish to cream toned paper 1d. pale rose plate 49 FH, slight tone spot at foot, otherwise fine and very scarce. Clear R.P.S. certificate (1987). S.G. Spec. C9(4).
2880 | £110
1856 die II, alphabet III, LC14 on white paper 1d. rose red one volume collection of plated stamps with duplicated range of plates 27-68 in mainly good to fine condition (300)
2883 | £480
Later Line Engraved: 1857–63 die II, alphabet III, LC14 on white paper 1d. rose-red plate 33 HI exceptionally fine used with neat ''W.C./12'' barred oval. R.P.S. certificate (1997). S.G. Spec. C10(5). Photo.
2886 | £200
Later Line Engraved: 1857–63 die II, alphabet III, LC14 on white paper 1d. pale red plate 45 NH very fine used with neat part ''498'' Manchester sideways duplex, very scarce. R.P.S. certificate (1987). S.G. Spec. C10(2), cat. £450. Photo.
2887 | £3500
Later Line Engraved: 1857–63 die II, alphabet III, LC14 on white paper 1d. rose-red plate 53 ID fine used with part ''159'' Scots numeral of Glasgow, a very rare stamp on white paper. B.P.A. certificate (1959) and further confirmation of plating by Dr. Wiggins. S.G. Spec. C10(5), unpriced. Photo.
2890 | £230
Later Line Engraved: 1857–63 die II, alphabet III, LC14 on white paper 1d. rose-red plate 65 LH, a pale shade, fine used with light London barred oval ''SE/12'' cancellation, a few perfs. just blunted, very scarce. R.P.S. certificate (1993). S.G. Spec. C10(5). Photo.
2891 | £100
Later Line Engraved: 1857–63 die II, alphabet III, LC14 on white paper 1d. rose-red LD showing late use of the black Maltese Cross, small thin at top, otherwise fine. Photo.
2895 | £1000
1865 (Sept.) Royal Reprint: Die II, alphabet III, LC 1d. plate 66 HB in black with watermark inverted, very fine and fresh with large part original gum, good even margins. S.G. Spec. DP35(a), cat. £2,000 (2006). Photo.
2896 | £350
Later Line Engraved: 1858–79 Plate Number Issues: A mint selection, incl. plates 78 OJ-OL strip of three, RK-TL block of six, 85 FG-HG block of four, 111 RD-SE block of four, 127 KE-KF pair, 133 OD-PD pair, 147 FA-GA pair, 160 GA-IC block of nine, 198 BG-CL block of twelve, etc., varied condition. (63).
2899 | £110
Later Line Engraved: 1858–79 Plate Number Issues: 1864–79 1d. rose-red plate 99 FG-GL fine and fresh mint block of twelve (6 x 2), three are unmounted. S.G. 43, cat. £720+. Photo.
2900 | £500
Later Line Engraved: 1858–79 Plate Number Issues: 1864–79 1d. plate 99 PA-TF mint block of thirty from lower-right corner of sheet showing plate number, most are unmounted, fine and fresh. S.G. 43, cat. £1,800 as singles. Photo.
2905 | £210
Later Line Engraved: 1858–79 Plate Number Issues: 1864–79 1d. plate 197 SA-TF mint block of twelve from lower-left corner of sheet showing plate number and part inscription, usual gum wrinkles, most are unmounted, fine and fresh. Photo.
2906 | £130
Later Line Engraved: 1858–79 Plate Number Issues: 1864–79 1d. rose-red plate 204 IK-KL mint block of six from right of sheet showing marginal ornament, some gum disturbance, otherwise fine, fresh appearance.
2907 | £150
Later Line Engraved: 1858–79 Plate Number Issues: 1858–76 2d. blue plates 7 to 13 collection, mostly used with plates 7 (17 incl. HG showing ''ST'' of ''POSTAGE'' at base of Queen's neck (S.G. Spec. G2e, unpriced), 8 (10 incl. IF with watermark inverted), 9 (39 incl. NJ with watermark inverted, AJ-AL-BI-BL block of 7), 12 (8) incl. SC with watermark inverted (faults), AB re-entry, 13 (19 incl. KE-MF block of 6), condition varies in places. (93).
2909 | £1050
Later Line Engraved: 1858–79 Plate Number Issues: 1858–76 2d. deep blue plate 9 watermark type II, AI-AL, BH-CL fresh mint block of 14, with full original gum, some creasing at right and a few other minor imperfections not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. 45, Spec. G2, cat. £4,600 (as two blocks of four and six singles). Photo.
2910 | £2100
Later Line Engraved: 1858–79 Plate Number Issues: 1858–76 2d. blue plate 9 BG imprimatur, very fine. R.P.S. certificate (1981). S.G. Spec. G2, cat. £3,000 (2006). Photo.
2911 | £270
Later Line Engraved: 1858–79 Plate Number Issues: 1858–76 2d. blue plate 9 LA marginal showing 'e the labels ABOVE' inscription, exceptionally fine used on clean neat 1866 (Jan.) entire from Edinburgh to Dundee, unusual. Photo.
2912 | £140
Later Line Engraved: 1858–79 Plate Number Issues: 1858–76 2d. blue plate 9 NK-NL marginal pair showing inscription, watermark LC type II, colour a little sulphurised otherwise fine mint with almost full original gum, centred to lower right. S.G. Spec. G2, cat. £760 (2006). Photo.
2916 | £110
Later Line Engraved: 1870 1/2d. plate 9 CN and NG, both with a few blunted perfs. otherwise reasonably fine used examples. Photo
2918 | £120
Later Line Engraved: 1870 11/2d. rose-red plate 1 GI and JL and ME-MF pair, both used on separate 1872 and 1873 entires, and plate 3 EC with 1880-81 1d., II, LH, MC with 1880-81 1d. on separate entires, also three other items. S.G. 51.
2921 | £160
Later Line Engraved: 1870 11/2d. rose-red plate 3 eight examples each used with 1864-79 1d. on separate 1878-79 entires from Liverpool to Paris, mainly fine. S.G. 51.
2922 | £750
Later Line Engraved: 1870 11/2d. rose-red plate 3 AL overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9 example from top-right corner of sheet with full deckle edge sheet margins, showing part imprint and plate number ''3'', just a little oxidised, otherwise fine and fresh with full gum (unmounted). S.G. Spec. G6u. Photo.
2929 | £480
1847–54 Embossed: 1s. (4), 10d. (4) and 6d. (4), poor to fine. S.G. 54-60.
2930 | £350
1847-54 Embossed: 1s. (3), 10d. and 6d. (2) used, cut square examples, mainly with four margins, one 6d. with ''DALRYMPLE'' Scots local cancel, varied condition. (6). Photo.
2932 | £850
1847–54 embossed 1s. pale green die 2 strip of four, pair and single used together with 1855 SC14 2d. plate 4 NI to make a total rate of 7s.2d. on 1856 (Jan.) envelope from Glasgow to Malta, endorsed 'British Packet via Marseilles', faults but a spectacular franking. B.P.A. certificate (1996). Photo.
2936 | £800
1847–54 embossed 1s. green die 2, a fresh and attractive mint example with good margins almost all around (outer frame just shaved at foot), large part original gum, a little rubbed and first thread split a little at foot. S.G. 55, cat. £14,000. Photo.
2938 | £250
1847-54 embossed 1s. deep green with good to large margins embossing a little split, otherwise fine, 6d. dull lilac with ample to large margins, faint crease not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine, also 10d. with margins added. Photo.
2942 | £1000
1847–54 embossed 10d. brown die 2, an exceptionally fresh mint example with virtually full original gum, small faults not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine, superb colour. S.G. 57, cat. £8,000. Photo.
2944 | £700
1847–54 Embossed: 10d. brown die 3, a fresh mint example with good to very large margins and large part original gum, two creases, otherwise fine and scarce. S.G. 57, cat. £8,000. Photo.
2946 | £700
1847–54 embossed 6d. purple with watermark inverted and reversed, a fine and fresh mint example with large part original greenish gum, just clipped at top, good margins other sides. S.G. 60wk, cat. £10,000. Photo.
2947 | £220
1847–54 embossed 6d. dull lilac with watermark reversed, apparently unused (regummed), some soiling and other imperfections, sold 'as is'. Photo.
2948 | £230
1847-54 embossed 6d. dull lilac fine used with good margins used with SC16 1d. SC (spectacularly misperforated and 2d. plate 4 PJ on 1854 (Nov.) cover from London to Trieste, the 2d. additionally tied by red transit c.d.s., the 1d. crossed by filing fold, otherwise fine. Photo.
2951 | £160
Surface Printed: 1855–57 4d. watermark small garter (7) and medium garter (5), poor to good.
2954 | £150
Surface Printed: 1855–57 watermark emblems 1s. green, three examples placed upside down and tied by neat ''466'' numerals of Liverpool to clean 1859 (Jan. 22nd) entire letter to Boston with ''LIVERPOOL/F.R.H/JA22/1859'' c.d.s. on reverse, attractive. S.G. 72. Photo.
2957 | £85
Surface Printed: 1862–64 4d. pale red plate 3 FC overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 5 and 9d. bistre plate 2 DG overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 6, both affixed to piece (127 x 75mm) from the January 1862 Postal Notice regarding these two stamps, some faults, also a further 9d. plate 2 DH (clipped wing margin) overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 6, and 1881 die 1 1d. lilac mint, some faults.
2958 | £80
Surface Printed: 1862–64 watermark emblems 9d. straw plate 2 AB fine used. S.G. 87, cat. £350. Photo.
2959 | £1550
Surface Printed: 1862-64 watermark emblems 9d. bistre plate 3 with hair lines DB, used with ''444'' barred oval, some damage to Queen's neck, otherwise fine and extremely rare. B.P.A. certificate (1933). S.G. 88, cat £10,000. Photo.
2961 | £350
Surface Printed: 1867–80 watermark spray 3d. rose plate 6 MA, fresh unmounted mint example from left of sheet, minor creasing, otherwise fine. S.G. 103, cat. £475+. Photo.
2962 | £620
Surface Printed: 1867–80 watermark spray 6d. purple plate 6 JI, unmounted mint from base of sheet, slightly soiled, otherwise fine. S.G. 106, cat. £1,500+. Photo.
2963 | £30
Surface Printed: 1867–80 watermark spray 9d. deep straw TE, fine used from base of sheet, reperforated at left, otherwise fine with neat ''LIVERPOOL/EXCHANGE'' c.d.s. S.G. Spec. J96(3). Photo.
2964 | £110
Surface Printed: 1867–80 watermark spray 9d. pale straw plate 4 OE-OH used strip from base of pane showing imprint, used with ''MARK LANE'' c.d.s's, some blunted perfs, otherwise fine. S.G. 111. Photo.
2967 | £260
Surface Printed: 1867–80 watermark spray 1s. deep green plate 4 IL, fresh mint, vertical gum crease, off-centre, otherwise fine. S.G. 115, cat. £1,100. Photo.
2968 | £150
Surface Printed: 1867–80 watermark spray 1s. deep green plate 5 TB, fine used from base of sheet showing plate number ''5'', with ''BRADFORD/ YORKS'' c.d.s. S.G. Spec. J105(1). Photo.
2969 | £80
Surface Printed: 1867–80 watermark spray 1s. used selection, comprising forty-nine examples with shades, few with c.d.s's, fair to fine.
2970 | £130
Surface Printed: 1867–80 watermark spray 1s. green plate 5 TK lower marginal example showing current number ''256'' fine used with circular datestamp. S.G. 117. Photo.
2973 | £210
Surface Printed: 1867–80 watermark spray 2s. dull blue JI-JL used marginal strip of four, cancelled by slightly oily ''WEST STRAND'' c.d.s's, few pulled perfs, otherwise fine. S.G. 118. Photo.
2974 | £160
Surface Printed: 1867–80 watermark spray 2s. deep blue HA-JA vertical strip of three from base of pane, fine used with lightly struck ''MARK LANE'' c.d.s's. S.G. 119. Photo.
2975 | £550
Surface Printed: 1867–80 watermark spray 2s. milky-blue plate 1 RJ very fine used with part ''C4-'' cancellation leaving profile clear. R.P.S. certificate (1985). S.G. 120b, Spec. J118(5), cat. £1,700. Photo.
2976 | £320
Surface Printed: 1867–80 watermark spray 2s. brown AL good used, corner perf. fault and other slight imperfections. S.G. 121. Photo.
2978 | £650
Surface Printed: 1867–80 watermark spray 2s. brown DG, fine used example with ''C 35'' barred oval cancel of Panama. S.G. 121, cat. £3,250. Photo.
2979 | £480
Surface Printed: 1867–80 watermark spray 2s. brown FE of fine colour and appearance with neat Birmingham ''75'' numeral, slight creasing and tiny tone spots, otherwise fine. S.G. 121, cat. £3,250. Photo.
2980 | £700
Surface Printed: 1872–73 watermark spray 6d. chestnut plate 11 DG-EH imperforate marginal block of four overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 6, from the lower right corner of the pane, superb with full original gum, lower pair unmounted. S.G. 122a, var., Spec. J79(3)s, cat. £1,400+. Photo.
2981 | £1250
Surface Printed: 1872–73 watermark spray 6d. pale chestnut abnormal plate 12 CE with wing margin, good used with Falmouth ''290'' duplex, a few slightly short perfs. at right, R.P.S. certificate (1971). S.G. 124a, cat. £3,500. Photo.
2984 | £500
Surface Printed: 1867–78 watermark Maltese Cross 5s. pale rose plate 2 EC, mint, few bends and creases, has been repaired, a perf in the lower margin rebuilt, good appearance. S.G. 127. Photo.
2985 | £1000
Surface Printed: 1867–78 10s. die proof with uncleared corner squares and plate no. circle, in black on glazed card (92 x 60mm), dated ''Apr. 26, 1878'', very fine. S.G. Spec. J124, cat. £2,000 (2006). Photo.
2986 | £230
Surface Printed: 1867–78 watermark Maltese Cross 10s. greenish grey EA good used, small imperfections. S.G. 128. Photo.
2987 | £250
Surface Printed: 1867–78 watermark Maltese Cross 10s. greenish grey EF good used, small imperfections. S.G. 128. Photo.
2989 | £650
Surface Printed: 1867–78 watermark Maltese Cross £1 brown-lilac EJ, fine used with ''LIVERPOOL'' c.d.s., few light creases, otherwise fine. S.G. 129, cat £4,000. Photo.
2991 | £1100
Surface Printed: 1867–78 watermark Maltese Cross £1 brown-lilac HG, very fine used with ''STOCK EXCHANGE GLASGOW/DE 13/81'' c.d.s. S.G. 129, cat £4,000. Photo.
2993 | £3750
Surface Printed: 1882–83 watermark anchor on blued paper 10s. grey-green GB superb used with crisp ''GLASGOW/AP 16/83'' c.d.s., excellent colour and an outstanding stamp. Brandon certificate (2000). S.G. 131, cat. £4,000+. Photo.
2995 | £1200
Surface Printed: 1882–83 watermark anchor on blued paper £1 brown-lilac GD, with near ''WEST HARTLEPOOL/JA 25/83'' c.d.s., slight traces of other cancels, fine of good appearance. S.G. 132, cat £9,000. Photo.
2996 | £450
Surface Printed: 1882–83 watermark anchor on blued paper £5 orange AJ overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9 without gum, fine appearance. S.G. Spec. J128s, cat £2,400. Photo.
2998 | £2000
Surface Printed: 1882–83 watermark anchor on blued paper £5 orange BM overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9 three times (twice over ''£5'' and once over the Queen's head), exceptionally fine and fresh with full original gum (unmounted). rare. S.G. Spec. J128s, var. Photo.
2999 | £550
Surface Printed: 1882–83 watermark anchor on white paper 10s. greenish-grey BC, used with ''HATTON GARDEN'' c.d.s., a trifle faded, otherwise fine. S.G. 135, cat £4,000. Photo.
3000 | £480
Surface Printed: 1882–83 watermark anchor on white paper 10s. greenish-grey BC with neat ''LIVERPOOL/AB /83'' c.d.s., reperforated at left and faint staining or soiling, otherwise fine and of attractive appearance. S.G. 135, cat. £4,000. Photo.
3001 | £480
Surface Printed: 1882–83 watermark anchor on white paper 10s. greenish-grey BH, neatly cancelled by ''GREENOCK/MY 17/85'' c.d.s., corner crease and some short or blunted perfs., otherwise fine. S.G. 134, cat. £4,000. Photo.
3003 | £1150
Surface Printed: 1882–83 watermark anchor on white paper £1 brown-lilac FD with ''GEORGE STREET B.O. EDIN/DE/3/83'' c.d.s., two slight creases, otherwise fine, good rich colour. S.G. 136, cat. £8,000. Photo.
3006 | £900
Surface Printed: 1882–83 watermark anchor on white paper £5 orange AL used with slightly oily ''GLASGOW/AP 2/94'' c.d.s., minor crease at base (possibly a small repair), otherwise fine. S.G. 137, cat. £4,500. Photo.
3007 | £1150
Surface Printed: 1882–83 watermark anchor on white paper £5 orange CI fine used with neat ''BELFAST/NO 22/89'' c.d.s. S.G. 137, cat. £4,500. Photo.
3008 | £950
Surface Printed: 1882–83 watermark anchor on white paper £5 orange DA of, with slightly oily ''EDINBURGH/JU 2/93'' c.d.s., few very minor imperfections, otherwise fine. S.G. 137, cat. £4,500. Photo.
3009 | £9500
Surface Printed: 1882–83 watermark anchor on white paper £5 orange DC, an exceptionally fine and fresh unmounted mint example, usual minor natural gum wrinkles, lovely colour. S.G. 137. Photo.
3010 | £700
Surface Printed: 1873–80 watermark anchor 21/2d. rosy-mauve plate 1 AH top marginal imprimatur, very fine and fresh, the stamp with virtually full original gum. Only 25 stamps have been removed from the imprimatur sheet, of which at least five are in institutional collections. S.G. 138, Spec. J1, cat. £1,500 (2006). Photo.
3012 | £800
Surface Printed: 1873–80 watermark anchor on white paper 21/2d. rosy mauve plate 2 LH-FL error of lettering, used, centred to lower-left, otherwise fine. R.P.S. certificate (1974). S.G. 140, Spec. J2b, cat. £2,200. Photo.
3013 | £200
Surface Printed: 1873–80 watermark orb 21/2d. rosy mauve plate 6 DE, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 141, cat. £425+. Photo
3014 | £260
Surface Printed: 1873–80 watermark orb 21/2d. rosy mauve plate 11 NF and plate 12 OC both unmounted mint, former has corner crease, other is very fine. Photo.
3015 | £380
Surface Printed: 1873–80 watermark orb 21/2d. blue plate 19 AE, fine and fresh unmounted mint. S.G. 142, cat. £475+. Photo.
3016 | £200
Surface Printed: 1873–80 watermark spray 3d. pale rose plate 17 CB, fresh unmounted mint, minor crease, otherwise fine. S.G. 143. Photo.
3018 | £320
Surface Printed: 1873–80 watermark spray 3d. rose plate 20 HA, fresh unmounted mint, fine. S.G. 143, cat. £350+ Photo.
3019 | £230
Surface Printed: 1873–80 watermark spray 1s. green plate 12 NJ, fine and fresh unmounted mint. S.G. 150, cat. £500+. Photo.
3020 | £230
Surface Printed: 1873–80 watermark spray 1s. green plate 13 PC from top of sheet, fine and fresh unmounted mint. S.G. 150, cat. £500+. Photo.
3021 | £700
Surface Printed: 1873–80 watermark spray 1s. orange-brown plate 13 TH, a mint wing margined example, some minor gum disturbance, otherwise fine and fresh. S.G. 151, cat. £4,000. Photo.
3022 | £240
Surface Printed: 1873-80 4d. watermark large garter plate 15 imperf. colour trials comprising PD in light sage, GD in sage-grey, HC in turquoise-blue, EC in grey-lilac, GI in pale red-brown and HI in chesnut, mainly fine with gum. (6). Photo.
3023 | £1250
Surface Printed: 1873–80 watermark large garter 4d. vermilion plate 15 JF unmounted mint from base of sheet, few slight creases, otherwise fine and fresh appearance. S.G. 152, cat. £2,400+. Photo.
3026 | £180
Surface Printed: 1873–80 watermark large garter 8d. orange plate 1 LG-LH pair (LG with wing margin cut close to stamp) used on 1879 (Jan. 16th) envelope from Edinburgh, tied by a single strike of the ''EDINBURGH'' duplex. S.G. 156. Photo.
3027 | £1500
Surface Printed: 1876 watermark large garter unissued 8d. purple-brown plate 1 FB without gum, very fresh appearance and fine. S.G. 156a, cat £8,500. Photo.
3029 | £220
Surface Printed: 1880–83 watermark crown 21/2d. blue plate 22 RK very fine and fresh unmounted mint, minor natural gum bends or wrinkles. S.G. 157, cat. £350+. Photo.
3030 | £380
Surface Printed: 1880–83 watermark crown 3d. rose plate 20 KJ, fine and fresh unmounted mint. S.G. 158, cat. £775+. Photo.
3031 | £520
Surface Printed: 1880–83 watermark crown 1s. orange-brown plate 13 FB very fresh unmounted mint, minor gum crease, otherwise fine. S.G. 163, cat. £675. Photo.
3032 | £600
Surface Printed: 1880–81 'Provisional Issue' 1/2d. die proof in black on glazed card (92 x 61mm), without markings, very fine. S.G. Spec. K1, cat. £1,000 (2006). Photo.
3033 | £700
Surface Printed: 1880–81 'Provisional Issue' 1d. die proof in black on glazed card (92 x 60mm.), dated ''24 NOV 79'', endorsed 'after Striking/34 Forms' in ink and initialled in pencil, upper left corner square shows frame cracks at upper right and lower left, very fine. Photo.
3035 | £200
Surface Printed: 1880–81 'Provisional Issue' 2d. pale rose very fine used with ''READING/MY 9/81'' squared circle on mourning envelope to Westward Ho, backstamped at Bideford, upper flap with some opening damage but a fine and rare single internal use of this stamp. S.G. 168. Photo.
3036 | £350
Surface Printed: 1880–81 'Provisional Issue' 5d. colour trials using the 1881 1d. die 4, watermark orb, perforated colour trials in grey-blue, claret, dull purple, brown-purple, the grey-blue thinned, otherwise fine and fresh with large part original gum. Ex Samuel. S.G. Spec. L123, cat. £600.
3037 | £60
Surface Printed: 1880–81 'Provisional Issue' Issue 5d. indigo and 1880-83 21/2d. blue plate 22 KJ (clipped perfs at top), used on 1882 (May 19) wrapper from London to Trieste, tied by London squared circles, with Trieste receiving mark on reverse.
3039 | £230
Surface Printed: 1881 die 1 14 dots 1d. lilac, a very fine and fresh mint marginal block of four, two stamps unmounted, contemporary manuscript note in margin. S.G. 170, cat. £800+. Photo.
3040 | £170
Surface Printed: 1881 die 1 14 dots 1d. bluish-lilac, unmounted mint, minor gum wrinkle, otherwise fine and fresh. Photocopy of B.P.A. certificate (1987) for block of four from which this comes. S.G. Spec. K7(2). Photo.
3041 | £160
Surface Printed: 1881 die II 16 dots 1d. lilac marginal imprimatur with manuscript ''52/731'' and dated ''29.VI.85'', also two perforated marginal singles with manuscript ''12'' dated ''11 Nov 81'' ( mounted on paper) and ''45/723'' and dated ''17.XI.84'', all with imperfections. Ex De La Rue archives. Ex Nissen. Photo.
3042 | £170
Surface Printed: 1881 die 2 16 dots 1d., two imprimaturs, also four control strips of three with ''I', ''O'', ''Q'' and ''S'', also 1879 Tender essay by McCorquodale Hooper design 1d. IA pair, mainly fine.
3043 | £5500
Surface Printed: 1881 (Nov. 29th) De La Rue's First scheme, 3d. ''POSTAGE & REVENUE'' handpainted essay in pale lilac and Chinese white on tracing paper mounted on white paper, very fine and rare. Ex Shaida. S.G. Spec. vol. 1, page 323, cat. from £5,000 (2006). Photo.
3044 | £4200
Surface Printed: 1881 (Nov. 29th) De La Rue's First scheme, 3d. ''POSTAGE & REVENUE'' handpainted essay in lilac (deeper than the previous lot) and Chinese white on tracing paper with central pen cross, mounted on white paper, very fine and rare. Ex Shaida. S.G. Spec. vol. 1, page 323, cat. from £5,000 (2006). Photo.
3047 | £2000
Surface Printed: 1883–84 watermark anchor on blued paper 2s.6d. lilac JD, a fresh mint example with full original gum, minor creasing or gum creasing not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. Ex Beaumont. Clear R.P.S. certificate (1960). S.G. 175, cat. £6,000. Photo.
3052 | £350
Surface Printed: 1883-84 watermark anchor on white paper 2s.6d. lilac KA used, MC mint, 5s. rose CF unused, EG used and 10s. ultramarine EC used, good to fine. Photo.
3053 | £90
Surface Printed: 1883–84 watermark anchor on white paper 2s.6d. lilac MA fine and fresh mint. S.G. 178, cat. £500. Photo.
3055 | £5000
Surface Printed: 1883–84 watermark anchor on blued paper (white paper period) 2s.6d. deep lilac FF exceptionally fine and fresh mint with large part original gum, superb colour. R.P.S. certificate (1982). S.G. 179a, cat. £8,000. Photo.
3063 | £350
Surface Printed: 1883–84 watermark anchor on white paper 10s. cobalt ID, indistinct cancels, few imperfections, otherwise fine. S.G. 182, cat. £7,500. Photo.
3064 | £90
Surface Printed: 1883–84 watermark anchor on white paper 10s. ultramarine DB very fine used with ''MANCHESTER/TELEGRAPHS/17 DE/88'' c.d.s. S.G. 183, cat. £475. Photo.
3066 | £350
Surface Printed: 1883–84 watermark anchor on white paper 10s. ultramarine GH, fresh mint example from lower-right corner of sheet, some creasing, otherwise fine. S.G. 183, cat. £2,000. Photo.
3067 | £300
Surface Printed: 1883–84 watermark anchor on white paper 10s. ultramarine HB, mint, few minor gum wrinkles, otherwise fine. S.G. 183, cat £2,000. Photo.
3069 | £720
Surface Printed: 1883–84 watermark anchor on white paper 10s. ultramarine IC-JD fine used block of four, each with ''CARDIFF DOCKS/NO 8/90'' c.d.s's, good deep colour. S.G. 183, cat. £2,750. Photo.
3070 | £240
Surface Printed: 1883–84 watermark anchor on white paper 10s. pale ultramarine IE, fresh mint, small corner crease and collector's mark on gum, otherwise fine. S.G. 183a, cat. £2,250. Photo.
3071 | £220
Surface Printed: 1884 watermark crowns £1 brown-lilac IB good used with London cancels. S.G. 185, cat. £2,400 Photo.
3072 | £680
Surface Printed: 1884 watermark crowns £1 brown lilac IC overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, very fine apppearance, full original gum (unmounted) which has a faint tone spot, otherwise fine. S.G. 185s, cat. £2,400. Photo.
3073 | £280
Surface Printed: 1884 watermark crowns £1 brown-lilac QD plate 2 state 2 showing frame break and slight bulge under ''U'' of ''POUND'', a sound used example with ''LONDON'' hooded circles. See British Postage Stamp Varieties Illustrated by Alcock & Meredith, pages 26-29. Photo.
3074 | £230
Surface Printed: 1884 watermark crowns £1 brown-lilac TA without frame breaks (plate 3) used with ''MANCHESTER/YORK ST'' c.d.s. and oval framed ''T.A.B./G.P.O. LONDON'' handstamps, some creasing, otherwise fine. S.G. 185, cat. £2,400. Photo.
3075 | £480
Surface Printed: 1888 watermark orbs error £1 brown-lilac NA used with barred oval ''E.S/2'' cancellations, 6mm internal tear at right not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. 186, cat. £3,800. Photo.
3076 | £720
Surface Printed: 1888 watermark orbs error £1 brown-lilac RB fine used with good strong colour. S.G. 186, cat. £3,800. Photo.
3078 | £1550
Surface Printed: 1883–84 'lilac and green', a set of eight of the standard colour trial combinations, perf. 14 on unwatermarked gummed paper, comprising 11/2d. CL purple on buff, HC purple on orange, 2d. GF purple on pink, LH purple on yellow, 21/2d. FD purple on pink, HC green on buff, 3d. BF purple on pale blue and JB purple on blue, some small faults. (8). Photo.
3079 | £600
Surface Printed: 1883–84 'lilac and green', the second page from De La Rue's 1890 Before and After the Stamp Committee Album entitled ''SERIES ISSUED APRIL, 1884'' and containing 1881 die 2 1d. and 1883-84 'lilac and green' 1/2d. to 1s., excellent colours and a fine frontispiece for a 'lilac and green' collection. Photo.
3080 | £3800
Surface Printed: 1883–84 'lilac and green' 1/2d. to 1s. set mainly exceptionally fine and fresh unmounted mint, good colours and very scarce in this condition. S.G. 187–196, cat. £4,020+. Photo.
3081 | £600
Surface Printed: 1883–84 'lilac and green' 1/2d. to 1s. set mint with large part to full original gum, some a little gum toned, otherwise fine. (10). S.G. 187-196, cat. £4,020. Photo.
3082 | £480
Surface Printed: 1883–84 'lilac and green' 11/2d. die proof without corner letters, rare vertical format in black on glazed card (60 x 92mm), without markings, small rub at lower right not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. K18, cat. £1,000 (2006). Photo.See article by R. B. Galland, GB Journal volume 37 (1999) pages 94-95.
3084 | £900
Surface Printed: 1883–84 'lilac and green' 2d. die proof without corner letters, rare vertical format in black on glazed card (61 x 92mm), dated ''31 JUL 83'' and endorsed 'after Hardening' in manuscript, very fine. S.G. Spec. K19, cat. £1,000 (2006). Photo.See article by R. B. Galland, GB Journal volume 37 (1999) pages 94-95.
3085 | £500
Surface Printed: 1883–84 'lilac and green' 2d. die proof without corner letters, in black on glazed card (93 x 61mm), dated ''7 AUG 83'', stamped ''AFTER HARDENING'', and initialled 'GFS' in pencil, very fine. S.G. Spec. K19, cat. £1,000 (2006). Photo.
3086 | £900
Surface Printed: 1883–84 'lilac and green' 2d. die proof without corner letters, rare vertical format in black on glazed card (61 x 92mm), dated ''23 AUG 83'', stamped ''AFTER STRIKING'' and initialled 'W.G.' in pencil, very fine. S.G. Spec. K19, cat. £1,000 (2006). Photo.See article by R. B. Galland, GB Journal volume 37 (1999) pages 94-95.
3088 | £920
Surface Printed: 1883–84 'lilac and green' 21/2d. die proof without corner letters, rare vertical format in black on glazed card (61 x 92mm), dated ''31 JUL 83'' and endorsed 'after Hardening', very fine. S.G. Spec. K20, cat. £1,000 (2006). Photo.See article by R. B. Galland, GB Journal volume 37 (1999) pages 94-95.
3089 | £920
Surface Printed: 1883–84 'lilac and green' 21/2d. die proof without corner letters, rare vertical format in black on glazed card (61 x 92mm), dated 'July 31/83' in manuscript, very fine. S.G. Spec. K20, this proof unlisted. Photo.See article by R. B. Galland, GB Journal volume 37 (1999) pages 94-95.
3090 | £400
Surface Printed: 1883–84 'lilac and green' 3d. die proof without corner letters, in black on glazed card (92 x 60mm), dated ''13 JUN 83'' and stamped ''BEFORE HARDENING'', fine. S.G. Spec. K21, cat. £1,000 (2006). Photo.
3092 | £1100
Surface Printed: 1883–84 'lilac and green' unissued 5d. with line under ''d'', a die proof without corner letters, in black on glazed card (94 x 61mm) showing traces of arcs from corner plugs at foot, dated ''26 FEB. 83'' and stamped ''BEFORE HARDENING'', slight peripheral imperfections well clear of proof, otherwise very fine. S.G. Spec. K23a, cat. £2,500 (2006). Photo.
3093 | £80
Surface Printed: 1883–84 'lilac and green' 5d. dull green NA showing plug flaw above ''A'' at lower right, fine used with ''LONDON/31MR/85'' c.d.s. on envelope to Pau. S.G. 193var.
3094 | £700
Surface Printed: 1883–84 'lilac and green' 9d. die proof without corner letters (shows trace of circles at corners), in black on glazed card (92 x 60mm), dated ''18 JUN 83'' (was stamped ''13'' but altered to ''18'' in manuscript) and stamped ''BEFORE HARDENING'', very fine. S.G. Spec. K25, cat. £1,300 (2006). Photo.
3095 | £700
Surface Printed: 1883–84 'lilac and green' 9d. die proof without corner letters (shows clear circles at left and trace of circles at right), in black on glazed card (92 x 60mm), dated ''6 JUL'' and initialled 'W.G.' in ink, very fine. S.G. Spec. K25, cat. £1,300 (2006). Photo.
3096 | £650
Surface Printed: 1883–84 'lilac and green' 1s. die proof without corner letters, in black on glazed card (92 x 60mm), dated ''15 AUG 83'' and stamped ''BEFORE HARDENING'', fine. S.G. Spec. K26, cat. £1,300 (2006). Photo.
3098 | £600
Surface Printed: 1887–92 'Jubilee': The final page from De La Rue's 1890 Before and After the Stamp Committee Album entitled ''SERIES DETERMINED UPON BY THE STAMP COMMITTEE/AND ISSUED JANUARY 1887'' and containing the 1881 die 2 1d. and 1887–92 'Jubilee' 1/2d. to 4d., 5d. die I, 6d., 9d. and 1s., pristine colours and a fine frontispiece for a 'Jubilee' collection. Photo.
3099 | £420
Surface Printed: 1887–92 'Jubilee' 2d. purple and blue-green colour trial perf. 14 on gummed unwatermarked paper, very fine and fresh. S.G. Spec. K30, cat. from £750 (2006). Photo.
3100 | £280
Surface Printed: 1887–92 'Jubilee' 2d. purple and brown colour trial perf. 14 on gummed unwatermarked paper, minor wrinkle and tiny natural paper flaw, otherwise fine and fresh. S.G. Spec. K30, cat. from £750 (2006). Photo.
3101 | £70
Surface Printed: 1887–92 'Jubilee' 3d. purple on yellow, two used examples with major frame damage at base, similar to S.G. Spec. K32d and K32e.
3102 | £1300
Surface Printed: 1887–92 'Jubilee' 41/2d. colour trial in mauve and emerald, perf. 14 on crown watermarked paper, very fine and fresh with large part original gum. S.G. Spec. K34, cat. £2,800 (2006). Photo.
3103 | £140
Surface Printed: 1887–92 'Jubilee' 10d. dull purple and deep bright carmine, an unmounted mint lower marginal example with slightly toned gum, otherwise fine. Clear R.P.S. certificate (1988). S.G. 210a, cat. £600. Photo.
3104 | £290
Surface Printed: 1887–92 'Jubilee' 1s. colour trial in mauve, perf. 14 on gummed watermarked paper, vertical crease or gum crease at right not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. K40, cat. £1,800 (2006). Photo.
3106 | £620
Surface Printed: 1887–92 'Jubilee' £1 green AA fresh mint, a little soiled and slight vertical crease or gum crease, otherwise fine. S.G. 212, cat. £3,500. Photo.
3107 | £180
Surface Printed: 1887–92 'Jubilee' £1 green FB overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 15, creased at left, minor tone spot and small portion of missing gum on reverse. S.G. 212s, cat. £950. Photo.
3108 | £120
Surface Printed: 1887–92 'Jubilee' £1 green JB fine used with ''CANTERBURY'' c.d.s. and light boxed cancel. S.G. 212, cat £700. Photo.
3110 | £140
Surface Printed: 1887–92 'Jubilee' £1 green LA overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 11, some small patches of toning, otherwise fine with some original gum. S.G. Concise S118, cat. £950. Photo.
3113 | £110
Surface Printed: 1887–92 'Jubilee' 1/2d. blue-green, a used study of plate flaws on leaves, incl. frame breaks and damage, some possibly constant, also a cd of scanned images, etc. (51).
3114 | £750
Officials: A small unmounted mint selection, incl. Inland Revenue 1887-92 6d. purple on rose-red, Government Parcels 1902 2d. with B.P.A. certificate (1975) for block from which this comes, 6d., etc., mainly fine. (13).
3115 | £270
Officials: A duplicated used collection in very mixed condition on leaves with Government Parcels 1883-86 to 6d. (3), 9d. (5), 1s. plate 13 (6), plate 14 (3), 1887-90 to 1s. (8), 1891-1900 to 1s. (4), 1902 to 1s. (4), also Army Officials, a selection of parcel post pieces, etc. (155)
3117 | £720
Officials: A collection on leaves, incl. Inland Revenue 1902-04 21/2d. used, Office of Works, Government Parcels, Board of Education, Royal Household 1/2d. and 1d. mint, Admiralty Official, some forgeries, mixed condition. (59).
3118 | £280
Officials: Inland Revenue: 1882-89 selection overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, comprising 1882 1/2d., 1d., 6d. plate 18 KE, 1885 1/2d., 21/2d. BE,and 1889 1s., mainly good to fine and fresh with gum, a few small imperfections. S.G. Concise SO1-5 & 18, cat. £1,480.
3119 | £80
Officials: Inland Revenue: 1882 1d. lilac overprinted in blue-black, fine and fresh unmounted mint. S.G. O3a, cat. £200+. Photo.
3120 | £120
Officials: Inland Revenue: 1882 1d. lilac overprinted in blue-black, a fine used block of four with ''BARNSLEY/DE 4/95'' c.d.s's, the lower pair with additional blue crayon line. B.P.A. certificate (2005). S.G. O3a, cat. £300+. Photo.
3121 | £150
Officials: Inland Revenue: 1885 21/2d. lilac ID fine mint with large part original gum. S.G. O6, cat. £400. Photo.
3126 | £680
Officials: Inland Revenue: 1890 5s. rose FC on white paper, fine used with slightly oily ''LEICESTER'' c.d.s. S.G. 09, cat £1,600. Photo.
3127 | £260
Officials: Inland Revenue: 1890 watermark anchor on white paper 5s. rose KA used with slightly oily complete ''ABERDEEN/DE 14/94'' double ring c.d.s., some creasing not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. O9, cat. £1,600. Photo.
3129 | £210
Officials: Inland Revenue: 1890 watermark anchor on white paper 5s. rose AD with raised stop after ''R'', used with doubly struck slighty oily ''REGISTERED'' hooded circle, some creasing, otherwise fine. S.G. O9a, cat. £2,000. Photo.
3130 | £600
Officials: Inland Revenue: 1890 watermark anchor on white paper 5s. rose MC with overprint in blue-black, overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, fine and fresh with part original gum. This variety not specifically listed overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' by S.G. (O9b, var. (SO8), L7(2)b,t. Photo.
3133 | £1150
Officials: Inland Revenue: 1890 10s. ultramarine DH on white paper overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 11, very fine and fresh with full original gum (unmounted) from right of sheet, few marginal faults, superb appearance. S.G. Spec. SO11, cat. £2,000. Photo.
3134 | £450
Officials: Inland Revenue: 1890 watermark anchor on white paper 10s. ultramarine DE, a deep shade, overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 11, fine and fresh with large part original gum, small purple handstamp on reverse just shows through to front at foot. S.G. O10 (SO11), Spec. L8(4)s, cat. £2,000. Photo.
3135 | £280
Officials: Inland Revenue: 1890 watermark anchor on white paper 10s. ultramarine AG with raised stop after ''R'', overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, fresh with full original gum, vertical crease or heavy gum crease not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. This variety not specifically listed overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' by S.G. (O10a, var. (SO11), L8(4)a,s. Photo.
3136 | £400
Officials: Inland Revenue: 1890 watermark anchor on white paper 10s. ultramarine FH, attractive used with crisp upright strike of ''DUNDEE/DE 31/01'' c.d.s., additional blue crayon line partly removed at upper left, otherwise fine. S.G. O10, cat. £2,500. Photo.
3137 | £1500
Officials: Inland Revenue: 1885 watermark crowns £1 brown-lilac ED, overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 11, fresh appearance, slight corner crease and minute black mark on reverse, otherwise fine with full gum (unmounted). S.G. SO12, cat. £4,500. Photo.
3138 | £2600
Officials: Inland Revenue: 1890 watermark orbs error £1 brown-lilac PB, overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 11, very fresh appearance, slight crease, otherwise fine with full original gum (unmounted), rare. S.G. SO13, cat. £4,500. Photo.
3139 | £130
Officials: Inland Revenue: 1889 1s. dull green overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 15, fine and fresh with large part original gum. S.G. O15 (SO18), Spec. L16s, cat. £220. Photo.
3140 | £1250
Officials: Inland Revenue: 1892 £1 green OD, from right of sheet, overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, exceptionally fine and fresh with full original gum (unmounted), a superb stamp. R.P.S. certificate (2001). S.G. SO16, cat. £1,750. Photo.
3141 | £300
Officials: Inland Revenue: 1892 £1 green ND overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, thin at top not detracting from appearance, otherwise very fine and fresh with large part original gum, excellent colour. S.G. O16 (SO20), Spec. L11s., cat. £1,750. Photo.
3142 | £600
Officials: Inland Revenue: 1892 £1 green LD, a fine used example with neat ''ABERDEEN/MY 10/94'' circular datestamp, a few blunted perfs. S.G. O16, cat. £2,200. Photo.
3143 | £900
Officials: Inland Revenue: 1892 £1 green OB, a fine used example with neat ''DUNDEE/OC 18/94'' circular datestamp. Roumet certificate (2003). S.G. O16, cat. £2,200. Photo.
3144 | £180
Officials: Inland Revenue: 1901 1s. green and carmine, good used. Brandon certificate (1979). S.G. O19, cat. £1,250. Photo.
3145 | £100
Officials: Inland Revenue: 1902-04 1/2d. blue-green overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 15 exceptionally fine and fresh with full original gum. S.G. O20 (SO21), Spec. MO1s, cat. £350. Photo.
3146 | £100
Officials: Inland Revenue: 1902–04 1d. intense bright scarlet, a distinctive shade, fine and fresh mint, lightly mounted. Hendon certificate (2008). S.G. O21var. Photo.
3148 | £80
Officials: Inland Revenue: 1902-04 1d. scarlet, three examples used on 1903 (Dec. 9) registered envelope from Sligo to Carrick on Shannon, few cover imperfections, otherwise fine. Photo.
3149 | £150
Officials: Inland Revenue: 1902-04 21/2d. ultramarine overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 15 fine and fresh with large part original gum, gum wrinkles. S.G. O22 (SO23), Spec. MO3s, cat. £475. Photo.
3150 | £210
Officials: Inland Revenue: 1902-04 1s. dull green and carmine overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 16, almost full original gum, small imperfections, fine appearance. S.G. O24 (SO25), Spec. MO5s., cat. £1,000. Photo.
3151 | £7500
Officials: Inland Revenue: 1902–04 £1 dull blue-green, used with ''ABERDEEN/OC 16/02'' double ring c.d.s., fine appearance, a very rare stamp. R.P.S. certificate (1972) states ''small surface defect'' but it is not obviously apparent. S.G. 027, cat £22,000. Photo.
3160 | £2800
Officials: Office of Works: 1902–03 10d. dull purple and carmine, a very fine used example of this rare stamp on small piece. B.P.A. certificate (1981). S.G. 040, cat £6,000+. Photo.
3161 | £120
Officials: Army: 1896-1902 selection with controls comprising 1896-1901 1/2d. blue-green ''R'', 1d. lilac ''V'' (corner pair), ''X'', 1902-03 1/2d. ''A'' (continuous, corner pair, control stamp with corner thin), mint, 1896-1901 1d. ''U'' (creased) used. (5 items).
3162 | £450
Officials: Army: 1896-1901 1/2d. vermilion, 1d. lilac and 21/2d. purple on blue overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9 and 1/2d. blue-green and 6d. purple on rose-red overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 15, the 1/2d. blue-green creased, otherwise fine and fresh with part to large part original gum. (5). S.G. O41-45 (SO56-60), cat. £1,115. Photo.
3164 | £130
Officials: Army: 1896-1901 6d. purple on rose-red, a fine and fresh mint block of four with slightly patchy gum, excellent colour. S.G. O45, Spec. L40, cat. £400. Photo.
3165 | £400
Officials: Army Official: 1902 1/2d., 1d. and 6d., all overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' types 15 or 16, all fine and very fresh from left of sheet with full original gum (unmounted). S.G. S61-S63, cat. £975. Photo.
3166 | £110
Officials: Army: 1902 1/2d. (2) control ''A'', 1d. (2) control ''A'' and 1d. (1) control ''B'' singles, mainly fine and fresh mint, each showing long top to second ''F''. (5). S.G. Spec. MO19j & 20j.
3167 | £65
Officials: Army: 1902 1d. scarlet plate 6, control ''A'', corner pair, control stamp showing long top to second ''F'', very fine and fresh mint. S.G. Spec. MO20/j. Photo.
3168 | £50
Officials: Army: 1902 1d. scarlet plate 73, control ''A'' single showing long top to second ''F'', fine and fresh mint (adherence in margin). S.G. Spec. MO20j. Photo.
3169 | £130
Officials: Army: 1902 1d. scarlet controls ''A'' and ''B'' corner strips, each with control stamp showing long top to second ''F'', former rather heavily mounted and a trifle toned, latter superb unmounted mint. S.G. Spec. MO20/j.
3170 | £130
Officials: Army: 1902-03 1d. scarlet overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 15, superb with full original gum. S.G. O49 (S62), Spec. MO20s, cat. £300. Photo.
3171 | £170
Officials: Army: 1902-03 6d. pale dull purple overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 16, exceptionally fine and fresh with full original gum. S.G. O50 (S63), Spec. MO21s, cat. £375. Photo.
3172 | £380
Officials: Army: 1902-03 6d. pale dull purple, a lower marginal block of four very fine and fresh unmounted mint, upper right stamp with small wrinkle at top. S.G. O50, Spec. MO21, cat. £950+. Photo.
3173 | £280
Officials: Army: 1902-03 6d. pale dull purple, a superb mint lower right corner marginal pair with full original gum, left stamp [R20/11] showing long top to second ''F''. S.G. O50, Spec. MO21/e, cat. £350+ (2005). Photo.
3175 | £420
Officials: Army: 1903 6d. pale dull purple, a very lightly mounted mint example, gum wrinkles and a trifle faded, otherwise fine. S.G. O52, cat. £2,500
3176 | £250
Officials: Govt. Parcels: 1883-90 selection overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9 comprising 1883-86 9d. EC, 1s. plate 13 GF, 1887-90 11/2d., 6d., 1s., mainly good to fine with part to large part original gum, some small imperfections. (5). S.G. Concise SO31, 32, 34, 37 & 39, cat. £1,275. Photo.
3179 | £550
Officials: Government Parcels: 1887-90 1s. dull green, fine fresh unmounted mint from top of sheet, mounted in margin. S.G. 068, cat. £550+. Photo.
3180 | £1200
Officials: Govt. Parcels: 1887-90 1s. dull green overprinted in blue-black, a good used example with part ''NEWCASTLE/ON TYNE'' circular parcel cancellation, rare. B.P.A. certificate (2008). S.G. O68d, unpriced. Photo.
3182 | £120
Officials: Govt. Parcels: 1891-1900 1d. lilac overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 15, very fine and fresh with large part original gum. S.G. O69 (SO33), Spec. L23s, cat. £350. Photo.
3183 | £140
Officials: Govt. Parcels: 1891-1900 2d. green and carmine overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, a marginal example from the right of the sheet, superb with gum (unmounted). S.G. O70 (SO35), Spec. L25s, cat. £250. Photo.
3184 | £150
Officials: Govt. Parcels: 1891-1900 41/2d. green and carmine overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, an upper right corner marginal example, superb with gum (unmounted). S.G. O71 (SO36), Spec. L26s, cat. £250+. Photo.
3185 | £350
Officials: Government Parcels: 1891-1900 1s. green and carmine, unmounted mint from right of sheet, minor gum wrinkle, otherwise fine and fresh. S.G. O72, cat £450+. Photo.
3186 | £270
Officials: Govt. Parcels: 1891-1900 1s. green and carmine exceptionally fine and fresh mint with full original gum, gum wrinkle. S.G. O72, cat. £500. Photo.
3188 | £90
Officials: Govt. Parcels: 1902 6d. pale dull purple very fine and fresh mint. S.G. O76, cat. £250. Photo.
3190 | £400
Officials: Government Parcels: 1902 9d. purple and ultramarine, fine and fresh unmounted mint. B.P.A. certificate (1984). S.G. 077, cat. £600+. Photo.
3194 | £290
Officials: Board of Education: 1902-04 21/2d. ultramarine overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 15, very fine and fresh with large part original gum. S.G. O85 (SO68), Spec. MO25s, cat. £700. Photo.
3196 | £1000
Officials: Board of Education: 1902-04 5d. dull purple and ultramarine overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 16, large part original gum, tiny imperfections, otherwise fine and scarce. Clear R.P.S. certificate (2007). S.G. O86 (SO 69), Spec. MO26s, cat. £3,000. Photo.
3197 | £600
Officials: Royal Household: 1902 1/2d. blue-green and 1d. scarlet overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' types 16 and 15 respectively, both marginal, very fine and fresh with full original gum, 1d. has minor gum bend. S.G. SO71, SO72s, cat. £1,300. Photo.
3198 | £320
Officials: Royal Household: 1902 1/2d. and 1d. fine unmounted mint. S.G. 091, 092, cat £700+. Photo.
3199 | £820
Officials: Admiralty: 1903 1/2d. to 3d. set, all overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 16, all from left of sheet, 3d. has slight crease, otherwise very fine and fresh (unmounted). S.G. SO73-SO78, cat. £2,250. Photo.
3200 | £600
Officials: Admiralty: 1903 1/2d. to 3d. set very fine and fresh mint. (6). S.G. O101-106, cat. £1,518. Photo.
3201 | £120
Officials: Admiralty: 1903-04 1/2d. blue-green and 1d. scarlet in fine and fresh mint blocks of four, unmounted mint except the upper pair of 1ds. S.G. O107 & O108, cat. £440+ (as singles).
3203 | £300
Officials: Admiralty: 1903-04 11/2d. dull purple and green fine and fresh mint with large part original gum (hinge remainder). S.G. O109, cat. £900. Photo.
3204 | £2600
King Edward VII: 1901 die proof for the small head used for the 2d. and 5d. values, with background partly cleared to circle with white contour line surrounding the head, in black on glazed card (92 x 60mm) without markings, very fine. Photo.
3205 | £1650
King Edward VII: 1902-13 1/2d. to £1 collection with a few mint values incl. 1902-10 De La Rue 1/2d. and 1911 Harrison perf. 14 1/2d. both with St. Andrew's Cross attached from booklet panes, 1902-10 De La Rue 2s.6d., 5s.; excellent representation of used, virtually all with c.d.s. with values to 10d. (3), 1s. (2), 2s.6d. (3), 5s., 10s. (2) and £1 (2), with shades incl. 1902-10 4d. brown-orange with R.P.S. certificate (1985), etc. (94). Photo.
3206 | £1400
King Edward VII: A mint and used collection on leaves with mint incl. 1902-10 De La Rue range of shades to 9d., (2), 10d. (3), 1s. (3), 1/2d. with St. Andrew's Cross attached, 1911 Harrison perf. 14 and perf. 15 x 14 to 4d., 1/2d. with St. Andrew's Cross attached, 1d. brick-red no wmk., 1911-13 Somerset House range of shades to 9d. (4), 1s. (3) incl. inverted wmk. example, various used to 2s.6d. (6), 5s. (3), 10s. (2), etc., varied condition, mainly fine. (199).
3207 | £700
King Edward VII: 1902–13, a mainly used collection on leaves, incl. 1902-10 values to 10s., £1, 1911 Harrison, 1911-13 Somerset House values to 10s., £1, range of shades, etc., varied condition. (112).
3208 | £500
King Edward VII: A selection, incl. 1902-10 De La Rue 1/2d. pair and two singles, 1d. (4, one diagonally overprinted ''SPECIMEN'') imperforate plate proofs, 1d. grossly misperforated, 2s.6d. from top-right corner of sheet, stamp unmounted, etc., varied condition. (15).
3209 | £420
King Edward VII: 1902–13, a mainly mint collection on leaves, incl. 1902-10 De La Rue shades to 1s. (2), 1911-13 Somerset House to 1s., range of used Officials etc., varied condition. (83).
3210 | £1200
King Edward VII: 1902–10 De La Rue 1/2d., 1d. (2), 11/2d. (2), 2d. (2), 21/2d., 3d. (2), 4d. brown and green, 4d. orange (2) 5d., 6d. (2), 7d., 10d., 1s. (2), 2s.6d., 5s., 10s., also Harrison perf. 15 x 14 1d., 3d. and 4d. majority fine unmounted mint. (26). Photo.
3211 | £270
King Edward VII: 1902–10 De La Rue 1/2d., 1d. and 21/2d. used on first day of issue with ''ANERLEY•RD/NR CRYSTAL PALACE/JA 1/02'' c.d.s's on complete Parcel Post label, 1d. with scuff at lower right corner, otherwise fine. Photo.
3212 | £20
King Edward VII: 1902–10 De La Rue 1/2d. pale yellowish-green with St. Andrew's Cross attached, contained in a block of three stamps, watermark inverted and misplaced to right, right vertical pair with tiny black surface specks, otherwise fine very lightly mounted mint. S.G. Spec. M2(1)ac, cat. £160.
3217 | £300
King Edward VII: 1902–10 De La Rue 7d. deep grey-black, a very fine used lower right corner marginal block of 12 (4 x 3) with light double ring ''KEMP•TOWN B.O./DE 3/10'' double ring c.d.s's, perfs. separated between 1st and 2nd vertical rows and reinforced with hinge. Hendon certificate (2008). S.G. 249a, Spec. M37(2), cat. £1,200+. Photo.
3218 | £2500
King Edward VII: 1902–10 De La Rue 9d. slate-purple and ultramarine on chalky, a very fine and fresh unmounted mint pane of twenty (5 x 4) from the lower right corner of the sheet, second vertical row with gum bend not detracting from appearance, very scarce. S.G. 251a, Spec. M40(3). Photo.
3220 | £95
King Edward VII: 1902–10 De La Rue 2s.6d. lilac, fine mint, also 1918-19 5s. regummed.
3222 | £150
King Edward VII: 1902–10 De La Rue 5s. bright carmine, unmounted mint, minor gum wrinkles, otherwise fine. S.G.263, cat £750. Photo.
3224 | £400
King Edward VII: 1902–10 De La Rue 10s. ultramarine, very lightly mounted from base of sheet, slight gum crease, otherwise fine. S.G. 265, cat. £850. Photo.
3226 | £950
King Edward VII: 1902–10 De La Rue £1 dull blue-green, fine and fresh unmounted mint. S.G. 266, cat. £3,000. Photo.
3227 | £650
King Edward VII: 1902–10 De La Rue £1 dull blue-green, fine and fresh mint example. S.G. 266,, cat. £2,000. Photo.
3228 | £900
King Edward VII: 1902–10 De La Rue £1 dull blue-green, a rare used vertical strip of five, each cancelled by two London hooded circles, top stamp has small tear, few slight creases, otherwise fine. S.G. 266, cat. £3,750 as singles. Photo.
3229 | £210
King Edward VII: 1902–10 De La Rue £1 dull blue-green fine used with neat ''GUERNSEY'' c.d.s., two collectors marks on reverse. S.G. 266, cat. £750. Photo.
3230 | £50
King Edward VII: 1911 Harrison perf. 14. 1/2d. deep bright green, fresh mint, a little heavily mounted, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. M3(7), cat. £275 (2005). Photo.
3231 | £60
King Edward VII: 1911 Harrison perf. 14 1/2d. booklet pane of five with St. Andrew's Cross attached (no selvedge), mint, blunted perfs at base, otherwise fine. S.G. 270a, cat. £750. Photo.
3232 | £120
King Edward VII: 1911 Harrison perf. 14 1/2d. bright green (fine impression) a fine used example on 1911 (Dec. 15) postcard, tied by large ''NEWQUAY'' skeleton c.d.s. B.P.A. certificate (2008).
3233 | £65
King Edward VII: 1911 Harrison perf. 14. 1d. pale rose-carmine, a fine very lightly mounted ''A 11'' (c) control corner pair, centred high. Hendon certificate (2007). S.G. Spec. M6(4), cat. £150+ (2005).
3235 | £40
King Edward VII: 1911 Harrison perf. 15 x 14 1/2d. dull green, showing variety gash in Crown [R.12/11], used, few imperfections. S.G. Spec. M4g.
3236 | £480
King Edward VII: 1911 Harrison perf. 15 x 14 1/2d. deep dull green (very blotchy print), a very fine and fresh unmounted mint example. Hendon certificate (2007). S.G. Spec. M4(3), cat. £1,000 (2005). Photo.
3237 | £75
King Edward VII: 1911 Harrison perf. 15 x 14 1/2d. deep dull green plate 64b R18/10 major breaks, fine and fresh mint. S.G. Spec. M4(2)h, cat. £200 (2005). Photo.
3239 | £110
King Edward VII: 1911 Harrison perf. 15 x 14 1d. deep carmine, a fresh unmounted mint horizontal strip of three, light horizontal crease not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. Clear Hendon certificate (2008). S.G. Spec. M7var. Photo.
3240 | £60
King Edward VII: 1911 Harrison perf. 15 x 14 21/2d. dull blue variety frame broken at right, fine used with small part c.d.s. well clear, slight wrinkles. S.G. Spec. M18g/o. Photo.
3241 | £75
King Edward VII: 1911 Harrison perf. 15 x 14 21/2d. dull blue with thick shiny double gum (see note in S.G. Spec.) fine and fresh mint, gum wrinkle. S.G. Spec. M18(3). Photo.
3243 | £230
King Edward VII: 1911–13 Somerset House 11/2d. dark purple and green (golden brown fluorescence), fine unmounted mint. Photocopy of Hendon certificate (2006) for block of four of which this is the upper right stamp. S.G. Spec. M10var. Photo.
3244 | £55
King Edward VII: 1911–13 Somerset House 7d. deep slate-grey, fine unmounted mint, gum just a trifle yellowish. Hendon certificate (2008). S.G. Spec. M38(1), cat. £200 (2005). Photo.
3245 | £350
King Edward VII: 1911–13 Somerset House 9d. deep plum and used block (5 x 3) with ''THANKERTON/NO 17/13'' c.d.s's, few small imperfections, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. M41(5). Photo.
3246 | £580
King Edward VII: 1911–13 Somerset House 10d. dull reddish-purple and carmine in an exceptionally fine and fresh mint SE corner marginal block of ten (5 x 2), H2b/D(1a), eight stamps unmounted, thin in sheet margin at right. S.G. 311, Spec. M44(6), cat. £1,280+ (as singles). Photo.
3247 | £210
King Edward VII: 1911–13 Somerset House 10d. dull reddish purple and carmine, a used block (5 x 2), with ''ENGLISH STREET/NO 27/13/DUMFRIES'' c.d.s's, fine. S.G. Spec. M44(6). Photo.
3248 | £260
King Edward VII: 1911–13 Somerset House 2s.6d. dull reddish purple, used block of four, single 5s. on telephone bill with additional 1s. pair and K.G.V 5d. 6d. block of four, with ''CLEVELAND/NO 22/13'' c.d.s's, 2s.6d. and 5s. with blue ''security'' ink. Photo.
3249 | £210
King Edward VII: 1911–13 Somerset House 2s.6d. dull reddish purple, used block of four on telephone bill with additional 1s. pair and K.G.V 1d., and with heavily struck ''HARTHILL/NO 17/13/LANARKSHIRE'' c.d.s's, all with blue ''security'' ink. Photo.
3250 | £250
King Edward VII: 1911-13 Somerset House 2s.6d. dark purple, very fine and fresh unmounted mint from top of sheet. S.G. 317, cat. £650. Photo.
3251 | £450
King Edward VII: 1911–13 Somerset House 5s. carmine, a fine used lower right corner marginal block of six (3 x 2) with ''GUERNSEY/SP 4/12'' c.d.s's, faint bends, most attractive. S.G. 318. Photo.
3252 | £210
King Edward VII: 1911–13 Somerset House 5s. and 10s. on telephone bill with additional K.G.V 4d., 7d. 1s.. strip of three, with ''BROXBURN/NO 20/13'' c.d.s's, 5s. and 10s. with blue ''security'' ink. Photo.
3253 | £280
King Edward VII: 1911–13 Somerset House 10s. blue, fresh lightly mounted mint from right of sheet, slight diagonal gum bend, otherwise fine. S.G. 319, cat. £900. Photo.
3254 | £160
King Edward VII: 1911–13 Somerset House 10s. blue, mint, slightly toned, otherwise fine. S.G. 265, cat £650. Photo.
3255 | £200
King Edward VII: 1911–13 Somerset House 10s. on telephone bill with additional 9d. and K.G.V 11/2d., 6d., with ''BATHGATE/DE 2/13'' c.d.s's, 10s. with blue ''security'' ink. Photo.
3256 | £1050
King Edward VII: 1911–13 Somerset House £1 deep green plate 1b showing 1912 date dot, a fine and fresh mint example from top-right corner of sheet, some paper adhering to margins (not stamp). S.G. 320, cat. £2,000. Photo.
3258 | £350
King Edward VII: 1911–13 Somerset House £1 deep green, a fresh mint example, slight diagonal crease and small black mark on perf. at foot, otherwise fine. S.G. 320, cat. £2,000. Photo.
3259 | £280
King George V: A proof of King George V sideface head, engraved by Royal Mint staff engraver C.G. Lewis and ex his personal archive, in black on glazed paper (70 x 78mm), numbered ''789'' on reverse, amended to '132' in ink, slight creasing at edges well clear of proof. B.P.A. certificate (2008) states 'not allocated to any specific country or stamp issue, is genuine'. Photo.
3260 | £1550
King George V: A mint and used collection on leaves with mint incl. a good range of Downey Heads with shades, inverted wmks., reversed wmks., no cross on crown varieties, 1924-26 2d. wmk. sideways, 21/2d., 4d., 5d., 6d. and 9d. all with inverted wmks., 1924 and 1925 Wembley sets, 1929 P.U.C. 1/2d. to 11/2d. wmk. sideways, 1934-36 2d. wmk. sideways, 1934 2s.6d. to 10s. (10s. creased), various used incl. 1912-24 6d. perf. 14, 6d. wmk. inverted, 8d. wmk. inverted, 9d. agate wmk. inverted and reversed, 1s. wmk. inverted and reversed, 1913 Multiple Royal Cypher 1/2d. and 1d., 1924-26 2d. wmk. sideways, inverted wmk. values to 9d., 1934-36 2d. wmk. sidways, etc., varied condition. (few 100s).
3262 | £880
King George V: 1911–12 Downey Heads: A collection of mainly mint control items in an an album and on leaves, with pairs, strips, blocks, complete bottom rows, etc., interesting lot. (100s).
3265 | £280
King George V: 1911–12 Downey Heads: 1911 die 1A watermark crown 1/2d. green error perf. 14, used, small corner crease, otherwise fine. S.G. 322a, cat £850. Photo.
3268 | £85
King George V: 1911–12 Downey Heads: 1912 (Aug.) die 2 watermark simple cypher 1/2d. and 1d. in coil join vertical strips of six, hinged on upper stamp only, fine. S.G. Spec. N5g, N12i, unpriced.
3269 | £80
King George V: 1911–12 Downey Heads: 1912 die 2 watermark crown 1/2d. and die 2 watermark simple cypher 1d. scarlet coil join vertical strips of six, hinged on top stamps only, fine. S.G. Spec. N4g, N11g, unpriced.
3270 | £110
King George V: 1911–12 Downey Heads: 1912 (Oct.) die 2 watermark simple cypher 1/2d. coil join vertical srtip of six and pair, also 1d. coil join vertical strip of ten, hinged on upper stamps only, fine. S.G. Spec.N6i, N13i, unpriced.
3272 | £6800
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1/2d. to 1s., the balance of the mainly mint collection on leaves, values to 8d. (16), 9d. agate (9), 9d. olive-green (11, 7 with controls incl. a strip), 10d. (12), 1s. (8), incl. 1/2d. grey-green, 1d. (3, one brown-red) perforated 1916 colour trials overprinted ''CANCELLED'' type 24, 1d. imperforate strip of four and single overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 26, 1d. imperforate marginal block of four overprinted ''CANCELLED'' type 24, 1d. perf. block of four and single overprinted ''CANCELLED'' type 24, an excellent range of shades incl. many with R.P.S. certificates (or photocopies) incl. 1/2d. olive-green, pale olive-green, blue-green (''Q 21 pair), 1d. deep brick-red, deep carmine-red, scarlet-vermilion, orange-vermilion, deep bright scarlet (block of 6 with watermark inverted), deep bright scarlet ''W 23'' control single in a distinct shade (R.P.S. certificate states 'brighter shade, creased'), deep brick red (2), 11/2d. deep chocolate-brown, bright chestnut ''T 22'' strip, 2d. deep reddish-orange, 21/2d. deep bright blue, milky-blue ''J 17'' pair, 3d. very pale violet (slightly faded), heliotrope ''N19'' strip, 5d. bistre-brown, 6d. slate-purple, 1s. fawn brown, olive-brown, controls incl. 1/2d. ''W 24'' block of six (margins trimmed), 1d. ''G 15'' block of six with ''C/OF/A'' perfins, 21/2d. Somerset House ''J.17'' single, varieties incl. 1d. no wmk., 1d. R1/4 and R11/4 ''Q'' for ''O'' in pairs with normals, 11/2d. plate 29 ''PENCF'' in marginal pair and block of four, ''PENCF'' repaired in marginal block of four, 6d. perf. 14 (2, one with ''Q.20'' control), 1913 wmk. multiple cypher 1d. single and vertical pair each showing part ''C 13'' control, etc.
3274 | £620
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1/2d. to 1s., the used collection on leaves with a range of 1/2d. to 21/2d. values on covers or cards showing different rates and usages, selected mostly dated c.d.s. singles (and some multiples) of 1d. to 1s. values with a fine range of shades, varieties incl. 1d. inverted ''Q'' for ''O'' (2, with 1913 c.d.s's from ''BRAMPTON BRIAN'' and ''LIVERPOOL'', 11/2d. ''PENCF'' on 1927 (Dec.) envelope, 1/2d. ''D 14'' (2), ''E 14'', 1d. ''J 17'' and 2d. ''K 17'' control blocks of six with ''ARMY POST OFFICE/S.17'' c.d.s's and censor handstamps, 1d. ''E 14'' similar block with ''S.39'' c.d.s's, 6d. reddish-purple ''C. 13'' control block of 4 with ''BUNGAY/27 FE/14'' c.d.s's, , 1913 watermark multiple cypher 1d. (2) with contempoary c.d.s's, etc., also a few Seahorses incl. 1931 (Jan.) ''LEEDS/West Street'' (''Street'' overprinted ''park'') parcel post label bearing Bradbury 2s.6d. and 1924–26 6d. etc.
3275 | £250
King George V: British Post Offices in Constantinople: 1912–21 collection of Army and British Post Office cancellations on unoverprinted and overprinted Royal cypher issues, with many blocks, pieces, comprehensive lot, neatly written up. (103 items).
3278 | £120
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher coils, 1/2d. and 1d. in vertical strips of six, each showing coil joins, only mounted on top stamps. S.G. Spec. N14ra, N16r.
3279 | £300
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1/2d. very pale green, a very fine and fresh mint block of four, lower pair unmounted mint. Photocopy of R.P.S. certificate (1988). S.G. Spec. N14(4), cat. £830+. Photo.
3280 | £200
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1/2d. very deep green, a very fine and fresh unmounted mint lower marginal example. Photocopy of R.P.S. certificate (1982) for strip from which this comes. S.G. Spec. N14(5), cat. £250. Photo.
3281 | £4500
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1/2d. very yellow (''Cyprus'') green, an exceptionally fine and fresh mint example with the faintest trace of a hinge. Photocopy of R.P.S. certificate (1974) for pair of which this is the left stamp. S.G. 355, Spec. N14 (10), cat. £7,000. Photo.
3282 | £50
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1/2d. bright yellow-green, fine unmounted mint strip of three from lower-left corner of sheet with ''G 15'' control, corner stamp with gum crease. R.P.S. Certificate (1988). S.G. Spec. N14(11), cat £225 as singles.
3283 | £85
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1/2d. deep blue (''Myrtle'') green, superb unmounted mint. Photocopy of R.P.S. certificate. S.G. Spec. N14(15), cat. £275. Photo.
3284 | £420
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1/2d. deep blue (''Myrtle) green'', a superb unmounted mint upper left corner copy (mounted in margin), a considerably deeper shade than the previous lot. Photocopy of R.P.S. certificate (2007). Photo.
3285 | £270
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1/2d. deep cobalt-green, a very fine and fresh mint ''T 22'' corner marginal control strip of three, right stamp unmounted. Photocopy of R.P.S. certificate (1987). S.G. Spec. N14(18), cat. £975+. Photo.
3286 | £1500
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher Medal Head Master die proof stage 4b for the 1d. and 21/2d., in deep rose-red on proof paper (72 x 106mm), very fine. S.G. Spec. vol. 2, page 178, cat. £2,200. Photo.
3287 | £1650
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1d. set of eight 1912 colour trials A to H (blue geranium), on gummed watermarked paper and with red handstamps on reverse identifying each by code letter, a few slight bends and ''F'' with small tone spot on gum, otherwise fine fresh and lightly mounted, a scarce group. S.G. Spec. vol. 2, page 192, cat. £2,500. Photo.
3289 | £150
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1d. scarlet, an unmounted mint upper left corner marginal example showing a most unusual dry printing leaving much of the King's face omitted, small tone spots on gum, otherwise fine. S.G. 357var. Photo.
3291 | £290
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1d. dull brick-red with watermark inverted in a superb unmounted mint booklet pane of six with exceptional perfs. R.P.S. certificate (1975) states 'dull shade'. S.G. Spec. N16(5)b (NB7a). Photo.
3292 | £130
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1d. deep brick red with watermark inverted in a superb unmounted mint ''N 19'' corner marginal control strip of three. R.P.S. certificate (1987). S.G. Spec. N16(6)b
3293 | £480
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1d. pink, an exceptionally fine and fresh unmounted mint block of four, usual minor gum wrinkles. R.P.S. certificate (1977). S.G. Spec. N16(10), cat. £1,400+. Photo.
3294 | £130
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1d. pink, a very fresh unmounted mint upper right corner marginal example from lower pane showing marginal pillars, diagonal gum crease, otherwise fine. Clear R.P.S. certificate (1988). S.G. Spec. N16(10), cat. £350. Photo.
3295 | £45
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1d. deep carmine-red, unmounted mint horizontal strip of three, from booklet pane, straight edges at top and at right, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. N16(13).
3296 | £520
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1d. deep carmine-red, a fine and fresh mint ''N 19'' corner marginal control strip of three, perfs. reinforced with hinge between right stamp and margin, centre stamp part hinge remainders, left stamp unmounted. R.P.S. certificate (1986). S.G. Spec. N16(13). Photo.
3297 | £110
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1d. deep carmine-red, a fine and fresh mint ''N 19'' control example, minor natural gum bends. R.P.S. certificate (1986). S.G. Spec. N16(13). Photo.
3298 | £500
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1d. scarlet-vermilion in a very fresh mint lower right corner marginal ''C 13'' control block of four, three stamps very fine unmounted, the mounted stamp with tiny tone spots on one or two perfs. R.P.S. certificate (1988) states 'Pale shade'. S.G. Spec. N16(14). Photo.
3299 | £480
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1d. orange-vermilion, an exceptionally fine and fresh unmounted mint lower right corner marginal ''C 14'' control block of six (3 x 2, mounted in margin). R.P.S. certificate (1987). S.G. Spec. N16(15), cat. £1,200+. Photo.
3300 | £200
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1d. orange-vermilion in a very fine and fresh mint ''P 20'' control block of four, three stamps unmounted (one with tiny tone spot on one perf.), natural gum wrinkles. Clear R.P.S. certificate (1988). S.G. Spec. N16(15), cat. £750+. Photo.
3303 | £1350
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1d. deep orange-vermilion in an exceptionally fine and fresh mint lower right corner marginal ''M 19'' control block of six (3 x 2), five stamps unmounted, usual minor natural gum wrinkles. R.P.S. certificate (1988). S.G. Spec. N16(16), cat. £2,725+. Photo.
3304 | £140
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1d. deep orange-vermilion very fine mint. R.P.S. certificate (1980). S.G. Spec. N16(16), cat. £350. Photo.
3305 | £140
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1d. deep orange-vermilion, fine and fresh lightly mounted mint from foot of sheet, minor gum bend. Clear R.P.S. Certificate (1988). S.G. Spec. N16(16). Photo.
3306 | £140
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1d. deep orange-vermilion with watermark inverted, very fine and fresh lightly mounted marginal mint from top of pane. S.G. Spec. N16(16). Photo.
3307 | £700
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1d. deep orange-vermilion printed in varnish ink, a lightly mounted mint lower marginal example of typical 'blotchy' appearance, light horizontal bend, otherwise fine and rare. Clear R.P.S. certificate (1970 and 2001). S.G. Spec. N16(16)g, cat. £2,500. Photo.
3308 | £480
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1d. orange-red, an unusual unlisted shade which fluoresces very deep plum, very fine unmounted mint. R.P.S. certificate (1988) states 'Orange-red - unlisted shade'. Photo.
3309 | £3500
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1d. orange-red, a distinctive and unlisted shade, in an exceptionally fine and fresh mint lower right corner marginal ''L 18'' control block of six (3 x 2), five stamps unmounted, very rare. R.P.S. certificate (1988) states 'N16(15) orange-red - unlisted shade'. Photo.
3310 | £190
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1d. in a striking and most unusual intense orange-red shade, one short perf. at upper right otherwise fine and fresh mint. R.P.S. certificates (1984 and 1988) both stating 'orange-vermilion'. Photo.
3311 | £2900
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1d. 'signal red' uncatalogued shade, a superb mint block of four, lower pair unmounted, stunning colour. R.P.S. certificate (1977) states 'is genuine uncatalogued shade ''Signal Red'''. Photo.
3312 | £300
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1d. 'signal red' uncatalogued shade, a very fine and fresh mint example. R.P.S. certificate (1987). Photo.
3313 | £500
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1d. in a very deep unlisted shade similar to 'signal red', very fine and fresh unmounted, most unusual. R.P.S. certificate (1989) states 'Uncatalogued deep shade'. Photo.
3316 | £290
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1d. pale scarlet 1922 Somerset House experimental coil printing, fine mint showing part coil leader or end join on reverse at top, perfs. a little trimmed at left, very scarce. R.P.S. certificate (1989). S.G. Spec. N17A. Photo.
3317 | £150
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1d. pale scarlet 1922 Somerset House experimental coil printing, a distinctive blotchy print, a scarce used example, perfs. a little ragged at right, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. N17A. Photo.
3319 | £85
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 11/2d. very deep red-brown with watermark inverted, fine and fresh mint, a little heavily mounted. R.P.S. certificate (1976). S.G. Spec. N18(4)b. Photo.
3321 | £120
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 11/2d. chocolate very fine and fresh mint. R.P.S. certificate (1974). S.G. Spec. N18(7), cat. £275. Photo.
3322 | £50
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 11/2d. chocolate, fine mint, pencil notes on reverse, R.P.S. certificate (1976). S.G. Spec. N18(7), cat. £275. Photo.
3323 | £200
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 11/2d. brown, a fine and fresh mint lower marginal example, a little heavily mounted. R.P.S. certificate (1974). S.G. Spec. N18(8), cat. £375. Photo.
3324 | £400
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 11/2d. pale brown, a very fine and fresh unmounted mint marginal example. R.P.S. certificate (1974). S.G. Spec. N18(9), cat. £550. Photo.
3326 | £110
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 11/2d. bright orange-brown, a lower marginal single with R.P.S. certificate (1974) stating 'very bright shade', and an ''O 20'' corner marginal control strip of three, very fine mint, control stamp unmounted, R.P.S. certificate (1988). (4). S.G. Spec. N18(16), cat. £235+. Photo.
3329 | £600
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 2d. intense bright orange, very fine and fresh mint. Ex Frank Stott. R.P.S. certificate (1975). S.G. Spec. N19(9). Photo.
3332 | £450
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 21/2d. cobalt-violet-blue, an exceptionally fine and fresh mint block of four in a very deep shade, most attractive, three stamps unmounted. R.P.S. certificate (1988) states 'very deep shade'. S.G. Spec. N21(2). Photo.
3333 | £200
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 21/2d. deep bright blue in an exceptionally fresh unmounted mint corner marginal ''H 16'' control pair (mounted in margin). the control stamp with internal paper crease or wrinkle noted as 'creased' on R.P.S. certificate (1972). S.G. Spec. N21(5). Photo.
3335 | £650
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 21/2d. pale milky-blue, an exceptionally fine and fresh lightly mounted mint example. R.P.S. certificate (1988). S.G. Spec. N21(7), cat. £1,000. Photo.
3336 | £980
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 21/2d. indigo-blue on toned paper, a top marginal example, very fine used with ''BRITISH POST OFFICE/CONSTANTINOPLE/16 SP/20'' c.d.s. on printed advertising envelope to U.S.A., very rare. R.P.S. certificate (1989). S.G. Spec. N21(15). Photo.
3337 | £100
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 21/2d. Royal blue, a very fine and fresh unmounted mint lower left corner marginal example (tiny gum blemishes). R.P.S. certificate (1992, and earlier undated for pair). S.G. Spec. N21(16). Photo.
3338 | £170
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 21/2d. Royal blue, a fine mint pair. R.P.S. certificate (1988). S.G. Spec. N21(16), cat. £600. Photo.
3339 | £2400
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 21/2d. indigo-blue, a fine fresh unmounted mint ''O 20'' control copy, faint natural gum wrinkle. S.G. 373, Spec. N21(14), cat. £4,000+. Photo.
3340 | £2000
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 21/2d. dull Prussian blue in an exceptionally fine and fresh mint corner marginal ''R 21'' control strip of three, left pair unmounted, most attractive and rare. R.P.S. certificate (1987). S.G. 373a, Spec. N21(17), cat. £4,200. Photo.
3340 | £500
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 21/2d. dull Prussian blue, a fine mint example very scarce. R.P.S. certificate (1979). S.G. 373a, Spec. N21(17), cat. £1,000. Photo.
3341 | £95
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 3d. very pale violet, fine mint. R.P.S. certificate (1975). S.G. Spec. N22(5), cat. £200. Photo.
3342 | £230
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 4d. deep bluish-slate-green, a very fine and fresh unmounted mint ''B.13'' (perf.) control single of this uncatalogued shade. R.P.S. certificate (1999) states 'N23var 4d. deep bluish slate green' and with pencil memo 'only occurs on control B13'. Photo.
3343 | £290
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 5d. ochre-brown, a very fine unmounted mint ''K 17'' control single. R.P.S. certificate (1974) for pair, states 'pale shade'. S.G. Spec. N25(4). Photo.
3344 | £650
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 5d. bistre-brown, an exceptional deep shade, in a very fine and fresh unmounted mint corner marginal ''S 21'' control strip of three. R.P.S. certificate (1976) states 'deep shade'. S.G. Spec. N25(6). Photo.
3345 | £150
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 8d. in a most unusual deep intense black shade on yellow paper leaving the shading behind the head virtually solid, normal black on yellow for comparison, very fine and fresh mint. S.G. Spec. N28(1)var. Photo.
3346 | £290
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 9d. very deep agate exceptionally fine and fresh mint, perfs. between stamp and margin almost detached, possibly unmounted. R.P.S. certificate (1988). S.G. Spec. N29(4). Photo.
3347 | £260
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 9d. very deep agate fine and fresh mint. R.P.S. certificate (1988). S.G. Spec. N29(4), cat. £400. Photo.
3348 | £270
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 9d. very deep agate fine and fresh mint. R.P.S. certificate (1976). S.G. Spec. N29(4), cat. £400. Photo.
3349 | £250
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 9d. pale olive-green in a very fine and fresh mint upper right corner marginal block of four (margin trimmed at right), two stamps unmounted, an excellent example of the shade. S.G. 393b, Spec. N30(2), cat. £740. Photo.
3350 | £280
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1s., the S.G. listed shades Spec. N32(1) to N32(9), mainly fine to very fine mint, all with R.P.S. certificates (1990–2007) except shades (2) and (3) and (6) with photocopy of certificate for larger multiple from which it comes. (9).
3351 | £300
King George V: 1912–24 watermark Royal cypher 1s. deep bronze-brown exceptionally fine and fresh mint, unmounted except for tiny gum blemish. R.P.S. certificate (1990). S.G. Spec. N32(10). Photo.
3352 | £270
King George V: 1913 watermark multiple cypher 1/2d. and 1d., fine unmounted mint, excellent perfs. S.G. 397 & 398, cat. £600. Photo.
3353 | £160
King George V: 1913 watermark multiple cypher 1/2d. green and 1d. scarlet fine mint. S.G. 397. 398, cat. £375. Photo.
3354 | £120
King George V: 1913 watermark multiple cypher 1/2d. and 1d., fine mint. S.G. 397, 398, cat. £375. Photo.
3355 | £1000
King George V: 1913–34 Seahorses: A used selection, incl. 1913 Waterlow 10s., £1 green and £1 dull blue-green, 1915 De La Rue 10s. (3), etc., varied condition. (21). Photo.
3356 | £2100
King George V: 1913–34 Seahorses: A mint and used selection, incl. 1913 Waterlow 5s. and 10s. mint (2), 5s. used block of four, 1915 De La Rue 10s. blue mint, 1934 re-engraved set mint, 10s. used (5), 1918-19 Bradbury 5s. and 10s. mint, etc., varied condition. (28).
3357 | £1100
King George V: 1913–34 Seahorses: A collection on leaves with mint 1913 Waterlow 2s.6d. (2), 5s. and 10s., 1915 De La Rue 2s.6d. (3), 5s., 1918-19 Bradbury, Wilkinson 2s.6d. to 10s., range of used incl. Waterlow 10s., De La Rue 10s. (3), etc., varied condition. (31).
3358 | £1450
King George V: 1913–34 Seahorses: 1913 Waterlow 2s.6d. to £1 overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 26, mainly very fine and fresh with gum, each with small red circular ownerhip handstamp on gum, the 5s. with natural gum bends, the £1 is exceptional. (4). S.G. Concise S179-182, cat. £4,900. Photo.
3360 | £5200
King George V: 1913–34 Seahorses: 1913 Waterlow 10s. indigo-blue very fine and fresh unmounted mint block of four. S.G. 402, cat. £8,000 as singles. Photo.
3361 | £350
King George V: 1913–34 Seahorses: 1913 Waterlow 10s. indigo-blue, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 402, cat. £2,000. Photo.
3362 | £380
King George V: 1913–34 Seahorses: 1913 Waterlow 10s. indigo-blue fine and fresh mint horizontal pair from left of sheet, superf colour. S.G. 402, cat. £1,900. Photo.
3363 | £600
King George V: 1913–34 Seahorses: 1913 Waterlow 10s. indigo-blue, used block of four, each with neat ''GUERNSEY'' c.d.s's., few short perfs otherwise very fine and attractive. S.G. 402, cat. £1,800 as singles. Photo.
3364 | £180
King George V: 1913–34 Seahorses: 1913 Waterlow 10s. indigo-blue very fine used with light c.d.s., excellent perfs. S.G. 402, Spec. N69(1), cat. £450. Photo.
3365 | £1450
King George V: Seahorses: 1913 Waterlow £1 colour trial in yellowish-green overprinted ''CANCELLED'' type 24 from the National Postal Museum Archives, slight corner crease, otherwise fine with gum. Photo.
3367 | £1300
King George V: 1913–34 Seahorses: 1913 Waterlow £1 green, fine fresh mint example, well centred. S.G. 403, cat. £2,400. Photo.
3368 | £550
King George V: 1913–34 Seahorses: 1913 Waterlow £1 green exceptionally fine used with light thimble c.d.s., very well centred. S.G. 403, cat. £1,250. Photo.
3369 | £350
King George V: 1913–34 Seahorses: 1913 Waterlow £1 green used with neat ''GUERNSEY'' c.d.s., a few short perfs. otherwise fine. S.G. 403, cat £1,250. Photo.
3370 | £400
King George V: Seahorses: 1913 Waterlow £1 green, an attractive example with ''GUERNSEY/SP 2/13'' c.d.s., well centred. S.G. 403, cat. £1,250. Photo.
3371 | £700
King George V: 1913–34 Seahorses: 1913 Waterlow £1 dull blue-green, fresh unmounted mint from right of sheet, corner crease, otherwise fine, fresh appearance. S.G. 404, cat. £4,500. Photo.
3372 | £700
King George V: 1913–34 Seahorses: 1913 Waterlow £1 dull blue-green, mint, well centred, few pulled perfs, slight gum crease, otherwise fine. S.G. 404, cat. £2,400. Photo.
3373 | £170
King George V: 1913–34 Seahorses: 1915–18 De La Rue 2s.6d. sepia (seal-brown), fine unmounted mint. S.G. 408, cat. £475. Photo.
3376 | £600
King George V: 1913–34 Seahorses: 1915–18 De La Rue 10s. deep blue, fine lightly mounted mint example from lower-left corner of sheet, strong colour. S.G. 411, cat. £2,800. Photo.
3377 | £1700
King George V: 1913–34 Seahorses: 1915–18 De La Rue 10s. blue, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 412. Photo.
3378 | £800
King George V: 1913–34 Seahorses: 1915–18 De La Rue 10s. blue, in a very fine used block of four, each with lightly struck ''GUERNSEY'' c.d.s. S.G. 412, cat £2,800+. Photo.
3379 | £500
King George V: 1913–34 Seahorses: 1918 Bradbury selection, incl. 2s.6d. olive-brown overprinted ''CANCELLED'' type 24, 2s.6d. pale brown used block (4 x 2), 5s. mint, 10s. mint, used pair and single, also 1913 Waterlow 5s. imperforate plate proof on rough paper, etc., varied condition. (22).
3381 | £260
King George V: 1913–34 Seahorses: 1918 Bradbury 10s. dull grey-blue, fine and fresh unmounted mint from top-right of sheet. S.G. 417, cat. £800. Photo.
3382 | £150
King George V: 1913–34 Seahorses: 1918 Bradbury 10s. dull grey-blue, fine and fresh unmounted mint. S.G. 417, cat. £800. Photo.
3385 | £350
King George V: 1913–34 Seahorses: 1934 re-engraved 2s.6d., 5s. and 10s. fine unmounted mint. S.G. 450-452, cat. £1,000. Photo.
3386 | £340
King George V: 1913–34 Seahorses: 1934 re-engraved 2s.6d., 5s. and 10s. unmounted mint with very faintly toned gum. (3). S.G. 450-452. Photo.
3387 | £500
King George V: 1913–34 Seahorses: 1934 re-engraved 2s.6d., 5s. and 10s. in mint pairs, one of each is unmounted, usual slightly toned gum, mainly fine. S.G. 450-452, cat. £1,575. Photo.
3388 | £350
King George V: 1913–34 Seahorses: 1934 re-engraved mint and used sets, also set in used blocks of four and extra 2s.6d. (2) and 10s., good to fine.
3389 | £2100
King George V: 1924–26 watermark block cypher 1/2d. to 1s., a mainly good to fine mint collection of controls, mostly singles with better incl. 1/2d. ''F 26'' and ''G 27'' perf., 1d. ''D 25'' imperf., 11/2d. ''E. 26'' Somerset House emergency printing corner strip of three (right stamp corner perf. fault but the control pair fine), 21/2d. (13), 3d. (13), 4d. (15 incl. ''W 35''), 5d. (18 incl. ''T 33''), 6d. chalky (6, incl. ''Y 36''), 6d. ordinary (33, incl. ''B 37'' imperf., ''D 38'' imperf. and perf.), 9d. complete incl. ''A 24'' imperf. with watermark inverted, ''V 34'' imperf. with printing flaw on head, 10d. (18 incl. ''O 31'' strip, ''Q 32'' single, ''U 34'' and ''V 34'' imperf. singles and ''W 35'' strip), 1s. (17 incl. ''B 24'' and ''S 33'' imperf. singles, ''V 34'' perf. single). Photo.
3390 | £1400
King George V: 1924–26 watermark block cypher 1/2d. to 1s., the collection formed by Dr. Cronk, mainly good to fine mint with a comprehensive representation of shades and printings with values to 5d. (12), 6d. (20), 9d. (23 with all listed shades in control strips), 10d. (9), 1s. (12); varieties incl. 1/2d. with almost complete offset on reverse, 1d. (8 with a marginal block of four and ''B 24'' control strip) 11/2d. on experimental paper, 11/2d. tête-bêche pair; also a range of used with some covers incl. 1934 (Oct.) envelope to Australia with 1d. (2) cancelled ''BUCKINGHAM PALACE'' single circle c.d.s's, 1930 (Sept.) p.p.c. with 1d. cancelled ''BALMORAL-CASTLE'' c.d.s., 1/2d. and 1d. on front with negative ''WONERSH'' mailbag seals, etc.
3393 | £50
King George V: 1924–26 watermark block cypher 11/2d. red-brown pair and single overprinted ''CANCELLED'' type 33, fine with gum. S.G. Spec. N35y.
3394 | £200
King George V: 1924–26 watermark block cypher 11/2d. red-brown tête-bêche pair fine mint with large part original gum. S.G. 420a, cat. £500. Photo.
3395 | £210
King George V: 1924–26 watermark block cypher 11/2d. brown tête-bêche pair, fine mint. S.G. 420a, cat. £500. Photo.
3396 | £230
King George V: 1924–26 watermark block cypher 11/2d. red-brown variety printed on the gummed side, fine and fresh. S.G. 420c, cat. £550. Photo.
3398 | £880
King George V: 1924–26 watermark block cypher 21/2d. blue variety no watermark, fine mint. S.G. 422a, Spec. N37a, cat. £1,600. Photo.
3400 | £170
King George V: 1924–26 watermark block cypher 1s. variety watermark inverted mint, a few nibbled perfs. otherwise fine. S.G. 429Wi, cat. £375. Photo.
3401 | £150
King George V: 1924–26 watermark block cypher 1s. variety watermark inverted fine used. S.G. 429Wi, cat. £350. Photo.
3405 | £90
King George V: 1929 P.U.C. 1/2d., 1d. and 11/2d. with watermarks sideways, fine unmounted mint with excellent perfs. S.G. 434a-436a, cat. £290.
3406 | £140
King George V: 1929 P.U.C. 1/2d. green with watermark inverted from sheet issue, a fine unmounted mint block of six from top-right corner of sheet. S.G. 434wi.
3407 | £90
King George V: 1929 P.U.C. 11/2d. purple-brown [R2/5] ''1829'' for ''1929'' variety used on piece, also another single on piece showing blob in ''1'' of ''1929''(small surface fault), and vertical pair on piece one with broken ''A'' in ''POSTAL'', fair to fine. S.G. 436var.
3410 | £50
King George V: 1929 P.U.C. 11/2d. used block of four, one with variety ''Q'' for ''O'', trimmed perfs at base (incl. variety), otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. NCom7d.
3411 | £500
King George V: 1929 P.U.C. £1 black, unmounted mint from right of sheet, few minor gum wrinkles, otherwise fine. S.G. 438, cat. £1,000. Photo.
3412 | £400
King George V: 1929 P.U.C. £1 black unmounted mint with slightly 'off-white' gum, otherwise fine and very well centred. S.G. 438. Photo.
3413 | £400
King George V: 1929 P.U.C. £1 black, unmounted mint, toned gum, otherwise fine. S.G. 438, cat £1,000. Photo.
3414 | £300
King George V: 1929 P.U.C. £1 black, mint from base of sheet, few gum creases, otherwise fine. S.G. 438. Photo.
3416 | £1050
King George V: 1929 P.U.C. £1 black, a very fine used block of four with light ''29 Ju/29'' c.d.s's. S.G. 438. Photo.
3417 | £300
King George V: 1929 P.U.C. £1 black fine used with neat ''GUERNSEY'' c.d.s. S.G. 438. Photo.
3418 | £300
King George V: 1929 P.U.C. £1 black, fine used with ''GUERNSEY'' c.d.s. S.G. 438, cat £550. Photo.
3422 | £130
King George V: 1934–36 photogravure 11/2d. large format imperforate colour trial in scarlet, a block of four, fine and fresh with gum (unmounted, gum wrinkles). S.G. Spec. N51, cat. £500 (2005). Photo.
3423 | £400
King George V: 1934–36 photogravure 11/2d. intermediate format overprinted ''CANCELLED'' type 33 in a block of four, clipped perfs at top, lower pair fine unmounted mint. S.G. Spec. N52u, unpriced. Photo.
3427 | £1150
King George V: Booklets and Booklet Panes: 1924 (Feb.) 2s. booklet no. 1 exceptionally fine and fresh, the advert pane is S.G. Spec. NB9a(1), perfs. vary as usual. S.G. BB11, cat. £1,800. Photo.
3428 | £480
King George V: Booklets and Booklet Panes: 1924 (June) 2s. booklet no. 8 exceptionally fine and fresh, excellent perfs, the advert pane is S.G. Spec. NB15a(1a with text inverted). S.G. BB12, cat. £750. Photo.
3429 | £220
King George V: Booklets and Booklet Panes: 1929 P.U.C. 2s. booklet no. 103, exceptionally fine and fresh, the advert pane is S.G. Spec. NComB4(4), average perfs. S.G. BB13, cat. £550. Photo.
3430 | £170
King George V: Booklets and Booklet Panes: 1931 (Aug.) 5s. booklet, edition no. 1, has one 1/2d. , two 1d. and ten 11/2d. stamps missing from this very scarce booklet. S.G. BB33. Photo.
3431 | £230
King George V Booklets: Booklets and Booklet Panes: 1934 (March) 3s. booklet no. 280, all panes upright watermarks, good to fine perfs. S.G. BB26, cat £525. Photo.
3432 | £210
King George V: Booklets and Booklet Panes: 1935 (July) photogravure 5s. booklet, edition no. 15 complete, fine, good appearance. S.G. BB37, cat £500. Photo.
3435 | £260
King Edward VIII: 1928 proof of ''Prince of Wales'' head, engraved by Royal Mint staff engraver C.G. Lewis and ex his personal archive, in black on glazed paper (18 x 20mm), lettered 'D' in ink, mounted on thick grey surfaced card (52 x 90mm), endorsed 'PORTRAIT HEAD/PRINCE OF WALES/PROOF OF DIE/CUT BY LEWIS/16.8.28.'', very fine. B.P.A. certificate (2008) states 'not allocated to any specific country or stamp issue, is genuine'. Photo.
3436 | £350
King George VI: 1937–47 mainly good to fine mint collection of controls in an album with 1937–47 to 7d. (32), 8d. (28), 9d. (25), 10d. (31), 1s. (18), with singles, pairs, strips and blocks, also a few used. (100s).
3437 | £250
King George VI: 1937–51 collection of commemoratives with plate varieties, mostly in mint cylinder or positional blocks, etc., also a few 1935 Silver Jubilee. (500).
3438 | £190
King George VI: 1937 to 1951 mint collection on leaves with commemoratives and definitives complete, with sideways watermarks, 1948 Wedding £1 mounted, all others apparently unmounted. (72).
3442 | £320
King George VI: 1939–48 £1 brown in a complete sheet (8 x 5) fine unmounted mint. S.G. 478b, cat. £800 as singles.
3443 | £140
King George VI: 1940 Centenary, collection of covers, incl. 1937 forerunners, London and Bournemouth special cancels, Pitcairn, Lundy, etc. (24 items).
3444 | £20
King George VI: 1948 Silver Wedding set, fine used on plain f.d.c.
3445 | £220
King George VI: 1948 Wedding £1 a complete (folded) sheet of twenty, very minor bends on several stamps otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 494
3446 | £200
King George VI: 1948 Wedding £1 a complete unmounted mint (folded) sheet of twenty, some minor imperfections on stamps and in margins, though majority are fine. S.G. 494
3447 | £200
King George VI: 1948 Wedding £1 a complete unmounted mint (folded) sheet of twenty, some minor imperfections on stamps and in margins, though majority are fine. S.G. 494
3448 | £200
King George VI: 1948 Wedding £1 a complete unmounted mint (folded) sheet of twenty, some small imperfections on stamps and in margins, though majority are fine. S.G. 494
3449 | £70
King George VI: 1948 Silver Wedding £1 unmounted mint and used corner blocks of four. (8).
3450 | £75
King George VI: 1948 Olympic Games sets (4) and 1951 Festival low value sets (6) used on illustrated f.d.c's, fair to fine.
3452 | £380
King George VI: 1951 £1 brown a complete folded sheet of forty, some stamps with minor bends though majority are fine and fresh. S.G. 512
3453 | £680
King George VI: Booklets and Booklet Panes: 1938 (May) 5s. booklet no. 21 advertisers voucher copy dated ''31 MAY 1938'' on front cover and with all panes overprinted ''CANCELLED'' type 33p, with wmks. inverted except for the 1d. pane upright, most with some perfs. clipped, covers slightly soiled, rare. S.G. BD24, cat. £1,295 (as panes). Photo.
3455 | £650
Queen Elizabeth II: A collection of decimal booklets in six albums and stockbooks in a carton incl. folded, Prestige 1972 £1 (2) to 2004 with duplicates, also f.d.c's of Prestige panes, wide range of window books, self-adhesive, Greetings, duplicates, some cylinder numbers, also 1966 to 1974 commemoratives in sheets and large multiples, and miniature sheets, in further binders, etc. (100s).
3456 | £580
Queen Elizabeth II: 1952 to 1970 collection on leaves, all apparently unmounted mint with Wildings incl. Tudor and St. Edward's Crown sets, graphites, phosphor-graphites incl. 2d. error of wmk., sideways wmks., Castle sets complete, commemoratives complete with phosphor sets, Machins, regionals, etc. (few 100s).
3457 | £300
Queen Elizabeth II: 1971-94 unmounted mint collection of commemorative issues with many sets in both cylinder blocks of six or eight and traffic light blocks of six. (100's)
3458 | £480
Queen Elizabeth II: A Q.E. II mainly mint (majority unmounted) collection in four hingless Lighthouse albums with strength in decimal issues with commemorative sets, Machins with high values, Regionals, etc. (many 100's)
3459 | £190
Queen Elizabeth II: A mainly fine unmounted mint collection of commemorative issues in two stockbooks incl. early phosphors, many decimal sets in multiples with some gutter pairs, also a few earlier issues and a selection of Wildings, etc. (100's)
3460 | £150
Queen Elizabeth II: Collections and Mixed Lots: 1963-73 selection of covers (10), mainly first day with 1963 F.F.H., Red Cross (West Wellow and signed by the vicar), Cable and 1964 Botanical ordinary and phosphor sets on single covers, 1965 B.O.B. ordinary set (Biggin Hill, signed by Douglas Bader), 1966 Landscapes ordinary set on separate pre-release (April 29th) covers with ''LUTON'' machine cancellations, also 1940 Centenary set on commemorative first day cover.
3461 | £240
Queen Elizabeth II: Collections and Mixed Lots: 1958-78 mainly fine unmounted mint selection of varieties incl. 1958-65 watermark crowns 3d. tête-bêche pair, 1966 Hastings (ordinary) 4d. strip with grey omitted, 1966 Christmas 3d. with fine gold shift, 1969 Cathedrals 1s.6d. with 11mm shift of black, 1971 Ulster 9p. traffic light block of 6 with single broad phosphor band at left, 1972 Explorers 3p. pair and single with different bright blue shifts, 1978 Coronation Anniversary 13p imperforate pair with gold omitted. (10 items).
3462 | £230
Queen Elizabeth II: Collections and Mixed Lots: A mainly fine unmounted mint collection of definitive and commemorative varieties with missing phosphors incl. Machin 11/2p., 6p. light emerald, 9p. yellow-orange and black, 1971 Architecture set, also Machin 10p with variety orange-brown omitted, misplaced phosphors, etc. (300)
3463 | £130
Queen Elizabeth II: A collection of Q.E.II illustrated f.d.c's in eleven albums with commemoarative sets incl. early phosphors, later with some special handstamps, definitive issues with some booklet panes, also two albums of presenation packs, etc. (100's)
3465 | £130
Queen Elizabeth II: Collections and Mixed Lots: Selection incl. 1958–65 wmk. crowns 3d. tête-bêche pair unmounted mint with faintly toned gum, 1967–70 Machin 5d. (cylinder 10) imperforate block of four fine unmounted mint, also a few others. (17).
3466 | £50
Queen Elizabeth II: Collections and Mixed Lots: A selection of Year books in a box, incl. 1984, 1987, 1989, 1991 (2), 92 and 1995. Cat £367.
3467 | £50
Queen Elizabeth II: Collections and Mixed Lots: 1972-79 collection of unmounted mint gutter blocks of four with traffic lights in an album.
3468 | £1000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1952 21/2d. type I, a die proof in carmine on stout card (27 x 31mm) with part embossed albino ''LONDON'' circular device, dated '3/1/52' in red on reverse, small imperfections but a very rare proof. Ex Shaida. Photo.
3471 | £300
Queen Elizabeth II: 1958 De La Rue 2s.6d. to £1 set fine unmounted mint, also a second set (2s.6d. with corner fault) mounted mint. (8). S.G. 536a–539a.
3480 | £220
Queen Elizabeth II: 1959 (Aug.) 3s. booklets (2) with graphite lines, 1959 (July) 5s. booklet with graphite lines, mixed perfs. S.G. M13g, H39g. Photo.
3481 | £170
Queen Elizabeth II: 1959 (Aug.) 3s. graphite lined booklet complete, the 3d. pane has watermark inverted, others upright, the 11/2d. pane with excellent perfs. S.G. M13g, cat £690 as panes.
3482 | £150
Queen Elizabeth II: 1960 (Feb.) 3s. graphite lined booklet, the 1/2d. and 3d. panes with inverted watermarks, others upright, 11/2d. pane has very good perfs. S.G. M19g, cat £646 as panes.
3484 | £400
Queen Elizabeth II: 1960–67 phosphor 9d. bronze-green, a top marginal block of four variety imperforate between stamps and sheet margin, fine unmounted mint, very scarce. S.G. Spec. S128a, EC (2005) F271IMa - 12 known. Photo.
3485 | £4200
Queen Elizabeth II: 1961 P.O.S.B. 21/2d. variety red omitted unmounted mint, with black slightly misplaced, fine and rare. S.G. 623Bvar, EC GB1246MCb - 2 known, cat. £6,000. Photo.
3486 | £250
Queen Elizabeth II: 1961 P.O.S.B. 21/2d. top of sheet block of 21 (7 x 3) repaired with printer's tape and some crossed with pen marks, creasing, printer's waste. S.G. 623var. Photo.
3487 | £270
Queen Elizabeth II: 1961 P.O.S.B. (Timson) 3d., variety orange-brown omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 624Aa, EC GB1248MCa, cat. £425. Photo.
3488 | £200
Queen Elizabeth II: 1961 P.O.S.B. (Timson) 3d. variety orange-brown omitted, fine unmounted mint with margin at left (folded). S.G. 624Aa, EC GB1248MCa, cat. £425. Photo.
3489 | £1800
Queen Elizabeth II: 1961 C.E.P.T. 10d. bottom margin vertical pair, lower stamp variety turquoise omitted and upper stamp partially so, largely rejoined with a hinge on reverse but rare. S.G. 628b, cat. £4,250+, EC GB1256MCb - 24 known, cat. £5,500+. Photo.
3492 | £10000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1961 Parliamentary Conference 1s.3d. variety green omitted, the unique lower left corner example with a few tiny specks of green towards the top and right of the stamp, a couple of light bends otherwise fine unmounted mint, rare, Brandon Certificate (2000). S.G. 630b, unpriced, EC GB1260MCb - 1 known, cat. £12,500. Photo.
3493 | £270
Queen Elizabeth II: 1962 N.P.Y. 21/2d. imperforate block of four without gum, with blackish olive omitted, also 3d. imperf. top margin single, both without gum, printer's waste. S.G. 631var, 632var. Photo.
3494 | £130
Queen Elizabeth II: 1962 N.P.Y. (ordinary) 3d. in a left of sheet mint block of six (3 x 2, folded along horizontal perfs.) showing a progressive deterioration of the light blue printing with is also shifted downwards, mounted on two stamps, unusual. S.G. 632var. Photo.
3497 | £100
Queen Elizabeth II: 1963 Nature Week 3d., an unmounted mint lower left corner marginal vertical pair, the lower stamp partially imperforate due to a paper fold, perfs. separated between top stamp and margin, and faults in margin at left, otherwise fine. Photo.
3498 | £5800
Queen Elizabeth II: 1963 Lifeboat (ordinary) set in imperforate imprimatur vertical pairs, superb with gum (unmounted). (6). S.G. 639–641. Photo.
3499 | £3000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1963 Cable (ordinary) 1s.6d. variety black omitted, in a fine unmounted mint pair with normal, rare. S.G. 645a, cat. £5,500, EC GB1290MCa - 22 known. Photo.
3500 | £150
Queen Elizabeth II: 1964 Shakespeare (phosphor) 1s.3d. variety watermark inverted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 648pWi, cat. £175. EC GB1296WEb, cat. £300. Photo.
3501 | £1300
Queen Elizabeth II: 1964 Geographical (ordinary) 4d. variety violet (face value) and red-brown (dock walls) omitted, in a lower left corner cylinder block of four with ''1D'' and ''1A'' missing, a couple of gum wrinkles otherwise fine unmounted mint, a rare multiple, with normal block for comparison. S.G. 652c, cat. £1,800+, EC GB1304MCb, cat. (cyl. block) £2,550. Photo.
3502 | £300
Queen Elizabeth II: 1964 Geographical (ordinary) 4d. variety watermark inverted, fine unmounted mint with margin at right, very scarce. S.G. 652Wi, cat. £850, EC GB1304WEa - circa 30 known. Photo.
3503 | £5000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1964 Geographical (ordinary) 8d. variety green (lawn) omitted mint, mounted at top left, fine and very rare. S.G. 653a, cat. £14,000, EC GB1306MCa - 5 known mint. Photo.
3504 | £580
Queen Elizabeth II: 1964 Botanical (ordinary) 1s.3d. variety watermark inverted unmounted mint. a few short perfs. at top otherwise fine and rare. S.G. 658Wi, cat. £1,400, EC GB1316WEa - 10 known. Photo.
3506 | £210
Queen Elizabeth II: 1964 Forth Road Bridge (ordinary) 6d. variety black printed double, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 660var., EC (2005) F199MIa - circa 12 known. Photo.
3507 | £320
Queen Elizabeth II: 1964 Forth Road Bridge (phosphor) 6d. variety watermark inverted, a top left corner example, fine unmounted mint small crease in left sheet margin, very scarce. S.G. 660pWi, cat. £800, EC GB1320WEb - circa 30 known. Photo.
3508 | £1200
Queen Elizabeth II: 1965 Churchill (ordinary) 4d. vertical strip of six with a dramatic inking flaw leaving the upper half of the top stamp completely blank incl. the Queen's head, the fifth stamp with additional black obscuring the value, fine unmounted mint, a striking multiple. S.G. 661var. Photo.
3509 | £4000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1965 Parliament (ordinary) set in imperforate imprimatur vertical pairs, superb with gum (unmounted). (4). S.G. 663–664. Photo.
3510 | £500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1965 Parliament (ordinary) 6d. top left corner single variety imperforate between stamp and top margin, fine unmounted mint, rare. S.G. Spec. W59a, cat. £1,250, EC F209IMa - circa 8 known. Photo.
3511 | £520
Queen Elizabeth II: 1965 Parliament 6d. (ordinary) imperforate between stamp and top margin, a very fine unmounted mint upper right corner marginal example. S.G. Spec. W59a, EC GB1326IMa, - circa 17 mint and 1 used known, cat. £1,000. Photo.
3512 | £2500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1965 Lister (phosphor) 4d. variety brown-red (tube) omitted, in a vertical strip of four with the stamp above showing partial omission and the other two normal, fine unmounted mint, rare. S.G. 667pa, cat. £4,500+, EC GB1334MCb - circa 18 known. Photo.
3513 | £400
Queen Elizabeth II: 1965 Lister (phosphor) 1s. variety watermark inverted, fine unmounted mint with margin at foot. S.G. 668pWi, cat. £300, EC GB1336WEb - circa 30 known, cat. £475. Photo.
3514 | £2800
Queen Elizabeth II: 1965 Post Office Tower (ordinary) 3d. variety olive-yellow (Tower) omitted in a fine unmounted mint pair with normal. S.G. 679a, cat. £4,000+, GB1358MCa - circa 30 mint known. Photo.
3517 | £4200
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Burns (ordinary) set in imperforate imprimatur vertical pairs, superb with gum (unmounted). (4). S.G. 685–686. Photo.
3519 | £65
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 World Cup (ordinary) 6d. variety black omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 694a, cat. £150, EC GB1388MCa. Photo.
3520 | £70
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 World Cup (ordinary) 6d. variety black omitted, fine used. S.G. 694a, unpriced used, EC GB1388MCa. Photo.
3521 | £520
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Birds, a selection of varieties incl. ordinary 4d. se-tenant block of four with emerald-green omitted, two blocks of four and Gull+Robin and Robin+Blackbird pairs with reddish-brown omitted, Blue tit+Blackbird pair with bright blue omitted, a block of four with watermark inverted, phosphor cylinder block of eight with downward shift of red, block of four with 2mm upward shift of the red, another with shift of greenish-yellow, mainly fine unmounted mint, also ordinary block of four with fine downward shift of red on first day postcard. (12 items).
3522 | £2000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Birds (ordinary) 4d. se-tenant left marginal block of four variety greenish-yellow omitted, fine unmounted mint, very scarce. S.G. 696ad., EC GB1392MCc - 30 blocks known, cat. £3,600. Photo.
3523 | £1000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Birds (ordinary) 4d. se-tenant block of four variety red omitted, fine unmounted mint, very scarce. S.G. 696ae, cat. £1,800 EC GB1392MCe - circa 25 blocks known. Photo.
3524 | £1000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Birds (ordinary) 4d. se-tenant block of four variety red omitted, fine unmounted mint with margin at left, scarce. S.G. 696ae, cat. £1,800, EC GB1392MCe - circa 25 blocks known, cat. £2,000. Photo.
3526 | £280
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Birds (ordinary) 4d. variety reddish brown omitted, in a lower right corner se-tenant traffic light block of eight, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 696aj, cat. £400+, EC GB1392MCl - circa 270 blocks known, cat. (for a traffic light block of eight) £600. Photo.
3530 | £8500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Technology (ordinary) 6d. variety red (Mini-cars) omitted, fine unmounted mint with margin at left, very rare. S.G. 702a, cat. £15,000, EC GB1404MCa - 18 known.
3532 | £190
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Technology (phosphor) 6d. variety red (Mini cars) printed double, small gum bend otherwise fine unmounted mint, with margin at right showing part of the ''RED'' colour designation. S.G. 702p var. Photo.
3533 | £480
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Battle of Hastings (ordinary) 4d. se-tenant strips of six (7) showing olive-green, bistre, orange, magenta, green, blue, and grey colours omitted, normal strip for comparison. Ex Baillie. S.G. 705a/b-j (less d), cat. £2,400.
3534 | £300
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Battle of Hastings 4d., a se-tenant imperforate progressive proof strip of six in six of the nine colours, lacking magenta, green and blue, also strips of six of the single colours bistre and green, on gummed watermarked paper, very fine (unmounted), most unusual. EC (2005), F259-264PRb, Prf and PRn.
3535 | £230
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Battle of Hastings (ordinary) 1s.3d. bottom of sheet cylinder/traffic light block of 24 (6 x 4, folded) with the stamps from the third column variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, top stamp with light bend otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 712var, EC GB1424MCa - circa 150 known, cat. £500. Photo.
3536 | £300
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Christmas 3d. selection of varieties incl. ordinary strip of four with a paper join affecting two stamps, gold shifts, phosphor with gold omitted in pair with normal (folded through perfs.), etc., unmounted mint. (5 items). S.G. 713var.
3537 | £420
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Christmas (ordinary) 3d. variety Queen's head double, one albino, the gold head misplaced to right, a fine unmounted mint lower right corner marginal pair. Brandon certificate (1998, for block of four). S.G. 713ab, cat. £1,100. Photo.
3539 | £200
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Christmas (ordinary) 3d. in a lower right corner block of 12 (4 x 3, folded) with two stamps variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, another two partially affected, both variety stamps with light bends otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 713var, EC GB1426MCa - circa 160 known, cat. £250+. Photo.
3540 | £300
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Christmas (ordinary) 1s.6d. variety gold (Queen's head) and embossing omitted, fine unmounted mint, Brandon certificate (1994). S.G. 714var. Photo.
3542 | £400
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967 E.F.T.A. selection of missing colours comprising 9d. ordinary lilac omitted (2), ordinary brown omitted, phosphor green omitted (2), phosphor yellow omitted, and 1s.6d. ordinary brown omitted, mainly fine unmounted mint (7). S.G. 715b, 715d, 715pc, 715pf, 716c, cat. £845.
3543 | £320
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967 E.F.T.A. (phosphor) 9d. variety brown omitted, in a lower left corner cylinder block of eight, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 715pd, cat. £680+, EC GB1430MCg - circa 360 known. Photo.
3544 | £580
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967 E.F.T.A. (phosphor) 1s.6d. variety blue-grey omitted, in a lower left corner cylinder block of eight, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 716pd, cat. £960+, EC GB1432MCh - circa 240 known, cat. (for a cylinder block of eight) £1,275. Photo.
3545 | £190
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967 Flowers (phosphor) 4d. se-tenant block of four variety slate-purple omitted, affects the top left stamp, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 717pf, cat. £400, EC GB1434MCd - circa 50 blocks known. Photo.
3546 | £10000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967 Flowers (phosphor) 4d. se-tenant block of four variety violet omitted, affects the two right hand stamps, the unique left margin block showing this very rare error, folded through vertical perfs. otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 718pe, 720pe, unpriced, EC GB1434MCe - 1 block known, cat. £12,000. Photo.
3547 | £700
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967 Flowers (ordinary) 4d. se-tenant block of four variety reddish purple omitted, lightly mounted on top right stamp, error (lower right stamp) fine unmounted. S.G. 720c, cat. £1,900, EC GB1434MCf - circa 30 blocks known. Photo.
3548 | £1350
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967 Flowers (ordinary) 4d. Bluebell, Red Campion and Wood Anemone variety value omitted, [R.14/6] in a bottom half sheet of 120 (folded), also has half the Queen's head and most of the ''HARRISON'' inscription missing, due to something adhering to the cylinder or the paper during printing of the grey, fine unmounted mint, very unusual, the only recorded example. S.G. 720d, unpriced, EC GB1440MCg, cat. £1,500. Photo.
3549 | £130
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967 Paintings 4d. variety gold (Queen's head and value) omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 748a, cat. £300, EC GB1496MCa - circa 120 known. Photo.
3550 | £1000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967 Paintings 9d. variety black (Queen's head only) omitted, in a left margin pair with the adjoining stamp showing the Queen's head and value transposed, due to a massive shift of the black to the right, fine unmounted mint, very scarce. S.G. 749ab/var, cat. £1,700+, EC F293CSa - 12 known, F293CSb. Photo.
3551 | £1300
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967 Christmas 3d. in an unmounted mint bottom right corner traffic light block of six, the top left stamp variety gold (Queen's head only) omitted, the others variety gold (Queen's head and value) omitted, four stamps affected by diagonal creases, Brandon certificate (2001). S.G. 756a/var, EC GB1512MCa, var., this block is illustrated in the catalogue, which states ''A paper fold caused the error on one of the traffic light blocks as several stamps are creased consistent with the cause of the error''. Photo.
3552 | £210
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967 Christmas 3d., an imperforate marginal pair with phosphor, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 756var. EC GB1512PRb, cat. £350. Photo.
3553 | £120
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967 Christmas 3d., an imperforate vertical pair without phosphor, fine unmounted mint, upper stamp with small wrinkle. S.G. 756var. EC GB1512PRa, cat. £350. Photo.
3554 | £190
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967 Christmas 3d. variety imperforate between stamp and left margin, used with wavy line cancel, small surface fault at top right but rare. S.G. Spec. W127c, unpriced used, EC GB1512IMa, the only recorded used example, cat. £350. Photo.
3556 | £120
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967 Christmas 3d. variety imperforate, also with phosphor omitted, in a horizontal proof pair, fine with full gum (unmounted). S.G. 756var, EC GB1512PRa - circa 60 pairs known, cat. £325. Photo.
3557 | £250
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967 Christmas 4d. variety imperforate and gold (Queen's head and value) omitted, in a horizontal proof pair, a few wrinkles otherwise fine with full gum (unmounted). S.G. 757var, EC GB1514PRb - 30 pairs known, cat. £550. Photo.
3558 | £250
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967 Christmas 1s.6d. variety ultramarine omitted, fine unmounted mint with margin at left. S.G. 758a, cat. £500, EC GB1516MCd - circa 60 known. Photo.
3559 | £110
Queen Elizabeth II: 1968 British Paintings 4d. variety gold (Queen's head and value) omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 771a, cat. £250, EC GB1542MCa - circa 60 known. Photo.
3560 | £250
Queen Elizabeth II: 1968 British Paintings 1s. variety gold (Queen's head and value) embossing and phosphor omitted, an unmounted mint upper left corner pair, light bends, otherwise fine. Ex Baillie. S.G. 772Eb, EC GB1544Mcb - 60 known, cat. £1,050. Photo.
3561 | £450
Queen Elizabeth II: 1968 British Paintings 1s.6d. variety gold (Queen's head and value) omitted, in a cylinder block of four, fine unmounted mint, with normal block for comparison. S.G. 773a, cat. £800+, EC GB1546MCa - circa 90 known. Photo.
3563 | £7000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1968 British Paintings 1s.9d. variety red omitted, fine unmounted mint and very rare, Brandon certificate (1994). S.G. 774b, cat. £12,000, EC GB1548MCa - 6 known. Photo.
3564 | £220
Queen Elizabeth II: 1968 Christmas 4d. variety vermilion omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 775b, cat. £450, EC GB1550MCb - 120 known. Photo.
3565 | £170
Queen Elizabeth II: 1968 Christmas 4d. variety ultramarine and phosphor omitted, small pencil note on reverse otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 775c, cat. £350, EC GB1550MCd - circa 120 known. Photo.
3566 | £1100
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Ships 5d. variety black omitted, a fine unmounted mint example of this spectacular error. S.G. 778a, cat. £1,800, EC GB1556MCa - 72 known. Photo.
3567 | £900
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Ships 5d. variety grey (decks, etc.) omitted, in a lower right corner traffic light block of six, fine unmounted mint, with normal block for comparison. S.G. 778b, cat. £1,140+, EC GB1556MCb - circa 240 known, cat. (for a traffic light block of six) £1,550. Photo.
3568 | £85
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Ships 5d. variety grey (decks etc.) omitted, and an upper left corner marginal vertical pair with upward perf. shift leaving upper stamp without ship's name and lower stamp with name at top, fine unmounted mint, normals for comparison, S.G. 778b & 778var.
3569 | £780
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Ships 5d. variety red (inscription) and phosphor omitted, in a lower right corner traffic light block of six, a few small gum wrinkles otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 778Eya, cat. £1,200+, EC GB1556MCd - circa 288 known. Photo.
3572 | £15000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Concorde set in imperforate imprimatur blocks of four, superb with gum (unmounted). (12). S.G. 784-786. Photo.
3573 | £400
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Concorde 4d. variety yellow-orange and phosphor omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 784Eya, cat. £500, EC GB1568MCc - circa 120 known. Photo.
3574 | £300
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Concorde 1s.6d. variety silver-grey omitted, a few minute minor gum blemishes otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 786a, cat. £500, EC GB1572MCa - 120 known. Photo.
3575 | £820
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Anniversaries 9d. variety on uncoated paper, a fine unmounted mint marginal example showing the typical 'rough' impression, some perfs. separated between stamp and margin and trivial natural gum blemish, very rare, only two examples believed known. S.G. 792a, EC GB1584PFa, cat. £1,800. Photo.
3576 | £280
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Anniversaries 1s.6d. variety black omitted in a fine unmounted mint upper right corner marginal traffic light block of four. S.G. 794e, cat. £480+, EC GB1588MCa, cat. £725. Photo.
3577 | £150
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Anniversaries 1s.6d. variety yellow-green omitted, in a right margin block of four with traffic lights, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 794f, cat. £320, EC GB1588MCc - circa 360 mint known. Photo.
3578 | £150
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Anniversaries 1s.6d. variety yellow-green omitted, fine unmounted mint in a right margin block of four. S.G. 794f, cat. £320, EC GB1588MCc. Photo.
3579 | £160
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Anniversaries 1s.6d. selection of missing colours with black omitted, yellow-green omitted, and yellow-green and phosphor omitted (2), fine unmounted mint. (4). S.G. 794e, 794f, 794Eya, cat. £390.
3580 | £400
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Anniversaries 1s.6d. variety yellow-green and phosphor omitted, in a lower right corner traffic light block of eight (2 x 4), fine unmounted mint. S.G. 794Eya, cat. £760+, EC GB1588MCd - circa 360 mint known. Photo.
3581 | £280
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Anniversaries 1s.6d. variety yellow-green and phosphor omitted in a fine unmounted mint upper right corner marginal traffic light block of four. S.G. 794Eya, cat. £380+, EC GB1588MCd. Photo.
3582 | £380
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Cathedrals 5d. missing ''d'' after value, the lower four rows of the sheet (6 x 4, folded vertically) with cylinders, the variety affecting the four stamps in the first vertical row, the fifth vertical row also showing green largely omitted from the roof of St. Giles, an unusual error. S.G. 796a, var., EC (2005) F366MSa etc. - circa 6 blocks known, cat. £800. Photo.
3583 | £60
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Cathedrals 5d., a traffic light block of 12 (3 x 4) with two stamps showing green omitted from the roof of the S. Giles Edinburgh Cathedral stamps in column five (S.G. 798c), fine unmounted mint. S.G. cat. £160+, EC GB1592MCb.
3584 | £85
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Cathedrals 9d. variety black (value) omitted, fine unmounted mint with margin at right. S.G. 800a, cat. £150, EC GB1600MCa. Photo.
3586 | £500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Investiture 5d. se-tenant strip of three variety black (value and inscription) omitted, fine unmounted mint with margin at left, scarce. S.G. 802ab, cat. £1,050, EC GB1604MCa - circa 48 strips known. Photo.
3587 | £1050
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Christmas 5d. variety red omitted, fine unmounted mint with margin at foot, very scarce. S.G. 813b, cat. £1,800, EC GB1626MCc - 24 known. Photo.
3588 | £350
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Christmas 5d. variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, light pencil note on reverse otherwise fine unmounted mint, scarce. S.G. 813c, cat. £700, EC GB1626MCa - circa 30 known. Photo.
3593 | £200
Queen Elizabeth II: 1970 Anniversaries 9d. variety ochre omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 820a, cat. £425, EC GB1640MCa - circa 120 known. Photo.
3594 | £380
Queen Elizabeth II: 1970 Anniversaries 1s. variety gold omitted in a fine unmounted mint upper right corner traffic light block of six (3 x 2). S.G. 821a, cat. £540+, EC GB1642MCa. Photo.
3595 | £240
Queen Elizabeth II: 1970 Anniversaries 1s. variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, in a top right corner traffic light block of four, crease in corner of margin otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 821a, cat. £340+, EC GB1642MCa - circa 360 known. Photo.
3596 | £600
Queen Elizabeth II: 1970 Anniversaries 1s. variety green omitted, in a lower left corner cylinder block of eight (2 x 4), small gum wrinkle otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 821c, cat. £1,120+, EC GB1642MCb - 240 known, cat. (for a cylinder block of eight) £1,425. Photo.
3597 | £120
Queen Elizabeth II: 1970 Anniversaries 1s. variety brown omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 821d, cat. £275, EC GB1642MCc. Photo.
3598 | £140
Queen Elizabeth II: 1970 Anniversaries 1s. variety brown and phosphor omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 821Eya, cat. £275, EC GB1642MCe. Photo.
3599 | £400
Queen Elizabeth II: 1970 Anniversaries 1s.6d. variety emerald omitted, in a top right corner traffic light block of six (3 x 2), a couple of light gum bends otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 822b, cat. £840+, EC GB1644MCb - circa 300 known, cat. (for a traffic light block of six) £1,000. Photo.
3600 | £4000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1970 Anniversaries 1s.9d. variety lemon (trousers and document) omitted, fine used on London W.C. first day cover, very rare, R.P.S. certificate (1986). S.G. 823a, unpriced used, EC GB1646MCa - 3 used known (2 on f.d.c.), cat. £5,750. Photo.
3602 | £15000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1970 Literary Anniversaries 5d. se-tenant block of four variety silver (inscriptions) omitted, the Oliver Twist stamp also with light greenish blue (value) almost completely omitted, small paper adhesion on bottom right stamp, others fine unmounted mint, a great rarity. S.G. 824ac, cat. £32,000, EC GB1648MCa - 3 blocks known. Photo.
3603 | £3500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1970 Literary Anniversaries 5d., an unmounted mint se-tenant block of four from right of sheet, one showing yellow-bistre (face value) omitted, adjoining stamp shows a partial omission of yellow-bistre, folded through central perfs, a few gum creases, otherwise fine and very rare. S.G. 826b, cat. £6,000+, EC GB1648MCb. Photo.
3605 | £90
Queen Elizabeth II: 1970 Literary Anniversaries 1s.6d., a fine unmounted mint horizontal strip of three with silver ('Grasmere') completely omitted from the right hand stamp and partially from the centre stamp. S.G. 828b, EC GB1656MCb - circa 120 known, cat. £225+. Photo.
3607 | £420
Queen Elizabeth II: 1970 Christmas 4d. variety imperforate between stamp and left margin, fine unmounted mint, very scarce. S.G. Spec. W198d, EC GB1676IMa - 10 known, cat. £650. Photo.
3609 | £140
Queen Elizabeth II: 1971 Ulster Paintings 71/2p. variety pale olive-grey omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 882a, cat. £300, EC GB1764MCa - 100 known. Photo.
3610 | £300
Queen Elizabeth II: 1971 British Anniversaries 3p. variety red-orange (nurse's cloak) omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 887b, cat. £600, EC GB1774MCb - 100 known. Photo.
3611 | £2500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1971 British Anniversaries 3p. variety olive-green omitted used, a little thinning but a great rarity, the only recorded example, Brandon certificate (1996). S.G. 887f, cat. £4,250, EC GB1774MCf - 1 known, illustrated in the catalogue. Photo.
3612 | £350
Queen Elizabeth II: 1971 British Anniversaries 9p. variety olive-brown omitted, a fine unmounted mint left marginal vertical pair with cylinder numbers. S.G. 889a, cat. £450+, EC GB1778MCa - circa 150 known. Photo.
3613 | £120
Queen Elizabeth II: 1971 British Anniversaries 9p. variety olive-brown omitted, fine unmounted mint with margin at top. S.G. 889a, cat. £225, EC GB1778MCa - circa 150 known. Photo.
3614 | £2000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1971 British Anniversaries 9p. variety myrtle-green omitted, fine used on Gloucester first day cover, rare. S.G. 889c, cat. £3,250, EC GB1778MCc - 3 mint, 10 first day covers known. Photo.
3618 | £2900
Queen Elizabeth II: 1971 Universities 5p. a lower marginal example with unissued large ''p'' after the value, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 891var. (see footnote in Concise), EC GB1782TRa - 5 known, cat. £8,500. Photo.
3619 | £250
Queen Elizabeth II: 1971 Christmas 21/2p. variety imperforate in an unmounted mint horizontal pair, a couple of minor gum wrinkles otherwise fine. S.G. 894a, cat. £575, EC F458IMa - 50 pairs known. Photo.
3623 | £600
Queen Elizabeth II: 1971 Christmas 71/2p. variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, in a top right corner traffic light block of four, fine unmounted mint, with normal block for comparison. S.G. 896a, cat. 1,100+, EC GB1792MCa - circa 200 known. Photo.
3624 | £400
Queen Elizabeth II: 1972 British Polar Explorers 3p. variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, in a fine unmounted mint lower right corner traffic light block of four, with normal block for comparison. S.G. 897a, cat. £640+, EC GB1794MCa - circa 106 known, cat. (for a traffic light block of four) £960. Photo.
3625 | £70
Queen Elizabeth II: 1972 Polar Explorers 3p. variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 897a, cat. £160, EC GB1794MCa. Photo.
3626 | £4000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1972 Polar Explorers 3p. variety slate-black (hair, etc.) omitted, fine unmounted mint with margin at right, a rare and striking error, Brandon certificate (1993). S.G. 897b, cat. £6,000, EC GB1794MCb - circa 10 known. Photo.
3627 | £210
Queen Elizabeth II: 1972 Polar Explorers 5p. variety gold (Queen's head) and phosphor omitted, a lower marginal pair, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 898Eya, EC GB1796MCb, cat. £500. Photo.
3628 | £100
Queen Elizabeth II: 1972 Polar Explorers 5p. variety gold (Queen's head) and phosphor) omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 898Eya, cat. £250, EC GB1796MCb - 98 mint known. Photo.
3629 | £85
Queen Elizabeth II: 1972 Polar Explorers 5p. variety gold (Queen's head) and phosphor omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 898Eya, EC GB1796MCb, cat. £250. Photo.
3630 | £220
Queen Elizabeth II: 1972 Polar Explorers 71/2p. variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 899a, EC GB1798MCa - circa 50 known, cat. £450. Photo.
3631 | £85
Queen Elizabeth II: 1972 Polar Explorers 9p. variety missing phosphor, fine unmounted mint, scarce. S.G. 900Ey, EC GB1800PHa, cat. £325. Photo.
3632 | £21000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1972 General Anniversaries 3p. unmounted mint block of six from lower-right corner of sheet with cylinders, lower pair variety black (face value) omitted, also most of the inscription and face detail, others slightly affected by black dry print, unique. S.G. 901a, cat. £30,000+. EC F465MSb - circa four exist. Photo.
3636 | £2000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1972 Anniversaries 9p. variety brown (facial features) omitted, fine unmounted mint with margin at left showing cylinder numbers with ''1F'' missing, very scarce. S.G. 903b, cat. £2,800+, EC GB1806MCb - 36 known mint, cat. £4,250 (for cylinder single). Photo.
3639 | £90
Queen Elizabeth II: 1972 Churches 4p. variety violet-blue omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 905b, cat. £200, EC GB1810MCa - 100 known. Photo.
3640 | £200
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 Churches 5p., an unmounted mint upper left corner marginal strip of eight, the first two stamps and about 66% of the third showing an unusual dry print of the deep emerald leaving the stamps with a much paler background, the third stamp with vertical crease at right, otherwise fine. S.G. 906var. Photo.
3645 | £60
Queen Elizabeth II: 1972 Christmas 71/2p. variety ochre omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 915a, EC GB1830MCa - 200 known, cat. £225. Photo.
3647 | £120
Queen Elizabeth II: 1972 Royal Silver Wedding 3p. with variety silver omitted, (shows a few minute dots), vertical crease at right otherwise fine unmounted mint, also a block of four showing a partial omission on the lower pair. S.G. 916a, EC GB1832MCa - 36 mint known. Photo.
3648 | £250
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 British Trees 9p. variety brownish grey (Queen's head) and phosphor omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 922b, cat. £500, EC GB1844MCb - 100 known. Photo.
3649 | £320
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 British Explorers 3p. se-tenant cylinder block of four variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 923ab, cat. £520+, EC GB1846MCa - circa 150 pairs known. Photo.
3652 | £130
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 Explorers 3p. se-tenant proof pair, imperforate with gold (Queen's head) omitted, fine with full gum (unmounted). S.G. 923ab var, EC GB1846MCe - 50 pairs known, cat. £500. Photo
3654 | £90
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 Explorers 5p. variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 925a, cat. £200, EC GB1850MCa - 100 known. Photo.
3655 | £80
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 Explorers 5p. variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 925a, cat. £200, EC GB1850MCa - 100 known. Photo.
3656 | £1600
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 Explorers 5p. variety grey-black omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 925b, cat £3,000. EC GB1850MCb, circa 24 examples recorded. Photo.
3657 | £1550
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 Explorers 5p. variety grey-black omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 925b, cat £3,000. EC GB1850MCb, circa 24 examples recorded. Photo.
3658 | £1600
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 Explorers 5p. variety grey-black omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 925b, EC GB1850MCb, circa 24 examples recorded, cat. £2,500. Photo.
3659 | £180
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 British Explorers 5p., a horizontal lower left corner marginal cylinder strip of three, the first stamp showing partial omission of the grey-black affecting the area of the ''5'' of ''5p'', fine unmounted mint, unusual. S.G. 925var. Photo.
3661 | £1500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 Explorers 71/2p. variety ultramarine (eyes) omitted, fine used on 22 May 1973 cover from Greenock to U.S.A., rare. S.G. 926b, cat. £3,000, EC GB1852MCb - 1 mint and circa 3 used known. Photo.
3662 | £75
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 Explorers 9p. variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 927a, cat. £180, EC GB1854MCa. Photo.
3663 | £60
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 Explorers 9p. variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 927a, cat. £180, EC GB1854MCa. Photo.
3665 | £600
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 Explorers 9p. variety brown-red (rivers on map) omitted, fine unmounted mint, scarce. S.G. 927d, cat. £1,000, EC GB1854MCc - circa 30 known. Photo.
3666 | £400
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 Explorers 9p., a top marginal example showing a dramatic shift of the brown-grey (facial features and hair) and a downwards shift of horizontal perfs., fine unmounted mint, unusual. S.G. 927var. Photo.
3667 | £190
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 Cricket set with two phosphor bands, aop set for comparison, fine unmounted mint, very scarce. Tom Pierron states 'All copies with two phosphor bands should have been destroyed as Royal Mail were unhappy about the contrast between phosphor and non-phosphor areas of the design. These were replaced with all-over phosphor examples. Stamps with two bands were discovered among a dealer's stock in July 2007'. S.G. 928-930var., EC GB1856/1860PHa, cat. £375.
3668 | £1000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 Cricket 3p. in a cylinder block of nine with a large unprinted portion affecting the first two stamps in the bottom row, due to a piece of paper becoming attached during printing, with the additional piece now detached, fine unmounted mint, a striking piece. S.G. 928var. Photo.
3671 | £1500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 Christmas 3p. left margin se-tenant strip of five variety imperforate, fine unmounted mint, very scarce. S.G. 943b, cat. £2,750, EC GB1885IMa - 10 strips known. Photo.
3672 | £200
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 Christmas 31/2p. selection of missing colours with grey-black omitted (PVA), blue omitted (PVAD), and bright rose-red omitted (PVA), also a strip of three with two stamps affected by a paper join, unmounted mint. S.G. 948b, 948d, 948g, 948var. (4 items).
3676 | £1200
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 Christmas 31/2p. variety gold (background) omitted fine used, on piece with ''gloucestershire/14 dec/1973'' c.d.s. from Happy Christmas slogan, rare and a striking error. S.G. 948j, cat. £2,000, EC GB1897MCh - 6 known used. Photo.
3677 | £160
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 Christmas 31/2p. a traffic light single showing a fine 5mm shift to right of grey-black, the shift leaves the value largely in the margin at right and at left, and the faces 'floating', a nice error, also a traffic light corner pair showing a 3mm downward shift of the rosy mauve, normal for comparison, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 948var. Photo.
3678 | £480
Queen Elizabeth II: 1974 Fire Engines 31/2p. variety imperforate, a fine unmounted mint top marginal pair showing marginal arrow, scarce. S.G. 950a, cat. £900, EC GB1900IMa - 50 pairs known. Photo.
3680 | £2500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1976 Telephone Centenary 81/2p. variety deep rose omitted, the top stamp in a vertical strip of nine (folded) with normals, fine unmounted mint and rare, Brandon certificate (1993). S.G. 997a, cat. £4,250, EC GB1994MCa - 20 known. Photo.
3684 | £2000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1977 Chemistry 81/2p. variety imperforate in a fine unmounted mint vertical pair with margin at foot, rare. S.G. 1029a, cat. £3,250, EC GB2058IMa - circa 4 pairs known. Photo.
3686 | £1200
Queen Elizabeth II: 1977 Silver Jubilee 81/2p. variety imperforate, a fine unmounted mint lower marginal block of four. S.G. 1033a, cat. £1,700, EC GB2066IMa - 25 pairs known. Photo.
3689 | £1200
Queen Elizabeth II: 1977 Christmas 7p. se-tenant right margin strip of five variety imperforate, fine used, rare. S.G. 1044ab, unpriced used, EC GB2088IMa - 9 mint, only 1 used strip known, cat. £2,250. Photo.
3693 | £220
Queen Elizabeth II: 1978 Coronation Anniversary 13p. variety imperforate, a left margin traffic light single with gold omitted, very light bend otherwise fine unmounted mint, also an imperforate gutter strip of three with partially omitted and misplaced gold, creased. S.G. 1062var, EC GB2124MCa - circa 50 mint pairs (creased), cat. (traffic light single) £375. Photo.
3697 | £450
Queen Elizabeth II: 1978 Christmas 7p. variety imperforate in a fine unmounted mint vertical pair with margin at foot. S.G. 1071a, cat. £700, EC GB2142IMa - 30 pairs known. Photo.
3699 | £180
Queen Elizabeth II: 1978 Christmas 9p. block of four with the lower pair almost completely imperforate, showing indents at top and sides, a few small gum bends otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1072var. Photo.
3700 | £200
Queen Elizabeth II: 1978 Christmas 11p. block of six (2 x 3) with the lower pair almost completely imperforate, showing faint indents at top and sides, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1073var. Photo.
3701 | £700
Queen Elizabeth II: 1979 Spring Flowers 9p. variety imperforate, the left marginal vertical strip of three of a lower left corner marginal traffic light block of nine (3 x 3), the centre vertical row only partially perforated, fine unmounted mint, rare. Ex Bailllie. S.G. 1079/a, EC GB2158IMa - circa 20 pairs known. Photo.
3703 | £100
Queen Elizabeth II: 1979 Horse Racing 9p. variety imperforate between stamp and bottom margin with faint indents, in a vertical strip of three, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1087var, EC GB2174IMa - circa 20 known, cat. £150. Photo.
3704 | £270
Queen Elizabeth II: 1979 Year of the Child 9p. variety imperforate between stamp and left margin, the left stamp of a strip of three, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1091var., EC GB2182IMa - 5 to 10 known, cat. £450. Photo.
3710 | £6000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1979 Rowland Hill miniature sheet variety brown-ochre (15p. background, etc.) omitted, fine unmounted mint, rare. S.G. MS1099b, cat. £9,000, EC GB2198MCa - 6 known. Photo.
3712 | £260
Queen Elizabeth II: 1979 Rowland Hill miniature sheet variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. MS1099c, cat. £850, EC GB2198MCb - circa 31 known. Photo.
3717 | £300
Queen Elizabeth II: 1979 Rowland Hill miniature sheet variety pale greenish yellow omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. MS1099g, cat. £850, EC GB2198MCe - 34 known. Photo.
3719 | £35000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1979 Rowland Hill miniature sheet variety grey-black and pale greenish yellow omitted, fine unmounted mint, a dramatic error and extremely rare, Brandon certificate (1996). S.G. MS1099j, cat. £60,000, EC GB2198MCi - 2 known. Photo.
3721 | £170
Queen Elizabeth II: 1979 Police 13p., a lower right corner marginal traffic light block of six (2 x 3) showing progressive failure of the perforation, the lower block with almost completely blind perfs. S.G. 1102var.
3722 | £420
Queen Elizabeth II: 1979 Christmas 8p. variety imperforate in a fine unmounted mint horizontal pair. S.G. 1104a, cat. £650, EC GB2208IMa - 50 pairs known. Photo.
3724 | £750
Queen Elizabeth II: 1979 Christmas 10p. variety imperforate, a an unmounted mint vertical pair with interval margin, one has small paper crease, otherwise fine. S.G. 1105b, cat. £1,400, EC GB2210IMa - 25 to 50 pairs known. Photo.
3725 | £300
Queen Elizabeth II: 1979 Christmas 10p. variety imperforate, a fine unmounted mint right margin single, also a second single with wide margins at top and bottom, imperf. at foot and faint indents at top, small black adhesions on reverse. S.G. 1105var. Photo.
3726 | £3200
Queen Elizabeth II: 1980 Railways 12p. se-tenant strip of five variety imperforate, fine unmounted mint with left margin showing cylinder numbers, very scarce. S.G. 1113ab, cat. £3,500, EC GB2226IMa - 10 strips known. Photo.
3727 | £600
Queen Elizabeth II: 1980 Railways 12p. ''Rocket'' variety imperforate vertical pair from left of sheet with interval margin, fine. S.G. 1113var. Photo.
3728 | £600
Queen Elizabeth II: 1980 Railways 12p. ''First and Second Class carriages'' variety imperforate, in a fine unmounted mint vertical pair from top of sheet. S.G. 1114var. Photo.
3729 | £600
Queen Elizabeth II: 1980 Railways 12p. ''Horsebox'' variety imperforate in a fine unmounted mint vertical pair with interval margin. S.G. 1116var. Photo.
3730 | £1300
Queen Elizabeth II: 1980 London Landmarks 131/2p. variety imperforate, a fine unmounted mint horizontal pair, very scarce. S.G. 1122a, cat. £2,250, EC GB2244IMa - 10 pairs known mint. Photo.
3734 | £400
Queen Elizabeth II: 1980 Famous Authoresses 171/2p. variety imperforate and slate-blue omitted, a top marginal vertical pair, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1128a, cat. £850, EC GB2256MCa - 50 pairs known. Photo.
3735 | £200
Queen Elizabeth II: 1980 Authoresses 171/2p. variety imperforate and slate-blue omitted, a fine unmounted mint single. S.G. 1128a, cat. £850, EC GB2256MCa - 50 pairs known. Photo.
3737 | £110
Queen Elizabeth II: 1980 Sports Centenaries 15p. variety imperforate between stamp and sheet margin at foot, the lower stamp of a fine unmounted mint lower right corner marginal vertical pair. S.G. 1136var., EC GB2272IMa - circa 30 known. Photo.
3738 | £150
Queen Elizabeth II: 1981 International Year of the Disabled 14p. variety imperforate in a vertical pair, part o.g. with adhesion down left side, probably from a proof sheet, Brandon certificate (1995). S.G. 1147a, cat. £700, EC GB2294IMa. Photo.
3739 | £100
Queen Elizabeth II: 1981 International Year of the Disabled 25p. variety imperforate in a vertical pair with gutter margin, without gum and creased, probably from a proof sheet. S.G. 1150var, EC GB2300IMa, cat. £700. Photo.
3740 | £60
Queen Elizabeth II: 1981 Butterflies 18p. showing 4mm shift to right of the gold (Queen's head), traffic light (ex Baillie) and upper right corner marginal bocks of six, and a single, fine unmounted mint except one with small thin. S.G. 1152var., EC (2005) F831CSa - 50 known.
3741 | £350
Queen Elizabeth II: 1981 Butterflies 18p. variety imperforate in a horizontal pair, without gum and some creasing, unlisted. S.G. 1152var. Photo.
3743 | £80
Queen Elizabeth II: 1981 Christmas 14p. variety imperforate in a horizontal pair, without gum and creased, probably from a proof sheet. S.G. 1171var, EC GB2342IMa, cat. £275. Photo.
3744 | £1700
Queen Elizabeth II: 1982 Maritime Heritage 151/2p. lower right corner traffic light block of 14 (2 x 7) with the bottom pair completely imperforate, the pairs above with indents, fine unmounted mint, a rare piece. S.G. 1187a, cat. £2,750+, EC GB2374IMa - circa 5 pairs known. Photo.
3747 | £1400
Queen Elizabeth II: 1982 British Textiles 151/2p. variety imperforate in an unmounted mint horizontal pair, fine and very scarce. S.G. 1192a, cat. £2,250, EC GB2384IMa - 10 pairs known. Photo.
3749 | £250
Queen Elizabeth II: 1982 British Motor Cars 191/2p. imperforate between stamp and right margin in a fine unmounted mint gutter block of four, very scarce. S.G. Spec. W529a, EC GB2398IMa - 20 examples known, cat. £650+. Photo.
3750 | £2500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1982 British Motor Cars 29p. variety black printing quadruple, in a traffic light strip of three from the bottom right of the sheet showing slight doubling of some other colours in addition, fine unmounted mint, a spectacular error. S.G. 1201Ea, cat. £3,900+, EC GB2402MIa - circa 15 known. Photo.
3752 | £1450
Queen Elizabeth II: 1983 British River Fish 151/2p., an imperforate horizontal pair with multiple colour shifts, left stamp with light bends and small gum blemish, otherwise fine unmounted mint, very rare, the only example recorded by Pierron. Ex Bailllie. Clear Brandon certificate (1995). S.G. 1207a, var. cat. £3,250. EC GB2414IMa. Photo.
3753 | £1550
Queen Elizabeth II: 1983 British Army Uniforms 28p. imperforate horizontal pair, fine unused, rare. S.G. 1221var., EC GB2441IMa - only two pairs (one used) recorded, cat. £4,000. Photo.
3754 | £780
Queen Elizabeth II: 1983 British Army Uniforms 28p. imperforate pair used with part c.d.s. on small piece, slight creasing and soiling, otherwise fine, rare. S.G. 1221var., EC GB2441IMa - only two pairs (one used) recorded, cat. £2,250. Photo.
3755 | £2000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1983 Christmas 121/2p. variety imperforate horizontal pair, in a left margin strip of three showing the sheet number with the third stamp partly imperf., gum wrinkle at top otherwise fine unmounted mint, rare. S.G. 1231a, cat. £3,250+, EC GB2462IMa - circa 8 pairs known. Photo.
3757 | £500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1984 British Cattle 31p. in a lower left corner cylinder block of nine (3 x 3) with the corner horizontal pair imperforate between stamps and bottom margin, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1244var, EC GB2488IMa - 4 known, cat. £1,050. Photo.
3759 | £1750
Queen Elizabeth II: 1985 Trains 17p. variety imperforate in a horizontal pair with margin at foot, some light bends otherwise fine unmounted mint, very scarce. S.G. 1272a, cat. £3,250, EC GB2544IMa - circa 12 pairs known. Photo.
3760 | £9200
Queen Elizabeth II: 1985 Insects 34p. bottom half sheet of fifty (folded) with the lower left corner vertical pair completely imperforate with adjacent stamps partially so, fine unmounted mint and extremely rare, the only recorded example. S.G. 1281a, unpriced, EC GB2462IMa, cat. £7,000. Photo.
3761 | £2000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1985 Royal Mail 17p. in a lower left corner traffic light block of 15 (5 x 3) with the corner vertical pair imperforate on three sides, a few small light bends otherwise fine unmounted mint, a rare multiple. S.G. 1290a, cat. £3,250, EC GB2580IMa - 2 pairs known. Photo.
3762 | £3500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1985 Royal Mail 34p. variety imperforate in a horizontal pair, in a left margin block of six (3 x 2) with the lower right stamp partly imperf., small circular gum imperfection and a little surface damage clear of design at foot otherwise fine unmounted mint, extremely rare. S.G. 1293var, EC GB2586IMb - only one other (vertical) pair recorded, cat. £5,000. Photo.
3763 | £110
Queen Elizabeth II: 1985 British Film Year 34p. with 15mm downward shift of the Queen's head, a marginal block of four with cylinders and a single, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1302var., EC (2005) F1044CSa, cat. £375.
3764 | £2000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1985 Christmas 12p. variety imperforate in a fine unmounted mint vertical pair with margin at top, rare. S.G. 1303a, cat. £3,250, EC GB2606IMa - circa 10 pairs known. Photo.
3765 | £2600
Queen Elizabeth II: 1986 Commonwealth Games 22p. variety imperforate, a bottom margin block of nine and a corner single used together on piece, two pairs fine in the block, the others with faults, a unique piece, the only example of this error recorded, Brandon certificate (1997). S.G. 1329a, unpriced, EC GB2658IMa, cat. £1,250 (for a pair). Photo.
3766 | £2300
Queen Elizabeth II: 1986 Royal Air Force 17p. variety imperforate in a left margin horizontal pair, a couple of small gum wrinkles otherwise fine unmounted mint, rare. S.G. 1336a, cat. £3,500, EC GB2672IMa - circa 10 pairs known. Photo.
3767 | £150
Queen Elizabeth II: 1987 Flowers 31p. variety imperforate between stamp and left margin, a few light bends mainly in margin otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1349var, EC GB2698IMb - 5 to 10 known, cat. £350. Photo.
3768 | £420
Queen Elizabeth II: 1987 St. John Ambulance 18p. variety black printed double, fine used on small piece, very rare. Brandon certificate (1998). S.G. 1359Ea, EC GB2718IMa - 2 known, cat. £1,200. Photo.
3769 | £720
Queen Elizabeth II: 1987 Order of the Thistle 18p., the lower four rows of right hand pane with traffic lights, variety imperforate between stamps and bottom margin of the lower right corner pair, the adjacent stamps partially perforated, light bends, otherwise fine unmounted mint, rare. S.G. 1363var., EC GB2726IMa - circa 4 known. Photo.
3770 | £3500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1987 Studio Pottery 34p. variety imperforate in a horizontal pair with margin at left, left stamp with small gum crease affecting surface otherwise fine unmounted mint, very rare. S.G. 1374var, EC GB2748IMa - 2 to 4 pairs known, cat. £6,500. Photo.
3771 | £2000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1988 Linnean Society 31p. variety imperforate, the lower horizontal pair in a corner traffic light block of six with the pair above partly imperf., a few small light bends otherwise fine unmounted mint, rare. S.G. 1382a, cat. £3,500+, EC GB2764IMa - circa 6 pairs known. Photo.
3772 | £1900
Queen Elizabeth II: 1988 Linnean Society 31p. variety imperforate, a fine unmounted mint horizontal pair, rare. S.G. 1382a, cat. £3,500 EC GB2764IMa - circa 6 pairs known. Photo.
3773 | £2200
Queen Elizabeth II: 1988 Welsh Bible 18p. variety imperforate, unmounted mint pair from left of sheet, small crease in margin well clear of stamp, rare. S.G. 1384a, cat. £3,500, EC GB2768IMa - circa 4 pairs known. Photo.
3774 | £4500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1988 Christmas 13p. error of value, a fine unmounted mint example of rare error. S.G. 1414a, cat. £8,500, EC GB2828VEa - circa 10 mint known. Photo.
3779 | £8000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1989 Lord Mayor's Show se-tenant strip of five with 19p. face values, prepared but not issued, hinged on three stamps (only known thus), very rare, Brandon certificate (2001). S.G. 1457a var, EC GB2914TRa - 2 mounted strips known, cat. £14,250. Photo.
3782 | £3000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1989 Christmas 20p. + 1p. right of sheet block of 20 (2 x 10, folded) with the lower right corner traffic light block of four completely imperforate and the pair above partially so, fine unmounted mint and rare. S.G. 1464a, cat. £4,500+, EC GB2928IMa - 10 pairs known. Photo.
3783 | £380
Queen Elizabeth II: 1990 R.S.P.C.A. 34p. variety silver (Queen's head and face value) omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1481a, cat. £700, EC GB2962MCa - 67 known. Photo.
3784 | £22000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1990 Stamp World 1990 miniature sheet variety recess black printing inverted, fine unmounted mint, very rare, a dramatic error. S.G. MS1501c, cat. £35,000, EC GB3002INa - circa 4 mint known (1 of which is damaged). Photo.
3786 | £1200
Queen Elizabeth II: 1990 Astronomy 22p. variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, in a fine unmounted mint lower marginal block of four. S.G. 1522a, cat. £2,400, EC GB3044MCa - 88 known. Photo.
3787 | £620
Queen Elizabeth II: 1990 Christmas 22p. variety imperforate in a bottom margin horizontal pair, a few light gum bends otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1527a, cat. £650, EC GB3054IMa - circa 10 pairs known. Photo.
3788 | £210
Queen Elizabeth II: 1990 Christmas 22p., a lower left corner marginal block of nine (3 x 3) from upper pane, the lower left corner pair almost completely imperforate between stamps and gutter margin (traces of 'ghosted' perfs.), fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1527var. Photo.
3790 | £130
Queen Elizabeth II: 1991 Dogs 22p. in a partly imperforate block of six (2 x 3), a couple of small gum wrinkles otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1531var. Photo.
3791 | £850
Queen Elizabeth II: 1991 Scientific Achievements 22p. Faraday variety imperforate, three vertical pairs in a block of ten (5 x 2) with the fourth pair partly imperf., a couple of light gum bends otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1546a, cat. £1,650+, EC GB3092IMa - circa 40 pairs known. Photo.
3792 | £1500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1991 Roses 22p. variety silver (Queen's head) omitted, fine unmounted mint, scarce. S.G. 1568a, cat. £2,500, EC GB3136MCa - 18 mint known. Photo.
3793 | £3200
Queen Elizabeth II: 1991 Ordnance Survey 'Ham Street' 26p. error of value, fine unmounted mint, very rare, prepared before the change in postal rates in 1991. See footnote in S.G., cat £5,500. Photo.
3794 | £400
Queen Elizabeth II: 1991 Christmas 33p. in a lower right corner traffic light block of six (3 x 2) with corner pair almost completely imperforate, indents at top and trace at sides, also an additional part imperf. pair, creasing, unmounted mint (2 items). S.G. 1585var. Photo.
3796 | £130
Queen Elizabeth II: 1994 Channel Tunnel 41p., two fine unmounted mint se-tenant pairs showing multiple colour shifts, spectacular, one left marginal. S.G. 1822a, var., EC (2005) F1612CSa - circa 30 pairs known. Photo.
3797 | £4000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1994 Europa, Medical Discoveries 25p. variety imperforate, a fine unmounted mint horizontal gutter pair, left stamp with minor wrinkle, very rare. S.G. 1839a, cat. £6,000, EC GB3678IMa - 5 mint pairs known (2 creased), only one of which is horizontal. Photo.
3798 | £3500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1994 Medical Discoveries 25p. in a block of four with left vertical pair completely imperforate, right pair with imperf. section, roughly torn at edges and a few light bends, unmounted mint, rare, Brandon certificate (1997). S.G. 1839a, cat. £6,000, EC GB3678IMa - circa 5 pairs known. Photo.
3798 | £100
Queen Elizabeth II: 1994 Christmas 19p. variety imperforate, fine unmounted mint block of four from top of sheet, two minor wrinkles. S.G. 1843a, cat. £350+. Photo.
3799 | £100
Queen Elizabeth II: 1994 Christmas 19p., a fine unmounted mint upper right corner marginal example showing dramatic non-coincident downward shifts of all colours except the deep green (Queen's head and value). S.G. 1843var., EC (2005) F1643CSa - circa 30 known. Photo.
3801 | £260
Queen Elizabeth II: 1995 Science Fiction 25p. variety imperforate between stamp and top margin, two examples in a top left corner pair, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1878var, EC GB3756IMa - 20 known, cat. £400. Photo.
3802 | £120
Queen Elizabeth II: 1995 Science Fiction, H.G. Wells 25p. variety imperforate between stamp and top margin, fine unmounted mint in a ''SALE DATE'' vertical pair. S.G. 1878var., EC GB3756IMa - 20 known. Photo.
3803 | £550
Queen Elizabeth II: 1995 Christmas 19p. proof of value and Queen's head only in red, a lower left corner marginal block of four in the same format as the re-issue of October 2000 with se-tenant label at left of each stamp, very fine with gum (unmounted), normal block of four for comparison. S.G. 1896var, EC (2005) F1726PRa, cat. £1,200+. Photo.
3804 | £350
Queen Elizabeth II: 1996 Olympics 26p. se-tenant strip of five (folded) variety imperforate between stamp and left margin, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1930a var, EC GB3860IMa - 10 strips known, cat. £750. Photo.
3805 | £1150
Queen Elizabeth II: 1996 Classic Sports Cars 26p. variety imperforate in a fine unmounted mint horizontal pair with margin at foot, very scarce. S.G. 1946a, cat. £1,400, EC GB3892IMa - circa 7 pairs known. Photo.
3806 | £700
Queen Elizabeth II: 1996 Classic Sports Cars 43p. in a lower right corner traffic light block of 15 (5 x 3) with the corner horizontal pair imperforate between stamps and bottom margin, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1948var, EC GB3896IMb - 4 known, cat. £1,500. Photo.
3808 | £4000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1997 Death Anniversary of Henry VIII 26p. Henry, a complete sheet of sixty (two panes (6 x 5), the two vertical rows at left showing progressive failure of perforation leaving the upper left corner vertical pair completely imperforate and the lower left corner vertical strip of three imperforate between stamps and left margin, the remaining five stamps in this row showing faint indents between stamps and margin, fine unmounted mint, a spectacular item. Ex Baillie. S.G. 1965/a, var. EC GB3930IMa - 6 pairs known, and GB3930IMb - 3 known (these being the only known examples), cat. £5,500+. Photo (detail).
3809 | £1800
Queen Elizabeth II: 1997 Christmas (2nd) right margin gutter block of 15 (5 x 3) with the lower right horizontal pair completely imperforate with adjacent stamps partially so, fine unmounted mint, a rare piece. S.G. 2006a, cat. £3,000+, EC GB4012IMa - circa 16 pairs known. Photo.
3810 | £400
Queen Elizabeth II: 1997 Royal Golden Wedding 20p. variety gold partially omitted, resulting in the face value being completely missing and much of the frame weak, fine unmounted mint with margin at top, Brandon certificate (2006). S.G. 2011var. Photo.
3811 | £11000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1997 Royal Golden Wedding 26p. in an unmounted mint block (2 x 5) from lower-left corner of sheet, part perforated, resulting in lower block of four completely imperforate, adjoining pair partly perforated, others normal, fine and extremely rare. S.G. 2012a, cat. £18,000+, EC GB4024IMa - circa 8 pairs known. Photo.
3812 | £6000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1998 Diana, Princess of Wales, Commemoration 26p. right margin se-tenant strip of five, variety imperforate strip of four with perfs. present only between the fifth stamp and the margin, fine unmounted mint, very rare, Brandon certificate (1999). S.G. 2021ac, cat. £10,000, EC GB4042IMb - 2 strips known. Photo.
3816 | £1400
Queen Elizabeth II: 1998 Children's Fantasy Novels 26p. variety imperforate horizontal pair, the lower pair of a block of eight (2 x 6, with gutter, folded), the pair above partly imperf. with indents, fine unmounted mint, very scarce. S.G. 2051a, cat. £2,250+, EC GB4102IMa - 10 to 15 pairs known. Photo.
3818 | £480
Queen Elizabeth II: 1998 Christmas 20p. variety imperforate, in a right margin horizontal strip of four with the adjacent stamp partly imperf. and the fourth normal, fine unmounted mint, scarce. S.G. 2064a, cat. £750+, EC GB4128IMa - circa 24 pairs known. Photo.
3819 | £2200
Queen Elizabeth II: 1998 Christmas 43p. horizontal strip of three, the left pair completely imperforate and the right stamp partially so, fine unmounted mint, rare. S.G. 2067a., cat. £3,250, EC GB4134IMa - circa 6 pairs known. Photo.
3820 | £120
Queen Elizabeth II: 1999 Settlers' Tale 26p. right marginal imperforate proof pair with silver and phosphor omitted, very fine with gum (unmounted). S.G. 2085var. (see footnote), EC GB4170PRa - 50 pairs known, cat. £350. Photo.
3821 | £170
Queen Elizabeth II: 1999 Settlers' Tale 26p. and Workers' Tale 26p. se-tenant booklet pane variety imperforate, adherence on gum and slight creasing, otherwise fine. S.G. 2085a, var., EC GB4179PRa - 16 pairs known, cat. £1,450. Photo.
3822 | £90
Queen Elizabeth II: 1999 Settlers' Tale 43p. top marginal imperforate proof pair with gold, chocolate and phosphor omitted, very fine with gum (unmounted). S.G. 2086var. (see footnote), EC GB4172PRa - 50 pairs known, cat. £350. Photo.
3823 | £220
Queen Elizabeth II: 1999 Millennium Series - 'The Workers' Tale' 19p. variety bronze (Queen's head) omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 2088a, cat. £475, EC GB4176MCa - circa 30 known. Photo.
3826 | £70
Queen Elizabeth II: 2000 'Above and Beyond' 19p. Owl with Queen's head in gold, imperforate pair, left stamp with slight crease, otherwise fine. S.G. 2125var., EC GB4250PRa (74 pairs known), cat. £200. Photo.
3827 | £300
Queen Elizabeth II: 2000 Millennium Projects - 'Spirit and Faith' (1st) variety imperforate in a horizontal pair with margin at left, a few light gum bends mainly in margin otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 2171a, cat. £650, EC GB4342IMa - 22 pairs known. Photo.
3828 | £600
Queen Elizabeth II: 2001 Submarines (1st) imperforate pair fine unmounted mint. S.G. 2203b, cat. £1,000, EC GB4406IMa - 25 pairs known (15 damaged). Photo.
3837 | £1300
Queen Elizabeth II: 2002 Europa, Circus (1st) imperforate vertical pair, superb unmounted mint. Rare. S.G. 2276a, EC GB4552IMa - 6 pairs known, cat. £2,750. Photo.
3838 | £1500
Queen Elizabeth II: 2002 Europa, Circus (E) imperforate vertical pair, superb unmounted mint. Rare. S.G. 2277a, EC GB4554IMa, cat. £3,250. Photo.
3839 | £140
Queen Elizabeth II: 2002 Christmas (2nd), an imperforate traffic light block of six, very fine. S.G. 2321b, cat. £240+, EC F2324IMa.
3840 | £900
Queen Elizabeth II: 2003 Birds of Prey (1st) se-tenant block of ten from the top right corner of the sheet, variety brownish-grey and phosphor omitted, fine unmounted mint. Ex Baillie. S.G. 2327ab, EC GB4654MCa - 34 mint blocks of ten known, cat. £2,500. Photo.
3841 | £1750
Queen Elizabeth II: 2004 A British Journey: Northern Ireland self adhesive booklet (S.G. PM12) containing imperforate pane with selvedge, fine and most unusual. S.G. 2445ab, cat. £5,000. Photo.
3842 | £1000
Queen Elizabeth II: 2004 Ocean Liners (E) imperforate block of four, very fine unmounted mint, very scarce. S.G. 2449a, EC GB4898IMa - circa 24 pairs known, cat. £2,000. Photo.
3843 | £3800
Queen Elizabeth II: 2004 Ocean Liners miniature sheet, the lower left stamp with face value ''53'' instead of ''57'', fine unmounted mint. See footnote in S.G. Concise after MS2454. EC GB4908VEa - 6 known, cat. £6,500. Photo.Tom Pierron states 'The bottom left stamp 'SS City of New York 1888' has the value 53p instead of 57p. All copies were found in a dealer's stock – ironically in New York at the MEGA show – and were presumably printed and subsequently supplied by the Post Office prior to a rate increase. All copies were found among a batch of normal sheets. It must be assumed the copies slipped through the net when sheets with the 53p value were recalled.'
3845 | £3200
Queen Elizabeth II: 2004 'A British Journey: Wales' (2nd) variety imperforate in a complete pane from top right of sheet, superb unmounted mint. S.G. 2466a, cat. £12,000+, EC GB4932IMa - circa 24 to 36 pairs known. Photo.
3848 | £1000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: An unmounted mint accumulation in a stockbook with various printings incl. singles and multiples, cylinder blocks, booklet panes incl. 4d. vermilion GA panes of six (2, with good perfs.), one with 250 phosphor screen, coil strips of four incl. 2d. vertical scarce 150 screen (2), 4d. sepia GA vertical, 4d. vermilion head A horizontal, 6d. 250 screen singles (2), errors and varieties with missing phosphors incl. 1d. left band omitted, 2d. type I, 7d., 8d. blue, 9d. PVA (3, one creased), 1s. GA, 1s.6d. GA ''5A2B'' cylinder block, 1s.6d. PVA ''5A2B'' cylinder block, 1s.9d. GA, misplaced phosphors incl. 5d. broad band left, others incl. 4d. vermilion left band uncoated paper, various 1s.6d. missing colours some with broad bands, £1 indigo shade (faults), etc., mainly fine. (few 100's).
3849 | £85
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 1d. (2) and 4d. se-tenant strip of three, variety missing left band phosphor omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. Spec. U2var.
3850 | £200
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 1d., 4d. vermilion centre band, left band and right band, and 5d. all on uncoated paper from £1 booklet, 1d. with light bend otherwise fine unmounted mint. (5). S.G. 724d, 733b, 734a, 734Eba, 735d, cat. £616.
3851 | £240
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 1d. two bands with solid all-over phosphor, in a se-tenant strip of five from £1 booklet, fine unmounted mint, scarce. S.G. 724var. Photo.
3852 | £350
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machin 3d. violet 1CB unmounted mint block of 24 being two complete rows of the sheet, right vertical pair completely imperforate. S.G. 729a, cat £700+. EC (2005) F296IMa 20 pairs known. Photo.
3853 | £350
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 3d. centre band GA variety imperforate, in a vertical right margin pair, in a block of 24 (12 x 2, folded) with left margin showing cylinder ''1'' dot, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 729a, cat. £700, EC (2005) F296IMa - 20 pairs known. Photo.
3854 | £1700
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 3d. head B and 4d. deep olive-brown head B each in imperforate horizontal pairs without phosphor and with PVAD gum, produced as a trial in the early 1970s to test the suitability of the new dextrin gum, fine unmounted mint, believed unique in private hands. EC F378TRa, F338TRa, cat. £4,000. Photo.
3855 | £950
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 4d. deep-olive brown two bands GA head B, fine unmounted mint, scarce. R.P.S. certificate (1988). S.G. Spec. U11(2)B, cat. £1,400. Photo.
3856 | £580
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 4d. deep sepia GA head A variety imperforate in a horizontal pair, also phosphor omitted, tiny gum fault at top otherwise fine, ex booklet pane of six, uncatalogued, rare. S.G. Spec. U11(1) var. Photo.
3857 | £620
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 4d. vermilion GA head A variety phosphor omitted, ex booklet pane of six with selvedge at left, fine unmounted mint with full perfs., rare. S.G. 733Egy, Spec. U15Aa, cat. £1,500. Photo.
3859 | £150
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 4d. vermilion centre band PVA head A variety imperforate between stamp and top margin, two unmounted mint examples in a top right corner block of four, a fine and scarce multiple. S.G. U14Ag, EC F343IMa - 12 known, cat. £500+. Photo.
3860 | £70
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 4d. bright vermilion 1SB, variety one broad side band, fine unmounted mint. S.G. Spec. U16c, cat £200.
3861 | £130
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 4d. vermilion right band PVA head B variety phosphor omitted on front but printed on the gummed side, fine unmounted mint. S.G. Spec. U16Ac, EC F388PHa - 9 known, cat. £350. Photo.
3862 | £260
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 5d. head B in a cylinder ''13'' no dot block of six, fine unmounted mint with angled margins, a very scarce printing. S.G. Spec. U17(2), cat. £800. Photo.
3863 | £100
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 5d. head B variety imperforate in a horizontal pair, ex cylinder 15 printing with screening dots in the margins, fine unmounted mint, also an imperf. block of four from cylinder 10 unmounted mint, EC F326IMa, S.G. 735c, cat. £250. Photo.
3864 | £180
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 5d. head B variety imperf. between stamp and top margin, fine unmounted mint, centred left but rare. S.G. Spec. U17ab, unpriced, EC F326IMb - 12 known, cat. £475. Photo.
3865 | £130
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 5d. two bands on phosphor coated paper, fine unmounted mint. EC F326PHa, S.G. Spec. U17c, cat. £300. Photo.
3866 | £120
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 5d. two bands on phosphor coated paper, fine unmounted mint. EC F326PHa, S.G. Spec. U17c, cat. £300. Photo.
3867 | £120
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 5d. two bands on phosphor coated paper, fine unmounted mint. EC F326PHa, S.G. Spec. U17c, cat. £300. Photo.
3868 | £80
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 5d. head B tête-bêche pair unmounted mint, lightly folded through perfs. and tiny mark on gum otherwise fine, scarce. S.G. Spec. U17var, EC F326TBa, cat. £350. Photo.
3869 | £130
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 8d. vermilion variety phosphor omitted, fine unmounted mint. EC F328PHa, S.G. 738Ey, cat. £400. Photo.
3870 | £130
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 8d. vermilion variety phosphor omitted, fine unmounted mint. EC F328PHa, S.G. 738Ey, cat. £400. Photo.
3871 | £50
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 10d. variety uncoated paper in a cylinder ''1'' no dot block of six, small crease in corner of margin otherwise fine unmounted mint, scarce in a cylinder block. EC F329PFa, S.G. 741a, cat. £150++. Photo.
3872 | £270
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 1s. gum arabic variety phosphor omitted in a cylinder ''3'' no dot block of six, small gum bend on one otherwise fine unmounted mint, rare as a cylinder block. EC F286PHa, S.G. 742Ey, cat. £450++. Photo.
3873 | £230
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 1s.6d. phosphor coated paper variety Prussian blue omitted, fine unmounted mint and very scarce, with normal. S.G. 743ca, EC GB1489MCa - circa 30 known, cat. £750. Photo.
3874 | £140
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 1s.6d. two bands PVA variety greenish blue omitted, in a ''3A'' cylinder block of six (with a very faint trace of ''2B''), fine unmounted mint. EC F336MCa, S.G. 743Eva, cat. £750++. Photo.
3875 | £140
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 1s.6d. two bands PVA variety greenish blue omitted, in a ''3A'' cylinder block of six (with a very faint trace of ''2B''), slightly angled back margins, fine unmounted mint, with normal block. EC F336MCa, S.G. 743Eva, cat. £750++. Photo.
3876 | £90
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 1s.6d. two bands PVA variety greenish blue omitted, in a ''3A'' cylinder block of six (with a very faint trace of ''2B''), fine unmounted mint. EC F336MCa, S.G. 743Eva, cat. £750++. Photo.
3878 | £400
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 1s.6d. Prussian blue and indigo two bands PVA variety imperf. between stamp and top margin, two examples in a block of 40 (2 x 20, folded), fine unmounted mint, very scarce. S.G. Spec. U28(2)b, EC F336IMa - 12 known, cat. £900. Photo.
3879 | £150
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: Booklets: A selection of booklets all with phosphor errors comprising 2s. 1968 (Sept.) with pane of four broad band right and label pane missing phosphor, 2s. 1969 (Jan.) with label pane narrow band at right, 4s.6d. 1969 (May) with second 4d. pane missing phosphor, 4s.6d. 1969 (Sept.) with 1d. pane missing phosphor, 6s. 1968 (May) GA with first and third panes missing phosphor, 10s. 1969 (Aug.) with second 5d. pane missing phosphor, and £1 Cook book (stitched) with se-tenant pane missing phosphor (2 examples), mixed perfs., some of the error panes with full perfs. (8).
3880 | £60
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: Booklets: 1969 (Jan.) 2s. booklet with two phosphor bands on pane of four, slightly trimmed, scarce. S.G. NP31, cat. £275.
3881 | £250
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: Booklets: 1969 (Feb.) 10s. booklet, with each stamp of the five panes overprinted ''SCHOOL/SPECIMEN'', fine, R.P.S. certificate (1988). S.G. XP7var. Photo.
3882 | £720
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: Booklets: 1969 (Dec.) Stamps for Cooks £1 booklet stapled edition with each stamp overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', punch hole in top left corner, mixed perfs., rare. S.G. Spec. ZP1a(s), cat. £2,000. Photo.
3883 | £150
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: Booklets: 1969 (Dec.) Stamps for Cooks £1 booklet stapled edition, fine with good perfs. on all panes, scarce in this condition. S.G. ZP1, cat. £400.
3884 | £120
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: Booklets: 1969 (Dec.) Stamps for Cooks £1 booklet stapled edition, fine, mixed perfs. S.G. ZP1, cat. £400.
3885 | £320
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: Booklets: 1969 (Dec.) Stamps for Cooks £1 booklet stitched edition with the multi-value pane variety uncoated paper, trimmed at base otherwise fine and very scarce. S.G. Spec. UB2ab, cat. (as a pane) £900.
3886 | £260
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: Booklets: 1969 (Dec.) Stamps for Cooks £1 booklet stitched edition with the multi-value pane variety phosphor omitted on first vertical row and others with broad phosphor bands at left, slight trimming at top otherwise fine, scarce. S.G. Spec. UB2ag, cat. (as a pane) £750.
3887 | £230
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: Booklets: 1969 (Dec.) Stamps for Cooks £1 booklet stitched edition with the multi-value pane variety phosphor omitted on first vertical row and others with broad phosphor bands at left, trimmed at top otherwise fine, scarce. S.G. Spec. UB2ag, cat. (as a pane) £750.
3888 | £80
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: Booklets: 1969 (Dec.) Stamps for Cooks £1 booklet stitched edition with the 5d. pane variety uncoated paper, slight trimming otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. UB20ab, cat. (as a pane) £350.
3889 | £150
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: Booklet Panes: A selection of unmounted mint booklet panes all with phosphor omitted with panes of six incl. 1d./4d. vermilion se-tenant, 4d. sepia with cylinder ''N1'' no dot top (trimmed at foot), 4d. vermilion head B, 4d. sepia plus two labels pane of four, 1d./4d./5d. stitched se-tenant pane of 15 from £1 Cook booklet, etc., mixed perfs. but generally above average. (11).
3890 | £400
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: Booklet Panes: 1d./4d./5d. stitched se-tenant pane of 15 from £1 Cook booklet, variety phosphor omitted on first vertical row and others with broad phosphor bands at left, very slight trimming at foot otherwise fine unmounted mint, scarce. S.G. Spec. UB2ag, cat. £750. Photo.
3892 | £120
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: Booklet Panes: 5d. stapled pane of 15 from £1 Cook booklet variety uncoated paper, fine unmounted mint with good perfs. S.G. Spec. UB20b, cat. £300. Photo.
3925 | £550
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: A collection of unmounted mint missing phosphors on stockpages inc. OCP/GA 5p. coil strip and singles (screened), OCP/PVA with one of each value plus 21/2p. with wider value setting from cylinder 8, FCP/PVA incl. 71/2p. (slight trace), 9p., FCP/PVAD incl. 4p. greenish blue from 50p. booklets, 5p. claret imperf. left from 50p. booklets, 8p. rosine Enschede printing, 16p., a few elliptical perf. issues 19p. bistre from both chemically etched and computer engraved cylinders, (1st) orange-red litho, 20p. bright yellow-green and 26p. chestnut se-tenant pair from booklets, also Northern Ireland 2001-03 (1st), etc. (85 items).
3926 | £380
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: An unmounted mint selection in a small stockbook with scarce printings with cylinder blocks incl. 2nd. bright blue ''Q7Q7'', 1st. orange-red ''Q5Q5'' and ''Q6Q6'', 1995 Harrison 25p. rose-red two bands (blue fluor) on PVA layflat gum (S.G. Spec. U291b) in a ''346'' warrant number block of six, missing phosphors incl. 18p. bright green coil strip of four, 19p. bistre NFCP/PVAD (2), 20p. bright green/26p. red-brown litho se-tenant pair from machine booklets, 1st. orange-red Walsall litho ex books of ten, misplaced phosphors incl. 1st. orange-red Walsall litho yellow fluor pairs (2) ex books of ten, each showing left stamp with double band at right and right stamp with central band, imperf. pairs with 20p. bright green De La Rue Byfleet printing, 2nd. and 1st. self-adhesives from business sheets (2 of each), etc. (52 items).
3927 | £300
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: A selection of unmounted mint imperforate horizontal pairs with 1/2p. PCP2/PVAD, 21/2p. FCP/GA (small fault), 61/2p. centre band head B1 FCP/PVAD (indents), 9p. violet FCP/PVAD (slight surface rubbing), 121/2p. centre band (phosphor over ink) FCP/PVAD, 16p. drab ACP/PVAD, 17p. grey-blue ACP/PVAD (strip of three, small gum faults), and 1998-2001 (2nd) self-adhesive and (1st) self-adhesive (block of four), mainly fine. (9 items).
3928 | £290
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: An unmounted mint collection of pre-elliptical perf. issues in a binder with different papers, gums, value types and settings, screened values, head types, shades, booklet and coil stamps, PCP1 and PCP2 variants, OCP/PVAD 31/2p., varieties incl. 1p. and 8p. with solid AOP ex G5 10p. coil (both with trimmed perfs. at foot), 111/2p. with solid AOP from booklets, various 121/2p's with additional phosphor bands, also 2003 £2 ''D1'' no dot cylinder block with ''£'' omitted, etc. (few 100s).
3929 | £230
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: A selection of unmounted mint misplaced phosphor errors incl. 11/2p. FCP/PVAD broad band right, 12p. yellowish green 61/2mm broad band centre, 91/2mm broad band left, 121/2p. 91/2mm broad band centre, 151/2p. 6mm and 91/2mm broad bands in a pair, elliptical perf. (1st) orange-red litho with broad (split) band at right, also some side bands incl. 9p. orange and black FCP/PVAD right band omitted, 9p. violet left band omitted, 91/2p. right band omitted, elliptical perf. 19p. bistre with two narrow bands, etc. (32).
3930 | £210
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: A selection of misperfs. to varying degrees, values to £1, 1st. self-adhesive (2), 20p. recess, regionals, also three pre-decimal, etc., fine unmounted mint. (35).
3931 | £260
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1970–72 50p. variety uncoated paper in a plate ''9'' block of four, a couple of small gum wrinkles otherwise fine unmounted mint, very scarce in a plate block. S.G. 831Ea. Photo.
3932 | £170
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1971–96 photo Harrison 11/2p. black FCP/PVA imperf. between stamp and part impression above which also has imperf. sides, due to a perf. comb jump, fine unmounted mint, unusual. S.G. X848var. Photo.
3933 | £230
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1972 21/2p. magenta FCP/PVA, one side band, overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', fine with full gum (unmounted). S.G. Spec. U95s, unpriced. Photo.
3936 | £100
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1975 51/2p. violet FCP/PVAD, variety uncoated paper, fine unmounted mint. S.G. X869a, Spec. U142a, cat £400. Photo.
3937 | £110
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1971-96 61/2p. greenish blue CB Head type B1, FCP/PVAD, variety imperforate, in a fine unmounted mint horizontal pair. S.G. Spec. U149a, cat. £325. Photo.
3940 | £140
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1971–96 photo Harrison 111/2p. drab FCP/PVAD variety imperforate in an unmounted mint horizontal pair, fine. S.G. X893a, cat. £300, EC F814IMa. Photo.
3941 | £75
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1971–96 photo Harrison 121/2p. light emerald FCP/PVAD variety imperforate in an unmounted mint horizontal pair, the phosphor under ink printing with phosphor band shifted to the left, fine. S.G. X898a var. Photo.
3942 | £210
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1971-96 photo Harrison 18p. bright green centre band FCP/PVAD variety imperforate, in a top margin block of six (3 x 2) with left vertical pair completely imperforate, centre pair imperf. on three sides and right pair normal, fine unmounted mint. S.G. X913a, cat. £425+, EC F1413IMa. Photo.
3943 | £280
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1985 Harrison 34p. ochre-brown FCP/PVAD, variety phosphor omitted, fine unmounted mint, slight crease. S.G. Spec. U330a, cat £750. EC (2005) F1007PHa - circa 6 known, cat. £1,200. Photo.
3944 | £1250
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1971-96 Photo Harrison on Phosphor Coated Paper: 2p. myrtle-green PVAD, PCP1, variety imperforate, fine unmounted mint horizontal pair from top of sheet, rare. S.G. X926a, cat £1,600, EC F456PHa-circa 5 pairs known. Photo.
3945 | £150
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1980 Harrison 3p. bright magenta with a spectacular 81/2mm horizontal perforation shift, in a left margin block of six with warrant number ''727'', fine unmounted mint, very scarce in a warrant number block. S.G. X930var. Photo.
3946 | £190
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1980 Waddington litho selection of cylinder blocks of six or eight incl. 4p. two bands ''6A4B'' dot, PCP ''8A7B'' dot, 20p. two bands ''4A6B'' no dot and dot, PCP ''6A7B'' dot, ''7A7B'' no dot and dot, ''9A8B'' no dot, ''15A10B'' no dot and dot, etc., fine unmounted mint. (18 blocks).
3947 | £850
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1980 Waddington litho 4p. greenish blue variety phosphor omitted, fine unmounted mint with margin at top showing ''3A3B'' plate numbers, rare. S.G. Spec. UG12b, unpriced, EC F764PHa - 8 known, cat. £1,250. Photo.
3948 | £700
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1980 Questa litho 5p. light violet FCP/PVAD variety imperforate between stamp and right margin, in a top right ''Q4'' cylinder block, tiny gum wrinkle otherwise fine unmounted mint, rare in a cylinder block. S.G. Spec. UG15a, cat. £1,800+, EC F788IMa. Photo.
3949 | £240
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1980 litho Questa 5p. light violet PCP/PVAD, an unmounted mint horizontal pair from right of sheet variety imperforate between stamp and margin, fine. S.G. Spec. UG15a, cat. £600, EC F788IMa. Photo.
3950 | £190
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993 Questa litho 18p. bright green NFCP/PVA variety phosphor omitted, from the £5.64 Beatrix Potter booklet, fine unmounted mint. S.G. UG43a, cat. £325, EC F1549PHa. Photo.
3951 | £400
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1986 Questa litho 20p. dull purple ACP/PVAD variety double impression, in a left margin block of eight (2 x 4) with the four central stamps showing the variety, particularly affects the right margins, the values and the marginal inscription, fine unmounted mint, a rare multiple. S.G. X1014var, EC F1074MIa - 40 known, cat. £1,200+. Photo.
3953 | £190
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1986 Questa litho 20p. dull purple ACP/PVAD variety double impression, shows particularly in the right margin and in the value, from two horizontal rows across the centre of a sheet, fine unmounted mint with normal. S.G. X1014var, EC F1074MIa - 40 known, cat. £300. Photo.
3954 | £260
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1992 Questa litho 33p. light emerald FCP/PVA variety phosphor omitted, from the £6 Wales booklet, fine unmounted mint. S.G. Spec. UG87b, cat. £450, EC F1455PHa - circa 20 known. Photo.
3955 | £210
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993 Questa litho 33p. light emerald NFCP/PVA variety phosphor omitted, from the £5.64 Beatrix Potter booklet, fine unmounted mint. S.G. Spec. UG88b, cat. £375, EC F1456PHa - circa 20 known. Photo.
3956 | £290
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993 Questa litho 39p. bright mauve NFCP/PVA variety phosphor omitted, from the £5.64 Beatrix Potter booklet, fine unmounted mint, scarce. S.G. Spec. UG103b, cat. £500, EC F1545PHa - circa 12 known. Photo.
3957 | £270
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1992 Questa litho 2nd. NVI bright blue FCP/PVA variety phosphor omitted, from the £6 Wales booklet, fine unmounted mint, very scarce. S.G. 1451a var, EC F1453PHa - circa 10 known, cat. £650. Photo.
3958 | £210
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993 Questa litho 2nd. NVI bright blue NFCP/PVA variety phosphor omitted, from the £5.64 Beatrix Potter booklet, fine unmounted mint, very scarce. S.G. 1451aEb var, EC F1547PHa - circa 7 known, cat. £500. Photo.
3959 | £780
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1990 Anniversary of the Penny Black, a specialised unmounted mint collection written up for display on leaves with sheet stamps incl. shades, 20p. with various buff colour shifts, cylinder blocks incl. extra extension holes, booklet stamps incl. 20p. low OBA ex Prestige booklet, 20p. Questa ACP, miniature sheets incl. an example with the recess printing shifted 6mm left, wide range of booklets with plain and cylinder examples, phosphor shifts, scarce incl. Walsall 60p. W2W2 blind at base, W2W2 + bar, yellow head on cover W2W1 + bar, Questa £2 rare ACP (B.P.A. certificate, 2000), Walsall £1.50 incorrect rates panel W1W1 + bar, £2 W1W2W1 blind at base, W1W2W1 + bar, various minor flaws, f.d.c's with sets, miniature sheets and booklet panes with a wide range of special cancels, some signed incl. Arnold Machin, etc. (100's).
3961 | £680
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1990 Anniversary double head 20p. brownish black and cream variety imperforate, in an unmounted mint horizontal strip of three with the left pair completely imperforate and the third stamp imperf. on three sides, fine and rare. S.G. 1469a, cat. £1,400+, EC F1279IMa - circa 12 pairs known. Photo.
3964 | £85
Queen Elizabeth II: 1988-97 Castle High Values: 1988 £1 horizontal pair with a 6mm perf. shift to the right and slightly diagonally, a couple of small gum wrinkles otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1410var. Photo.
3965 | £220
Queen Elizabeth II: 1988-97 Castle High Values: 1988 £2 on thicker glazed paper, with low OBA resulting in a paler shade with distinctive creamier paper, in a top left corner block of four, one with small gum bend otherwise fine unmounted mint, a scarce printing. S.G. 1412 var. Photo.
3966 | £140
Queen Elizabeth II: 1988-97 Castle High Values: 1988 £2 on thicker glazed paper, with low OBA resulting in a paler shade with distinctive creamier paper, in a bottom margin horizontal gutter pair (lightly folded), fine unmounted mint, a scarce printing. S.G. 1412var. Photo.
3968 | £60
Queen Elizabeth II: 1988-97 Castle High Values: 1992-95 £1 variety perforations inverted resulting in a dramatic misperf, fine unmounted mint S.G. 1611var, EC F1450INa, cat. £275. Photo.
3969 | £70
Queen Elizabeth II: 1988-97 Castle High Values: 1992-95 £2 variety complete offset on reverse, tiny wrinkle otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1613var, EC F1462OFa, cat. £250. Photo.
3970 | £90
Queen Elizabeth II: 1988-97 Castle High Values: 1992-95 £2 variety complete offset on reverse, with margin at foot showing ''SHEET VALUE'', fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1613var, EC F1462OFa, cat. £250. Photo.
3971 | £230
Queen Elizabeth II: 1988-97 Castle High Values: 1992-95 £5 variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, showing slight flecks of printing ink, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1614a, cat. £400, EC F1463MCa. Photo.
3972 | £100
Queen Elizabeth II: 1988-97 Castle High Values: 1992-95 £5 variety complete offset on reverse, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1614var, EC F1821OFa, cat. £325. Photo.
3973 | £95
Queen Elizabeth II: 1988-97 Castle High Values: 1992-95 £5 variety complete offset on reverse, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1614var, EC F1821OFa, cat. £325. Photo.
3974 | £100
Queen Elizabeth II: 1988-97 Castle High Values: 1992-95 £5 variety complete offset on reverse, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1614var, EC F1821OFa, cat. £325. Photo.
3977 | £2800
Queen Elizabeth II: 1988-97 High Values: 1993 Britannia £10 unmounted mint vertical pair from top-right corner of sheet, top stamp showing silver (Queen's head) omitted but with stars still present, lower stamp with silver completely omitted, some bends otherwise fine and rare. S.G. 1658a, EC GB3316MCa - circa 20 known, cat. (2008) £3,500++. Photo.
3978 | £280
Queen Elizabeth II: 1988-97 Castle High Values: 1997 Enschede £2 variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1994a, cat. £750, EC F1917MCa. Photo.
3979 | £2500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1988-97 Castle High Values: 1997 Enschede £5 variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1996a, cat. £5,000, EC F1919MCa - circa 12 known (2 creased). Photo.
3980 | £620
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2005 NVI Booklet Stamps: 1999 Harrison typo 1st. NVI black variety phosphor omitted, from the £7.54 Profile on Print booklet, fine unmounted mint, rare. S.G. 2079Ey, unpriced, EC F2028PHa - 4 known, cat. £1,000. Photo.
3981 | £380
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2006 Elliptical Perforations: 2nd. NVI bright blue centre band (blue fluor) NFCP/PVA, variety imperforate in an unmounted mint vertical pair from booklets, light diagonal crease but rare, apparently uncatalogued. S.G. 1664var. Photo.
3982 | £780
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2006 Elliptical Perforations: 2nd. NVI bright blue centre band (blue fluor) NFCP/PVA, variety imperforate between stamp and left margin and part imperf. horizontally, in a Walsall ''W1 pW1'' cylinder block of twelve with five stamps showing the variety and the sixth partially so, a fine and rare unmounted mint multiple, the only known example, not catalogued. S.G. Spec. UWA6var. Photo.
3983 | £800
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2006 Elliptical Perforations: 1p. crimson two bands (blue fluor) variety imperforate, from Harrison/De La Rue computer engraved cylinder 1p47, in a top right corner block of 14 (2 x 7) with the top five pairs completely imperf., the sixth pair partially imperf., and the bottom pair normal, almost imperceptible perf. pressure marks vertically between the stamps, a fine and rare unmounted mint multiple. S.G. Spec. 69Bvar, mentioned as a footnote. Photo.
3984 | £720
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2006 Elliptical Perforations: 2p. deep green two bands (blue fluor) NFCP/PVA (bluish) variety imperforate, from De La Rue Byfleet printing on intermediate paper, in a fine unmounted mint top left corner block of four, rare, approx. 20 pairs known. S.G. Spec. U85Fvar.
3985 | £75
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2006 Elliptical Perforations: 1st. NVI gold two bands variety imperforate in an unmounted mint horizontal pair, from the 2003 De La Rue printing, a couple of small light gum bends otherwise fine. S.G. 1668a, cat. £150, EC F2399IMa. Photo.
3986 | £350
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2006 Elliptical Perforations: 4p. new blue two bands (blue fluor) NFCP/PVA (bluish) variety imperforate, from De La Rue Byfleet printing on intermediate paper, in the unique right margin warrant number ''18/09/03'' block of six from the sheet found, almost imperceptible perf. pressure marks vertically between the stamps, light bend below top pair otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. U132Fvar. Photo.
3987 | £200
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2006 Elliptical Perforations: 4p. new blue two bands (blue fluor) NFCP/PVA (bluish) variety imperforate, from De La Rue Byfleet printing on intermediate paper, in an unmounted mint block of four, almost imperceptible perf. pressure marks vertically between the stamps, scarce. S.G. U132Fvar. Photo.
3988 | £4000
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2006 Elliptical Perforations: 7p. grey two bands (blue fluor) NFCP/PVA (bluish) variety imperforate, in a cylinder ''1p47'' dot full sheet with fifty stamps in the top right corner completely imperf. and sixteen partially so, some creasing where folded and traces of horizontal indentations, a fine and rare multiple. S.G. Y1672a, unpriced. Photo.
3989 | £130
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2006 Elliptical Perforations: 7p. bright magenta two bands (blue fluor) NFCP/PVA (bluish) variety imperforate, from De La Rue Byfleet printing on intermediate paper, in a fine unmounted mint block of four. S.G. Y1673a, cat. £400. Photo.
3990 | £60
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2006 Elliptical Perforations: 7p. bright magenta two bands (blue fluor) NFCP/PVA (bluish) variety imperforate, from De La Rue Byfleet printing on intermediate paper, in a fine unmounted mint horizontal pair. S.G. Y1673a, cat. £200. Photo.
3991 | £65
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2006 Elliptical Perforations: 7p. bright magenta two bands (blue fluor) NFCP/PVA (bluish) variety imperforate, from De La Rue Byfleet printing on intermediate paper, in an unmounted mint horizontal pair, small gum wrinkle otherwise fine. S.G. Y1673a, cat. £200. Photo.
3992 | £65
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2006 Elliptical Perforations: 7p. bright magenta two bands (blue fluor) NFCP/PVA (bluish) variety imperforate, from De La Rue Byfleet printing on intermediate paper, in an unmounted mint horizontal pair, fine. S.G. Y1673a, cat. £200. Photo.
3993 | £600
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2006 Elliptical Perforations: 19p. bistre centre band (blue fluor) NFCP/PVA variety imperforate, in an unmounted mint top marginal block of four ex cylinder 9, a few small gum wrinkles otherwise fine and rare, approx. 12 pairs known. S.G. Spec. U263C var, EC F2042IMa, unpriced. Photo.
3994 | £150
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993–2006 Elliptical Perforations: 20p. Harrison bright green centre band variety imperforate, in a block of six (3 x 2) with the right vertical pair completely imperforate, the centre pair imperf. at right and the left pair normal, fine unmounted mint. S.G. Y1680a, cat. £300+, EC F1797IMa. Photo.
3995 | £400
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2006 Elliptical Perforations: 20p. bright green two bands NFCP/PVA variety imperforate in a bottom margin block of four, a few gum wrinkles in margin otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. Y1682a, cat. £600. Photo.
3996 | £100
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2006 Elliptical Perforations: 20p. bright green two bands NFCP/PVA variety imperforate in a horizontal pair, fine unmounted mint. S.G. Y1682a, cat. £300. Photo.
3997 | £130
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2006 Elliptical Perforations: 25p. rose-red Harrison two bands (blue fluor) NFCP/PVA layflat gum, in a fine unmounted mint cylinder ''7p43'' no dot block of six, a scarce printing. S.G. Spec. U291b, cat. £325. Photo.
3998 | £2900
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2006 Elliptical Perforations: 26p. gold 2B (blue fluorescence) PVA (bluish), unmounted mint block of eight (4 x 2), from top of sheet, top horizontal row completely imperforate, one is damaged, lower strip partly imperforate, very rare. S.G. Y1686ba, Spec. U302a, cat £2,250 for a pair only, EC (2005) F1889IMa-only one pair, strip of three and single are known. Photo.
3999 | £100
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2006 Elliptical Perforations: 35p. sepia two bands NFCP/PVA layflat gum, variety imperforate in a fine unmounted mint horizontal pair. S.G. Y1694a, cat. £300. Photo.
4000 | £420
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2006 Elliptical Perforations: 39p. grey two bands NFCP/PVA layflat gum, variety imperforate in a bottom margin block of four, small gum wrinkle in margin otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. Y1703a, cat. £600. Photo.
4001 | £95
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2006 Elliptical Perforations: 39p. grey two bands NFCP/PVA layflat gum, variety imperforate in a fine unmounted mint horizontal pair. S.G. Y1703a, cat. £300. Photo.
4002 | £600
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2006 Elliptical Perforations: 40p. turqoise-blue two bands NFCP/PVA layflat gum, variety imperforate in a block of six (3 x 2), right vertical pair with crease, otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. Y1705a, cat. £2,250. Photo.
4003 | £380
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2006 Elliptical Perforations: 40p. turqoise-blue two bands NFCP/PVA layflat gum, variety imperforate in a fine unmounted mint horizontal pair. S.G. Y1705a, cat. £750. Photo.
4004 | £380
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2006 Elliptical Perforations: 40p. turquoise-blue two bands NFCP/PVA layflat gum, variety imperforate in a fine unmounted mint horizontal pair. S.G. Y1705a, cat. £750. Photo.
4005 | £230
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2006 Elliptical Perforations: 43p. emerald two bands NFCP/PVA layflat gum, variety imperforate in a block of four, fine unmounted mint. S.G. Y1712a, cat. £600. Photo.
4006 | £95
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2006 Elliptical Perforations: 43p. emerald two bands NFCP/PVA layflat gum, variety imperforate in a fine unmounted mint horizontal pair. S.G. Y1712a, cat. £300. Photo.
4007 | £780
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2006 Elliptical Perforations: £1 bluish violet two bands NFCP/PVA, variety imperforate in a top right corner horizontal pair, fine unmounted mint, scarce. S.G. Y1725a, cat. £1,300. Photo.
4009 | £1200
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2006 Elliptical Perforations: £5 brown De La Rue recess printing, variety imperforate in a block of four, fine unmounted mint, rare. S.G. Y1803a, cat. £5,500. Photo.
4010 | £350
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2006 Elliptical Perforations: 1st. NVI olive-brown Millennium definitive, perf. 15 x 14 De La Rue printing from sheets, variety imperforate being the top horizontal pair in a block of eight (2 x 4) with the second pair partly imperf., some surface rubbing otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 2124a, cat. £800+, EC F2097IMa - circa 15 pairs known. Photo.
4012 | £450
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1997 Self Adhesive: Enschede (2nd) bright blue, horizontal format with larger image, used in Glasgow, very rare. S.G. Spec. UJ2, unpriced. Photo.
4013 | £250
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: Self-Adhesive: (2nd) bright blue variety imperforate in a block of 24 (8 x 3), from Walsall type 2 business sheet, some bends at left otherwise fine. S.G. 2039a, cat. £900+. Photo.
4014 | £150
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: Self-Adhesive: (2nd) bright blue variety imperforate in a horizontal pair, with 51/2mm spacing between the stamps from the original Walsall type 1 business sheets, fine. S.G. 2039a var. Photo.
4015 | £120
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: Self-Adhesive: (2nd) bright blue and 1st. orange-red both with perf. 141/2 x 14 die-cut (''dagger'') perfs., fine. S.G. 2039b, 2040b, cat. £300.
4016 | £50
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: Self-Adhesive: (2nd) variety bright blue omitted leaving a completely white stamp with a phosphor band, from the 2004 Walsall business sheet on translucent backing paper with matrix removed, the sheet was misaligned to the left resulting in the phosphor band appearing at the right, fine and most unusual, with a photocopy of the sheet from which this example comes. S.G. 2039var. Photo.
4017 | £300
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: Self-Adhesive: (1st) orange-red variety imperforate in a block of four, with 51/2mm spacing between the stamps and with 7mm phosphor bands from the original Walsall type 1 business sheets, fine. S.G. 2040a var. Photo.
4018 | £150
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: Self-Adhesive: (1st) orange-red variety imperforate in a horizontal pair, with 51/2mm spacing between the stamps and with 7mm phosphor bands from the original Walsall type 1 business sheets, fine. S.G. 2040a var. Photo.
4020 | £140
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: Self-Adhesive: 2006 Pricing in Proportion (2nd) bright blue variety imperforate in a horizontal pair, from Walsall type 5 business sheets but with the matrix still intact, fine. S.G. 2654var. Photo.
4021 | £60
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: Self-Adhesive: 2006 Pricing in Proportion (2nd) bright blue variety imperforate in a horizontal pair, from Walsall type 5 business sheets but with the matrix still intact, fine. S.G. 2654var. Photo.
4022 | £190
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: Booklets and booklet panes: A selection of machine booklets with varieties incl. 50p. Cricket 2 with B3 phosphor bands cylinder book, £1 Universities 4 Edinburgh plain book with split broad bands at right, plain and cylinder ''W2W3'' books with the three band variety, £1 End of the War 4 McIndoe plain and cylinder ''B6'' books missing phosphor, and £2 Postal Vehicles 1 cylinder ''B3'' book miscut, a few slightly trimmed perfs. but mainly very fine. (7).
4023 | £110
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: Booklets and booklet panes: A selection of NVI self-adhesive books with misplacement of the die-cut perforations with 2001 (Jan.) Questa 12 x 1st. with a 26mm shift resulting in the top row stamps being perforated through (2 examples), and 2001 (Jan.) Questa 12 x 2nd. with a 12mm shift resulting in all stamps being perforated through, fine. (3).
4024 | £90
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: Booklets and booklet panes: A selection of red cover machine booklets with £1 1996 incorrect rates with ellipse type B(s) with cylinder Q3's (2 examples), £2 1996 incorrect rates with ellipse type A(r) with cylinder Q2's, 1997 corrected rates non-novaglo bands with cylinder Q2's, and 2000 NVI book with broad bands at left with cylinder ''Q1Q1'' at left, a few slightly trimmed perfs. but mainly very fine. (5).
4025 | £140
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: Booklets and booklet panes: A selection of NVI Window booklets with varieties with type 4 Questa 10 x 2nd. perf. type I, type 5 sickle tab 4 x 1st. low OBA cylinder 'W1W1W1'' + bar, type 9D Questa 10 x 1st. with pane inverted in cover cylinder ''Q5Q5pQ2'', and type 9E Questa 10 x 1st. miscut with cylinder ''Q1'' at row 2, some slight perf. trimming but mainly fine (4).
4026 | £400
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: Booklets and booklet panes: 1971 (June) 25p. exploded booklet with each stamp of the three panes overprinted ''SCHOOL/SPECIMEN'', fine with full gum (unmounted), with 1977 letter of provenance. S.G. DH41var. Photo.
4028 | £300
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: Booklets and booklet panes: 1971 3p. x 5 plus ''£4,315'' label OCP/PVA booklet pane with an additional portion attached at bottom left and misperforated due to a paper fold, unmounted mint, spectacular. S.G. Spec. UB37var. Photo.
4029 | £190
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: Booklets and Booklet Panes: 1972 third pane from Wedgwood booklet, variety phosphor partly omitted, top row only affected, fine unmounted mint. S.G. X841oEy, Spec. UEP3var. Photo.
4030 | £820
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: Booklets and booklet panes: 1979 Christmas £1.80 pair of booklets with unsyncronised ink cylinder numbers ''B5pB23'' and ''B4'' dots (omitted), slight trimming at foot otherwise fine, the dot cylinder pair rarer than the no dot. S.G. Spec. UMFB13, cat. £3,400. Photo.
4031 | £110
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: Booklets and booklet panes: 1979 Christmas £1.80 booklet miscut, with the scarcer ''B5B4pB23'' no dot cylinder numbers, cut straight at foot but very scarce, with normal booklet. S.G. Spec. UMFB13A, cat. £500. Photo.
4032 | £75
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: Booklets and booklet panes: 1979 Christmas £1.80 booklet miscut, with ''B5B4pB23'' dot cylinder numbers (dots omitted), very slight trimming at foot otherwise fine, with normal booklet for comparison. S.G. Spec. UMFB13A, cat. £200. Photo.
4033 | £150
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: Booklets and booklet panes: 1980 (Jan.) 10p. London 1980 booklet Jumelle printing with both cover and pane miscut resulting in half labels and 8p. stamps at each side, a spectacular variety, also two further booklets, one with 21/2mm tête-bêche portions of stamps from adjoining pane at foot, other with fully miscut pane and with ''beard'' flaw, fine. (3). S.G. Spec. UMFB11var. Photo.
4034 | £1900
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: Booklets and booklet panes: 1981 50p. Veteran Cars 5 Lanchester booklet, variety miscut resulting in 1/2p., 1p. and 14p. stamps only with a face value of 31p., trimmed perfs. at right (only known thus), rare. Only seven examples recorded. S.G. Spec. UMFB19A, cat. £4,000. Photo.
4035 | £280
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: Booklets and booklet panes: 1982 50p. Follies 3 Paxton's Tower pair of booklets, variety miscut resulting in face values of 24p. and 76p., first with slight trimming at right otherwise fine, very scarce, with normal book. S.G. Spec. UMFB26A, UMFB27A, cat. £1,300. Photo.
4036 | £180
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: Booklets and booklet panes: 1985 Times se-tenant booklet pane with an additional portion attached at top left due to a paper fold, shows part of the cylinder number box, fine unmounted mint, unusual. S.G. Spec. UEP23var. Photo.
4037 | £90
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: Booklets and booklet panes: 1990 London Life £5 Prestige booklet with second pane low OBA, a scarce error. S.G. DX11var.
4038 | £520
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: Booklets and booklet panes: 1993 (Apr.) type 5(S)1 Questa 10 x 2nd. plain booklet, variety phosphor omitted, fine with good perfs., very scarce. S.G. HC11var. Photo.
4039 | £1550
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: Booklets and booklet panes: 1993 (Aug.) type 5(S)2 Questa 10 x 2nd. cylinder ''Q1Q1p-'' booklet, variety phosphor bars shifted to left, fine with good perfs., rare with few intact books remaining. S.G. HC11var., EC F1524PHc, cat. (per single stamp) £200. Photo.
4044 | £2200
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: Booklets and booklet panes: 2003 (Mar.) Walsall self-adhesive 6 x 1st. with ''The Real Network'' added to the front cover, variety imperforate with the matrix intact and with cylinder ''W2'', cut slightly obliquely, minor bends. Very rare, this was the first example discovered discovered. S.G. MB6var, EC F2289IMa, cat. £3,500. Photo.
4047 | £650
Queen Elizabeth II: Post Office Label Sheets: 2000 to 2004 (May) ''Smilers'' sheets complete in a special album, incl. the scarce 2001 Consignia pair, a few duplicates (24).
4048 | £550
Queen Elizabeth II: Post Office Label Sheets: 2000–2003 (Sept.) complete range of Smiler sheets in special album, incl. the rare 2000-01 Christmas ''Consignia 2001'', fine unmounted mint. (19).
4049 | £500
Queen Elizabeth II: Post Office Label Sheets: 2005 Classic ITV label sheet with four errors in the text in the labels incl. column 1 3rd. label ''1965'' for ''1955'', column 4 2nd. label with ''10.30 ITV News/10.00 ITN News at Ten'' transposed, etc., fine unmounted mint, with normal sheet for comparison. S.G. LS26var.
4050 | £500
Queen Elizabeth II: Post Office Label Sheets: 2005 Classic ITV sheet, the Cartor printing with typographical errors including third label in first column ''1965'' for 1955''. second label in the fourth column with ''10.30 ITV News/10.00 ITN News at Ten'', fine unmounted mint, very scarce (stated 15–20 known). S.G. LS26var.
4053 | £260
Regionals: An unmounted mint collection on stockleaves with different gums and papers, perf. and emblem changes, short band varieties, values to 63p., incl. Northern Ireland 17p. grey-blue type II, Scotland perf. 14 type II 22p., 31p., Wales scarce 51/2p. centre band with lower emblem and value from cylinder 2, 17p. grey-blue type II, etc. (288).
4054 | £110
Regionals: Northern Ireland: 1994 multi-value se-tenant pane (S.G. NI48l, Glass blowing) showing imperforate stub at left, fine unmounted mint. DP217var. Photo.
4055 | £230
Regionals: Scotland: A selection of Waddington litho cylinder blocks of eight or ten incl. 111/2p. ''6A4B'' no dot, ''6A5B'' dot, 121/2p. ''3A3B'' dot, 151/2p. ''4A3B'' no dot, ''5A3B'' dot, etc., fine unmounted mint. (12 blocks).
4056 | £900
Regionals: Scotland: 1989 Scots Connection £5 booklet complete and including the se-tenant pane variety imperforate (S.G. S55la), very fine. Photo (detail).
4057 | £620
Regionals: Wales: 1971-93 21/2p. bright magenta CB, in an unmounted mint block (2 x 7) from left of sheet, top three pairs are imperforate, lower pair of three showing some blind perfs at base and part way up sides, resulting in two completely imperforate pairs, fine and scarce. S.G. W13Ega, cat £1,800++. Photo.
4058 | £380
Regionals: Wales: 1971-93 21/2p. bright magenta CB, in an unmounted mint block (2 x 3) from top of sheet, top pair completely imperforate, next pair part imperforate with some blind perf., lower pair normal. S.G. W13Ega, cat £600+. Photo.
4059 | £1400
Regionals: Wales: 1992 ''Cymru-Wales'' £6 booklet complete and including the multi value pane showing a spectacular unprinted portion affecting three stamps, the 2nd bright blue almost completely omitted and both 24p with missing portions (one with value completely missing), very fine, the cover and pages preceeding the error folded back for display. Photo.
4060 | £400
Postage Dues: 1914–38 mainly good to fine mint collection of controls, mainly singles incl. 1914–21 1/2d. (12) to 1s. (2), incl. 11/2d. (2), 4d. (2), 5d. (3), 1924–31 1/2d. (6) to 2s.6d. (2) incl. 2d. (10 incl. ''T 33''), 3d. (16), 4d. (8), 1s. (7), 1936–37 to 5d., 1s., 1937–38 to 1s. (7 with ''S 46'' block of four with lower pair unmounted). (155).
4061 | £240
Postage Dues: 1914–23 1d. carmine, block of four and single used on the first day of issue (April 20th.) plain front of envelope used in Cirencester, scarce. Photo.
4062 | £70
Postage Dues: 1954–55 Tudor watermark 4d. blue imperforate marginal pair from the left of the sheet, fine unmounted mint, also 1924–31 3d. printed on the gummed side, unmounted but with heavy diagonal bend not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. D43a, D14a, cat. £375.
4066 | £130
Isle of Man: 1845 (June 2) entire from Ramsey to Denmark, bearing red ''PAID'' London datestamp with double arc ''ISLE OF MAN'' c.d.s., red manuscript ''Pd 1/10'' rate mark, on reverse has scarce boxed ''RAMSEY/Isle of Man'' . Photo.
4068 | £130
Isle of Man: 1940 and 1941 ''POSTAGE FREE'' envelopes from Rushen Internment Camp, both censored.
4069 | £180
Isle of Man: 1940 censored envelope addressed to Central Promenade Camp at Douglas, bears red boxed ''TRANSFERRED TO NR 3/AMPC Centre/IlfracombeCAMP/DEVON'', unusual. Photo.
4073 | £80
Jersey: 1970-74 41/2p. variety uncoated paper, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 49ab, cat. £400. Photo.
4074 | £110
Lundy: 1940 (July 24) Red Cross 1/2p. + 1/2p. to 12p. + 12p. set less 3p. + 3p., unmounted mint, all except 6p. + 6p. (creased) have margin at left showing surcharge in margin, also 1953 1/2p. block (5 x 4), mainly fine.