Gary Brown, FRPSL, RPSV

We are very sad to announce the death of our much-loved representative in Australia, Gary Brown, who has passed away at his home in Melbourne.

Gary was a well-known name in Australian philately, a former President of the Royal Philatelic Society Victoria who had recently been elected for another term as the Australian Philatelic Federation International Officer. He had been a philatelic exhibitor since the 1980s and a collector all … Read more...


Why Come to Grosvenor?

Grosvenor is a privately owned British company founded by stamp professionals in 1997 to provide the best possible service for collectors, combining the traditional method of auction sale with the best of new technology. Over the last 22 years we have pursued this goal, making both incremental improvements in our efficiency and discovering entirely new ways to provide a better experience of sale for our clients.

Vendors most frequently come …


Auction of British Empire and Foreign Countries Postage Stamps and Postal History

Sale number: 130

Sale Time: Wednesday 18th September 2019 at 10 am, 12.30pm and 3.30pm

Featuring the exceptional Reg Patchett award-winning collection of Crash and Interrupted Mail including a rare 1937 Hindenburg Crash cover, a fine offering from the ‘King’s Pawn’ collection of Gambia, the outstanding collection of British Empire formed by the late Raymond (Monty) Hester and the comprehensive Michael Hellings Philatelic Library… Read more...


Bright Future, Busy Summer

“Today we are pleased to advise our clients that Grosvenor has completed a  new 10 year agreement to remain in our current building Romano House on the Strand, the historic heart of the stamp market in London”, writes chairman James Grist.

“We are also delighted to welcome back as a consultant Andrew Claridge, one of the founders of the company and recognised as one of the very foremost experts in … Read more...


Penguins Take Flight

The Helen Davis collection of penguin themed items, featured in the British Empire & Foreign Countries auction on June 5th-6th, attracted interest from a wide collector base with highest realisations achieved unsurprisingly by items connected directly to the early Antarctic expeditions.… Read more...


Auction of British Empire and Foreign Countries Postage Stamps and Postal History

Sale number: 129

Sale Time: Wednesday 5th June 2019 at 1.30 pm
Thursday 6th June 2019 at 11 am and 2 pm

Featuring the latest in our popular offerings of specialised Falkland Islands & Antarctica together with the Helen Davis Gold Medal collection of Penguin Stamps, the Gold Medal collection of Straits Settlements, Malaya and British Borneo during the Second World War formed by the late David Foreman and numerous … Read more...


The Errors Are Back

The Specialised Great Britain auction held at Grosvenor on 24-25 April provided many positive indications of a market that has now settled down and is ready for more sustainable growth. The auction exceeded its pre-sale estimate, achieving a fine total of £832,027.

The first half of this sale featured a particularly high proportion of material of exceptional quality, including Queen Victoria surface printed issues showing fine dated c.d.s. cancellations. … Read more...