Number of results: 58




Postal History and Covers: A large accumulation of mainly post war covers and cards contained in two cartons with airmails, commemorative covers, thematic interest, etc. (many 100s)

£120 - £150

Additional Fees ?




Postal History and Covers: Airmails: A selection of 39 all World airmail flown covers incl. thirteen first flights of New Zealand, etc.

£120 - £150

Additional Fees ?




Postal History and Covers: The Napier Collection: British African Airmails: Egypt, 1925 (Nov. 3) Cairo-Kano Experimental Flight envelope from Kano to London, by Sqn. Ldr. A. Cunningham, scarce. Only 65 items flown. Photo.

£250 - £300

Additional Fees ?




Postal History and Covers: The Napier Collection: British African Airmails: Egypt, 1926 (Jan.) Cairo-Khartoum flown cover, manuscript ''By Kind permission of O.C. Flight'' and two line cachet ''Special Flight/Cairo to Khartoum'', also two stampless covers carried on the return flight with added cachet ''By Return of''. (3 items)

£150 - £200

Additional Fees ?




Postal History and Covers: The Napier Collection: British African Airmails: Kenya, 1928 (Nov. 27) Amsterdam-Nairobi flight by J.E. Carbery, envelope numbered ''4'' of 40, bearing two vignettes with Schipol Aerodrome cachet, and Kenya 20c. on the reverse. Photo.

£100 - £150

Additional Fees ?




Postal History and Covers: The Napier Collection: British African Airmails: Nigeria, 1911 First U.K. Aerial Post: London-Windsor Sept. 9, red-brown postcard, addressed to the District Commissioner at Lagos, readdressed to Badagry, South Africa, additionally franked by K.E.VII 1/2d., Lagos and Badagry receiving marks on reverse, scarce destination. Photo.

£150 - £200

Additional Fees ?




Postal History and Covers: The Napier Collection: British African Airmails: The Rhodesias, 1926 (Feb. 5) stampless envelope, endorsed ''Rhodesia to London by Air. Alan Cobham & A.B. Elliot. February 1926'', with Salisbury despatch datestamp, manuscript timetable of flight, ''Cape Town 26.2.26, Bulawayo 27.2.26, Kisumu 3.3.26, Mongalla 4.3.26, Khartoum 5.3.26, Cairo 7.3.26'' and ''Received at Croydon Aerodrome Sat. March 13th''. Signed by all three crew members, Alan Cobham, Arthur Elliot and B. Emmott, vary rare. Photo.

£400 - £500

Additional Fees ?




Postal History and Covers: The Napier Collection: British African Airmails: The Rhodesias, 1929 (Feb. 26) Rhodesian Railway strike, relief flight envelope (slightly crumpled) carried by the R.A.F. from Ndola to Bulawayo bearing 2d. tied by Ndola c.d.s. A rare item, only 11 examples known. Photo.

£400 - £500

Additional Fees ?




Postal History and Covers: The Napier Collection: British African Airmails: The Rhodesias, 1934 (Mar. 7) Belgian Congo-Nyasaland flown cover, starting via Aero Club de Katanga from Elizabethville to Broken Hill, then flown by Imperial Airways to Salisbury, and subsequently flown on the first return flight of Rhodesia & Nyasaland Airways from Salisbury and Blantyre. Rare, believed only four covers known. Photo.

£200 - £250

Additional Fees ?




Postal History and Covers: The Napier Collection: British African Airmails: Somaliland, 1933 (Sept.) cover, registered to Brazil, franked by 1921 1r., flown on the 1933 Chicago Zeppelin flight with special red cachet, rare. Photo.

£350 - £400

Additional Fees ?




British African Airmails: The Napier Collection: South Africa, 1911 First U.K. Aerial Post: London-Windsor Sept. 9, green card addressed to Cape Colony, also brown card addressed to Bechuanaland, readdressed to Sea Point, fine. (2 items)

£100 - £120

Additional Fees ?




British African Airmails: The Napier Collection: South Africa, 1911 First Aerial Post Flight, Kenilworth-Muizenburg special card dated Dec. 27 in both towns and addressed to Cape, scarce. First flight in fact flown on Dec. 30 1911 by Evelyn Driver. Photo.

£300 - £350

Additional Fees ?




British African Airmails: The Napier Collection: South Africa, 1911 Second South African Aerial Post flight, rare date error special card, Kenilworth-Muizenburg dated Dec. 27 1911 in Kenilworth and Dec. 27 in Muizenburg, very scarce. The second flight was in fact flown on Jan. 2 1912 by Evelyn Driver. Only a few examples were produced before the error was noted and corrected. Photo.

£400 - £450

Additional Fees ?




Postal History and Covers: The Napier Collection: British African Airmails: South Africa, 1913 (Aug.) envelope with printed ''AEROGRAM'' and ''NO CHARGE FOR DELIVERY'', addressed to London, franked by Transvaal 1d. (2) tied Kimberley Aug. 18 with London Sept. 6 receiving mark on reverse, some minor imperfections, otherwise fine and very rare. The Paterson Aviation syndicate planned the flight from Kimberley to Bulawayo and Salisbury, the flight due to take place on Aug. 31, but the plane crashed at Kimberley. Photo.

£300 - £400

Additional Fees ?




Postal History and Covers: The Napier Collection: British African Airmails: South Africa, 1918 (Oct.) ''MAKE YOUR SIXPENCE FLY'' large and small wings cards unused, large wings cards used (3), small wings cards used (3), fair to fine.

£200 - £250

Additional Fees ?




Postal History and Covers: The Napier Collection: British African Airmails: South Africa, 1918 (Oct. 7) ''MAKE YOUR SIXPENCE FLY'' uncut card addressed to Wynberg, franked by 1/2d. tied by ''AERIAL POST'' datestamp, endorsed on reverse ''Uncut original complimentary specimen copy, posted to the Wynberg Postmaster'', sent by Major Sturman, then Postmaster General of the Union. Believed only two examples known. Photo.

£300 - £350

Additional Fees ?




Postal History and Covers: The Napier Collection: British African Airmails: South Africa, 1919 (Aug. 2) Peace Celebrations Pigeon Post, envelope showing the the two special cachets and with enclosed flown pigeongram, rare. Photo.

£250 - £300

Additional Fees ?




Postal History and Covers: The Napier Collection: British African Airmails: South Africa, 1920 (Feb. 15) Cape Town-Johannesburg flight by the Handley-Page Co. Pioneer aircraft, endorsed ''By Aeroplane Post'', showing two line ''CARRIED BY/AEROPLANE'' in red and faint violet Handley-Page circular cachet. An excellent example of the rarest South African Air Mail. The Handley Page left Cape Town carrying 422 letters, crashing shortly after take-off at Beaufort West. Very few of the letters carried have survived. Photo.

£1200 - £1500

Additional Fees ?




Postal History and Covers: The Napier Collection: British African Airmails: South Africa, 1925 London-Cape Town Cobham flight, souvenir mail cards (2) both with vignette and signature, flown from Cape Town, fine.

£120 - £150

Additional Fees ?




Postal History and Covers: The Napier Collection: British African Airmails: South Africa, 1925 London-Cape Town Cobham flight, souvenir mail card with imperforate vignette and signature, flown from Khartoum, fine. Photo.

£100 - £120

Additional Fees ?




Postal History and Covers: The Napier Collection: British African Airmails: South Africa, 1926 (Dec.) Zurich-Cape Town flight by Walter Mittelholzer, also envelope endorsed ''Carried by Aeroplane from Khartoum to Nairobi by kind permission of Capt. Mittleholzer'', scarce. Photo.

£120 - £150

Additional Fees ?




Postal History and Covers: The Napier Collection: British African Airmails: South Africa, 1930 (Oct. 5) England-Cape Town record breaking flight by Captain R.F. Casparuethus, envelope carried in a D.H Puss Moth taking 8 days 10½ hours, pilot signed and bearing ''AIR POST./SPECIAL''. Only 22 covers flown. Photo.

£300 - £400

Additional Fees ?




Postal History and Covers: The Napier Collection: British African Airmails: South Africa, 1931 (Nov. 13), attempted Port Elizabeth to Cape Town flight, charred envelope addressed to Cape Town, salvaged from the wreckage of Captain W.F. Davenport's aircraft which crashed the next day on Sir Lowry's Pass, with typed Post Office explanatory note. A dramatic and scarce crash item, Davenport, his two passengers and practically all the mail were incinerated. Photo.

£300 - £400

Additional Fees ?




Postal History and Covers: The Napier Collection: British African Airmails: South Africa, 1932 (Apr. 22) Cape Town to London attempted flight by Oscar Garden, the flight abandoned at Abercorn, bearing three line cachet ''ACCIDENT AT ABERCORN/22 APRIL 1932/Flight Abandoned''. Only 20 covers carried. Photo.

£800 - £1000

Additional Fees ?




Postal History and Covers: The Napier Collection: British African Airmails: South Africa, 1933 (Feb. 6) First official non-stop record flight by R.A.F. to South Africa, envelope to Walvis Bay franked 11/2d. cancelled Cranwell Feb. 6 with Feb. 8 arrival alongside. Only 20 carried by pilots Gayford & Nicolettes in the Silver Torpedo, intended for Cape Town but landing at Walvis Bay due to strong headwinds, nevertheless establishing a new record of 5,341 miles in 57 hours, 25 minutes. Photo.

£300 - £400

Additional Fees ?




Postal History and Covers: The Napier Collection: British African Airmails: South Africa, 1937 (Apr. 9) first direct solo flight to Cape Town by Mrs. H.B. Bonney and signed by her, large violet flight cachet on reverse, returned by surface mail. Photo.

£180 - £200

Additional Fees ?




Postal History and Covers: The Napier Collection: British African Airmails: South Africa, 1937 (Nov.) Clouston and Kirby Green London-Cape Town record flight cover, franked G.B. 11/2d. London Nov. 13 machine cancellation and both Cape Town and special Wingfield arrival c.d.s's of Nov. 16, with flight label. Photo.

£100 - £120

Additional Fees ?




Postal History and Covers: The Napier Collection: British African Airmails: Sudan, 1926 (Jan. 9) Sir Alan Cobham envelope endorsed ''London-Cape Town Air Survey Mongalla 1926'' and signed by Arthur B. Elliott the engineer, franked by Sudan 10m. tied by Mongalla c.d.s., the cover addressed to London. One of only six covers discovered to have been sent by Elliott en route, contrary to an agreement between Cobham and ''Flight'' magazine, the only item known from Mongalla. Photo.

£1000 - £1500

Additional Fees ?




Postal History and Covers: The Napier Collection: British African Airmails: Sudan, 1927 (Feb. 11) Khartoum-Kisumu flight by Captain Tony Gladstone, with oval ''H.E./THE GOVERNOR'' and signed by the pilot. Believed only 8 known. Photo.

£300 - £400

Additional Fees ?




Postal History and Covers: The Napier Collection: British African Airmails: Tanganyika, 1929 (Oct. 29) envelope for a proposed London-Nairobi flight. G.T.F. Callaghan of the 6th Battalion of the King's Rifles in Dar-es-Salaam, arranged for 20 covers, all numbered (this being no. 16), to be delivered to Tom Campbell Black to carry on the delivery flight to Wilson Airways. Regulations however prevented the covers being handed over to Callaghan or even initialled by the pilot, so these were returned unfranked to Callaghan's contact. Photo.

£400 - £500

Additional Fees ?




Postal History and Covers: The Napier Collection: British African Airmails: Tanganyika, 1935 (Apr. 24) Musoma-Nairobi flown cover by East African Airways Ltd., fine. Only 25 recorded. Photo.

£120 - £150

Additional Fees ?




Postal History and Covers: The Napier Collection: British African Airmails: Uganda, 1927 (Feb. 12) Jinja-Kisumu flight by Captain Tony Gladstone, with double circular ''AIR MAIL/UGANDA SUDAN'' datestamp. Believed only 11 surviving. Photo.

£300 - £400

Additional Fees ?




Postal History and Covers: The Napier Collection: British African Airmails: A display collection, well written up on leaves, incl. 1929 (Oct. 17) France-Madagascar flight by Captain Marcel Goulette, 1933 (May) Zomba-Lilongwe flight by the R.A.F., 1935 (Dec.) Sudan-British Somaliland flown cover, 1936 (May) England-Cape Town flight by H.L. Brooks, 1938 (Mar.) Gold Coast to London, plane crashed in the Pyrénées, 1939 (Jan.) Lusaka-Fort Jameson flight by Rhodesia and Nyasaland Airways pilot signed, Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika, Nigeria, Nyasaland, South Africa, Southern Rhodesia, South West Africa, Sudan, range of stages, feeder flights, etc. (253 items)

£1500 - £2000

Additional Fees ?




Postal History and Covers: The Napier Collection: British African Airmails: An accumulation of flown covers, incl. Egypt 1926 (Jan.) Cairo-Khartoum flown cover, Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika, Nyasaland, Rhodesia, South Africa with 1911 (Dec.) Kenilworth-Muizenberg card, 1918 (Oct.) Red Cross large wings (2) and small wings (2), 1925 (Nov.) London-Cape Town and return flight cards (3), South West Africa, Sudan, Tanganyika, etc. (few 100s)

£1200 - £1500

Additional Fees ?




Australia: Frama Labels: A collection on leaves and stockcards, incl. unused and used, covers, varieties, also 1964 First Airmail Flight 5d. in an unmounted mint corner block of 16, one showing re-entry, etc. (100s)

£150 - £200

Additional Fees ?




Egypt: Airmails: 1918 (Nov. 30) Cairo-Delhi R.A.F. Survey Flight, by Capt. Sir Ross Smith. envelope to Shepheards Hotel, Cairo and readdressed to Donbara, has Egypt 1p. postage due, with violet circular ''CARRIED BY FIRST AERIAL MAIL/CAIRO-DELHI/DECR. 1918'' on reverse. Rare, only about 30 items carried. Photo.

£350 - £400

Additional Fees ?




Egypt: Airmails: 1919 (Mar. 31) O.H.M.S. envelope to Cairo, bearing ''BASE POST OFFICE/Z'' c.d.s., also two line ''AERIAL POST/E.E.F.'', fine. Photo.

£250 - £300

Additional Fees ?




Egypt: Airmails: 1919 (Apr. 15) O.H.M.S. envelope to France, bearing ''FIELD POST OFFICE/GM'' c.d.s., also boxed line ''AERIAL POST/E.E.F.'', fine. Photo.

£250 - £300

Additional Fees ?




Egypt: Airmails: 1925 (Nov. 3) Cairo-Kano Experimental Flight envelope from Kano to London, initialled ''AC'' (S. Ldr. A. Cunningham). Scarce, only 65 items flown. Photo.

£250 - £300

Additional Fees ?




Egypt: Airmails: 1925 (Nov. 20) Cairo-Kano Experimental Flight envelope from Kano to London, initialled ''AC'' (Sq. Ldr. A. Cunningham). Scarce, only 85 items flown. Photo.

£250 - £300

Additional Fees ?




Egypt: Airmails: 1926 to 1953, a collection of control blocks in a stockbook, incl. 1926-29 27m. deep violet (2), 1931 Zeppelin set, 1933-38 set, 1933 Aviation set mint and used, 1953 King of Egypt Air set, etc. (few 100s)

£500 - £600

Additional Fees ?




Egypt: Airmails: A collection of flown covers and cards in an album, incl. 1926 (Jan.) Cairo-Khartoum and return covers, 1931 Zeppelin 50m. on 27m. (4 on separate cards, one with ''1951'' error), set on cover and 100m. on 27m. (2 on separate covers), etc. (49 items)

£600 - £700

Additional Fees ?




Egypt: Airmails: 1928 (Dec. 6) Cairo-Nairobi flight by J. E. Carberry, addressed to England. Rare, only 40 items flown. Photo.

£300 - £350

Additional Fees ?




Egypt: Airmails: 1933-38 Air 1m. to 200m. set, imperforate from the 'Royal Printings' with ''Cancelled'' on reverse, fine. Photo.

£350 - £400

Additional Fees ?




Egypt: Airmails: 1941-46 Air 5m. to 30m. set from the 'Royal Printing' with ''Cancelled'' on reverse, all marginal, fine. Photo.

£120 - £150

Additional Fees ?




France: Airmails: 1927 to 1936 a mint selection of airmail issues, incl. 1927 2f. and 5f., 1930 EIPA 1f.50, 1936 85c. to 50f. set, 1936 50f. ultramarine on rose, etc., mainly fine. (14)

£500 - £600

Additional Fees ?

2183    ✕



India: Airmails: 1925 (Feb. 2) Demonstration Flight by R.A.F. return flown cover with large circular cachet ''CALCUTTA-RISALPUR DEMONSTRATION FLIGHT/CALCUTTA/Aeroplane/1925'', fine, only 124 items flown. Photo.

£140 - £160

Additional Fees ?

2184    ✕



India: Airmails: 1926 (Apr. 22) Calcutta-Rangoon flight by Spanish Army Aeroplanes, envelope bearing salmon label ''BY SPANISH ARMY AEROPLANES/CALCUTTA TO RANGOON, 22.4.26/Pilots:- Lt. LORIGA & LT. GONSALEZ'' tied by ''CORREO AEREO'', scarce. Photo.

£200 - £250

Additional Fees ?

2185    ✕



India: Airmails: 1927 (July 1) special cover carried over Calcutta by Moth aeroplane, fine.

£80 - £100

Additional Fees ?

2186    ✕



India: Airmails: 1932 (Oct. 5) Karachi-Baghdad stage of the new route to India, special envelope, fine.

£80 - £100

Additional Fees ?




Ireland: 1922 to 2000, a fine used collection in a stockbook, incl. 1934 1/2d., 1d. and 2d. coils, 1937 St Patrick 2s.6d., 10s., 1990 to £5, 1997 to £5, range of commemorative issues, miniature sheets (29), postage dues, airmails, etc. Stated to cat. £2,100+. (100s)

£250 - £300

Additional Fees ?




Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: Kenya and Uganda: Airmails: 1927 selection of flown covers (8) and card, incl. Feb. 15 Kisumu-Khartoum service, one flown on the Jinja-Khartoum, pilot signed, later one with failure cachet, etc.

£300 - £400

Additional Fees ?




Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: Kenya and Uganda: Airmails: 1927 (Feb. 12) Jinja-Kisumu First Experimental Flight, envelope to Nairobi, franked by 5c., 15c. and 50c. tied by red double circular ''AIR MAIL UGANDA SUDAN/FIRST/FE 12/27'', endorsed ''By first Uganda Kenya Air Mail'', with red ''KENYA-SUDAN/1st/FE 12/27/AIR MAIL'' datestamp on the reverse, extremely rare. Believed only four items carried. Photo.

£400 - £500

Additional Fees ?




Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: Kenya and Uganda: 1933 incoming airmail cover from Hampshire to Dar-es-Salaam underpaid by G.B. 1d. and 6d., charged 120 ctms, ''T cents'' in oval applied on arrival with manuscript ''1/-'' inserted, and bearing very scarce 1s. postage due tied by ''DAR-ES-SALAAM/POSTE RESTANTE/3 AU 1933'' c.d.s. Photo.

£700 - £800

Additional Fees ?




New Zealand 1931 to 1935 Air Mail issues, a collection on stock pages, incl. 1931-35 perf. 14 x 141/2 set in unmounted mint blocks of four, perf. 14 x 15 unmounted mint single and block of four, two 1931 envelopes to England bearing the 1931-35 set with Christmas Air Mail cachets in pink, the first sent pre-release on Nov. 9 and endorsed via Karachi-London Air Mail service and the second a f.d.c., 1934 Trans-Tasman Airmail 7d. unmounted mint marginal block of four, single used on 1934 first day envelope to England, singles showing broken ''N'' variety (2, one unmounted mint and another used on cover), 1935 set on f.d.c., set in unmounted mint corner plate blocks of four, 6d. with watermark inverted mint, etc., a few with lightly toned gum, otherwise mainly fine. CP cat. $10,480. (30 items)

£1500 - £2000

Additional Fees ?




Stefan Heijtz Saint Helena: Early Postal Rates: Airmail, 81/2d. Imperial Rate, 1936 (Dec. 6) R.N.E. St. Helena crested envelope commercially used to England franked by 1923 1/2d. and 8d., marked ''7gr.'' and with airmail etiquette at left, sent by Lt. Stone from the Marine Regt. to his mother in Southsea. Rare. The Airmail Service via South Africa was introduced in June 1936, the airmail fee of 61/2d. (for 10g.) added to the postage rate. Photo.

£600 - £800

Additional Fees ?




Sudan: A mint selection of Airmail issues on leaves, incl. 1931-37 perf. 14 set and perf 111/2 x 121/2 10m. to 5p. all in blocks of four, 1950 set and Official set in blocks of four, etc. (176)

£120 - £150

Additional Fees ?




Sudan: Airmails, 1931 to 1955, a collection of flown covers in an album, incl. 1931 (Mar.) first flights with a range of stages, 1935 (Nov. 30) Khartoum-Massawa, also Khartoum-Djibouti, 1935 (Dec. 15) Khartoum-British Somaliland, etc. (47 items)

£500 - £600

Additional Fees ?