November Auctions

Sale 132: East Africa Postal History and Postage Stamps – 27th November 2019


Sale 133: British Empire and Foreign Countries – 28th November 2019



A Balanced Overview


The Specialised Great Britain auction held at Grosvenor on 29 October presented to the market a broad spectrum of Great Britain philately from postal history to modern errors and achieved a very pleasing total realisation of £660,757.… Read more...


Crash Market

First sale of the Autumn 2019 season, the British Empire & Foreign Countries auction on September 18th was a lengthy event lasting almost eight and a half hours in the Grosvenor auction room on the Strand. By the end of the day the pre-sale estimate had been left well behind, a fine sale total of £566,177 having been achieved. The market remains strong with dealers active and elite collectors still … Read more...


Forthcoming Auction: East Africa

27 November 2019

East Africa: The Postal History and Postage Stamps

‘Minns & Wilks’ – a landmark auction that brings together the remarkable postal history collections of East Africa, Uganda and Zanzibar formed by the late John Minns, FRPSL, author of British East Africa: The Stamps and Postal Stationery, and the exceptional collection of postage stamps of British East Africa formed by John Wilks, FRPSL, recent Chairman of the … Read more...


Forthcoming Auction: Empire & Foreign

28 November 2019

A comprehensive auction featuring fine offerings from the collections of the late Michael N Oliver, FRPSL and the late John Minns, FRPSL including an unusual presentation of the postal history of Pondicherry. The sale includes the latest in our regular specialised presentations of Falklands Islands & Antarctica including attractive and rare material from the collections of noted members of the Falklands Islands Philatelic Study Group Ron Farmer, … Read more...