Number of results: 1236
1 |
A mainly unmounted mint Q.E.II collection with issues to about 1970 in fifteen Palo boxed albums, incl. Abu Dhabi 1964 set, 1966 surcharged set, Aden 1953-63 to 20s. (2), Antigua, Ascension 1963 Birds set with 11/2d. with cobalt omitted, Australia 1963-65 Navigators set overprinted ''SPECIMEN'', also set in blocks of four, Bahamas 1967-71 whiter paper set in blocks of four with B.P.A. certificate (2006), Bermuda, British Antarctic Territory 1963-69 set with �1 Endurance block of four, British Guinea, British P.A's in Eastern Arabia 1956-57 11/2a. on 11/2a. green (used), Cyprus 1955-60 set, Falkland Islands 1960-66 set, Dependencies 1954-62 set, Fiji, Gambia, Gibraltar 1953-59 set, 1960-62 set in blocks of four, Grenada 1964-66 set, Hong Kong 1963-72 set, Jamaica, Malaya and States, Malta 1956-58 set, Mauritius, New Zealand, Papua 1960 Postage due 6d. on 71/2d. type D1, Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Sierra Leone 1963 11s. on �1, Singapore 1955-59 set, 1969 Founding miniature sheet, Swaziland 1961 50c. on 5s. type III, 2r. on �1 type II at base, Tonga 1962 official air set, Tristan da Cunha, Virgin Islands, etc. (1,000s) �5000 - �6000 |
2 |
A Q.V. to Q.E.II mint and used accumulation on stockards with mint incl. Antigua 1921-29 �1, 1932 Centenary set, Ascension 1924-33 to 3s., Bahamas 1938-52 to �1, Barbados, Bermuda, British Virgin Is. 1938-47 to �1 in blocks of four, Cyprus 1938-51 to �1, Gibraltar 1953-59 to �1, G.B., various G.B. overprinted, Hong Kong (mainly used), Leeward Is. 1890 to 5s. (blunt corner), K.E.VII to 5s., 1938-51 shades to 10s. (2), �1 (4), Rhodesias incl. Northern Rhodesia 1938-52 to 20s., Saints, Sarawak 1923 bars 3/4mm apart 1c. on 10c. bright blue (2), 1950 to $5, Seychelles, Somaliland 1938 to 5r., 1953-58 to 10s., Tristan 1952 to 10s., Turks and Caicos Is. 1950 to 10s. in blocks of four, many commemorative sets incl. some 1935 Silver Jubilee, 1948 Silver Wedding incl. Hong Kong (used), 1949 U.P.U., range of used throughout, also some Foreign, etc., varied condition, much of the mint unmounted. (1,000s) �1800 - �2000 |
3 |
A mainly used Q.E.II collection with issues to about 1970 in twelve Palo boxed albums, incl. Antigua, Ascension 1956 set, Barbados, Basutoland, Bechuanaland, Cayman Islands, Cyprus, Dominica, Falkland Islands, Gambia, Gibraltar 1953-59 set, Hong Kong, Mauritius, Nyasaland, Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Sierra Leone 1963 11s. on �1, Singapore 1969 Founding set and miniature sheet, Swaziland, Tonga, Tristan da Cunha, Virgin Islands, etc. (many 100s) �1600 - �2000 |
4 |
An album of K.G.V to Q.E.II Commonwealth registered covers in an album, incl. Antigua 1951 cover to USA bearing 1938-51 �1 block of four, British Honduras 1938 cover to London bearing 1938-47 $1 to $5, Falkland Islands 1958 envelope to Basingstoke bearing 1952 5s. to �1, Fiji 1954 cover to USA bearing �1 control block of four, Ireland 1947 cover to Austria bearing St Patrick 10s. with currency control censor cachet alongside, Tristan da Cunha two 1958 covers to Transvaal, one bearing a 1954 5s. imprint block of four and the other a 5s. plate block of four, etc. (65) �1500 - �2000 |
5 |
A collection of Commonwealth Indian Ocean Islands in a binder, mostly unmounted mint Q.V. to early Q.E.II, incl. multiples, Maldives, Mauritius 1938-49 2r.50 marginal block of eight, Seychelles 1938 (Feb. 10) three registered f.d.c's bearing values to 5r., 1952 to 10r. on cover to New York, etc., mainly fine. (100s) �1500 - �2000 |
6 |
A Commonwealth accumulation on stock cards and pages, Q.V. to Q.E.II, incl. wide range of varieties, specimens, flaws, covers, multiples, Officials, etc., some possible forgeries, mixed condition. (100s) �1000 - �1500 |
7 |
A mint collection in a printed K.G.VI album with sets incl. Aden 1939-48 to 10r., 1951 to 10s. on 10r., Ascension 1938-53 to 10s., Bermuda 1938-53 perf. 14 2s. to 10s., Cayman Is. 1938-48 and 1950 to 10s., Falkland Is. 1938-50 to �1 (less 5s.), 1948 Wedding, 1952 to �1, Hong Kong 1938-52 to $10 (less original dollar values), India 1937-40 to 25r., 1948 Gandhi set, Mauritius 1938-49 to 10r., New Guinea 1939 Air to �1, New Hebrides 1938 to 10f., North Borneo 1939 postage dues, Swaziland 1938-54 to 10s., etc., varied condition, a few lightly stuck down. (100s) �1000 - �1200 |
8 |
The balance of a Commonwealth collection on album pages, Q.V. to K.G.V incl. Batum, Bechuanaland 1925-27 set mint, British Honduras, British Levant, British Solomon Islands 1914-23 �1 used, 1922-31 10s. mint, Cayman islands 1932 Centenary to 3s. mint, 2d., 21/2d. and 6d. blocks of four used on pieces with Georgetown c.d.s's, Cook Islands, Jamaica, Labuan, Madagascar 1895 set mint, Maldives 1906 25c. mint, New Hebrides 1911 to 5s. mint, Palestine, Southern Rhodesia 1924-29 to 5s. mint, Swaziland 1933 to 10s., Togo, Uganda 1898-1902 to 5r. mint, Zululand, etc., mixed condition. (100s) �800 - �1000 |
9 |
An all World accumulation in eleven albums, mostly early to middle period, incl. covers, range of early Commonwealth issues, Australian States, Canada, Ceylon, France, Greece, Ireland, Liberia, Newfoundland, New Zealand Chalon 2d. reprint on card complete sheet of 240, U.S.A., thematic collection of submarine cables, etc., mixed condition. (100s) �800 - �1000 |
10 |
A British Commonwealth collection in fifteen albums and stockbooks incl. British East Africa 1890-95 to 5r. mint, 1894 surcharged pair handstamped ''SPECIMEN'', 1904-07 to 5r. mint, K.U.T. 1912-21 100r. fiscally used, 1921 to 5r. mint, 1935-37 to 10s. mint and 10s. used, 1935 Jubilee 1s. with line through ''0'' of ''1910'' used, K.G.VI mint and used perfs. incl. 1938 �1 mint and used, mint blocks with varieties, Egypt, Falkland Is., Rhodesia, Tristan da Cunha, covers incl. British Forces in Egypt, Northern Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia 1930s airmails, etc. �800 - �1000 |
11 |
A mainly K.G.V to Q.E.II collection of stamps and covers in five binders, covers with first flight and other flown covers, registered, censored, f.d.c's, incl. British West Indies, Bechuanaland 1961 surcharged set (less 21/2c. on 2d.) on f.d.c with type I 1r. on 10s., Gambia, G.B. Overprinted, India, Jamaica incl. 1948 Wedding plain f.d.c., K.U.T., Nigeria, North Borneo 1945 BMA set (less 2c. and 4c.), another less 2c., 4c. and $5, 1950-52 set (less one 50c.), Papua, Sarawak, Sierra Leone, 1935 Jubilee sets on covers, stamps incl. definitive and commemorative sets, mint and used multiples, etc., varied condition. (1,000s) �600 - �700 |
12 |
A mainly unmounted mint collection in a small stockbook of mainly, K.G.V to Q.E.II, comprising Basutoland with 1938 1d. showing 'tower flaw' in upper left corner block of eight, 1954 sets (3), 5s. and 10s. corner blocks of four, Bechuanaland with 1913-24 2s.6d. (2) and 5s., 1955-58 sets (2), 10s. corner plate block of four, and Swaziland with 1938-54 values to 5s. (10 singles and a block of four) and 10s. (4 singles and a corner pair), 1956 sets (2), etc., mainly fine. (100s) �600 - �700 |
13 |
An accumulation in nine albums, eleven stockbooks, leaves and loose, incl. Australia, Denmark 1925-29 15ore and 25ore used, France 1936 South Atlantic Flight 10f. used, New Zealand, Russia, ranged of thematics with Aircraft, etc. (1,000s) �600 - �700 |
14 |
An accumulation of Latin America in eight albums, mostly early to middle period, incl. Brazil, Chile, much Colombia with proofs and States, El Salvador, Guatemala, etc., mixed condition. (100s) �600 - �700 |
15 |
A Q.V. to Q.E.II accumulation in albums, stockbooks, on leaves and on stockcards in a carton, incl. remaindered mint and used collections in two K.G.VI printed albums, Bahamas 1912-19 values to �1 mint (toned), duplicated Q.E.II used, Bechuanaland 1932 to 5s. mint, Bermuda duplicated K.G.VI used, Q.E.II sets to �1, Dominica mint incl. 1907-08 5s., Gibraltar 1925-32 �1 mint, corner marginal with plate number, Gold Coast duplicated K.G.VI used, G.B. K.G.VI and Q.E.II unmounted mint multiples incl. 1948 Wedding �1 block of four, 1967-68 no wmk. Castle sets (16), plus 10s. sheet of forty, Nauru 1937-48 shiny paper to 10s. mint (4d. is rough paper), New Guinea 1935 Air �2 and �5 used (�5 toned), New Zealand 1958 2d. on 11/2d. error on S.G. 725 unmounted mint, a few covers inc. Canada, a little Foreign incl. Portugal, etc., varied condition. (1,000s) �600 - �700 |
16 |
A Commonwealth selection, comprising Bahamas 1863-77 Watermark Crown CC, Perf. 14 1d. scarlet (aniline) unused with large part original gum (B.P.A. certificate 1970), Barbados 1860 pin-perf. 121/2 (1/2d.) yellow-green used (B.P.A. certificate 1990), Ireland 1922 (Dec.)-23 Thom 2s.6d. pale brown showing major re-entry [plate 3A, R. 1/2] mint, range of British Military Administration with 1945-48 to both $5 mint and to $5 purple and orange used, Malayan Federation, Malaysia and Japanese Occupation issues, Newfoundland 1857-64 1d. (3), 5d., 8d., 1860 2d., 3d. (2), 5d., 1862-64 1d. (2), 2d., 4d., 5d., 6d. (2 singles and a corner block of four), 61/2d., 8d. and 1s. unused or part original gum (mainly with four margins) and Rhodesia 1910-13 Double Heads perf. 14 2s.6d. sepia and deep crimson unused with large part original gum (B.P.A. certificate 2004), mixed condition. (100s) �600 - �700 |
17 |
The Levant, a mint and used collection from 1867 to around 1900 neatly arranged in a green Lighthouse stockbook incl. Austrian, French, German, Italian and Russian with good cancellation interest, mostly fair to fine. (100s) �550 - �600 |
18 |
An all World accumulation in eight albums and loose, early to modern, incl. Commonwealth, Europe, North Vietnam, a few 1960s f.d.c's, Spain from imperfs. with 1930 Spanish-American Exhibition 1p. brown purple mint, much Great Britain with 1840 1d. black (2, both with four margins) and 2d. blue used, surface printed to 2s. blue and 5s. used, a few Seahorses, 1951 Festival set mint, Wildings, PHQs, presentation packs, f.d.c's, miniature sheets, prestige booklets, etc., mixed condition. (100s) �500 - �600 |
19 |
A Q.V. to K.G.V collection in an Ideal album, incl. Australia, Canada 1897-98 set mint, 1898-1902 to 10c. mint, Falkland Islands 1933 Centenary to 6d. mint, Gibraltar, Great Britain 1913 Waterlow �1 green used, Newfoundland, Southern Rhodesia 1931-37 to 5s. mint, etc. (100s) �500 - �600 |
20 |
A mainly K.G.VI to Q.E.II collection in eight albums and three stockbooks, incl. Ascension, Great Britain, Hong Kong with 1948 Silver Wedding sets mint (2), etc. (many 100s) �500 - �600 |
21 |
A well-filled old-time European collection arranged in a red Paragon album incl. Austria with Levant, Germany and Colonies/Territories with China and Levant, German States with Bavaria, Switzerland, varied condition. (100s) �500 - �600 |
22 |
An all World accumulation housed in 30 assorted volumes and plastic containers, contained in two cartons, incl. better ranges of Australia, China, New Zealand, Hong Kong with 1945 stamps of Japan overprinted to 5y. on 5s. used, also a range of thematics, varied condition. (1,000s) �500 - �600 |
23 |
A Q.V. Commonwealth collection in an album, comprising Antigua with 1903-07 1/2d. to 5s. set mint, Bermuda with 1865-93 values to 1s. mint and used, 1874 type 6a 3d. on 1s. used, Fiji with 1878-99 and 1891-98 ranges, Mauritius imperfs. (2), Saint Helena 1864-80 and 1884-94 ranges with watermark varieties, etc., mixed condition. (150) �500 - �600 |
24 |
A mint and used Q.E.II collection in two albums and a folder, incl. Abu Dhabi 1966 surcharged set mint, Australia, Bahamas, Bahrain, Basutoland, Bechuanaland, Bermuda, British Antarctic Territory 1963-69 sets (2) mint and used, etc. (100s) �450 - �500 |
25 |
A mint and used Q.V. to K.G.VI collection in an album, incl. Bahamas 1863-77 perf. 121/2 6d. lilac used with R.P.S. certificate (1979), Great Britain with 1840 1d. black used (2), Hong Kong 1912-21 to $10 used, India and States, Kuwait, Malaya and States, Malta, etc. (100s) �450 - �500 |
26 |
An all World accumulation in an album, eight stockbooks and leaves, incl. Argentina, Australia 1931-36 to 5s. mint, 1937-49 to �1 mint (3), 1963-65 set mint, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Syria, duplication, etc. (many 100s) �450 - �500 |
27 |
A K.G.VI Crown album, incl. Aden with values to 2r. mint, better values with Singapore $5, Cyprus �1, Falkland 5s. and 10s., Bahrain 4a., etc. (100s) �400 - �450 |
28 |
A large accumulation of British Commonwealth and Great Britain on old time pages, also several stockbooks and albums with mainly pre Q.E.II material, mixed condition. (1,000s) �400 - �450 |
29 |
Old-time collection of European countries arranged in an Yvert et Telier album with better countries represented including Austria, Belgium, Germany and States, Monaco and Spain. Mixed condition. (100s) �400 - �450 |
30 |
A British Commonwealth accumulation of 1980s and 1990s issues in stockbook, three folders and envelopes, incl. Cayman Islands 1980 $4 pale orange revenue stamp in a sheet of fifty, Great Britain range of decimal sample booklets, Isle of Man 1994 �5 sheets of ten but imperforate (7), Tonga with large glazed frame containing a sheet with 1993 King Tupou Birthday 45s. three panes of fifty with a pane of Niuafo'ou Birthday 45s. (stated to be one of just six known examples), range of booklets and miniature sheets, Walsall Security Printers presentation folders, etc. (many 100s) �400 - �450 |
31 |
A British Empire collection arranged in ten assorted volumes, contained in a carton, incl. mint B.A.T. 1963 to �1, Falkland Islands 1897 2s.6d., 5s., Gambia 1902-05 to 3s., 1904-06 to 2s., 1906 surcharges, 1909 to 3s., also Great Britain with first day covers, condition mixed. (1,000s) �400 - �450 |
32 |
An accumulation in three albums, four stockbooks and loose, incl. Canada, France, Great Britain, North Borneo, Orange Free State, etc. (many 100s) �300 - �400 |
33 |
An accumulation in an album, six stockbooks and loose, incl. Austria, Mexico, Rhodesia and Nyasaland 1954-56 set in mint marginal pairs, Sudan 1948 20p. perf. 13 unmounted mint, U.S.A., etc., also an album of 1937 Coronation f.d.c's (a few illustrated) complete less Tangier, South Africa and South West Africa and a selection of covers addressed to the Selfridges Philatelic Department cancelled with various 1937 dates (possibly Royal Visits). (many 100s) �300 - �400 |
34 |
A Commonwealth and Great Britain accumulation on stock cards, pages and loose in a box file, incl. many K.G.VI better values and sets, range of Q.V. postal history, etc., mixed condition. (100s) �300 - �350 |
35 |
The balance of a collection in albums, stockbooks and loose, mainly mint and used British Commonwealth, also some Great Britain with fine used, some postal history, etc. (1,000s) �300 - �350 |
36 |
A Q.V. to K.G.V collection of British Africa on leaves, comprising mainly K.G.V K.U.T., Nyasaland and Tanganyika with some fiscally used high values, and Natal with range of unused and used Chalons, 1882-89 6d. with watermark inverted used, 1902-03 to 4s. mint or used, 1902 5s. to �1.10 used, �5 unused (cleaned), etc., mixed condition. (100s) �300 - �350 |
37 |
Mixed mint, some unmounted, and used duplicated stock arranged in a small brown stockbook comprising mostly post-WWII Belgium and Luxembourg with some better sets. Condition mostly fine. (100s) �300 - �350 |
38 |
An all World collection in nine albums and leaves, incl. Australia, China 1897 2c. on 3c. red used (S.G. 89), France, India, Portugal and Colonies, Scandinavia, U.S.A., etc. (1,000s) �300 - �350 |
39 |
All World accumulation housed in five assorted volumes and two box files, contained in a carton, incl. France, Germany and British Empire, condition mixed. (1,000s) �300 - �350 |
40 |
An accumulation in a carton, incl. much Commonwealth with British Levant Turkish Currency 1921 45pi. on 2s.6d. to 180pi. on 10s. overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' (Samuel type GB26) in mint vertical pairs, Gibraltar, Gold Coast, Nigeria f.d.c's, range of covers with much British Africa, postal stationery and censored, Great Britain with range of Q.E.II unused and used postal stationery with some early used in British Africa, etc., mixed condition. (100s) �250 - �300 |
41 |
Mixed mint and used selection arranged on stockcards, an approval book and loose in packets, etc., comprising France with better mint, Gabon, Great Britain Q.V. and U.S.A. postage due blocks and revenues, condition mixed. (100s) �250 - �300 |
42 |
A British Commonwealth collection in five albums, incl. Canada, Gold Coast, Hong Kong, Malayan States, etc. (many 100s) �250 - �300 |
43 |
A collection in seven early albums incl. G.B. 1840 1d. used (2), 1865-67 wmk. emblems 9d. used, Cape of Good Hope triangulars (5) used, Hong Kong, China 1897 surcharges used, 1927 registered cover, Denmark 1854 16sk. grey-lilac used, France 1869 5f. used, Hawaii 1898 Provisional Government overprints mint, U.S.A. 1890 to 90c. orange used, early forgeries, etc. �250 - �350 |
44 |
A collection in two albums incl. Brunei Japanese Occupation 1942-44 1c. to $1 mint, Ireland 1922 (Feb.-July) Seahorse 10s. mint, 1922 (Dec.)-23 2s.6d., 5s. used, 10s. mint, later commemoratives used, Kuwait 1939 unmounted mint blocks incl. 4a. block of six, 2r. pane of twenty, etc. �250 - �300 |
45 |
A mint and used Q.E.II collection in an album, incl. countries from Gambia to Hong Kong, incl. Gibraltar 1953-59 set mint, Hong Kong, etc. (100s) �200 - �250 |
46 |
An all World accumulation in six albums and on stock cards, incl. Danish West Indies 1873-1902 1�. with watermark inverted used, France with early issues used, 1950, 1954 and 1955 Relief Fund sets unmounted mint, Isle of Man 1973-75 3p. with olive-bistre border unmounted mint, Jersey 1940s to 1960s issues, Sudan 1962 Official selection with multiples, Commonwealth 1977 Silver Jubilee, 1978 Coronation anniversary and 1979 Rowland Hill issues, a few covers with 1937 Coronation issues, etc., mixed condition. (100s) �200 - �250 |
47 |
An early to modern all World accumulation housed in three assorted volumes, contained in a carton, including Cayman Islands 1962-64 to �1 unmounted mint, interesting postal history with 1943 Australia used in Papua New Guinea used locally, mixed condition. A very interesting lot. (100s) �200 - �250 |
48 |
A mint and used Q.E.II collection in an album, incl. countries from British Honduras to Ceylon, incl. British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, etc. (100s) �150 - �200 |
49 |
An accumulation in an album, stockbook, leaves and loose, incl. Argentine, Poland, Switzerland, etc. (many 100s) �150 - �200 |
50 |
An all World accumulation in two albums, stockbook and loose, incl. Barbados, Cayman Islands, Sierra Leone, etc. (many 100s) �150 - �200 |
51 |
A British Commonwealth accumulation in two albums and loose, incl. Canada, Denmark, etc. (100s) �100 - �150 |
52 |
A small selection of early issues in a stockbook incl. France imperf. and perf. Ceres and Napoleon issues, Spain imperfs., Belgium 1849 Epaulettes 10c., a few Commonwealth, etc., mixed condition. (82) �50 - �70 |
53 |
Accessories: S.G. Exeter album binders, seven in blue and ten in red, good condition. �100 - �120 |
54 |
Accessories: Eleven Lighthouse boxed albums without leaves, fine. �30 - �40 |
55 |
Cinderellas: An accumulation of labels, locals, revenues and fiscals in two stockbooks, on leaves and loose. (100s) �120 - �150 |
56 |
Cinderellas: Poster Stamps: A collection in a stockbook, incl. Germany, France, Italy, U.S.A., advertising, exhibitions, etc. (approx. 2,150) �400 - �500 |
57 |
Cinderellas: Poster Stamps: A collection in a stockbook, incl. France, Germany, Italy, Scandinavia, advertising, exhibitions, etc. (approx. 2,000) �350 - �400 |
58 |
Cinderellas: Poster Stamps: A collection in a stockbook, incl. Austria, Germany, U.S.A., advertising, exhibitions, etc. (approx. 1,850) �300 - �350 |
59 |
Cinderellas: Poster Stamps: A collection in a stockbook, incl. Germany, Great Britain, Italy, U.S.A., advertising, exhibitions, etc. (approx. 1,600) �300 - �350 |
60 |
Cinderellas: Poster Stamps, An accumulation in a stockbook, incl. Great Britain, Europe, exhibitions, etc. (100s) �150 - �200 |
61 |
Colonial Proofs and Essays: Waterlow, The Waterlow Head, Die proof without surround, in black on sunken card (75 x 96mm), annotated ''un (deleted) touched for the ear and jaw'' and dated ''5/2/76'' in pencil, a few minor peripheral tones. Ex 'Clive' Collection. Photo. �1000 - �1200 |
62 |
Colonial Proofs and Essays: Waterlow, The Waterlow Head, 1879 essays struck from a single die, inscribed ''QUEENSLAND'' and denominated 2d., four examples imperf. in grey, brown, purple and deep blue on blue. Originally exhibited by Waterlow & Sons at the 1878 Paris International Exhibition and submitted unsuccessfully for the 1879 Great Britain tender in support of a recommendation of the line-engraved process. �1000 - �1200 |
63 |
Colonial Proofs and Essays: Waterlow, The Waterlow Head, 1879 essays struck from a single die, inscribed ''QUEENSLAND'' and denominated 2d., three examples imperf. in the U.P.U. colours of green, red and blue, two with part gum. Originally exhibited by Waterlow & Sons at the 1878 Paris International Exhibition and submitted unsuccessfully for the 1879 Great Britain tender in support of a recommendation of the line-engraved process. �800 - �1000 |
64 |
Colonial Proofs and Essays: De La Rue, 1880 handpainted essay inscribed ''NEW SOUTH WALES S STAMP DUTY'' (sic) and denominated 3d., in shades of blue and Chinese white on artist's brown translucent paper (79 x 78mm), employed for later submission with De La Rue & Co. ink recipe dummy stamp in grey affixed below, annotated ''4 cents - May 12/Reduced''. Also completed die proof for the issued revenue stamp in black on glazed card (92 x 60mm) endorsed ''BEFORE HARDENING'' and dated ''21 MAY 80''. Photo. �1000 - �1200 |
65 |
Colonial Proofs and Essays: De La Rue, 1881 handpainted essay inscribed ''STRAITS SETTLEMENTS'' and denominated 10c., in shades of deep blue and Chinese white on artist's brown translucent paper (68 x 91mm.), with De La Rue & Co. ink recipe dummy stamp in slate-grey affixed below, endorsed ''Vol 7 folio 15'' in pencil. Photo. �1000 - �1200 |
66 |
Colonial Proofs and Essays: De La Rue, 1881 Uniform Colonial Keyplate, Die I Leeward Islands undenominated proof in dull green affixed to card (90 x 118mm) dated ''Sept. 15 1881'', with ''GRENADA'' and ''ONE PENNY'' handpainted in green, proposed ''REVENUE'' overprint handpainted in black, Great Britain 1881 1d. die I (14 dots) in pale lilac (ink 951) affixed at lower left as colour sample endorsed ''Revenue/colour''. Photo. �1500 - �2000 |
67 |
Colonial Proofs and Essays: De La Rue, The Minerva Head, 1891 die proof of head only, with background lines in circular frame, surround uncleared, endorsed ''BEFORE/HARDENING'' and dated ''13 MAR 91'', in black on glazed card (92 x 60mm). Photo. �200 - �250 |
68 |
Colonial Proofs and Essays: De La Rue, The Minerva Head, 1894 die proof of head incorporated into keyplate frame, dated ''30 OCT. 94'', in black on glazed card (92 x 60mm). Photo. �200 - �250 |
69 |
Colonial Proofs and Essays: De La Rue, The Minerva Head, 1894 essays inscribed ''AFRICA'' and denominated 21/2d., examples imperf. in green and violet with full gum, perforated in dull purple and grey respectively, with part gum. (3) This keyplate design was suggested to the Cape of Good Hope and Natal as a more economical option for stamp production, the proofs created also later used as sample of typography for submissions to other territories. �180 - �200 |
70 |
Colonial Proofs and Essays: De La Rue, 1892-94 Experimental Small Head Dies, Die proof of T1 head from Striking Book, with background lines in circular frame, surround uncleared, in black on glazed card (83 x 60mm). Photo. �500 - �700 |
71 |
Colonial Proofs and Essays: De La Rue, 1892-94 Experimental Small Head Dies, Die proof of T1 head with background lines in circular frame, surround uncleared and plugged for screws, highly finished in black on glazed card cut-down (20 x 24mm). Photo. �300 - �350 |
72 |
Colonial Proofs and Essays: De La Rue, 1892-94 Experimental Small Head Dies, Die proof of T2 head, early strike for version with white background, the circular background and surround uncleared, in black on glazed card cut-down (18 x 23mm). Photo. �250 - �300 |
73 |
Colonial Proofs and Essays: De La Rue, 1892-94 Experimental Small Head Dies, Die proof of T2 head with white background, surround uncleared, in black on glazed card cut-down (22 x 25mm). Photo. �250 - �300 |
74 |
Colonial Proofs and Essays: De La Rue, 1892-94 Experimental Small Head Dies, Die proof of head with white background, incorporated in frame for issued South Australia 1894 21/2d., in black on glazed card (92 x 60mm), endorsed ''BEFORE/HARDENING'' and dated ''12 JAN 93''. Photo. �300 - �400 |
75 |
Colonial Proofs and Essays: De La Rue, 1892-94 Experimental Small Head Dies, Die proof of head with white background, incorporated in keyplate ornamental frame proposed for Oil Rivers issue in black on glazed card (92 x 60mm), endorsed ''AFTER/HARDENING'' and dated ''12 SEP 94''. Photo. �500 - �700 |
76 |
Colonial Proofs and Essays: De La Rue Imperium Trials, 1893-99 ''POSTAGE/& REVENUE'' 6d. in dull purple and sage-green on unwatermarked paper, solid numeral, minor diagonal surface mark, otherwise fine with gum. The property of another vendor. Photo. �120 - �140 |
77 |
Colonial Proofs and Essays: De La Rue Imperium Trials, 1897 ''POSTAGE/& REVENUE'' imperf. 6d. solid and white numeral vertical pair on Crown CA watermarked paper, key plate in grey and duty plate in carmine, fine. The property of another vendor. Photo. �500 - �600 |
78 |
Colonial Proofs and Essays: De La Rue, 1919 Overseas Dominions Essay with head of Minerva and denominated �20, imperforate plate proof in red on thin glazed card, block of four from the foot of the sheet. The property of another vendor. Photo. �240 - �260 |
79 |
Ephemera: An enormous accumulation of documents etc. contained in 24 cartons, thematic interest incl. advertising, cinema, engineering, farming, etc. with labels, match books, military and naval maps, music, newspapers, phonecards, photographs, receipts, telegrams, theatre programmes, travel brochures, etc. The buyer of this lot is responsible for the removal from our offices. �800 - �1000 |
80 |
Literature: A British Commonwealth library in three cartons, incl. ''Perkins Bacon Records'', Vols. I and II by de Worms (1953), ''North Borneo: Stamps and Postal History'' by Shipman (3 vols. worn), ''Samoa: The Stamps and Postal History of Nineteenth Century'' by Odenweller, etc. �250 - �300 |
81 |
Literature: A British Commonwealth library in three cartons, incl. ''The Amirate of Bahawalpur'' by Isani & Hussain, ''Trinidad: A Philatelic History to 1913'', ''Malta The Postal History and Postage Stamps'' by the Malta Study Circle, ''The History of New Zealand Stamps'', complete with reprints of 2d. plate, by Jolliffe (Royal Philatelic Society of New Zealand, 1913), etc. �200 - �250 |
82 |
Literature: A large accumulation in three cartons, incl. ''Imperial China History of the Posts to 1897'' by Pratt, ''Nesbitt Stamped Envelopes of the United States'', ''Postal History of the Ionian Islands'' by Zaphiriou, catalogues, etc. �120 - �150 |
83 |
Literature: A Revenue and Telegraph library in two cartons, incl. ''The Court Fee and Revenue Stamps of the Princely States of India'' vol. 1 by Koeppel & Manners, ''The Telegraph Stamps and Stationery of Great Britain 1851-1954'' by Langmead & Huggins, catalogues, etc. �100 - �120 |
84 |
Literature: A large accumulation in three cartons, incl. ''The De La Rue History of British & Foreign Postage Stamps'' by Easton, catalogues with ''Dr. Grays Illustrated Catalogue of Postage Stamps'' 6th edition, etc. �100 - �150 |
85 |
Literature: ''The Royal Philatelic Collection'' by Sir John Wilson (1952), cloth bound, good condition with slipcase. �100 - �120 |
86 |
Literature: a selection of books, auction catalogues and pamphlets, etc., contained in two cartons, incl. ''Cyprus Postal Stationery 1880-1992'' by Ioannides and Podger, ''The Cyprus Sea Post Office 1906-1932'' by Madella, ''Cyprus 1353 - 1986'' by Castle, and ''From the Azores to New Zealand'' by Maselis, mostly fine. (55) �100 - �120 |
87 |
Maps: A selection of mainly Ordnance Survey maps covering German East Africa and the corresponding British colonies, ''Woermann-Linie Deutsche Ost-Afrika-Linie'' showing routes, also small range of Cyprus maps with photocopies, etc. (approx. 30 items) �140 - �180 |
88 |
Omnibus Issues: 1935 Silver Jubilee sets complete mint in an album (less British Forces in Egypt), some staining, otherwise fine. (249) �200 - �250 |
89 |
Omnibus Issues: 1935 Silver Jubilee, a selection of varieties incl. Bechuanaland 2d. 'extra flagstaff' in a mint corner block of four, Gibraltar 2d. 'extra flagstaff' in a used block of four, K.U.T. 1s. line through ''0'' of ''1910' mint, Sierra Leone 1d. 'extra flagstaff' used, etc., slightly mixed condition. (7 items) �180 - �200 |
90 |
Omnibus Issues: 1937 Coronation sets (except New Guineas, Canada, Gambia, Gold Coast, Morocco French Currency, New Zealand, Turks) in blocks of four generally fine used on registered philatelic covers, a few are first day. (57 items) �100 - �120 |
91 |
Omnibus issues: A collection of unmounted mint Commonwealth omnibus sets in an album, K.G.VI to early Q.E.II, incl. many 1946 Victory sets incl. corner plate blocks of four, etc., mainly fine. (100s) �100 - �150 |
92 |
Postal History and Covers: W.W.II a selection of U.S. Forces in the U.K., incl. A.P.O's which have all been identified, etc. (160 items) �100 - �120 |
93 |
Postal History and Covers: A selection of covers and cards, incl. Military mail, Censor marks, etc. (103 items) �100 - �120 |
94 |
Postal History and Covers: All World collection from around 1836 to 1948 incl. stationery, postcards, etc., with 1864 entire from Paramaribo, Surinam, to the Netherlands, South Africa to Marion Island, etc., mixed condition. (145) �100 - �150 |
95 |
Postal History and Covers: A selection of parcel labels, mainly middle period incl. Turkey, much Europe, etc. (26) �80 - �100 |
96 |
Postal History and Covers: 1836 to 1987, an all World selection of covers, early to modern, incl. Japan, Great Britain, Trans-Atlantic mail, etc. (approx. 150) �120 - �150 |
97 |
Postal History and Covers: An 1894 to 1954 collection of British African covers and postal stationery incl. South African postcards with cancellation interest, Nigeria K.G.V covers to U.S.A. all with postage dues (7), telegraphs, etc., mixed condition. (66) �150 - �200 |
98 |
Postal History and Covers: A selection of K.E.VII to K.G.VI British Commonwealth covers and cards, incl. Australia and States, Falkland Islands, India, New Zealand, Seychelles, South Africa, Sudan, postal stationery, etc. (174 items) �500 - �600 |
99 |
Postal History and Covers: P.O.W. Mail, a selection in a binder, incl. W.W.I and II, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, postcards, stationery, range of censor cachets, instructional marks, also some articles, etc. (180 items) �300 - �400 |
100 |
Postal History and Covers: Canadian Royal Mail Ships West Indies Service, the 'Lady Boats', a well written up collection on leaves with covers from 1929 to 1954, range of B.W.I. issues tied by a range of Paquebot marks, with ephemera and modern stamps depicting the ships. (118 covers plus ephemera) �1000 - �1200 |