November Auctions

Sales 125 & 126

Great Britain Specialised: Thursday 15th – Friday 16th November

Featuring the exceptional collection of the late John Harding FRPSL, the Eric Neville Cheadle collection of rare First Day Covers and the ‘Bristol’ collection of 1879–80 Tender Essays

British Empire and Foreign: Tuesday 20th November

Featuring the fine Bill Hall collection of Barbados, Basutoland from the exceptional collection formed by Allen Wood FRPSL, the latest in our … Read more...


Rise of the Pharaohs

The British Empire & Foreign Countries auction held at Grosvenor’s Strand saleroom on 19th and 20th September, was a four session sale, the third of these over-running by a full 40 minutes due entirely to the intensity of the bidding, received pre-auction, by telephone and online on the day in competition with a strong attendance aroused by a presentation of Egypt that included much fine and rare material from … Read more...


November Auctions

15-16 November 2018

Featuring the exceptional collection of the late John Harding, FRPSL, the Eric Neville Cheadle collection of first day covers and the ‘Bristol’ collection of 1879-80 Tender Essays.


20 November 2018

Featuring the Allen Wood, FRPSL collection of Basutoland, the Bill Hall collection of Barbados and the latest in our popular series of specialised sections of Falkland Islands Read more...


September British Empire & Foreign

Sale: 124

Wednesday 19th September 2018 at 10.30 am and 2 pm
Thursday 20th September 2018 at 10.30 am and 2 pm 

Featuring a special section of Australasia & Pacific Islands with rare stamps, proofs and essays from the Gold Medal winning collection of Tasmania Pictorials formed by Malcolm Groom, the first part of the ‘Dickidido’ collection of British Solomon Islands, the second parts of the ‘Tuanjai’ Fiji ‘Saisunee’ Gilbert … Read more...


The Best of What Might Be

Summer auction week at Grosvenor featured two sales that brought into question once more the expected relationship between catalogue values and open market prices. An underlying movement of collectors away from ‘basic’ stamps is increasingly noticeable, as are the collecting areas where prices have fallen back sharply after becoming overstretched in recent times.… Read more...