A specialised auction of nearly 500 lots from collections and studies formed by two of Britain’s leading philatelists, including rare and important Cinderellas, Revenues, Locals and other specialised items.
Public viewing at our offices is to be available on
Monday 22nd February 9.30 am to 5 pm
Tuesday 23rd February 9.30 am …
Over 18 years Grosvenor has offered up nearly 150,000 lots, selling for over £70 million, and has risen to become the UK’s leading specialist philatelic auction house, celebrated for its carefully prepared, collector-friendly, consignment-only auctions. A week of four special sales was held in London between Monday 9th and Thursday 12th November as a celebration of the landmark 100th auction and achieved a fantastic cumulative total of £2,038,097, all four … Read more...
The large September 23rd/24th British Empire & Foreign Countries auction that opened the Autumn season at GROSVENOR achieved an excellent total realisation of £807,015.
Over 2,200 lots were presented in this sale, the catalogue for which will be another essential reference for specialist collectors of the Falkland Islands, including as it did the outstanding collection formed by Bryant Rose, an early member of the Falkland Islands Philatelic Study … Read more...
Auction of British Empire and Foreign Countries Postage Stamps and Postal History
Sale number: 99
Sale Time: Wednesday 23rd & Thursday 24th September 2015 at 11.00 am and 2 pm
A specialised auction of over 2,200 lots, including an exceptional presentation of Falkland Islands & Antarctica featuring the collection formed by Bryant Rose, rare North Borneo Postal Stationery from the collection of Stephen D Schumann, the Les Skabinsky collection of … Read more...
The two June auctions at GROSVENOR brought under the hammer a wide ranging offering of material for specialist collectors and achieved an impressive combined total of £816,213.
The catalogue for the auction of the Rev. Roger de Lacy-Spencer Collection of Railway Stamps, held on June 4th, will be an important work of reference for collectors of this fascinating subject in years to come and strong bidding was … Read more...