Auction of British Empire and Foreign Countries Postage Stamps and Postal History
Wednesday 29th November 2017 at 10.30 am, 1 pm and 3.30 pm
Featuring the late Fred Goldberg collection of Antarctica, the ‘Braemar’ collection of Falkland Islands, rare proofs and essays from the extraordinary collection of Peter Young, FRPSL, a further offering from the outstanding ‘Moore & Moore’ collection of Gibraltar and the only known postally used example of the rare North West Pacific Islands 2½d. (SG 87)… Read more...
GPA 118 Prices Realised
Great Expectations
The autumn season at GROSVENOR continued on 25th-26th October with arguably the most interesting, balanced auction of traditional Great Britain to have been offered for some time. Pre-sale attendances during private and public viewing days were exceptionally high and a very fine total sale result of £938,637 was just reward.
As was noted during the September British Empire & Foreign Countries auction, lots created from the unusual collection formed by … Read more...
Auction of Great Britain Postage Stamps and Postal History
Wednesday 25th October 2017 at 11 am and 2.00 pm
Thursday 26th October 2017 at 11 am and 2.00 pm
A fine and varied auction, the property of 100 vendors, featuring the first offering of Essays, Proofs and Trials from the exceptional collection of Dr Peter Young, FRPSL, the extensive and unusual collections of Telegraph and Revenue Stamps formed by the late Prof. Iain Stevenson, FRPSL, interesting … Read more...
Thanks A Million
The Autumn season at GROSVENOR opened with a substantial offering of British Empire & Foreign Countries on 20th-21st September. Record viewing and auction day attendance figures by collectors and dealers, added to enthusiastic online and pre-sale bidding, generated a superb total result of £1,028,049 for the vendors in the sale.
Memorable sections and individual highlights featured throughout. A recently discovered and newly listed variety from the British East Africa… Read more...
GPA 117 Prices Realised
November Auction
29th November – British Empire & Foreign Countries
This auction catalogue is now in preparation and will feature the late Fred Goldberg collection of Antarctica, the ‘Braemar’ Falkland Islands, as well as rare proofs and essays from the extraordinary collection of Peter Young, FRPSL, a further offering from the outstanding ‘Moore & Moore’ collection of Gibraltar and the only known postally used example of New Guinea S.G. 87 (cat. £28,000).… Read more...