Prices Realised

Great Britain Postage Stamps & Postal History

Sale number: 61

Thursday 11th November 2010

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1 Â£26000
Collections and Mixed Lots: 1840-1970 collection in varied condition in a DAVO album incl. 1840 1d. KB, 2d. plate 2 DA, 1841 1d., 2d., 1855 LC14 2d. HD, 1847-54 embossed 1s., 10d., 6d, unused or mint, 1860 unissued 11/2d. rosy mauve plate 1 SF overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', surface printed with unused or mint 1855-57 4d. wmk. large garter 4d. (2), 6d., 1s., 1862-64 3d. plate 2, 4d., 6d., 9d., 1865-67 6d. plate 5, 1872-73 6d. plate 11, 6d. grey plate 12, 1867-80 3d. plate 8, 6d. plate 9, 9d. plate 4 (2, one top marginal), 10d. plate 1, 1867-78 5s. plate 1 CD, also 10s. DD overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 8 and £1 imperforate marginal colour trial in blue overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, 1882-83 £5 CF, 1873-80 incl. 6d. grey plate 17 and 1s. orange-brown plate 13 both with watermark inverted, 4d. grey-brown plate 17, 1880-83 21/2d. (2), 3d. on 3d., 4d. plate 18, 6d. plate 16, 6d. on 6d., 1883-84 2s.6d., 5s., 10s., 1883-84 1/2d. to 1s., 1887-92 1/2d. to £1, range of used incl. 1867-80 2s. brown LL, 1867-78 £1 CJ, 1882-83 5s. plate 4 CD, 10s. AH, £1 DH, 1884 wmk. crowns £1 CA, 1888 wmk. orbs £1 TB; mint 20th century with KE VII to 5s., 10s., £1, mint; KG V incl. 1913 Waterlow £1, 1918 Bradbury 5s., 10s., 1929 P.U.C. £1, 1934 re-engraved 2s.6d. (2), 5s., 10s., comprehensive KG VI and QE II definitives and commemoratives. (100s). Photo.
2 Â£20000
Collections and Mixed Lots: 1855-83 unused or mint surface printed collection on stock pages, comprising 1855-57 4d. wmk. small garter, 4d. wmk. medium garter (3), 4d. wmk. large garter (4), 6d. (5), 1s. (3); 1862-64 3d. plate 2 (4, one on thick paper), 4d. plates 3 (4), 3 (3), 6d. plates 3 (3), 4, 9d. plate 2 (5), 1s. plate 2 (2), 1865-67 3d. plate 4 (2), 4d. plates 7 to 14 with extra plates 9 & 13 (2), 6d. plates 5 (3, one on thick paper), 6, 9d. plate 4 (3), 1s. plate 4 (3, one on thick paper; 1867-80 3d. plates 4, 5, 6 (2), 7 (2), 8 (2), 10, 6d. plates 6 (2), 8 (2), 9 (5), 9d. (4), 10d. plate 1 (3), 1s. plates 4 (2), 5, 6 (3), 2s. blue plate 1 (4, one a perfin); 1873-80 21/2d. rosy mauve wmk. anchor plates 1 (2), 2 (2), 3 (2), wmk. orb plates 4 to 17 (less plate 12 but with extra plate 16), 21/2d. blue plates 17, 18, 19 (2), 20, 3d. plates 11 (2) to 20, 6d. grey plates 13 (3), 14, 15 (2), 16, 17 (2), 1s. green plates 8 to 13, 1s. orange-brown plate 13, 4d. vermilion plate 15 (2), 4d. sage-green plates 15 (2),16 (2), 4d. grey-brown plate 17, 8d. orange (3); 1880-83 21/2d. plates 21, 22, 23 (2), 3d. plates 20 (3), 21 (3), 3d. on 3d. (2), 4d. plates 17, 18 (4), 6d. plates 17, 18, 6d. on 6d. (3), 1s. plates 13 (2), 14. Condition varies but mostly of fair to fine fresh appearance, many with original gum, some regummed. S.G. cat. approx. £230,000+ (as mint). Photo.
3 | Â£6800
Collections and Mixed Lots: 1840-1900 collection in varied condition on Scott leaves incl. 1840 1d. BB unused, 1847-54 embossed 1s., 10d., 6d. used, surface printed incl. 1867-80 to 2s. brown LK, 1867-78 wmk. Maltese Cross 5s. (3), 1882-83 wmk. anchor 5s. plate 4 FH, 10s. AD, DE (most attractive with ''EAST•STRAND 178/W.C.'' c.d.s., £5 CH with ''GLASGOW'' c.d.s., used, 1883-84 to 6d., 1s., mint, 1883-84 2s.6d., 5s., 10s. (2) 1884 wmk. crowns £1 IA, 1888 wmk. orbs £1 OC, used, 1887-92 1/2d. to £1 OA unused or mint, £1 TB used. (119).
5 | Â£3200
Collections and Mixed Lots: A QV to KE VII mint study collection of the 480 Crown Mill Sheet written up in a Safe album, illustrating the dandy roller indicator letters found between the 11th and 12th rows of the mill sheets using mint multiples, incl. examples of pre-indicator letter pieces and all letters ''A'' to ''G'' represented, pre-indicator letter multiples incl. 1881 1d. lilac right half sheet of 120 with ''B'' control, letter ''A'' 1887-92 3d. corner block of four, letter ''B'' incl. 1887-92 2d. corner block of four, 1902-10 1d. block of six in a very deep bright scarlet shade (lower three stamps creased), Hendon certificate (2006, not mentioning the letter ''B'' wmk.), 2d. corner block of four, letter ''C'' 1887-92 3d. corner single, letter ''D'' incl. KE VII 21/2d. Harrison perf. 15 x 14 interpanneau block of eight from right sheet, 5d. interpanneau block of four, 6d. interpanneau block of four, letter ''E'' incl. 1887-92 1/2d. vermilion left sheets (2) of 240 with ''Q'' control, Army Official 1/2d. blue-green half right sheet of 120 with ''R'' control, KE VII Army Official 1/2d. block of 59, 6d. block of six, letter ''F'' incl. 1887-92 1/2d. vermilion interpanneau block of eight with wmk. inverted (lightly toned gum), KE VII 4d. Harrison perf. 15 x 14 block of four, Government Parcels 1d. strip of four, also Downey Head 1d. die 1A block of 30, letter ''G'' KE VII 1/2d. (2), 1d. and 5d. pairs, also some KE VII wmk. varieties incl. 1/2d. yellow-green ''I9'' control block of six with [R.19/2] showing 2mm raised crown, 1d. booklet pane of six wmk. inverted showing ''GE'' of ''POSTAGE'', etc., varied condition but many fine unmounted, a remarkable assembly. (51 items).
6 | Â£4800
Collections and Mixed Lots: A mainly used QV to QE II collection in an album, incl. a few pre-stamp covers with 1662 (Jan. 9th.) entire from Richmond to London, no postal markings, 1840 Mulready 1d. letter sheet A31 unused, 1841 range of 1d's with numbers in Cross, 2d. blue HG unused (cut into at base), 1847-54 embossed 1s. (3, one is on 1855 cover), 10d. (2), 6d. (4), 1873-80 4d. vermilion plate 15 LK unused, 1883-84 watermark anchor 10s. pale ultramarine HB mint, 1884 watermark crowns £1 brown-lilac HC, 1888 watermark orbs £1 brown-lilac RA, 1887-92 ''Jubilee'' to 1s. (both) mint, £1 green CB, EA on piece, 1912-24 watermark Royal cypher 1d. mint with variety ''Q'' for ''O'', Seahorses, 1929 P.U.C. £1 mint (creases and thin spot), 1948 Silver Wedding £1 unmounted mint irregular block of seven, etc., very mixed condition. (100's).
7 | Â£2800
Collections and Mixed Lots: A vast accumulation of mainly QE II first day covers to 2004(c.) in eight cartons, with some plain early issues, illustrated from 1960's incl. special cancellations, decimals with commemoratives, miniature sheets, definitives, booklet panes, regionals, the late 1970s to 1990s period with a large quantity of covers with special handstamps and relevant c.d.s. cancellations incl. House of Commons and House of Lords, some signed, silks, coin covers, Channel Is. and I.O.M., also two stockbooks of I.O.M. mint, Royal events and other commemorative issues in albums with stamps and covers (incl. Commonwealth and Foreign), etc. (1000s).
8 | Â£3800
Collections and Mixed Lots: A QV to early QE II collection in a stockbook incl. 1840 1d. used (4), 1841 1d. vertical pair with large margins mint, later line engraved, 1847-54 embossed 1s. (2), 10d., 6d. (2) used, range of surface printed used to 2s. brown LA and SD (both with faults), 1867-78 5s. plate 1 DH, plate 2 HJ, 10s. EE, 1882-83 5s. BB (creases), 1883-84 to 10s. used, 1891 £1 green IA and IB used, Telegraph 1877 £1 DD used, KE VII 2s.6d. to £1 used, range of Seahorses used incl. 1913 Waterlow to £1 (reperforated), 1915 De La Rue to 10s. (3), QE II Wildings and Castles, etc., mixed condition. (few 100s).
9 Â£3800
Collections and Mixed Lots: A QV used collection in mixed condition on leaves including 1840 1d. (2), 2d. (2), later line engraved, 1847–54 embossed 1s. (3), 10d., 6d. (4), range of surface printed to 1867–78 5s. plate 1 AE, plate 2 CB, 1882–83 5s. EF, £1 CD, £5 DC, 1880–83 1s. plate 13 LE-MF block of four, 1884 £1 FB, 1891 £1 green NB, etc. (340).
10 Â£2200
Collections and Mixed Lots: 1867-83 selection of used high values comprising 1867-78 10s. HH, 1882-83 wmk. anchor 5s. plate 4 DG, EC and £5 AB (with ''COWES'' double ring c.d.s.), some faults and repairs but fair to good appearance.
11 Â£2500
Collections and Mixed Lots: 1847-1900 collection on leaves, mainly used incl. 1847-54 embossed 1s., 10d. and 6d., good range of surface printed incl. 1855-57 wmk. Small Garter 4d. with part ''PITT STREET'' Scots local cancellation, 1862-64 1s. KD with ''K'' in circle variety (cut-down wing margin and cut into at right), 1867-80 2s. brown EC (corner repair), 1867-78 10s. FD, £1 HF, 1873-80 21/2d. rosy mauve plate 2 LH-FL error of lettering (clipped perfs.), values to 5s. plate 2 used in Constantinople or Alexandria, 1883-84 to 10s. (2), 1884 wmk. crowns AC (crease), 1888 wmk. orbs £1 brown-lilac ED (repaired), 1891 £1 green CA, selection of Officials, also a few unused incl. 1855-57 6d. and 1s., 1867-80 10d. optd. ''SPECIMEN'', etc., mixed condition. (152).
12 | Â£4000
Collections and Mixed Lots: A QV collection in a stockbook, mainly used incl. 1840 1d. (15) incl. plates 1a to 11 PJ (faults), mostly with four margins, two are matched with 1d. red, 1840 2d., later line engraved incl. 1841 1d. with number ''3'' in Maltese Cross, 1847-54 embossed 1s. to 6d. (3), good range of surface printed to 2s. brown QL, 1867-83 wmk. anchor 5s. plate 4 GF, 10s. FD, 1883-84 to 10s., 1884 £1 brown-lilac NC, 1891 £1 green QA, some mint incl. 1880-83 3d. on 3d., 1887-92 'Jubilee' values to 5d. die I (toned), 9d., 10d. (2), etc., mixed condition, also some literature incl. ''Guide Lines to the Penny Black'' by Litchfield, catalogues, etc., contained in a carton. (approx. 214).
13 | Â£5200
Collections and Mixed Lots: A QV to KG V collection on leaves incl. 1840 1d. unused (2), used (4), 2d. used singles (2) and strip of three (thinned), all with four margins (close in places), later line engraved incl. 1854-57 2d. plate 4 SC14 watermark inverted used, range of surface printed used, 1883-84 2s.6d. KG mint, 1887-92 Jubilee 5d. die I mint, £1 BB used, KE VII to 10s. used, Seahorses incl. 1913 Waterlow £1 unused (regummed) and used, 1918-19 Bradbury 2s.6d. mint (4), 1934 re-engraved 2s.6d. to 10s. mint, range of officials used, etc., varied condition. (few 100s).
14 | Â£1800
Collections and Mixed Lots: A QV to QE II collection on leaves, incl. 1887-92 ''Jubilee'' to 1s. (both) mint, used to £1 green BC, 1902-13 to £1 dull blue-green used, 1912-24 watermark Simple Cypher sets (2) mint, Seahorses with 1913 Waterlow £1 dull blue-green used, 1929 P.U.C. £1 mint (crease), 1939-48 set mint, 1959 phosphor-graphite set in unmounted mint blocks of four, etc., varied condition. (few 100's).
15 | Â£1850
Collections and Mixed Lots: 1840-1969 collection in a Lindner album incl. 1840 1d. and 2d. used, later line engraved incl. 1870 1/2d. plate 8 mint, range of surface printed to 5s. plate 2, 1873-80 4d. plate 15 imperf. colour trial in light sage (tone spot), 1880-83 3d. on 3d. mint, 1880-81 11/2d. mint, 1881 die I 1d. lilac mint, 1883-84 'lilac and green' 9d. and 1s. overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', 1887-1900 Jubilee values to 1s. green and carmine mint, £1 used, KE VII values to 10d. mint, to 10s. used, later mint incl. Downey Heads, 1913 wmk. multiple cypher 1/2d., 1951 2s.6d. to £1, QE II with Wilding sets, 1955 2s.6d. to £1, commemoratives with phosphor sets, postage dues mint and used, etc., varied condition. (few 100s).
16 | Â£1450
Collections and Mixed Lots: A mainly used surface printed collection on leaves, incl. 1855-57 4d. (5), 6d. (2), 1s. (2), 1862-64 3d., 4d. (4), 6d. (2), 9d. (2), 1s., 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross 5s. plate 1 GF, plate 2 BI, HG, 10s. greenish-grey FI (faults), £1 brown lilac BC (repaired), 1873-80 4d. vermilion plate 15 LB, 4d. sage-green plate 15 CI and plate 16 II, 4d. grey-brown plate 17 QE, 1883-84 watermark anchor 10s. ultramarine BB, 1884 watermark crowns £1 brown-lilac FB, 1887-92 Jubilee to 1s. (both) mint, £1 green FC, Officials, Telegraph with 1877 £1 brown-lilac CI, etc., mixed condition. (few 100's).
17 Â£3800
Collections and Mixed Lots: 1855-91 selection of surface printed overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', comprising type 2 on 1856 4d. wmk. medium garter, 1861 unissued 3d. plate 2, state 1; type 3 on 1855 4d. wmk. small garter (4 with a marginal pair); type 4 on 1856 4d. wmk. medium garter (specially prepared ink) (2), 6d. (2), 1s. (2); type 5 on 1862-64 3d. plate 2, 4d. plate 3, 6d. plate 3, 1s. plate 2, 1867-80 10d. plate 1, 2s. blue; type 6 on 1862-64 9d. plate 2, 1872-73 6d. chestnut plate 11 (2), 6d. grey plate 12; type 8 on 1865-67 4d. plate 14, 1867-80 3d. plates 5, 6, 6d. plates 8, 9, 9d. plate 4, 1s plate 4, 1872-73 6d. grey plate 12, 1873-80 21/2d. rosy mauve plate 1 on blued (2), 1873-80 6d. grey plate 14 (2), 1s. green plate 12; type 9 on 1s. plate 5, 2s. blue plate 1 (2), 2s. brown, 1873-80 21/2d. rosy mauve plates 5 (2), 6, 16, 21/2d. blue plate 17 (2), 3d. plates 18, 19, 6d. grey plates 15, 16, 1s. green plates 12, 13, 1s. orange-brown plate 13, 4d. vermilion plate 15, 4d. sage-green plate 15 (2), 4d. grey-brown plate 17, 8d. orange, 1880-83 21/2d. plate 21, 3d. plate 21, 3d. on 3d., 4d. plates 17, 18, 6d. plate 18, 6d. on 6d. (2), 1s. plate 14 and 1884 wmk. crowns £1; type 11 on 1891 £1 green; condition varies but mainly of good to fine appearance, some with gum, some without gum or regummed. (68). S.G. cat. £30,000+. Photo.
18 | Â£1850
Collections and Mixed Lots: A QV collection in a Safe album, mainly used incl. 1840 1d. (3), 2d., 1847-54 embossed 1s. to 6d., 1864-79 1d. plates to 225, 1870 1/2d. plates, selection of surface printed to 2s. brown EC (faults), 5s. plate 2 BI, 1883-84 2s.6d. to 10s., 1884 £1 brown-lilac LA (repaired), 1891 £1 green HD, mint incl. 1880-81 1/2d. to 5d., 1887-1900 Jubilee set to both 1s. with some additional values to 10d. (some unmounted), etc., mixed condition. (approx. 320).
19 | Â£1850
Collections and Mixed Lots: 1911-51 collection on leaves with mint incl. Downey Head printings and shades, 1912-24 set incl. a range of shades, 1d. ''Q'' for ''O'' variety (S.G. 357a), 11/2d. ''PENCF'' variety, 6d. perf. 14, 1913 wmk. multiple cypher 1/2d. and 1d., 1915 De La Rue 2s.6d. (3, shades), 10s. deep blue unused, 1918-19 Bradbury 2s.6d. (2), 1924-26 to 1s., range of controls to 6d., watermark sideways sets with 1924-26 1/2d. to 2d., 1929 P.U.C. 1/2d. to 11/2d., 1934-36 1/2d. to 2d. and 1937-47 1/2d. to 21/2d., 1939-48 and 1951 sets to £1, various used with Seahorses incl. 1913 £1 (repaired), etc., mixed condition. (few 100s).
20 | Â£1650
Collections and Mixed Lots: A QV to QE II collection in a hingeless Lighthouse album incl. 1840 1d. and 2d. used, selection of later line engraved with some mint, a few surface printed used, 1873-80 3d. plate 20 unused, later issues all mint incl. 1880-81 to 2d., 5d. optd. ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, 1881 die I 1d. lilac, 1883-84 'lilac and green' to 5d., 1887-1900 Jubilee to both 1s., selection of Officials, 1902-10 De La Rue to 5s., 1911 Harrison perf. 15 x 14 to 4d., 1912-24 to 1s., 6d. perf. 14, 1918-19 Bradbury 2s.6d. to 10s., 1924-26 to 1s., 1/2d. to 2d. wmk. sideways, KG VI with watermark varieties complete, 1939-48 and 1951 sets to £1, QE II definitives with Wilding sets, wmk. varieties, Machins, etc., varied condition, most of the QE II unmounted. (few 100s).
22 | Â£2700
Collections and Mixed Lots: A mainly used QV to QE II collection in two albums, incl. 1840 1d. (4), 2d. plate 2 TE-TF pair, 1858-69 2d. blue plate 9 GI and RB unused, 1847-54 embossed 10d. (2) and 6d., 1855-57 4d. (4), 6d., 1s. (2), 1862-64 3d., 4d. (3), 6d., 9d. (2), 1s., 1867-80 2s. dull blue EA unused, 1873-80 1s. orange-brown plate 13 BI wing margined, 4d. vermilion plate 15 LI, 1883-84 watermark anchor 10s. ultramarine HC, 1887-92 Jubilee set to 1s. (both) mint, 1902-13 to £1, mint QE II to 1970, etc., mixed condition. (many 100's).
23 | Â£1200
Collections and Mixed Lots: A KE VII to KG V collection in a stockbook with KE VII mint printings to 9d. (4), 10d. (5), 1s. (3), range of 1/2d. and 1d. controls, Harrison perf. 14 1/2d. with complete offset on reverse, used to 2s.6d. (3), 5s., Somerset House £1 (faults), KG V mint with Downey Head printings and shades, 1912-24 range of shades to 9d. green, 10d. (2), 1s. (4), selection of controls, 1915 De La Rue 2s.6d. (3, shades), 1918-19 Bradbury 2s.6d., 1924-26 11/2d. tête-bêche pair (thin), 1924 Wembley set in corner blocks of four, 1934 re-engraved 2s.6d. (2), 5s., various used incl. Seahorses to 10s. with 1934 re-engraved 10s. block of four, etc., mixed condition. (few 100s).
24 | Â£1250
Collections and Mixed Lots: A mainly used line engraved collection on leaves, incl. 1840 House of Commons ''One Penny'' envelope front used February 28th. 1840, Mulready letter sheet A31 used 1841 August 16th. from London to Aberdeen, 1840 2d. blue (4), 1870 1/2d. plate 1 to 20 complete set of fifteen, 1864-79 1d. plates 71 to 225 complete, 1847-54 embossed 1s., 10d. (2, one unused), 6d., etc., mixed condition. (few 100's).
25 | Â£1650
Collections and Mixed Lots: A QV to QE II collection in two albums and a stockbook with QV mainly used incl. 1840 1d. (8), also one apparently unused (thin), 2d., later line engraved, 1847-54 embossed 1s. to 6d. (2), range of surface printed to 5s. plate 1, 1887 'Jubilee' values to 9d., 10d. mint, Officials, later mint incl. Downey Head multiples with controls, Wembley sets, 1948 Wedding, selection of booklets incl. 1935 Jubilee 3s., 1940 green cover 6d., 1952 (June) 2s.6d. (2), 1952 (Jan.) 5s., etc., also some Burma and Ireland, mixed condition. (100s).
27 | Â£1150
Collections and Mixed Lots: A mint and used KE VII to QE II collection in two Lighthouse albums, incl. 1902-13 to 10s. and £1 used, 1924-26 watermark block cypher set mint, Seahorses with 1913 Waterlow 2s.6d. mint (2), 1934 re-engraved set mint, 1929 P.U.C. £1 black used (damaged at base), 1939-48 set mint, Officials, etc., varied condition. (many 100's).
28 Â£1050
Collections and Mixed Lots: 1841-1900 mainly used collection incl. line engraved with 1841 1d. (13), 2d. with full margins, 1d. and 2d. stars incl. LC16 2d. (4 with a pair), surface printed incl. 1855-57 4d. wmk. medium garter (2), 4d. wmk. large garter (6, one with part Pearson Hill 2nd type machine cancellation code ''A''), 6d. (8), 1s. (2), 1862-64 9d., 1s., 1867-80 3d. (7), 6d. (13), 10d. (2), 1s. (4), 2s. blue, 1872-73 6d. chestnut or pale buff (8), 6d. grey (3), etc.
29 | Â£1300
Collections and Mixed Lots: A QV to QE II collection in 21 albums and stockbooks in two cartons incl. 1840 1d. used (2), later line engraved incl. some mint, selection of surface printed used to 5s. plate 2 CB, 1887-1900 Jubilee to both 1s. mint, KE VII to 5s. used, later mint incl. 1912-24, 1924-26 and 1934-36 sets to 1s., 1951 2s.6d. to £1, QE II mint with Wilding sets, pre-decimal commemoratives with most phosphor sets, decimals to 1991, also used, booklets with folded, window and prestige, f.d.c's with definitives and commemoratives, also some foreign covers, etc., varied condition. (1000s).
30 | Â£1450
Collections and Mixed Lots: A QV to QE II collection in mixed condition in fourteen albums and stockbooks contained in a carton incl. 1840 1d. (3, two are with four margins) used, 2d. use, later line-engraved, range of surface printed, 1867-83 Maltese Cross 10/- HG used, 1884 crowns £1 MA used, 1891 £1 GC used, 1902-13 to £1 used, 1929 P.U.C. £1 heavily cancelled, 1939-48 2s.6d. to £1 set of six mint, mint commemorative sets incl. 1963-65 phosphors unmounted, also Channel Is. and I.O.M., etc. (many 100's)
31 | Â£1500
Collections and Mixed Lots: A QV to early QE II duplicated used accumulation in two stockbooks incl. 1840 1d., range of surface printed to 1867-83 5s. (5), also 1867-80 10d. unused, 1883-84 10s., KE VII to 5s. (6), 10s., Seahorses incl. 1918-19 10s. (2), 1934 re-engraved 5s. (15), 10s. (6), a few mint incl. 1900 1s. green and carmine block of four, etc., mixed condition. (100s).
32 | Â£700
Collections and Mixed Lots: A QV to QE II accumulation in a stockbook including 1841 1d. plate 105 SF with inverted ''S'' used on 1857 (June 13th) entire letter, 1852–53 imperf. 1d. plate 167 MF used with very late use part 1882 duplex, matched with 1854 SC16 1d., 1855 die II, alphabet II, 1d. LC14 plate 10 NA-OC block of six used, plate 11 EA-FD block of eight used, 1855 SC14 2d. plate 4 used with Scots local cancellation, 1925 Wembley corner blocks of four mint, 1934 re-engraved 2s.6d. to 10s. sets (3) used, 1948 Wedding £1 mint (4, 3 unmounted), 1951 2s.6d. to £1 mint, QE II unmounted mint including 1955 Waterlow 2s.6d. to £1 (5s. short perf.), 1959 phosphor-graphite set, 1963 Lifeboat, Red Cross and Cable phosphor sets in blocks of four, etc., varied condition. (310).
33 | Â£1500
Collections and Mixed Lots: A mainly QV to QE II accumulation in nine albums and stockbooks, contained in a carton, incl. range of stampless and pre-stamp covers with mileage marks, 1902-13 to 1s. mint (2), range of QE II Stirling booklets, Channel Islands with QV to KG V stamps used in, etc. (1000's).
34 Â£1050
Collections and Mixed Lots: A KE VII to QE II collection of mint booklet panes on leaves incl. 1906 1/2d. with St. Andrew's Cross attached wmk. inverted, 1911 1/2d. and 1d. wmk. Crown inverted, 1912 1/2d. and 1d. wmk. Simple Cypher inverted, 1912-24 1/2d. 1d. and 11/2d. wmk. upright, 1924-26 11/2d. advert panes (2) wmk. inverted, 1929 P.U.C. 1/2d. to 11/2d. wmk. upright, 11/2d. advert pane wmk. inverted (toned), 1934-36 1/2d. intermediate format with cylinder ''E1'' no dot, 1/2d. advert pane (S.G. Spec. NB27(8)) with cylinder ''G26'' no dot, 1935 Jubilee panes, KE VIII, KG VI panes of two, four and six incl. 1/2d. and 1d. panes of four wmk. sideways, Wilding panes of four and six incl. 11/2d. graphite wmk. inverted (2), Machins, etc., varied condition with mixed perfs., many fine. (149 panes).
35 Â£980
Collections and Mixed Lots: 1847-1900 collection on leaves, mainly used incl. 1847-54 embossed 1s., 10d. (2), 6d. (3), range of surface printed to 2s. blue (5), 1883-84 2s.6d. to 10s., mint incl. 1881 die I 1d. lilac, 1887-1900 Jubilee to 1s. green, selection used abroad with values to 5s., etc., mixed condition. (223).
36 | Â£750
Collections and Mixed Lots: A mainly used QV collection on leaves, incl. 1840 1d. black (5), 2d. blue, 1855-57 4d. (2), 6d., 1s., 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross 5s. plate 2 DJ, Officials, etc., mixed condition. (157).
37 Â£980
Collections and Mixed Lots: A mainly used QV selection of high values, comprising 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross 5s. plate 1 CB unused (no gum), plate 2 AB, GA, GC, HG, 10s. greenish-grey BH, 1882-83 watermark anchor 5s. plate 4 GH, all with faults. (7). Photo.
38 | Â£520
Collections and Mixed Lots: A QV to QE II collection in three albums in a small carton with QV used incl. 1840 1d. (3, one thinned) incl. plate 1a JB, plate 1b ID (re-entry), 2d., later line engraved, 1880-83 21/2d. to 1s. (all plates), KG V to 10s. used, mint incl. Wembley sets, 1948 Wedding, QE II with commemorative sets to 1992, Machins, Castles, regionals, also some used, a few f.d.c's, etc., varied condition. (100s).
39 Â£1050
Collections and Mixed Lots: A line engraved collection on leaves, mostly used incl. 1840 Mulready 1d. letter sheet with Jell's General & Commercial Envelope advertisement used, 2d. letter sheet unused, 1841 2d. (15) incl. plate 4 EI 'violet-blue' with slight lavender tint (small thin), 1d. Stars with a range of printings, shades, some plated, a few mint or unused, 2d. Stars (18) incl. SC16 unused (regummed), etc., mixed condition. (approx. 245).
40 | Â£600
Collections and Mixed Lots: A QV to QE II accumulation in ten albums and stockbooks, and loose in two cartons with QV mainly used incl. 1840 1d. (2), range of surface printed to 5s. plate 2, 1873-80 21/2d. rosy mauve plate 6 unused, 1883-84 10s., later mint incl. KE VII to 1s., 1912-24 to 1s., QE II with commemorative multiples, Wildings, Machins, booklets and panes, presentation packs, covers, heavily duplicated used from KG V, etc., mixed condition. (1000s).
41 | Â£1000
Collections and Mixed Lots: A QV to QE II collection in an album, incl. QE II issues to 1970 with booklet panes and booklets with 1954 (March) 5s., Officials, etc. (100's).
42 | Â£500
Collections and Mixed Lots: A line engraved mint or unused selection comprising 1841 1d. LB and SG, both with four margins, 1856-58 die II, alphabet III, LC16 1d. LE (faults), 1858-76 2d. plate 9 DK and FG, plate 13 RI, plate 15 AB, 1870 1/2d. plate 4 DE-EF block of four, and 1870 11/2d. plate 1 RG, varied condition. (12).
43 | Â£600
Collections and Mixed Lots: A QV to QE II collection in two albums, incl. 1840 2d. blue RB, 1841 1d's, 1877 Telegraph £1 brown-lilac BL, etc., mixed condition. (100's).
44 Â£750
Collections and Mixed Lots: 1858-79 mainly used collection of plate number issues on leaves incl. 1858-69 2d. plates 7 to 15 (2 sets), 1864-79 1d. plates complete (less 77) to 225 (2), 1870 1/2d. plates complete, 1870 11/2d. plate 3 unused, 1867 Paris Exhibition 1d. plate 103 GL proof in black affixed to card (central faults), etc., mixed condition. (approx. 190).
45 | Â£680
Collections and Mixed Lots: A QV to QE II collection in 28 albums and loose in four cartons incl. 1840 1d. used with four margins, mint incl. 1924 Wembley set in blocks of six, 1948 Wedding, QE II with definitives, regionals, commemoratives incl. large multiples, presentation packs, booklets, 1999 and 2000 year books, duplicated used, quantity of f.d.c's incl. 1948 Wedding £1 (plain), 1948 Olympics with slogan cancellation, duplicated QE II, R.A.F. covers with many signed, 1968 European Cup Final cover signed George Best, etc., mixed condition. (1000s).
46 | Â£520
Collections and Mixed Lots: A QV to QE II accumulation in three albums and stockbooks, and loose in a carton incl. 1840 1d. used, 1887-92 Jubilee values mint, KE VII values to 1s. mint, QE II mint with pre-decimal commemorative multiples, 1966 Birds 4d. Robin (ordinary) variety reddish brown omitted unmounted mint in pair with Black-headed Gull (mounted), decimals to 1980s, presentation packs to 1990s, 1984 year book, a few Prestige booklets, etc. (many 100s).
47 | Â£680
Collections and Mixed Lots: A collection of mainly essays, trials and Cinderella's in a small stockbook incl. De La Rue set of eight imperf. Captain Cook design phosphor band trials in four colours, undenominated set of four Machin head trials, Harrison Head photogravure perforated trial in blue, perforated set of four phosphor tagging trials in green, imperf. trials (5) in claret, blue and ultramarine, Eyre & Spottiswoode recess sample stamps (5), De La Rue QV recess sample stamps in pale green and carmine, litho Alsatian portrait in brown imperf. single and block of four, pro-Boer propaganda Napoleon essays (4), various exhibition and advertising labels, etc., mainly fine, an unusual assembly. (approx. 130 items).
48 | Â£400
Collections and Mixed Lots: A mainly QE II accumulation in thirteen albums, seven stockbooks and loose, contained in three cartons, incl. a good range of commemoratives with many f.d.c's, PHQ cards with 1973 Inigo Jones, 1974 Tree, 1974 Fire (2), Channel Islands, I.O.M., etc. (1000's).
49 | Â£380
Collections and Mixed Lots: A mainly used QV to KG VI collection on leaves, incl. range of 1d. Stars, Seahorses with 1915 De La Rue 10s. blue, 1918-19 Bradbury 10s. dull grey-blue, Officials, etc., varied condition. (few 100's).
50 Â£950
Collections and Mixed Lots: 1884-92 selection in mixed condition comprising 1884 watermark crowns £1 CC of unused appearance but with cleaned manuscript cancellation, 1888 watermark orbs error £1 brown-lilac BC and TA (broken frame), 1887-92 'Jubilee' £1 green EC and QC, fair to poor used examples, also unwatermarked QC forgery/reproduction in brown with oval ''REGISTERED/CHARING CROSS'' 'datestamp'. (6).
51 | Â£520
Collections and Mixed Lots: 1841-1970s accumulation in albums, on leaves and in packets in two cartons incl. surface printed to 5s. plate 2 used, 1883-84 to 10s. used, specialised KE VIII, cylinder blocks, covers incl. f.d.c's, military, etc., mixed condition. (1000s).
52 | Â£1500
Collections and Mixed Lots: A large QV used accumulation in a suitcase incl. a quantity of 1841 1d's, some with four margins, later line engraved 1d's, huge quantity of 1881 1d. lilacs, 1887–92 Jubilee ?d., cancellation interest, etc. (Many 1,000s).
53 | Â£420
Collections and Mixed Lots: 1840-1970 collection in an album with QV mainly used incl. 1840 1d. and 2d., later line engraved, range of surface printed to 2s. blue, 1912-24 shades to 1s. mint, 9d. green with ''T22'' control, 1913 wmk. multiple cypher 1/2d. used (trimmed perfs.), Seahorses to 10s. used, 1951 2s.6d. to £1 mint, 1955 Waterlow set mint (10s. perf. faults), 1959 phosphor-graphite set mint, commemoratives with some early phosphor sets, etc., mixed condition. (few 100s).
54 | Â£360
Collections and Mixed Lots: A KG V to QE II collection in a Lighthouse album and two stockbooks, incl. 1929 P.U.C. watermark sideways set unmounted mint, 1939-48 set mint, 1948 Silver Wedding £1 unmounted mint block of four, QE II commemoratives unmounted mint to 1970 with better phosphors, 1959 phosphor graphite 2d. error unmounted mint, etc. (100's).
55 | Â£350
Collections and Mixed Lots: A KG VI to QE II mint and used collection on leaves and in packets, mint incl. 1937-47 1/2d. to 21/2d. wmk. sideways, 1939-48 to £1, 1951 to £1, Wilding sets, 1955 Waterlow and 1959 2nd De La Rue Castle sets, Machins, duplicated used incl. wmk. varieties, 1939-48 both 10s. and £1 blocks of four, 1951 2s.6d. to £1 blocks of four, also used postage dues from 1914, etc., varied condition. (few 100s).
56 Â£620
Collections and Mixed Lots: 1841-76 2d. line engraved used collection on leaves with 1841 imperfs. (28) with examples from plates 3 and 4, 2d. stars from various printings, 2d. plates 7 to 15 incl. a range of plate 9 on dated pieces (28), selection lettered GI incl. plate 4 imperf., SC16 and SC14 matched trio, plate 6 LC14 and LC16 matched pair, etc., varied condition but many fine, most of the imperfs. with four margins. (109).
57 | Â£480
Collections and Mixed Lots: An accumulation in seven albums (five empty), seven stockbooks and loose, contained in three cartons, incl. 1840 1d. black (2) used, 1840 Mulready 1d. letter sheet A50 used 1840 (Dec. 21st) with ''The Economic Life Assurance Society'' advert inside, range of QE II f.d.c's, also some foreign, etc. (many 1000's).
58 | Â£210
Collections and Mixed Lots: An accumulation from QV in two albums and two stockbooks, mainly QE II with mint Wildings incl. graphites, 1959 phosphor-graphite 2d. error of wmk. (unmounted), pre-decimal commemorative sets incl. multiples, some phosphor sets, a few decimals mainly Prestige panes and part panes, various used, etc. (100s).
59 | Â£300
Collections and Mixed Lots: A QV to QE II accumulation in twelve albums and loose in two cartons incl. 1840 1d. used, mainly QE II incl. quantity of PHQ cards, f.d.c's to 2000(c.) with definitives, booklet panes, commemoratives, miniature sheets, some signed, Greetings and Prestige booklets, mint decimal commemoratives to 1980s, etc. (100s).
60 | Â£260
Collections and Mixed Lots: A QV to QE II collection in an album incl. line engraved and surface printed used, KE VII 5s. mint and used, 1934 re-engraved sets (2) used, KG VI sets to £1 used, 1951 £1 mint, QE II definitives and commemoratives to 1970, etc., mixed condition. (few 100s).
62 | Â£260
Collections and Mixed Lots: An accumulation in a stockbook, four sheet files and loose with 1960's sterling commemorative and definitive issues in unmounted mint multiples, range of illustrated f.d.c's incl. 1969 Ships with Lloyds Coffee House handstamp, also presentation packs and a few other items. (many 100's)
63 | Â£120
Collections and Mixed Lots: A QV to QE II collection in an album and loose, incl. 1840 1d. RG used, 1855-57 4d., 6d. and 1s. used, 1970-2005 range of f.d.c's, etc. (100's).
64 | Â£130
Collections and Mixed Lots: A collection in a Windsor album with a few QV to KG V, mint from 1935 to 1973 incl. 1937-47 1/2d. to 21/2d. wmk. sideways, Wildings with Tudor and St. Edward's Crown sets, sideways wmks., graphites, phosphor-graphites, 1955 Waterlow Castle set, commemoratives with phosphor sets, etc., varied condition, some of the mint unmounted. (few 100s).
65 | Â£240
Collections and Mixed Lots: A mainly KG V to QE II accumulation in three albums and a stockbook, and loose in a carton, mostly covers and cards incl. KG V postal stationery unused and used, p.p.c's, registered, airmails, Guernsey bisects, f.d.c's incl. 1935 Jubilee on four plain covers, KE VIII, 1948 Wedding set on plain envelope, various QE II, 1914 Postage Due 1d. on front tied by first day c.d.s. (faults), some stamps, etc., mixed condition. (100s).
66 | Â£300
Collections and Mixed Lots: A QV selection incl. 1844 embossed 1d. pink die 55 unfolded letter sheet overprinted large ''SPECIMEN'' in red, 1879 Perkins, Bacon tender essays (24), etc. (50 items).
67 | Â£450
Collections and Mixed Lots: 1855-79 collection of line engraved 1ds. in two binders, mainly 1d. plates incl. mint blocks (5), cancellation interest, etc. (100s).
68 | Â£170
Collections and Mixed Lots: A QV to KG VI accumulation in an album and three cover albums in a small carton, mainly used from 1840 1d. (poor), later line engraved, heavily duplicated QV to KG VI mainly low values, duplicated f.d.c's and other covers incl. Channel Is., etc., also Foreign and Commonwealth in a folder and a Strand album, mixed condition. (few 1000s).
69 Â£75
Collections and Mixed Lots: A KG VI and QE II selection with KG VI definitives unmounted mint incl. 1937-47 4d. to 1s., four of each in pairs (11d. one pair only, one stamp mounted), and 1955 Waterlow 2s.6d. to £1 sets (4), and 1958 1st De La Rue 2s.6d. to £1 sets (2), mainly fine used. (80).
70 | Â£150
Collections and Mixed Lots: An accumulation in a stockbook, a cover album and loose in a carton incl. KG VI and QE II used, some mint incl. 1965 Churchill presentation pack, miniature sheets, Castles to £5, quantity of f.d.c's to 2003 with commemoratives, definitives and regionals, also a few foreign, etc. (100s).
71 | Â£90
Collections and Mixed Lots: A mainly mint KE VII to QE II collection in a Windsor album, incl. 1937-47 2d. orange with sideways watermark, 1948 Silver Wedding £1., also an album of coin covers, etc. (few 100's).
73 | Â£200
Literature: A small library contained in two cartons, incl. The British County Catalogue volumes 1 to 5 by Willcocks, May Dates by Jackson, British Pictorial Envelopes of the 19th Century by Bodily, Jarvis and Hahn, The Mulready Advertisements by Lowe, etc.
74 | Â£270
Literature: Plating Photographs: 1841 1d. plates 40-91 AA-TL set of 240 photographs of each lettering, published by R.C. Alcock, mainly fine, useful reference.
76 | Â£95
Literature: A History of the Adhesive Stamps of the British Isles, by Wright & Creeke (1899), an example with plates bound in, covers a little worn, otherwise fine.
79 | Â£60
Miscellaneous: Prints: Vanity Fair prints (6) incl. three of Postmasters (one is unlettered proof), etc.
80 Â£1800
Protective Overprints or Underprints: A selection (40) in varied condition on 1864-79 1d. plates, comprising J. & C. Boyd & Co. (3), Borrowman, Phillips & Co. plate 150, Brown, Davis & Co. plate 140, Copestake, Moore, Crampton & Co. official underprint in red (10), and unofficial in black on plate 116, Copestake, Hughes Crampton & Co. plate 188, Fore Street Warehouse Co. plate 193, G.E.R. plates 149 & 189, A.S. Henry, Manchester plate 111, Samuel Montagu & Co. plate 72, Naylor, Benzon plate 141 (badly defective), O.U.S. overprints (3), underprints (5), J.S. & Co. plate 191, Smith & Lister plate 138, W.H. Smith & Co. (2), J. Tylor & Sons plate 151, Vickers, Sons & Co. plates 149 & 159, G.H.W. & Co. plate 139, also W. Dawbarn & Co. overprint reading downwards (plate not visible), and J & C Boyd & Co. on 2d. plate 9, Copestake, Moore, Crampton & Co. on 1/2d. (2), 11/2d. (2), 2d. and Fores Street Warehouse Coy. on 11/2d. (47). S.G. cat. £4,700+ (approx.).
81 Â£320
Protective Overprints or Underprints: James Harvey, B. Stortford: 1864-79 1d. lake-red plate 173 BJ with a fine strong example of the type 28 underprint in black, fine and scarce. S.G. Spec. PP87, cat. from £325. Photo.
82 Â£250
Protective Overprints or Underprints: ''G.S.S. & Co'' horizontal underprint on 1864-79 1d. plate 183 CK, used, some perf faults, otherwise fine, unlisted plate. S.G. Spec. PP173. Photo.
83 Â£300
Protective Overprints or Underprints: F.P.W. & Co.: 1864-79 plate 189 DE with a good example of the type 64 vertical underprint reading downwards, slight staining, otherwise fine and rare. S.G. Spec. PP214, unpriced, this plate not listed. Photo.
84 Â£85
Miscellaneous: Revenue Stamps: Foreign Bill: 1857 2s. lilac and carmine and 10s. used on 1870 Oriental Bank Corporation Bill of Exchange, most unusual. Photo.
85 | Â£850
Miscellaneous: Royal Memorabilia: A selection of items given/presented to Mr W A King the postmaster at Buckingham Palace, including twelve Christmas cards between 1962-68 from either the Queen and Prince Philip or the Queen Mother, 1948 letter of thanks for Silver Wedding gift, invitations to various Parties at Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle etc. Also various colour and black and white photographs of the Royal family and Balmoral Castle in Scotland.
86 Â£130
Miscellaneous: Watermarked Paper: A small selection comprising Large Crown (single), 1870 'half penny' (vertical strip of three), 1857 large garter (corner block of four on gummed paper), and 1882-84 large anchor on blued paper (corner block of four and marginal single). (5 items).
87 | Â£2200
Postal History and Covers: A QV collection of covers and cards in 13 albums with pre-stamp incl. Paids, free fronts, 1840 Mulready 1d. envelopes (3) and letter sheets (2) used, 1841 1d's incl. numbers in Maltese Crosses, 1841 2d. on 1850 part entire with St. Austell blue numeral, later line engraved with 1d. and 2d. stars, 1870 1/2d's incl. plate 8 (4), embossed with 1s., 10d. and 6d. covers (mostly cut to shape), surface printed single and mixed frankings, various destinations, 1883-84 'lilac and green' 5d. on 1886 cover to Aden, O.H.M.S. envelopes with 1d. lilac and 1/2d. vermilion I.R. Officials, stationery unused and used incl. uprated envelopes and registered envelopes, wide range of cancellations incl. spoons, squared circles, Hoster machine cancellations (4), etc., mixed condition. (few 100s).
88 | Â£1900
Postal History and Covers: A QV collection of covers and cards in 5 albums and loose in a carton incl. stampless, 1840 1d., 1841 1d's and 2d's, later line engraved 1d's and 2d's, 1870 11/2d. single franking covers (8), 1847-54 embossed 1s. on 1859 cover to Brazil, surface printed with single and mixed frankings, 1880-81 5d. and 1883-84 'lilac and green' 5d. on 1885 envelopes to India, unused and used postal stationery incl. registered, cancellations incl. spoons, squared circles, Hoster machine cancellations (3), mourning envelopes, a few pieces and fronts, etc., mixed condition. (approx. 410).
89 | Â£1150
Postal History and Covers: A collection of mainly covers in six binders, incl. 1678 entire letter with ''OC/18'' Bishopmark on reverse, 1736, 1752 and 1770 covers with Dockwra type handstamps, 1828 cover bearing on reverse small boxed ''Shepton Mallet/5th Clause Post'', 1830 cover with large boxed ''SHEPTN MALLET/5th Clause Post'' struck on reverse across flap, townstamps, good range of 'Free's', 1841 2d. plate 4 FL with clear to good margins on three sides used on small neat 1859 (May) local London envelope, a very late usage, Scotland, Channel Islands incl. fine ''JERSEY'' scroll, etc., also a range of loose foreign stamps, etc. (Few 100s).
90 | Â£210
Postal History and Covers: An accumulation of KE VII covers and cards incl. postal stationery mainly used, registered mail with various frankings, range of destinations, a few with postage dues applied, picture postcards (approx. 100), cancellations, perfins, 1d. I.R. Official used on O.H.M.S. envelopes (5), 1d. used on 1908 (Oct. 1st) J.P.S. special envelope commemorating the First Penny Postage to the U.S.A. (faults), etc. (approx. 215).
91 Â£200
Postal History and Covers: 1571 (Nov. 27th) entire letter from Jacomo Sani in Calais to 'Filippo Corsini, Londra' with Per Questa endorsement, fine. Full translation included. Photo.
92 Â£200
Postal History and Covers: 1573 (Dec. 2nd) letter (separate first page missing) from Giovan Sforzosi in Amsterdam to 'Felippo Corsino' in London, also an undated letter to 'Phillip Corsini' in London noted as being 1571 from Dover. Fine clean items, full translations of each included. Photo.
93 Â£190
Postal History and Covers: 1590 (April 27th) internal English entire letter from John Norrys of Norwich to 'Fillipe Corsini' in London, very fine for this period and considerably scarcer than Corsini letters of external European origin. Photo.
94 Â£190
Postal History and Covers: 1591 (May 10th) entire letter from Lucantonio Guinti in Venice to Bartolomeo Corsini in London, very fine. Full translation included. Photo.
95 | Â£150
Postal History and Covers: 1672-1857 small selection of covers (9), incl. 1672 cover from Paris with ''JY/5'' Bishopmark on reverse, also sixteen pieces, franked by 1856-58 1d. all tied by Yarmouth sideways duplex's.
96 | Â£170
Postal History and Covers: 1702-1917 a selection of covers and cards, incl. Bishopmarks with 1702 cover to London, bearing on reverse a fine ''AP/3'', Inspectors marks, etc. (26 items).
97 | Â£400
Postal History and Covers: 1792-1971, Devon, a selection of covers in a binder, incl. Chudleigh 1792 entire bearing very fine curved ''CHUDLEIGH'' on reverse, Exeter, Penny Posts, Mileage marks, Ship Letters, etc. (47 items).
98 | Â£1250
Postal History and Covers: 1798-1921, an accumulation of family correspondences in a carton, incl. some Penny Posts, 1858 envelope from India to London, bearing on reverse a fair strike of the two line ''Saved from the wreck/of the Ava'', 1948 Silver Wedding set on plain f.d.c., many letters and documents, a range of overseas covers and cards, also a few stamps, etc. (100's).
99 | Â£140
Postal History and Covers: 1828-40 selection of 14 stampless covers, addressed to Dorset, incl. Penny Posts of Blandford, Yeovil, Shaftesbury, boxed numbers ''1'', ''8'', ''11'', etc.
101 Â£200
Postal History and Covers: 1841-44 group of covers with 1841 1d. red-brown plate 9 BC with good even margins, state 2 without ''O'' flaw, used on 1841 (Oct. 15th) envelope from London to Weymouth, cancelled black Maltese Cross with small ''1'' in the centre, 1843 (March 13th) envelope from London to Bristol bearing 1d. plate 27 EB with similar small ''1'' in Maltese Cross cancellation (R.P.S. certificate, 2004), and 1d. pink stationery envelopes (3) used within London, each cancelled black Maltese Crosses. (5).
102 Â£130
Postal History and Covers: 1842-1936 selection of mainly covers and cards incl. 1842 cover from Cuba to London, bearing ''HAVANA'' British P.O. datestamp on reverse, 1856 cover from Barbados to London, 1883 envelope (no flap), used within London, franked by 1866-67 Inland Revenue 1d., etc. (20 items).
103 Â£85
Postal History and Covers: 1844 (Aug. 24th) printed entire letter headed ''National Testimonial to Rowland Hill, Author of the Penny Postage'', used from London to Sussex, franked by 1841 1d. red-brown KK cut into at base, tied by ''2'' barred oval, with printed Testimonial enclosed, interesting item. Photo.
104 | Â£380
Postal History and Covers: 1853-69 correspondence to a Captain Mills (later Colonel) in India, various rates and frankings incl. two with 1847-54 embossed 1s. (cut to shape), 1867-80 10d., 1867-80 1s. plate 4 alongside 1864-79 1d., range of backstamps incl. two with Sea Post office, etc., mixed condition. (14).
105 | Â£190
Postal History and Covers: 1854-80 group of covers (19) incl. 1852-53 imperf. 1d. and 1854 die I, alphabet II, SC16 1d. used together on 1854 (Apr. 13th) envelope, 1857 LC14 2d. plate 6 pair used on 1858 (Apr. 26th) envelope, 1870 11/2d. used on 1876 and 1880 single rate covers, 1870 11/2d. used alongside 1873-80 6d. plate 17 on 1880 (Dec. 3rd) 71/2d. rate registered cover within Edinburgh, various 2d. plates, also used surface printed stamps (7) incl. 1867-80 3d. plate 9 LK-LL pair with unusual Novelli & Co, Manchester, embossed security handstamps, etc.
106 Â£85
Postal History and Covers: 1857 (Oct. 28th) mourning envelope to Dublin bearing 1856-58 perf. 14 1d., tied by scarce Irish type Drogheda spoon cancel. Photo.
107 Â£100
Postal History and Covers: 1859 (Apr. 7th) envelope from London to Warwick franked 1d. Star tied by London numeral cancellation, front with a fine strike of the very large crowned circular ''ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND'' datestamp of 7th April, cover with slight soiling, unusual. Photo.
108 Â£350
Postal History and Covers: 1860 (Nov. 26th) exceptional clean cover from London to Shanghai bearing LC14 1d. TH and 1855-57 watermark large garter 4d. rose pair with neat ''LONDON E C/74'' duplexes, handstruck ''1d.'' in red on front and ''HONG KONG/JA _0/61'' transit c.d.s. on reverse, most attractive. Photo.
109 Â£350
Postal History and Covers: 1863 (March 31st) wrapper from Guernsey to St. Malo, franked by 1857-63 LC14 on white paper 1d. rose plate 60 OD-OG strip of four cancelled by large figures ''3734'' St. Malo lozenge, octagonal ''ANGL B M/St. MALO'' datestamp in red below, clean neat item. Photo.
110 Â£450
Postal History and Covers: 1870(c.) envelopes (2) printed in blue and black, depicting troops marching under flags etc., it has been suggested that these were produced to celebrate the entry of Italian troops into Rome in September 1870 on the French departure from the city and the final Union of the Kingdom of Italy with Rome for its capital under Victor Emanuel. However there is no indication of a publisher and the style possibly suggests an earlier date. Photo.
111 Â£1000
Postal History and Covers: 1870 (March 25th) ''NEWTON WILSON & Co's PATENT SEWING MACHINES'' printed envelope to Hamburg, bearing 1858-69 2d. plate 13 EB, 1864-79 1d. plate 121 CA and 1865-67 4d. plate 11 SJ, cancelled by ''LONDON/W.C/24'' duplex's, boxed ''L 1'' and oval framed ''PD'' both in red, few minor imperfections, otherwise fine and attractive. Photo.
112 | Â£100
Postal History and Covers: 1873 covers (5) to Rome, one from Liverpool bearing postal fiscal 1868 1d. die I (not tied) and two 60c. postage dues applied, the others from North Wales with various surface printed frankings, one rated 4d. and another rated 6d. also with two 60c. postage dues applied, mixed condition.
115 | Â£200
Postal History and Covers: 1911 First U.K. Aerial Post: A selection of envelopes and cards, comprising dark green cards (3) stamped and addressed but not posted, dark green cards (2) cancelled London Sept. 9th die 2, green envelopes (2) cancelled London Sept 9th dies 1 and 2, mainly good to fine. (7 items).
116 | Â£550
Used Abroad: A selection on leaves, incl. Argentine 1867-74 5s. plate 1 DF with ''B 32'' of Buenos Aires, Chile 1877 4d. sage-green plate 15 AJ, 1867 10d. FH, 1867-74 5s. plate 2 DA with ''C 30'' of Valparaiso, Haiti 1867-74 5s. plate 1 EC and plate 2 FB with ''C 59'' of Jacmel, Nicaragua 1867 2s, blue AJ with ''C 57'' of Greytown, Peru 1867 2s. blue HG with ''C 43'' Paita, etc., mixed condition. (52).
117 Â£600
Used Abroad: Colombia: 1873 entire letter from Savanilla to New York bearing 1865-67 4d. plate 13 GJ, cancelled by ''F 69'' barred oval, with New York datestamp and ''SAVANILLA'' c.d.s. nearby. Photo.
118 Â£400
Used Abroad: Peru: 1872 (June 23rd) envelope from Islay to U.S.A., bearing 1867-70 6d. violet plate 9 ND (wing margin) cancelled by ''C 42'' barred oval with ''ISLAY'' c.d.s. alongside, also New York and Panama transit marks. Photo.
120 Â£500
Crimean War: 1855 (April 10th) envelope to England, franked by 1854-57 1d. NF and 2d. MH cancelled ''0*0'' in blue-green, unframed ''POST OFFICE/B/BRITISH ARMY'' c.d.s. in red on reverse, fine. Photo.
122 Â£150
Postal Stationery: 1841-42 1d. pink envelopes sizes A and B used 1843 (June 5th) to Dublin and 1843 (Nov. 20th) to Dundee respectively, each cancelled by two strikes of the number ''1'' in Maltese Cross, some imperfections. Photo.
123 Â£150
Postal Stationery: 1841 1d. pink envelope size B uprated with 1841 1d. red-brown BD with clear to large margins, used 1844 (Jan. 23rd) to Margate and cancelled by number ''6'' in Maltese Crosses, envelope with repaired tear. Photo.
124 Â£100
Postal Stationery: 1841 1d. pink envelopes size F (H & B EP5), two examples used 1843 (July 11th) and 1843 (Dec. 2nd) with upright strikes of the numbers ''5'' and ''7'' in Maltese Cross cancellations respectively, some imperfections.
125 Â£400
Postal Stationery: 1842 1d. pink envelopes size A (H & B EP3), a group used with numbers ''1'', ''2'', ''3'', ''6'', ''7'', ''8'', ''10'' and ''12'' in Maltese Cross cancellations, good to very fine strikes, mixed condition. (8). Photo.
128 | Â£320
Postal Stationery: Telegraph Forms: A mainly unused selection comprising 1898 6d. TP16b, 1902 6d. TP17a (2, one overprinted ''SPECIMEN''), 17b, 17c, 17d, 18a (without selvedge), 18b, 18c, 18d, 1904 6d. TP43bb, 44ab (without selvedge), 44ac, 44bb, 1903 10d. TP59a (2, one overprinted ''SPECIMEN''), 59b, 59c (without selvedge), mainly good to fine.
129 Â£250
1840 Mulready, a proof of the stereotype without the value inscription or side-panels, with frame lines and inscriptions at foot, state 3 in black on India paper (217 x 146mm), some toning and other imperfections, otherwise fine and very scarce. S.G. Spec. page 13, cat. £3,500. Photo.
130 Â£400
1840 Mulready 1d. envelope A154 (forme 2) used 1840 (Aug. 19th) from London to Brecknock, 1d. letter sheet (stereo obscured), used 1843 with Atlas Assurance Company advert inside, 2d. envelope a197 used 1854 (Jan 4th) cancelled by London Inland barred oval ''15'', some imperfections. Photo.
131 Â£220
1840 Mulready, a selection comprising 1d. letter sheet A23 (forme 2) used 1840 (Sept. 17th) within London with experimental black Maltese Cross, A40 (forme 4) used 1841 (Feb. 24th) from Edinburgh to Musselburgh with black Maltese Cross, 1d. envelope A135 (forme 1) used to Brigg with red Maltese Cross and ''showing ''KIRTON LINDSEY'' u.d.c. in red on reverse, A151 (forme 2) used 1842 (Feb. 10th) from London to Oxford with black Maltese Cross and ''STRAND'' Receiving House handstamp alongside, also another 1d. letter sheet with top and bottom flaps missing used to Uxbridge with red Maltese Cross, condition varies. (5 items).
132 Â£240
1840 Mulready, an unused selection comprising 1d. envelopes A160 (addressed), A177, 2d. letter sheet a97, 2d. envelopes a201, a209 and a 210, fair to very fine, some imperfections. (6 items).
133 Â£160
1840 Mulready, two examples of the 'Lord Holland' 1d. envelope A136 facsimile, one rather soiled, also 'unused' examples of the Senf reproductions of 1d. letter sheet A23 and 2d. letter sheet A25. (4 items).
134 Â£850
1840 Mulready 1d. letter sheet A2 (forme 1) used 1843 (Sept. 22nd) from London to Bristol and cancelled by a fine strike of the number ''9'' in Maltese Cross, a couple of faint stains on front otherwise fine and scarce. S.G. Spec. ME1c, cat. £2,750. Photo.
136 Â£110
1840 Mulready 1d. letter sheet A11 (displaced stereo) with message written on the inside, used 1840 (June 8th) from Cheltenham to Windsor with red Maltese Cross and fine upright strike of ''CHELTENHAM/JU 8/1840/C'' circular datestamp in the same colour on the front, a trifle soiled, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. ME1d, cat. £550. Photo.
137 Â£720
1840 Mulready 1d. letter sheet A47 (forme 1, substituted stereo) with Samuel Hanson & Son printed letter heading (S.G. Spec. MA433a) used 1843 (Nov. 25th) from London to Leith, cancelled by a good strike of the number ''11'' in Maltese Cross, vertical filing fold through left of Maltese Cross and light creasing otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. ME1e, cat. £2,750. Photo.
138 Â£1250
1840 Mulready 1d. letter sheet A57 (forme 3) with Atlas Assurance Company advert (S.G. Spec. MA103i), uprated to 2d. with four margined 1841 1d. SE, used 1844 (April 9th) from London to Wymondham and cancelled by good to fine strikes of the number ''10'' in Maltese Cross with the adhesive additionally tied by red ''T.P./Cornhill'', horizontal filing fold well clear of adhesive and tear in bottom flap otherwise fine, rare. S.G. Spec. ME1g, n, cat. £12,000+. Photo.
139 Â£500
1840 Mulready 1d. letter sheet A220 (unplaced stereo) with Samuel Hanson & Son printed letter heading (S.G. Spec. MA433a) used 1844 (Jan. 22nd) from London to Montrose, cancelled by a good strike of the number ''3'' in Maltese Cross, crease at foot and vertical filing fold clear of Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. ME1m, cat. £2,750. Photo.
140 Â£1450
1840 Mulready 1d. letter sheet A226 (forme 6) used 1843 (April 13th) from London to Battle, cancelled by a fine upright strike of the number ''12'' in Maltese Cross, vertical filing fold clear of the Maltese Cross otherwise fine and very scarce. S.G. Spec. ME1l, cat. £4,750. Photo.
141 Â£500
1840 Mulready 1d. letter sheet A230 (forme 6) with Samuel Hanson & Son printed letter heading (S.G. Spec. MA433a) used 1843 (Sept. 13th) from London to Leith, cancelled by a fine strike of the number ''4'' in Maltese Cross, vertical filing fold through Maltese Cross and some damage to top flap. S.G. Spec. ME1l, cat. £2,750. Photo.
142 Â£230
1840 Mulready 1d. letter sheet A239 (forme 6) used 1843 (Sept. 20th) from London to Maidstone, cancelled superb number ''7'' in Maltese Cross, filing folds and the address overwritten in order to make it illegible, but clean and attractive. S.G. Spec. ME2, cat. from £2,750. Photo.
144 Â£160
1840 Mulready 1d. envelope (stereo obscured by wax seal) used 1840 (May 26th) from London to Worcestershire, cancelled by oily red Maltese Cross with a second strike at right, the envelope used as a letter sheet with the complete message written inside, some creasing. S.G. Spec. ME1.
145 Â£500
1840 Mulready 1d. envelope A164 (forme 4) used 1843 (March 29th) from London to Warwick and cancelled by a fine strike of the number ''5'' in Maltese Cross, slight creasing at foot and small part back flap missing, scarce. S.G. Spec. ME2, cat. £2,750. Photo.
146 Â£1900
1840 Mulready 2d. letter sheet a91 used 1843 (April 3rd) from London to Stamford, cancelled by a fine strike of the number ''7'' in Maltese Cross, vertical filing fold through the Maltese Cross and side flaps slightly reduced but very rare. S.G. Spec. ME3, cat. £8,000. Photo.
148 Â£400
1840 Mulready 2d. letter sheet a96 used 1841 (Dec. 14th) (?, London despatch c.d.s. struck very lightly) from London to Westerham, cancelled contrary to regulations with black Maltese Cross well to the right of Britannia, vertical crease and some other cover imperfections, otherwise fine and scarce. Photo.
149 Â£1600
1840 Mulready 2d. letter sheet a98 used 1843 (Nov. 10th) from London to Cheltenham, cancelled by an upright strike of the number ''12'' in Maltese Cross, vertical filing fold through Maltese Cross and top and bottom flaps with faults but very rare. S.G. ME3, cat. £8,000. Photo.
150 Â£700
1840 Mulready 2d. letter sheet a103 fine used 1853 (Feb. 14th) from London to Great Torrington, cancelled neat London Inland Section ''26'' numeral in black, backstamped London February 14th despatch c.d.s. in red and ''TORRINGTON/FE 15/1853'' arrival c.d.s. in bright yellow, a very scarce late usage. S.G. Spec. ME3, cat. £2,200. Photo.
151 Â£2100
1840 Mulready 2d. envelope a196 used 1842 (April 15th) from Great Heywood to Stafford via Rugeley, cancelled contrary to regulations with a neat crisp strike of a red Maltese Cross leaving Britannia completely clear, backstamped ''GREAT HEYWOOD'' u.d.c. and partial Rugeley c.d.s., and with ''STAFFORD/AP 16/1842'' circular datestamp on front, a little soiled and the reverse with some thinning, otherwise fine and attractive. A most unusual and rare abnormal late use of the red Maltese Cross on a Mulready 2d. envelope. Photo.
152 Â£380
1840 Mulready 2d. envelope a201 used 1840 (Aug. 10th) from Exeter to Leeds, with red Maltese Cross and ''EXETER/AU 10/1840'' c.d.s. on front, endorsed 'More to Pay' and bold '4d.' in black ink, also endorsed 'Aug 10th' at upper left, some staining and other imperfections but a scarce underpayment using a 2d. Mulready. Photo.
153 | Â£200
Essays, Proofs and Trials: A selection comprising Perkins, Fairman & Heath sheet of 28 Engine Turned and Wheel Engraved designs, from the ''Patent Hardened Steel Plate'', in black on thick wove paper, divided into eight pieces (missing number 16), number 22 is the background for the G.B. essays illustrated in E. D. Bacon's Line Engraved Postage Stamps of Great Britain, plate XIII, nos. 85, 88, 92 and 96, a number of the other designs were used for the background designs of many British Empire issues as well as Chile, Costa Rica and Peru; also two sheets of wove paper with 32 engine turned designs in black by Ebenezer Bacon & Co., and a further sheet by an unknown printer with an attractive multicoloured geometric design possibly by the Congreve process.
155 | Â£150
Essays, Proofs and Trials: Alfred Deacon: 1872 and 1873 pages from Alfred Deacon's Pattern book of dies, with a variety of engine turned samples in black (21) and rose (2, one with ''WHITING'' imprint) on wove paper with technical notes alongside, an interesting group, a few imperfections. These samples were produced by Deacon when he was working for Charles Whiting.
157 | Â£420
Essays, Proofs and Trials: Perkins, Fairman & Heath: The sheet of 28 Engine Turned and Wheel Engraved designs, from the ''Patent Hardened Steel Plate'', in black on thick wove paper (380 x 386mm), number 22 is the background for the G.B. essays illustrated in E. D. Bacon's Line Engraved Postage Stamps of Great Britain, plate XIII, nos. 85, 88, 92 and 96, a number of the other designs were used for the background designs of many British Empire issues as well as Chile, Costa Rica and Peru.
158 Â£980
Essays, Proofs and Trials: 1850 Prince Consort 1d. essay FJ imperforate finished example in black, vertical crease at right not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine with gum. S.G. Spec. DP71(2), cat. £4,500. Photo.
159 Â£400
Essays, Proofs and Trials: 1850 Prince Consort 1d. essay FJ imperforate finished example in red-brown, faults at top, otherwise fine with gum, good appearance. S.G. Spec. DP71(2), cat. from £3,000. Photo.
160 Â£820
Essays, Proofs and Trials: 1865 (Sept.) Royal Reprint: Die II, alphabet III, LC 1d. plate 66 OI-OJ pair in black with watermark inverted, horizontal crease at foot which has partly split at left of OI and reinforced, otherwise fine with large part original gum. S.G. Spec. DP35(a), cat. £6,000. Photo.
161 Â£800
Essays, Proofs and Trials: 1867 Paris Exhibition Proofs: 1864-79 1d. plate 103 KJ imperforate plate proof in black on soft white card, a trifle rubbed, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. DP38, cat. £2,500. Photo.
162 Â£350
Essays, Proofs and Trials: 1867 Paris Exhibition Proofs: 1864-79 1d. plate 103 BL imperforate plate proof in rose on soft white card, faint crease and small tone spot confined to margin at foot, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. DP38, cat. £2,500. Photo.
163 Â£300
Essays, Proofs and Trials: 1867 Paris Exhibition Proofs: 1864-79 1d. plate 103 KE imperforate plate proof in rose on soft white card, slight imperfections, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. DP38, cat. £2,500. Photo.
164 Â£750
Essays, Proofs and Trials: 1867 Paris Exhibition Proofs: 1858-76 2d. plate 9 AF imperforate plate proof in black on thick soft white card with manuscript 'Specimen' in black, a little cut into at upper right, otherwise fine and rare. S.G. Spec. DP49(a)var. Photo.
165 Â£600
Essays, Proofs and Trials: 1867 Paris Exhibition Proofs: 1858-76 2d. plate 9 AF imperforate plate proof in blue on soft white card, some faults but good appearance. S.G. Spec. DP49(b), cat. £4,000. Photo.
166 Â£700
Essays, Proofs and Trials: 1867 Paris Exhibition Proofs: 1858-76 2d. plate 9 LI imperforate plate proof in blue on soft white card, just touched at right, otherwise fine with good margins. S.G. Spec. DP49(b), cat. £4,000. Photo.
167 Â£450
Essays, Proofs and Trials: 1872 South Kensington Exhibition Proof: Die II, alphabet III, 1d. plate 27 HK (Gothic ''K'') imperforate plate proof in black on thick white card, faint staining, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. DP36, cat. £2,000+. Photo.
168 Â£6000
The First (Later Rejected) Die for the One Penny Stamp with ''POSTAGE ONE PENNY'' at foot, a pair of reprinted die proofs in black on unwatermarked cream wove paper (73 x 71mm), light diagonal crease not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine and rare. S.G. Spec. DP8(b), cat. from £44,000. Photo.
169 | Â£3200
1840 1d. black, a selection of 31 full margined used examples, 26 cancelled in red, mainly fine to very fine, some imperfections.
170 | Â£2600
1840 1d. black, a selection of 18 full margined used examples, all but one cancelled in red, mainly fine to very fine with some of exceptional appearance.
171 | Â£2600
1840 1d. black, a selection of 23 full margined used examples, 12 cancelled in red, some faults but mainly mainly fine to very fine appearance.
172 Â£1500
1840 1d. black, a mainly plated used selection (19) with six on covers (one with additional example affixed), mostly with four margins, close in places, incl. plate 1b BG used on 1840 (May 27th) entire letter from Leith to Markinch, adhesive affected by filing fold, etc., mixed condition, many with slight thinning or other faults.
173 Â£1550
1840 1d. black, a selection (14) with apparent coloured Maltese Crosses incl. brown (4), blue (2), magenta, violet (3), reddish pink and yellow, also red and black combined, condition varies, some genuine, some faked and sold 'as is'.
174 Â£880
1840 1d. black used selection of plated examples with plates 1b OH, RG (washed out cancel), 2 QB, 3 OI, 4 FK, LD, 5 HD, 6 DL, LL, 7 HC, 8 SL and 10 EC, each with four margins, close in places, plate 10 EC with red Maltese Cross, mixed condition, some with thins or creases. (12).
175 Â£1200
1840 1d. black used selection (23), mostly plated, incl. example with so-called 'white' Maltese Cross, etc., mixed condition, some with four margins.
176 Â£800
1840 1d. black used group with plates 1b BD, 2 AG, 3 BJ, 4 OF, OH, 5 ED, 6 TK, 7 KD, 8 IB, JE and 10 DB, each with four margins, some just touched in places, mixed condition, a few with slight thins. (11).
177 Â£900
1840 1d. black plated used selection (15), with some varieties incl. double letters, five are matched with 1d. red incl. plate 10 HL, etc., mixed condition, some with four margins.
178 Â£820
1840 1d. black used selection comprising plates 4 MD, OC, 5 RB, SD, 6 QE, RG, 7 MF, TC, 8 EH, RI, 9 JC, QG, each with four margins, close in places, mixed condition, some thins and creases. (12).
179 Â£550
1840 1d. black, a selection of cancellation interest, comprising MD with part ''Amlywch/Penny Post'' and Maltese Cross in pinkish (oxidised) red, BF with red M.C. and part ''Charing Cross'' handstamp in black, RC with part Penny Post handstamp in black and red M.C., MB (apparently rouletted at left) with indistinct framed Penny Post handstamp in black, MC with oval framed London District ''W/25'' (?) barred numeral, and AA (on piece) with Scots 1844-type numeral, mainly with full margins or nearly so, some faults. (6).
180 | Â£480
1840 1d. black, a used unplated selection, all with mainly two or three margins, very mixed condition. (10).
181 Â£2500
1840 1d. black selection used on covers, three or four margin examples, mostly plated, red and black Maltese Crosses, one with two examples used together, etc., some faults. (26).
182 Â£2700
1840 1d. black, an accumulation of covers, one with a pair, mixed margins, some plated, very mixed condition with some affected by filing folds. (37).
183 Â£1800
1840 1d. black selection of covers, three or four margin examples, mostly plated, etc., mixed condition, some faults. (20).
184 Â£1850
1840 1d. black, a selection (23) in varied condition incl. DB, MG and NJ apparently unused, QK and SE with distinctive Manchester 'fishtail' M.C.'s in black, pairs (2), plate 2 HC with good margins in places and neat red Maltese Cross on large piece with Glasgow ''MAY/16/1840'' c.d.s., etc., also forgeries or reproductions (14).
185 Â£2500
1840 1d. black selection (18) of used three or four margined examples, mostly plated, one on cover, three with matched 1d. red-brown incl. plate 11 NA (faults), plate 7 DD apparently cancelled with both black and red Maltese Crosses, example with inverted watermark (faults), also faked V.R. 1d. unused, etc., mixed condition.
186 Â£8200
1840 1d. black plates 1a to 11, the mainly fresh unused set with extra plate 1b, mainly of good to fine appearance and mostly with full margins, some with gum and some regummed, some faults incl. repairs (plate 10 is remargined), plate 5 EA is marginal showing 'ment' inscription but faults. Sold 'as is'. (13). Plates 6 FJ and 8 JC with R.P.S. certificates (1977 & 1987), plate 11 DI with Brandon certificate (1998). S.G. cat. £159,000 (as mint). Photo.
187 Â£350
1840 1d. black plate 1a AA and plate 1b IL (recut and enlarged letters), each with very large to enormous margins, used with red Maltese Crosses, both with faults, of fine appearance. S.G. Spec. AS1, 5c. Photo.
188 | Â£700
1840 1d. black plates 1a MK, 1b CB on piece dated May 15th. 1840, plate 2 GJ on piece, MK, SA (re-entry), plate 5 DE, JD, plate 6 DG on 1841 (March 1st) cover, OF, plate 8 GD and plate 10 OA on piece, poor to fair.
189 Â£1700
1840 1d. black plates 1b DI, GD, 2 GD, 3 JH on piece, 4 EJ, 5 QG-QH pair, 6 DH, 7 NH, PB on 1840 (Sept. 25th) cover from Liverpool to London, also has MF affixed (possibly does not belong), 8 HG, 9 DH, 10 PE and 11 NE (creased but full margins) with matched 1d. red, some with full margins, mixed condition. Photo.
190 Â£210
1840 1d. greyish black plate 3 OA and 2d. blue plate 1 GJ with full margins and black Maltese Crosses, faint creases otherwise fine. Photo.
191 Â£160
1840 1d. grey-black (moderate wear to very worn) plate 1a, three good to large margined examples with red Maltese Crosses, some thins or creases but generally good to fine appearance. S.G. Spec. AS2/3.
192 Â£250
1840 1d. grey-black (very worn) plate 1a AI with good to large margins used on 1840 (May 30th) entire letter from Alloa to Edinburgh, cancelled red Maltese Cross, adhesive has been lifted and replaced, central filing fold, scarce May date. S.G. Spec. AS3tj, cat. £1,750. Photo.
193 Â£400
1840 1d. grey-black (very worn) plate 1a EA (smudge in ''A'' square), very fine with good margins and almost complete black Maltese Cross. Ex Donald Forbes-Smith. S.G. 3, Spec. AS3e,f. Photo.
195 Â£320
1840 1d. black plate 1a IC superb used with good to very large margins and exceptional complete central upright strike of a red Maltese Cross, faint wrinkle, most attractive. S.G. Spec. AS2. Photo.
196 Â£90
1840 1d. grey-black (moderate wear) plate 1a IE fine used with good to large even margins, light red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS2. Photo.
197 Â£420
1840 1d. black plate 1a JA (blind ''A''), early impression, exceptionally fine used with ample to large margins and light neat Maltese Cross in a most attractive almost 'ruby' shade, on piece with clear ''LEEDS/MY11/1840'' c.d.s. S.G. Spec. AS1e. Photo.
199 Â£400
1840 1d. intense black plate 1a KK, ample to large margins all round, used on 1840 (May 12th) cover from London to Arbroath, neatly cancelled by red Maltese Cross leaving profile clear, central vertical filing fold. S.G. Spec. AS1tf. Photo.
200 Â£300
1840 1d. grey-black (moderate wear) plate 1a LF cut small or just touching, tied to front to Plymouth solely by ''Rainham/Penny Post'' handstamp in black. S.G. Spec. AS2yb, cat. £5,000. Photo.
201 Â£150
1840 1d. grey-black (moderate wear) plate 1a MD exceptionally fine used with ample to good margins and light neat almost complete red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS2. Photo.
202 Â£850
1840 1d. grey-black (moderate wear) plate 1a ML with just clear to good margins, tied by superb red Maltese Cross to small neat 1840 (May 11th) envelope from London to 'Lady Noel Byron, Richmond, Surrey'. S.G. Spec. AS2tf, cat. £3,000. Photo.
203 Â£120
1840 1d. grey-black (extreme wear) plate 1a NH most attractive with good to large margins and neat almost complete red Maltese Cross, slight bend not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. AS3. Photo.
204 Â£400
1840 1d. grey-black (moderate wear) plate 1a OG with good to large margins and brownish red Maltese Cross, placed contrary to regulations at upper left of 1840 (May 12th) entire letter from Wadham to Pucklechurch, near Bristol, ''OXFORD/MY12/1840/D'' backstamp a little blurred, vertical filing fold crosses adhesive not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine, scarce first week usage. S.G. Spec. AS2tf, cat. £3,000 Photo.
205 Â£780
1840 1d. grey-black (extreme wear) plate 1a QH, superb used with good to large margins and an exceptional virtually complete central upright strike of a red-brown shade Maltese Cross, faint corner bend. S.G. Spec. AS3. Photo.
206 Â£130
1840 1d. grey-black (moderate wear) plate 1a RG, close at lower right to large margins, used with a complete bright red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS2. Photo.
207 Â£140
1840 1d. grey-black (very worn) plate 1a SD, close at lower right otherwise good to large margins, used on 1840 (July 9th) small envelope within London, cancelled red Maltese Cross with red ''T.P./Berkeley St'' alongside, cover with small tear at top. S.G. Spec. AS3. Photo.
208 Â£820
1840 1d. black plate 1b FE unused, with thick paper adhering to reverse, ample to large margins, imperfections. S.G. Spec. AS5. Photo.
209 Â£180
1840 1d. black plate 1b AK exceptionally fine used with good to large even margins and neat virtually complete central strike of a red Maltese Cross, most attractive. S.G. Spec. AS5. Photo.
210 Â£230
1840 1d. black plate 1b BG showing an unusual pre-printing paper crease at lower left, good margins and neat red Maltese Cross, faint vertical crease not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. AS5. Photo.
211 Â£190
1840 1d. black plate 1b BL and IJ of exceptional appearance with full margins and superb red Maltese Crosses, some imperfections. S.G. Spec. AS5. Photo.
212 Â£600
1840 1d. black plate 1b CL (re-entry), ample to large margins, tied to 1840 (Nov. 17th) cover from Richmond to Pall Mall by a superb London experimental Maltese Cross in black, scarce. S.G. Spec. AS5b. Photo.
213 | Â£100
1840 1d. black plate 1b EB fine used with large to very large margins, red Maltese Cross. S.G. AS5. Photo.
215 Â£70
1840 1d. black plate 1b FI (double ''F''), good to large margins, used with light red Maltese Cross, small thin. S.G. Spec. AS5f.
217 Â£130
1840 1d. black plate 1b GL (re-entry) with good to large margins, tied to small piece by light red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS5b. Photo.
218 Â£90
1840 1d. black plate 1b HB ('original' Plate 1a re-entry), good to large even margins, fine used with black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS5a. Photo.
219 Â£150
1840 1d. black plate 1b HC (recut side line), good to large even margins, used with red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS5h. Photo.
220 Â£130
1840 1d. black plate 1b MC (recut side-line) fine used with red Maltese Cross, large to very large even margins. S.G. Spec. AS5h. Photo.
221 Â£150
1840 1d. black plate 1b MK (re-entry), good to large margins, fine used with complete red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS5b. Photo.
222 Â£300
1840 1d. black plate 1b NE (retouched ''N'') with good margins on three sides, into at upper right, tied to 1840 (Oct.) entire letter from Handsworth to Bilstone by blue ''PyP/No 15'' and red Maltese Cross, blue straight line ''HANDSWORTH'' on reverse. S.G. Spec. AS5e/yc, cat. £7,500. Photo.
223 Â£130
1840 1d. black plate 1b QD (NE'' of ''ONE'' joined), good to very large margins, fine used with black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS5g. Photo.
224 Â£160
1840 1d. black plate 1b SA with inverted watermark, good to large margins, used with neat central red Maltese Cross, repaired tear at left, of fine appearance. S.G. 2Wi, Spec. AS5l, cat. £2,000. Photo.
226 Â£500
1840 1d. black plate 2, four examples, FG, KH and PD of fair to very fine appearance with full margins and neat red Maltese Crosses, some faults, also OL with three margins, possibly unused, some staining and sold 'as is'.
227 Â£300
1840 1d. black plate 2 AA exceptionally fine used with good margins, neat virtually complete upright strike of a red Maltese Cross and part additional straight-line handstamp in black. R.P.S. certificate (1994). S.G. Spec. AS15. Photo.
228 Â£270
1840 1d. black plate 2 AB with watermark inverted, good margins and red Maltese Cross, small filled thins, otherwise fine. S.G. 2Wi, Spec. AS15l, cat. £2,000. Photo.
229 Â£130
1840 1d. grey-black plate 2 CA exceptionally fine used with good even margins and a superb bright orange-red shade Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS16. Photo.
230 Â£500
1840 1d. black plate 2 CC, close at left to large margins showing part of adjoining impression at top, tied to 1840 (Sept. 2nd) entire letter from Handsworth to Bilstone by two strikes of the boxed ''PyP/No 15'' of Handsworth in blue and by red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS15yc. Photo.
231 Â£400
1840 1d. black plate 2 DA-DB pair of superb appearance with good to very large margins and crisp complete red Maltese Crosses, pressed vertical creases not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. AS15. Photo.
232 Â£210
1840 1d. black plate 2 DG (double ''D'') exceptionally fine used with good to large margins and superb almost complete red Maltese Cross, most attractive. S.G. Spec. AS15c. Photo.
233 Â£150
1840 1d. black plate 2 EK exceptionally fine used with ample to large margins and neat virtually complete red Maltese Cross, most attractive. S.G. Spec. AS15. Photo.
234 Â£130
1840 1d. grey-black (worn) plate 2 FK (without ray-flaws) exceptionally fine used with good even margins and virtually complete rusty red shade Maltese Cross, most attractive. S.G. Spec. AS16f. Photo.
235 Â£150
1840 1d. black plate 2 GA (without ray flaws) showing unusual printing flaw to left of Queen's neck due to foreign matter on printing plate, fine used with good to large margins and red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS15. Photo.
236 Â£190
1840 1d. black plate 2 GB (without ray flaws) fine used with ample to good margins, neat red Maltese Cross and clear part strike of ''(Chari)ng Cros(s)'' handstamp in black. S.G. Spec. AS15f. Photo.
237 Â£300
1d. black plate 2 GC (without ray flaws), just clear at left with other margins large, used on 1840 (Sept. 29th) entire letter within London, cancelled by very fine London experimental Maltese Cross in black, boxed ''T.P/Streatham'' in black alongside, cover with horizontal filing fold. S.G. Spec. AS15. Photo.
238 Â£190
1840 1d. black plate 2 GK (without ray flaws) and OI, both of exceptional appearance with superb black Maltese Crosses, small faults or repairs, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. AS15m, cat. £1,100. Photo.
240 | Â£400
1840 1d. black plate 2 ID (without ray flaws) used on 1841 (March) envelope, QI used on 1840 (Aug. 17th) cover, plate 4 RA on 1841 (Jan. 16th) cover, plate 5 RK on 1841 (July) cover, and plate 6 1840 (Oct.) cover, poor to fine.
241 Â£120
1840 1d. black plate 2 JH (without ray flaws) with clear to large even margins, fine used with a complete upright red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS15. Photo.
244 Â£120
1840 1d. black plate 2 MK of exceptional appearance with good margins and superb upright strike of a carmine-red shade Maltese Cross, slight corner thin, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. AS15. Photo.
245 Â£450
1840 1d. grey-black plate 2 PC superb used with good to large even margins and an upright almost complete red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS16. Photo.
246 Â£80
1840 1d. black plate 2 PD (recut ''P'' square), close at lower right otherwise good to large margins, red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS15d. Photo.
247 Â£110
1840 1d. grey-black plate 2 SE (upper transfer shift and prominent guide lines), exceptionally fine used with ample to good margins and neat upright strike of a red Maltese Cross, most attractive. S.G. Spec. AS16b. Photo.
249 Â£480
1840 1d. black plate 2 TH with inverted watermark, margins close at top to very large at foot, used with red Maltese Cross, scarce. S.G. Spec. AS15l, cat. £1,900. Photo.
250 Â£210
1840 1d. black plate 2 TI, an attractive good to very large margined example, most unusually tied by three distinct strikes of a red Maltese Cross to 1840 (June 17th) cover from London to Edinburgh, the address partly obliterated and patched, the stamp crossed by vertical filing crease. R.P.S. certificate (1987). S.G. Spec. AS15. Photo.
251 Â£300
1840 1d. black plate 3, three examples, MH with clear to good margins and light red M.C., faults, LL and PB with good to large margins and neat black M.C.'s, exceptional appearance but some imperfections or repairs. Photo.
252 Â£140
1840 1d. black plate 3 AF, good to large even margins with part sheet margin at top, fine used on 1840 (Sept. 6th) entire letter to Stourbridge with red Maltese Cross leaving profile clear. S.G. Spec. AS20. Photo.
254 Â£110
1840 1d. grey-black (worn) plate 3 EK, just clear at lower right otherwise good margins, used with red Maltese Cross, also plate 5 BC with four margins used with red Maltese Cross, diagonal crease. S.G. Spec. AS21, AS25. Photo.
256 Â£190
1840 1d. black plate 3 KB exceptionally fine used with good margins and a neat complete upright strike of a red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS20. Photo.
257 Â£85
1840 1d. black plate 3 MG with close to good even margins, used with light red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS20. Photo.
258 Â£290
1840 1d. grey-black plate 3 PL (small loop to ''P'') exceptionally fine used with ample to good margins and neat black Maltese Cross on 1841 (Feb. 26th) cover from Hanley to Manchester with ''HANLEY-STAFFS'' u.d.c. on front, ''NEWCASTLE•UNDER•LINE/FE 26/1841'' c.d.s. and offset of black Maltese Cross on reverse, some cover imperfections well clear of adhesive. S.G. Spec. AS21a. Photo.
259 Â£150
1840 1d. black plate 3 RA, good to very large even margins, fine used with almost complete bright red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS20. Photo.
260 Â£290
1840 1d. black plate 3 RL with good even margins, cancelled by a fine diagonal part strike of straight-line ''(BROU)GHTON'' in black and light red Maltese Cross, small corner creases not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine and attractive. S.G. Spec. AS20var. Photo.
261 Â£75
1840 1d. black plate 3 SI, good to large even margins, fine used with red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS20. Photo.
262 Â£580
1840 1d. black plate 4 SE, a fresh unused example with just clear to large margins and traces of disturbed original gum, slight thin and small crease at lower right not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. 2, Spec. AS23, cat. £10,000. Photo.
263 Â£420
1840 1d. black plate 4, five examples, CJ, DD and LK with neat red M.C.'s, CC with a superb upright strike of the London 'broken points' Maltese Cross in black and LD with very large margins and complete black Maltese Cross, some faults or repairs but mainly good to very fine appearance. Photo.
264 Â£85
1840 1d. black plate 4 AE, close to good even margins with part sheet margin at top, fine used with red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS23. Photo.
265 Â£150
1840 1d. black plate 4 FB-FC pair, FC just touched at top right, good to large margins on other three sides, used with rather oily red Maltese Crosses, FB with small light corner crease. S.G. Spec. AS23. Photo.
266 Â£85
1840 1d. black plate 4 IG, good to large even margins, fine used with brownish red Maltese Cross. S.G. AS23. Photo.
267 Â£90
1840 1d. black plate 4 JK, good even margins, cancelled by rather over inked red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS23. Photo.
268 Â£2800
1840 1d. black plate 4 KG on bleuté paper, with full margins and cancelled solely by a light strike of tombstone ''C/PAID/(1)3NO13/1840'' datestamp in red, pressed creases not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine and very scarce. Clear R.P.S. certificate (1991). S.G. Spec. AS23f, xb, cat. £12,000. Photo.
269 Â£100
1840 1d. black plate 4 MB, close at lower right otherwise large margins, fine used with almost complete red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS23. Photo.
270 Â£160
1840 1d. grey-black (worn) plate 4 NC, a most unusual impression for this plate, exceptionally fine used with ample to good margins and neat almost complete upright strike of a red Maltese Cross. S.G. 3, Spec. AS23var. Photo.
272 Â£230
1840 1d. black plate 4 QA (double ''Q'') very fine with just clear to large margins and a neat virtually complete strike of a black Maltese Cross on 1841 (May 16th) cover from Coldstream to Edinburgh, filing folds well clear of adhesive. S.G. Spec. AS22b. Photo.
273 Â£110
1840 1d. intense black plate 4 TD of superb appearance with ample to large margins and a crisp complete upright strike of a red Maltese Cross, small fault, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. AS22. Photo.
274 Â£300
1840 1d. black plate 5 HK fresh unused (regummed) with clear to good margins except just touched at upper right, otherwise fine. S.G. 2, Spec. AS25, cat. £10,000. Photo.
275 Â£420
1840 1d. black plate 5, four examples, AH with superb upright strike of a black Maltese Cross, EA with ample to good margins and neat almost complete red Maltese Cross, IE of exceptional appearance with clear light red Maltese Cross, both with full margins, JA marginal showing 'ards the RIGHT HAN' inscription, just cut into at top, large margins other sides, black Maltese Cross, some imperfections not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. Photo.
276 Â£160
1840 1d. black plate 5 BA (retouched ''B'') state 1 fine used with good margins and neat black Maltese Cross, matched with state 2 in red with full margins and neat Maltese Cross, corner crease, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. AS25c & AS37. Photo.
277 Â£480
1840 1d. black plate 5 HL, a fine used marginal example showing 'Per Sheet.' inscription, almost complete centrally struck black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS25. Photo.
278 Â£220
1840 1d. black plate 5 IL, a greyish shade, superb used with good to huge margins and clear complete red Maltese Cross, most attractive. S.G. Spec. AS25. Photo.
279 Â£100
1840 1d. black plate 5 JE with ample to large margins, used with light red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS25. Photo.
280 Â£150
1840 1d. black plate 5 LB very fine used with good margins and neat black Maltese Cross with clear dot in centre, matched with a full margined red. S.G. Spec. AS25 & 26. Photo.
281 Â£580
1840 1d. black plate 5 NC with ample to good margins except a little cut into at lower left, tied to piece by two strikes of a segmented concentric circle device in black, most unusual. S.G. Spec. AS25. Photo.
282 Â£160
1840 1d. black plate 5 NI exceptionally fine used with ample to large margins and tied by superb upright strike of a red Maltese Cross on small piece, most attractive. S.G. Spec. AS25. Photo.
283 Â£290
1840 1d. black plate 5 OD very fine used with ample to good margins and exceptional black Maltese Cross on 1841 (Feb. 22nd) entire letter from London to Newcastle on Tyne, most attractive. S.G. Spec. AS25. Photo.
284 Â£240
1840 1d. black plate 5 OK-OL pair with ample to large margins and good part strikes of the distinctive Manchester 'fishtail' Maltese Cross, on piece with ''ASHTON-UNDER-LINE/AP 14/1841'' c.d.s. nearby, tiny nicks mainly confined to margin at top. S.G. Spec. AS25ub, cat. £2,400+. Photo.
285 Â£140
1840 1d. black plate 5 RK of superb appearance with good to large margins and an exceptional complete upright strike of a red Maltese Cross, slight imperfection on reverse, not detracting, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. AS25. Photo.
286 Â£700
1840 1d. black plate 6 BC, an apparently unused (regummed or redistributed gum) example, ample to good margins, slight staining, otherwise fine. Sold 'as is'. S.G. 2, Spec. AS41, cat. £11,000. Photo.
287 Â£180
1840 1d. black plate 6, three examples, JC, RC and RH, just clear to good margins, neat Maltese Crosses, RC cancelled in red. S.G. Spec. AS41.
288 Â£130
1840 1d. black plate 6 CC fine used with red Maltese Cross, ample to large margins showing part of adjoining impression at left. S.G. Spec. AS41. Photo.
289 Â£95
1840 1d. black plate 6 DB with ample to large margins, tied to piece by very late use of the red Maltese Cross, with Billericay 1841 (June 20th) datestamp. S.G. Spec. AS41. Photo.
290 Â£190
1840 1d. intense black plate 6 FD exceptionally fine used with ample to large margins and superb virtually complete red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS40. Photo.
291 Â£190
1840 1d. intense black plate 6 GE exceptionally fine used with full margins and superb red Maltese Cross, most attractive. S.G. Spec. AS40. Photo.
293 Â£100
1840 1d. black plate 6 KL with good to large even margins, fine used with crisp red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS41. Photo.
294 Â£210
1840 1d. black plate 6 LL exceptionally fine used with good to very large margins and complete central strike of a black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS41. Photo.
295 Â£150
1840 1d. black plate 6 LL exceptionally fine used with good margins and a superb virtually complete central strike of a red Maltese Cross, most attractive, minute corner crease mainly confined to margin at lower left not detracting. S.G. Spec. AS41. Photo.
296 Â£800
1840 1d. intense black plate 6 MH very fine used with good margins and maroon Maltese Cross of Newton Stewart on clean 1841 (Feb. 8th) entire letter to Gatehouse with matching ''NEWTON STEWART/8 FE/1841'' boxed datestamp on reverse. Brandon certificate (2001) states 'rusty brown (shade) Maltese Cross and backstamp' but in our opinion this is the maroon cross noted by Robson Lowe in 'The Maltese Cross - The Colour Problem' as being used at Newton Stewart between August 1840 and February 1841, Alcock and Holland note this as purple-maroon. Photo.
298 Â£85
1840 1d. black plate 6 NK, good to large margins, fine used with red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS41. Photo.
299 Â£170
1840 1d. greyish black plate 6 PE state 2 showing linear scrapes in margins at left and right and at right of ''E'' square, very fine used with ample to large margins and neat almost complete black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS42. Photo.
300 Â£230
1840 1d. grey-black plate 6 RE state 2 showing plate wear , exceptionally fine used with good margins and a very small part of red Maltese Cross at lower left leaving head completely clear. S.G. Spec. AS42, cat. £450. Photo.
301 Â£80
1840 1d. black plate 6 RJ, good to large even margins, used with light red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS41. Photo.
302 Â£80
1840 1d. black plate 6 SA (re-entry), ample to large margins, used with rather oily red Maltese Cross leaving profile clear. S.G. Spec. AS41a. Photo.
303 Â£380
1840 1d. greyish black plate 7 EA, a marginal example showing 'ment' inscription, clear to large margins other sides, red Maltese Cross, fine. S.G. Spec. AS45. Photo.
304 Â£170
1840 1d. greyish black plate 7 KA of exceptional appearance with good to very large margins and clear neat virtually complete black Maltese Cross, slight thinning at upper left corner, otherwise fine, also LE with clear to good margins except just touched at upper left, crisp red Maltese Cross. Photo.
305 Â£210
1840 1d. black plate 7 LB fine with small to good margins, tied to small piece by red Maltese Cross and two light impressions of framed ''PyP/No. 15'' in blue. S.G. Spec. AS44. Photo.
306 Â£160
1840 1d. black plate 8 DJ, close to large margins, tied to 1840 (Dec. 7th) entire letter from Redruth to Plymouth by red Maltese Cross, circle of red ink at left, horizontal filing fold. S.G. Spec. AS46. Photo.
307 Â£150
1840 1d. black plate 8 EL, a greyish shade, fine used with good to large margins and an almost complete strike of a black Maltese Cross with a large dot in centre resembling a figure ''1''. S.G. Spec. AS46. Photo.
308 Â£110
1840 1d. black plate 8 HL (constant variety) of exceptional appearance with ample to very large margins and light neat virtually complete red Maltese Cross, small repair in margin at foot, otherwise fine and most attractive. S.G. Spec. AS46c. Photo.
309 Â£140
1840 1d. black plate 8 JE, close in lower right corner otherwise good to large margins, used on 1842 (Aug. 29th) small envelope from Invergordon to Robertsbridge, Sussex, tied by black Maltese Cross, despatch, transit and arrival backstamps, slight cover imperfections. S.G. Spec. AS46. Photo.
310 Â£110
1840 1d. black plate 8 KB with good to large margins fine used with a complete black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS46. Photo.
311 Â£160
1840 1d. black plate 8 KG fine with good margins and almost complete slightly over inked oily black Maltese Cross with dot in centre, also RH with good margins and light red Maltese Cross, thinned, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. AS46. Photo.
312 Â£80
1840 1d. black plate 8 NG with good to large even margins, used with light red Maltese Cross, a little thinning at top and crease in left margin, of fine appearance. S.G. Spec. AS46. Photo.
313 Â£180
1840 1d. greyish black plate 8 RF exceptionally fine used with good margins and neat virtually complete black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS46. Photo.
314 Â£100
1840 1d. black plate 8 TJ (re-entry), close at right to large margins, fine used with black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS46a. Photo.
315 Â£190
1840 1d. black plate 9, three full margined examples, CA and GG with red M.C.'s and LI with light black M.C., some thins or other imperfections not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. AS56.
316 Â£170
1840 1d. black plate 9 AE state I, a greyish shade, very fine used with good margins and neat complete centrally struck black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS56. Photo.
317 Â£110
1840 1d. black plate 9 FJ fine used with full margins and neat black Maltese Cross, matched with a good to huge margined red. S.G. Spec. AS66 & 69. Photo.
318 Â£110
1840 1d. black plate 9 FK very fine used with good margins and light almost complete black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS56. Photo.
319 Â£120
1840 1d. black plate 9 HI, good to large even margins, cancelled red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS56. Photo.
320 Â£380
1840 1d. black plate 9 KJ (strong horizontal guide line at foot) with watermark inverted, of exceptionally fine used appearance with good even margins and neat black Maltese Cross leaving profile clear, some thinning, otherwise fine and very scarce. S.G. Spec. AS56e, cat. £3,250. Photo.
321 Â£90
1840 1d. black plate 9 RA with good to large even margins used with indistinct red Maltese Cross, trace of thinning in right margin, of fine appearance. S.G. Spec. AS56. Photo.
322 Â£150
1840 1d. black plate 9 RF, margins close at right to large, tied to 1841 (Jan. 19th) cover from Sligo to Greenock by red Maltese Cross, entire slightly cut down and with central filing fold, also two margined matching 1d. red (off cover). S.G. Spec. AS56. Photo.
323 Â£220
1840 1d. black plate 9 RJ very fine used with good even margins and clear neat black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS56. Photo.
324 Â£230
1840 1d. black plate 10, three examples, CA and RA (long-tailed ''R'') of exceptionally fine used appearance with full margins and neat black Maltese Crosses (RA with superb upright central strike), some imperfections not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine, HC with good margins on three sides on piece with black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS66/67. Photo.
325 Â£220
1840 1d. black plate 10 FL, just touched at top right otherwise large to very large margins showing parts of three adjoining impressions, used on 1841 (Apr. 17th) entire letter from Stratford on Avon to Warwick with black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS66. Photo.
326 Â£350
1840 1d. black plate 10 GC fine with good margins and brown-red shade Maltese Cross leaving profile almost clear on 1841 (Feb. 11th) entire letter from Downpatrick to Dublin, some crumpling clear of adhesive, a scarce plate cancelled in red. Richter certificate (1992). S.G. Spec. AS66h. Photo.
327 Â£170
1840 1d. black plate 10 GI with good to large margins, cancelled black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS66. Photo.
328 Â£200
1840 1d. black plate 10 JJ fine used with good to very large margins, black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS66. Photo.
330 Â£2300
1840 1d. black plate 11 IJ, a fine unused example without gum, good to large even margins with part of adjoining impression at left. S.G. Spec. AS72. Photo.
331 Â£1600
1840 1d. greyish black plate 11 BC (re-entry, particularly apparent in upper corner squares and ''B'' square), exceptionally fine used with good to large margins and complete upright strike of a black Maltese Cross, minute corner crease at upper right confined to margin. Clear B.P.A. certificate (1995). S.G. Spec. AS72a, cat. £4,750. Photo.
333 Â£380
1840 1d. greyish black plate 11 IJ, very close at top otherwise good to large margins, used with black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS72. Photo.
336 Â£580
1840 1d. black plate 11 RE with just clear to good margins, some pressed creasing otherwise apparently fine and attractive with neat black Maltese Cross, affixed to 1841 (May 25th) cover from Abergavenny to Monmouth but cannot be guaranteed as belonging. R.P.S. certificate (2010) states 'Unable to certify that the stamp originated on letter sheet'. S.G. Spec. AS73. Photo.
337 Â£450
1840 1d. greyish black plate 11 RK, good to large margins used with almost complete black Maltese Cross, some thinning at left, of fine appearance. S.G. Spec. AS72. Photo.
338 Â£4800
1840 2d. blue, a selection comprising plates 1 (21 with 2 pairs) and 2 (6), mostly with full margins or nearly so, incl. plate 1 TJ (cut into at top) with watermark inverted, cancelled interest incl. plate 1 FC with apparent bluish cancellation, LK (on piece) and SJ with numeral cancellations, plate 2 FI with Irish numeral, NE (repaired at foot) with part ''DORCHE(STER)'' town c.d.s., condition varies, many of good to fine appearance. (27).
339 Â£780
1840 2d. blue selection of used mainly three or four margined examples with plate 1 singles (7) in a range of shades, and plate 2 singles (2) and a strip of three, mixed condition. (12).
340 | Â£750
1840 2d. blue plate 1 BB used on 1841 (Jan. 27th) cover, BC used on 1842 (May) cover, RB and RE used on part 1841 (June 15th) cover, also LC possibly unused, very poor to fair.
341 Â£520
1840 2d. blue, a selection of covers, 1841 to 1843, with two or three margin examples, black Maltese Crosses, mixed condition. (6).
342 Â£4000
1840 2d. blue, a selection of seven apparently unused examples, mainly cleaned and/or regummed and some repaired. Sold 'as is'.
343 Â£1150
1840 2d. blue plate 1 QF, an unused example of excellent appearance with even margins and redistributed original gum, corner thin not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine and of very fresh colour. S.G. 5, Spec. DS5, cat. £30,000. Photo.
344 Â£300
1840 2d. blue plate 1 BE, a attractive pale shade, very fine used with good even margins and light centrally struck Maltese Cross on 1841 (May 14th) letter from Glasgow to Derby, adhesive not tied. S.G. Spec. DS5. Photo.
345 Â£320
1840 2d. blue plate 1 CH and QG, both of exceptional appearance with neat upright strikes of red Maltese Crosses, QH with horizontal crease and QG small repaired tear at top, neither detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. DS5. Photo.
346 Â£500
1840 2d. blue plate 1 DC with watermark inverted, good to large margins cancelled with black Maltese Cross, small tear in left margin not detracting from appearance, a good example of this scarce stamp. S.G. 5Wi, Spec. DS5a, cat. £4,000. Photo.
347 Â£1000
1840 2d. steel-blue plate 1 DD-DF strip of three with small to good margins and black Maltese Crosses, DE with small thin spot at top, otherwise fine and scarce. S.G. Spec. DS4, cat. £4,800 (as singles). Photo.
348 Â£200
1840 2d. pale blue plate 1 DL with large margins and neat upright strike of a black Maltese Cross, a little bleached and small corner crease, otherwise fine. Photo.
350 Â£150
1840 2d. pale blue plate 1 GI, most attractive with ample to good margins and clear neat almost complete red Maltese Cross, small trivial corner crease at lower right mainly confined to margin, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. DS6. Photo.
351 Â£1200
1840 2d. blue plate 1 HD-HE fine used pair with ample to large margins used in combination with 1841 2d. blue plate 3 QL (cut into at lower right) on piece with black Maltese Crosses, very scarce. Photo.
352 Â£580
1840 2d. pale blue plate 1 HL with good to large margins, enormous at right, very fine used with upright almost complete bright red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. DS6. Photo.
353 Â£150
1840 2d. blue plate 1 HL fine with small to good margins, tied by indistinct black cancellation and with additional diagonal manuscript 'Stamped' (?) on 1842 (Jan.) cover (lacking part upper flap) to Dundee, unusual, also plate 2 EI with good to large margins and neat black Maltese Cross on piece, vertical crease.
355 Â£190
1840 2d. blue plate 1 KJ of exceptional appearance with ample to good margins and superb central upright strike of a black Maltese Cross, small thin, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. DS5. Photo.
356 Â£420
1840 2d. blue plate 1 KJ fine with clear to enormous margins, tied to small piece solely by ''TROWBRIDGE/MR 3/1844'' c.d.s. S.G. 5h, Spec. DS5xb., cat. £4,500+. Photo.
358 Â£7000
1840 2d. blue plate 1 PA-QB block of four in an attractive bright shade, exceptionally fine used with good to large margins and red Maltese Crosses, lower pair with faintest trace of a horizontal bend not detracting. S.G. Spec. DS5, cat. £24,000. Photo.
359 Â£900
1840 2d. blue plate 1 PB-PE an attractive strip of four with small to large margins and neat red Maltese Crosses, a most fine multiple. Photo.
360 Â£290
1840 2d. blue plate 1 PE (constant variety), a dark shade, very fine used with good to very large margins showing part of PF at right, light neat centrally struck black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. DS5k. Photo.
361 Â£400
1840 2d. blue plate 1 PE fine used with ample to large margins and neat light black Maltese Cross on 1843 (June 24th) cover from Cupar, Angus, to Blairgowrie, filing crease well clear of adhesive. S.G. 5, Spec. DS5, cat. £2,000. Photo.
362 | Â£160
1840 2d. blue plate 1 PF and plate 2 RJ and TD, two or three margined examples, all used with 1844-type numeral cancellations, poor to fair. S.G. Spec. D1xc.
363 Â£150
1840 2d. pale blue plate 1 QC fine used with ample to good margins and neat almost complete black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. DS6. Photo.
365 Â£280
1840 2d. blue plate 1 QI very fine used with ample to good margins and a crisp central strike of a bright red Maltese Cross, trivial corner bend at upper right not detracting, most attractive. S.G. Spec. DS5. Photo.
366 Â£500
1840 2d. steel-blue plate 1 QL fine used with good to enormous margins (part sheet margin at right) and bold cental upright strike of a black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. DS4, cat. £1,600. Photo.
367 Â£240
1840 2d. blue plate 1 RA and plate 2 MJ, each with ample to good margins, used with black Maltese Crosses, the first with small thin at top, the second with light corner crease, of fine appearance.
370 Â£350
1840 2d. blue plate 1 TD-TE pair (TD shifted upper transfer and dot in ''D'' square) with clear to good margins except TE just touched at foot, tied to small piece by superb black M.C.'s, most attractive. S.G. Spec. DS5/d. Photo.
371 Â£2500
1840 2d. deep blue plate 2 TB, a fresh unused example with traces of gum, clear to good margins except very close or just touched at one point at top, tiny printing flaw caused by natural paper inclusion in ''B'' square, excellent colour. R.P.S. certificate (1947). S.G. 4, Spec. DS7, cat. £38,000. Photo.
372 Â£150
1840 2d. deep blue plate 2 EG-EH pair with clear to good margins except EH just touched at right, cancelled by neat strikes on the London 'broken points' Maltese Cross on piece, EG crossed by vertical crease not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. Photocopy of R.P.S. certificate (2002) when this was part of a larger piece. S.G. Spec. DS7. Photo.
373 Â£250
1840 2d. deep blue plate 2 FB very fine used with good to large margins and neat almost complete black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. DS7. Photo.
374 Â£140
1840 2d. pale blue plate 2 FI with ample to large margins and a bold virtually complete strike of a black Maltese Cross, trace of slight staining at lower left, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. DS9. Photo.
375 Â£270
1840 2d. blue plate 2 FL, a bright shade, very fine used with good even margins and neat upright central strike of a black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. DS8. Photo.
376 Â£260
1840 2d. pale blue plate 2 GA-GB pair (both showing double letters), most attractive with clear to good margins and neat separate strikes of a black Maltese Cross, GA with minor bend or crease not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. DS9. Photo.
377 Â£250
1840 2d. blue plate 2 HC fine used with ample to good margins and light neat red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. DS8f, cat. £1,200. Photo.
378 Â£400
1840 2d. blue plate 2 HI, touched at left to good margins, cancelled by number ''6'' in Maltese Cross, affixed to 1843 (Nov. 4th) wrapper (reduced) to Andover, possibly does not belong, creased, sold 'as is'. S.G. Spec. DS8wf, cat. £12,000 (off cover). Photo.
379 Â£620
1840 2d. deep blue plate 2 IE superb used with good even margins and an exceptional central upright strike of a black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. DS7. Photo.
381 Â£200
1840 2d. blue plate 2 OB with large margins all round, fine used with black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. DS8. Photo.
382 Â£450
1840 2d. blue plate 2 OD and PC in slightly contrasting shades, with good margins and light neat black Maltese Crosses on 1842 (Feb. 10th) cover from New Romney to Rye, filing folds, one of which crosses OD but barely detracting from attractive appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. DS8. Photo.
384 Â£650
1840 2d. blue plate 2 QD-QF strip of three, each showing burr rub at lower left, fine used with ample to large margins and black M.C.'s, much original gum still present. S.G. Spec. DS8. Photo.
386 Â£4800
1840 VR 1d. black IB very fine unused, ample to good margins. Brandon certificate (2000). S.G. V1, cat. £28,000. Photo.
388 Â£950
1840 Rainbow Colour Trials: Second trial plate state 2, [R2/1] single in deep red-brown on thin wove paper with traces of dried gum, shows unusual 'dragged' print at left, fine. S.G. Spec. DP20 state 2(c), cat. from £4,000. Photo.
389 Â£450
1840 Rainbow Colour Trials: Second trial plate state 2, [R2/1] single in deep red-brown on thin wove paper, close or just touching at top, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. DP20 state 2(c), cat. from £4,000. Photo.
390 Â£1600
1840 Rainbow Colour Trials: Second trial plate state 3, [R2/1] marginal single in deep blue with very strong prussiate in the ink showing on reverse, very fine. S.G. Spec. DP20 state 3(b), cat. £4,250. Photo.
391 Â£350
1840 Rainbow Colour Trials: Second trial plate state 3, [R2/1] single in pale red on white wove paper, creases, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. DP20 state 3(b), cat. £4,000. Photo.
392 | Â£3200
1841 1d., an unused or mint selection in varied condition, comprising EG-GH and RA-SC blocks of six, AG-AI, JJ-JL strips of three, four pairs and 33 singles, condition varies but the majority with full margins and many of good to fine appearance. (59).
393 Â£500
1841 1d. red-brown, a selection of nine full margined mint or unused examples, good range of shades, some imperfections but mainly fine appearance.
394 | Â£4500
1841 1d., a used collection in varied condition on stock pages, an interesting lot incl. five with pre-printing paper creases, shades, varieties, cancellations incl. distinctive and coloured Maltese Crosses (not all guaranteed), numbers ''1'' to ''12'' (3) in M.C.'s, coloured numerals incl. SL with bluish violet London District ''63'' numeral (R.P.S. certificate, 1951), circular datestamps (7 incl. 2 in blue), pairs sharing single numerals (3), RB with central ''LATE/FEE'' in black, NF (a little cut into at right'' with red ''ENT'' of ''MISSENT'' handstamp, RC with part numeral and part circular ''SEATO(N)/No 2'', etc., many with full margins. (295).
395 Â£1250
1841 1d. red-brown, a used collection on leaves of singles, a few pairs, and covers, with English, Scottish and Irish 1844-type cancellations, many coloured with various in shades of green incl. ''18'' of Athlone on piece with 1846 datestamp below, range of blue incl. Scottish and Irish types, English types incl. brown, violet (2), other cancellations incl. 1853 (July 2nd) early London Inland Section ''38'' duplex on envelope, ''STOCKBRIDGE'' type VII Scots local cancellation on piece, etc., mixed condition, some with four margins. (61 items).
396 Â£550
1841 1d. red-brown (12) cancelled set of numbers ''1'' to ''12'' in Maltese Crosses, mainly good to very fine clear strikes, all with full margins, an attractive set, mostly fine to very fine, number ''4'' a superb upright strike tieing 1d. GC to small piece. (12). S.G. 8m, Spec. B1ua-ul, cat. £2,270. Photo.
398 | Â£95
1841 1d., a used part reconstruction of 142 positions (mixed plates), varied condition, majority with black Maltese Crosses, most with three margins.
401 Â£1000
1841 1d. red-brown, a selection of covers bearing multiple adhesives, all with numbers in Maltese Cross cancellations with numbers ''1'', ''3'', ''4'', ''6'', ''8'', ''10'' and ''12'' (2), incl. AF-AG pair, touched at lower left otherwise good margins, used on 1844 (March 28th) part entire letter to Edinburgh with number ''4'' cancellations, HL-IL pair, just cut into a top and foot, placed at left of 1843 (July 14th) entire letter to Ramsgate and used with number ''10'' cancellations, DG-DK strip of five, margins just clear to large, used 1843 (May 2nd) on entire letter to Manchester with number ''12'' cancellations, etc., mixed condition. (8). Photo.
402 | Â£260
1841 1d. red-brown, a selection of covers, incl. range of cancellations, 1843 (Aug. 7th) cover to Grantham, bearing KK-KL pair, cancelled by number ''11'' in cross, etc., mixed condition. (50 items).
403 | Â£100
1841 1d. red-brown, 1844-45 group of covers (13) all with numeral cancellations, most addressed to Sheffield (from the ''Sheffield find''), incl. 1845 cover bearing QC with two line ''GIBRALTAR ST./SHEFFIELD'' in red alongside, etc., varied condition.
404 Â£1050
1841 1d. red-brown, a collection on leaves, mainly used incl. 'black' plates, cancellations incl. 1 to 12 set of numbers in Maltese Cross, distinctive Maltese Crosses incl. Kilmarnock, Manchester, Norwich, coloured cancellations incl. red Maltese Cross (double strike), cut into at foot, 1844-type in violet (thinned), town cancellations in black and in blue, varieties incl. double letters, plate 78 inverted ''S'', plate 75 LK 'Union Jack' re-entry (just cut into at top), some plated, a few unused, etc., mixed condition, some with four margins. (110).
405 | Â£520
1841 1d., a collection with covers (20) incl. Penny Post Receivers (7, one indecipherable in green additionally cancelling creased adhesive), blue-green Scots ''71'' numeral of Castle Douglas on 1d. DG on 1846 (Jan.) cover to Dumfries, another blue-green and two blue Scots numerals on pieces, distinctive Dublin M.C.'s (10, one on cover and two on pieces), RA cancelled no ''1'' in M.C. on 1843 (Dec.) E.L., JA & KA cancelled no. ''2'' in M.C. on 1843 (June) E.L., plate 78 SC (2), SE (on cover) showing inverted ''S''s, KA (2) showing small part type A marginal ornament with circular frame, late use incl. piece bearing 1d. and 1881 die 2 1d. (4) cancelled undated circular ''LEICESTER'' rubber cancellations, etc. condition varies. (46 items).
408 Â£180
1841 1d. red-brown HC fine and fresh mint with good margins and large part original gum. Photo.
411 Â£350
1841 1d. red-brown IL placed upside down on 1844 (March 16th) cover from London to Cheshire and tied by a fine strike of the number ''8'' in Maltese Cross, then redirected three times to Shropshire, London and back to Cheshire with two manuscript ''1'' and further 1d. red-brown MG cancelled black Maltese Cross, front also with Charing Cross Maltese Cross type paid datestamp, various arrival datestamps on reverse, cover repaired and strengthened but unusual and most interesting. Photo.
412 Â£350
1841 1d. OA-PA vertical marginal pair and QA adjoining marginal single, part to large part reverse offset interleaving impressions on thick wove paper, also 2d. marginal positive interleaving impression on thicker wove paper, unusual. (3 items). Photo.
413 Â£380
1841 1d. red-brown RA-TC block of nine unused, RB and RC cut into at top otherwise just clear margins, some with small part original gum, block with creases. Photo.
415 Â£880
1841 1d. red-brown TB with good margins, very large at top, used with light red Maltese Cross, slight thinning otherwise fine, very scarce. R.P.S. certificate (1948). S.G. Spec. B1sb, cat. £4,500. Photo.
416 Â£400
1841 1d. red-brown TL exceptionally fine used with large to huge margins and an upright virtually complete strike of the distinctive York Maltese Cross in black, on very small piece. Ex Cawardine. S.G. Spec. B1tx. Photo.
417 | Â£500
1841 1d. red-brown plates 2 to 126, a plated selection on covers in an album, incl. black plates 2, 5, 8, 9, 10 (2),11, plates 13 LC on 1841 (Aug. 10th) cover, 15 GK on 1841 (Nov. 14th) cover, 40 FJ on 1843 (July 31st.) cover, 110 MI on 1851 June 15th) 1d. stationery envelope, etc., varied condition. (98 items).
420 Â£110
1840 1d. red-brown plate 1b MF (double ''M'') exceptionally fine used with good to very large margins and a bold strike of a black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. AS6e. Photo.
421 Â£140
1841 1d. red-brown plate 1c TE very fine used with good to large margins and black Maltese Cross on small piece. S.G. Spec. AS9, cat. £500. Photo.
422 Â£90
1841 1d. red-brown plate 5 DB state 3 with faint corner stars and corner letters (''B'' very faint), fine used with good margins and almost complete black Maltese Cross, trivial tiny corner crease confined to margin at lower right, very scarce. Photo.
423 Â£1200
1841 1d. red-brown plate 8 BH state 2 fine used with ample to good margins and a very fine almost complete strike of the distinctive Wotton-under-Edge Maltese Cross. R.P.S. certificate (1990). S.G. Spec. AS54ue, cat. £6,000. Photo.
427 Â£600
1841 1d. red-brown plate 12 SK imprimatur, very fine. R.P.S. certificate (2010). S.G. Spec. BS1, cat. £1,400. Photo.
428 Â£450
1841 1d. red-brown plate 14 AD used with an almost complete strike of the distinctive Wotton-under-Edge Maltese Cross, close ragged margin at left, good to large on other three sides. R.P.S. certificate (1988). S.G. Spec. BS3tw, cat. £5,000. Photo.
429 Â£170
1841 1d. red-brown plate 14 BJ fine used with just clear to good margins and tied to small piece solely by a large part upright strike of the framed ''PyP/No. 15'' handstamp of Handsworth in blue. S.G. Spec. BS3wc, cat. £700.
430 Â£480
1841 1d. red-brown plate 14 RG (double ''G'') with good to very large margins except a little cut into at lower right, tied to small piece by oily bright red Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. BS3sb, cat. £4,500. Photo.
431 Â£110
1841 1d. red-brown plate 15 LD with good to large margins except just touched at upper left corner, tied by the blue Maltese Cross of Truro to 1841 (Dec.) piece with matching blue c.d.s. and boxed ''No 1'' in black alongside stamp. S.G. Spec. BS4sc. Photo.
435 Â£130
1841 1d. red-brown plate 19 LA (double ''L'') fine used with full margins and neat deep blue Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. BS8a, sc, cat. £550. Photo.
437 Â£210
1841 1d. red-brown plate 25 RI with good margins and blue Maltese Cross leaving profile clear on 1843 (Jan. 23rd) letter from Preston to Chester, some small imperfections. S.G. Spec. BS14sc, cat. £1,500. Photo.
439 Â£200
1841 1d. red-brown plate 33 PA non-coincident re-entry, an excellent example cancelled number ''5'' in Maltese Cross at upper left, well clear of re-entry, thins, otherwise fine with good to large margins. S.G. Spec. BS22g, cat. £800. Photo.
441 Â£100
1841 1d. red-brown plate 35 IK very fine and fresh unused with ample to large margins on reply portion of turned Hand-In-Hand Insurance letter originally sent from London to Knightsbridge (original franking removed), also 1d. plate 38 TC state 2 fresh unused with good margins except barely touched at top, affixed to presumably privately carried 1844 (March 13th) letter from Gretna to Brampton without postal markings, unusual.
442 Â£95
1841 1d. red-brown plate 35 NJ with good to large margins and with a fine almost complete strike of the distinctive York Maltese Cross, small corner crease at upper left not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. BDS24tx, cat. £500. Photo.
443 Â£60
1841 1d. red-brown plate 35 PD-QE block of four with ample to large margins and slightly blurred Maltese Crosses, QD with small rub, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. BS24, cat. £450.
448 Â£160
1841 1d. red-brown plate 38 PB on very blue paper with watermark inverted, most attractive with good to large margins and neat centrally struck Maltese Cross, thin at foot, otherwise fine and scarce. S.G. Spec. BS26A, c. Photo.
449 Â£130
1841 1d. red-brown plate 40 LB state 2 with double top line, fine used with good margins and black Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. BS26Cc, cat. £250+. Photo.
450 Â£180
1841 1d. red-brown plate 44 PA-PB pair exceptionally fine used with good to huge margins and two neat part strikes of number ''1'' in Maltese Cross, most attractive. S.G. Spec. BS26G, ua. Photo.
451 Â£160
1841 1d. deep red-brown plate 50 BH-BI pair showing plate wear, exceptionally fine used with good to huge margins showing parts of CH and CI at foot and cancelled by neat single strike of the ''131'' numeral of Edinburgh. S.G. Spec. BS27. Photo.
452 Â£650
1841 1d. red-brown plate 60 AG top marginal imprimatur showing inscription, very fine. S.G. Spec. BS28. Photo.
453 Â£850
1841 1d. pale red-brown (worn plate) plate 61 AK-BL corner marginal block of four with full 'deckle edge' sheet margins showing marginal plate number and inscription, good margins other sides, fresh mint with part original gum, most unusual unprinted area on AL and BL due to foreign matter on plate, some thinning, otherwise fine and of excellent colour. S.G. Spec. BS28. Photo.
454 Â£60
1841 1d. red-brown plate 65 RL, most attractive with good to large margins and light black Maltese Cross leaving profile clear, light corner crease at upper left, not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine and a scarce late use of the Maltese Cross on a plate that was not registered until February 2nd 1846. Photo.
455 Â£750
1841 1d. red-brown plate 68 ME-NG unused block of six with watermark inverted, some imperfection but of fine appearance with full margins, a rare multiple. S.G. 8Wi, Spec. BS28, cat. £21,000 (as singles). Photo.
456 Â£550
1841 1d. red-brown plate 70 PG with clear to good margins except just touched at upper right, tied to small piece by a clear complete strike of circular ''TICKHILL/(Crown)'' negative mailbag seal in black, most unusual. Ex Alcock. B.P.A. certificate (1994). Photo.
457 Â£380
1841 1d. pale red-brown (worn plate) plate 75 AK-BL fresh mint block of four with ample to very large margins and large part original gum, AK with small surface flaw and rub, BK slight crease at left, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. BS28(3), cat. £3,000. Photo.
458 Â£230
1841 1d. pale red-brown plate 75 LK ''Union Jack'' re-entry, a good example cancelled clear of the upper corners, ample to good margins, tiny imperfections. S.G. 8d, Spec. BS28c, cat. £2,700. Photo.
460 Â£1500
1841 1d. red-brown plate 77 the ''B-blank'' error, a good example of this popular error, cancelled well clear of both corner letter squares with ''108'' Scots numeral of Dumfries, cut quite small or into and a little thinned at right, matched with an example of the BA corrected with good margins almost all around, thinned at foot. The B-blank with B.P.A. certificate (2010) and letter (1981) from Roland Brown confirming his opinion of its authenticity. S.G. 12a, Spec. BS29a, cat. £20,000 and BS29b, cat. £1,700. Photo.
461 Â£280
1841 1d. red-brown plate 90 TL overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 1, fine without gum. S.G. Spec. BS30s, cat. £3,000. Photo.
463 Â£150
1841 1d. red-brown plate 106 KF-LG block of four exceptionally fine used with good to very large margins and light neat London Inland Section no. ''1'' numerals, upper pair with very light bend not detracting. S.G. Spec. BS32. Photo.
464 Â£950
1841 1d. pale red-brown (worn plate) plate 108 TA corner marginal showing marginal plate number and inscription on very blue paper, creases in sheet margin well clear of stamp, small natural paper flaw, otherwise fine unused. S.G. Spec. BS32. Photo.
466 Â£950
1841 1d. red-brown plate 112 AA-AC unused corner marginal strip of three on very blued paper, with full 'deckle edge' sheet margins showing marginal plate number and inscription, two scissor cuts in sheet margin clear of stamps, AA with tiny natural paper flaw at foot, otherwise fine and most attractive. S.G. Spec. BS32. Photo.
467 Â£420
1841 1d. red-brown plate 112 AG-AI very fine and fresh mint strip of three on very blued paper showing distinct plate wear, clear to good margins and large part original gum, shows marginal watermark lines at top. S.G. 8a, Spec. B1(2), cat. £1,800+. Photo.
468 Â£750
1841 1d. red-brown plate 122 OC fine used with ample to large margins and centrally cancelled by a very fine clear complete central strike of ''MORE/TON'' negative mailbag seal in blue, very rare and most unusual. Ex Alcock. B.P.A. certificate (1994). Photo.
469 Â£220
1841 1d. red-brown plate 125 QK with ample to good margins except just touched at upper right, cancelled by London District ''72'' numeral of Lower Norwood in red with traces of black, corner crease not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine and rare. R.P.S. certificate (1985) states 'Mixed ink obliteration'. Photo.
470 Â£450
1841 1d. red-brown plate 130 DF-EG block of four, DF and EF just cut-into at left and scissor cut between otherwise close to good margins all round, the block cancelled with a fine single ''345'' numeral of Mullingar contrary to regulations, rare. S.G. Spec. BS32. Photo.
471 Â£680
1841 2d. blue proof from small trial plate of 12 without corner letters, single with displaced upright watermark showing part marginal ''POSTAGE'' watermark, light surface marks at top otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. DP43, cat. £1,700. Photo.
472 Â£350
1841 2d. blue proof from small trial plate of 12 without corner letters, [R1/1] corner marginal single, diagonal crease not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. DP43, cat. £1,700. Photo.
474 Â£1200
1841 2d. plates 3 and 4 selection in varied condition incl. plate 3 GJ overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 1 with full margins (creased), CH, DD, FJ, NB, QK and SL with full margins and neat black M.C.'s, seven with numbers in Maltese Crosses incl. very fine strikes of numbers ''1'', ''4'', ''7'' and ''12'' on full margined adhesives (no. ''1'' just touched at one corner), plate 4 LC with faked ''LIVERPOOL'' dotted circle, etc. (49). Photo.
475 Â£380
1841 2d. blue plate 3 (12) used with set of numbers ''1'' to ''12'' in Maltese Crosses, mainly good strikes, mixed condition, numbers ''6'' and ''11'' thinned, all with three or four margins. S.G. Spec. ES11va-vl, cat. £7,925.
476 Â£1050
1841 2d. blue plate 3 BE, an attractive 'soft' shade, fresh mint with good margins and almost full original gum, just a slight trace of toning in places not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. 14, Spec. ES11, cat. £4,250. Photo.
477 Â£720
1841 2d. blue plate 3 CG fine mint with good even margins and part original gum. S.G. 14, cat. £4,250. Photo.
478 Â£820
1841 2d. pale blue plate 3 KC fresh mint with good even margins and part original gum, a few tiny marks at top and small diagonal score line at NE corner not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. 13, Spec. ES10, cat. £5,000. Photo.
479 Â£700
1841 2d. blue plate 3 RK, fine mint with small to good margins and large part original gum, tiny ink mark confined to margin at top. S.G. 14, Spec. ES14, cat £4,250. Photo.
480 Â£300
1841 2d. deep full blue plate 3 SJ, fresh mint with almost full original gum, close to good margins except just touched at two places, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. ES12, cat. £6,000. Photo.
481 Â£700
1841 2d. deep full blue plate 3 TC-TD, a very fresh mint pair with full original gum, just clear to good margins except just shaved at base, excellent colour. Richter certificate (1993). S.G. 15, Spec. ES12, cat £12,000. Photo.
482 Â£240
1841 2d. blue plate 3 AE, close at foot otherwise large to very large margins, used on 1843 (Sept. 13th) cover to Dungarvan, Ireland, cancelled by a fine upright strike of the number ''3'' in Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. ES11vc, cat. £1,750. Photo.
484 Â£200
1841 2d. pale blue plate 3 BH and BI, ample to large margins, used on 1843 (Aug. 4th) cover to Preston and cancelled by upright strikes of the number ''3'' in Maltese Cross, cover with creases at right affecting BI. S.G. Spec. ES10vc. Photo.
485 Â£210
1841 2d. blue plate 3 FC, close at right to large margins, tied to 1843 (Aug. 5th) cover to Edinburgh by a fine upright strike of the number ''2'' in Maltese Cross, vertical filing fold just clear of adhesive. S.G. Spec. ES11vb, cat. £1,750. Photo.
487 Â£280
1841 2d. blue plate 3 GB-GD (double ''D'') strip, clear to large margins all round, used on 1843 (Nov. 20th) cover with printed address to Dublin, cancelled number ''1'' in Maltese Crosses, vertical filing fold affecting GC. S.G. Spec. ES11va. Photo.
488 Â£100
1841 2d. blue plate 3 IA exceptionally fine used with good to enormous margins (part sheet margin at left and part of IB at right) and neat virtually complete London Chief Office ''12'' numeral. S.G. Spec. ES11. Photo.
489 Â£290
1841 2d. blue plate 3 IL with good to large margins all round, tied to 1843 (May 22nd) entire letter to Preston by a good strike of the number ''6'' in Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. ES11vf, cat. £1,750. Photo.
490 Â£400
1841 2d. blue plate 3 KH with clear to good margins except just touched at lower right, tied by a fine strike of the number ''8'' in Maltese Cross to 1843 (Sept. 26th) cover to Kendal. S.G. Spec. ES11vh, cat. £2,200. Photo.
491 | Â£220
1841 2d. blue plate 3 LH exceptionally fine used with wide even margins and a very fine upright strike of the distinctive Maltese Cross of Perth in black, most attractive. Photo.
492 Â£210
1841 2d. blue plate 3 MC, just touched at top right otherwise good to large margins, tied to 1844 (March 11th) cover to Kendal by a good strike of the number ''11'' in Maltese Cross. S.G. Spec. ES11vk, cat. £2,200. Photo.
494 Â£150
1841 2d. blue plate 3 NB-NC pair, touched at right and top otherwise good margins, used on 1844 (April 1st) entire with printed address to Dublin, cancelled by good upright strikes of the number ''2'' in Maltese Cross, vertical filing fold between affecting NB. S.G. Spec. ES11vb. Photo.
499 Â£140
1841 2d. blue plate 3 QC-QF strip of four, QC state 2 and QD showing unusual unprinted area due to foreign matter adherence during printing and QF with a similar small area at top, full margins, oily London Inland Section numerals, some paper on reverse. Photo.
501 Â£900
1841 2d. deep full blue plate 3 QF (shifted transfer) with clear to good margins all round, used on 1843 (June 3rd) entire letter to Norwich and tied by a fine strike of the number ''7'' in Maltese Cross with Mortlake circular datestamp below. S.G. Spec. ES12vg, cat. £2,500. Photo.
502 Â£150
1841 2d. deep full blue plate 3 RE and RK, RE good to large margins, RK just touched at right, used together on 1843 (July 4th) entire letter to Wallingford and cancelled by upright strikes of the number ''9'' in Maltese Cross, vertical filing fold through RE. R.P.S. certificate (2002). S.G. Spec. ES12vi. Photo.
503 Â£240
1841 2d. blue plate 3 RG-RH pair (RG shifted transfer), close at top left to good margins, used on 1843 (April 14th) cover to Lubeck, cancelled by good strikes of the number ''8'' in Maltese Cross, cover with one stamp removed at right. S.G. Spec. ES11vh.
504 Â£160
1841 2d. blue plate 3 TA, close at top left and top right otherwise good to very large margins, used with a good strike of the number ''5'' in Maltese Cross on 1843 (May 6th) entire letter to Macclesfield. S.G. Spec. ES11ve, cat. £2,200. Photo.
505 Â£110
1841 2d. blue plate 3 TK very fine used with good to large margins and neat Scots ''322'' numeral of Tarland in blue, trivial small bend at lower left not detracting. S.G. 14h, Spec. ES10wb, cat. £700. Photo.
506 Â£1100
1841 2d. blue plate 4 BG-BI strip mint with large part original gum, BH without Spectacle variety, BH touched at top and BI cut-into at right otherwise clear to large margins, fine and fresh. S.G. Spec. ES14, n. Photo.
507 Â£450
1841 2d. deep full blue plate 4 DA showing smudged print at right, a very fine and fresh unused (regummed) example, with good to large margins, superb colour and appearance. S.G. 15, Spec. ES15, cat. £6,000. Photo.
508 Â£260
1841 2d. blue plate 4 HI, a fresh mint example with good margins and large part original gum, crease at right not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. 14, Spec. ES14, cat. £5,000. Photo.
509 Â£820
1841 2d. blue plate 4 IB showing ivory head, fine and fresh mint with good to large margins and part original gum, insignificant small ink mark at base of neck not detracting, excellent colour. B.P.A. certificate (2003). S.G. 14c, cat. £5,000+. Photo.
510 Â£700
1841 2d. blue plate 4 LH fine mint with close to good margins and part original gum. S.G. 14, Spec. ES14, cat. £5,000. Photo.
511 Â£700
1841 2d. blue plate 4 QF fine unused with good margins and much original gum. S.G. 14, Spec. ES14, cat. £5,000. Photo.
512 Â£520
1841 2d. blue plate 4 RB, a very fine and fresh unused (regummed) example with good even margins, superb colour and appearance. S.G. 14, Spec. ES14, cat. £5,000. Photo.
513 Â£80
1841 2d. blue plate 4 AG-AI strip of three and GD used on 1852 (Nov. 11th) registered cover from Leeds to Macclesfield, good to very large margins except AI and GD touched or just cut into on one side, filing folds affecting AG and GD, otherwise fine and a clean cover from the 'Brocklehurst' correspondence.
515 Â£220
1841 2d. blue plate 4 BG-BH pair, BH without spectacles flaw, fine used with full margins and ''75'' numerals of Birmingham. S.G. Spec. ES14/n, cat. £1,200+. Photo.
516 Â£230
1841 2d. deep full blue plate 4 CE-CF pair (CE re-entry) with watermark inverted, good to very large margins, faint vertical crease at right of CF not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. ES15a, b. Photo.
519 Â£240
1841 2d. blue plate 4 JJ-JL marginal strip of three with part sheet margin at right showing 'the Address and tow' inscription, ample to very large margins other sides, fine with indistinct Scots numerals. Photo.
520 Â£100
1841 2d. blue plate 4 MG-MI strip of three paying 6d. registration fee used with alphabet II 1d. IE on 1852 (Dec.) cover from Edinburgh with reasonable strike of the ''Registered/EDINBURGH'' handstamp in red additionally tieing MG, the 1d. and 2d. MI touched on one side, otherwise good to large margins, filing fold in margin between MH-MI.
521 Â£200
1841 2d. deep full blue plate 4 OC-OF strip of four on thin paper, very fine used with good to very large margins and clear neat London Inland Section ''5'' numerals, fold in margin between OD-OE and OD with slight wrinkle, most attractive. S.G. Spec. ES15q, cat. £700+. Photo.
523 Â£160
1841 2d. blue plate 4 SA with large margins and an exceptionally light central strike of ''LONDON/SP-6/58'' c.d.s. in black, slight ageing on reverse, otherwise fine. Photo.
524 Â£300
1852-53 Alphabet II 1d. orange-brown plate 148 IA on blued paper, very fine and fresh mint with good to large margins and part original gum. S.G. Spec. B2(3), cat. £1,800. Photo.
525 Â£800
1852-53 alphabet II 1d. lake-red plate 162 ND-NG strip of four, close at top right otherwise good to very large margins, very fine used with light numeral cancellations, a superb multiple of this rare shade. Brandon certificate (2002). S.G. 11, Spec. B2(2), cat. £3,000+. Photo.
526 Â£500
1852-53 Alphabet II 1d. red-brown plate 165 AH top marginal imprimatur showing inscription, close but just clear at right, fine. S.G. Spec. B2. Photo.
527 Â£400
1852-53 alphabet II 1d. red-brown plate 167 OK-RL very scarce vertical block of eight with ample to good margins and neat ''41'' London Inland Section numerals, some small faults not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. B2. Photo.
528 Â£2600
1852-53 alphabet II 1d. red-brown plate 170 EH-FI block of four with good to large margins and tied by light neat type A ''BRISTOL/18MR/1854'' Spoons code ''E'' to letter to Salisbury, slight insignificant creasing not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine and very rare, most attractive. Photo.
529 Â£80
1852-53 alphabet II 1d. red-brown plate 170 JH exceptionally fine used with good to large margins and type A ''MANCHESTER/10AP/1854/498'' Spoon, code ''K'', on clean envelope to Macclesfield with ''DOBSCROSS'' u.d.c. on reverse. Photo.
530 Â£500
1852-53 Alphabet II 1d. red-brown plate 172 AG imprimatur, very fine. S.G. Spec. B2. Photo.
531 Â£140
1852-53 alphabet II 1d. red-brown plate 174 GF fine used with clear to large margins and used with three margined 2d. blue plate 4 CI on clean and uncreased 1844 (Feb. 21st) cover from London to Birmingham, both adhesives placed sideways. S.G. Spec. B1 & ES14. Photo.
532 Â£290
1852-53 alphabet II 1d. red-brown plate 175 NB-NE rare strip of four, good to very large margins on three sides, touching or just into at top, some creasing and NE with tear at top. S.G. Spec. B2, cat. £3,600. Photo.
533 Â£350
1852-53 alphabet II 1d. red-brown plate 175 SG-SH pair with good to very large margins and neat strikes of ''LIVERPOOL/18JY/1854/466'' Spoons, SG with vertical crease at right and tiny marginal fault at top and SH with slight corner crease, not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine and very scarce. S.G. Spec. B2, cat. £1,800+. Photo.
535 | Â£8500
Later Line Engraved: 1850-63 1d. stars collection on stock pages with a good range of unused or mint incl. 1854 SC16 die I 1d. (25 with KA-MC marginal block of nine showing inscription and part ornament), 1855 SC 16 die II 1d., 1855 SC 14 die I 1d. (5, one with faked perfs.), die II 1d. (5), 1855 LC16 1d. (2), 1855 LC14 on blued 1d. (28), LC16 1d., 1857-63 LC14 1d. (56 incl. plate 46 AD-BF top marginal block of six, plate 60 TA corner marginal single showing marginal plate no., plate 66 DF-EH block of six); used with an excellent range of most issues incl. 1850 Archer perf. 16 1d. HG, later with shades, varieties, misperfs., coloured and other unusual cancellations, inverted watermarks, etc. (450).
536 Â£8000
Later Line Engraved: 1854-58 2d. stars selection in varied condition with apparently unused or mint (sold 'as is') 1854-55 SC16 2d. plates 4 CB, LG, NJ, 5 PG, 1855 SC14 2d. plates 4 HK & KE (both imperfs. with faked perforation), 5 JE, 1855 LC16 plate 5 RA, 1855-57 LC14 2d. plates 5 DL, EK, 6 DJ, 1858 LC16 plate 6 ML; used 1854-55 SC16 plates 4 (7), 5 (2), 1855 SC14 plate 4 LA, LJ (with c.d.s.) and OC (with green numeral), plate 5 PL (with c.d.s.), 1855 LC16 plate 5 JB, PD, 1855-57 LC14 (22, incl. plate 5 IE with oval framed ''PD'' in black, JH with green diamond datestamp, KJ with blue Scots numeral), 1858 LC16 plate 6 GH. (50). Photo.
537 | Â£100
Later Line Engraved: A collection of used plated 1d. Stars on leaves incl. die II, alphabet III, blued paper LC14 twenty-one different between plates 23 and 45, die II, alphabet III, white paper twenty-seven different between plates 27 and 68 plus R17, 1861 alphabet IV plate 50 RK-RL pair, also a few 1d. Plates, etc., varied condition. (54 plus 2 covers).
538 Â£260
Later Line Engraved: 1850 Archer perf. 16 1d. red-brown plate 94 AI, a deep shade, fine with London Inland Section ''17'' numeral. S.G. 16b, Spec. CE2, cat. £650. Photo.
539 Â£280
Later Line Engraved: 1850 Archer perf. 16 1d. red-brown plate 96 LI good used with London Inland Section ''29'' numeral, matched with a full margined imperf. S.G. 16b, Spec. CE2, cat. £600. Photo.
540 Â£180
Later Line Engraved: 1850 Archer perf. 16 1d. red-brown plate 96 RH with part ''74'' London District Post numeral, small faults not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. 16b, Spec. CE2, cat. £600. Photo.
541 Â£380
Later Line Engraved: 1850 Archer perf. 16 1d. red-brown plate 96 SL very fine used with neat part ''72'' London District Post numeral, attractive. S.G. 16b, Spec. CE2, cat. £600. Photo.
542 Â£230
Later Line Engraved: 1850 Archer perf. 16 1d. red-brown plate 97 NE, a most attractive example, neatly cancelled leaving profile completely clear, faint bend and slight thin not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. 16b, Spec. CE2. Photo.
543 Â£300
Later Line Engraved: 1850 Archer perf. 16 1d. red-brown plate 99 LA fine with part London Inland Section ''22'' numeral, centred to upper left, matched with a full margined imperf. S.G. 16b, Spec. CE2, cat. £600. Photo.
544 Â£620
Later Line Engraved: 1850 Archer perf. 16 1d. red-brown plate 100 LI fresh unused with disturbed part original gum, blunted corner perf., otherwise fine and scarce. S.G. 16b, cat. £2,800. Photo.
545 Â£580
Later Line Engraved: 1850 Archer perf. 16 1d. red-brown plate 100 RB fine and fresh unused. S.G. 16b, Spec. CE2, cat. £2,800. Photo.
546 Â£480
Later Line Engraved: 1850 Archer perf. 16 1d. pale red-brown (worn plate) plate 101 AG exceptionally fine used with neat ''285'' numeral of Exeter, most attractive and unusual. S.G. 16b, Spec. CE2, cat. £750. Photo.
547 Â£210
Later Line Engraved: 1854 die I, alphabet II, SC16 1d. red-brown BH-CI fresh mint block with part original gum, centred low and some small imperfections, good colour and appearance. S.G. 17, Spec. C1, cat. £2,000. Photo.
548 Â£140
Later Line Engraved: 1854 die I, alphabet II, SC16 1d. red-brown QG very fine and fresh mint. S.G. 17, cat. £300. Photo.
550 Â£280
Later Line Engraved: 1854 die I, alphabet II, SC16 1d. pale red-brown plate 175 DA-EB block of four showing slight plate wear, unused with part original gum (a little disturbed), a few minor faults on reverse but of fine and fresh appearance, attractive. S.G. 17, Spec. C1, cat. £2,000. Photo.
551 Â£420
Later Line Engraved: 1854 die I, alphabet II, SC16 1d. red-brown plate 182 AH top marginal imprimatur showing inscription, slight thin on face of sheet margin well clear of stamp, otherwise very fine. S.G. Spec. C1, cat. £1,200. Photo.
552 Â£400
Later Line Engraved: 1854 SC16 1d. red-brown plate 190 TB imprimatur, very fine. S.G. Spec. C1, cat. £1,200. Photo.
553 Â£600
Later Line Engraved: 1854 SC16 1d. red-brown plate 197 TC imprimatur, exceptionally fine. S.G. Spec. C1, cat. £1,200. Photo.
554 Â£230
Later Line Engraved: 1854 SC16 2d. pale blue plate 4 CD-CE pair showing a most unusual pre-printing and pre-perforation paper fold affecting the foot of CD leading to distorted elongation of the stamp and interruption to the printing, fine. S.G. 20. Photo.
556 Â£130
Later Line Engraved: 1854 die I, alphabet II, SC14 1d. red-brown plate 197 BK showing plate wear, exceptionally fine used with neat ''326'' numeral of Guisborough, pre-printing paper crease at lower right. S.G. 22, Spec. C2, cat. £300. Photo.
557 Â£420
Later Line Engraved: 1855 SC14 2d. blue plate 4 TB showing plate wear at foot, overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 2, fine and fresh with part original gum, very scarce. S.G. 23s, Spec. F2g, s, cat. £1,700+. Photo.
558 Â£2600
Later Line Engraved: 1855 SC14 2d. plate 4 TI fine and fresh mint with part original gum, centred left, excellent colour. S.G. 23, Spec. F2, cat. £7,750. Photo.
559 Â£190
Later Line Engraved: 1855 die II, alphabet II, SC14 1d. red-brown plate 3 GD placed contrary to regulations at lower right of 1855 (Aug.) Dublin local mourning envelope and tied by Dublin diamond ''PAID'' Spoon in green, rare. S.G. Spec. C3vc, cat. £950+. Photo.
560 Â£260
Later Line Engraved: 1855 die II, alphabet II SC14 1d. red-brown plate 8 DE fine and fresh mint with large part original gum, centred low. S.G. 24, Spec. C3, cat. £600. Photo.
563 Â£80
Later Line Engraved: 1855 die II, alphabet II, SC16 1d. red-brown plate 4 NB-OC scarce block of four with slightly heavy London Inland Section ''14'' numerals, OB additionally with Calais arrival c.d.s., some ink offset on reverse. S.G. 21, Spec. C4, cat. £500.
564 Â£130
Later Line Engraved: 1855 die II, alphabet II, LC16 1d. red-brown plate 1 LB-NB scarce vertical strip of three tied by London Inland Section ''17'' numerals to 1856 (Jan.19th) envelope from the Crimea to Huntingdonshire, endorsed with senders details on front at top, some imperfections but very scarce. S.G. 26, Spec.C5.
565 Â£110
Later Line Engraved: 1855 die II, alphabet II, LC16 1d. red-brown plate 13 FK, a good used example, centred low and one short perf. at upper right, otherwise fine. Ex Wiggins. S.G. Spec. C5, cat. £550. Photo.
566 Â£400
Later Line Engraved: 1855 die II, alphabet II LC14 1d. red-brown plate 2 SJ-TK lower marginal block of four showing inscription, fresh mint with large part original gum, SJ-TJ with vertical crease and TK thinned but good appearance and scarce. S.G. Spec. C6, cat. £3,250. Photo.
567 Â£70
Later Line Engraved: 1855 die II, alphabet II, LC14 1d. red-brown plate 13 SA-SB pair fine used with ''289'' numeral portions of Kingstown English type Spoons in blue-green, attractive. S.G. Spec. C6. Photo.
568 Â£95
Later Line Engraved: 1855 die II, alphabet II, LC14 1d. red-brown plate 20 AI-AL scarce strip of four with Dublin diamond spoons, a few short or blunted perfs., otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. C6, cat. £360+. Photo.
569 Â£250
Later Line Engraved: 1855 die II, alphabet III, SC14 1d. red-brown plate 23 LJ, fine with part ''493'' sideways duplex of Maidstone, centred low. S.G. Spec. C7, cat. £850. Photo.
570 Â£200
Later Line Engraved: 1855 die II, alphabet III SC14 1d. red-brown plate 25 OF, a good used example. S.G. Spec. C7, cat. £950. Photo.
571 | Â£600
Later Line Engraved: 1855 die II, alphabet III LC14 1d., a mainly fresh unused or mint selection with 1855 LC14 on blued (5 with a pair) and 1856-63 LC14 on white (23, many plated), condition varies, mostly with part to large part original gum and of good to fine appearance, also 1854 SC16 1d. HI unused (regummed). (29).
572 Â£220
Later Line Engraved: 1855 LC16 2d. blue plate 5 BB very fine used with light part ''(S)T MALO/22/MAI/76'' c.d.s., a most unusual late use of this adhesive. S.G. 27, Spec. F3. Photo.
573 Â£420
Later Line Engraved: 1855 LC14 2d. blue plate 5 BG fine and fresh mint with part original gum, excellent colour. S.G. 34, Spec. F6, cat. £2,250. Photo.
574 Â£550
Later Line Engraved: 1855 LC14 2d. blue plate 5 RA fine and fresh mint with part original gum, shows hairline printing flaws on Queen's face and neck, excellent colour. S.G. 34, Spec. F6, cat. £2,250. Photo.
575 Â£500
Later Line Engraved: 1857 LC14 2d. blue plate 6 RK-RL unused pair with some original gum, small imperfections. S.G. 35, cat. £5,500. Photo.
576 Â£320
Later Line Engraved: 1855 die II, alphabet III LC14 1d. red-brown plate 22 ED, a fine example placed upside down and tied by ''B. MUIRHEAD'' Scots local type VII on 1856 (May 14th) envelope to Aberdeen, a couple of perfs. just blunted at top, some soiling clear of adhesive, a rare stamp on cover. S.G. Spec. C8. Photo.
578 | Â£2100
Later Line Engraved: 1856 die II, alphabet III, LC14 on blued paper 1d. plates 23 to 26, a used collection in an album with plates 23 (168), 24 (216), 25 (142) and 26 (110), all but a few with different lettering, a good range of scarce shades throughout, various cancellations, etc., a few with faults but generally good to very fine, a very scarce assembly. S.G. Spec. C8. (636).
579 Â£180
Later Line Engraved: 1856 die II, alphabet III, LC14 on blued paper 1d. red-brown plate 33 JB-JE strip of four unusually used late on 1862 (May 29th) small neat mourning envelope from London to Biarritz, clearly cancelled and most attractive. S.G. 29, Spec. C8. Photo.
580 Â£180
Later Line Engraved: 1856 die II, alphabet III, LC14 on blued paper 1d. red-brown plate 35 PE and SI overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 2 vertically, PE fine with large part original gum, SI with disturbed original gum, otherwise fine. S.G. 29s, Spec. C8s, cat. £1,100. Photo.
582 Â£190
Later Line Engraved: 1856 die II, alphabet III, LC14 on blued paper 1d. deep claret plate 38 NG on deep blue paper, exceptionally fine used with superb ''WAKEFIELD/MR21/1857/B/831'' sideways duplex on piece, most attractive. R.P.S. certificate (2009). S.G. Spec. C8(6). Photo.
584 Â£500
Later Line Engraved: 1856 die II, alphabet III, LC14 on blued paper 1d. orange-brown plate 52 AH top marginal imprimatur showing inscription, the paper showing no bluing, thinning on face of margin well clear of stamp, otherwise very fine. S.G. Spec. C8. Photo.
586 Â£190
Later Line Engraved: 1857 die II, alphabet III, LC14 transitional issues on yellowish to cream toned paper 1d. pale rose EC, centred low, a very fine example of this delicate shade, tied by neat light ''HASTINGS/AU18/1857'' sideways duplex to clean envelop (with enclosure) to India, most attractive. S.G. Spec. C9(4). Photo.
587 Â£120
Later Line Engraved: 1857 die II, alphabet III, LC14 transitional issues on yellowish to cream toned paper 1d. red-orange plate 45 FJ fine used with light ''447'' numeral of Leeds, very scarce. R.P.S. certificate (1988). S.G. Spec. C9(2). Photo.
591 | Â£130
Later Line Engraved: 1857-63 die II, alphabet III, LC14 on white paper 1d., an accumulation of plated examples (250), mainly fair to fine, some imperfections. S.G. Spec. C10, cat. £3,750 (approx.).
592 | Â£130
Later Line Engraved: 1857-63 die II, alphabet III, LC14 on white paper 1d., an accumulation of plated examples (250), mainly fair to fine, some imperfections. S.G. Spec. C10, cat. £3,750 (approx.).
593 | Â£140
Later Line Engraved: 1857-63 die II, alphabet III, LC14 on white paper 1d., an accumulation of plated examples (250), mainly fair to fine, some imperfections. S.G. Spec. C10, cat. £3,750 (approx.).
594 | Â£130
Later Line Engraved: 1857-63 die II, alphabet III, LC14 on white paper 1d., an accumulation of plated examples (250), mainly fair to fine, some imperfections. S.G. Spec. C10, cat. £3,750 (approx.).
595 Â£180
Later Line Engraved: 1857-63 die II, alphabet III, LC14 on white paper 1d. rose-red DG tied by a clear light strike of ''CARDROSS'' Scots local type III to 1859 (Jan.) envelope to Paisley, backstamped at Glasgow and Paisley. Photo.
596 Â£260
Later Line Engraved: 1857-63 die II, alphabet III, LC14 on white paper 1d. pale red plate 27 EH-EI pair, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 38, Spec. C10(2), cat. £180+. Photo.
597 | Â£75
Later Line Engraved: 1857-63 die II, alphabet III, LC14 on white paper 1d. rose-red plate 39 BI-CJ block of four fine used on clean and uncreased legal sized envelope from Leominster to Bristol, attractive and scarce. S.G. Spec. C10.
598 Â£110
Later Line Engraved: 1857-63 die II, alphabet III, LC14 on white paper 1d. rose-red plate 42 JA and JG-JI strip of three tied by neat ''PEEBLES/JA 17/1862'' c.d.s. to local legal sized envelope, filing fold crosses JI, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. C10. Photo.
599 Â£140
Later Line Engraved: 1857-63 die II, alphabet III, LC14 on white paper 1d. rose-red plate 43 PC, RB, SB and SC used on underpaid 1860 (April 16th) envelope from London to Paris with ''INSUFFICIENTLY/PREPAID'' handstamp in red and oval framed ''PD'' in red cancelled by London Inland Section ''30'', RB with slight corner crease, otherwise fine and attractive. Photo.
600 Â£520
Later Line Engraved: 1857-63 die II, alphabet III, LC14 on white paper 1d. rose-red plate 45 GJ-GK pair exceptionally fine and fresh mint, GJ unmounted, rare. S.G. Spec. C10(5). Photo.
601 Â£110
Later Line Engraved: 1857-63 die II, alphabet III, LC14 on white paper 1d. rose-red plate 45 DD exceptionally fine used, very lightly cancelled. S.G. Spec. C10, cat. £450. Photo.
603 Â£160
Later Line Engraved: 1857-63 die II, alphabet III, LC14 on white paper 1d. rose-red plate 45 KL exceptionally fine used with neat ''DUDLEY/NO23/1857/B/268'' sideways duplex on piece. S.G. Spec. C10, cat. £450+. Photo.
604 Â£260
Later Line Engraved: 1857-63 die II, alphabet III, LC14 on white paper 1d. rose-red plate 55 ID used with an excellent almost complete central strike of the distinctive Whitehaven Maltese Cross, pressed vertical crease otherwise fine, very scarce. B.P.A. certificate (2010). S.G. Spec. C10ta. Photo.
606 Â£95
Later Line Engraved: 1857-63 die II, alphabet III, LC14 on white paper 1d. rose-red plate 62 FG very fine used on piece with an exceptional complete strike of the ''965'' numeral of Alderney. S.G. Spec. C10. Photo.
607 Â£1150
Later Line Engraved: 1857-63 die II, alphabet III, LC14 on white paper 1d. plate 63 used collection on leaves, almost all are different letterings, range of cancellations, etc., mostly good to fine, a scarce plate. S.G. Spec. C10. (142).
609 Â£70
Later Line Engraved: 1857-63 die II, alphabet III, LC14 on white paper 1d. rose-red plate 64 HH fine with ''W C/5'' in barred oval cancellation. S.G. C10, cat. £350. Photo.
612 Â£520
Later Line Engraved: 1857-63 die II, alphabet III, LC14 on white paper 1d. rose-red plate 68 IL marginal imprimatur showing inscription, fine. S.G. Spec. C10. Photo.
613 Â£900
Later Line Engraved: 1857-63 die II, alphabet III, LC14 on white paper 1d. plate R17, a used large part reconstruction on leaves with duplicates, some on dated pieces, sixteen covers, multiples incl. strips of four (4) and blocks of four (4), varieties, RI and SI (2) re-entries, etc., mixed condition, many fine. S.G. Spec. C10. (approx. 500).
614 Â£230
Later Line Engraved: 1857-63 die II, alphabet III, LC14 on white paper 1d. plate R17, a used study on leaves with some duplicates, JI-JL and PI-PK strips, four covers, constant varieties, re-entries with JF (2), RI (3) and SI (3), etc., varied condition, mainly good to fine. S.G. Spec. C10. (70, 4 covers).
615 Â£160
Later Line Engraved: 1857-63 die II, alphabet III, LC14 on white paper 1d. pale rose-pink plate R17 QC watermark large crown type I, very fine used with neat part ''976'' numeral of Windermere. Rare. R.P.S. certificate (2000). S.G. Spec. C10(6). Photo.
616 Â£150
Later Line Engraved: 1857 die II, alphabet III, LC16 1d. rose-red plate 38 BD fine with ''W/6'' in barred oval cancellation, very scarce. S.G. Spec. C11, cat. £600. Photo.
617 Â£210
Later Line Engraved: 1857 die II, alphabet III, LC16 1d. rose-red plate 38 PA fine used with light ''N.W/9'' in barred oval, very scarce. S.G. Spec. C11, cat. £600. Photo.
618 Â£190
Later Line Engraved: 1857 die II, alphabet III, LC16 1d. rose-red plate 38 PJ (double ''J'') fine used with slightly heavy but neat London Inland Section ''23'' numeral. S.G. Spec. C11, cat. £600. Photo.
619 Â£60
Later Line Engraved: 1857 die II, alphabet III, LC16 1d. rose-red plate 48 MJ-ML strip of three, fine and scarce. S.G. Spec. C11.
620 Â£150
Later Line Engraved: 1857 die II, alphabet III, LC16 1d. rose-red plate 58 ME and QH, good to fine used examples, ME a little oxidised. S.G. Spec. C11, cat. £500. Photo.
621 Â£110
Later Line Engraved: 1857 die II, alphabet III, LC16 1d. rose-red plate 59 HH-KH scarce vertical strip of four on piece with Dublin ''186'' roller cancellation. S.G. Spec. C11. Photo.
622 | Â£2700
Later Line Engraved: 1861 die II, alphabet IV, LC14 1d. plates 50 and 51, a virtually complete used reconstruction on leaves with many duplicates, with some pairs and plate 50 QB-RC block of four, plus additional examples on piece and on covers (41), plate 51 constant varieties and repaired states, range of cancellations, etc., varied condition but vast majority good to very fine, a remarkable assembly. S.G. Spec. C12. (approx. 1170).
624 Â£350
Later Line Engraved: 1862 die II, alphabet II, LC14 1d. plates R15 and R16, a used study on leaves with some duplicates incl. plate R15 constant varieties, re-entries with CE (4), JA (3), QA (2), RD (4) and TD (2), plate R16 range of constant varieties and double letters, six are on dated pieces incl. plate R15 TG cancelled by ''POSTED SINCE 7 LAST NIGHT'' Edinburgh duplex, etc., varied condition, mainly good to fine. S.G. Spec. C13. (190).
625 Â£550
Later Line Engraved: 1862 die II, alphabet II, LC14 1d. pale rose-red plate R15 AG-BI block of six, with top margin showing ''..rds the RIGHT HAND SIDE of the Letter. In Wettin..'' inscription, showing the AG/BG constant variety, crease in margin otherwise fine and fresh unmounted mint (mounted in margin) and well centred, a rare multiple. S.G. Spec. C13(2), h. Photo.
626 Â£260
Later Line Engraved: 1862 die II, alphabet II, LC14 1d. rose-red plate R15 RJ-TL block of nine (3 x 3), fresh mint with part to full original gum, TL with fault at right and a few other small imperfections, fine appearance. S.G. Spec. C13. Photo.
627 Â£320
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1858-76 2d. plate 14 HH, 1864-79 1d. rose-red plate 84 PJ, 1870 1/2d. plate 5 PK and 11/2d. plate 1 overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 8, all but the 2d. without gum, some imperfections but good appearance and the 1/2d. plate 5 and 1d. plate 84 not listed by S.G., a scarce group. (4). S.G. Spec. G1u, G3u., G4t and G6u. Photo.
628 Â£300
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: A selection overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9 comprising 1/2d plates 13 EA, 19 OA, PL and TV, 1d. plates 146 SJ, 198 FH, 11/2d. plate 3 HI, JA, KA & PI, mainly good to fine and fresh with gum, some imperfections, also 2d. plate 15 GB (faults). (11). S.G. cat. £1,950.
629 Â£350
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1864-79 1d. rose-red plate 121 SG on Dr. Perkins blued paper overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' diagonally, small thin spot and a few perfs. trimmed at lower right, otherwise fine and fresh with gum, also 2d. blue plate 13 SG with part ''SPECI(MEN)'' overprint of the same type, faults but rare and of good appearance. S.G. G1w & G3x, cat. £8,250. Photo.
630 | Â£1750
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1864-79 1d. plates 71 to 225 (less 77), a used collection on stock pages with a complete set of plates (plate 225 with trimmed perfs.), varieties incl. misperfs. (23, with some quite dramatic), paper flaws and pre-printing paper creases (13) inverted watermarks (8), cancellation interest incl. c.d.s's (60 with plate 155 MC-NF block of 8), plate 73 LG with red numeral, plates 120 and 159 with red and black oval framed ''PD'' respectively, dumb cancellations incl. plate 71 CG and DD with delicate circular framed barred cancellations, plate 113 PJ on piece with ''POR/SC'' star, plate 110 BH with Salisbury ''683'' trial cancellation without pins, etc. (470).
631 | Â£140
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1864-79 1d. plates 71 to 225 (plate 225 perfined and less 77), also 1858-76 plates 7 to 15 also a selection of 1870 1/2d's, varied condition. (194).
632 | Â£4200
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1864-79 1d. plates 71 to 225 (less 77), a mainly fair to fine mint or unused collection incl. a set of plates with plate 225 GC, also plate 177 DB with ''1''s painted out to appear as plate 77, corner pieces showing marginal plate numbers (12) comprising plates 146, 167, 170, 185 (with full top sheet margin), 191 and 200 singles, plates 117 & 181 pairs, plates 174 strip of 6, 203 strip of 4, 172 block of 6, 187 block of 10 and 191 block of 8, other multiples with blocks of 4 (6), plates 122 and 218 marginal blocks of 6, etc., condition varies.
633 Â£90
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1864-79 1d. rose-red plate 86 BD imprimatur, clear to good margins except just touched at top, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. G1, cat. from £400. Photo.
636 Â£1350
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1864-79 1d. lake-red plate 97 AK variety imperforate, a fine mint top marginal example with large part original gum (the imprimatur is not gummed), rare. B.P.A. certificate (1999). S.G. 44a, cat. from £6,000. Photo
637 Â£980
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1864-79 1d. rose-red plate 108 AA corner marginal imprimatur showing marginal plate number and inscription, light diagonal crease not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine and rare. S.G. Spec. G1. Photo.
639 Â£110
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1864-79 1d. rose-red plate 124 AK imprimatur, very fine. S.G. Spec. G1, cat. from £400. Photo.
640 Â£180
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1864-79 1d. rose-red plate 127 AI top marginal imprimatur showing inscription, very fine. S.G. Spec. G1, cat. from £400. Photo.
641 Â£130
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1864-79 1d. rose-red plate 139 AE imprimatur, very fine. S.G. Spec. G1, cat. from £400. Photo.
642 Â£520
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1864-79 1d. rose-red plate 156 AA-BF and AG-BL blocks of twelve rejoined with hinges to form AA-BL block of 24 (12 x 2) cancelled ''25'' in diamond Irish telegraphic numerals, a few imperfections but mainly fine appearance and a most unusual and rare multiple. S.G. 43. Photo.
643 Â£100
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1864-79 1d. rose-red plate 161 AK imprimatur with just clear to good margins, fine. S.G. Spec. G1, cat. from £400. Photo.
644 Â£280
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1864-79 1d. rose-red plate 210 BG imprimatur with watermark inverted, very fine, one of a very few imprimaturs of this issue with watermark inverted. S.G. Spec. G1d. Photo.
645 Â£260
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1864-79 1d. rose-red plate 218 AD top marginal imprimatur showing inscription, very fine. S.G. Spec. G1, cat. from £400. Photo.
646 Â£130
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1864-79 1d. rose-red plate 220 AG top marginal imprimatur, the sheet margin trimmed and some imperfections clear of stamp, otherwise very fine. S.G. Spec. G1, cat. from £400. Photo.
647 Â£220
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1864-79 1d. lake-red plate 225 BC fine used with light neat ''337'' numeral portion of Harlow duplex. S.G. 44, cat. £700. Photo.
648 Â£1100
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1864-79 1d. rose-red plate 225, five examples CJ, DI and DJ from one sheet and HA and IA in a slightly different shade and with different centering, used together on piece with ''53'' barred ovals of Bath, most unusual. S.G. 43. Photo.
649 Â£290
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1864-79 1d. lake-red plate 225 FK fine used with neat part c.d.s. S.G. 44, cat. £700+. Photo.
650 Â£450
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1864-79 1d. rose-red plate 225 MI used on clean neat 1879 (Nov. 26th) envelope within Edinburgh, tied by ''131'' dotted circle duplex, possibly the earliest known date of use of this plate, adhesive with small perf. faults otherwise fine and rare. S.G. 43. Photo.
651 Â£500
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1858-76 2d. plates 7 to 15 selection in varied condition on stock pages, with all plates mint or unused incl. plate 12 QH mint with large part original gum (crease), all plates used with c.d.s. incl. plate 12 GH, OA (with ''MALTA'' c.d.s.) and PH, plate 13 AA-CB block of six with light ''BELFAST'' c.d.s's, etc. (75).
652 Â£620
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1858-76 2d. blue plates 7 to 15 unused or mint set, generally of good to fine appearance, mostly with disturbed gum or regummed. (7). S.G. 45/47, cat. £6,350. Photo.
653 Â£1800
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1858-76 2d. blue plate 7 LJ-MK block of four very fine and fresh mint with part to large part original gum, excellent colour, most attractive and scarce. S.G. Spec. G2, cat. £7,500. Photo.
654 Â£100
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1858-76 2d. blue plate 8 QB, blunted perfs. at left and a couple of light tone spots on reverse, unmounted mint original gum. S.G. 45, cat. £1,300. Photo.
655 Â£300
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1858-76 2d. blue plate 9 AC-BD block of four watermark large crown type II, fine unused, a few perfs. reinforced with hinge. S.G. Spec. G2, cat. £2,300. Photo.
656 Â£420
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1858-76 2d. blue plate 9 MA error of watermark, fine with part ''(A)26'' cancellation of Gibraltar, very scarce. S.G. Spec. G2c (Z22var.). Photo.
657 Â£140
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1858-76 2d. blue plate 12 QK-RL scarce block of four used on piece with QJ, indistinctly cancelled at Douglas, I.O.M. S.G. 45, Spec. G2. Photo.
658 Â£250
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1858-76 2d. blue plates 13 FD, 14 PH and 15 IE fine and fresh mint with large part original gum, excellent colour. S.G. 46/47, cat. £1,150. Photo.
659 Â£2100
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1858-76 2d. deep blue plate 13 AA-BC fresh mint upper left corner block of six (3 x 2) with full 'deckle-edge' sheet margins showing marginal plate number and inscription, hinge perf. reinforcement between AC-BC and BB-BC, some tiny perf. imperfections but fine appearance and the AA-AB corner pair very fine with full original gum. S.G. 47, Spec. G3(2). Photo.
660 Â£700
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1858-76 2d. deep blue plate 13 AB variety imperforate, a mint example with just clear to large margins except just touched at one point at left, disturbed original gum, some faults but good appearance and rare. S.G. 47a, Spec. G3e, cat. £8,000. Photo.
661 Â£650
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1858-76 2d. deep blue plate 14 AK-AL fresh mint corner pair with full 'deckle-edge' sheet margins showing marginal plate number and inscription, a few slight tone spots, otherwise fine with large part original gum, scarce. S.G. 47, Spec. G3(2). Photo.
662 Â£780
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1858-76 2d. deep blue plate 15 AK-AL fresh mint corner pair with full 'deckle-edge' sheet margins showing marginal plate number and inscription, virtually full original gum (slight toning on gum), diagonal crease or gum crease not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine and scarce, excellent colour. S.G. 47, Spec. G3(2). Photo.
663 Â£280
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1858-76 2d. deep blue plate 15 AL corner marginal example showing marginal plate number and inscription, overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, disturbed original gum and hinge reinforcement, otherwise fine and scarce. S.G. 47s, Spec. G3(2)v. Photo.
664 Â£2200
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1858-76 2d. deep blue plate 15 SK-TL fine and fresh mint corner block of four with full 'deckle-edge' sheet margins showing marginal plate number and inscription, large part original gum (SK-TK with gum creases), hinge reinforcement of perfs. between SL and sheet margin, very scarce. S.G. 47, Spec. G3(2), cat. £3,000+. Photo.
665 Â£2600
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1870 1/2d., 1871 Ormond Hill die proof in dull lilac-rose on thin wove paper (47 x 55mm), seven tone spots, one affecting the proof, the others clear, some other peripheral imperfections well clear of proof, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. DP64(b), cat. from £35,000. Photo.
666 Â£4000
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1870 1/2d., 1890 'Guildhall' die proof in black on thin yellowish white wove paper (25 x 22mm), some staining otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. DP69, cat. £28,000. Photo.
667 | Â£2500
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1870 1/2d. plates 1 to 20 collection in varied condition on stockpages with all plates represent unused or mint with multiples incl. plates 5 blocks of four (3, one with imperf. margin at right), lower marginal strip of seven and KX-LX vertical marginal pair with imperf. margin at right, plate 6 block of four, plate 10 block of six, plates 12 and 13 marginal blocks of nine; used incl. plate 1 RR used on f.d.i. on piece, plate 3 BG used f.d.i. on front, etc. (225).
668 Â£850
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1870 /2d. plates 1 to 20 set mainly good to fine mint with part to large part original gum, a few imperfections. (15). S.G. 48-49, cat. £8,005. Photo.
669 Â£1200
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1870 1/2d. rose-red plate 1 DW variety imperforate and with watermark inverted and reversed, fine and fresh mint with part original gum. S.G. 48a, Wk, cat. £3,700. Photo.
670 Â£400
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1870 1/2d. rose-red plate 1 GX variety imperforate with watermark inverted and reversed, mint with part original gum, diagonal crease and other tiny imperfections, otherwise fine. S.G. 48a, wk, Spec. G4e, h, cat. from £3,700. Photo.
671 Â£450
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1870 1/2d. rose-red plate 1 TV imprimatur, very fine. R.P.S. certificate (1982). S.G. 48, Spec. G1, cat. from £1,100. Photo.
672 Â£100
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1870 1/2d. plates 4, 5, 10, 11 (3), 12, 13 and 20, mainly fair to fine mint with part to large part original gum, some imperfections. (9). S.G. 48-49, cat. £1,130.
673 Â£550
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1870 1/2d. rose-red plate 4 SX-TX lower right corner marginal vertical pair with full sheet margins showing marginal plate number and imperforate to margin at right, fine and fresh mint, scarce. S.G. 48, Spec. G1. Photo.
674 Â£200
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1870 1/2d. rose-red plate 5 TX lower right corner marginal example with full sheet margins showing marginal plate number and imperforate to margin at right, fresh mint with part original gum (hinge remainders and reinforcement), small imperfections, scarce. S.G. 48, Spec. G1. Photo.
675 Â£400
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1870 1/2d. rose-red plate 6 SA-TC lower left corner marginal block of six (3 x 2) with full sheet margins showing marginal plate number and imperforate to margin at left, fresh mint with full original gum, some creasing, otherwise fine and of excellent colour, scarce. S.G. 48, Spec. G1. Photo.
676 Â£270
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1870 1/2d. rose-red plate 8 FA-GA vertical marginal pair with full sheet margin showing inscription and imperforate to margin, full, slightly brownish, original gum (stamps unmounted), very scarce. S.G. 48, Spec. G4g, cat. £1,000+. Photo.
677 Â£850
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1870 1/2d. rose-red plate 8 SV-TX lower right corner marginal block of six (3 x 2) with full sheet margins showing marginal plate number and imperforate to margin at right, fresh mint with part to large part original brownish gum, lower row with each stamp showing missing perf. at foot. Rare. S.G. 48, cat. £3,000++ (as singles). Photo.
678 Â£140
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1870 1/2d. rose plate 9 AD fine used with part c.d.s. Photo.
679 Â£90
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1870 1/2d. plate 9 PH used, a little light staining, otherwise fine. S.G. 48, cat. £700. Photo.
680 Â£550
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1870 1/2d. rose-red plate 9 QH fine used with 1/2d. plate 5 FT on 1872 (March 21st) envelope to Paisley, tied by Glasgow duplex, envelope with back flap missing and small stain at foot, very scarce. S.G. 48. Photo.
681 Â£190
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1870 1/2d. rose plate 10 RA-TB lower left corner marginal block of six (2 x 3) with full sheet margins showing marginal plate number etc, mint with full original gum, overall surface toning and some gum creasing, otherwise fine and scarce. S.G. 49, Spec. G1. Photo.
682 Â£350
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1870 1/2d. rose-red plate 11 AA-BB block of four and AX-CX vertical strip of three, both corner marginal showing marginal plate numbers, the block with sheet margins reduced (missing at left of BA) and with misplaced perf. comb on AA-BA vertical pair, mainly good to fine fresh mint with virtually full original gum, few small imperfections. S.G. 48, Spec. G4. Photo.
683 Â£230
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1870 1/2d. rose plate 11 CX-DX vertical marginal pair with watermark inverted and reversed, very fine and fresh mint with large part original gum, full sheet margin showing inscription, hinge reinforcement between stamps and margin. S.G. 49wk, Spec. G4e, cat. £500+. Photo.
685 Â£450
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1870 1/2d. rose plate 13 AW-CX corner marginal block of six (2 x 3) with full sheet margins showing marginal plate number and imperforate to right margin, a little toned and some marginal creasing otherwise fine mint with virtually full original gum. S.G. 49, Spec. G4. Photo.
686 Â£450
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1870 1/2d. rose-red plate 13 SX-TX corner marginal vertical pair showing marginal plate number and imperforate to right margin, fine fresh mint with virtually full original gum, gum crease mainly in margin. S.G. 48, Spec. G4. Photo.
687 Â£380
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1870 1/2d. rose-red plate 13 SX-TX corner marginal vertical pair with full sheet margins showing marginal plate number, perorated through sheet margin leaving two blank 'stamps' at right, fine and fresh mint with virtually full original gum with gum creases (hinge reinforcement between stamps and lower margin). S.G. 48, Spec. G4. Photo.
688 Â£420
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1870 1/2d. rose-red plate 14 AX-BX corner marginal vertical pair with full sheet margins showing marginal plate number and imperforate to right margin, fresh mint with virtually full original gum, BX with small corner crease not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. 48, Spec. G4. Photo.
689 Â£1100
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1870 1/2d. rose plate 20 SA-TB lower left corner marginal block of four showing marginal plate number, very fine and fresh mint with full original gum, very scarce. S.G. 49, Spec. G4, cat. £1,200++ (as singles). Photo.
690 Â£400
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1870 1/2d. rose plate 20 TA lower left corner marginal single showing marginal plate number and imperforate to margin at left, very fine and fresh mint with full original gum, very scarce. S.G. 49, Spec. G4. Photo.
691 | Â£880
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1870 11/2d., a selection on stock pages incl. 1860 unissued 11/2d. rosy mauve FL (cat. £7,000 but faults), 1870 11/2d. plate 1 TD-TF lower marginal strip of three, unused, OB with unprinted patch due to foreign matter, mint but oxidised, OG and SG unused (regummed), 11/2d. plate 3 CK variety imperforate unused (cat. £8,500 but faded), ED, JD and PF mint; good range of used incl. a number with c.d.s., covers (4) incl. plates 1 QL and 3 GG used alone on separate covers, plate 3 IC-ID pair fine used with ''TAVISTOCK'' c.d.s's on 1880 (Nov.) registered envelope (fault at top) to Launceston, plate 3 DH on 1880 (May) embossed 1d. pink envelope, condition varies. (34 items).
692 Â£250
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1870 11/2d. rose-red plate 1 AB, a fine unmounted mint top marginal example (mounted in margin) with usual crackly gum. S.G. 51, cat. £600. Photo.
693 Â£400
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1870 11/2d. rose-red plate 1 OP-PC error of lettering, a good used example with small part Irish duplex. S.G. 53, cat. £1,500. Photo.
694 Â£880
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1870 11/2d. rose-red plate 3 AK-BL fine and fresh mint upper right corner marginal block of four with full sheet margins showing marginal plate number and inscription, the stamps with virtually full original gum (three unmounted), usual gum wrinkles, very scarce. S.G. 51, Spec. G6, cat. £2,000++. Photo.
696 Â£290
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1870 11/2d. rose-red plate 3 KA-LA vertical marginal pair from the left of the sheet with full sheet margin showing part marginal ornament and inscription, fine and fresh mint with part original gum, minor gum creases, KA with slight ageing at top not detracting. S.G. 51, cat. £800+. Photo.
697 Â£260
Later Line Engraved: 1858-79 Plate Number Issues: 1860 unissued 11/2d. rosy-mauve plate 1 GL overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 6, fine without gum. S.G. 53a, s, Spec. G5s, cat. £2,000. Photo.
698 Â£6000
1847-54 embossed 1s., 10d. and 6d., three apparently unused or mint cut square examples of each, mixed condition, mainly fair to good appearance and sold 'as is'. (9). S.G. 54/60, cat. £111,000 (as mint). Photo.
699 | Â£3200
1847-54 embossed, a used collection in mixed condition on stock pages, with cut square 1s. (13, one tied to piece by oval framed ''L/DE20/A'' datestamp, one on cover), 10d. (6) and 6d. (10, one a partly overlapping impression, two on part cover from Totnes to Plymouth with SC16 2d., another with LC14 2d. cancelled ''BRADFORD-YKS'' sideways duplexes on cover to Versailles), mostly of fair to fine appearance; cut to shape or repaired 1s. (3), 10d. (6), 6d. (5), also 10d. pair cut to shape at left and right on front to Malta, also 7 Postal Stationery items. (49 items).
700 Â£1450
1847-54 embossed 1s. (2), 10d. (2) and 6d. (3), all overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 1, all cut square and mainly with clear to good margins on three sides, condition varies but mostly of good appearance. (7). S.G. 54/60, cat. £19,800. Photo.
701 | Â£50
1847-54 embossed, Postal Stationery cuts outs of undated 6d. die 39 and 10d. die 7 and dated 1s. die 8 (5.1.82), each overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', fine.
702 Â£170
1847-54 embossed 1s. pale green die 2 with ample to very large margins and tied by neat London Inland Section ''22'' numeral to 1855 (Aug. 18th) envelope to Bombay, adhesive placed upside down and with a trace of light horizontal crease or wrinkle at foot not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. 54. Photo.
704 Â£190
1847-54 embossed 10d. brown, a very large marginal example from the left of the sheet with good to huge margins other sides, tied to 1854 (Feb. 13th) cover from London to Paris, adhesive repaired and the left thread split but good appearance. Photo.
706 Â£2900
1847-54 embossed 6d. dull lilac with watermark inverted and reversed, a rare mint upper left corner marginal example with part original gum, some imperfections not detracting from excellent appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. 59, cat. £13,000. Photo.
708 Â£200
1847-54 embossed 6d. dull lilac, fine with clear to good margins, neatly cancelled. S.G. 59, cat. £900. Photo.
709 Â£680
1847-54 embossed 6d. dull lilac with watermark upright, a very fine used example with neat ''(COATE) BRIDGE/JY 21/1855'' circular datestamp, good margins. S.G. 59Wi. Photo.
710 Â£3000
1847-54 embossed 6d. dull lilac with watermark upright, a very rare used block of four with clear to good margins and ''228'' numerals of Crawley, traces of light creasing between impressions not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine and of excellent quality for a block of this value, the rarest of the embossed issues in blocks. E. Diena certificate (1992). S.G. 59Wi, Spec. H3c, cat. £9,500. Photo.
711 Â£1950
Surface Printed: 1855-57, a mainly good to very fine used selection, mostly with c.d.s. or lightly cancelled, comprising 4d. watermark small garter (7), 4d. watermark medium garter (5 with a pair), 4d. watermark large garter (19 incl. one with oval framed ''PD'' in red, two pairs), 6d. (7, one apparently on azure, one with watermark inverted), 1s. (6), some imperfections, an attractive group. Photo.
712 Â£420
Surface Printed: 1855-57 issue, a range of covers (13) incl. single use 4d. watermark small garter, 4d. watermark large garter (5, one with blue ''131'' numeral of Edinburgh), 6d. on 1861 (Aug.) cover from Falmouth to Santander, 1s. on clean uncreased envelope from London to Massachusetts; 1859 (July) entire letter from London to India bearing 4d. watermark large garter (2, one with the ''LONDON'' c.d.s. portion only of sideways duplex) with LC14 1d., 1859 (Oct.) and 1860 (Sept.) covers from Glasgow to Messina, each bearing 4d. watermark large garter, 6d. and LC14 1d., 1862 (May) registered cover from Newcastle on Tyne to Denmark bearing 6d. (2) in combination with 1862-64 4d. plate (2) and LC14 1d. and with red ''(CROWN)/REGISTERED'' handstamp on front, and 1862 (Dec. 6th) wrapper from Dunstable to Cannes bearing 1s. pair with 1862-64 4d. plate 3. A good group.
713 Â£1600
Surface Printed: 1855-57 4d. carmine watermark small garter plate 1 imprimatur on thick, highly glazed, deeply blued paper, a very fresh example, shows marginal watermark line at top, very slight surface flaking on watermark line not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. J47, cat. £6,500. Photo.
714 Â£1100
Surface Printed: 1855-57 4d. carmine watermark small garter on thick, highly glazed, deeply blued paper, a good unused example with small part original gum, corner crease at lower right, otherwise fine and rare. Brandon certificate (1977). S.G. 62, Spec. J47, cat. £7,000. Photo.
715 Â£1200
Surface Printed: 1855-57 4d. carmine watermark small garter on thick, highly glazed, deeply blued paper, a good mint example with large part original gum, small corner crease at lower left and one pulled perf. at foot, otherwise fine and rare. S.G. 62, Spec. J47, cat. £7,000. Photo.
716 Â£180
Surface Printed: 1855-57 4d. deep carmine watermark small garter on thick highly glazed blued paper, a wing margin pair fine used with ''285'' numeral cancellations of Exeter. S.G. 62. Photo.
717 Â£500
Surface Printed: 1855-57 4d. carmine watermark small garter on thick, highly glazed, blued paper, used with LC14 1d. and 2d. overlapping on clean uncreased 1855 (Nov. 30th) registered envelope from Lancaster to Macclesfield ('Brocklehurst' correspondence), tied by neat type II ''LANCASTER/436'' sideways duplexes, also showing ''CREWE•STATION/DE 1/1855'' transit c.d.s. in green on front, most attractive. B.P.A. certificate (1969). Photo.
718 Â£400
Surface Printed: 1855-57 4d. carmine watermark small garter on thick, highly glazed, blued paper, exceptionally fine used with neat English-type ''WATERFORD/6 • MY/1856'' Spoon, code ''E'', on clean printed ''WILLIAM GRAVES/Bank of Ireland,/DUBLIN'' entire, filing fold well clear of adhesive, most attractive. S.G. 62. Photo.
719 Â£200
Surface Printed: 1855-57 4d. carmine watermark small garter on thick, highly glazed, blued paper, fine used with neat English-type ''WATERFORD/MR 11/1856'' Spoon, code ''E'', on printed ''WILLIAM GRAVES/Bank of Ireland,/DUBLIN'' entire, filing fold well clear of adhesive which has an unusual paper flaw on Queen's chin. S.G. 62. Photo.
720 Â£160
Surface Printed: 1855-57 4d. carmine watermark medium garter on thick, highly glazed, deeply blued paper, a very fine used example with large part of adjoining stamp attached, tied by framed ''ANTIGUA ST.'' Scots local type VIII to piece. S.G. 63. Photo.
722 Â£1100
Surface Printed: 1855-57 4d. pale carmine watermark medium garter on ordinary thin white paper, a fresh mint example with large part original gum, minor gum creases and one short perf. at top, otherwise fine. S.G. 64, cat. £7,500. Photo.
723 Â£950
Surface Printed: 1855-57 4d. deep rose watermark medium garter on ordinary white paper, specially prepared ink, a fresh mint wing marginal example showing marginal watermark line, large part original gum, a few perfs. just blunted and tiny fault at foot not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. 65, cat. £7,500. Photo.
724 Â£500
Surface Printed: 1855-57 4d. rose-carmine watermark large garter, a fine and fresh mint wing marginal example showing marginal watermark line, virtually full original gum, minor gum bend. Brandon certificate (1997). S.G. 66, cat. £1,750. Photo.
725 Â£780
Surface Printed: 1855-57 4d. rose-carmine and 4d. rose watermark large garter, and watermark emblems 1s. green, unused (regummed), of good to fine appearance, the 1s. reperforated at right. (3). S.G. 66, 66a & 73, cat. £5,600. Photo.
727 Â£850
Surface Printed: 1855-57 4d. rose-carmine watermark large garter pair used on 1858 (May 24th) registered front from London to France, cancelled solely by two circular framed ''PD'' in red and single ''CHARGE'' in black, further strikes in red below, unusual and attractive. S.G. 66. Photo.
728 Â£780
Surface Printed: 1855-57 4d. rose watermark large garter on thick, highly glazed paper, a very fresh mint example with virtually full original gum, minute natural paper flaw at top, centred high, otherwise fine and scarce. S.G. 66b, cat. £4,250. Photo.
729 Â£500
Surface Printed: 1855-57 watermark emblems 6d. pale lilac fine and fresh mint with large part original gum, minor gum crease or natural paper wrinkle. S.G. 70, cat. £1,100. Photo.
730 Â£520
Surface Printed: 1855-57 watermark emblems 6d. pale lilac on azure paper used with LC14 1d. AF on neat uncreased 1858 (April 15th)registered envelope from Malmesbury to Chippenham with printed ''Enclosed £106 (manuscript)/For favor of Credit with our Head Office/On Account of/The Wilts and Dorset Bank, Malmesbury.'' on inside of top flap, adhesive tied by neat ''192'' numerals and with ''MALMESBURY'' and ''CHIPPENHAM'' c.d.s's alongside, the 6d. with blunted corner perf., otherwise very fine and most attractive. B.P.A. certificate (1983). S.G. 40 & 70a. Photo.
731 Â£550
Surface Printed: 1855-57 watermark emblems 6d. deep lilac on thick paper, a fine and fresh unused example with some original gum, excellent colour. S.G. 69b, Spec. J70(1)d, cat. £3,000. Photo.
733 Â£580
Surface Printed: 1855-57 watermark emblems 1s. green on thick paper, a fine and fresh unused example with redistributed original gum, excellent colour. S.G. 72b, Spec. J100(2)c, unpriced unused. Photo.
734 Â£150
Surface Printed: 1861 unissued 3d. rose plate 2, state 1 with shaded spandrels FH, vertically overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 2, fine with full slightly toned original gum, very fresh colour. S.G. Spec. J25As, cat. £800. Photo.
735 Â£250
Surface Printed: 1861 unissued 3d. rose plate 2, state 1 with shaded spandrels GE, vertically overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 2, fine with large part original gum, very fresh colour, small speck of stray overprinting ink in wing margin. S.G. Spec. J25As, cat. £800. Photo.
736 Â£1400
Surface Printed: 1862-64, a mainly good to very fine used selection, mostly with c.d.s. or lightly cancelled, comprising 3d. plate 2 (5), 4d. plates 3 (7), 4 (10), 6d. plates 3 (3), 4 (3), 9d. plate 2 (3, one reperforated) and 1s. plate 2 (3), a few are used in Malta, some imperfections. Photo.
737 Â£700
Surface Printed: 1862-64 issue, a range of covers (17) incl. single use 3d. plate 2 GJ on 1864 (Nov.) cover from Newcastle on Tyne to Amsterdam, JK on 1864 (Aug.) printed Notice of Objection from Brighton to Hawkhurst redirected to St. Albans, 4d. plates 3 (3) and 4 (2, one from Malta), 6d. plates 3 (2) and 4, 1s. plate 2 OC on neat envelope from Hull to U.S.A.; combination uses with 3d. deep carmine-rose plate 2 TH used with 1858-76 2d. plate 9 on 1864 (Feb.) letter from London to Lyon, 4d. plate 3 NA-NB pair and SA in contrasting shades on 1863 (Sept.) letter to Tuscany, 4d. plate 4 IF used with 6d. plate 3 FI and LC14 1d. on 1864 (Jan.) envelope from London to Rome, 1864 (Feb.) envelope from Bath to Madras bearing 9d. plate 2 KD with LC14 1d., 1864 (Oct.) envelope from London to Calcutta with 9d. plate 2 OE and 1d. plate 80, 1865 (Oct.) letter showing disinfection slits from London to Patras bearing 9d. plate 2, 1865-67 1s. plate 4 and 1858-76 2d. plate 9, mainly good to fine, a few imperfections. Photo.
738 Â£1200
Surface Printed: 1862-64 watermark emblems 3d. plate 2, an unused selection of shades, comprising AF deep carmine-rose, SH bright carmine-rose wing marginal, each with some or much original gum, AC, KE, RA and TA pale carmine-rose unused or regummed with three reperforated, fair to fine appearance. S.G. 75-77, cat. £14,000. Photo.
739 Â£220
Surface Printed: 1862-64 watermark emblems 3d. deep carmine-rose plate 2 SG fine used on neat 1866 (Aug. 21st) envelope from London to Rugby, some minor peripheral cover imperfections well clear of adhesive, a scarce stamp used singly on cover. S.G. 75. Photo.
740 Â£120
Surface Printed: 1862-64 watermark emblems 3d. deep carmine-rose plate 2 QL overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 5 and 9d. bistre plate 2 KF overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 6, the 3d. regummed and small faults, 9d. fine without gum. S.G. 75s, 86s, cat. £1,000.
741 Â£160
Surface Printed: 1862-64 watermark emblems 3d. bright carmine-rose plate 2 DE showing small printing flaw above head, fresh mint with part original gum, small faults. S.G. 76, Spec. J26(2), cat £2,000. Photo.
742 Â£450
Surface Printed: 1862-64 watermark emblems 3d. pale carmine-rose plate 2 KB with light ''OC 20/62'' c.d.s., 6d. lilac plate 3 CH with neat ''162'' numeral of Cardiff, 9d. bistre plate 2 MJ with ''137'' numeral of Broadway and 1s. green plate 2 DH with ''498'' numeral of Manchester, all on thick paper, mainly fine. (4). The 9d. with Brandon certificate (1997). S.G. 77b, 84b, 86b, and 90d, cat. £1,350. Photo.
743 Â£1250
Surface Printed: 1862-64 watermark large garter 4d. bright red plate 3 TB, pale red CA, 4d. bright red plate 4 CB, EA and pale red FE, unused or mint examples of good to fine appearance, some small imperfections, EA with R.P.S. certificate (1980). (5). S.G. 79-82, cat. £9,100.
745 Â£900
Surface Printed: 1862-64 watermark emblems 6d. lilac plate 3 CK, OL and SB and plate 4 TB, fresh unused examples with part original gum or regummed, some imperfections but good to fine appearance. (4). S.G. 84-85, cat. £7,500. Photo.
746 Â£300
Surface Printed: 1862-64 watermark emblems 6d. lilac plate 3 KB with watermark inverted, a good mint example with large part original gum, small imperfections. S.G. 83Wi, cat. £6,500. Photo.
747 Â£6000
Surface Printed: 1862-64 watermark emblems 9d. bistre plate 2 AA variety missing rose bit at upper right (from front), very fine and fresh unused. A major watermark error and only recently discovered, this being the only example we know of. Unlisted by Gibbons. B.P.A. certificate (2010). S.G. 86var. Photo. We have also recorded this error on the 1855-57 6d.
748 Â£800
Surface Printed: 1862-64 watermark emblems 9d. bistre plate 2 MC, a very fresh mint example with large part original gum, minor gum wrinkle and a few tiny tone spots on gum, otherwise fine, excellent colour, scarce. S.G. 86, cat. £4,750. Photo.
749 Â£190
Surface Printed: 1862-64 watermark emblems 9d. straw plate 2 KK on thick paper, a most attractive example with upright ''LONDON/MR 28/63'' c.d.s., and NG on ordinary paper with light ''BURTON*ON*TRENT/DE 21/64'' c.d.s., each with small repairs, otherwise fine. S.G. 87/b. Photo.
750 Â£400
Surface Printed: 1862-64 watermark emblems 9d. bistre plate 2 PG exceptionally fine used with neat large part ''STRAT(FORD-UPO)N-AVON/MY 25/63/754'' duplex on clean and uncreased envelope to Ceylon, redirected on arrival and charged a further 1d. local postage with ''HAPPOOTELLE/UNPAID/JU 20/63'' c.d.s. on front, London, Kandy (paid) and Colombo (unpaid) transit c.d.s's on reverse, part of flaps missing due to removal of seal. Most attractive. S.G. 86. Photo.
751 Â£380
Surface Printed: 1862-64 watermark emblems 9d. straw plate 2 CK, fine and fresh unused (regummed), well centred and excellent colour. S.G. 87, cat. £3,500. Photo.
752 Â£320
Surface Printed: 1862-64 watermark emblems 9d. straw plate 2 JC, a deep shade, fresh unused (regummed), tiny imperfections, otherwise fine. S.G. 87, cat. £3,500. Photo.
753 Â£420
Surface Printed: 1862-64 watermark emblems 1s. deep green plate 2 IK very fine and fresh unused (regummed), excellent colour. S.G. 89, cat. £3,800. Photo.
754 Â£290
Surface Printed: 1862-64 watermark emblems 1s. deep green plate 2 FE very fine used with neat ''DEVONPORT/MR29/64/250'' duplex on mourning envelope to Fort Royal, Jamaica with fine ''KINGSTON/JAMAICA/AP 20/64'' c.d.s. on front, envelope with a few tiny tone spots well clear of adhesive, scarce. S.G. 89. Photo.
755 Â£580
Surface Printed: 1862-64 watermark emblems 1s. green plate 2 HA and SJ, fair to good unused examples, some imperfections. S.G. 90, cat. £5,000. Photo.
757 | Â£320
Surface Printed: 1865-67, a mainly good to very fine used selection, mostly with c.d.s., comprising 3d. plate 4 (3), 4d. plates 8 (2), 9 (2), 10, 11 (pair), 12 (11 with a strip and a pair), 13 (with ''SUEZ'' c.d.s.), 14 (4), 6d. plate 6 (2) and 9d. plate 4, a few imperfections, one 3d., one 6d. and the 9d. reperforated.
758 Â£320
Surface Printed: 1865-67 issue, a range on covers (9) comprising single use 4d. plates 9, 10 (from Malta), 11, 6d. plates 5 HF, 6 EG on 1867 (Aug.) envelope from London to Switzerland, QA on 1867 (Nov.) mourning envelope from Bath to Madras; combination use with 4d. plate 13 and 1d. plate 152 on 1874 (Jan.) letter from Middlesborough to Norway with large ''21/2d.'' handstamp in red on front, 4d. plate 7 PA-PB pair used with 1d. plate 78 on neat 1866 (June) large part cover to St. Petersburg, and 9d. plate 4 TF used with 1d. plate 91 on 1865 (Nov.) envelope from London to Calcutta with ''VIA MARSEILLES'' printed in scroll in red on front, mainly good to fine. Photo.
759 Â£880
Surface Printed: 1865-67 3d. rose plate 4 GE (on thick paper), NC, NE, TE, 4d. vermilion plate 7 HD, 8 FD, NB, 9 DF, 10 SL, 11 HE, 12 ML, 13 FG, RE, 6d. lilac plate 5 PG, RL, 1s. plate 4 EA, MF, all with ''MALTA'' circular datestamps, mainly fine to very fine. (17). Photo.
760 Â£150
Surface Printed: 1865-67 watermark emblems 3d. rose plate 4 EI, a fair unused example, reperforated wing margin and a little rubbed. S.G. 92, cat. £1,900.
761 Â£600
Surface Printed: 1865-67 watermark large garter 4d. plates 7 to 14 set of plates mainly fair to fine unused or mint with part original gum or regummed, some imperfections. (8). S.G. 93/94, cat. £4,425. Photo.
762 Â£230
Surface Printed: 1865-67 watermark large garter 4d. vermilion plates 8 DC, 13 BA and 14 LI, fresh unused (regummed) examples, LI with vertical bend, mainly fine appearance. (3). S.G. 93/94, cat. £1,650.
763 Â£200
Surface Printed: 1865-67 watermark large garter 4d. vermilion plate 11 FD and PC, two slightly contrasting shades, very fresh mint with large part original gum, FD with slight crease at foot not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. 94, cat. £1,000. Photo.
764 Â£160
Surface Printed: 1865-67 watermark large garter 4d. vermilion plate 12 BJ-BL strip of three in a deep shade with two neat upright strikes of ''SNAITH/OC 16/72'' c.d.s., BL with small fault at top, otherwise fine and most attractive. S.G. 94. Photo.
765 Â£160
Surface Printed: 1865-67 watermark large garter 4d. vermilion plate 12 LC-LD imperforate pair sharing single ''SPECIMEN'' type 6 handstamp, very fine without gum. S.G. Spec. J59s, cat. £950. Photo.
766 Â£140
Surface Printed: 1865-67 watermark large garter 4d. deep vermilion plate 12 OG, a fine and fresh mint wing marginal example with large part original gum, minor bends or gum wrinkles. S.G. 94, cat. £475. Photo.
768 Â£150
Surface Printed: 1865-67 watermark large garter 4d. pale vermilion plate 13 LG-MI block of six (3 x 2) cancelled ''B01'' of Alexandria, good used, a few tiny imperfections. Photo.
769 Â£260
Surface Printed: 1865-67 watermark large garter 4d. dull vermilion plate 14 AE-AF pair, fresh mint with large part original gum, light bends, otherwise fine. S.G. 93, cat. £1,200. Photo.
770 Â£280
Surface Printed: 1865-67 watermark emblems 6d. lilac plate 5 FC, on thick paper, fine mint, centred to lower-right. S.G. 97a, Spec. J73(2)f, cat £1,000. Photo.
771 Â£280
Surface Printed: 1865-67 watermark emblems 6d. lilac plate 5 LG, PF and PL, fair to good unused or mint examples with part original gum or regummed, some faults. (3). S.G. 97, cat. £2,700. Photo.
773 Â£950
Surface Printed: 1865-67 watermark emblems 6d. deep lilac plate 6 OI, a very fresh mint wing marginal example with full original gum, a few perfs. blunted, otherwise fine and very scarce, excellent appearance. S.G. 96, cat. £3,000. Photo.
774 Â£480
Surface Printed: 1865-67 watermark emblems 9d. straw plate 4 GL, an unused (regummed) example, small faults, otherwise fine, fresh colour. S.G. 98, cat. £4,250. Photo.
775 Â£210
Surface Printed: 1865-67 watermark emblems 9d. straw plate 4 IC on thick paper, fine with ''107'' numeral of Bradford. R.P.S. certificate (1988). S.G. 98a, Spec. J94d, cat. £675. Photo.
776 Â£400
Surface Printed: 1865-67 watermark emblems 9d. straw plate 4 QL with light upright ''GLASGOW/OC 27/66'' c.d.s., shows stop after ''L'' in lower right corner (printing flaw), faint bends otherwise fine. S.G. 98. Photo.
777 Â£200
Surface Printed: 1865-67 watermark emblems 1s. green plate 4 OF, an unused (regummed) example, small faults. S.G. 101, cat. £2,200. Photo.
778 Â£650
Surface Printed: 1867-80 issue, a selection on covers (13) and a front, with single use 3d. plate 6, 6d. plate 8 LD on 1869 (May) cover from London to Stockholm with large ''3d'' handstamp in red, 9d. QJ on 1869 (June) cover from London to Bombay, RL on 1872 (Feb.) envelope from Clifton to Calcutta, 10d. plate 1 GJ on 1869 (Oct.) cover from London to St. Petersburg, LE on 1872 (Jan.) registered cover from London to Bordeaux, 1s. plates 5 and 6; combination or multiple uses comprising 3d. plate 5 and 1d. plate 106 on 1869 (April) cover from London to Amsterdam with fine boxed ''L1'' in red, 3d. plate 5 PJ-PK pair with 1s. plate 4 LL and 1d. plate 96 on 1869 (Jan.) cover from London to Sicily with boxed ''L1'' in red, 3d. plate 7 (2) on clean 1872 (July) printed Corn Report from Newcastle on Tyne to Sweden with large ''21/2d'' handstamp in red on front, 9d. plate 4 NL with 2d. plate 13 on most attractive 1869 (Nov.) front from London to St. Petersburg, 10d. plate 1 HB with 1d. plate 129 on large blue registered envelope from Oakham to Birmingham, and 1s. plate 4 with 1d. plate 95 on 1868 (Jan.) cover from London to Sicily, mainly good to fine, a few faults. (14). Photo.
779 Â£420
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 3d. rose plates 4 to 10 set, fine to very fine with c.d.s's, plate 4 QG with neat ''SALISBURY/MY 27/68'' c.d.s. (7). S.G. 102/103, cat. £655+. Photo.
780 | Â£380
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 3d. rose plates 4, 5, 6 (4), 7 (3), 8 (8 with a pair), 9 (6 with SE-TF block of four), and 10, mainly good to fine used, mostly with c.d.s., some imperfections. (24).
781 Â£300
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 3d. rose plates 5 GD, 6 DI (reperforated), MI, 10 FJ (marginal) and FK, mainly fresh mint examples with part to large part original gum, some gum disturbance and other imperfections, mostly fine appearance. (5). S.G. 103, cat. £2,950.
782 Â£200
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 3d. deep rose plate 8 FC-GD block of four very fine used with ''COVENTRY/MY 22/72'' c.d.s. cancellations. S.G. 102. Photo.
783 Â£90
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 3d. rose plates 9 QH, a fresh mint wing marginal example with large part original gum, just a trace of tiny tone spots not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. 103, cat. £525. Photo.
786 Â£480
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 6d. plates 6 HC, KH (clipped wing margin), 8 TJ, 9 EH and GK, unused examples of fair to fine appearance, mainly regummed, some imperfections. (5). S.G. 104/109, cat. £4,750. Photo.
787 Â£650
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 6d. lilac plate 6 CI with light ''MALTA'' c.d.s., FD with the mainly c.d.s. portion of ''GRIMSBY'' duplex, 6d. plates 8 (3) and 9 (8 with EA-EB pair) an attractive range of shades all with c.d.s. except one plate 9 with ''444'' telegraphic numeral, mainly fine to very fine. (13). Photo.
788 Â£200
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 6d. mauve plate 8 FD, a fine and fresh mint wing marginal example with large part original gum, minor gum crease, excellent colour. S.G. 109, cat. £600. Photo.
789 Â£150
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 6d. mauve plate 9 ME, a very fine and fresh mint wing marginal example with part original gum. S.G. 109, cat. £550. Photo.
791 Â£150
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 9d. straw plate 4 CC-CD pair overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, very fresh with full original gum, faint bends or gum creases, otherwise fine and of excellent colour. S.G. 110s, cat. £750. Photo.
792 Â£280
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 9d. KD and SI (reperforated at left), unused (regummed) examples in contrasting shades. S.G. 110/111, cat. £3,900. Photo.
793 Â£400
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 9d. straw plate 4 LH, a fine and fresh mint wing marginal example with part original gum, a few perfs. just blunted at wing margin, exceptional colour. S.G. 110, cat. £2,000. Photo.
794 Â£170
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 9d. straw plate 4 AF (short stamp from ''A'' row), both with neat upright ''LIVERPOOL/EXCHANGE/6 MY/72'' c.d.s's, IF with faint crease, otherwise fine. S.G. 110, cat. £550. Photo.
795 Â£220
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 9d. straw plate 4 CH, a superb used wing marginal example with crisp virtually complete ''HEREFORD/SP 27/72'' circular datestamp. S.G. 110, cat. £275+. Photo.
796 Â£120
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 9d. straw plate 4 LD, an exceptionally fine used example with neat upright ''(LIV)ERPOOL/(EX)CHANGE/22 MY/72'' c.d.s's, IF with faint crease, otherwise fine. S.G. 110, cat. £275. Photo.
797 Â£200
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 9d. straw plate 4 RC and TC, very fine used examples, each with superb almost complete strike of ''P/LINCOLN/JU 1/72'' c.d.s., TC with a few perfs. just blunted and tiny corner perf. crease. S.G. 110, cat. £550+. Photo.
798 Â£230
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 9d. straw plate 4 PH, a fresh mint wing marginal example with large part original gum, slight discolouration on gum from hinge and a few perfs. just blunted, excellent colour and appearance. S.G. 110, cat. £2,000. Photo.
800 Â£400
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 9d. pale straw plate 4, four wing marginal examples with c.d.s. EE. KI, LI and ID, a few imperfections and EE with part ''VALPARAISO'' c.d.s. but wing margin partly reperforated, an attractive group. S.G. 111. Photo.
801 Â£200
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 10d. red-brown plate 1 AI-AJ pair from pane corner overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 2, very fine and fresh without gum. S.G. 112s, cat. £800. Photo.
802 Â£260
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 10d. red-brown plate 1 GL overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 8, fine and fresh with large part original gum, very scarce. S.G. 112s, Spec. J97(1)s. Photo.
803 Â£350
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 10d. red-brown plate 1 EA, fresh mint, with large part original gum, few minor gum creases, otherwise fine, fresh appearance. S.G. 112, cat £2,800. Photo.
804 Â£350
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 10d. red-brown plate 1 FH a very fine and fresh unused wing marginal example, excellent colour. S.G. 112, cat. £2,800. Photo.
805 Â£520
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 10d. plate 1, a used selection (8) comprising BH, CF, FJ, JA, MF and OF with c.d.s's and LG and SL with numeral cancellations, some imperfections but mainly good to very fine appearance with a range of shades. Photo.
806 Â£210
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 10d. red-brown plate 1 BH, an exceptionally fine used wing marginal example with neat central ''MARK•LANE/JY 22/72'' c.d.s., most attractive. S.G. 112, cat. £300+. Photo.
807 Â£250
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 10d. pale red-brown plate 1 HG overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 11 diagonally, gum redistributed, otherwise fine and rare. S.G. 113s, Spec. J97(2)s. Photo.
808 Â£250
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 10d. pale red-brown plate 1 JG overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 11 diagonally, fine and fresh with part original gum (hinge remainders), rare. S.G. 113s, Spec. J97(2)s. Photo.
810 Â£220
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 10d. pale red-brown plate 1 OK overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9 and 10d. deep red brown plate 1 ED wing marginal overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 5, OK with slight crease at top not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine and fresh with large part original gum. S.G. 113s & 114s. Photo.
811 Â£350
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 10d. pale red-brown plate 1 GH a fresh mint wing marginal example with part original gum, tiny perf. imperfections at lower left not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. 113, cat. £2,800. Photo.
812 Â£260
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 10d. pale red-brown plate 1 QE, an exceptionally fine used wing marginal example with just a small portion of c.d.s. at foot leaving the head completely clear. S.G. 113, cat. £325+. Photo.
813 Â£270
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 10d. deep red-brown plate 1 QF, an unused example, toned, also pale red-brown plate 1 CL overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9 fresh with part original gum, perf. fault at foot, otherwise fine.
814 Â£1700
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 10d. red-brown abnormal plate 2 TI imprimatur with clear to good margins except touched or just cut into at upper left, otherwise fine and fresh with gum. Rare, only 24 stamps have been removed from the imprimatur sheet of which at least four are in institutional collections. S.G. Spec. J98, cat. £15,000. Photo.
815 Â£520
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 1s. green plates 4 OB, PH, 5 LH, 6 MH and 7 OI (reperforated), fresh unused or mint with part original gum or regummed, some imperfections but mainly good to fine appearance. (5). S.G. 117, cat. £5,250. Photo.
816 | Â£320
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 1s. green plates 4 (3), 5 (9 with two corner copies), 6 (14 with pane corner pair and single) and 7 (5), mainly fine to very fine used, all but two with c.d.s. (31).
817 Â£380
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 1s. plate 4 GI fugitive ink colour trial in blue on watermarked paper, overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, wing margin and some perfs. at foot clipped, small imperfections, very rare, two similar examples were in the Marcus Samuel collection. Photo.
818 Â£400
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 1s. green plate 4 KK-KL imperforate corner pair overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 6, fine and fresh with part original gum. S.G. Spec. J104s, cat. £800+. Photo.
819 Â£420
Surface Printed: 1867-80 1s. deep green Stock Exchange forgery plate 5 BA, very fine used on part telegraph form with ''JY 16/72'' circular datestamps, genuine stamp for comparison. S.G. Spec. cat. £800+. Photo.
820 Â£170
Surface Printed: 1867-80 1s. green plate 5 DA Stock Exchange forgery used with ''JU 28/72'' c.d.s, slightly thinned at left otherwise fine, with matching genuine 1s. plate 5 with the same lettering and fine used with a Stock Exchange c.d.s. of the same date. S.G. 117, var, Spec. cat. £800. Photo.
821 Â£550
Surface Printed: 1867-80 1s. deep green Stock Exchange forgery plate 5 FC, very fine used on part telegraph form with ''JY 16/72'' circular datestamp. S.G. Spec. cat. £800+. Photo.
822 Â£550
Surface Printed: 1867-80 1s. deep green Stock Exchange forgery plate 5 FP (impossible lettering), very fine used on small piece with neat ''JY 16/72'' circular datestamp. S.G. Spec. cat. £1,300. Photo.
823 Â£350
Surface Printed: 1867-80 1s. deep green Stock Exchange forgery plate 5 KS (impossible lettering), fine used with doubly struck ''JY 23/72'' circular datestamp. S.G. Spec. cat. £1,300. Photo.
825 Â£1500
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 2s. blue plate 1, a selection of nineteen used examples, all but two with c.d.s., excellent range of shades, some imperfections (one a perfin) but mainly of good to very fine appearance. Photo.
826 Â£320
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 2s. dull blue plate 1 CI, a fresh unused wing marginal example, regummed (over corner thin), otherwise fine and of very good appearance. B.P.A. certificate (2005). S.G. 118, cat. £3,250. Photo.
827 Â£200
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 2s. dull blue plate 1 EB fine used on clean 1871 (April 8th) entire letter from Liverpool to Buenos Aires, endorsed 'Per Douro via Southampton, attractive. S.G. 118. Photo.
828 Â£210
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 2s. dull blue plate 1 RK fine used on clean 1877 (Feb. 1st) entire letter from Manchester to Caracas, endorsed 'Per R M S ''Don'''. S.G. 118. Photo.
829 Â£620
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 2s. deep blue plate 1 DJ, a fine and fresh unused example. B.P.A. certificate (2009). S.G. 119, cat. £3,750. Photo.
830 Â£200
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 2s. deep blue plate 1 GK imperforate on ungummed unsurfaced paper overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 6A, very fine and fresh. S.G. Spec. J118s, cat. £550. Photo.
831 Â£320
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 2s. deep blue plate 1 NC fresh unused, tiny corner perf. crease otherwise fine. S.G. 119, cat. £3,750. Photo.
832 Â£850
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 2s. pale blue plate 1 OL fine and fresh mint with large part original gum, slightly irregular perfs. as sometimes seen on this issue. S.G. 120, cat. £3,750. Photo.
833 Â£190
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 2s. pale blue plate 1 BC exceptionally fine used with light neat ''GREY-TOWN/AU 6/79'' (Nicaragua) c.d.s. R.P.S. certificate (1989). S.G. 120, (Z1). Photo.
834 Â£1850
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 2s. cobalt plate 1 PF, a good example of this rare shade with redistributed original gum. S.G. 120a, cat. £18,000. Photo.
835 Â£2000
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 2s. cobalt plate 1 BF with watermark inverted, a lightly cancelled well centred example. Rare. R.P.S. certificate (1979), which does not mention the watermark. S.G. 120aWi. Photo.
836 Â£1550
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 2s. milky blue plate 1 FA, a mint example with redistributed original gum, trace of a few tiny tone spots on perfs. at top, otherwise fine. B.P.A. certificate (1979), cat. £17,000. Photo.
837 Â£720
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 2s. milky blue plate 1 HA fine used with upright almost complete ''LONDON•E.C/JY24/79'' c.d.s., a trifle soiled. R.P.S. certificate (1990). S.G. 120b, cat. £1,700. Photo.
838 Â£190
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 2s. milky blue plate 1 HF used on 1879 (April 1st) entire letter to Caracas, adhesive fairly heavily cancelled and with small tear at left, slight cover staining well clear, otherwise fine. B.P.A. certificate (1990). S.G. 120b. Photo.
839 Â£800
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 2s. brown GE, a wing marginal example overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, faint gum bend and trivial tiny corner perf. crease, otherwise fine and fresh with part original gum. S.G. 121s, cat. £3,000. Photo.
840 Â£3200
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 2s. brown CF, fresh mint with part original gum (a little disturbed), slight staining on a few perfs. at upper right and small thin, otherwise fine and of excellent appearance. S.G. 121, cat. £20,000. Photo.
841 Â£2400
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 2s. brown EG, an unused (regummed) example of good appearance, small repair at upper right. S.G. 121, cat. £20,000. Photo.
842 Â£3500
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 2s. brown HK, a fine and fresh mint example with part original gum, a couple perfs. just blunted at foot. S.G. 121, cat. £20,000. Photo.
843 Â£720
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 2s. brown AI, an attractive used example with light central London ''98'' barred numeral, a little stained at top, mainly on reverse, otherwise fine. Pröschold certificate (1988). S.G. 121, cat. £3,250. Photo.
844 Â£620
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 2s. brown LD with clipped wing margin at right, used with part ''LOND(ON)/MR 12/80'' c.d.s., some staining on reverse, not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. An early use of this adhesive which was issued on February 27th 1880. S.G. 121, cat. £3,250. Photo.
845 Â£920
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 2s. brown SD, a most attractive wing marginal example with neat upright strike of ''F(ARN)BOROUGH STATION/JY 22/80'' c.d.s., just a trace of green crayon line at foot and tiny marks in wing margin, a few short or blunted perfs. in wing margin. S.G. 121, cat. £3,250. Photo.
846 Â£140
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 2s. brown BD wing marginal forgery in a dark shade on genuine spray watermarked paper with genuine ''''ARDROSSAN'', cancellation, a few perf. faults and small thin at foot, otherwise fine. Photo.
847 Â£400
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 2s. brown BH forgery on genuine spray watermarked paper with genuine ''NEWCASTLE ON TYNE/NO 9/74'' c.d.s., a few short perfs. at left, otherwise fine, the genuine BH should have a wing margin. Photo.
848 Â£520
Surface Printed: 1867-80 2s. brown EH forgery (probably Sperati) on genuine paper with genuine cancellation, most unusually on Crown watermarked (inverted) paper, we do not recall seeing this 'error' before, horizontal crease, otherwise fine. EH should be a wing margin position. S.G. 121var. Photo.
849 Â£350
Surface Printed: 1867-80 watermark spray 2s. brown PK forgery on unwatermarked wove paper with forged ''NOTTINGHAM/FE 21/81'' c.d.s., a rare forgery, Galland & Louis record only one other example. Photo.
850 Â£950
Surface Printed: 1872-73 watermark spray 6d., an unused or mint selection comprising plate 11 deep chestnut EC, chestnut AG, BH, DD and OK, pale chestnut KI, plate 12 pale buff GH and MI, and plate 12 grey JL (reperforated), LG and QF, condition varies, mainly of good to fine appearance, some with original gum. (11). S.G. 122/125, cat. £15,225. Photo.
851 Â£320
Surface Printed: 1872-73 watermark spray 6d., a selection on covers (11), comprising 6d. deep chestnut plate 11 IA on 1872 (July) cover from Liverpool to London, 6d. pale buff plate 11 FF on 1873 (Feb.) cover from London to Genoa, 6d. chestnut or pale chestnut plate 11 HC, LF and MI, each used with 1d. plate paying late fee on separate 1872 (Aug.) covers to Madrid (2) and Messina; 6d. pale buff plate 12 NL on 1872 (Dec.) cover from Manchester to Livorno, PB used with 1867-80 3d. plate 10 EJ on 1873 (May) cover from London to Paris; 6d. grey plate 12 JI, NE and OE wing marginal examples used on separate covers (OE to Malta with fine ''MALTA'' c.d.s. on reverse) and JD wing marginal used with 1d. plate 168 TA and TB-TC pair on 1874 (June) envelope from Cork to Galle, Ceylon, mainly good to fine.
852 Â£680
Surface Printed: 1872-73 watermark spray 6d. chestnut plate 11 shades (4) PB, QA, TF and TI (reperforated), 6d. pale chestnut plate 11 FF, JE, 6d. pale buff plate 12 LB and 6d. grey plate 12 TD, mainly fresh unused or mint with part original gum or regummed, some faults. (8). S.G. 122/125, cat. £8,450. Photo.
853 Â£320
Surface Printed: 1872-73 watermark spray 6d. plate 11, a selection of 12 mainly fine to very fine used examples incl. three pairs, a fine range of shades, all with c.d.s.
854 Â£160
Surface Printed: 1872-73 watermark spray 6d. plate 11 AC deep chestnut, QD chestnut, FG pale chestnut and LI pale buff, very fine used, all with neat c.d.s. (4). S.G. 122-123. Photo.
855 Â£90
Surface Printed: 1872-73 watermark spray 6d. plate 11 BI chestnut, CE pale chestnut and NE pale buff, fine to very fine used wing marginal examples with crisp dated c.d.s's. (3). Photo.
856 Â£100
Surface Printed: 1872-73 watermark spray 6d. plate 11 GE chestnut, OI pale chestnut and SE pale buff, fine to very fine used wing marginal examples with crisp dated c.d.s's. (3). Photo.
857 Â£280
Surface Printed: 1872-73 watermark spray 6d. deep chestnut plate 11 KE-KH row of four sharing two strikes of ''HULL/JU 13/72'' c.d.s., KE and KH with light bends not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine and most attractive. S.G. 122. Photo.
858 Â£60
Surface Printed: 1872-73 watermark spray 6d. deep chestnut plate 11 MD, a superb used wing marginal example with complete ''LLANELLY/JU 25/72'' c.d.s. S.G. 122. Photo.
859 Â£70
Surface Printed: 1872-73 watermark spray 6d. pale chestnut plate 11 MH, a superb used wing marginal example with crisp ''ABERYSTWITH/SP 30/72'' c.d.s., most attractive. S.G. 122b. Photo.
860 Â£350
Surface Printed: 1872-73 watermark spray 6d. deep chestnut plate 11 NB-OD block of six very fine used with four part or complete ''JERSEY/JU 21/72'' c.d.s. cancellations, a few reinforced perfs., a scarce multiple. S.G. 122, Spec. J79(2). Photo.
861 Â£150
Surface Printed: 1872-73 watermark spray 6d. deep chestnut plate 11 OE-OF pair superb used with single complete ''SLIGO/SE 30/72'' c.d.s., some manuscript offset on reverse. S.G. 122. Photo.
862 Â£300
Surface Printed: 1872-73 watermark spray 6d. chestnut plate 11 OE-OF imperforate pair from pane corner overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, very fine and fresh with full original gum, minor gum wrinkle. S.G. Spec. J79s, cat. £800. Photo.
863 Â£170
Surface Printed: 1872-73 watermark spray 6d. pale buff plate 12 DE, an exceptionally fine used wing marginal example with neat virtually complete ''CHELTENHAM/2 MY/73'' c.d.s., most attractive. S.G. 123, cat. £280+. Photo.
865 Â£2000
Surface Printed: 1872-73 watermark spray 6d. pale chestnut abnormal plate 12 TJ imprimatur, very fine and fresh with large part original gum, tiny natural paper flaw at lower left. Rare, only 22 stamps have been removed from the imprimatur sheet, of which at least four are in institutional collections. S.G. Spec. J80, cat. £5,500. Photo.
866 Â£260
Surface Printed: 1872-73 watermark spray 6d. grey plate 12 BH, JC, SG and TL mainly fine to very fine used examples with c.d.s., BH with small fault at top, TL with neat central ''MALTA/NO 4/73'' c.d.s. (4). S.G. 125. Photo.
867 Â£2100
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross 5s., a die proof for the rejected plate 3, with uncleared corner squares and plate number circle, in black on glazed card (43 x 46mm) and initialed at lower right, presumably taken from a record book and with pencil note 'Die made for Plate 3 which proved defective/C' on reverse, small surface abrasion at right well clear of proof, otherwise fine and rare. Photo.
868 Â£1100
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross 5s. pale rose plates 1 DC and 2 HB, fresh unused examples of fine appearance, some imperfections, HB regummed. S.G. 127, cat. £20,750. Photo.
869 Â£500
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross 5s. pale rose plate 1 EE fine unused (regummed), shows missing perf. pin at left. B.P.A. certificate (2005). S.G. 127, cat. £8,250. Photo.
870 Â£4800
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross 5s. rose plate 1 HA variety imperforate, a mint example with much original gum, gum crease and small central yellowish discolouration on gum, otherwise fine and very rare. Ex Shaida. S.G. 127a, Spec. J121a, cat. £15,000. Photo.
871 Â£290
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross 5s. rose plate 1 AA (short stamp from ''A'' row) exceptionally fine used with neat complete upright ''SALTLEY/JA 6/72'' c.d.s., superb color. S.G. 126, cat. £600+. Photo.
872 Â£50
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross 5s. rose plate 1 BC good used with ''C'' cancellation of Constantinople. S.G. 126. Photo.
873 Â£160
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross 5s. rose plate 1 BJ exceptionally fine used with crisp complete upright ''SOUTH•LOWESTOFT/JA 4/72'' c.d.s., centred low. S.G. 126, cat. £600+. Photo.
874 Â£180
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross 5s. rose plate 1 CB overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 6, fine and fresh with large part original gum, natural gum wrinkles. S.G. 126s, Spec. J121t, cat. £850. Photo.
875 Â£230
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross 5s. rose plate 1 CC overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 6, large part original gum, and 5s. pale rose plate 2 CD overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9 with some gum, minor imperfections but good to fine appearance. S.G. 126s & 127s, cat. £2,050. Photo.
876 Â£200
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross 5s. pale rose plate 1 CD, HA and plate 2 HD, each centred left and with crisp c.d.s., some imperfections but fine appearance. S.G. 127, cat. £2,400. Photo.
877 Â£230
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross 5s. pale rose plate 2 BI and FI overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' types 8 and 9 respectively, regummed or redistributed gum, FI with slight corner crease, otherwise fine. S.G. 127s, cat. £2,400. Photo.
878 Â£1800
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross 5s. pale rose plate 2 CH fine and fresh unused with part original gum (disturbed), excellent colour and appearance. B.P.A. certificate (2008). S.G. 127, cat. £12,500. Photo.
879 Â£1500
Surface Printed: 1867-78 10s. die proof with uncleared corner squares and plate number circle, in black on glazed card (91 x 60mm), dated ''May 3, 1878'', very fine. Ex Fisher. S.G. Spec. J124, cat. £2,800. Photo.
880 Â£1300
Surface Printed: 1867-78 10s. FH imperforate plate proof in black on thick white wove paper, very fine and scarce. S.G. Spec. J124, cat. £2,500. Photo.
881 Â£600
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross 10s. greenish grey DC overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, part original gum, a little soiled and a few perfs. just blunted, otherwise fine. S.G. 128s, cat. £3,800. Photo.
882 Â£580
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross 10s. greenish grey GI, two off centre examples overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, regummed or redistributed gum, one with repaired corner perf. at upper right. S.G. 128s, cat. £7,600. Photo.
884 Â£2800
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross 10s. greenish grey GI, a good unused example, faint staining or soiling, otherwise fine. S.G. 128, cat. £50,000. Photo.
885 Â£950
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross 10s. greenish grey EA of exceptionally fine used appearance with superb and crisp complete upright ''ST ENOCH SQUARE/7 AP/82'' c.d.s., small thin and slight corner crease at upper right not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. 128, cat. £2,800. Photo.
886 Â£380
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross 10s. greenish grey GE good used with Glasgow c.d.s. cancellation, rather off-centre. S.G. 128, cat. £2,800. Photo.
887 Â£450
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross 10s. greenish grey HH, an attractive used example with light central ''GLASGOW'' c.d.s., horizontal crease, otherwise fine with very good perfs. S.G. 128, cat. £2,800. Photo.
888 Â£1350
Surface Printed: 1867-78 £1 die proof with no outer frame lines, uncleared corner squares and plate number circle, in black on glazed card (92 x 60mm), without markings, some surface imperfections, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. J126 (undated proof in this state not listed), cat. £3,800. Photo.
890 Â£2300
Surface Printed: 1867-78 £1 HI imperforate plate proof in black on unwatermarked white wove paper, very fine and rare. This plate proof must have been taken from the first issue plate of 80 stamps of 1878, as the plate was altered to consist of 56 stamps for the second issue of 1882, on which HI was no longer present. S.G. Spec. J126, cat. £4,500. Photo.
891 Â£1000
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross £1 brown-lilac BI overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, fresh with part original gum (hinge remainders), tiny faint tone spot on one perf. at foot, otherwise fine and of very good colour. S.G. 129s, cat. £5,800. Photo.
892 Â£1150
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross £1 brown-lilac DH overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, fresh with part original gum, some gum disturbance and gum wrinkles, otherwise fine and of excellent colour. S.G. 129s, cat. £5,800. Photo.
893 Â£28000
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross £1 brown-lilac BE, a fine and fresh example with small part original gum, light gum crease, excellent appearance. B.P.A. certificate (1974). S.G. 129, cat. £80,000. Photo.
894 Â£3500
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross £1 brown-lilac GJ, an unused example, faults at upper right corner and faint staining, a scarce stamp. S.G. 129, cat. £80,000. Photo.
895 Â£520
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross £1 brown-lilac AF (short stamp from ''A'' row) used with central ''LONDON.S.E/JU 21/81'' c.d.s., vertical blue crayon mark, centred right. S.G. 129, cat. £4,000. Photo.
897 Â£900
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross £1 brown-lilac DB used with ''MANCHESTER/ACCOUNTS/1/APRIL/1879'' c.d.s., trace of blue crayon, rather off-centre. S.G. 129, cat. £4,000.
898 Â£850
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross £1 brown-lilac FC, a most attractive example with neat upright ''EDINBURGH/JU 25/83'' c.d.s., small faults, otherwise fine and of very good colour. S.G. 129, cat. £4,000. Photo.
899 Â£900
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross £1 brown-lilac FF good used with central ''MANCHESTER/ACCOUNTS/24 DEC 1878'' c.d.s. cancel. S.G. 129, cat. £4,000. Photo.
900 Â£820
Surface Printed: 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross £1 brown-lilac GD, a fine used example, cancelled neat ''LONDON/MR 30/80'' c.d.s. S.G. 129, cat. £4,000. Photo.
901 Â£1850
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on blued paper 5s. rose plate 4 FF, an unused (regummed) example, reperforated at right, otherwise fine. S.G. 130, cat. £32,000. Photo.
902 Â£1200
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on blued paper 10s. grey-green BA overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, fresh with large part original gum, some creasing and minor surface abrasion to right of lower ''B'' square not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine and of excellent colour. R.P.S. certificate (2010). S.G. 131s, Spec. J125t, cat. £8,000
903 Â£850
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on blued paper 10s. grey-green BC overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, traces of gum, some imperfections but good appearance. S.G. 131s, cat. £8,000. Photo.
904 Â£820
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on blued paper 10s. grey-green BH marginal from the right of the sheet, overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, small surface abrasion at lower left corner and slight creasing, otherwise fine and fresh with gum. R.P.S. certificate (1995). S.G. 131s, cat. £8,000. Photo.
905 Â£1450
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on blued paper £1 brown-lilac CA overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, very fresh with large part original gum, light creasing, otherwise fine and of excellent colour and appearance. S.G. 132s, cat. £12,000. Photo.
906 Â£1700
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on blued paper £1 brown-lilac EA, a pale shade, most attractive with neat upright ''VERE-STREET/W.D.O./OC 12/83'' c.d.s., a few perfs. just blunted at top and faint creasing not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. 132, cat. £9,000. Photo.
907 Â£6500
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on blued paper £1 brown-lilac EG, a truly superb used example with exceptional colour and light clear upright central strike of ''LONDON/NORTHERN OFFICE/JU 28/83'' circular datestamp. Probably the finest used example of this stamp we have seen. Ex Cawardine. B.P.A. certificate (1988). S.G. 132, cat. £9,000 (£15,750 with the 75% premium). Photo.
908 Â£1000
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on blued paper £5 orange AA, a top marginal example overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9 with a further part impression of the overprint in sheet margin, very fine and fresh with large part original gum, the sheet margin detached and rejoined with hinges. S.G. 133s, Spec. J128s, cat. £3,400. Photo.
909 Â£1250
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on blued paper £5 orange CF overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, fine and fresh with large part original gum (a little disturbed at top from hinge removal). S.G. 133s, Spec. J128s, cat. £3,400. Photo.
910 Â£880
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on blued paper £5 CN overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, regummed or redistributed gum, some faint creasing, otherwise fine. S.G. 133s, cat. £3,400. Photo.
911 Â£850
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on blued paper £5 orange DD, a bright shade, overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, fine and fresh without gum, possible trace of a slight thin spot. S.G. 133s, Spec. J128s, cat. £3,400. Photo.
912 Â£700
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on blued paper £5 orange AL used with ''CHARING CROSS W.C./MY 15/82'' c.d.s., trace of blue crayon, central fault and repaired and reperforated at right. S.G. 133, cat. £13,000. Photo.
913 Â£2400
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on blued paper £5 orange BK of superb used appearance with neat central ''CHARING•CROSS•W.C./OC 12/82'' c.d.s., tiny filled thin spot and faint trace of pressed creasing not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine and an excellent example of this adhesive used in the correct period. B.P.A. certificate (1998). S.G. 133, cat. £13,000. Photo.
914 Â£6000
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on blued paper £5 orange CB superb used with neat central ''DUMBARTON/27MY/82'' circular datestamp and a further small part impression at foot, excellent colour and most attractive. A rare stamp in this quality. Ex Cawardine. B.P.A. certificate (1981). S.G. 133, cat. £13,000 (£22,750 with the 75% premium). Photo.
916 Â£1250
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on white paper 5s. rose plate 4 DD, a mint example with part original gum, some creasing and soiling and other small imperfections, shows damage to outer frame-line under lower left ''D'' square. S.G. 134, cat. £27,000. Photo.
917 Â£1250
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on white paper 5s. rose plate 4 FH unused (regummed), a little faded, otherwise fine. B.P.A. certificate (2005). S.G. 134, cat. £27,000. Photo.
918 Â£520
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on white paper 5s. rose plate 4 AC, a most attractive used example with crisp central ''HALIFAX/JY 18/83'' c.d.s., light corner creasing and small split at lower left not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. 134, cat. £3,250. Photo.
919 Â£1050
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on white paper 5s. rose plate 4 FE with slightly blurred ''NEWCASTLE•ON•TYNE/AP 10/83'' c.d.s., 10s. greenish grey DB with neat ''MANCHESTER/DE 10/83'' c.d.s., and £1 brown-lilac GH with central ''1553'' telegraphic numeral, faults and 10s. with crude repair at lower right. (3). S.G. 134-136, cat. £15,250. Photo.
920 Â£620
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on white paper 10s. greenish grey DE used with neat ''GLASGOW/NO 30/83'' c.d.s., small perf. imperfections. S.G. 135, cat. £4,000. Photo.
921 Â£380
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on white paper 10s. greenish grey DF heavily used with Liverpool 1884 (Jan. 4th) registered datestamp, light horizontal crease and a little toning. S.G. 135, cat. £4,000. Photo.
922 Â£680
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on white paper 10s. greenish grey DG of good appearance with neat ''LIVERPOOL/EXCHANGE/7 FE/84'' c.d.s., a little faded, horizontal creases and small surface abrasion, otherwise fine. S.G. 135, cat. £4,000. Photo.
923 Â£580
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on white paper 10s. greenish grey GE of good colour and with neat central ''BRISTOL/MR17/83'' c.d.s., small thin spot and some creasing not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine and most attractive. S.G. 135, cat. £4,000. Photo.
924 Â£420
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on white paper 10s. greenish grey EC and FH 'official' forgeries on anchor watermarked paper, both perf. 14, EC 'unused' (fault at foot) and FH with forged ''YORK-ST/MANCHESTER/SP 18/83'' c.d.s., a few short perfs. Photo.
925 Â£320
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on white paper 10s. greenish-grey FD 'Official' forgery on watermarked paper, perforated 14, a 'mint' (gummed) example, bend and a little soiled, otherwise fine. Photo.
926 Â£300
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on white paper 10s. greenish-grey FH 'Official' forgery on watermarked paper, perforated 14, a 'mint' (gummed) example, bend and a little soiled, otherwise fine. Photo.
927 Â£1100
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on white paper £1 brown-lilac FA of excellent colour with neat ''GLASGOW/DE 26/83'' c.d.s., pressed horizontal creases not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine and most attractive. S.G. 136, cat. £8,000. Photo.
928 Â£850
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on white paper £5 orange CF overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 11, fresh with large part original gum, a little soiled at top and corner crease at lower right not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. 137s, Spec. J128t, cat. from £4,000. Photo.
929 Â£850
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on white paper £5 orange DC overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 11, regummed, some toning on reverse, otherwise fine and of excellent colour and appearance. S.G. 137s, cat. £4,000. Photo.
930 Â£3500
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on white paper £5 orange BF very fresh lightly mounted mint with almost full original gum, a trifle rubbed and a few other tiny imperfections, otherwise fine. S.G. 137, cat. £12,500. Photo.
931 Â£1650
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on white paper £5 orange AC of exceptional appearance with neat double circle ''MANCHESTER/ACCOUNTS/7/SEPR/1897'' c.d.s., tiny closed split at top, otherwise fine. S.G. 137. Photo.
932 Â£2200
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on white paper £5 orange BI very fine used with neat central ''CHESTER/NO 30/99'' c.d.s., faint trace of blue crayon at foot, good strong colour. B.P.A. certificate (1990). S.G. 137, cat. £4,500. Photo.
933 Â£900
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on white paper £5 orange CH good used with ''LONDON/AU 9/89'' c.d.s. and boxed ''C.H.B./G.P.O.'', with vertical blue crayon mark, good colour. S.G. 137, cat. £4,500. Photo.
934 Â£3500
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on white paper £5 orange CM showing distinct breaks to the frame surrounding ''POSTAGE'', superb used with neat upright central ''HASTINGS/M.O & S.B./MR 1/02''' circular datestamp, exceptional deep colour and most attractive. Ex Cawardine. B.P.A. certificate (1989). S.G. 137, cat. £4,500 (£7,875 with the 75% premium). Photo.
935 Â£3000
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on white paper £5 orange DK superb used with neat central ''IPSWICH/P.P/JA 20/00'' circular datestamp, exceptional colour and most attractive. Ex Cawardine. B.P.A. certificate (2001). S.G. 137, cat. £4,500 (£7,875 with the 75% premium). Photo.
936 Â£800
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on white paper £5 orange DL with ''REGISTERED/THREADNEEDLE ST/14 MY 99'' oval datestamp, few creases, soiled, otherwise fine. S.G. 137, cat. £4,500. Photo.
937 Â£920
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on white paper £5 orange DL used with neat ''BIRMINGHAM/DE 7/86'' c.d.s. and large boxed cancellation, blue crayon marks and a few blunted perfs. S.G. 137. Photo.
938 Â£880
Surface Printed: 1882-83 watermark anchor on white paper £5 orange DN good used with c.d.s. cancellations and red crayon marks, small surface fault and bent corner perf. S.G. 137, cat. £4,500. Photo.
939 Â£460
Surface Printed: £5 orange AA, three forgeries/reproductions on unwatermarked paper, ''used'', one on ''blued'' with ''REGISTERED/ABERDEEN/JU 4/84'' c.d.s.'s, the others on ''white'', one with ''EDINBURGH/JA 8/96'' c.d.s. and the other with ''REGISTERED/W.C.D.O./MR 11/01'' c.d.s.'s, two with some perf. faults, the other a little toned, otherwise fine. Photo.
940 | Â£3500
Surface Printed: 1873-80, a used selection comprising 21/2d. rosy mauve watermark anchor plates 1 (3), 2 (4) 3 (with ''BOULOGNE'' c.d.s.), watermark orb plates 4 (3), 5 (5), 6 (3), 7 (2), 8 (4), 9 (4), 10 (2), 11 (3), 12 (3), 13 (3), 14 (5), 15 (3), 16 (6), 17 (2), 21/2d. blue plates 18 (5), 19 (5), 20 ( 4); watermark spray 3d. plates 11, 12 (3), 14 (2), 15, 16 (2), 17, 18 (4), 19, 20 (3), 6d. grey plates 13 (2), 14 (4), 15 (3), 16 (4), 17 (3), 1s. green plates 8, 9, 10, 11 (3), 12 (5, one a colour changeling), 13 (3), 1s. orange-brown plate 13; watermark large garter 4d. vermilion plate 15, 4d. grey-brown plate 17 and 8d. orange; mostly attractive examples, mainly with c.d.s., some faults, also 21/2d. perfins (11).
941 | Â£850
Surface Printed: 1873-80 issue, a good range on covers (32) and a front, with 21/2d. rosy mauve watermark anchor plates 1 (3, 2 on blued), 2, 3 (4 incl. FL apparently on blued but sold 'as is'), watermark orb plates 4, 5, 7 (2), 8 (from Malta), 9 (3), 12 (2, one on front cancelled ''942'' of Larnaca), 14, 15 and 17 on separate covers, mostly single use incl. plate 17 DC on clean neat 1880 (Feb.) envelope from Manchester; 21/2d. blue plates 17, 18 (from Gibraltar), 19 (pair), 20 (pair and single) on separate covers; 3d. rose plates 12, 18 (2) and 20 on separate covers, 6d. grey plates 13 and 14 on separate covers; 8d. orange TK on 1877 (July) mourning envelope from Totnes to Calcutta.
942 Â£1000
Surface Printed: 1873-80 21/2d. rosy mauve, an unused or mint selection comprising watermark anchor plate 1 HE on blued and EL on white, watermark orb plates 3 (2) to 11, 13, 14 (2) and 16 (2), mainly of good to fine appearance, some with original gum, some regummed, a few imperfections. (17). S.G. 138, 139 & 141, cat. £9,000.
943 Â£450
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark anchor on blued paper 21/2d. rosy mauve plate 2 MF showing clear bluing, very fine used on 1875 (Nov. 27th) envelope from Oxford to Berlin, the envelope a little shortened at right and tear at top well clear of stamp. S.G. 138, cat. £1,500+. Photo.
944 Â£650
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark anchor on blued paper 21/2d. rosy mauve plate 3 JF, a good used example of this rare stamp. Brandon certificate (1994), sold with this opinion only, not subject to extension or return. S.G. 138, cat. £5,000. Photo.
945 Â£210
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark orb 21/2d. rosy mauve plate 7 II-IJ pair, II showing broken horizontal perf. pin, fine and fresh mint, II virtually full original gum, IJ part original gum. R.P.S. certificate (1987). S.G. 141, cat. £850. Photo.
946 Â£170
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark orb 21/2d. rosy mauve plate 8 PF-PG imperforate lower marginal pair showing marginal guide cross, overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, fine and fresh with large part original gum. S.G. Spec. J9s, cat. £600+. Photo.
947 Â£140
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark orb 21/2d. rosy-mauve plate 10 GJ exceptionally fine and fresh lightly mounted mint, a few perfs. just blunted. S.G. 141, cat. £475. Photo.
949 Â£620
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark orb 21/2d. rosy mauve plate 12 PB, a very fresh mint lower marginal example showing marginal plate number, vertical gum crease not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine with virtually full original gum. S.G. 141. Photo.
951 Â£100
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark orb 21/2d. rosy-mauve plate 15 OB fresh mint with full original gum, a few tiny tone spots on gum, otherwise fine. S.G. 141, cat. £425. Photo.
952 Â£150
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark orb 21/2d. rosy mauve plate 15 PA imprimatur, some imperfections but good appearance with small part original gum. S.G. Spec. J16, cat. £2,250. Photo.
954 Â£400
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark orb 21/2d. rosy mauve plate 17 HH very fine and fresh lightly mounted mint. S.G. 141, cat. £1,400. Photo.
956 Â£400
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark orb 21/2d. blue plate 17 GJ, 18 IH, 19 BG, 20 EA and OL, mainly fresh mint with part original gum, a few small imperfections, good to fine appearance. (5). S.G. 142, cat. £2,375.
957 Â£210
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark orb 21/2d. blue plate 18 BI, an attractive pale shade, exceptionally fine and fresh mint with full original gum, very lightly mounted. S.G. 142, cat. £475. Photo.
958 Â£800
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark spray 3d. rose plates 11 to 20 set with additional plate 16, fresh unused or mint, some with original gum, some regummed, mainly good to very fine appearance, a few imperfections. (10). S.G. 143/144, cat. £4,025. Photo.
959 Â£100
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark spray 3d. rose plate 11 BG fine and fresh mint with part original gum. B.P.A. certificate (1979). S.G. 143, cat. £350. Photo.
961 Â£230
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark spray 3d. rose plate 12 TI imprimatur, small imperfections otherwise fine and fresh with gum. S.G. Spec. J39, cat. £2,250. Photo.
963 Â£180
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark spray 3d. pale rose plate 17 AK-AL upper right corner marginal pair showing marginal plate number and part marginal handstamp, horizontal crease and some other imperfections, otherwise fine mint with part to full original gum (AK unmounted). S.G. 144. Photo.
965 Â£150
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark spray 3d. rose plate 18 JG very fine and fresh lightly mounted mint. S.G. 143, cat. £400. Photo.
966 Â£300
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark spray 6d. grey plates 13 IL and 15 NJ unused, plates 15 QI, 16 RI and SC fresh mint with part to large part original gum, a few imperfections, good to fine appearance. (5). S.G. 147, cat. £2,000. Photo.
967 Â£150
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark spray 6d. grey plate 13 HH exceptionally fresh unmounted mint, a few blunted perfs. at right, otherwise fine. S.G. 147, cat. £400. Photo.
968 Â£190
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark spray 6d. grey plate 14 RF exceptionally fine and fresh unmounted mint, minor natural gum bend. Photocopy of R.P.S. certificate (1985) for RE-RF pair. S.G. 147, cat. £400+. Photo.
969 Â£110
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark spray 6d. grey plate 15 MC-OD block of six used with ''C30'' cancellations of Valparaiso, lower pair with a few light creases otherwise fine. S.G. Z75. Photo.
970 Â£130
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark spray 6d. grey plate 16 GL imperforate marginal overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9 diagonally, very fine and fresh with virtually full original gum. S.G. Spec. J86s, cat. £400. Photo.
971 Â£230
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark spray 6d. grey plate 16 ME-MF imperforate pair overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9 diagonally, very fine and fresh with virtually full original gum. S.G. Spec. J86s, cat. £800. Photo.
973 Â£230
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark spray 1s. green plate 10 HK and 12 FC (marginal) fresh mint with full original gum, some creasing or gum creasing and HK with fault at lower left corner. S.G. 150, cat. £1,200. Photo.
974 Â£240
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark spray 1s. green plate 10 OD with margin at foot showing ''1 Pound/per Sheet of 20'' inscription, mint with part original gum, some gum wrinkles. S.G. 150, Spec. J110, cat. £600. Photo.
975 Â£150
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark spray 1s. green plate 11 AK imprimatur, touched at upper right corner, otherwise fine with part original gum. S.G. Spec. J111, cat. £2,800. Photo.
976 Â£90
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark spray 1s. green plate 12 IH, a very fresh wing marginal example with large part original gum, slight corner crease in wing margin not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine and most attractive. S.G. 150, cat. £500. Photo.
978 Â£150
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark spray 1s. green plate 13 OC fine and fresh mint with part original gum. S.G. 150, cat. £500. Photo.
979 Â£650
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark spray 1s. orange-brown plate 13 FC, fine unused with part original (disturbed) gum. S.G. 151, cat. £4,000. Photo.
982 Â£480
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark spray 1s. orange-brown plate 13 KH, an exceptionally fine used wing marginal example with neat virtually complete ''LEITH/DE20/80'' c.d.s., most attractive. S.G. 151, cat. £600+. Photo.
983 Â£450
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark spray 1s. orange-brown plate 13 KI superb used with neat part ''GREY-TO(WN)'' (Nicaragua) c.d.s. leaving profile completely clear. S.G. 151 (Z17). Photo.
984 Â£110
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark spray 1s. orange-brown plate 13 OH variety watermark inverted, of very fine used appearance with neat almost complete ''CRIEFF/DE21/80'' c.d.s., reperforated wing margin at right. S.G. 151Wi, cat. £1,300. Photo.
985 Â£400
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark large garter 4d. plate 15 HH light sage, CJ turquoise-blue, BK chestnut, GB pale orange-brown and MC pale olive-bistre, imperforate colour trials on gummed watermarked paper, BK with slight thins, otherwise fine and fresh with gum. (5). S.G. cat. £1,125. Photo.
987 Â£620
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark large garter 4d. vermilion plate 15 PI fine and fresh mint with part original gum, excellent colour. S.G. 152, cat. £2,400. Photo.
988 Â£420
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark large garter 4d. vermilion plate 15 QC unused (regummed), some soiling, and QG (reperforated at left) fresh mint (gum crease). S.G. 152, cat. £4,800. Photo.
989 Â£90
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark large garter 4d. vermilion plate 15 AK (short stamp from ''A'' row) very fine used with neat upright ''MALTA/MR 31/77'' c.d.s., most attractive. S.G. 152 (Z50). Photo.
991 Â£160
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark large garter 4d. vermilion plate 15 IL-JL vertical pair used on 1877 (Feb. 1st) envelope from Dublin to Darling Downs, Queensland, cancelled by two neat separate strikes of the ''DUBLIN'' duplex, endorsed 'Via Brindisi & Brisbane' and backstamped at Brisbane and Cambooya, some cover imperfections but very scarce. S.G. 152. Photo.
992 Â£130
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark large garter 4d. vermilion plate 15 KG wing marginal of exceptionally fine used appearance with crisp ''CONGLETON/AU21/76'' c.d.s., small grease mark or natural paper translucency below Queen's chin not detracting from appearance. S.G. 152, Photo.
993 Â£130
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark large garter 4d. vermilion plate 15 KG-KH pair fine on 1876 (Sept. 8th) mourning envelope from Bath to Poona, scarce. S.G. 152. Photo.
994 Â£220
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark large garter 4d. vermilion plate 15 OH used with 3d. pale rose plate 17 KJ, 1864-79 1d. plate 150 OC and 1870 1/2d. DN on 1877 (March 10th) large envelope (partly refolded for display) from London to Hannover with boxed ''L1'' late fee handstamp in red on front, some soiling and other small imperfections, otherwise fine and an unusual combination. Photo.
995 Â£160
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark large garter 4d. vermilion plate 15 QI fine used with neat ''BRIST(OL)/SP26/76'' circular datestamp. S.G. 152, cat. £425. Photo.
997 Â£80
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark large garter 4d. sage-green plate 15 BD exceptionally fine used with neat ''LONDON/JY19/78'' c.d.s. S.G. 153, cat. £275+. Photo.
998 Â£350
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark large garter 4d. sage-green plate 15 OJ with watermark inverted, exceptionally fine used with neat upright ''NORWICH/DE 15/77'' circular datestamp. S.G. 153Wi, cat. £500+. Photo.
999 Â£250
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark large garter 4d. sage-green plates 15 OK and 16 CG, EB, most attractive examples with c.d.s., small imperfections. S.G. 153. Photo.
1000 Â£250
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark large garter 4d. sage-green plate 16 EH, a pale shade, fine and fresh mint with large part original gum, minor gum bend. S.G. 153, cat. £1,000. Photo.
1001 Â£350
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark large garter 4d. sage-green plate 16 EI fine and fresh mint with large part original gum, minor gum bend. S.G. 153, cat. £1,000. Photo.
1003 Â£110
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark large garter 4d. sage-green plate 16 MI exceptionally fine used with light central upright strike of ''MALTA/AP 1/78'' c.d.s., traces of tiny tone spots on tips of a few perfs., not detracting. S.G. 153 (Z51). Photo.
1004 Â£420
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark large garter 4d. sage-green plate 16 RF, an attractive pale shade, superb used with complete upright ''BLYTH/JY 11/79'' circular datestamp. S.G. 153. Photo.
1005 Â£2600
Surface Printed: 1873-80 4d. sage-green abnormal plate 17 KF with watermark inverted, used with part Bradford ''107'' duplex, central toned area and small pinhole, some perfs. trimmed at left and cut-down wing margin at right nevertheless a sound example of this rarity, with clear plate numbers. S.G. 153, Spec. J66, cat. £17,500. Photo.
1007 Â£280
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark large garter 4d. grey-brown plate 17 DI fine and fresh unused (regummed). S.G. 154, cat. £2,400. Photo.
1008 Â£210
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark large garter 4d. grey-brown plate 17 JD of superb colour with neat ''DE25/80'' c.d.s. and SK with neat virtually complete ''LANGHOLM/DE22/80'' c.d.s., some imperfections not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine and most attractive. S.G. 154, cat. £950. Photo.
1010 Â£400
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark large garter 4d. 8d. orange plate 1 KI, fine and fresh mint with large part original gum, minute natural gum inclusions. S.G. 156, cat. £1,500. Photo.
1011 Â£110
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark large garter 8d. orange plate 1 IE with ''ARBROATH/MR 19/79'' c.d.s. and LH with ''LONDON•S.E/OC 2/76'' c.d.s., slight creasing not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine and attractive. S.G. 156, cat. £600. Photo.
1012 Â£350
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark large garter 8d. orange plate 1 OE exceptionally fine used with superb upright ''BEDALE/JY 28/80'' circular datestamp, most attractive. S.G. 156, cat. £300++. Photo.
1013 Â£220
Surface Printed: 1873-80 watermark large garter 8d. orange plate 1 SI very fine used with neat ''YORK/SP 19/78/930'' duplex on clean and uncreased envelope to Ghazipur, ''SEA/POST OFFICE/27 SEP'' transit and ''GHAZIPUR/OC 11'' arrival c.d.s's on reverse, most attractive. S.G. 156. Photo.
1015 | Â£720
Surface Printed: 1880-83 watermark crown, a mainly c.d.s. used selection comprising 21/2d. plates 21 (4), 22 (7), 23 (8, 2 are perfins), 3d. plates 20 (3), 21 (4), 3d. on 3d. (5), 4d. plates 17 (7), 18 (8), 6d. plates 17, 18 (2), 6d. on 6d. (3), 1s. plates 13 (4) and 14 (4), mostly of fine appearance, some imperfections. (60).
1016 Â£350
Surface Printed: 1880-83 watermark crown issue, a selection on covers (17), incl. 21/2d. plate 23 BG fine with ''LONDON/17 AP/84'' c.d.s. on letter to France, 3d. on 3d. NI on 1883 (Aug.) Notice of Objection from Leicester to Burton on Trent, 3d. on 3d. RF used in combination with 6d. on 6d. IK and 1s. plate 14 KF (corner fault) on 1883 (June) envelope from London to Paris, tied by rather heavy ''L1/LOMBARD ST'' late fee duplexes, 4d. plate 17 IL, SL, 18 MD and OB on separate covers to South America (OB tied by double strike of ''LONDON/31MR/84'' c.d.s.), 6d. on 6d. FA on 1883 (June) mourning envelope from Bracknell to Adelaide, FC on 1883 (Feb.) envelope from London to New South Wales, etc., condition varies in places. Photo.
1017 Â£1250
Surface Printed: 1880-83 watermark crown, 21/2d. to 1s., a mainly mint selection comprising 21/2d. plates 22 LD, 23 DH, 3d. plate 21 JE, 3d. on 3d. GF, QJ, 4d. plates 17 CI, 18 CH, MD, 6d. plates 17 BK, 18 QE, 6d. on 6d. HK, LH, OF and 1s. plate 13 LG, mostly of good to fine appearance with part to large part original gum, some imperfections. (14). S.G. 157/163, cat. £6,225. Photo.
1024 Â£230
Surface Printed: 1880-83 watermark crown 3d. on 3d. lilac QL variety right dot defective (in two halves), a mint example with part original gum, minor imperfections but rare. Ex Latto. S.G. 158var. Photo. Note: This variety is not listed by S.G. but appears to be progressive, a multiple exists (KI-TL) containing QL showing distortion to the right dot.
1025 Â£420
Surface Printed: 1880-83 watermark crown 3d. on 3d. lilac AI-BI vertical pair with top margin used on ''PARCELS POST/LUDGATE CIRCUS/(LONDON, E.C.)'' label, tied by 1884 (March 27th) Ludgate Circus c.d.s. cancellations, label with some thinning, very scarce. S.G. 159. Photo.
1026 Â£140
Surface Printed: 1880-83 watermark crown 3d. on 3d. lilac SJ fine used and of excellent colour, tied by crisp ''POOLE/AU24/83/624'' duplex to printed Notice of Objection to Parkstone, redirected to Bournemouth and with ''BOURNEMOUTH/AU28/83'' c.d.s. on front, trivial cover stains well clear of adhesive, otherwise fine and most attractive. S.G. 159, cat. £350. Photo.
1028 Â£320
Surface Printed: 1880-83 watermark crown 4d. grey-brown plate 18 ED imprimatur, fresh with large part original gum, horizontal gum crease not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. 160, Spec. J69, cat. £2,250. Photo.
1029 Â£720
Surface Printed: 1880-83 watermark crown 6d. on 6d. lilac, a selection of four mint examples comprising OG with left dot very small (not listed for this lettering), OI second state with left dot only, SJ slanting dots and TF with right dot in two halves, part original gum, some imperfections but a very scarce group. S.G. Spec. K8Be-h. Photo.
1030 Â£120
Surface Printed: 1880-83 watermark crown 6d. on 6d. lilac OI second state with left dot only, two examples, one slightly faded, and SJ slanting dots, all with c.d.s., some small faults. (3). S.G. K8Be & g. Photo.
1032 Â£250
Surface Printed: 1880-83 watermark crown 1s. orange-brown plate 13 KA fine and fresh mint with large part original gum. S.G. 163, cat. £675. Photo.
1034 | Â£420
Surface Printed: 1880-81 'Provisional Issue' 1/2d. to 5d. collection on stock pages incl. 1/2d., 1d., 11/2d., 2d. (pair) 5d. overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, 1/2d. (9), 1d. (33), 11/2d. (2), 2d. (4), 5d., unused or mint, and 1/2d. (10) to 5d. (4, also a forgery on watermarked paper) mostly c.d.s. used, condition varies.
1035 Â£400
Surface Printed: 1880-81 'Provisional Issue' 1/2d. (3), 1d. (2), 11/2d. (2), 2d. (3) and 5d., mainly fresh mint (one 2d. unused), with part to large part original gum, a few imperfections. (11). S.G. 164/169, cat. £2,079. Photo.
1036 Â£1250
Surface Printed: 1880-81 'Provisional Issue' 1/2d. pale green to 5d. indigo set of imprimaturs, good to fine and fresh with part to large part original gum. (5). S.G. Spec. K1-K6, cat. £3,000. Photo.
1038 Â£180
Surface Printed: 1880-81 'Provisional Issue' 1/2d. imperforate plate proof in black on thick white wove paper, slight thinning and minor mount discolouration on reverse, otherwise fine and excellent appearance. S.G. Spec. K1, cat. £600. Photo.
1039 Â£160
Surface Printed: 1880-81 'Provisional Issue' 1/2d. imperforate plate proof in black on thick white wove paper, two small tone spots at upper left clear of design, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. K1, cat. £600. Photo.
1040 Â£550
Surface Printed: 1880-81 'Provisional Issue' 1d., a cut down die proof with void corner squares, in black on glazed card, mounted in sunken frame (35 x 38mm) from De La Rue archives. S.G. Spec. K3, cat. from £1,250. Photo.
1043 Â£250
Surface Printed: 1880-81 'Provisional Issue' 11/2d. imperforate plate proof in black on thick white wove paper, very fine. S.G. Spec. K4, cat. £600. Photo.
1045 Â£170
Surface Printed: 1880-81 'Provisional Issue' 2d. imperforate plate proof in black on thick white wove paper, small imperfections, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. K5, cat. £600. Photo.
1046 Â£600
Surface Printed: 1880-81 'Provisional Issue' 5d., a cut down die proof with void corner squares, in black on glazed card, mounted in sunken frame (30 x 36mm) from De La Rue archives. S.G. Spec. K6, cat. from £1,300. Photo.
1047 Â£260
Surface Printed: 1880-81 'Provisional Issue' 5d. imperforate plate proof in black on thick white wove paper, very fine. S.G. Spec. K6, cat. £700. Photo.
1048 Â£260
Surface Printed: 1881 die 1 14 dots 1d. lilac, a selection incl. 1d. bluish lilac pair overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9 fine with gum (unmounted), an unmounted mint marginal example, 1d. lilac mint pair with left stamp showing large unprinted area due to foreign matter on plate during printing, some imperfections, etc. (11). Photo.
1049 Â£400
Surface Printed: 1881 die 1 14 dots 1d. lilac, a top marginal imprimatur with light '2' in manuscript in sheet margin, gum bends or wrinkles, otherwise fine and fresh. S.G. Spec. K7, cat. £380. Photo.
1050 Â£2700
Surface Printed: 1881 die 2 16 dots 1d., a collection on stock pages incl. imperforate plate proofs in lilac on buff (3, one corner marginal), lilac on green (2), imprimaturs (2, in contrasting shades), overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9 (2, one bluish lilac), a good range of mint with varieties incl. printed on the gummed side with watermark inverted, two printed both sides with back print inverted (one with only partial impression on reverse), a lower right corner marginal copy with dramatic printing and perforation varieties due to paper fold, a misperforated single, a marginal block of eight showing an unprinted band crossing five stamps due to sliver of paper being attached during printing and still attached, a very 'wide' example with unprinted vertical band due to paper fold, a single with paper fold at corner, two singles with unprinted portions due to foreign matter adherences, a vertical pair with full diagonal offset on reverse, ''PEARS/SOAP'' adverts in orange and blue outline letters on reverse, a few security overprints or perfins incl. a lower marginal single with ''PSNC'' (Pacific Steam Navigation Co.) overprint, etc. (125). Photo.
1051 Â£680
Surface Printed: 1881 die 2 16 dots 1d. lilac showing an apparent double print, the second impression being a reversed offset, some imperfections, otherwise fine with part original gum, most unusual and rare. R.P.S. certificate (1982). S.G. 172var. Photo.
1052 Â£150
Surface Printed: 1881 die 2 16 dots 1d. lilac, a diagonal bisect (right half) tied by 'BIRKENHEAD/AU 20/00'' duplex to postcard to New Brighton, apparently accepted for 1/2d. postage with no postage due markings. S.G. 172var. Photo.
1053 Â£95
Surface Printed: 1881 die 2 16 dots 1d. lilac variety printed both sides with the back print inverted, a fair mint example with only partial print on reverse. S.G. 172e, cat. £850. Photo.
1054 Â£380
Surface Printed: 1881 die 2 16 dots 1d. deep purple, a marginal example showing complete offset on gummed side, very fine unmounted mint, also a further pale offset impression on the obverse (ungummed) side of an interpanneau marginal single with normally printed 'Jubilee' lines, most unusual. Photo.
1055 Â£230
Surface Printed: 1881 die 2 16 dots 1d. deep purple variety printed both sides, the print on reverse upright and misplaced, fine mint with slightly crackly gum. S.G. 173a., cat. £800. Photo.
1056 Â£180
Surface Printed: 1881 die 2 16 dots 1d. deep purple, a most unusual impression with a dry print affecting the Queen's head and the lined background, slight creasing or natural paper wrinkles, otherwise fine marginal mint. S.G. 173var. Photo.
1057 Â£400
Surface Printed: 1881 die 2 16 dots 1d. deep purple overprinted ''CANCELLED'' type 14, exceptionally fine and fresh with almost full original gum. S.G. Spec. K8u, cat. £850. Photo.
1058 | Â£100
Surface Printed: 1884 printed ''SCHEME SHOWING THE DESIGNS AND COLOURS OF THE STAMPS THAT WILL BE IN USE AFTER APRIL THE 1ST, 1884.'', and showing the 1883-84 1/2d. to 1s. incl. 5d. with line under ''d'', 1882-83 £5, 1883-84 2s.6d., 5s., 10s. & £1, on buff card (165 x 218mm), small portion missing at lower right clear of 'stamps' and a few stains as usual, otherwise fine.
1059 Â£1150
Surface Printed: 1883-84 2s.6d. die proof in black on glazed card (93 x 60mm), dated ''11 APR. 83'' and stamped ''BEFORE HARDENING'', very fine. S.G. Spec. K9/10, cat. £2,500. Photo.
1060 Â£1350
Surface Printed: 1883-84 5s. die proof in black on glazed card (92 x 60mm), dated ''11 JUL 83'' and stamped ''BEFORE HARDENING'', very fine. S.G. Spec. K11/12, cat. £3,000. Photo.
1061 Â£1550
Surface Printed: 1883-84 10s. die proof in black on glazed card (93 x 61mm), dated ''19 JUN. 83'' and stamped ''BEFORE HARDENING'', very fine. S.G. Spec. K11/12, cat. £3,250. Photo.
1062 Â£800
Surface Printed: 1883-84 watermark anchor, a selection overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' or ''CANCELLED'', comprising ''SPECIMEN'' type 9 on 2s.6d. (5), 5s. (3 incl. HA perf. 12), 10s. (2), ''SPECIMEN'' type 11 on 2s.6d. EF, 5s. CD and 10s. LA, ''SPECIMEN'' type 12 on 5s. FD, ''CANCELLED'' type 14 on 2s.6d. HG and 5s. CC (neither guaranteed), and part large type ''CANCELLED'' on 2s.6d. HF and 10s. BG, mixed condition. (18).
1063 | Â£1150
Surface Printed: 1883-84 watermark anchor, a mainly unused or mint selection in varied condition, comprising 2s.6d. BD, FA, NA, NG, 5s. AA, AD, BG, 10s. AA, DC, KA and LC, range of shades with some apparently on blued paper, regummed or with part original gum, mostly of fair to good appearance. (11).
1064 Â£2000
Surface Printed: 1883-84 watermark anchor on blued paper 2s.6d. lilac BC imprimatur, fine and fresh with large part original gum, pencil number '2' on reverse. S.G. Spec. K9, cat. £4,250. Photo.
1065 Â£1950
Surface Printed: 1883-84 watermark anchor on blued paper 2s.6d. lilac BF imprimatur, fine and fresh with large part original gum. S.G. Spec. K9, cat. £4,250. Photo.
1066 Â£680
Surface Printed: 1883-84 watermark anchor on blued paper 2s.6d. lilac JA exceptionally fine used with superb ''FORT WILLIAM/AU 25/83'' c.d.s., most attractive. S.G. 175, cat. £1,300+. Photo.
1068 Â£1600
Surface Printed: 1883-84 watermark anchor on blued paper 5s. rose HG exceptionally fine used with complete ''LINCOLN/T.O./DE 19/84'' c.d.s. R.P.S. certificate (2009). S.G. 176, cat. £3,750 (£5,625 with 50% premium). Photo.
1069 Â£2600
Surface Printed: 1883-84 watermark anchor on blued paper 10s. ultramarine BG imprimatur, very fine and fresh with large part original gum, pencil number '2' on gum. B.P.A. certificate (1995). S.G. Spec. K13(1), cat. £5,500. Photo.
1070 Â£420
Surface Printed: 1883-84 watermark anchor on blued paper 10s. ultramarine AG overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, centred to top and very slight colour loss at upper left, otherwise fine and fresh with large part original gum. S.G. 177s, Spec. K13(1)s, cat. £2,500. Photo.
1071 Â£230
Surface Printed: 1883-84 watermark anchor on blued paper 10s. ultramarine AD with neat ''PLYMOUTH/FE 5/85'' c.d.s., faded and repaired. B.P.A. certificate (1989). S.G. 177, cat. £8,000. Photo.
1073 Â£1100
Surface Printed: 1883-84 watermark anchor on blued paper 10s. cobalt NC, a pale shade, overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, fine and fresh with part original gum. S.G. 177a,s, Spec. K13(2)s, cat. £3,800. Photo.
1074 Â£1000
Surface Printed: 1883-84 watermark anchor on blued paper 10s. cobalt JA, an attractive example with neat ''LIVERPOOL/EXCHANGE/6SP/84'' c.d.s., faint creasing at right and reduced stain spots not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. Brandon certificate (1997). S.G. 177a, cat. £13,000. Photo.
1075 Â£1800
Surface Printed: 1883-84 watermark anchor on white paper 2s.6d. (9), 5s. (10) and 10s. (6), a mainly fine to very fine used selection, all with clear dated circular datestamps, a few imperfections, a most attractive group. (25). Photo.
1076 Â£350
Surface Printed: 1883-84 watermark anchor on white paper 2s.6d. lilac BB, 5s. rose FD and 10s. ultramarine HE overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 11, 2s.6d. with light wrinkle otherwise fine with large part original gum. S.G. Spec. K10s, K12t, K14s, cat. £1,125. Photo.
1077 Â£85
Surface Printed: 1883-84 watermark anchor on white paper 2s.6d. CA, 5s. NA and 10s. BH used on piece with 1881 die 2 1d. and all the 1887-92 'Jubilee' values that were available in 1888, cancelled ''LS/6'' in barred ovals, some faults but an unusual item.
1078 Â£200
Surface Printed: 1883-84 watermark anchor on white paper 2s.6d. lilac EA and 5s. rose AA, both mint, few imperfections, otherwise fine. S.G. 178, 180. Photo.
1079 Â£1250
Surface Printed: 1883-84 watermark anchor on white paper 2s.6d. lilac FC and 5s. crimson GD both fresh unmounted mint but the 5s. reperforated at foot, 10s. pale ultramarine LB mint, almost imperceptibly mounted, 2s.6d. with small gum wrinkles, fine. Photo.
1080 Â£850
Surface Printed: 1883-84 watermark anchor on white paper 2s.6d. deep lilac NA, 5s. rose GE and 10s. ultramarine HE, good to fine fresh mint examples with part to large part original gum, minor gum creases or wrinkles. S.G. cat. £3,350. Photo.
1081 Â£550
Surface Printed: 1883-84 watermark anchor on white paper 2s.6d. lilac FC, 5s. crimson GB and 10s. ultramarine IB, fresh mint examples, small faults, good to fine appearance. S.G. cat. £3,350. Photo.
1084 Â£260
Surface Printed: 1883-84 watermark anchor on white paper 5s. crimson IH fine mint. R.P.S. certificate (2004). S.G. 181, Spec. K12(2), cat. £850. Photo.
1085 Â£1250
Surface Printed: 1883-84 watermark anchor on white paper 10s. cobalt LB overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, fine and fresh with part original gum. S.G. 182s, Spec. K14(1)u, cat. £2,700. Photo.
1087 Â£350
Surface Printed: 1883-84 watermark anchor on white paper 10s. ultramarine MB mint, thinned perf. at top otherwise fine. Brandon certificate (2004). S.G. 183, Spec. K14(2), cat. £2,000. Photo.
1088 Â£130
Surface Printed: 1883-84 watermark anchor on white paper 10s. ultramarine CE exceptionally fine used with superb upright central ''LEICESTER/M.O & S.B./SP 9/97'' c.d.s., slight wrinkling. S.G. 183, cat. £475. Photo.
1089 Â£6500
Surface Printed: 1884 watermark crowns £1 brown-lilac GD imprimatur, fine and fresh with large part original gum, pencil no. '2' on gum, very scarce. R.P.S. certificate (1979). S.G. 185, Spec. K15, cat. £12,500. Photo.
1090 Â£600
Surface Printed: 1884 watermark crowns £1 brown-lilac FC overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, pencil notes on reverse and slight imperfections otherwise fine with large part original gum, good colour. S.G. 185s, cat. £2,600. Photo.
1091 Â£3000
Surface Printed: 1884 watermark crowns £1 brown-lilac SD, an unused (regummed) example, creases not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine and of good colour. R.P.S. certificate (1971). S.G. 185, cat. £30,000. Photo.
1092 Â£420
Surface Printed: 1884 watermark crowns £1 brown-lilac AB with neat slightly oily ''DUNDEE/OC 27/85'' c.d.s., a trifle faded and a few short or blunted perfs., otherwise fine. S.G. 185, cat. £2,500. Photo.
1093 Â£210
Surface Printed: 1884 watermark crowns £1 brown-lilac DD with light oval registered cancellation, repaired at left and other small imperfections, otherwise fine. S.G. 185. Photo.
1094 Â£620
Surface Printed: 1884 watermark crowns £1 brown-lilac EA very fine used appearance with deep colour and ''BELFAST/SE 18/90'' c.d.s., faint creasing not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. S.G. 185, cat. £2,500. Photo.
1096 Â£500
Surface Printed: 1884 watermark crowns £1 brown-lilac JA with neat central ''GRANTHAM/JA 5/87'' c.d.s., a little soiled and some other minor imperfections, otherwise fine S.G. 185, cat. £2,500. Photo.
1097 Â£3500
Surface Printed: 1888 watermark orbs error £1 brown-lilac EA, a marginal example overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 11, very fine and fresh with large part original gum, superb colour. Holcombe opinion (1989). S.G. 186s, cat. £6,000. Photo.
1098 Â£8800
Surface Printed: 1888 watermark orbs error £1 brown-lilac EA, a very fresh mint example with large part original gum, horizontal creasing not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine and of superb colour and excellent appearance. S.G. 186, cat. £65,000. Photo.
1099 Â£850
Surface Printed: 1888 watermark orbs error £1 brown-lilac ED, most attractive with light neat ''WESTBOURNE GROVE/NO 29/88'' c.d.s., horizontal crease and a three short perfs. at foot, otherwise fine, excellent colour. S.G. 186, cat. £4,000. Photo.
1100 Â£480
Surface Printed: 1888 watermark orbs error £1 brown-lilac JB fair used, with registered oval datestamps, few minor wrinkles. S.G. 186, cat. £4,000. Photo.
1102 Â£880
Surface Printed: 1888 watermark orbs error £1 brown-lilac ND with crisp central ''BRISTOL/JU 14/89'' c.d.s., a trifle faded and small repair on reverse, otherwise fine. S.G. 186, cat. £4,000. Photo.
1103 Â£380
Surface Printed: 1888 watermark orbs error £1 brown-lilac PA used with ''GLASGOW/MY 29/89'' c.d.s. and boxed cancellations, a few short perfs., good colour. S.G. 186, cat. £4,000. Photo.
1104 Â£450
Surface Printed: 1883-84 'lilac and green', a selection on covers (11) incl. 11/2d. with 3d. (2) on 1886 (Nov.) 2d. registered envelope from London to Vienna, 2d. with 1881 1d. die 2 on neat registered envelope from Truro to Malmesbury, 5d. QA on 1884 (May) envelope from Windsor to India, 6d. KL and 1881 1d. die 2 cancelled Gracechurch St. late fee duplexes on 1887 (Dec.) envelope to New Zealand, 1s. KE used with 4d. IG-IH pair on linen backed printed envelope from Glasgow to Cape Coast Castle (Gold Coast) with neat ''GLASGOW'' duplexes, etc., also a range of the 880-81 'Provisional' issue on covers (7) and a front, incl. 2d. used with 1880-83 21/2d. plate 22 OF on 1882 (March) envelope from Flint to Norway, etc. (19 items). Photo.
1105 | Â£780
Surface Printed: 1883-84 'lilac and green' 1/2d. to 1s. selection incl. 1/2d. imprimatur, 1/2d. to 1s. overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, 1/2d. to 1s. unused and 1/2d. (13) to 6d. (3), 9d. (2), 1s. (2) mostly c.d.s. used, condition varies, some faded.
1106 Â£700
Surface Printed: 1883-84 'lilac and green' 1/2d. to 1s. set mint, 5d. with crease and 4d. and 9d. slightly toned otherwise mainly fine. (10). S.G. 187-196, cat. £4,035. Photo.
1110 Â£110
Surface Printed: 1883-84 ''lilac and green'' 4d. dull green HA-HB pair on 1885 (June 26th) wrapper endorsed ''Per sh. Merchant from Liverpool'' to Venezuela, cancelled by Manchester duplexes. Photo.
1111 Â£1200
Surface Printed: 1883-84 'lilac and green' 6d. dull green IK-LO block of twenty fine used with ''TARPORLEY/FE 10/86'' c.d.s. cancellations, a few small imperfections with some reinforced perfs., a rare multiple. S.G. 194, cat. £4,000 as singles. Photo.
1112 Â£120
Surface Printed: 1883-84 'lilac and green' 9d. FC forgery on genuine paper with genuine cancellation, tiny imperfections. Photo.
1113 Â£380
Surface Printed: 1883-84 'lilac and green' 9d. dull green HO variety watermark sideways inverted fine mint, Brandon certificate (2004), also 6d. LF mint with lightly toned gum. S.G. 194, 195Wi, cat. £1,975. Photo.
1115 | Â£820
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' 1/2d. (18) to 9d. (19), 10d. (17), 1s. (15), 1900 1/2d. (12), 1s. (5), used collection on stock pages mostly with c.d.s. incl. a fine range of shades, condition varies but many fine to very fine. (225).
1116 Â£550
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee', a selection on covers (14) postcards (4) and a front, all values represented incl. 4d. with London and South Western Railway 2d. on 1901 (Jan.) express cover from London to Gosport, 41/2d. and 5d. die 2 on 1900 (Jan.) registered cover from London to Cologne, 41/2d., 5d. die 2 and 10d. on 1892 (Oct.) registered cover from Ipswich to Saxony, 9d. used with 1/2d. on 1892 (Feb. 29th) registered cover from London to Vienna, 1s. scarce used alone on 1897 (July) envelope from London to Brussels, 1s. used with 1/2d. on 1896 (March) printed envelope from London to Lyon, 1900 1s. rare used alone with ''FIELD POST OFFICE/BRITISH ARMY S.AFRICA'' double ring c.d.s. on 1900 (Nov.) registered cover to Edinburgh, etc., mainly good to fine, some imperfections. (19 items). Photo.
1117 | Â£3200
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee', a collection on stock pages incl. 3d. imperforate plate proof in dark green on green, 1900 1/2d. imperforate plate proof in green on buff (5 with a block), 1/2d. (2), 11/2d., 2d. (faded), 21/2d., 3d., 4d. (2, one faded), 5d. die 1, 6d., 9d. 10d. & 1s., overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9, 3d. (2) overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 12 diagonally, 1/2d., 11/2d., 5d. die 2 and 9d. overprinted ''CANCELLED'' 14 (very scarce but faults), 1s. block of four affixed to piece handstamped large ''CANCELLED'' twice in violet, 1900 1/2d. and 1s. overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 15 and 1/2d. overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 11, good range of mint with 2d. green and scarlet (unmounted, gum crease), 41/2d. pane of 20, 5d. die 1 (2, one unused and toned), values to 9d. (9 with a marginal block), 10d. (15 with two corner pairs, shades incl. two dull purple and deep bright carmine), 1s. (4), 1900 1s. (14 incl. marginal blocks of four and six); varieties etc. incl. 1/2d. with ''PEARS'/SOAP'' in orange outline letters on reverse, 1/2d. and 1900 1/2d. with almost complete offsets on gum, etc., condition varies. (250).
1118 Â£380
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' 1/2d. to 1s. and 1900 1/2d. and 1s. unmounted mint, occasional gum wrinkle otherwise fine and fresh. (14). S.G. cat. £800. Photo.
1119 Â£90
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' 1/2d. to 1s. incl. 5d. dies 1 and 2, and 1900 1/2d. and 1s., fine to very fine used with neat dated c.d.s's (5d. die I with light squared circle). (15). S.G. 197/214. Photo.
1121 Â£140
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' 1/2d. vermilion, two imprimaturs, numbered '12' and '13' in pencil on gum, slightly different shades, latter with slight crease at top, otherwise fine and fresh. S.G. Spec. K27, cat. £560. Photo.
1123 Â£260
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' 11/2d. proof of head plate only in blue overprinted with blue background network, two different examples, one perforated on three sides, the other perforated at left only, on gummed watermarked paper, very fine and fresh, also an imperforate top marginal example without overprint, slightly faded. (3). These proofs were prepared for 1894 Reply Paid essays. Photo.
1124 Â£290
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' 11/2d. dull purple and pale green imprimatur, fine and fresh with large part original gum, pencil number '3' on gum, unusual printing flaw to right of Queen's neck. S.G. Spec. K29, cat. £600. Photo.
1125 Â£420
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' 2d. colour trial in green and brown, perf. 14 on gummed unwatermarked paper, very fine and fresh. S.G. Spec. K30, cat. from £850. Photo.
1126 Â£320
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' 2d. yellow-green and carmine imprimatur, fine and fresh with large part original gum, pencil number '3' on gum. S.G. Spec. K30, cat. £600. Photo.
1127 Â£130
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' 21/2d. purple on blue imprimatur, fresh with large part original gum, pencil number '3' on gum, slight vertical crease at right, otherwise fine and fresh. S.G. Spec. K31, cat. £600. Photo.
1128 Â£350
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' 3d. purple on yellow imprimatur, very fine and fresh with large part original gum, pencil number '5' on gum. S.G. Spec. K32, cat. £600. Photo.
1129 Â£290
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' 3d. purple on orange, fine and fresh mint with large part original gum. S.G. 204, cat. £750. Photo.
1130 Â£380
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' 3d. purple on orange, fine and fresh mint with virtually full original gum, minor gum wrinkle. S.G. 204, cat. £750. Photo.
1131 Â£350
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' 4d. green and purple brown imprimatur, very fine and fresh with large part original gum, pencil number '4' on gum. S.G. Spec. K33, cat. £600. Photo.
1132 Â£170
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' 4d. green and deep chocolate-brown (a particularly intense shade), a top marginal pair, exceptionally fine mint (stamps unmounted), gum slightly 'off-white'. S.G. Spec. K33(3). Photo.
1133 Â£350
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' 41/2d. green and carmine imprimatur, very fine and fresh with large part original gum, unusually shows part official violet c.d.s. on gum. S.G. Spec. K34, cat. £650. Photo.
1134 Â£480
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' 41/2d. green and dull scarlet, a top marginal example overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 9 and 41/2d. green and carmine overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 12, fine and fresh with full original gum, former with tiny natural paper flaw. Latter unlisted by Gibbons. Photo.
1135 Â£210
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' 41/2d. deep green and carmine, a complete pane A of 20 (5 x 4, folded through perfs. between columns 2 and 3), [R. 3/2] with variety damage to inner frame lines, mounted in top margin only and lower left corner stamp with small adhesion, the others all fine and fresh unmounted mint. S.G. Spec. K34(2), g. Photo.
1136 Â£320
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' 5d. dull purple and blue die 1 imprimatur, very fine and fresh with large part original gum, pencil number '4' on gum, tiny natural paper speck by Queen's chin. S.G. Spec. K35, cat. £650. Photo.
1137 Â£380
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' 6d. purple on rose-red imprimatur, very fine and fresh with large part original gum, pencil number '5' on gum. S.G. Spec. K37, cat. £700. Photo.
1138 Â£450
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' 9d. dull purple and blue, a marginal imprimatur, very fine and fresh with large part original gum, pencil number '4' on gum. S.G. Spec. K38, cat. £700. Photo.
1139 Â£280
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' 9d. dull purple and bright blue, an exceptionally deep intense shade, in a very fine fresh mint pair, left stamp unmounted. Brandon certificate (1995) for block of four of which this is the upper pair. S.G. Spec. K38(2)var. Photo.
1141 Â£220
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' 10d. dull purple and deep dull carmine, very fine and fresh unmounted mint, tiny natural gum flaw. R.P.S. certificate (1977, as the previously listed 'deep bright carmine'). S.G. 210a, Spec. K39(2), cat. £600. Photo.
1143 Â£320
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' 1s. dull green imprimatur, very fine and fresh with large part original gum, pencil number '5' on gum. S.G. Spec. K40, cat. £650. Photo.
1144 Â£400
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' 1s. grey-green, a fine and fresh mint lower left corner marginal block of four. S.G. Spec. K40(2), cat. £1,000+ (as singles). Photo.
1145 Â£420
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' 1s. dull green overprinted ''CANCELLED'' type 14, fine and fresh with part original gum, very scarce. S.G. Spec. K40t, cat. £1,200. Photo.
1148 Â£550
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' £1 green OD, a fresh mint example with part original gum, three repaired perfs. at top, otherwise fine and of excellent colour and appearance. S.G. 212, cat. £3,600. Photo.
1149 Â£210
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' £1 green KB fine used with ''JERSEY'' c.d.s., trace of a few tiny tone spots on tips of a few perfs. S.G. 212, cat. £750. Photo.
1150 Â£300
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' £1 green MA, most attractive with superb upright central strike of ''BRIGHTON/POSTMASTERS OFFICE/16SP/93'' circular datestamp, light diagonal crease at lower right not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine. Ex Cawardine. B.P.A. certificate (1995). S.G. 212, cat. £750. Photo.
1151 Â£150
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' £1 green MC good used with registered oval datestamps. S.G. 212, cat. £750. Photo.
1152 Â£230
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' £1 green TA plate 3 without frame breaks, a most attractive used example with neat central ''GLASGOW/OC 5/94'' c.d.s., vertical crease, otherwise fine. S.G. Spec. K17aa, cat. £1,500. Photo.
1153 Â£230
Surface Printed: 1887-92 'Jubilee' £1 green forgery in die proof form with void corner squares, in green on glazed card with approx. 2mm margins, also £1 green OA perforated forgery fine 'used' on small piece. Photo.
1155 Â£240
1897 Diamond Jubilee Commemorative Stamp 1/2d. green die proof on thin wove card (48 x 82mm), inscribed 'original die' in ink, very fine. Photo.
1156 | Â£420
Officials: A mainly used selection, incl. Inland Revenue 1889 1s. dull green, 1902 1s. dull green and carmine, Office of Works, Government Parcels with 1883-86 9d. dull green on small part parcel post label, Admiralty, some forgeries, etc. (52).
1157 Â£500
Officials: A selection overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', comprising I.R. 1885 1s. KE overprinted type 9, 1888 1/2d. and 1901 1/2d. blue-green overprinted type 15, O.W. 1896-1902 1/2d. and 1d. overprinted type 9, 5d. overprinted type 16, 1902-03 2d. overprinted type 16, mainly good to fine and fresh with gum, some mainly small imperfections. S.G. O7s, 13s, 17s, 31s, 33s, 34s & 38s, cat. £3,365. Photo.
1158 | Â£250
Officials: A mint collection on leaves incl. I.R. 1882-1901 'Jubilee' 1s. green, O.W. 1896-1902 1/2d. vermilion, 1/2d. blue-green, 1d. lilac, Army 1896-1901 1/2d. to 6d., Govt. Parcels 1887-90 9d., 1891-1900 41/2d., Board of Education 1902-04 1d., etc., mixed condition. (27).
1162 | Â£130
Officials: Office of Works: 1902-03 1d. scarlet used on somewhat faulty printed OHMS envelope sent locally in Manchester, adhesive with tiny corner perf. crease at upper right, otherwise fine, scarce, also another fine used on small piece with neat part Bristol ''AU 21/02'' duplex on small piece. S.G. O37.
1163 | Â£100
Officials: Army: 1896-1901 1/2d. vermilion, two different control ''P'' corner pairs, one control stamp with two pinholes, otherwise fine and fresh mint. S.G. O41, Spec. L36, cat. £400+ (as singles).
1164 | Â£190
Officials: Army: 1896-1903 selection, mainly showing listed (and a few unlisted) varieties, comprising 1896-1901 1/2d. vermilion (13 with 2 pairs and a strip), used, 1/2d. blue-green (10, one mint), 1d. lilac mint (5 with 2 pairs), used (6), 1902-03 1/2d. 1/2d. blue-green (13 with a mint pair), 1d. (6, used), mainly good to fine, a few faults.
1165 Â£120
Officials: Army: 1902-03 1d. scarlet overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' type 15, very fine with full original gum (unmounted). Brandon certificate (1995). S.G. O49 (SO62), Spec. MO20s, cat. £300. Photo.
1171 Â£1050
King Edward VII: 1902-13 collection on leaves with De La Rue, Harrison and Somerset House printings, range of shades mint to 2s.6d. (3), 5s. (2), 1/2d. with St. Andrew's Cross attached watermark inverted ( few split perfs.), 1d. aniline rose (added perf.), used to 10s. (2), £1, a few Officials, etc., varied condition, mainly fine. (121).
1172 | Â£580
King Edward VII: A collection on leaves incl. 1902-10 De La Rue mint 7d. deep grey-black (unmounted), Hendon certificate (1991) for a pair, 9d. (3), 10d., various used to 10s. (2), £1 (2), 1911-13 Somerset House values to 9d., 1s. (2) mint, £1 used, etc., mixed condition. (83).
1173 Â£920
King Edward VII: A mint and used accumulation on leaves and stockleaves with mint range of shades to 10d. (2), 1s. (2), 2s.6d. (3), 5s., 10s. (2), used to 2s.6d. (6), 5s. (4), 10s. (2), etc., mixed condition, some faded or otherwise colour affected. (167).
1174 Â£980
King Edward VII: 1902-13 a mint and used selection on leaves, incl. 1902-10 De La Rue £1 dull blue-green used (one damaged), 1911-13 Somerset House £1 deep green mint, etc., mixed condition. (59). Photo.
1175 Â£620
King Edward VII: A selection with 1/2d. to 1s. unmounted mint incl. 11/2d. block of four, 3d. perf. 15 x 14 pair, 9d. (3), 10d. (2), 1s. (2), some gum wrinkles but mainly fine, also 10d. no cross on crown variety unused (tone spots on reverse), and 2s.6d. to £1 dull blue-green used, varied condition. (36).
1176 Â£100
King Edward VII: Bradbury Wilkinson 2d. essays in bright violet and in claret of a ship design with the 'Canada Head' portrait in an oval, on thick wove paper, fine. Photo.
1179 Â£550
King Edward VII: 1902-10 De La Rue 1d., 1906 1d. blue-geranium perf. 14 colour trial on gummed paper watermarked Crown, very fine with 'dry' gum. Ex Aurelius. S.G. Spec. M5, cat. £1,500. Photo.
1180 Â£420
King Edward VII: 1902-10 De La Rue 1d., 1906 1d. carmine-rose imperforate colour trial on gummed paper watermarked Crown, horizontal bend at top not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine with large part original gum. Ex Aurelius. S.G. Spec. M5, cat. £1,500. Photo.
1184 Â£55
King Edward VII: 1902-10 De La Rue 1d. in a very deep shade of deep bright scarlet, very fine used on small piece with ''BRADFORD•ON•AVON/OC 14/04'' double ring c.d.s. Ex Aurelius. Photo.
1185 Â£520
King Edward VII: 1902-10 De La Rue 2d. pale grey-green and carmine-red on chalky, Head Plate 2, Duty Plate 3 [R1/10-10/12] block of thirty, the right three vertical rows of the sheet with full sheet margins, unmounted mint (mounted in margins), some foxing on gum and six stamps affected by a diagonal crease but fine appearance and a rare multiple. Ex Aurelius. S.G. 227, Spec. M12(1), cat. £2,250 (as singles). Photo.
1189 Â£2000
King Edward VII: 1902-10 De La Rue 6d. pale dull purple plate 1 [R14/1-20/12] block of eighty four, the lower seven rows of the sheet with date cut under ''P'' of R20/1, exceptionally fine and fresh mint, folded between 6th and 7th columns, three stamps with gum creases, otherwise in superb condition with all but two stamps unmounted, a rare multiple. Ex Aurelius. S.G. 245, Spec. M31(1), cat. £6,230+ (as singles). Photo.
1191 Â£130
King Edward VII: 1902-10 De La Rue 10d. slate-purple and carmine on chalky variety no cross on crown mint, rather large hinge remainder otherwise fine. S.G. 255a, Spec. M43(2)b, cat. £425. Photo.
1192 Â£320
King Edward VII: 1902-10 De La Rue 2s.6d. lilac (small thin) 5s. bright carmine (slight corner crease) and 10s. ultramarine, mint. S.G. 260, 263, 265. Photo.
1193 Â£800
King Edward VII: 1902-10 De La Rue 2s.6d. lilac with watermark inverted, a used top marginal example with clear light part ''NOTTINGHAM/FE 22'' c.d.s., light horizontal bend otherwise fine, rare. B.P.A. certificate (2010). S.G. 260Wi, Spec. M48b, cat. £3,000. Photo.
1195 Â£700
King Edward VII: 1902-10 De La Rue £1 dull blue-green fine mint, well centred. R.P.S. certificate (2004). S.G. 266, cat. £2,000. Photo.
1196 Â£420
King Edward VII: 1902-10 De La Rue £1 dull blue-green, mint, few minor creases, otherwise fine. S.G. 266, cat £2,000. Photo.
1197 Â£380
King Edward VII: 1902-10 De La Rue £1 dull blue-green lightly mounted mint, brownish gum, otherwise fine. S.G. 266, cat. £2,000. Photo.
1198 Â£350
King Edward VII: 1902-10 De La Rue £1 dull blue-green mint, small corner fault, otherwise fine. S.G. 266, cat. £2,000. Photo.
1201 Â£190
King Edward VII: 1902-10 De La Rue £1 dull blue-green used with neat ''GUERNSEY/MY 2/11'' c.d.s., surface tone spot otherwise fine. S.G. 266, cat. £750. Photo.
1202 Â£110
King Edward VII: 1911 Harrison perf. 14 1/2d. dull yellow-green left margin pair with the marginal stamp showing an approx. 70% offset on reverse and the adjoining stamp with a small part offset, a little light staining on gummed side otherwise fine unmounted mint, also a mint single with an approx. 70% offset, disturbed gum. SG. Spec. M3(1)var. Photo.
1203 Â£1450
King Edward VII: 1911 Harrison perf. 14 1/2d. deep bright green, an exceptionally fine and fresh unmounted mint upper right corner marginal block of sixteen (4 x 4, mounted and some perf. reinforcement in top margin), a few slight wrinkles or bends. Ex Aurelius. Photocopy of B.P.A. certificate (1974) for adjoining block of four. S.G. Spec. M3(7), cat. £8,800. Photo.
1204 Â£1200
King Edward VII: 1911 Harrison perf. 15 x 14 21/2d. bright blue plate 6, [R1/1-7/10] NE corner block of seventy from right sheet, very fine and fresh unmounted mint (mounted in margins), some gum creasing as usual and one stamp with minor gum disturbance, a very scarce multiple. Ex Aurelius. S.G. 283, Spec. M18(2), cat. £3,500+ (as singles). Photo.
1206 Â£1400
King Edward VII: 1911 Harrison perf. 15 x 14 4d. bright orange plate 7a [R6/1-10/12] quarter sheet of sixty, the lower half of the upper pane, perf. V3A, exceptionally fine and fresh mint with all but two unmounted, folded between 6th and 7th columns and with some perf. separation and folds at tips, marginal crease affecting one stamp. Ex Cecil Shaw and Aurelius. S.G. 286, Spec. M27, cat. £3,540+ (as singles). Photo.
1208 Â£1500
King Edward VII: 1911-13 Somerset House 5d. deep plum and cobalt blue, Head Plate 4d, Duty Plate 5 [R8/1-13/12] block of seventy two, the middle six rows of the sheet with interpanneau margin between the 10th and 11th rows, R9/6 shows broken first harp string, exceptionally fresh mint with all but eight stamps unmounted, about eighteen stamps with creasing or gum creasing not detracting from the superb appearance, a rare multiple. Ex Cecil Shaw and Aurelius. S.G. Spec. M30(4), cat. £4,080+ (as singles). Photo.
1209 Â£400
King Edward VII: 1911-13 Somerset House 6d. dull reddish purple on Dickinson paper, plate 11 [R11/1-12/2] NW corner block of four from lower pane, fresh mint, stamps unmounted but with some faint foxing on gum, sheet margin at top with more extensive foxing, stamps of very fine appearance. Ex Aurelius. S.G. 301, cat. £1,600+ (as singles). Photo.
1210 Â£1600
King Edward VII: 1911-13 Somerset House 9d. deep dull reddish purple and deep bright blue, Head Plate 2a, Duty Plate 1, complete pane (D) of twenty with added purple date dots under R4/4, including head plate flaws R1/2 damaged upper right corner and R2/2 damaged upper right corner, one stamp [R2/5] with small thin, otherwise exceptionally fine and fresh unmounted mint, centred low, stunning colour. Pieces showing the added dots are rare, this full pane is thought to be unique. S.G. 306a, Spec. M41(2)d/e, cat. £3,405+ (as singles). Photo.
1214 Â£4200
King Edward VII: 1911-13 Somerset House 10d. dull reddish purple and aniline pink (F), an exceptionally fine and fresh unmounted mint block of twenty four (mounted in margins), the complete left half of pane Z, head plate 2, duty plate 1, head plate 2 cut under R4/1 and white duty plate flaw to left of the same stamp, usual gum wrinkles, a very rare multiple. Ex Aurelius. B.P.A. certificate (2009). S.G. 310, Spec. M44(5), cat. £11,400+ (as singles). Photo.
1215 Â£800
King Edward VII: 1911-13 Somerset House 2s.6d. dull greyish purple (F) plate 1a SE corner pair from upper pane showing 1911 date cuts, fine and fresh mint, a couple of tiny gum wrinkles. S.G. 315, Spec. M50(1), cat. £1,750. Photo.
1218 | Â£3800
King George V: 1911-36 mainly good to fine mint collection on Windsor leaves incl. 1912-24 wmk. Royal cypher to 10d., 1s. (2), 1913 wmk. multiple cypher 1/2d. and 1d. (unmounted), Seahorses (some with 'sweated' gum) with 1913 Waterlow 2s.6d. to £1, 1915-18 De La Rue 2s.6d., 10s., 1918 Bradbury 2s.6d., 5s., 10s., etc. (115).
1219 | Â£1050
King George V: A collection in a Safe album with 1912-24 wide range of shades mint to 5d. (5), 10d. (7, incl. strip of three), 1s. (9), some with controls, many unmounted, a range of Seahorses mainly used to 10s., 1924 and 1925 Wembley sets mint, 1934 re-engraved 2s.6d. (2), 5s. and 10s. (2) mint (mostly with toned gum), 1934-36 photogravure sets mint (2, one unmounted), etc., varied condition. (approx. 245).
1220 Â£1250
King George V: A mint collection on stockleaves incl. 1912-24 to 1s. with a few shades, 6d. perf. 14, selection of Seahorses incl. 1913 Waterlow 10s., 1918-19 Bradbury to 10s., 1934 re-engraved to 10s., 1924-26 to 1s., 1/2d. to 2d. wmk. sideways, 1929 P.U.C. 1/2d. to 11/2d. wmk. sideways, £1 (redistributed gum), 1934-36 1/2d. to 2d. wmk. sideways, etc., varied condition. (123).
1221 Â£1150
King George V: A mint collection on stockleaves incl. Downey Head printings, 1912-24 to 1s. incl. 11/2d. chestnut ''PENCF'' error, 6d. perf. 14, 1918-19 Bradbury 2s.6d. and 5s., 1924-26 to 1s., 1/2d. to 2d. wmk. sideways sets (2), Wembley sets, 1929 P.U.C. 1/2d. to 11/2d. wmk. sideways sets (2), 1934-36 to 1s., 1934 re-engraved 2s. to 10s., etc., varied condition, the vast majority unmounted. (112).
1222 Â£380
King George V: A used collection on leaves with a range of Downey Heads incl. no cross on crown varieties, 1913 wmk. multiple cypher 1/2d. and 1d., selection of Seahorses incl. 1915 De La Rue 10s. deep blue, 1918-19 Bradbury to 10s., 1934 re-engraved 10s. (2), 1924-26 2d. wmk. sideways, 1929 P.U.C. £1 (repaired), 1934-36 2d. wmk. sideways, etc., mixed condition. (184).
1224 Â£65
King George V: 1911-12 Downey Heads: 1910 Half Tone Essays: Small Format: 7d. in orange on white paper (34 x 36mm) inscribed '20', very fine. Photo.
1226 Â£720
King George V: 1911-12 Downey Heads: 1911 watermark crown die 1A 1/2d. bluish green, a pale shade, in a fine unmounted mint horizontal strip of six from the right of the sheet, usual gum wrinkles. Photocopy of R.P.S. certificate (2002) for pane from which this comes. S.G. 323, cat. £2,400. Photo.
1227 Â£110
King George V: 1911-12 Downey Heads: 1911 die 1A watermark crown 1/2d. bluish green, fine unmounted mint, photocopy of R.P.S. certificate (1992) for a block of six, and die 1B 1/2d. bluish green watermark inverted mint, light diagonal gum bend, otherwise fine, R.P.S. certificate (1998). S.G. Spec. N1(4), N2(8)a. Photo.
1228 Â£320
King George V: 1911-12 Downey Heads: 1911 die 1A watermark crown 1/2d. bluish-green, a left margin unmounted mint block of four in a pale shade, a few light bends otherwise fine, photocopy of R.P.S. certificate (2002) for a sheet from which block comes, S.G. 323, Spec. N1(4), cat. £1,600, also 1912-24 9d. olive-green unmounted mint with light gum creases. Photo.
1232 Â£1450
King George V: 1912-24 watermark Royal cypher Small Coinage head die proof, uncleared in black on proof paper (68 x 77mm), showing a light head and prominent highlights, fine, handstamped ''244'' on reverse. S.G. Spec. vol. 2, page 94, cat. from £3,000. Photo.
1233 Â£1400
King George V: 1912-24 watermark Royal cypher Small Coinage head die proof, uncleared in black on proof paper (128 x 168mm), with manuscript ''Coin H.'' and dated ''16-2-12'' at foot, very fine. S.G. Spec. vol. 2, page 94, cat. from £3,000. Photo.
1236 Â£120
King George V: 1912-24 watermark Royal cypher 21/2d., an imperforate block of four overprinted ''CANCELLED'' type 24, some creasing not detracting from appearance, otherwise fine and fresh with full original gum (unmounted). S.G. Spec. N21v, cat. £800. Photo.
1237 Â£230
King George V: 1913 watermark multiple cypher 1/2d. bright green and 1d. dull scarlet unmounted mint, 1d. with a few specks of adhesion on reverse otherwise fine with good perfs. S.G. 397-8, cat. £600. Photo.
1240 Â£1300
King George V: 1913-34 Seahorses: 1913 Waterlow 2s.6d. imperforate colour trial in ultramarine on thin ungummed paper without watermark, cut a little close at foot otherwise fine and rare. Photo.
1241 Â£5500
King George V: 1913-34 Seahorses: 1913 Waterlow 2s.6d. to £1 set of four in exceptionally deep shades, the 2s.6d., 10s. and £1 particularly so, with the £1 showing clear double ('kiss') print of ''£1/ONE POUND/POSTAGE'' and of the vertical frame lines, the 5s. with faintly toned gum, otherwise fine to very fine and fresh mint, the £1 unmounted, a most striking set. (4). Photo.
1242 Â£580
King George V: 1913-34 Seahorses: 1913 Waterlow 2s.6d. to £1 good to fine used, each with neat c.d.s. cancellations, 10s. and £1 with a few blunted perfs. at foot. S.G. 400-403, cat. £2,140. Photo.
1244 Â£1250
King George V: 1913-34 Seahorses: 1913 Waterlow £1 green, mint, minute tone spot on gum, otherwise fine and fresh. S.G. 403, cat. £2,800. Photo.
1245 Â£1250
King George V: 1913-34 Seahorses: 1913 Waterlow £1 green, mint, gum a little sweated and with light toning at right, of fine appearance. S.G. 403, cat. £2,800. Photo.
1246 Â£420
King George V: 1913-34 Seahorses: 1913 Waterlow £1 green, attractive with ''GUERNSEY'' c.d.s., some blunted perfs, lower-left corner added, otherwise of fine appearance. S.G. 403, cat. £1,250. Photo.
1247 Â£2800
King George V: 1913-34 Seahorses: 1913 Waterlow £1 deep green, a fine unmounted mint lower marginal example (mounted in margin), very fresh with fine colour. S.G. Spec. N72(2), cat. £6,000. Photo.
1248 Â£720
King George V: 1913-34 Seahorses: 1913 Waterlow £1 deep green very fine used with neat ''GUERNSEY'' thimble c.d.s., well centred with good strong colour. Brandon certificate (1998). S.G. Spec. N72(2), cat. £1,800. Photo.
1249 Â£7800
King George V: 1913-34 Seahorses: 1913 Waterlow £1 dull blue-green, a very fine and fresh mint marginal block of four from the right of the sheet, well centred and excellent colour and perfs., lower pair unmounted, upper left stamp with gum blemish. S.G. 403, Spec. N72(3). Photo.
1250 Â£550
King George V: 1913-34 Seahorses: 1913 Waterlow £1 dull blue-green, mint, heavy vertical crease, few pulled perfs, slight gum crease, otherwise fine. S.G. 404, cat. £2,800. Photo.
1251 Â£350
King George V: 1913-34 Seahorses: 1913 Waterlow £1 dull blue-green fine used with indistinct c.d.s. cancellation. S.G. 404, cat. £1,500. Photo.
1252 Â£800
King George V: 1913-34 Seahorses: 1915-18 De La Rue 2s.6d. grey-brown in an unmounted mint well centred lower right corner pair, fine and fresh. S.G. 407, Spec. N64(3). Photo.
1253 Â£240
King George V: 1913-34 Seahorses: 1915-18 De La Rue 5s. bright carmine, a fine unmounted mint example. S.G. 409, cat. £1,000. Photo.
1254 Â£650
King George V: 1913-34 Seahorses: 1915-18 De La Rue 10s. blue mint, a few slightly short perfs. otherwise fine, very lightly mounted. R.P.S. certificate (2004). S.G. 412, Spec. N70(1), cat. £2,500. Photo.
1255 Â£720
King George V: 1913-34 Seahorses: 1915-18 De La Rue 10s. blue mint, pre-printing paper wrinkle, fine. Brandon certificate (1980). S.G. 412, Spec. N70(1), cat. £2,500. Photo.
1256 Â£380
King George V: 1913-34 Seahorses: 1918 Bradbury 2s.6d. olive-brown in a very fine and fresh mint lower left corner marginal block of four, lower pair unmounted. S.G. 413a. Photo.
1257 Â£4500
King George V: 1913-34 Seahorses: 1918 Bradbury 2s.6d. chocolate-brown block of eight (4 x 2) from the top of the sheet, [R. 1/3] showing re-entry, each overprinted ''CANCELLED'' type 24 with manuscript ''D'' in upper right corner of margin, mounted in margin and on two stamps, the others unmounted, a very fine and fresh rare multiple. S.G. Spec. N65(3)zb. Photo.
1258 Â£2500
King George V: 1913-34 Seahorses: 1918 Bradbury 2s.6d. reddish brown from right of sheet, 5s. rose-red from top right corner of sheet and 10s. dull grey-blue from lower-right corner of sheet, all in unmounted mint blocks of four (mounted in margins only), fine and fresh. S.G. 415, 416, 417, cat. £6,120+. Photo.
1259 Â£550
King George V: 1913-34 Seahorses: 1918 Bradbury 10s. steel blue (blackish-blue), a fine unmounted mint left marginal example, usual minor bends or gum wrinkles. R.P.S. certificate (1987). S.G. Spec. N71(3), cat. £1,500. Photo.
1261 Â£230
King George V: 1924-26 watermark block cypher 11/2d. red-brown interpanneau tête-bêche pair fine lightly mounted mint. S.G. 420a, Spec. N35aa, cat. £550. Photo.
1262 Â£160
King George V: 1924-26 watermark block cypher 11/2d. red-brown tête-bêche pair mint, one perf. just blunted, otherwise fine. S.G. 420a, cat. £500. Photo
1264 Â£680
King George V: 1929 P.U.C. £1 black, an unmounted mint top-left marginal pair (mounted in margin) with tone spots, otherwise fine. S.G. 438. Photo.
1265 Â£350
King George V: 1929 P.U.C. £1 black fine mint. S.G. 438. Photo.
1266 Â£400
King George V: 1929 P.U.C. £1 black, a mint lower left corner example, mounted in margin only but with small gum imperfections, bend in margin, gum with light overall toning otherwise fine. S.G. 438. Photo.
1267 Â£290
King George V: 1929 P.U.C. £1 black fine mint. S.G. 438. Photo.
1268 Â£380
King George V: 1929 P.U.C. £1 black mint, fine and fresh. S.G. 438. Photo.
1269 Â£300
King George V: 1929 P.U.C. £1 black, a mint example with 'off-white' gum, small black mark on gum, otherwise fine. S.G. 438. Photo.
1270 Â£350
King George V: 1929 P.U.C. £1 black, a mint example with overall toning, good appearance. S.G. 438. Photo.
1271 Â£300
King George V: 1929 P.U.C. £1 black mint, very light overall gum toning otherwise fine. S.G. 438. Photo.
1272 Â£300
King George V: 1929 P.U.C. £1 black, fine used with very light cancellations. S.G. 438. Photo.
1273 Â£290
King George V: 1929 P.U.C. £1 black fine used with neat c.d.s. cancellations. S.G. 438. Photo.
1274 Â£250
King George V: 1929 P.U.C. £1 black, fine used with light oval cancel. S.G. 438. Photo.
1275 Â£270
King George V: 1929 P.U.C. £1 black good used with c.d.s. cancellation, lightly toned. S.G. 438. Photo.
1276 Â£480
King George V: 1934-36 photogravure 1d. scarlet small format cylinder 53 no dot, control ''Y/36'' lower left corner block of 9 (3 x 3), perf. type 6B with a double strike of the perf. comb at foot, virtually coincident vertically but showing double perfs. in the margin at foot, fine mint and very rare, S.G. only list perf. type 6B on the dot cylinder. S.G. 440. R.P.S. certificate (1975) and letter dated Feb. 1977 from the R.P.S. further confirming the perf. type. Photo.
1278 Â£50
King George V: 1934-36 photogravure 11/2d. red-brown small format cylinder (G)20 no dot booklet pane of six, perf. type B3(I), perfs. very slightly trimmed at right, otherwise fine mint. S.G. Spec. NB26, unpriced. Photo.
1279 Â£80
King George V: 1934-36 photogravure 11/2d. large format imperforate colour trial pair in scarlet, fine with gum, also 11/2d. much misperforated single unmounted mint but with light crease.
1281 Â£6200
King George V: 1935 Silver Jubilee 21/2d. Prussian blue, an exceptionally fine and fresh lightly mounted mint example, normal for comparison. S.G. 456a, cat. £10,000. Photo.
1282 Â£6000
King George V: 1935 Silver Jubilee 21/2d. Prussian blue fine mint. S.G. 456a, cat. £10,000. Photo.
1283 Â£380
King George V: Booklets: 1934 (March) 3s. booklet edition 276, all panes with upright wmk., fine and fresh. S.G. BB26, cat. £575. Photo.
1284 Â£300
King George V: Booklets: 1934 (March) 3s. booklet edition 280, all panes with upright wmk., small back cover crease otherwise fine and fresh. S.G. BB26, cat. £575. Photo.
1285 Â£230
King George V: Booklets: 1935 (July) photogravure 3s. booklet edition number 315, 1/2d. pane with upright watermark, others inverted, mixed perfs., cover imperfections otherwise fine. S.G. BB29, cat. £525. Photo.
1286 Â£820
King Edward VIII: 1936 (September) Coronation 11/2d. imperforate essay in carmine, prepared by Harrison and Sons with portrait within curtain with frame (design B), on gummed paper watermarked ''E8R'' sideways, fine with full gum, rare. Photo.
1287 Â£500
King Edward VIII: 1936 bromide (45 x 72mm) of H.J. Brown's design for a proposed 3d. value, fine. Brandon certificate (1999). Photo.
1289 | Â£320
King George VI: A selection of KG VI issues in complete unmounted mint sheets incl. 1937-47 4d. and 11d. (240 of each), 1949 U.P.U. sets (120), 1950-52 1/2d. to 4d. sets (240), also 1935 Jubilee 21/2d. blocks sixty and thirty-six, etc., condition is a little varied.
1290 | Â£720
King George VI: A mint collection on leaves, majority unmounted incl. 1937-47 1/2d. to 21/2d. wmk. sideways and inverted sets, 1939-48 high values, also a second set mounted, 1948 Wedding sets (5, incl. blocks of four), 1951 2s.6d. to £1, also a second set mounted, 1937-47 1/2d. to 3d. propaganda forgery set 'used', etc., varied condition, mainly fine. (110).
1291 Â£300
King George VI: 1937-51 definitive and commemorative issues complete mint with a few duplicates, incl. inverted and sideways wmk. sets, 1937-47 21/2d. wmk. sideways lightly mounted, the remainder all unmounted, a few gum wrinkles otherwise fine, also KE VIII mint selection and 1948 Wedding £1 used. (129).
1294 Â£780
King George VI: 1939-48 2s.6d. to £1 set in unmounted mint marginal or corner blocks of four, 10s. dark blue (mounted in margin) with [R. 2/7] retouch to lower lip, 2s.6d. green with patchy toned gum and one £1 with small tear otherwise mainly fine. S.G. 476-478b, cat. £1,500+. Photo.
1295 Â£1050
King George VI: 1939-48 2s.6d. brown block of four (two are mounted), 2s.6d. yellow-green block of four (two mounted), 5s. red block of four (two mounted), 10s. dark blue block of four, 10s. ultramarine three blocks of four and pair (two mounted), £1 brown two blocks of twenty and block of ten, most are unmounted, mainly good to fine.
1296 | Â£320
King George VI: 1948 Olympic Games sets (120) in complete unmounted mint folded sheets, very faint overall toned gum otherwise mainly fine and of fresh appearance. S.G. 495-98.
1297 Â£130
King George VI: 1948 Olympic Games 1s. brown, a fine unmounted mint marginal example signed by the designer, Edmund Dulac, in the margin. S.G. 498. Photo.
1298 | Â£920
King George VI: 1951 2s.6d. to £1 set in complete unmounted mint folded sheets of forty. a few minor faults and faintly toned gum. S.G. 509-12, cat. £4,000.
1299 | Â£160
King George VI: 1951 2s.6d. to £1 set in unmounted mint corner marginal blocks of four, a few light bends otherwise fine. S.G. 509-512, cat. £400.
1300 Â£100
King George VI: 1951 Festival of Britain 21/2d. scarlet, a fine unmounted mint marginal example signed by the designer, Edmund Dulac, in the margin. S.G. 513. Photo.
1301 Â£950
King George VI: Booklets: 1940 (July) 5s. booklet edition number 9, all panes watermark inverted and well above average perfs., fine and fresh. S.G. BD25, cat. £1,800. Photo.
1302 Â£320
King George VI: Booklets: 1942 (Oct.) 2s.6d. booklet with unglazed cover edition number 181, all panes with inverted watermark and well above average perfs., small front cover fault otherwise fine. S.G. BD17, cat. £800. Photo.
1303 Â£320
King George VI: Booklets: 1942 (Oct.) 2s.6d. booklet edition number 158, 2d. pane with inverted wmk. with good perfs., others upright wmks. and trimmed perfs. S.G. BD17, cat. £800. Photo.
1304 | Â£230
King George VI: Propaganda Forgeries - Commemoratives: 1935 Jubilee ''THIS WAR IS A/JEWISH WAR'' 1/2d. and 1937 Coronation parody 11/2d., both affixed to ''SPECIAL-STAMP IN MEMORY OF THE FIRST DAY OF THE INVASION'' propaganda souvenir sheet in Russian and English, and tied by ''LONDON/AAA-O/-6 JUN/44/SPECIAL STAMP'' c.d.s's in violet, very scarce. Michel 1 & 2.
1305 Â£160
King George VI: Propaganda Forgeries - Definitives: ''WORLD/BOLSHEVISM'' overprint on 1d. scarlet 'unused', fine marginal, small bend at top. Michel 10IIa. Photo.
1306 Â£210
King George VI: Propaganda Forgeries - Definitives: ''14.8.1941/THE BLUFF-CHARTER'' overprint on 1d. scarlet 'used' with violet ''LONDON/AAA-O/-6 JUN/44/SPECIAL STAMP'' c.d.s., fine, corner marginal. Michel 10IId, Photo.
1307 Â£210
King George VI: Propaganda Forgeries - Definitives: ''WORLD/CAPITALISM'' overprint on 2d. orange 'used' with part 'SPECIAL STAMP'' c.d.s. in violet, fine marginal. Michel 12IIb. Photo.
1308 Â£230
King George VI: Propaganda Forgeries - Definitives: ''WORLD-JUDAISM'' overprint on 2d. orange, 'unused', fine marginal. Michel 12IIc. Photo.
1309 Â£210
King George VI: Propaganda Forgeries - Definitives: ''EMPIRE'S LIQUIDATION/AT TEHERAN'' overprint on 2d. orange 'used' with violet ''LONDON/AAA-O/-6 JUN/44/SPECIAL STAMP'' c.d.s., fine, corner marginal. Michel 12IIe, Photo.
1310 Â£210
King George VI: Propaganda Forgeries - Definitives: ''WORLD-SLAVERY'' overprint on 2d. orange, 'unused', fine marginal. Michel 12IIf. Photo.
1313 | Â£450
Queen Elizabeth II: Collections and Mixed Lots: A selection of commemoratives mainly with varieties incl. 1961 P.O.S.B. 3d. vertical pair with orange-brown shift, omitted from half the lower stamp, 1963 Cable 1s.6d. (ordinary) pair, one with partial dry print of black, 1966 Christmas 1s.6d. (ordinary) pair, one with Queen's head almost completely omitted, similar variety on 1s.6d. (phosphor), 1975 Sailing 8p. with dry print of Queen's head, 1978 Coronation Anniversary 13p. imperf. marginal single with gold omitted (small gum wrinkle only), 1986 R.A.F. 22p. cylinder block of nine with column one stamps showing value very faint and column two stamps showing Queen's head very faint, similar variety in strip of three, partial imperfs. incl. 1997 Tales and Legends 26p. right of sheet block of 20 (2 x 10, folded) with right column stamps having blind perfs., inverted watermarks, etc., mainly fine.
1315 | Â£480
Queen Elizabeth II: Collections and Mixed Lots: 1964-1994 presentation packs in five albums, incl. 1964 Geographical, 1964 Botanical, 1964 Fourth Road Bridge, etc. (few 100's).
1316 Â£350
Queen Elizabeth II: Collections and Mixed Lots: An unmounted mint selection of mainly varieties incl. 1965 Lister (ordinary) 4d. block of six with one showing indigo partially omitted, 1967-70 Machin 5d. imperf. vertical pair ex cylinder 10, 1968 Bridges 4d. printed on the gummed side in a block of eight, 1972 Churches 5p. with violet-blue shift (2), one a corner example with traffic light box, 1972 Christmas 21/2p. with deep grey partially omitted in pair with normal, 1983 Christmas 121/2p. cylinder block of eight with a shift of three colours, etc. (51).
1317 | Â£300
Queen Elizabeth II: Collections and Mixed Lots: A selection of commemoratives with various misperfs. incl. 1969 Ships 4d. leaving inscription missing, 1980 London Landmarks 12p. leaving value at right and Queen's head in centre, 1981 Folklore 22p. corner block of four with upward perf. shift along with multiple colour shift, 1982 Youth 191/2p. with Queen's head at left, etc., fine, some with normals. (17 items).
1318 | Â£290
Queen Elizabeth II: Collections and Mixed Lots: A selection of unmounted mint pre-decimal commemoratives with missing colour errors comprising 1969 Cathedrals 9d. black (value) omitted in a left margin horizontal pair, 1969 Christmas 5d. light blue (sheep, etc.) omitted, and 1970 Christmas 1s.6d. salmon omitted, one Cathedrals 9d. with tiny corner gum fault otherwise fine, each with normal for comparison. S.G. £610.
1319 | Â£230
Queen Elizabeth II: Collections and Mixed Lots: A selection of unmounted mint decimal commemorative colour shift varieties (12) incl. 1971 British Anniversaries 71/2p. cylinder single with 8mm rightward mauve shift with the ''1F'' cylinder number appearing on the stamp, 1973 Christmas 31/2p. PVA with 5mm rightward salmon-pink shift, 1988 Welsh Bible 26p. with red shift and misperforated, also Guernsey 1986 Royal Wedding 14p. with black shift, etc., fine, some with normals.
1320 | Â£450
Queen Elizabeth II: Collections and Mixed Lots: A selection of sterling definitive issues in complete unmounted mint sheets incl. 1955-58 Edward 2d. light red brown, 1967-70 values to 1s.6d. and 1s.9d., 1970 Machins High Value 2s.6d. to £1 sets (40), 1958-69 Regional issues for the Guernsey, I.O.M, Jersey, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales with values to 1s.3d., etc., majority are fine unmounted mint. (1000's).
1321 | Â£550
Queen Elizabeth II: Collections and Mixed Lots: A selection of mint pre-decimal commemorative missing colours with 1964 Geographical (ordinary) 4d. violet and red-brown omitted, 1966 Hastings (ordinary) 4d. grey omitted (strip split in two), 1967 E.F.T.A. (ordinary) 9d. new blue and (phosphor) 1s.6d. brown omitted, 1967 Flowers (phosphor) 4d. slate-purple omitted, 1969 Ships 5d. grey omitted, 1970 Rural Architecture 5d. lemon omitted, 1970 Anniversaries 1s. emerald omitted, and 1970 Christmas 5d. emerald omitted, also 1966 World Cup 6d. with shift of red (ordinary) and shift of black (phosphor), and 1967 Discovery 1s.6d. with inverted watermark, each with small gum fault, most with normals for comparison. (12 items).
1322 | Â£450
Queen Elizabeth II: Collections and Mixed Lots: A selection of mint pre-decimal commemorative colour shift varieties (24) incl. 1964 Shakespeare 1s.6d. (ordinary) with 4mm rightward mauve shift (''white knight'' variety, gum fault), 1965 I.T.U. 1s.6d. (phosphor) with a 4mm downward black shift, 1s.6d. (ordinary) and 1s.6d. (phosphor) with 8mm downward pink shifts, 1966 Christmas 1s.6d. (ordinary) with 5mm downward black shift (used), 1967 Paintings 4d. with 21 mm downward gold shift (light crease), 1969 Cathedrals 1s.6d. with 10mm downward black shift, etc., mainly fine, some with normals.
1323 | Â£380
Queen Elizabeth II: Collections and Mixed Lots: A selection of mint pre-decimal commemoratives, all with gold (Queen's head and value) omitted comprising 1967 Christmas 3d. and 4d., and 1968 Paintings 4d., 1s.6d. and 1s.9d., also 1970 Anniversaries 1s. with gold (Queen's head) omitted, 1968 Paintings 4d. mounted, the others with gum faults, each with normal for comparison. (6).
1324 | Â£480
Queen Elizabeth II: Collections and Mixed Lots: A collection of R.A.F. and other covers in six albums in a carton, mostly of W.W.I and W.W.II commemorations, the vast majority signed incl. by V.C. winners, etc. (approx. 300).
1325 | Â£380
Queen Elizabeth II: Collections and Mixed Lots: A collection of nineteen large flown commemorative covers (1984-88), the ''Royal Air Force, Decorations and Medals Series'' in a special album, each signed by seven recipients of the various awards incl. V.C., D.F.C., D.S.O., etc., fine.
1326 | Â£850
Queen Elizabeth II: Collections and Mixed Lots: A mint collection of decimal issues in two Connoisseur albums, three further albums and a stockbook, issues to 2003(c.) with Machins, regionals with some emblem and perf. changes, high values to £5 and £10 incl. blocks, booklets and panes incl. Prestige, commemoratives, miniature sheets, some duplication, etc., also a few f.d.c's and a small stockbook of Hungary. (1000s).
1327 Â£800
Queen Elizabeth II: Collections and Mixed Lots: The Postmaster General's Presentation folders, selection comprising 1952 11/2d. and 21/2d. (small tear at top of card), 1953 Coronation set together with the 6d. air letter, 1953 5d., 8d. and 1s., 1957 Scout Jubilee set, 1957 Parliamentary Conference 4d. and 6d. air letter, 1958 Commonwealth Games set, 1959 41/2d., 1958 3d. Regionals, 1958 6d. and 1s.3d. Regionals, very scarce, sets were presented to The Queen, Princess Margaret, The Prime Minister, The Speaker of the House of Commons (an ex-PMG), Member's of the PMG's Advisory Panel, Commonwealth PMG's and ex PMG's. Photo.
1328 | Â£780
Queen Elizabeth II: Collections and Mixed Lots: A mint collection to 1999 in four Safe albums in a carton, all apparently unmounted with Wildings incl. Tudor and St. Edward's Crown sets, graphites, phosphor-graphites incl. 2d. error of wmk., sideways wmks., inverted wmks. apparently complete, Castle sets complete (1963 Bradbury set mounted), commemoratives complete with phosphor sets, also a few Castles used, etc. (few 100s).
1329 | Â£680
Queen Elizabeth II: Collections and Mixed Lots: A mint decimal accumulation loose in a small carton, mainly modern issues with Machins, high value sets to £5, regionals, miniature sheets, booklets mostly from mid 1990s incl. Prestige, window, self-adhesive, also a few earlier, etc. (100s).
1330 | Â£780
Queen Elizabeth II: Collections and Mixed Lots: A mint selection of definitives with a few Wildings incl. 1958-61 Graphite 11/2d. booklet pane of six watermark upright (good perfs., two stamps with gum bends), mainly errors and varieties with pre-decimal Machins incl. 3d. centre band GA right margin strip of three with the right stamp imperf. (faults), 5d. imperf. pair ex cylinder 10, 5d. vertical strip of five with an inking flaw leaving two stamps with almost albino Queen's heads, decimals incl. misperfs., inking flaws, missing phosphors incl. 1p., 5p. and 13p. with imperf. edges ex 50p. booklet, imperfs. (with indents) incl. 1p. FCP/PVAD two bands pair, 61/2p. centre band in a cylinder ''2'' dot block of six, 9p. violet pair, 111/2p. drab pair, 50p. ochre two bands pair, partial imperfs., 1955-57 Postage Due 3d. misperforated block of four, etc., mainly fine unmounted. (44 items).
1332 | Â£420
Queen Elizabeth II: Collections and Mixed Lots: A collection in nineteen albums, incl. a good range of f.d.c's to 2008 with greetings panes, miniature sheets, also a few earlier items, etc. (100's).
1333 | Â£350
Queen Elizabeth II: Collections and Mixed Lots: A collection of mint decimal Machins in six albums in a carton incl. values to £5, booklet panes, stitched, folded and window booklets, regionals, etc. (100s).
1334 | Â£500
Queen Elizabeth II: Collections and Mixed Lots: 1953-70 all apparently unmounted mint collection in a stockbook with Wilding sets complete with sideways and inverted wmks. incl. graphites, phosphor-graphites incl. 2d. error of wmk. and phosphors, 1955 Waterlow set, 1959 2nd De La Rue set, commemoratives to 1970 (June) with phosphor sets, etc., some gum wrinkles and a few booklet stamps with slightly trimmed perfs. otherwise mainly fine. (few 100s).
1335 | Â£650
Queen Elizabeth II: Collections and Mixed Lots: 1964-82 collection of presentation packs in three albums and loose in a carton with pre-decimal commemorative issues complete (less 1965 Churchill), decimals to 1982 (Sept.), year packs, special packs, 1969 Cathedrals and Investiture German editions, 1972 B.B.C. special pack, also two albums of booklets, mainly Commonwealth and Foreign but incl. 1956 (Aug.) 2s.6d., 1965 (Mar.) 3s. phosphor, Machin 2s. editions, etc.
1336 | Â£500
Queen Elizabeth II: Collections and Mixed Lots: A mint accumulation in three binders with Machins and regionals, high values to £10, quantity of booklets with folded, window and self-adhesive, many with cylinder numbers, 1971 Strike Mail items, etc., also two binders of foreign mainly Japan stamps and covers.
1337 | Â£150
Queen Elizabeth II: Collections and Mixed Lots: 1960-81 comprehensive mainly used collection in sixteen boxed albums, contained in three cartons, inc. blocks, many f.d.c's, minor varieties, etc. (1000's).
1338 | Â£5200
Queen Elizabeth II: 1952-54 watermark Tudor Crown 1/2d. to 1s.6d. set of seventeen values in complete unmounted mint folded sheets of two hundred and forty, all with overall faint yellowish gum otherwise mainly fine and of fresh appearance. S.G. 515-31, cat. £24,000.
1339 | Â£2600
Queen Elizabeth II: 1955 Waterlow Castles 2s.6d. to £1 set in complete unmounted mint sheets of forty, overall faintly yellowish gum, 2s.6d. sheet with a few minor faults at lower right otherwise mainly fine. S.G. 536–39, cat. £9,000.
1340 Â£240
Queen Elizabeth II: 1958 De La Rue 2s.6d. to £1 set unmounted mint, 10s. and £1 marginal (mounted in margins), fine. S.G. 536a-539a.
1341 Â£320
Queen Elizabeth II: 1955-58 watermark St. Edward's Crown 2d. light red-brown left margin imperforate block of four from the 'Dartford' sheet, pencil note in margin, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 543b var, EC (2005) F43IMd, cat. £750. Photo.
1343 Â£180
Queen Elizabeth II: 1958-65 watermark crowns 2d. light red-brown on cream paper variety imperforate between stamp and top margin, a few light gum bends otherwise fine unmounted mint, scarce. S.G. Spec. S40a, cat. £450, EC GB1153IMa. Photo.
1344 Â£150
Queen Elizabeth II: 1959 De La Rue 2s.6d. black-brown showing reversed offset image on the gummed side, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 595var, EC (2005) F88OFa, cat. £300. Photo.
1345 Â£100
Queen Elizabeth II: 1959 De La Rue 2s.6d. black-brown showing reversed offset on the gummed side, the offset centred high, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 595var., EC F88OFa, cat. £300 (2005). Photo.
1346 | Â£190
Queen Elizabeth II: 1959-68 watermark crowns Bradbury Wilkinson 2s.6d. sheet of forty and eleven cylinder blocks of four, 5s. complete sheet of forty and four cylinder blocks of four, 10s. complete sheet of forty, also 1977-87 £5 block of fifteen, cylinder block of four and single, all fine unmounted mint.
1347 Â£780
Queen Elizabeth II: 1963 Bradbury 5s. scarlet-vermilion variety printed on the gummed side, fine unmounted mint, very scarce. B.P.A. certificate (1986). S.G. 596ab, cat. £1,300, EC GB1280GUa - 30 known. Photo.
1348 | Â£5000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1959 phosphor graphite 1/2d. to 41/2d. set of eight values in complete unmounted mint folded sheets of two hundred and forty, gum has a very faint overall yellowish tone otherwise mainly fine and of fresh appearance. S.G. 599-609, cat. £20,400.
1349 Â£300
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 1d. yellowish olive two bands head B variety imperf. vertically, a strip of three originally from a part perforated booklet pane of six, with selvedge at left, fine unmounted mint, very scarce. Photo.
1350 Â£210
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 4d. deep sepia PVA two bands head A in a vertical strip of seven with sheet margin at foot, five stamps affected by an inking flaw, folded through perfs. below top pair, fine unmounted mint, a spectacular variety. Photo.
1351 Â£290
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 4d. vermilion centre band PVA head A variety imperforate between stamp and top margin, two unmounted mint examples in a top right corner block of four, a fine and scarce multiple. S.G. U14Ag, EC (2005) F343IMa - 12 known, cat. £500+. Photo.
1352 Â£160
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967-70 Machins: 4d. vermilion PVA centre band head A top margin vertical strip of four with an inking flaw resulting in the top two stamps underinked and the third overinked, fine unmounted mint, spectacular. Photo.
1354 Â£170
Queen Elizabeth II: 1968 De La Rue phosphor band trials, a set of eight litho Captain Cook designs, four with a small head and four with a large head facing either left or right, in orange, blue, bright magenta and grey, each imperf. on gummed paper with two phosphor bands, the first successful phosphor band trial by De La Rue, one with gum fault otherwise fine, unusual, ex Walker collection. Photo.
1356 | Â£520
Queen Elizabeth II: 1953 Coronation sets (120) in complete unmounted mint folded sheets, faintly yellowish overall gum otherwise mainly fine. S.G.532-35, cat. £1,920.
1357 Â£80
Queen Elizabeth II: 1953 Coronation set used with Windsor registered oval handstamp on illustrated first day cover to Canada, fine with light pencil address. S.G. 532-5. Photo.
1358 | Â£520
Queen Elizabeth II: 1957-62 selection of commemorative sets in complete unmounted mint folded sheets incl. 1957 Scouts, 1958 Games, 1960 G.L.O., 1961 P.O.S.B., 1961 Parliament, 1962 N.P.Y ordinary, etc., some sheets with faintly yellowish gum otherwise mainly fine.
1359 | Â£380
Queen Elizabeth II: 1960 Europa sets (120) in mainly fine unmounted mint folded sheets. S.G. 621-22, cat. £1,320.
1360 Â£6800
Queen Elizabeth II: 1961 P.O.S.B. 21/2d. (Thrissell) variety red omitted, a little gum disturbance otherwise fine, very rare, probably from a proof sheet earmarked for destruction, with normal for comparison. Brandon certificate (1999). S.G. 623Bvar, EC GB1246MCb - 3 known, cat. £15,000. Photo.
1361 Â£1500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1961 P.O.S.B. 3d. (Timson) variety orange-brown omitted, in a lower right corner cylinder block of four (single extension holes in right margin) with ''3E'' missing, a little adhesion on gum mainly in right margin otherwise fine unmounted mint, very scarce, with normal cylinder block for comparison. Brandon certificate (1997). S.G. 624Aa, cat. £2,200+, EC GB1248MCa - circa 80 known, cat. (as a cylinder block) £3,300. Photo.
1362 Â£100
Queen Elizabeth II: 1961 P.O.S.B. (Timson) 3d., variety orange-brown omitted, fine mint. S.G. 624Aa, EC GB1248MCa. Photo.
1363 Â£5000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1961 C.E.P.T. 10d. variety turquoise omitted, a lower margin cylinder example with ''3A.'' missing, fine unmounted mint and rare, with normal cylinder block of nine for comparison. S.G. 628b, cat. £6,000+, EC GB1256MCb - circa 18 known, cat. (as a cylinder single) £9,750. Photo.
1365 | Â£350
Queen Elizabeth II: 1963 ordinary commemorative sets (120 of each) complete in mainly fine unmounted mint folded sheets. S.G. cat. £1,680.
1366 Â£8200
Queen Elizabeth II: 1963 Red Cross (ordinary) 3d. variety red (cross) omitted, a fine unmounted mint lower left corner example of this rare and iconic error, with normal for comparison. S.G. 642a, cat. £12,000+, EC GB1284MCa - circa 19 known (one mounted). Photo.
1367 | Â£320
Queen Elizabeth II: 1964 commemorative ordinary sets (120 of each) complete in mainly fine unmounted mint sheets. S.G. cat. £1,680.
1368 Â£400
Queen Elizabeth II: 1964 Geographical (ordinary) 4d. variety watermark inverted, fine unmounted mint with margin at left, very scarce. S.G. 652Wi, cat. £850, EC GB1304WEa - circa 30 known. Photo.
1369 Â£10500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1964 Botanical (ordinary) 3d. variety blue omitted, a fine unmounted mint example of this rare error, with normal for comparison. S.G. 655a, cat. £18,000, EC GB1310MCa - 12 mint known. Photo.
1370 | Â£400
Queen Elizabeth II: 1964 Forth Road Bridge presentation packs (2), fine, also 2003 A Perfect Coronation booklet.
1371 | Â£320
Queen Elizabeth II: 1965-69 a complete run (less 1965 I.T.U.) of ordinary commemorative sets in complete mainly fine unmounted mint folded sheets.
1373 Â£110
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 World Cup (ordinary) 6d. variety black omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 694a, cat. £180, EC GB1388MCa. Photo.
1374 Â£14000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 World Cup (ordinary) 6d. variety apple-green omitted, in a lower right corner traffic light block of six (2 x 3) with apple-green dot missing, dealer's handstamp in margin on reverse, a fine and very rare multiple, with normal traffic light block for comparison. S.G. 694b, cat. £31,500+, EC GB1388MCc - 24 mint known, cat. (traffic light block of six) £34,000. Photo.
1375 Â£180
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 World Cup (ordinary) 1s.3d. variety blue omitted, fine unmounted mint with margin at right. S.G. 695a, cat. £300, EC GB1390MCa. Photo.
1376 Â£80
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 World Cup (ordinary) 1s.3d. variety blue omitted, used with boxed cancellations, fine with normal for comparison. S.G. 695a, EC GB1390MCa circa 6 used known, cat. £300. Photo.
1377 Â£290
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Birds (ordinary) 4d. se-tenant blocks of four (3) showing shifts of red to top and left (2), another showing a smaller shift of reddish brown and a gull+robin vertical pair with dramatic shift of reddish brown, also a phosphor block showing major reddish brown shift, normal block and pair for comparison. (8 items).
1378 Â£260
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Birds 4d. selection of se-tenant blocks of four showing colour shifts, comprising ordinary and phosphor blocks with 21/2mm downward shifts of red, ordinary (Blackbird at top right) showing a 2mm downward shift of grey along with a 3mm leftward shift of reddish brown, phosphor 2mm upward red shift, phosphor 3mm leftward greenish yellow shift (corner traffic light block of eight), two others with small shifts, also ordinary block with inverted watermark, unmounted mint, with two normal blocks. S.G. 696a var, aWi, pa var. (10 items).
1379 Â£5000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Birds (ordinary) 4d. se-tenant block of four, variety four colours, black, blue, bistre and reddish-brown omitted, fine unmounted mint, folded through vertical perfs. (presumably from the centre of the sheet), probably the most spectacular British missing colour error. S.G. 696ab, cat. £16,000, EC GB1392MCa - 30 blocks known. Photo.
1382 Â£650
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Birds (ordinary) 4d. variety emerald-green omitted, in a lower right corner se-tenant traffic light block of eight, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 696af, cat. £1,600+, EC GB1392MCf - circa 90 blocks known, cat. (for a traffic light block of eight) £1,800. Photo.
1383 Â£210
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Birds (ordinary) 4d. se-tenant block of four variety emerald-green omitted, fine unmounted mint, very scarce. S.G. 696af., EC GB1392MCf, cat. £600. Photo.
1384 Â£140
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Birds (ordinary) 4d. se-tenant block of four variety emerald-green omitted, top right stamp mounted and with small surface imperfection, the others fine unmounted mint. S.G. 696af, EC GB1392MCf - circa 90 blocks known. Photo.
1385 Â£1650
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Birds (ordinary) 4d. variety bright blue omitted, in a lower right corner se-tenant traffic light block of twelve with bright blue dot missing, a few split perfs. at top, fine unmounted mint, a rare multiple. S.G. 696ag, cat. £4,200+, EC GB1392MCh - circa 40 blocks known, cat. (for a traffic light block of eight) £3,400. Photo.
1386 Â£450
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Birds (ordinary) 4d. se-tenant marginal block of four from the right of the sheet, variety bright blue omitted, blackbird with a couple of small gum wrinkles otherwise fine unmounted mint, very scarce. S.G. 696ag., EC GB1392MCh - 40 blocks known, cat. £1,400. Photo.
1388 Â£350
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Birds (ordinary) 4d. se-tenant block of four variety bistre omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 696ah, cat. £800, EC GB1392MCj - circa 90 blocks known. Photo.
1389 Â£120
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Birds (ordinary) 4d. se-tenant block of four variety bistre omitted, fine unmounted mint, folded through vertical perfs. S.G. 696ah., EC GB1392MCj, cat. £800. Photo.
1390 Â£140
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Birds (ordinary) 4d. se-tenant marginal blocks of four (2) variety reddish-brown omitted, one block with small thin on the blue tit, otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 696aj, EC GB1392MCl, cat. £500.
1391 Â£2400
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Birds (ordinary) 4d. variety reddish brown omitted, in a complete sheet of 120 (folded) of 30 se-tenant blocks of four, the cylinder numbers with ''1H'' or ''2H'' missing and the traffic lights with reddish brown dot missing, unmounted mint, almost split into two halves and some other perf. separation. S.G. 696aj, cat. £7,500+, EC GB1392MCl - circa 270 blocks known. Photo.
1392 Â£90
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Birds (ordinary) 4d. se-tenant block of four with margin at right variety reddish brown omitted, with an additional spot of blue ink below the Blackbird, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 696aj, cat. £250, EC GB1392MCl. Photo.
1393 Â£75
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Birds (ordinary) 4d. se-tenant block of four (Robin at top right, lightly folded through vertical perfs.) variety reddish brown omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 696aj, cat. £250, EC GB1392MCl.
1394 Â£130
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Birds (ordinary) 4d. lower right corner se-tenant traffic light block of eight variety reddish brown omitted, with reddish brown dot missing, top block of four with two stamps affected by a gum fault (incl. Blackbird), lower block fine unmounted mint. S.G. 696aj, cat. £500+, EC GB1392MCl - circa 270 blocks known, cat. (traffic light block of eight) £650. Photo.
1396 Â£120
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Birds (phosphor) 4d. se-tenant block of four with margin at left variety reddish brown omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 696paj, cat. £350, EC GB1392MCm - circa 90 blocks known. Photo.
1397 Â£350
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Birds (phosphor) 4d. variety reddish brown omitted, in a lower left corner se-tenant cylinder block of eight, small adhesion in margin otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 696pj, cat. £700+, EC GB1392MCm - circa 90 blocks known, cat. (for a cylinder block of eight) £900. Photo.
1398 Â£150
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Birds (ordinary) 4d. se-tenant block of four with margin at right, variety emerald-green completely omitted from the Blue Tit, and partially omitted from both the Black-headed Gull and the Robin, fine unmounted mint, unusual. S.G. 697f, 696var, 698var. Photo.
1401 Â£8000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Technology (ordinary) 6d. variety red (Mini-cars) omitted, unmounted mint with margin at left (folded through perfs.), a couple of light gum wrinkles otherwise fine, very rare, with normal for comparison. S.G. 702a, cat. £18,000, EC GB1404MCa - 18 mint known. Photo.
1403 Â£40000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Technology (ordinary) 6d. variety deep blue (Jaguar and inscription) omitted, in a lower right corner traffic light block of four with the deep blue dot missing, lightly folded down vertical perfs., fine unmounted mint and a major rarity, with matching traffic light block for comparison. S.G. 702b, cat. £60,000+, EC GB1404MCb - circa 30 known, cat. (traffic light block of four) £75,000. Photo.
1404 | Â£320
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Battle of Hastings 4d. ordinary se-tenant strip of six with deep blue omitted, 4d. phosphor se-tenant strip with blue omitted, each with hinge reinforcement between centre pair, otherwise fine unmounted, also phosphor strip showing shift of vertical perfs. to right leaving ''Battle of Hastings 1066'' inscription at right instead of left, the last stamp being without inscription but creased, otherwise fine unmounted mint, two normal strips for comparison.
1406 Â£1550
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Battle of Hastings (ordinary) 4d. imperforate se-tenant strip of six, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 705ab, cat. £3,000. Photo.
1407 Â£980
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Battle of Hastings (ordinary) 4d. se-tenant block of 24 (6 x 4, folded) from base of sheet variety bistre omitted, cylinder numbers with ''1C'' missing and traffic lights with bistre dot missing, light gum bend at bottom right otherwise fine unmounted mint, a scarce multiple. S.G. 705ac, cat. £1,560+, EC GB1410MCc - circa 40 strips known, cat. (cylinder/traffic light block of 24) £2,400. Photo.
1408 Â£650
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Battle of Hastings (ordinary) 4d. se-tenant block of 24 (6 x 4, folded) from base of sheet variety blue omitted, cylinder numbers with ''1H'' missing and traffic lights with blue dot missing, a few light gum bends otherwise fine unmounted mint, a scarce multiple. S.G. 705ah, cat. £1,560+, EC GB1410MCm- circa 80 strips known, cat. (cylinder/traffic light block of 24) £1,500. Photo.
1409 Â£550
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Battle of Hastings (ordinary) 4d. se-tenant block of 24 (6 x 4, folded) from base of sheet variety blue omitted, cylinder numbers with ''1H'' missing and traffic lights with blue dot missing, fine unmounted mint, a scarce multiple. S.G. 705ah, cat. £1,560+, EC GB1410MCm- circa 80 strips known, cat. (cylinder/traffic light block of 24) £1,500. Photo.
1410 Â£450
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Battle of Hastings (ordinary) 4d. se-tenant block of 24 (6 x 4, folded) from base of sheet variety grey omitted, cylinder numbers with ''1J'' missing and traffic lights with grey dot missing, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 705aj, cat. £1,560+, EC GB1410MCo- circa 160 strips known, cat. (cylinder/traffic light block of 24) £1,200. Photo.
1411 Â£450
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Battle of Hastings (ordinary) 4d. se-tenant block of 24 (6 x 4) from base of sheet variety grey omitted, cylinder numbers with ''1J'' missing and traffic lights with grey dot missing, top strip mounted at left and crease affecting right stamp, other three strips fine unmounted mint (mounted in margins). S.G. 705aj, cat. £1,560+, EC GB1410MCo- circa 160 strips known, cat. (cylinder/traffic light block of 24) £1,200. Photo.
1412 Â£250
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Battle of Hastings (phosphor) 4d. se-tenant block of 12 (6 x 2, folded) from base of sheet variety green omitted, cylinder numbers with ''1G'' missing and traffic lights with green dot missing, light bend otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 705pag, cat. £780+, EC GB1410MCl - circa 60 strips known. Photo.
1413 Â£780
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Battle of Hastings (phosphor) 4d. se-tenant strip of six variety bistre omitted, with side margins showing part of the traffic lights and cylinder numbers, fine unmounted mint with normal strip for comparison. S.G. 705ppc, EC GB1410MCd- circa 40 strips known, cat. £400. Photo.
1414 Â£95
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Battle of Hastings 4d., S.G. 707 single, a set of nine imperforate proofs of the individual colours, on gummed watermarked paper, very fine (unmounted).
1415 Â£210
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Battle of Hastings 1s.3d. ordinary variety gold omitted, the centre stamp of a horizontal strip of three, fine unmounted mint, scarce. EC GB1424MCa. Photo.
1416 Â£4500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1966 Christmas (ordinary) 1s.6d., a traffic light block of six from lower-right corner of sheet, corner stamp showing gold omitted but embossing present due to pre-printing paper fold, the gold head printed in lower right sheet margin together with a further albino impression, unmounted mint except upper right stamp hinged, a unique positional piece, illustrated in Pierron's catalogue. S.G. 714var, EC GB1428MCa. Photo.
1417 Â£680
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967 E.F.T.A. (ordinary) 9d. variety black (Queen's head, etc.), brown, new blue and yellow omitted, a fine unmounted mint single with the top half of the cylinder numbers in the left margin, with normal for comparison. Brandon certificate (1998). S.G. 715a, cat. £1,250, EC GB1430MCa - 120 known. Photo.
1418 Â£580
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967 E.F.T.A. (ordinary) 1s.6d. variety new blue omitted, in a lower right corner traffic light block of eight with the new blue dot missing, bend in corner of margin and ink note at foot, stamps fine unmounted mint, a scarce multiple, with matching normal traffic light block for comparison. S.G. 716e, cat. £1,080+, EC GB1432MCi - 120 to 240 known, cat. (traffic light block of eight) £1,500. Photo.
1419 Â£320
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967 Flowers (phosphor) 4d. left margin se-tenant block of four variety slate-purple omitted, affects the top left stamp only, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 717pf, cat. £525, EC GB1434MCd - circa 50 blocks known. Photo.
1420 Â£240
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967 British Paintings 4d. variety gold (Queen's head and value) omitted, the lower stamp in a bottom margin vertical pair with the top stamp having the Queen's head and value towards the foot, due to a large upward shift of gold, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 748a, cat. £300+, EC GB1496MCa - circa 120 known. Photo.
1421 Â£290
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967 Christmas 3d. variety gold (Queen's head and value) omitted, in a lower right corner traffic light block of four with the gold dot missing, a few small blue marks on gum of corner stamp and a few split perfs. otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 756a, cat. £340+, EC GB1512MCa - circa 200 known, cat. (traffic light block of four) £600. Photo.
1422 | Â£70
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967 Christmas 3d. variety gold (Queen's head and value) omitted, a fine unmounted mint example (with normal), and an example used on cover, stamp with corner crease. S.G. 756a, EC GB1512MCa - circa 200 mint known, some used.
1423 Â£110
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967 Christmas 3d. variety imperforate, also with phosphor omitted, in a vertical proof pair with margin at foot, fine with full gum (unmounted). S.G. 756var, EC GB1512PRa - circa 60 pairs known, cat. £350. Photo.
1424 Â£350
Queen Elizabeth II: 1967 Christmas 4d. variety imperforate and gold (Queen's head and value) omitted, in a fine horizontal pair with full gum (unmounted) from a proof sheet. S.G. 757var, EC GB1514PRb - circa 30 pairs known, cat. £550. Photo.
1425 Â£150
Queen Elizabeth II: 1968 Bridges 9d. variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, fine unmounted mint, with normal for comparison. S.G. 764a, cat. £225, EC GB1528MCa - circa 120 known. Photo.
1426 Â£200
Queen Elizabeth II: 1968 Bridges 1s.6d. variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 765a, cat. £325, EC GB1530MCa. Photo.
1427 Â£180
Queen Elizabeth II: 1968 Bridges 1s.9d. variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, fine unmounted mint, with normal for comparison. S.G. 766a, cat. £325, EC GB1532MCa - circa 120 known. Photo.
1428 Â£320
Queen Elizabeth II: 1968 British Paintings 4d. variety vermilion omitted, fine unmounted mint, with normal for comparison. S.G. 771b, cat. £550, EC GB1542MCb - circa 60 known. Photo.
1429 Â£150
Queen Elizabeth II: 1968 British Paintings 1s.6d. variety gold (Queen's head and value) omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 773a, cat. £250, EC GB1546MCa - circa 90 known. Photo.
1430 Â£2500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1968 British Paintings 1s.9d. variety gold, embossing and phosphor omitted, the unique cylinder block of four, fine unmounted mint. Brandon certificate (2009). S.G. 774a, EC GB1548MCb, cat. £4,600 (as cylinder block of four). Photo.
1432 Â£220
Queen Elizabeth II: 1968 Christmas 4d. variety vermilion omitted unmounted mint, rough impression of phosphor band on reverse. S.G. 775b, cat. £500, EC GB1550MCb - 120 known. Photo.
1433 Â£260
Queen Elizabeth II: 1968 Christmas 4d. variety ultramarine and phosphor omitted, small pencil ''85'' on reverse otherwise fine unmounted mint with margin at right. S.G. 775c, cat. £400, EC GB1550MCd - circa 120 known. Photo.
1434 Â£230
Queen Elizabeth II: 1968 Christmas 4d. variety ultramarine and phosphor omitted unmounted mint, pencil ''89'' in corner on reverse, fine, with normal. S.G. 775c, cat £400, EC GB1550MCd - circa 120 mint known. Photo.
1435 Â£320
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Ships 5d. variety black (Queen's head, value, hull and inscription) omitted mint, a right margin example but with the margin folded under and partially adhering to reverse, a scarce error. S.G. 778a, cat. £2,250, EC GB1556MCa - 72 known. Photo.
1436 Â£720
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Ships 5d. variety grey (decks, etc.) omitted, in a lower left corner cylinder block of six with ''1B'' missing, crease in extreme corner of margin otherwise fine unmounted mint, a scarce multiple, with matching normal cylinder block for comparison. S.G. 778b, cat. £1,200+, EC GB1556MCb - circa 240 known, cat. (cylinder block of six) £1,550. Photo.
1437 Â£120
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Ships 5d. variety grey (decks, etc.) omitted, a lower left corner single, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 778b, cat. £200, EC GB1556MCb - circa 240 known. Photo.
1438 Â£500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Ships 5d. variety red (inscription) and phosphor omitted, in a lower left corner cylinder block of six with ''1C'' missing, a few gum wrinkles otherwise fine unmounted mint, with matching normal cylinder block for comparison. S.G. 778Eya, cat. £1,200+, EC GB1556MCd - circa 288 known, cat. (cylinder block of six) £1,450. Photo.
1439 Â£5200
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Ships 9d. variety blue omitted, affects the left stamp only in each strip, in a lower right corner se-tenant traffic light block of nine with the blue dot missing, vertical gum bend on two right hand stamps otherwise fine unmounted mint, a very rare multiple. S.G. 779ac, cat. £10,500+, EC GB1558MCa - 40 strips known, cat. (traffic light block of nine) £11,250. Photo.
1440 Â£320
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Concorde 1s.6d. imperforate plate proof right margin singles of the silver-grey (Queen's head only) cylinder, and the deep blue cylinder, on gummed unwatermarked paper, the first with small gum fault in the margin otherwise fine with full gum (unmounted), with issued cylinder single, very scarce. S.G. 786var, EC (2005) F356PRa, F356PRb - only one pair and one block of four of each known. Photo.
1441 Â£380
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Concorde 1s.6d. variety silver-grey omitted, fine unmounted mint with normal for comparison. S.G. 786a, cat. £550, EC GB1572MCa - 120 known. Photo.
1442 Â£420
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Anniversaries 1s.6d. variety black omitted, in a top right corner traffic light block of four with the black dot missing, mounted in top margin, stamps fine unmounted mint. S.G. 794e, cat. £480+, EC GB1588MCa - circa 240 known, cat. (traffic light block of four) £725. Photo.
1443 | Â£90
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Anniversaries 1s.6d. variety black omitted and a second marginal example variety yellow-green and phosphor omitted, fine unmounted mint, with normal for comparison. S.G. 794e, Eya, cat. £215, EC GB1588MCa, GB1588MCd.
1444 Â£400
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Cathedrals 5d. in a complete sheet (folded) of 72 with all six Edinburgh Cathedral stamps in column five variety green omitted, fine unmounted mint, rare in a complete sheet. S.G. 798c, cat. £480+, EC GB1592MCb - circa 200 blocks of four known.
1445 Â£95
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Cathedrals 9d. variety black (value) omitted, fine unmounted mint, with normal for comparison. S.G. 800a, cat. £200, EC GB1600MCa. Photo.
1446 Â£7000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Cathedrals 1s.6d. variety black (value) omitted, in a lower left corner cylinder block of six with ''1A'' missing, diagonal crease affecting four stamps, the other two fine unmounted mint, nevertheless a very rare multiple, with matching normal cylinder block for comparison. S.G. 801a, cat. £27,000+, EC GB1602MCa - circa 42 known (although many are damaged). Photo.
1448 Â£1550
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Investiture 5d. variety black (value and inscription) omitted, in a top right corner se-tenant traffic light block of six, a couple of minor gum wrinkles otherwise fine unmounted mint, a rare multiple. S.G. 802ab, cat. £3,300+, EC GB1604MCa - circa 48 strips known, cat. (traffic light block of six) £3,250. Photo.
1449 Â£450
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Investiture 5d. strip variety red omitted mint, mounted on centre stamp, light horizontal bend otherwise fine and rare. S.G. 802ac, cat. £2,400, EC GB1604MCb - circa 15 mint strips known. Photo.
1451 Â£520
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Christmas 5d. variety light blue (sheep, etc.) omitted, in a lower right corner traffic light block of eight (2 x 4) with the light blue dot missing, fine unmounted mint, a scarce multiple, with matching normal traffic light block for comparison. S.G. 813a, cat. £880+, EC GB1626MCb - circa 240 known, cat. (traffic light block of eight) £1,000. Photo.
1452 Â£500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Christmas 5d. variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, fine unmounted mint, scarce, with normal for comparison. S.G. 813c, cat. £900, EC GB1626MCa - circa 30 known. Photo.
1453 Â£2500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Christmas 1s.6d. variety deep slate (value) omitted, in a lower right corner traffic light block of eight (2 x 4) with the deep slate dot missing, fine unmounted mint, a rare multiple. S.G. 814b, cat. £3,600+, EC GB1628MCb - circa 120 known, cat. (traffic light block of eight) £4,750. Photo.
1454 Â£240
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Christmas 1s.6d. variety deep slate (value, etc.) omitted, fine unmounted mint with normal for comparison. S.G. 814b, cat. £450, EC GB1628MCb - circa 120 known. Photo.
1455 Â£200
Queen Elizabeth II: 1969 Christmas 1s.6d. variety new blue omitted, in an upper right corner traffic light block of four with the new blue dot missing, fine unmounted mint, a scarce multiple, with matching normal traffic light block for comparison. S.G. 814e, cat. £440+, EC GB1628MCd - circa 240 known. Photo.
1456 Â£620
Queen Elizabeth II: 1970 British Rural Architecture 5d. variety lemon omitted, in a top right corner traffic light block of eight (4 x 2) with the lemon dot missing, folded vertically between first and second pairs, small tear in right margin otherwise fine unmounted mint, with matching normal traffic light block for comparison. S.G. 815a, cat. £1,120+, EC GB1630MCa - 120 known. Photo.
1457 Â£30000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1970 British Rural Architecture 5d. unmounted mint vertical strip of three from left of sheet, one showing grey-black face value and inscription omitted, one with face value and part inscription omitted and the other with face value omitted. A spectacular and unique item. B.P.A. Certificate (2009). S.G. 815d, e, cat. £45,000+ EC GB1630MCc, d. Photo.
1458 Â£160
Queen Elizabeth II: 1970 General Anniversaries 5d. a series of 31 unaccepted stamp sized handpainted/pencil essays also large photographic on two pieces of tracing paper (350 x 210mm) endorsed ''Florence Nightingale-progressive sketches/for the Post Office 1970 Anniversaries'' and signed by the artist Clive Abbot. Photo.
1459 Â£1850
Queen Elizabeth II: 1970 Anniversaries 5d. variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, a left margin example, fine unmounted mint, very scarce, with normal for comparison. S.G. 819a, cat. £3,000, EC GB1638MCa - circa 19 known. Photo.
1460 Â£2600
Queen Elizabeth II: 1970 Anniversaries 5d. variety emerald omitted, in a lower right corner traffic light block of ten with the emerald dot missing, fine unmounted mint, a rare multiple, with normal traffic light block (of eight) for comparison. S.G. 819b, cat. £4,750+, EC GB1638MCb - circa 60 known. Photo.
1461 Â£620
Queen Elizabeth II: 1970 Anniversaries 1s. variety green omitted, in a lower left corner cylinder block of eight (2 x 4), small gum wrinkle otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 821c, cat. £1,280+, EC GB1642MCb - 240 known, cat. (for a cylinder block of eight) £1,575. Photo.
1462 Â£1000
Queen Elizabeth II: 1970 Anniversaries 1s. variety brown omitted, in a lower right corner traffic light block of six with the brown dot missing, fine unmounted mint, a very scarce multiple, with normal traffic light block (top corner block of six) for comparison. S.G. 821d, cat. £1,800+, EC GB1642MCc - circa 240 known. Photo.
1463 Â£160
Queen Elizabeth II: 1970 Anniversaries 1s. variety brown and phosphor omitted, with margin at right, very light horizontal gum bend at foot otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 821Eya, cat. £300, EC GB1642MCe - circa 240 known. Photo.
1464 Â£450
Queen Elizabeth II: 1970 Anniversaries 1s.6d. variety emerald omitted, in a top right corner traffic light block of six (3 x 2) with the emerald dot missing, a couple of light gum bends otherwise fine unmounted mint, a scarce multiple, with matching normal traffic light block for comparison. S.G. 822b, cat. £960+, EC GB1644MCb - circa 300 mint known, cat. (traffic light block of six) £1,200. Photo.
1467 Â£85
Queen Elizabeth II: 1970 Literary Anniversaries 1s.6d. variety silver (''Grasmere'') omitted, the centre stamp in a strip of three with the other two very slightly affected, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 828b, cat. £225, EC GB1656MCb - circa 120 mint known. Photo.
1469 Â£320
Queen Elizabeth II: 1970 Christmas 5d. variety emerald omitted, in a left margin cylinder block of four with ''1F'' missing, small gum wrinkle otherwise fine unmounted mint, with normal cylinder block (of six) for comparison. S.G. 839b, cat. £480+, EC GB1678MCb - circa 240 known. Photo.
1470 Â£400
Queen Elizabeth II: 1971 Literary Anniversaries 3p. variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, in a top right corner traffic light block of four with the gold dot missing, one with two light bends otherwise fine unmounted mint, with matching normal traffic light block for comparison. S.G. 884a, cat. £800+, EC GB1768MCa - circa 200 known, cat. (traffic light block of four) £1,100. Photo.
1471 Â£500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1971 British Anniversaries 3p. variety deep blue omitted, the top stamp in a lower marginal vertical strip of four, with the usual downward grey shift, fine unmounted mint, scarce, with matching normal strip for comparison. S.G. 887a, cat. £900, EC GB1774MCa - circa 70 known. Photo.
1472 Â£240
Queen Elizabeth II: 1971 British Anniversaries 3p. variety olive-brown (faces, etc.) omitted, a top right corner single with part of the traffic lights, small gum wrinkle and bend in margin otherwise fine unmounted mint, with matching normal single for comparison. S.G. 887c, cat. £550, EC GB1774MCc - circa 100 known. Photo.
1476 Â£250
Queen Elizabeth II: 1972 Polar Explorers 3p. variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, in a top right corner traffic light pair with the gold dot missing, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 897a, cat. £320+, EC GB1794MCa - circa 106 known. Photo.
1477 Â£500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1972 Churches 3p. variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, in a lower left corner cylinder block of six with ''1F'' missing, light gum bend on top pair otherwise fine unmounted mint, a scarce multiple, with matching normal cylinder block for comparison. S.G. 904a, cat. £1,200+, EC GB1808MCa - 94 mint known. Photo.
1478 Â£500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1972 Christmas 3p. variety bright green omitted, in a lower left corner cylinder block of four with ''1D'' missing, gum bend in left margin, stamps fine unmounted mint, a scarce multiple, with matching normal cylinder block for comparison. S.G. 914b, cat. £1,000+, EC GB1828MCb - circa 150 known, cat. (cylinder block of four) £1,500. Photo.
1480 Â£6800
Queen Elizabeth II: 1972 Christmas 3p. variety gold (from cylinder 1F) omitted, in a lower left corner cylinder block of six (2 x 3) with ''1F'' missing, fine unmounted mint, a very rare multiple, with matching normal cylinder block for comparison. S.G. 914e, cat. £12,000+, EC GB1828MCe - circa 30 known, cat. (cylinder block of six) £15,000. Photo.
1481 Â£550
Queen Elizabeth II: 1972 Christmas 71/2p. variety ochre omitted, in a top right corner traffic light block of four with the ochre dot missing, fine unmounted mint, a scarce multiple, with matching normal traffic light block for comparison. S.G. 915a, cat. £1,000+, EC GB1830MCa - 200 known, cat. (traffic light block of four) £1,500. Photo.
1482 Â£260
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 Explorers 3p. variety gold (Queen's head) and phosphor omitted, in a lower right corner se-tenant traffic light block of four with the gold dot missing, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 923a var, EC GB1846MCd - circa 200 pairs known, cat. (traffic light block of four) £575. Photo.
1483 Â£420
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 Explorers 3p. variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, in a top right corner se-tenant traffic light block of eight (4 x 2) with the gold dot missing, light bend on top right stamp otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 923ab, cat. £1,000+, EC GB1846MCa - circa 150 pairs known. Photo.
1484 Â£250
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 Explorers 3p. variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, in a lower right corner se-tenant traffic light block of four with the gold dot missing, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 923ab, cat. £500+, EC GB1846MCa - circa 150 pairs known, cat. (traffic light block of four) £600. Photo.
1485 Â£520
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 Explorers 3p. se-tenant pair variety light orange-brown omitted, with margin at right showing part of the traffic light box with the light orange-brown dot missing, a couple of small black marks on gum of right stamp otherwise fine unmounted mint, with matching normal pair for comparison. S.G. 923ad, cat. £2,400, EC GB1846MCc - 39 pairs known. Photo.
1486 Â£95
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 Explorers 5p. variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, fine unmounted mint from right of sheet with cylinder numbers, normal for comparison. S.G. 925a, cat. £225, EC GB1850MCa. Photo.
1487 Â£4500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 Explorers 71/2p. variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, fine unmounted mint, a very rare error, with normal for comparison. S.G. 926a, cat. £8,500, EC GB1852MCa - circa 6 known. Photo.
1489 Â£2500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 Cricket 3p. variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, very light bend at foot otherwise fine unmounted mint, very scarce. S.G. 928a, cat. £5,500, EC GB1856MCa - circa 29 known. Photo.
1490 Â£450
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 British Paintings 5p. variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, in a top right corner traffic light block of six (3 x 2) with the gold dot missing, one with light bend otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 932a, cat. £840+, EC GB1864MCa - circa 200 known, cat. (traffic light block of six) £925. Photo.
1492 Â£40
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 Christmas 31/2p. selection of colour shifts comprising PVA with turquoise-green shifted 2mm to the right, PVA with salmon-pink shifted 5mm to the right, PVAD with salmon-pink shifted 2mm down, and PVA with a small shift of red, unmounted mint. (4).
1493 Â£350
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 Christmas 31/2p. PVAD variety imperforate in a left margin horizontal pair, tiny natural paper crease and small mark on gum at foot otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 948a, cat. £550, EC GB1897IMa - 50 pairs known. Photo.
1494 Â£140
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 Christmas 31/2p. PVA variety grey-black (value, inscription, etc.) omitted, a left margin single with the top half of the cylinder numbers showing ''4A'' missing, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 948b, cat. £100+, EC GB1896MCa - circa 100 known, cat. (cylinder single) £240. Photo.
1495 Â£240
Queen Elizabeth II: 1973 Christmas 31/2p. PVA variety rosy mauve (robe at right) omitted, in a top right corner traffic light block of four with the rosy mauve dot missing, a few tiny spots on gum otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 948e, cat. £560+, EC GB1896MCd - circa 100 known, cat. (traffic light block of four) £780. Photo.
1496 Â£210
Queen Elizabeth II: 1975 Sailing 8p. variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, in a right margin horizontal strip of three with two normals, due to a dry print in column ten, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 981var, EC GB1962MCb - 50 known (many partials), cat. £325. Photo.
1498 Â£90
Queen Elizabeth II: 1977 Chemistry 11p. variety imperforate between stamp and bottom margin, the lower stamp of a vertical strip of four, lightly folded through second row of perfs. and a little ragged at right otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. Spec. W359a, EC GB2062IMa - circa 10 known, cat. £400. Photo.
1499 Â£800
Queen Elizabeth II: 1977 Christmas 9p. variety imperforate in an unmounted mint bottom margin horizontal pair, vertical crease at extreme left and light bends in margin otherwise fine, very scarce. S.G. 1049a, cat. £2,250, EC GB2098IMa - circa 15 pairs known. Photo.
1500 Â£220
Queen Elizabeth II: 1978 Coronation Anniversary 13p. variety imperforate and gold omitted, a top margin cylinder single with ''1B'' missing, slight margin faults, unmounted mint. S.G. 1062var, EC GB2124MCa - circa 30 pairs (creased) known, cat. (cylinder single) £475. Photo.
1501 Â£480
Queen Elizabeth II: 1978 Cycling 13p. variety imperforate in a vertical pair with margin at foot, upper stamp shows faint trace of indents at top and sides, fine unmounted mint, very scarce. S.G. 1070a, cat. £2,200, EC GB2140IMa - 10 pairs known. Photo.
1503 Â£400
Queen Elizabeth II: 1979 Rowland Hill miniature sheet variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, position 3 from the printer's sheet of nine, fine unmounted mint. S.G. MS1099c, cat. £950, EC GB2198MCb - circa 31 mint known. Photo.
1504 Â£400
Queen Elizabeth II: 1979 Rowland Hill miniature sheet variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, position 9 from the printer's sheet of nine, fine unmounted mint. S.G. MS1099c, cat. £950, EC GB2198MCb - circa 31 mint known. Photo.
1507 Â£2500
Queen Elizabeth II: 1980 Exhibition miniature sheet variety imperforate, fine unmounted mint, rare. S.G. MS1119a, cat. £6,000, EC GB2238IMa - 12 mint known. Photo.
1511 Â£600
Queen Elizabeth II: 1988 Christmas 19p. lower right corner traffic light block of 20 (4 x 5), partially imperforate, the right hand block of 10 appearing almost completely imperforate except for traces of 'ghosted' or blind perfs. (more apparent towards foot), fine unmounted mint, spectacular. S.G. 1415/a. Photo.
1512 Â£240
Queen Elizabeth II: 1990 R.S.P.C.A. 20p. variety silver (Queen's head and value) omitted, fine unmounted mint with margin at right, with normal for comparison. S.G. 1479a, cat. £450, EC GB2958MCa - 135 known. Photo.
1513 Â£1200
Queen Elizabeth II: 1990 Astronomy 22p. variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, in a lower left corner traffic light block of four with the gold Questa logo missing, fine unmounted mint, a very scarce multiple, with matching normal traffic light block for comparison. S.G. 1522a, cat. £3,000+, EC GB3044MCa - 88 known, cat. (traffic light block of four) £3,600. Photo.
1516 Â£850
Queen Elizabeth II: 1996 Olympic Games 26p. complete three rows from base of sheet, variety imperforate between stamps and left margin, fine. S.G. 1930var, EC GB3860IMa, ten strips known, cat. £2,250. Photo.
1517 Â£850
Queen Elizabeth II: 1998 Christmas 30p. variety imperforate in a block of four with sheet margin at foot, fine unmounted mint and rare, a recently discovered error, with a photocopy of the complete partly imperf. sheet from which this block comes. S.G. 2066a, cat. £1,800, EC GB4132IMa - 35 pairs known. Photo.
1518 Â£260
Queen Elizabeth II: 2002 Christmas (1st) variety imperforate in a fine block of four with sheet margin at top. S.G. 2322b, cat. £650, EC GB4644IMa - 125 pairs known. Photo.
1522 Â£7500
Queen Elizabeth II: 2006 Victoria Cross Anniversary 1st 'Rai' + 64p. 'Lucas' + 72p. 'Ball' se-tenant pane of three variety bronze (Queen's head and denominations) and phosphor omitted, contained in a complete booklet (of which this is the first pane), fine and very rare, with normal booklet for comparison. S.G. 2659ba, cat. £16,000, EC GB5310MCa - 3 panes known. Photo.
1523 Â£2000
Queen Elizabeth II: 2009 (May 19th) Flowers 1st. se-tenant sheet (5 x 12) with interpane margin, showing a dramatic perforation shift resulting in the top left corner stamp being without Queen's head or face value, the stamp below without face value and just a trace of the Queen's head, all others show varying degrees of misplacement, fine unmounted mint and possibly unique. S.G. 2931-2940var. Photo.
1525 | Â£520
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1971-96 photo Harrison selection of imperforate pairs with 1/2p. turquoise-blue PCP2, 7p. purple-brown centre band head B2, 16p. olive-drab ACP (2) and 18p. deep olive-grey ACP, fine unmounted mint, also 2p. myrtle-green PCP1 right margin imperf. single with mounting marks on reverse (possibly a proof), and PCP 14p. grey-blue pair, 161/2p. pale chestnut block of four and 191/2p. olive-grey pair each imperf. without gum, of unknown status. (9 items).
1526 | Â£140
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1971-96 photo Harrison selection of misperforated stamps with 3p. bright magenta and 17p. grey-blue phosphorised paper, 9p. deep violet two bands (2, different shifts), 121/2p. light emerald centre band (2, different shifts), also Scotland 20p. bright green centre band, 3p. with crease otherwise fine. (7).
1527 Â£500
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1971-96 photo Harrison 1p. crimson two bands FCP/PVAD variety imperforate in a fine unmounted mint horizontal pair, very scarce. S.G. X844c, cat. £1,300. Photo.
1528 Â£130
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1971-96 photo Harrison 3p. ultramarine two bands FCP/GA variety imperforate in a top margin horizontal pair, fine unmounted mint. S.G. X855b, cat. £275. Photo.
1529 Â£130
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1971-96 photo Harrison 3p. ultramarine centre band FCP/GA variety imperforate in a horizontal pair with slight ink drag in margins, fine unmounted mint. S.G. X856a, cat. £275. Photo.
1532 Â£180
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1971-96 photo Harrison 31/2p. olive-grey two bands FCP/PVAD variety imperforate in a horizontal, small surface rub otherwise fine. S.G. X858a, cat. £450. Photo.
1533 Â£170
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1971-96 photo Harrison 41/2p. grey-blue FCP/PVAD in a left margin imperforate horizontal pair, fine unmounted mint. S.G. X865a, cat. £380. Photo.
1534 Â£190
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1971-96 photo Harrison 51/2p. violet centre band FCP/PVAD variety uncoated paper, a fine unmounted mint right margin example, with normal for comparison. S.G. X869a, cat. £400. Photo.
1535 Â£180
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1971-96 photo Harrison 51/2p. violet centre band FCP/PVAD variety uncoated paper, fine unmounted mint. S.G. X869a, cat. £400. Photo.
1537 Â£130
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1971-96 photo Harrison 9p. deep violet FCP/PVAD, two bands phosphor under ink, variety imperforate in a right margin horizontal pair, one with tiny gum wrinkle otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. X883a, cat. £275. Photo.
1539 Â£130
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1971-96 photo Harrison 10p. orange-brown two bands FCP/PVAD variety imperforate in a fine unmounted mint horizontal pair. S.G. X886a, cat. £275. Photo.
1540 Â£190
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1971-96 photo Harrison 121/2p. light emerald centre band FCP/PVAD variety imperforate, two horizontal pairs, one left marginal with phosphor over ink, the other phosphor under ink with the bands shifted slightly to the left, fine unmounted mint. S.G. X898a, var.
1541 Â£130
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1971-96 photo Harrison 121/2p. light emerald in an imperforate horizontal pair, the scarcer phosphor under ink printing from cylinder 2 with the phosphor bands shifted to the left, fine unmounted mint. S.G. X898a var. Photo.
1542 Â£450
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1971-96 photo Harrison 131/2p. pale chestnut centre band FCP/PVAD with new phosphor ink, variety imperforate, the top pair in a block of eight (2 x 4) with the second pair partly imperf., fine unmounted mint. S.G. Spec. U218da, cat. £800+. Photo.
1543 Â£260
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1971-96 photo Harrison 14p. deep blue centre band FCP/PVAD variety imperforate in a vertical pair, a couple of small gum wrinkles otherwise fine. S.G. X903a, cat. £450. Photo.
1544 Â£140
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1971-96 photo Harrison 151/2p. pale violet PCP1/PVAD variety imperforate in a top margin horizontal pair, fine unmounted mint. S.G. X948a, cat. £250. Photo.
1545 Â£130
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1971-96 photo Harrison 22p. blue PCP/PVAD in a fine unmounted mint imperforate horizontal pair. S.G. X962a, cat. £250. Photo.
1546 Â£130
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1971-96 photo Harrison 24p. chestnut ACP/PVAD variety imperforate in a horizontal pair, a couple of light gum wrinkles otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. X969a, cat. £225. Photo.
1547 Â£260
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1971-96 photo Harrison 50p. ochre ordinary paper FCP/PVAD in a cylinder ''21'' dot block of six showing the 17 pin variety at row 18, fine unmounted mint, scarce. S.G. Spec. U427c, cat. £400. Photo.
1548 Â£270
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1977-87 High Values: £2 light emerald and purple-brown in a progressively imperf. left margin horizontal pair, the left stamp with a completely imperf. left margin, indents towards right, fine unmounted mint. R.P.S. certificate (1993) for a block of four from which this pair comes. S.G. 1027var. Photo.
1551 Â£150
Queen Elizabeth II: 1988-97 Castle High Values: 1992-95 £1, two singles with the variety perforations inverted, the elliptical perforation being one normal perf. higher than usual, from a plate 2A printing, resulting in a dramatic misperf. leaving one with a blank top and no inscription, the other with the inscription in the centre, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1611var, EC (2005) F1450INa - 100 known, cat. £550. Photo.
1554 Â£100
Queen Elizabeth II: 1988-97 Castle High Values: 1992-95 £2 variety complete offset on reverse, S.G. 1613var, EC F1462OFa, cat. £250 (2005), also 19971-96 Machin 121/2p. (centre-band) imperforate pair (S.G. X898a, cat. £100). Photo.
1555 Â£110
Queen Elizabeth II: 1988-97 Castle High Values: 1992-95 £5 variety complete offset on reverse, also with a slight downward perf. shift, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 1614var, EC (2005) F1821OFa, cat. £325. Photo.
1556 Â£2700
Queen Elizabeth II: 1997 Enschede Castle £5 variety gold (Queen's head) omitted, in a right margin positional block of eight (4 x 2) with the other seven stamps normal, fine unmounted mint, very rare. S.G. 1996a, cat. £5,000+, EC GB3992MCa - circa 12 mint known (2 creased). Photo.
1557 Â£190
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2010 photo Harrison 19p. bistre centre band OFNP/PVAD in a top margin imperforate pair, fine unmounted mint. S.G. Y1677a, cat. £400. Photo.
1558 Â£190
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2010 photo Harrison 20p. bright green centre band OFNP/PVAD variety imperforate, the top right strip of three in a progressively imperf. block of fifteen (5 x 3), fine unmounted mint. S.G. Y1680a, cat. £300+. Photo.
1559 Â£250
Queen Elizabeth II: Decimal Machins: 1993-2010 photo Harrison 40p. turquoise-blue two bands NFCP/PVA layflat gum, variety imperforate in an unmounted mint horizontal pair, slight wrinkles at top, otherwise fine. S.G. Y1705a, cat. £750. Photo.
1560 Â£110
Queen Elizabeth II: Booklets and Booklet Panes: A small selection of QE II 2s.6d. composite booklets comprising 1953 (Dec.), 1954 (Jan.) (2) and 1954 (Feb.) (2), mixed perfs., fine. S.G. F11, 12, 13, cat. £430.
1562 Â£90
Queen Elizabeth II: Booklets and Booklet Panes: 1980 (Aug.) London 1980 10p. booklet Chambon printing variety miscut, trimmed perfs. at left otherwise fine, scarce, with Jumelle printing miscut booklet for comparison. S.G. Spec. UMFB11A, 12A, cat. £487. Photo.
1563 | Â£120
Queen Elizabeth II: Booklets and Booklet Panes: A selection of scarce booklets comprising 1982 Museums £1.25 6 Castle Museum right margin with cylinder number ''B8'' only with phosphor number displaced off, 1989 Charles Dickens £1 3 David Copperfield pair of books with cylinder numbers ''B6B21'' (p-D) and phosphor ''B78'' displaced to a plain book, and 1991 Archaeology 50p. 1 Sir Arthur Evans incorrect rates plain book miscut, the latter with the usual trimming at left, fine. (4).
1565 Â£160
Queen Elizabeth II: Booklets and Booklet Panes: 1984 (Sept.) 50p. Orchids 1 Dendrobium booklets (2) variety phosphor omitted, one plain, the other with cylinder numbers ''B27B6B8'' at foot, fine with good perfs. S.G. Spec. UMFB34a, cat. £500+.
1568 Â£130
Queen Elizabeth II: Booklets and Booklet Panes: 1986 (July) Pond Life 50p., 2 Common Frog variety printed on phosphorised paper, a column 1 example with cylinder number ''B43 pB67'', perfs. trimmed at left and foot otherwise fine, very scarce, most of the cylinder books were trimmed. S.G. Spec. UFB39a, cat. £500. Photo.
1571 Â£400
Queen Elizabeth II: Booklets and Booklet Panes: 1989 (Apr.) £1 litho Charles Dickens 4 Great Expectations booklet variety phosphor omitted, with plate number ''W2W1W2W1'', perfs. trimmed at foot otherwise fine, rare as a plate book. S.G. X1051lEy, Spec. UHWM1a, cat. £950++. Photo.
1572 | Â£180
Queen Elizabeth II: Booklets and Booklet Panes: A specialised collection of £2 machine vended booklets written up on leaves with cylinder numbers, perf. types, blind perf. varieties, inking flaws, miscut panes, incl. Postal Vehicles 1 ''B3'' perf. E1e, ''B3'' miscut perf. I1, Postal Vehicles 2 ''B3'' perf. E1d and perf. E1e, Rowland Hill books, etc. (38).
1573 | Â£200
Queen Elizabeth II: Booklets and Booklet Panes: A specialised collection of £1 and £2 red cover machine vended booklets written up in an album with plain and cylinder books, blind perf. varieties, cover changes, ellipse changes, 1/2v perf. types, NVI books with cut/torn perf. variations, 1997 £2 corrected rates Questa litho book missing phosphor, etc. (67).
1574 Â£140
Queen Elizabeth II: Booklets and Booklet Panes: 1997 (Feb.) corrected rates Questa £2 litho booklet variety phosphor omitted, with cylinder numbers ''Q2Q2Q2Q2'', fine with good perfs., scarce. S.G. Y1751lEy.
1578 Â£3500
Queen Elizabeth II: Booklets and Booklet Panes: 2007 (20th Sept) British Army Uniforms prestige booklet pane containing 4 x (1st) regionals and five regimental cap badge labels, variety completely imperforate and without rouletting, fine unmounted mint, unlisted and believed to be unique. S.G. EN18a var. Photo.
1580 Â£85
Scotland: 1993-98 litho Questa 20p. bright green centre band block of four with a 6mm upward perf. shift with the value appearing at the top of the stamp, fine unmounted mint. S.G. S83var. Photo.
1581 Â£400
Regionals: Wales: 1971-93 21/2p. bright magenta centre band gum arabic in a block of fourteen (2 x 7) with the top two pairs completely imperforate, the third pair imperf. with indents, the fourth pair partly perforated and the others normal, the block shows vertical paper creases from the roller, folded between vertically and a few gum wrinkles otherwise fine unmounted mint, a scarce multiple. S.G. W13Ega, cat. £1,200+. Photo.
1582 Â£90
Regionals: Wales: 1971-93 21/2p. bright magenta centre band gum arabic variety imperforate in a horizontal pair, shows vertical paper creases from the roller, folded between with a little surface fault on one and small gum wrinkles otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. W13Ega, cat. £600. Photo.
1583 Â£140
Postage Dues: 1914 to 1975 mint collection on leaves incl. 1914-22 to 1s., 1924-31 values to 2s.6d., 1936-37 to 1s., 1937-38 values to 2s.6d., 1955-57 to 5s., 1959-63 to £1, 1970-75 £5 (4), some duplicates, etc., varied condition. (93).
1584 Â£1250
Postage Dues: 1914-23 2d. agate variety without watermark, with margin at top showing part of the marginal wmk., fine and fresh unmounted mint, rare. S.G. Spec. R4c, cat. £2,000. Photo.
1585 Â£210
Postage Dues: 1936-37 KE VIII 1/2d. to 2s.6d. set unmounted mint, 2s.6d. with margin at top (mounted in margin), fine. S.G. D19-26, cat. £450. Photo.
1588 | Â£130
Channel Islands: A selection of booklets in two folders, comprising Guernsey, Aldeney also some I.O.M., prestige, etc. (few 100's).
1589 | Â£1150
Guernsey: A collection written up in four albums and a stockbook in a carton with postal history incl. 1760 incoming entire letter from London with Bishop Mark, 1827 entire letter to Birmingham with Guernsey scroll, later QV covers, KE VII and KG V p.p.c's with various c.d.s. cancellations, later to QE II, Occupation issues with mint shades, imprint blocks incl. 1/2d. bright green sixth printing, also block of eight used, 21/2d. third printing block of eighteen with one row of perfs. misplaced, 1/2d. and 1d. bank-note paper blocks, f.d.c's and other covers, independent issues apparently complete unmounted mint to 2001 with definitives, commemoratives and miniature sheets, Alderney sets, a few f.d.c's, Commodore Shipping Co. issues, etc., varied condition, mainly fine. (100s).
1590 Â£450
Guernsey: An accumulation of W.W.II Occupation commercial covers (31) incl. bluish bank-note paper 1/2d. and 1d. (8), mostly in combination with other adhesives, 2d. Centenary bisects (17, 2 cancelled by pencil), three in combination with KG VI 11/2d., also three later covers, etc., mixed condition. (34).
1591 Â£720
Guernsey: 1940 Centenary 2d. accumulation of bisects (64), all used on Bread Depot printed postcards addressed to the Bread Department, various dates between 31st Dec. 1940 and 19th Feb. 1941, mostly with Guernsey wavy line machine cancellations, a few with c.d.s's, varied condition, mainly fine.
1592 Â£980
Guernsey: 1941-44 accumulation in sheets (6 x 10) comprising 1/2d. (6, one with one stamp removed, 1d. (6, one with one stamp removed), and 21/2d., 1/2d. and 1d. mostly from the first printings, four of each with consecutive sheet numbers, some splitting and a few other imperfections, mainly fine. S.G. 1-3. (13 sheets).
1593 Â£580
Guernsey: 1941-44 bluish bank-note paper 1/2d. and 1d. in complete sheets of 60 (6 x 10), 1d. sheet lightly folded twice horizontally, occasional minor imperfection otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. 4-5, cat. £2,760.
1594 | Â£250
Guernsey: 1969-71 a selection, incl. 1969 1/2d. essays (4), enlarged 5d. booklet stamp and £1 photographic proofs, unmounted mint range of colour shifts and varieties with 1969 3d. with part black offset on gum, with 1971 2p. with up shift of emerald, 21/2p. with up shift of gold, some f.d.c's, etc. (12 stamps 16 covers).
1596 Â£300
Guernsey: 1969-70 4d. Guernsey Lily, booklet pane single showing variety yellow omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 18ab, cat. £600. EC GU55MCb. Photo.
1597 Â£300
Guernsey: 1969-70 4d. Guernsey Lily, booklet pane single showing variety emerald (stem) omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 18ac, cat. £500, EC GU55MCa. Photo.
1598 Â£800
Guernsey: 1969-70 5d. booklet pane of one, showing variety gold (inscription, etc.) omitted, fine unmounted mint with normal for comparison. S.G. 19b, cat. £950. Photo.
1601 Â£820
Guernsey: 1971-73 Decimal Currency 21/2p. unmounted mint horizontal pair from right of sheet, one showing bright vermilion omitted, other with virtually omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 48a, EC GU96MCa. Photo.
1602 Â£550
Guernsey: 1971-73 Decimal Currency 21/2p. with variety bright vermilion omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 48a, EC GU96MCa cat. £1,350. Photo.
1603 Â£400
Guernsey: 1971-73 Decimal Currency 21/2p. unmounted mint gutter plate block (5 x 2), showing varying degrees of bright vermilion colour shift, fine and unusual. S.G. 48var, EC GU96CSa. Photo.
1604 | Â£80
Guernsey: 1984-91 an unmounted mint selection, incl. plate blocks, range of minor varieties, booklet panes, etc. (few 100's).
1609 Â£110
Guernsey: 1984–91 Views 10p. vertical pair, top stamp showing partial double print of the gold (Queen's Head) and a horizontal obliterating bar, most unusual. S.G. 305var. Photo
1610 Â£420
Guernsey: 1984-91 Views 12p. (from booklet pane, imperforate at left), showing variety black printing double, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 306bc, EC GU628MIa, single from the broken up pane cat. £1,250. Photo.
1614 Â£380
Guernsey: 1984-91 Views 18p. (from booklet pane, imperforate at left), showing variety black printing double, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 309da, EC GU628MIa, single from the broken up pane cat. £1,250. Photo.
1619 Â£600
Guernsey: 1984-91 Views 26p. in an unmounted mint block of eight from right of sheet, top row with variety imperforate three sides resulting in a complete pair plus one, left vertical pair with portions torn off, extremely rare. S.G. 310ca, EC GU611IMa, cat. £1,500+. Photo.
1622 Â£230
Isle of Man: 1973-75 3p. with error olive-bistre border, in a fine unmounted mint block of four from right of sheet with normal block for comparison. S.G. 17a, EC IMN48a. Photo.
1625 Â£230
Isle of Man: 1973-75 31/2p. with error grey-brown border, in a fine unmounted mint block of four from right of sheet with normal block for comparison. S.G. 18a, EC IMN49a. Photo.
1630 | Â£160
Jersey: 1943-44 Views, a selection, incl. corner blocks with printing dates, gutter pairs, p.p.c's, also some 1993 Anniversary stamps, etc. (62).
1631 | Â£95
Jersey: 1943-44 Views, a selection, incl. f.d.c's, gutter blocks, range of forgeries, etc. (233).
1632 | Â£90
Jersey: 1943-44 Views 1d. scarlet (7.5.43 printing) in a complete unmounted mint sheet (6 x 10), fine.
1633 | Â£55
Jersey: 1943-44 Views 21/2d. blue (25.2.44 printing) in a complete unmounted mint sheet (6 x 10), fine.
1634 Â£250
Jersey: 1958-67 3d. deep lilac (ordinary) vertical strip of six showing three stamps completely unprinted, two partially printed and one normal, folded through centre row of perfs. and small gum fault on one otherwise fine unmounted mint, a spectacular variety. S.G. 10var. Photo.
1635 | Â£320
Jersey: A selection, incl. 1969 with 1d., 2d., 4d., 5d. and 1s.9d. bromide essays, plate blocks, booklet panes, 1971 Decimal Currency with some varieties with 1/2p. with part offset on gum, 1/2p. with left shift of yellow (2), 5p. with shift of cyan, 51/2p. with most of the yellow colour omitted, 2000 £10 sheet (10), mainly unmounted mint, a few f.d.c's, etc. (few 100's).
1636 | Â£80
Jersey: 1969 Definitive selection of shifts, incl. 5d. (2) with gold shift, perf. shift, etc., all except one is unmounted. (12).
1637 | Â£290
Jersey: 1969-70 1/2d. to 1s.9d, sixty of each, and 2s.6d. to £1 twenty five of each, also 1969 Inauguration sets (60) in mainly fine unmounted mint complete sheets. S.G. 15-33.
1642 Â£320
Jersey: 1969 9d. imperf. proof on ungummed paper with the black printing (Queen's head, value, etc.) missing, also another with only the yellow printing, both in blocks of six from lower-left corner of sheet, fine. Photo.
1643 Â£2200
Jersey: 1969 10s. The Royal Court, with error green border, fine unmounted mint with normal for comparison. S.G. 28a, cat. £4,500, EC JR43MSa, 25 exist. Photo.
1644 | Â£110
Jersey: 1970-74 Decimal Currency selection of colour shifts, values to 8p., all fine unmounted mint. (25).
1647 Â£260
Jersey: 1970-74 Decimal currency 21/2p. (from booklet), showing variety gold (Mace) omitted, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 46ab, EC JR117MCa, cat. £750. Photo.
1648 | Â£70
Jersey: 1972 Royal Silver Wedding, a selection of unadopted artwork by the adopted designer Gordon Drummond, with four pencil sketches and a hand-painted design depicting Princess Anne along with a bromide, all mounted on three boards in plastic sleeves signed by the designer.
1650 Â£900
Jersey: 1976-80 6p. booklet pane of four, variety imperforate between stamps and margin at right, fine unmounted mint, believed unique. S.G. 140var, EC JR301IMa, cat. £3,500, one known. Photo.
1654 | Â£2500
Unsold lots 143, 214, 216, 242, 332, 436, 446, 447, 459, 581, 684, 726, 767, 772, 790, 824, 955, 981, 996, 1027, 1031, 1033, 1042, 1067, 1086, 1120, 1122, 1140 & 1146